JAET Volume 40 Issue 1 Pages 15-22

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Vol. 40, No. 1.

January 2021




Mohammed Hussein1, Elzahid N.M2, Ebrahim Esmail1, Mamdouh Gadalla3,4, Ibrahim Ashour1
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Minia 61111, Egypt.
Department of Chemical Engineering, High Canal Institute for Engineering and Technology, Suez 43713,
Department of Chemical Engineering, Port Said University, Port Said 42523, Egyp.t
Department of Chemical Engineering, The British University, Cairo 11837, Egyp.t
*Corresponding Author E-mail: [email protected]

Energy integration is an important request in many chemical industries, particularly in
petroleum refinery, because the cost of energy used in operation represents a significant
percentage of the total energy. Retrofit of heat exchanger networks (HENs) is a magical solution
for energy saving and minimizing external consumption of cold and hot facilities through several
mathematical and graphical methods in recent years, but many of these methods are
complementary complex and uneconomic. Redesign approach is developed for the existing heat
exchanger network using the ASPEN-HYSYS. Simulation of Middle East Petroleum Refinery
has been done then, linked to energy analyzer program to make the necessary retrofit which
shows reduction of 28.46 (MW) 29.55%, 14.23 (MW) 37.6% and 14.23 (MW) 24.34% in total
utilities, hot utility and cold utility, respectively with 29.55% reduction of CO2 emissions.

Keywords: Oil refinery, Heat exchangers network, Retrofit, Heat recovery.

Crude oil distillation systems are the circuits among the streams of the distillation
most energy-consuming in chemical plants; columns using heat exchangers (HEXs) [2,
it was evaluated that the energy required for 3]. Then, the crude oil is fed to a furnace to
such industries is equivalent to 2% of total reach the required processing temperature.
crude oil processed, which configured in a The operating cost is increased as the fuel
complex manner that interacts strongly with consumed in the furnace increases.
the associated heat recovery systems [1]. To Any recovered energy from the
be specific, first the preheated crude oil must distillation process reduces the consumed
be heated from ambient temperature to utility in the furnace. The energy efficiency
approximately 360°C or higher, at that point of the distillation process can be improved
oil partially vaporizes to let subsequent by designing the column to provide
components, where large fraction of this opportunities for heat recovery and
heat (~60–70%) is recovered from product designing the heat exchanger network to
cooling and heat removing pump-around exploit these opportunities. Objectives of
Received:5 November, 2019, Accepted: 27 November, 2019 retrofit projects in refineries include
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Vol. 40, No. 1. January 2021

reducing energy consumption (operating networks involving superstructures that

cost), increasing production capacity embed retrofit alternatives as well as
and minimizing heat exchanger area numerical optimization to minimize the
(fixed cost), in order to increase profit project’s total annualized cost.
[4]. Many graphical and mathematical Different methods for achieving cost-
techniques have been developed for effective retrofit were explored by [13].
retrofit. Ref. [5] used pinch analysis to First, they presented a novel methodology
retrofit. A new approach for predicting the for the application of heat transfer
ΔTmin prior to design in retrofit situations enhancement in HEN retrofit with a fixed
was presented and the scope of using the network structure considering pressure drop
existing area more efficiently was constraints. Heat transfer enhancement is a
investigated, where the targeting procedure low-cost option. However, heat transfer
was continued. Ref. [6] provided the enhancement on its own without changes to
synthesis procedure of the targeted network. the network structure provides a limited
A new graphical representation was scope for energy reduction. Second, they
proposed by [7] to simulate existing presented a new pinch retrofit method that
preheat trains with all energy equipment identifies network structural change
to describe typical heat exchanger sequentially to meet the retrofit target.
networks and retrofit the current However, the high capital cost associated
installations for better energy efficiency with installing new heat exchangers,
where energy recovery is increased by relocating existing exchangers, and
14% beyond the maximum level increasing the heat transfer area of existing
achieved for the existing process heat exchangers most often leads to
conditions. Ref. [8] described the uneconomic retrofits. A structured
development of a knowledge-based system retrofitting approach (SRA) to the near-
for the selection and preliminary design of optimal design of natural gas (NG) pressure
equipment for low-grade waste energy reduction stations (PRSs) was presented by
recovery in the process industries. Ref. [9] [14]. Ref. [15] developed a novel method for
proposed a systematic methodology to the retrofit of Heat Exchanger Networks
reduce utility consumption that is able to based on Bridge Retrofit analysis. The
tackle the key issues posed using method used two new proposed tools: The
enhancement techniques in HEN retrofit. Heat Surplus-Deficit Table and the Modified
Ref. [10] presented a new analysis Energy Transfer Diagram, which results
method to retrofit heat exchanger from the retrofit method. A new procedure
networks which appear savings of for practical retrofit and operational
approximately 10.5% in the energy optimization of existing heat exchanger
demand with minor structural networks, with particular focus on crude oil
modifications and 60% of the potential preheat trains was presented by [16] which,
energy savings with respect to Pinch able to consider features particularly
Analysis benchmarks. In [11], the relevant to crude oil preheat trains, where
authors proposed a new conceptual achieved a reduction in the furnace duty of
diagram for super-ambient and sub- 5%, compared to a 2% reduction achieved
ambient temperature process using a by the benchmark study.In [17] developed a
diagram, it can be achieved to the process simulation model for a modern
concepts such as 1- retrofit of the HEN for crude distillation unit with pre-flash in an oil
energy saving, 2- the best location of hot refinery with energy-saving of heating
and cold utility, 3- The actual amount of utility about 7.2% and cooling utility saving
required hot and cold utility. Ref. [12] of 11.1%, with 23.5% CO2 emissions
introduced a new stepwise approach for reduction over the existing design. A new
the optimal retrofit of heat exchanger graphical method was presented for the
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Vol. 40, No. 1. January 2021

retrofitting design of HENs using a single exchange are kerosene from side stripper,
diagram called Supply-Target Diagram (ST- Gas oil from side stripper, fuel oil from the
D) by [18]. This paper presents a new bottom of the tower, top pump-around and
approach based on using ASPEN-HYSYS bottom pump-around as demonstrated in
for energy integration and retrofit design Figure 1.
with an illustrative case study to explain the Data extraction in heat integration is the
application of the new method for first step carried out, and then the column
retrofitting design of HEN. will be converged. Process data streams are
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS extracted for Pinch Analysis from material
and heat balances of the operating crude
ASPEN-HYSYS version 10.1 has been distillation unit (CDU), which used as input
used; necessary data of temperature, to the Aspen Energy Analyser software
pressure, flow rate and composition of the platform, where hot and cold streams
crude oil are required to simulate an oil matches depend on specific heat flow rates
refining plant. Crude oil is fed to a variety of for hot and cold streams as displayed in
ten heat exchangers, where heat is Figure 2. Maximum energy recovery in hot
exchanged between the hot streams, that streams and minimum total operating cost
produce from the tower and cold stream (hot utility and cold utility) are obtained
(crude oil) then, hot products used in heat through connected streams.

E D u
Prehea N e r
ted n

Overhead (full range




B Hea


Fig.1. Schematic flow diagram for a refinery unit.

Hot stream out Hot stream in (mh,

(mh, Cph) Cph)
Thout Thin

Cold stream in Cold stream out (mc,

(mc, Cpc) Cpc)
Tcin Tcout

Fig.2. Variables required for the heat exchanger match.

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Vol. 40, No. 1. January 2021

Limitations of this method are that it the temperatures of kerosene, gas oil and
needs concentration, more accuracy, and fuel oil decreased to 102.5 ºC, 134 ºC, and
some technical skills. 130 ºC respectively, then cooled in water
coolers to a temperature of 38 ºC, 55 ºC and
93 ºC respectively.
The case studying Middle East 2. Preheating of the crude before pre-flash
Petroleum Refinery. Crude oil is pumped to is as follows:
heat exchangers network at a temperature of
a. Against bottom pump-around in 10E-
25 ºC and a pressure of 15 atm, the crude
temperature is raised to 220 ºC through the 106 and 10E-105
HEN, then fed to the furnace to reach a The crude temperature before entering
temperature of 343 ºC, and finally pumped the pre-flash is reached to 150 ºC.
to the fractionator which consists of 36 trays Simulation needs some necessary
then, the product streams are pumped from information such as crude assay and must be
the tower such as (kerosene, gas oil, fuel oil, aware of the tower details as pump-around
top pump-around, and bottom pump- and side strippers, where ASPEN HYSYS
around). Kerosene is drawn from tray 16; represents the assay data given to a set of
top pump-around reflux is drawn from the hypothetical pseudo-components plus water
kerosene draw off to the heat exchanger and light ends (C5-). The thermodynamic
network above tray 17. Gas oil is drawn property model is Peng Robinson as a fluid
from the 23 and 27 trays to feed kerosene package for the simulation basis. The
side stripper. Bottom pump-around reflux is network is optimized based on minimal
drawn from the gas oil draw off to the heat energy consumption in the existing process
exchanger network then returned to the and energy consumption is defined by
tower above stage number 28. Fuel oil is energy targets by adjusting the network via
drawn from the bottom to the heat increasing the area of heat exchangers and
exchanger section. the splitting of streams using energy
The heat exchanger section consists of analyzer software to accomplish this task
ten exchangers where the heating side of after manual calculations. Data extraction is
products are (kerosene, gas oil, and fuel oil) the first step to be implemented in energy
are used to preheat the crude oil as well as integration, and process data streams are
the intermediate circulating refluxes of top extracted from the material and energy
pump-around which used to preheat crude balances of the tower and used as inputs to
before desalting, as well as pre-flash and the Aspen Energy Analyzer software.
bottom pump-around before pre-flash. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
1. Preheating of the crude before desalting
Retrofitting heat exchanger networks
is as follows:
using the ASPEN-HYSYS and Energy
a. Against kerosene in 10E-101 Analyzer software is presented, the
b. Against fuel oil in 10E-102, 10E-107, convergence was reached in the simulation
10E-108 and 10E-110 model. Figure 3 shows the complete
c. Against top pump-around in 10E103 simulation model developed for the current
d. Against gas oil in 10E-104 and 10E- CDU. Figure 4 represents the optimized
HEN grid.
The crude temperature raised in the
above section from 25 ºC to 125 ºC, while

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Vol. 40, No. 1. January 2021

Fig.3. Case study simulation of Middle East CDU.

Fig.4. Grid diagram for the retrofit existing case study.

The results summary of activated reduction at minimum temperature approach

energy analysis provides energy savings in ( Tm) = 10 ºC shown in Table 1 and Figure
hot and cold utilities also carbon emissions 4.
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Vol. 40, No. 1. January 2021

Finally, numerous advantageous cost- of HENs. Implementation of the new

effective goals could be achieved by this method shows energy savings of 37.59%
approach, for the sake of the global energy and 24.34% for the hot and cold utilities,
conservation target together with respectively, with a 29.55% reduction of
environmental benefits. CO2 emissions.
Table 1. Available energy savings in hot and cold
utilities. REFERENCES

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‫‪Vol. 40, No. 1. January 2021‬‬

‫إعادة تصميم شبكات مبادالت الحرارة باستخدام هيسس اسبان‪ :‬دراسة حالة من عملية إعادة تشكيل زيت الخام‬


‫يعتبر تكامل الطاقة مسألة ىامة في العديد من الصناعات الكيميائية‪ ،‬وال سيما في وحدات تقطير النفط الخام بسبب زيادة تكمفة‬

‫الطاقة وما يرتبط بيا من مموثات‪ .‬ويركز ىذا العمل عمى اعادة تصميم شبكات المبادل الحراري النو ىو الحل السحري لتوفير‬

‫الطاقة وتقميل االستيالك الخارجي لممرافق الباردة والساخنة إلى أدنى حد من خالل عدة طرق حسابية وبيانية في السنوات‬

‫األخيرة‪ ،‬العديد من ىذه األساليب يكمل بعضيا اآلخر ولكن البعض االخر معقد وغير اقتصادى‪ .‬وفي ىذا البحث‪ ،‬سنستخدم‬

‫طريقة برمجية إلعادة تصميم شبكة المبادالت الح اررية الموجودة حيث يستخدم التعديل الجديد برنامج ‪Aspen-HYSYS‬‬

‫لمحاكاة محطة تكرير بترول بالشرق االوسط ثم ربطيا ببرنامج ‪ Energy-Analyser‬وتظير النتائج انخفاض في إجمالي‬

‫الم ارفق عمى النحو التالي‪:‬‬

‫فى المرافق الساخنة بمقدار ‪ ،(14.23 MW) 37.6%‬والباردة بمقدار ‪ (14.23 MW) 24.34%‬كذلك انخفاض في كمية‬

‫ثاني اكسيد الكربون المنبعثة بمقدار‪(4829 kg/h)29.55%‬‬

‫‪- 22 -‬‬

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