Matrix April 2021 Small
Matrix April 2021 Small
Matrix April 2021 Small
Vol 10 • Edition 04 • April 2021
Dr Ashok Chitkara and Dr Madhu Chitkara
he British International Goods, the Customer shall release of cargo, so it is vital that
Freight Association is promptly provide security to the the importer takes immediate
reminding its members Company, or to any other party action.
that have been affected by the designated by the Company,
news that General Average has in a form acceptable to the “Our advice to members is that
been declared by the owner of Company.” with General Average being
the Ever Given that if they have declared, any standard marine
incorporated the BIFA Standard Robert Keen, Director General of policy will include General
Trading Conditions into their BIFA says: “When our members Average losses, so if the goods
contract with their clients there receive notification that a General have been insured the importer
is an indemnity concerning Average has been declared for a should obtain a General Average
General Average costs in clause vessel, whatever the position, guarantee from the insurers.
20 D. their first action must be to give
the importer immediate notice. “If no insurance has been
Furthermore, Clause 22 states: The appointed average adjusters organised then a cash deposit
“Where liability arises in respect will need to be in possession of will be needed.”
of claims of a General Average completed guarantees and bond MMT
nature in connection with the forms, or a cash deposit before
NYK tested remote navigation and autonomous operations with one of its tugboats
ith global efforts mariners as well as to improve insurance, they will carry out
accelerating toward the working conditions by reducing the an optimal risk assessment for
practical use of technology workload of crew members. autonomous ships by researching
for autonomous operation of ships, and sharing their knowledge. They
With the implementation of
numerous questions arise regarding will also incorporate knowledge on
demonstration projects and the
the risks associated with the use of risk assessment for the practical
development of the guidelines led
these technologies and how it will application of autonomous
by the government, the framework
impact the shipping industry. The vehicles developed by SOMPO Risk
for safety evaluation is in progress
classification society ClassNK has Management Inc., which is in charge
in Japan according to ClassNK.
begun joint investigative research of risk management operations in
with Sompo Japan Insurance for Building on developments in the SOMPO Group.
a risk assessment of autonomous the field, Sompo Japan and the
They began their research in
ships. class society have begun joint
February 2021 and aim to announce
investigative research on the risk
Many people in the shipping the results in 2022. Through the
assessment of autonomous ships.
industry and technology believe results of various partnerships,
The risk assessment is considered
the use of autonomous operations ClassNK seeks to reinforce its
an important step to ensure the
or remote control may be a knowledge of risk assessment as a
safety of autonomous ships.
promising way to improve safety by classification society and will strive
preventing human error related to Utilizing ClassNK’s knowledge to contribute to the implementation
ship maneuvering, It also is viewed of ships, and Sompo Japan’s of autonomous ship technology.
in some regions, including Japan, knowledge on risks associated with
as a way to address some of the ship operation and management
growing shortages of qualified based on underwriting ship
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he European innovation from the EU’s Research and can decarbonise urban rivers.
project Flagships is Innovation programme Horizon By translating technological
preparing to deploy the 2020, under the Fuel Cells and innovations into commercial
world’s first commercial cargo Hydrogen Joint Undertaking operations we can make zero-
transport vessel operating on (FCH JU), to deploy two hydrogen emissions inland vessels a reality
hydrogen. vessels in France and Norway. in every European city!” says Bart
Biebuyck, Executive Director at
The ship will be an inland vessel, The project’s initial plan was to FCH JU.
set to ply the river Seine in Paris, deploy a hydrogen push-boat in
and is scheduled for delivery the Lyon area, but as the broader Pieces in the zero-emission
in September 2021. It will be potential for hydrogen in cargo puzzle
fitted with by hydrogen power transport emerged, the demo
generation system, i.e., hydrogen pusher was changed to an inland The vessel will operate on
fuel cells. cargo vessel. The new vessel will compressed hydrogen produced
be tasked with moving goods on from electrolysis, enabling not
The hydrogen cargo transport pallets and in containers along only zero-emission operations.
vessel will be owned by French the river Seine. The power generation system
inland shipowner Compagnie for Zulu will be supplied by ABB
Fluvial de Transport (CFT), a The shift in focus is based on Marine & Ports, with fuel cells from
subsidiary of the Sogestran Sogestran Group’s experience Ballard. LMG Marin is responsible
Group. The company is currently gained in Belgium, where Blue for detail design drawings, with
developing a new business for Line Logistics (BLL), another hydrogen provided by suppliers in
urban distribution with transport subsidiary of the Sogestran the Paris region.
vessels in the Paris area. Group, operates three cargo
vessels sailing under the concept The Flagships consortium
“Green and sustainable shipping is name “Zulu”. includes 12 European partners,
a prerequisite for reaching national with two shipowners, Norled
and international emission Blue Line Logistics plans to have and CFT assisted by its support
reduction targets. Ships powered the ship operating on hydrogen company Sogestion and
by renewable hydrogen will make before the end of 2021. Sogestran; the maritime OEM and
a substantial contribution to integrator companies ABB Marine
reducing emissions from shipping One Zulu vessel has also been & Ports and Westcon Power &
and improving air quality in cities put into operation in Paris, and Automation and ship design
and other densely populated an additional two Zulu ships are company LMG Marin.
areas,” says Flagships Project currently under construction for
Coordinator Jyrki Mikkola from the same market. MMT
VTT Technical Research Centre of “Flagships is a very exciting
Finland. project for us, since it is leading the
The Flagships project was way to demonstrate how vessels
awarded EUR 5 million in 2018 operating on green hydrogen
ordic energy company we will expect to gain more can be mixed and used in the
Gasum has kicked off experience on using biogas and same vessels.
test deliveries of liquefied to support further our efforts to
biogas (LBG) for the Finnish reach the carbon neutrality goals “Gasum has supported the
Border Guard. Finland has set for 2035”, says Finnish Border Guard’s LNG-
commander Marko Aheristo, the fueled offshore patrol vessel
The deliveries aim to Turva since the beginning of her
Head of Ship Technical Unit at
demonstrate the suitability of operations, and now we are very
the Finnish Border Guard.
LBG as a fossil-free and 100 per happy to continue this journey
cent renewable fuel to the needs According to the current with LBG-deliveries. Using
of the maritime industry. government program, Finland biogas alongside with LNG in
will be carbon-neutral by 2035. marine transport is a new step
Gasum made the first delivery of
This means significant emission forward in decarbonizing the
domestically produced biogas
cuts are required in the transport shipping industry and we are
from the Turku biogas plant to
sector on land and sea. By looking forward to completing
Helsinki on 1 April.
choosing biogas, it is possible more successful trials with
The next delivery will take to reduce the CO2 emission by biogas in the near future”, says
place in the coming weeks with up to 90 percent, making it the Jacob Granqvist, vice president
liquefied biogas imported from cleanest marine fuel available. Maritime from Gasum.
Risavika, in Norway, to Helsinki LBG is also interchangeable
with liquefied natural gas (LNG) MMT
via Gasum’s terminal in Pori.
which means that the two gases
“Through these test deliveries
Maritime Matrix Today | April 2021 | 11
Hapag-Lloyd confirms
completion of world’s
1st ULCV LNG-conversion
he world’s first conversion of The project was delayed due to percent and sulphur dioxide and
a large containership to LNG the COVID-19 impact, marking its particulate matter emissions by
as fuel has been completed, official start on September 2. more than 90 percent.
German liner company Hapag-
The ship was fitted with 6,500-cbm Earlier this year, the company
Lloyd has confirmed.
LNG Mark III tank was designed has ordered also six 23,500+ TEU
The 15,000 TEU vessel Sajir, by the French LNG containment containerships, set to be powered
now renamed Brussels Express, specialist GTT. by LNG.
departed the Chinese shipyard
MAN Energy Solutions was tasked The $ 1 billion investment will see
Huarun Dadong Dockyard Co. last
with the conversion of the vessel’s the LNG-powered vessels delivered
Saturday and is now underway in
HFO-burning MAN B&W 9S90ME-C to Hapag-Lloyd between April and
the North China Sea heading toward
engine to a dual-fuel MAN B&W ME- December 2023.
Busan, Korea.
The vessels will be fitted with fuel-
“We will have some guarantee
The conversion is expected to cost efficient high-pressure dual-fuel
work to do though which will be
around $35 million. engines, that will operate on LNG.
completed during the next months,”
However, they will have alternatively
Hapag-Lloyd said. The Sajir is one of the 17 vessels
sufficient tank capacity to operate
in Hapag-Lloyd’s fleet that were
The ship is now phasing back into on conventional fuel, the company
originally designed to be LNG-
service. said.
The vessel arrived at the Shanghai Hapag-Lloyd has secured green
The project is the core of Hapag-
yard on August 31, 2020, for the financing for the newbuilds worth a
Lloyd’s sustainability strategy, as
retrofit, which was set to start in total of $889 million.
using LNG has the potential to
May 2020.
reduce CO2 emissions by 15 to 30 MMT
on-governmental Prior added that the bunker industry, (albedo) and continues to absorb
organisations are calling on which supplies fuel for shipping, heat, accelerating the Arctic melt.
the IMO to seize the chance has indicated that it can meet the
to immediately reduce climate- necessary demand for alternative Even though, shipping only
warming emissions of black carbon fuels to support a migration away contributes 2% of the black
from ships currently using heavy from using heavy fuel oil in the carbon in the Arctic, it has a much
fuel oil in the Arctic by switching Arctic. greater heating impact. What is
them to cleaner distillate fuels. more, studies show that shipping
Ultimately, international regulation emissions of black carbon have
As explained, the switch would by the IMO is needed to eliminate risen 8% globally in the past decade,
ensure a cut by some 44%. emissions of black carbon from and in the Arctic by 85% between
shipping on a global scale, she 2015 and 2019 alone.
The calls coincide with the start pointed out.
of the virtual five-day meeting In November 2020, the International
of the International Maritime Austin Ahmusak, Kawerak Marine Maritime Organization (IMO), the
Organization’s Pollution Prevention Advocate, stressed that the Arctic UN body which governs shipping,
and Response Sub-Committee is warming as a result of human- approved a ban on the use and
(PPR 8). induced changes to the atmospheric carriage of HFO in the Arctic – a ban
carbon cycle, adding that this has that is set to be adopted this June.
“Mandating a switch of fuels in already had an impact on the rich
order to cut black carbon emissions biological diversity. The organizations insist that this
in the Arctic would be an easily-won ban contains serious loopholes
victory for both the IMO and the About 7-21% of global shipping’s which will mean minimal reductions
shipping industry, and put the sector climate warming impacts can be in the use and carriage of HFO in
on course towards decarbonisation. attributed to black carbon – the 2024 when implemented.
Most importantly, getting black remainder being CO2, according
carbon out of the Arctic would also to International Council on Clean PPR 8 is set to discuss amendments
be a win for the climate, for the Arctic Transportation’s publication titled to the IBC Code, development of
and the people who depend on its Greenhouse gas emissions from a standard for the verification
ecosystem for their livelihoods”, Dr global shipping, 2013–2015. of ballast water compliance
Sian Prior, Lead Advisor to the Clean monitoring devices and assessment
Arctic Alliance, said. When emitted by ships in and near of Black Carbon emissions in Arctic
the Arctic, black carbon particles shipping.
As explained, the IMO has been enter the lower levels of the
wrestling with what to do with atmosphere, where they remain for MMT
regard to black carbon for over under two weeks, absorbing heat.
a decade now, and with black But when it eventually comes to
carbon on the agenda now, the IMO land on snow or ice, black carbon’s
Member States have the chance to warming impact is 7 to 10 times
take rapid and effective action. greater, as it reduces the reflectivity
y the end of May, India will neighboring Pakistan’s Gwadar, imposed under the Donald
begin full-scale operations a key component of Beijing’s Trump administration.
in its first foreign port Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
venture at Iran’s Chabahar, a Indian suppliers and engineers,
facility that opens on the Gulf of India has nearly completed some with interests in the U.S.,
Oman that will aim to facilitate development of two terminals were reluctant to deliver essential
more South Asia, Central Asia at Chahabar’s Shahid Beheshti machinery and services to Iran
and West Asia trade, a report complex that opens onto the on fears they could somehow
stated. Gulf of Oman. be sanctioned, despite clear
exemptions on Chabahar in
India’s $500 million investment The 10-year lease agreement,
Trump’s sanction order. That led
represents a clear and potent a deal first clinched by Prime
to certain speculation that China
commercial challenge to China’s Minister Narendra Modi in
may take over the project from
massive port investment in Tehran in 2016, has until now
been hobbled by U.S. sanctions
India has supplied two large Iran has already started working Riaz Haq, founder and president
cargo-moving cranes and will on a 600-kilometer-long railway of PakAlumni Worldwide,
deliver two more in the coming line connecting Chabahar port to a global social network for
weeks before the facility’s Zahedan, the provincial capital Pakistanis, wrote in a recent blog
expected ceremonial opening of Sistan-Baluchestan province that “China is looking to build
next month. close to the Afghan border. and use Gwadar in Pakistan as
Hong Kong West to serve as a
New Delhi is already promoting Chabahar oceanic port consists superhighway for China’s trade
the port’s potential humanitarian of Shahid Kalantari and Shahid expansion in [the] Middle East
role, noting it was used to send Beheshti terminals, each of (West Asia), Africa and Europe.”
emergency shipments of wheat which has five berth facilities.
to Afghanistan during the The port is located in Iran’s Gwadar port’s planned capacity
Covid-19 crisis and pesticide to Sistan-Balouchestan Province will accommodate a massive
Iran to deal with a recent locust and is about 120 kilometers 300 to 400 million tons of cargo
infestation. southwest of Pakistan’s annually, comparable to the
Baluchistan province, where the combined annual capacity of
Chabahar has seen limited all Indian ports. It also dwarfs
China-funded Gwadar port is
operations since 2019, a result the 10-12 million tons of cargo
of U.S. restrictions imposed on handling capacity now planned
Iran’s energy exports. The port In May 2016, India, Iran, and for Chabahar.
handled a mere 123 vessels Afghanistan signed a trilateral
with 1.8 million tons of bulk and agreement for the strategically- In another comparison, the
general cargo from February located Chabahar to give New largest U.S. port at Long Beach,
2019 to January 2021, well Delhi access to Kabul and California, handles 80 million
below its operating capacity, Central Asia. tons of cargo, about a quarter of
according to reports. what Gwadar could handle upon
The original plan committed at completion of a project that is
That’s set to change. New Delhi least $21 billion to the so-called designed largely to receive and
ultimately aims to link Chabahar Chabahar–Hajigak corridor, move China’s trade.
to its International North-South which then included $85 million
Transport Corridor (INSTC), a for Chabahar port development, MMT
project initially proposed by a $150 million credit line to Iran,
India, Russia, and Iran in 2000 an $8 billion India-Iran MOU for
and later joined by 10 other Indian industrial investment in
Central Asian nations. a Chabahar special economic
zone, and $11 billion for the
fter months of crippling from data on the container ports is currently up 56 percent
shortages, container leasing and trading platform according to Container xChange
availability and pricing Container xChange to track when compared to before the
is finally improving in China, the availability of containers in Chinese New Year holidays that
according to Container major seaports. started on February 11. While the
xChange’s Container Availability slowdown in factory production
Index (CAx). The index draws The CAx reading of incoming
normally associated with the
containers across China’s main
Chase excellence,
success will follow
he latest Institute to join
the maritime education
& training sector is the
Chitkara University School of
Maritime Studies (CUSMS). It is
located in Punjab, on the lush
outskirts of Chandigarh.
urkey’s Iskenderun Guangzhou shipyard in May These hulls will be spot blasted
Ship Management has and June respectively, with the and sealed with Nippon Paint
provided a first reference 31,700dwt Selin-M, 32,949dwt Marine’s A/C II system prior to
for Nippon Paint Marine’s new Nihat-M, and the 50,212dwt application.
self-polishing antifouling paint Bozburun-M scheduled to follow
In addition to antifouling,
FASTAR following an agreement in the second half of the year.
Nippon’s high-performance
to apply the novel coating to
FASTAR XI, which incorporates abrasion and corrosion resistant
five bulk carriers scheduled to
Nippon’s hydro-gel technology, Neoguard Toughness will be
drydock in China this year.
will be applied to all five vessels, applied to protect the cargo
The Panamax ships Ata-M and replacing competitors’ schemes holds, decks, hatch covers and
Toros-M will drydock at COSCO’s on two – Ata-M and Toros-M. coamings of all five vessels.
26 | Maritime Matrix Today | April 2021
“Nippon’s coatings expertise has commercial reference for this compared to other coating
consistently provided excellent, ground-breaking technology systems, depending on the
reliable results across our fleet,” is with a vessel operating actual ambient temperature
said Iskenderun Fleet Manager under Iskenderun’s technical during application.
Captain Cahit Kayabolen. management.
“We expect this to result in
“The performance and fuel “Iskenderun, a long-standing significant operational savings
savings achieved with recent customer for Nippon Paint for Iskenderun,” he said.
A-LF Sea applications gave Marine, has a history of investing
Ahmet Hamza, General
us the confidence to choose in solutions designed to improve
Coordinator, Iskenderun Ship
FASTAR. We are sure this new environmental efficiency. The
Management, said: “As a ship
nano-domain antifouling will company selected FASTAR due
operator the lower volume of
further enhance the propulsion to its ability to reduce emissions
paint required was very appealing
and environmental efficiency of and deliver greater asset
as it reduces drydock time. It
these ships.” protection, even during lay-up
also results in a substantial
FASTAR, developed to reduce the reduction of Volatile Organic
volume of paint required without Niko Yamanoue, Deputy Compound (VOC) emissions
detriment to performance, was Managing Director, Nippon Paint during application.”
officially introduced to the Marine (Europe), added: “While
All Nippon Paint Marine’s
market in January this year. the benefits of the FASTAR
antifouling paints, including
system vary depending on
It is designed to deliver an FASTAR, can be applied simply
vessel size and operational
approximate 8% reduction in using standard application
profile FASTAR can reduce more
fuel consumption and CO2 from equipment. They can also be
than 50% of biocide elution than
a coating that benefits from applied over existing antifouling
conventional SPCs.”
reduced film thickness and paints, but like any marine
lower polishing rates. According to Yamanoue, coating, work best when the
application to more than twenty underwater area has been
Captain Baybora Yildirim,
vessels during trials indicated blasted.
Managing Director, Nippon
the total minimum drying time
Paint Marine (Turkey), said: MMT
can be reduced by up to 37%,
“We are delighted that our first
f shipping is to decarbonise the vessel. It is part of the black it to a specialist with high-
its operations, maximizing hull magic behind modern racing end methods. One specialized
efficiency will be essential, yachts, which are as famous for firm, Cape Horn Engineering, is
and the only way to get there is eye-catching hull forms as they applying CFD expertise honed in
through advanced engineering - are for efficiency and speed. the yacht racing world to one of
particularly computational fluid Done right, a CFD optimization the most interesting questions in
dynamics (CFD). process can improve the commercial shipping: how to put
efficiency of a ship’s design by sails back on board merchant
Developed for aerospace
as much as five percent. vessels.
applications and refined for use
in naval architecture, advanced CFD is a complex art, and while Cape Horn is part of the
CFD modeling allows engineers many larger naval architecture development team for the
to study the interactions of air and engineering firms have a Windship Technology project,
and water with the exterior of team in-house, others outsource which aims to build a cargo
ships contain
asbestos materials onboard
ships, a significant number of
existing and newbuild vessels
continue to operate systems
and machinery containing the
hazardous substance, according
to maritime testing facility
e are happy to report, in China and will be taken over newbuildings, MV “Calypso”
that earlier this in India in 1H April. They are was delivered from Chengxi
year OLDENDORFF equipped with a Korean-built Shipyard on 15th January and
CARRIERS ordered two 61,300 Doosan-MAN-B&W 6S60MC sailed to North Vietnam, where
Ultramax Newbuildings for and Doosan auxiliary engines. she was commencing a 25
delivery July 2022 and acquired We already had the vessels on year transshipment CoA for a
two 93,000 tdw Post-panamaxes floating index charter for several consortium of Marubeni and
in separate transactions. years, during which they have Kepco. Her sister vessel “Anna”
shown excellent performance. will be commissioned in July.
The 61,300 Ultramaxes will be
delivered from Dalian Cosco Our last two Newcastlemax Our Handysize bulker “Lily
Kawasaki Ship Engineering Co newbuildings, MV “Heide Oldendorff” (38,000 tdw, built
Ltd (DACKS) in July 2022 and Oldendorff” and “Hauke 2017 at Avic Weihai) was sold
are of the Kawasaki eco design, Oldendorff” will be delivered from to buyers in the United Arab
of which we had previously built Hantong Shipyard in August Emirates and will deliver to them
9 units at DACKS and sister yard and October / November 2021. next month.
NACKS until 2019. The vessels They will be used in our usual
Adding these transaction and
feature Masada / Mitsubishi Capesize trades, before servicing
ships that were recently taken
cranes, bollards for the New a long term CoAs from 2023
on period charter, Oldendorff
Panama Canal, “Erma First” onwards. That will complete the
Carriers’s fleet under operation
BWTS, a Hudong-MAN-B&W series of 18 “MARIC”-design
will exceed 750 vessels.
6S50ME-B9.3 main engine and Newcastlemaxes, built over 5
a large content of equipment years at three different yards in MMT
imported from Japan, like China, of which we had sold on
Daihatsu auxiliary engines, 4 units with long term charter
Nakashima propeller, etc. back.
The two 93,000 tdw Post- The first of two highly
panamaxes were built in 2012 specialized Transloader
he Suez Canal expects 140 on Tuesday and a further 45 by everything is back to the way it
ships to pass on Tuesday after midnight, reasserting that he hoped was,” he later told reporters from a
the freeing of a container ship a backlog caused by the blockage platform on the canal, as container
stranded for nearly a week allowed it would be cleared in three to four ships passed behind him.
to reopen, but disruptions to global days.
shipping and at ports could take Shipping group Maersk has said
months to resolve, experts warned. However, knock-on effects to global the knock-on disruptions to
shipping and at ports could take international shipping could take
The blockage threw global much longer to resolve. weeks or months to unravel.
supply chains into disarray,
threatening costly delays for firms Though the build-up around the Rabie has said the SCA will look
already wrestling with COVID-19 Suez Canal might be cleared in four at giving discounts to shippers
restrictions, and nearly doubled to five days, it could take several affected by the stoppage.
rates for oil product tankers. months to deal with backlogs at
ports, Jan Hoffmann, an UNCTAD “We need to study it in the right way
Shipping convoys through the canal expert on logistics, told a briefing. because the number of ships is
resumed on Monday evening after large, including ships that waited for
tugs pulled the 400-metre-long Egyptian President Abdel Fattah one day, ships that waited for two
(430-yard) Ever Given container al-Sisi said the Ever Given’s days, and ships that waited for three
carrier free from the spot where it grounding had drawn attention to days or four days — not all of them
became wedged amid high winds the importance of the waterway for will take the same percentages,”
on March 23. global trade. he told a press conference late on
The Ever Given’s grounding across “We didn’t hope for something like
a southern section of the canal this, but fate was doing its work. It The Japanese owner of the Ever
forced a halt to all traffic, leading to showed and reaffirmed the reality Given said it had not received
a build-up of 422 ships at either end and importance” of the canal, Sisi any claims or lawsuits over the
of the canal and along its course. said as he greeted staff on a visit to blockage.
the Suez Canal Authority in Ismailia.
Suez Canal Authority chairman MMT
Osama Rabie said 95 ships would “We want to reaffirm in a clear
pass by 1900 local time (1700 GMT) message to the world that
peaking at its Spring including marine insurance.
Meeting held online last We believe that our industry
week, Richard Turner, will be affected in three ways.
President, International Union Climate change and the related
of Marine Insurance (IUMI) rise in sea levels will impact the
reinforced the association’s frequency and severity of claims.
focus on facilitating a The evolution of the transport
sustainable, resilient and assets we insure and changes to
innovative future for the marine the cargoes we protect will also
insurance industry. be significant and we are already
seeing the impact as the industry
Richard Turner explains:
adopts low sulphur fuels. And
“Environmental, Sustainability
third is the sustainability of
and Governance (ESG) issues are
our clients and the industries
impacting all forms of business,
in which they operate. It is
reight traffic handled by 12 at Kandla handled the highest in 2020-21 to 71.03 million
major ports in the country traffic in 2020-21 at 117.56 tonne.
contracted 4.6 percent year million tonne, followed by
on year to 672.61 million tonne Paradip port at 114.55 million Raw fertilizer traffic rose 14,7
in FY 2020-21 due to disruptions tonne. percent on year to 7.57 million
caused by the COVID-19 tonne, and finished fertilizer
pandemic mainly in the first Petroleum, oil, and lubricants, traffic rose 11.3 percent to 10.38
half of the year, data released which account for about a third million tonne.
on April 5 by the Indian Ports of the total freight traffic at
major ports, fell 12.8% on year to Traffic of other cargo also rose
Association showed. 2.4 percent on year to 72.83
206.75 million tonne in 2020-21.
Ports’ freight traffic showed Container traffic, the next largest million tonne in 2020-21, the
a year-on-year increase for segment, declined 2.1 percent to government data showed.
the fifth consecutive month 143.74 million tonne. MMT
in March. Ports’ freight traffic
boomed in March, rising 16.4 Thermal and coking coal traffic
percent on year, the largest in at declined 15.4 percent and 5.2
least a year. percent, respectively, during the
period. Iron ore freight traffic, on
Among ports, Deendayal port other hand, surged 29.1 percent