Ms-07-Method Statement For Earth Filling

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INLET TUNNEL (FROM 5+250 KM TO 22+300 KM) - NWPCP -lCB-2

Contract No.: MM D E/MWSI P/AD B/NWPCP/I C B-2l3267-3268-SRI/I C B/20 1 7/OO3

Name of Contractor: China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd.

Title of the Document: Approval Sheet for the " Submission of Method Statement for Earth Filling"
Submission of Method Statement for
Drawing / Document No.: Revision: Rev. B
Earth Filling
03'd Seotember
Received by Letter Ref.: CSCEC-IC82-PMDSC-s39-201 9 Dated: 2019
Previous Approval Status: AN Appr. Sheet No.
Present Approval Status: AN Appr. Sheet No.
Tech 0086

A= Approved
AN= Approved except as Noted
RR= Return for Correction and Resubmission

On your submission our comments are as follows.

1. ln principle, your method statement can be accepted.

2. Please note that excavated material intended to use for backfilling work should be stockpiled
separately as per their uniformity.
3. Material type use for filling work should as per specification requirement.
4. Required degree of compaction of compacted layers should comply with specification

The approval of drawings and documents shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties, obligations or
responsibilities under the Contract.

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Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta

To Mahakithula Reservoir Inlet Tunnel
(From 5+250km to 22+300).



Contractor: China State Construction Engineering Corp.

No  Date  Prepared  Checked  Approved  Remark 

REV.A  14/03/2019  Jack Lee  Li Jianshuang  Hou Jie   

REV.B  02/09/2019  H. M. Dissanayake  Jack Lee  Li Jianshuang   

Ref.Letter No : 

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

1.0  Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1 
2.0  Purpose of the method statement ................................................................................................... 1 
3.0  Equipment/Material ....................................................................................................................... 1 
4.0  Responsible Persons for activities ................................................................................................. 1 
5.0  Documents to be referenced with this method statement .............................................................. 2 
6.0  Detailed method of carrying out method statement activity.......................................................... 3 
7.0  Preparation ..................................................................................................................................... 3 
8.0  Setting Out ..................................................................................................................................... 4 
9.0  Filling Material .............................................................................................................................. 4 
10.0  Placing of Fill Material .................................................................................................................. 5 
11.0  Compaction.................................................................................................................................... 6 
12.0  Control of moisture content ........................................................................................................... 7 
13.0  Quality Control Testing ................................................................................................................. 7 
14.0  QA/QC Measures .......................................................................................................................... 8 
15.0  Health and Safety........................................................................................................................... 8 
16.0  Environmental Management Plan ............................................................................................... 18 

Appendix 1: Additional Requirements for Selected Fill Material

Appendix 2: Inspection and Test Plan for Earth Filling

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

1.0 Introduction
The work shall consist of the construction of all earth fill structures and earth backfills which
required by the drawings and specifications. Earthfill is composed of natural earth materials that
can be placed and compacted by construction equipment operated in a conventional manner.
This method statement covers the requirements for all earthfilling works including preparation
of formation level and handling of fill materials and it describes the controlling elements during
earthfilling activities. Also, this method statement is to be adopted during earth filling activities
for all embankments filling and back filling.

2.0 Purpose of the method statement

The main purpose of this method statement is:

- To outline the works involved in this particular job.

- To provide a document that project staff must read and understand before starting the job.

- To meet specification requirements, that is, identification and control.

- To program work, materials, time, staff, and to anticipate possible problems;

- To use as a tool in quality assurance

3.0 Equipment/Material

 Excavators/JCB
 Dump Trucks
 Rollers/Compaction Equipment
 Graders
 Water bowser
 Service Vehicle for General Workers
 Geotextile

4.0 Responsible Persons for activities

Construction Manager and relevant Section agents within whose scope of works would be
responsible for all the earth filling activities. Basic organization chart for this job is as below,

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

Fig.1 Basic Organization Chart

Following manpower will be deployed at site for the earth filling activities in full time basis.

 Site Engineer
 Material Engineer
 Material Technician
 Laboratory helpers
 Safety Officer
 TO/Supervisor / Foremen
 Operators
 Drivers
 Skilled Workers
 Surveyor
 Unskilled Workers

5.0 Documents to be referenced with this method statement

List of relevant referenced documents are below

 Technical Specification
 Construction drawings

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

 Site Safety & Environmental Plan

 Relevant cross section drawings

6.0 Detailed method of carrying out method statement activity

Fig.2 Construction Sequence

7.0 Preparation
 Any earth filling will not be carried out without in writing approval by the Engineer for
the Method statements, material, machineries and equipment which are going to be used
for earth filling activities.
 All the preparation work for the earth filling will be carried out as per technical
specification and Engineer’s instruction. (Reference Section 2.5.1 of Technical

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

 All vegetation, topsoil, any other unsuitable overburden and also water will be removed
from areas on which fill is to be placed.
 The earth fill foundation surface will be graded (after stripping and before placing the
first layer of earth fill) to avoid surface irregularities.
 Fill material would be used either from excavation of the Project Works or from approved
barrow areas.
 Excavated material intended to use for backfilling work will be stockpiled separately as
per the Specification Section
 The soil samples would be tested under Engineer’s supervision and all the test reports
along with soil samples would be submitted to the Engineer prior to filling work.
 Three set of material test results will be submitted to the Engineer for material approval.
 The earth filling work would be carried out in accordance with the relevant approved
drawings and to the levels, widths and heights shown thereon.
 Required machinery and manpower will be checked and deployed prior to
commencement any of work.
 Prior to the commencement of placing backfilling material adjacent to structures the
location will be cleaned and all rectification work will be completed unless otherwise
directed by the Engineer.

8.0 Setting Out

Prior to commencement of any physical works, a professional land surveyor would be appointed
to carryout demarcation works and establish bench marks on site. Upon obtaining all the
necessary survey data, a joint survey to check existing ground levels will be carried out with the
consulting Engineer/survey.
The setting out work would be carried out in accordance with the relevant approved drawings
and to the levels, widths and heights shown thereon.

9.0 Filling Material

The earth filling work includes the construction of all embankments for roads and embankments
of canal, and filling on other parts of the Works such as backfilling to structures. The suitable
materials will be obtained from excavation for the Permanent Works or from borrow areas.
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

Basically, there are two type of earth filling. Those are described as below,
 Selected earth filling
 Unclassified earth filling
9.1 Selected Earth filling
Selected fill material for incorporation into the Works as fill would be free from soluble and
water sensitive particles and organic matter and will comply with the gradation and other
requirements as per the Technical specification Schedule 2.5 of Additional Requirements for
Selected Fill Material. (Appendix 1)
The suitable embankment fill material is classified as “Class B” and the suitable backfill material
is classified as “Classes D” (Refer Schedule 2.5 of the Specification.)
9.2 Unclassified Earth filling
Soils are classified as unsuitable materials which are not containing followings are classified as
unclassified earth fill material.
Unclassified earth filling material should not contain;
(i) Roots or stumps, refuse or degradable matter, or more than 2% organic material;
(ii) chlorides, sulphates or other chemicals in quantities which shall be injurious to the
Permanent Works.
10.0 Placing of Fill Material

 Joint inspection will be arranged and placing of fill material will be commenced after
Engineer’s approval.
 The importation of fill material to the filling area would proceed only when sufficient
compaction plant is operating at the place of deposition to ensure compliance with the
specification requirements.
 Earth fill would be placed in layers. Layer depth of the fill will be followed as per
 Earth fill will be placed in approximately horizontal layers starting at the lowest point in
the foundation
 If the fill material which contain timber, tree roots or stone will be removed manually
from the fill.
 In all cases, fill would be constructed in stages, allowing excess pore water pressure to
evaporate before continuing filling.
 Fill placing next to the structures would be placed in such a way as to ensure that they
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

can be satisfactorily placed and/or compacted without damage to the structure.

 The geotextile would be laid where indicated on the drawings or instructed by the
Engineer’s Representative.
 The filled layer will be compacted and tested with presence of Engineer and will be
obtained the Engineer approval before placing next layer.
 Water will be sprayed by using approved watering method to maintain the required
moisture content during construction time.
 When fill is placed on ground or against existing fill with a slope exceeding 10° from the
horizontal, the slopes would be benched unless the Engineer agrees that benching is not
 Material placing for backfilling work will be done simultaneously on all side of structures
as possible.
 If we (the contractor) wish to route traffic across completed fill areas, we would be taken
such measures as may be necessary including the placing of further temporary fill to
prevent damage to the Permanent Works fill by such traffic.
 Repairing would be done, if any damage to the compacted layer due to constructional
traffic over the fill or due to heavy rain.
 If filled areas contain material which is susceptible to deterioration due to the excessive
absorption or loss of water, it would be protected such areas by covering with further
Permanent Works construction or else with a temporary layer of fill of sufficient
thickness to prevent penetration of water into or loss from the permanent fill.
Alternatively, a suitable impermeable membrane would be used to protect the permanent
 The dimensional tolerances for finished lines, grades and formations after the placing and
compaction of fill material would be fallowed according to Section 2.6 of Technical
Specification, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer.

11.0 Compaction

 The Fill will be compacted using the approved compaction machinery

 The Fill would be placed in uniform layers across the full width and length of the area to
be filled, so that the area is built up evenly and will be compacted as soon as after spread.

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

 The depth of layer and the number of passes determined in accordance with the Technical
Specification provided that the required dry density is obtained. If the dry density is not
obtained, the depth of layer would be decreased or the number of passes would be
increased, or the type of equipment would be changed until the required dry density is
 Adjacent to structures, all fill materials would be placed and compacted without damage
to the structure. Compaction would be by hand operated machine in layers to meet all
requirements of the Technical Specification. No fill materials will be placed or compacted
adjacent to concrete structure, if the concrete age is less than 14 days after the placing of
the concrete and also without written permission from the Engineer.
12.0 Control of moisture content
If the material requires conditioning during stockpiling involving the adding of water, the
material will be placed in layers and water will be mixed with each layer so as to achieve the
required moisture content with uniform distribution. In case the material has water content
greater than that required, each layer shall be dried prior to placing subsequent layers
The moisture content of fill material will be adjusted by suitable conditioning to be within a
range of the optimum moisture content required by this Specification or determined by the

During placement and compaction of earth fill and earth backfill, the moisture content of the
material being placed will be sufficiently moist to prevent dusty conditions. The top surface of
the preceding layer of fill shall have adequate moisture to permit suitable bonding with the next
layer of fill prior to the placement of additional fill.

13.0 Quality Control Testing

 Sand calibration test will be carried out with the presence of Engineer’s representative
prior to the commencement of earth filling work.
 The Engineer would be informed prior to any test and all the test would be performed
with the presence of Engineer’s representative.
 The testing of embankment and backfill material before it’s used in construction, and
control tests during construction, will be carried out by using our own laboratory(after it
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

 Degree of compaction of compacted backfill layers will be comply with Specification

requirement (Reference Section 2.5.7 of Technical Specification)
 The Suitable fill will be compacted to a dry density not less than 95% maximum dry
density "modified Proctor", or else as indicated on the Drawings or directed by the
Engineer, expressed as a fraction of the maximum dry density and measured by field
density tests.

14.0 QA/QC Measures

 In situ testing shall be carried out in the selected section

 The construction must be implemented strictly according to the drawings and
 Material shall be strictly in compliance mentioned herein the method statement and
design drawings.
 When the sub grade bed, upper and under parts of the main body are being constructed,
the levels of the interfaces should be strictly controlled.
 Sections with longitudinal slope will be constructed with gradual gradient adjustment
layer by layer to avoid the situation that the gradient adjustment concentrates on the top
layer, which will be too thick/thin to compact.
 Water proof and drainage measures will be taken to prevent the sub grade bed from being
soaked in the water. Permanent drains and torrent gutter will be built timely after the
embankment slope construction to protect the completed works.
 The quality and moisture content of the filling material must be strictly controlled. The
type and the technical condition of the material must meet the design requirement.
 The existing sub grade treatment must meet the design requirement.
 The area which is hard for roller to compact can be manually compacted with rammer.

15.0 Health and Safety

The work shall consist of the construction of all earth fill structures and earth filling required by
the drawings and specifications.
Earth fill is composed of natural earth materials that can be placed and compacted by
construction equipment operated in a conventional manner.

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

Earth backfill is composed of natural earth material placed and compacted in confined spaces or
adjacent to structures (including pipes) by hand tamping, manually directed power tampers,
vibrating plates, or their equivalent.
Earth-filling work would be inspected regularly to ensure the earth-filling work can be carried
out safely. The inspection would be compared the actual conditions with those assumed in the
original or amended designs or safety management plan and the adequacy of control measures.

Safety Orientation Course and Employee Registration

• All employees shall attend the Safety Orientation Course(SOC) before assigning
to any work
• All employees shall attend toolbox meeting every day
• They shall be registered with the safety department on the successful completion
of SOC
• They shall be issued a Green Cross Sticker to be pasted on the Helmet.

Duty Oriented Safety Courses

• Hazard Forecast
All Supervisors and above shall follow a special safety course on Hazard Forecasting and
conducting of Toolbox Meetings.

• Transportation
All employees involved with Transportation must undergo an awareness programme on
Transport Regulations and practice.

• Lifting Operations
Supervisory staff, Crane operators, Signalmen and Riggers shall be required to attend and
successfully complete a course on Safe Lifting Operations and Rigging practice. Any other
programme / course arranged as and when necessary

All subcontractors must submit the details of all their staff to the CSCEC safety department to
arrange SOC in Advance. Not a single worker shall be allowed to work on site without attending
the SOC.
All employees shall be provided with the Personal Protective Equipment required to perform any
particular task.
Basic Personal Protective Equipment

Safety helmets will be warned at all the time. Other protective equipment’s such as goggles, face
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

shield, earmuff, and face marks life jackets, safety shoes/ boots, high visibility luminous vest and
coveralls shall be issued and used when required. Basic safety PPE requirements are

• Helmet with the Chin Strap/or Adjustable Harness

• Safety Shoes/Boots
• Luminous vests

Other Job Specific Personal Protective Equipment

• Goggles / Welding Shield

• Gloves
• Safety Belt / Safety Harness
• Ear Plugs
• Reflective vests etc.

Employing Machine Operator

• Only skilled Operators shall be employed to operate Heavy Machinery. Copies of Their
Trade Certificates and Experience Certificates must be submitted to the CSCEC Safety
• No person shall be employed to operate heavy machinery without the consent of the
CSCEC Safety Department.
Minimum requirement

• National Trade Certificate Grade III for Construction Equipment/Heavy

Equipment/Crane Operator issued by NAITA/CETRAC or
• 10 years continuous experience.

(National Trade Testing could be arranged on site to test the skills of the
prospective operators)

Traffic Management

• Traffic Management shall be arranged and implemented as required by the CSCEC

Safety Manual and Manual on Traffic Control Devices issued by RDA

Lifting Operations

• All Lifting Machineries / Lifting gears shall be thoroughly examined by a competent

person once in every twelve months and submit the certificate to CSCEC Safety
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

• Chains shall not be used for lifting purposes.
• No Lifting Shackles, Thimbles and Wire Slings shall be used unless they are tested and
certified for safe working load by a competent person or by the manufacturer.
• All lifting operations shall be carried out under the supervision of CSCEC Safety

Earth filling
• All earth filling and compaction work shall be carried out according to the regulations
given in the CSCEC Safety Manual.
• Work permit shall be obtained from the CSCEC safety Department.
• Machinery used for filling work shall undergo a daily inspection according to the
• Properly barricaded and shall be made visible in the night. And during day time
• All earth filling area need to be demarcate for unauthorized entry
• All the places need to be barricade and if necessary prepare hard barricade
• Necessary signboard shall be installed

House Keeping

• During the course of construction, alteration, or repairs, form and scrap lumber with
protruding nails, and all other debris, shall be kept cleared from work areas passageways,
and stairs, in and around buildings or other structures.
• Combustible scrap and debris shall be removed at regular intervals during the course of
construction. Safe means shall be provided to facilitate such removal
• Containers shall be provided for the collection and separation of waste, trash, oily and
used rags, and other refuse. Containers used for garbage and other oily, flammable, or
hazardous wastes, such as caustics, acids, harmful dusts, etc. shall be equipped with
covers. Garbage and other waste shall be disposed of at frequent and regular intervals.
• Containers/Bins shall be provided for the collection of food waste, polythene and other
garbage at the Workers Quarters and Food Huts on the site.
Personal Hygiene
• Employees shall not be allowed to Eat/Drink/Smoke at the work site.
• Employees shall be provided with Food Huts and Waste Buckets at the work site.
• Employees shall be provided with Drinking Water at the work site
• Workers shall be provided with Toilets with Water at the work site
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

• Workers shall be allowed to Smoke only in designated areas

• All Waste Food Packs and Cigarette but shall be disposed properly.

• All Vehicles used on site shall be certified fit by an accredited company to issue vehicle
fitness certificates and submit a copy of the certificate to the Safety Department.
• All Drivers must possess a valid Driving license and submit a copy of the Driving
license to the CSCEC Safety Department
• All vehicles shall be Fully Insured and possess valid Revenue License and submit copies
of the Insurance Policy and Revenue License to the CSCEC Safety Department
• Construction / Heavy Vehicles must be fitted with Reverse Alarms and complete with
All Signal Lights and Fog Lamps.
• Vehicles found with faults will be removed from the site immediately. Drivers and
operators must follow the checklists to make sure that the vehicle is in sound condition
before moving in to the site every morning.
• Employee transportation shall be carried out only in vehicles designed to carry
• Only one person (if there are no seat belts for two passengers) shall be allowed to travel
with the driver in the front cabin.
• Passenger vehicles shall be allowed to carry only the number of passengers designed to
be carried by the particular vehicle.
• Driver and the other passengers must Wear Seat Belts.
• A Banks man shall be provided when reversing construction vehicles in congested areas
• Materials shall be properly stacked and secured before transportation.
• Transportation of Earth, Aggregates, Asphalt etc. shall be carried out only by fully
covered Trucks
• All Drivers must be strictly adhered to the speed restrictions.
• Drivers shall be held responsible and will be removed immediately (Without prior notice)
from the site if found violated above rules.
Fall Protection Systems
Employers shall provide and install all fall protection systems required by CSCEC safety Manual
for an employee, and shall comply with all other pertinent requirements of CSCEC Safety
Manual before that employee begins the work that necessitates the fall protection.

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).


Identified Areas where there is higher intensity of lightning shall be provided with adequate
safety measures to protect workers and machinery

Fuel Storage and Transportation

• Fuel shall be stored in Over Head Storage Tanks erected on a stable ground in an open
space securely fenced with barbed wire fence with lockable gates. Fire Extinguishers,
Sand Buckets and Warning sign boards, (No Smoking/Fire hazard) shall be provided at
the premises.
• Fuel transportation shall be carried out in tanks securely mounted on the vehicle
Vehicle Safety Procedure

Managers and Supervisors: Ensure there is a system to identify and control, to practicable levels,
hazards associated with driving between sites. Ensure vehicles are maintained in accordance with
manufacturers’ requirements; Arrange for employees to be able to have sufficient rest prior to
driving for prolonged periods (in excess of one hour in addition to on site work time); Implement
a system for ensuring only employees with appropriate license driver. Ensure employees have
access to first aid kits in work vehicles.
Employee: Must hold a current valid driver’s license at all times when driving; Report promptly
if license is withdrawn or suspended for any reason; Conform to all road safety laws, such as
speed limits, use of mobile phones, consumption of illicit drugs and driving after drinking
alcohol; Avoid drinking alcohol at all times when on call; Consider their level of fatigue prior to
driving for prolonged periods (in excess of one hour each way) and rest, if appropriate, before
departure; Report any defects requiring repair to Operations supervisor as soon as practicable;
Perform pre-start checklist review of condition of vehicle as directed; Report any accidents in
accordance with information on report card in glove box; No hitch-hikers or unauthorised
passengers are to be carried at any time.

Fatigue affects driving performance in the following ways:

 Reaction time is slower – so emergency response is delayed and/ or takes longer;
 Vigilance is reduced – so a driver is less likely to notice or recognize an oncoming hazard;
Information perception and processing is slower, so critical decisions will be delayed and
slower. When a decision is made (e.g. to correct steering direction), it is often delayed

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

and involves over correction.

•This situation is complicated further by fatigued persons being poor judges of their own
degree of tiredness.
• The factors that increase the risk of fatigue – related accidents when driving include the
• Driving at night, when the body’s natural circadian rhythm slows down overall metabolic
rate, causing a feeling of sleepiness. There is twice the risk of a crash between 8pm and
7am than during daylight. The risk is highest between midnight and 6am;
• Driving after more than 11 hours of work, or prolonged periods without sleep;
• Driving in the country – especially if there is little variation in stimuli experienced by the
driver, or if the road has loose material on the shoulder.
• Prolonged driving – two hours or more;
• Drivers being less than 25 years old.
• Any or a combination of these risk factors for fatigue directly increase the likelihood of
Control of Driver Fatigue

The only way to address fatigue is to have sufficient sleep.

Strong coffee and other stimulants may temporarily increase alertness, and delay the desire for
sleep. However, when the effect stops, there is a high risk of sudden onset of severe sleepiness,
which may be very hard to resist. This is extremely dangerous for all road users.
A sleep of approximately 15 minutes or more does have a real effect on fatigue, but again, the
effect is temporary. This approach is of most benefit when, by having such a short sleep, the
driver is able to safely reach a destination where a “proper night’s sleep” may be obtained.
In situations where work involves a significant amount of driving, it is prudent to manage fatigue
by implementing work arrangements, which allow adequate hours of sleep between shifts. This
approach is consistent with the requirements defined as the “Vehicle Operating Standard” in
Regulation 3.132 (OSH Regulations 1996). This approach is described in detail in -Fatigue
Management Procedure.
Vehicle Selection and Maintenance

The selection process for work vehicles, and optional extras, should include consideration of
safety factors pertaining to the type of work to be performed. These may include any or all of the
• Proportion of time likely to be spent on unmade roads (Is four-wheel drive necessary.)
• Anti- lock brakes
• Approved barrier between cab and storage area (in wagons)
• Hands – free kit for mobile phones
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

• Air bags for drivers and passengers

• Bull bars (or similar)
Size of vehicles compared with the size of parking bay
It is mandatory that all vehicles have seat belts fitted. It is also compulsory that they be worn.
The use of seat belts effectively decreases the severity of injury by vehicle occupants – but only
if they are worn.
First aid kits should be provided in all vehicles if operated away from easy access to first aid or
medical treatment
Vehicles must be serviced by qualified technicians in order to maintain mechanical reliability.
Managers should ensure there is a system for arranging servicing in accordance with
manufacturer’s directions. Employees should report to their Supervisor when a service is
required, as defined in the owner’s handbook or service record label.
Employees are also responsible for conducting basic visual inspections of the condition of the
vehicle between full mechanical services. These should be conducted at least weekly. Refer to
Vehicle Checklist for each inspection.
Where items are found to be not satisfactory, this should be referred to the Supervisor for
appropriate action as soon as practicable.
Completed inspection records should be forwarded to the Supervisor when each service is due,
and a new record commenced after the service. Completed records should be kept for the
duration of the lease of the vehicle.
The contents of first aid kits should be checked as part of each inspection.
The difference between two- and four- wheel drive driving technique should be demonstrated if
Young or Inexperienced Drivers

Contributing factors for young and inexperienced drivers having accidents are:
 Inadequate ability to recognize and respond to new hazards;
 Greater propensity for risk taking behavior compared with older individuals (especially
speeding and hazardous overtaking or lane changing);
 Having high numbers of passengers;
 Lifestyle issues that may increase the risk of fatigue (inadequate sleep) or decrease
judgment (use of alcohol or other drugs).
Strategies to address the issues facing inexperienced drivers may include:

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

 Training to assist the recognition of risk- taking behavior;

 Incentives for work teams that are accident – free;
 Modeling safe driving at all times by senior staff;
Minimizing, where practicable, the total duration of driving required by those with less
than five years’ experience as drivers.
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Consumption of alcohol and other drugs may affect seriously on a drivers’ judgement. They may
also significantly increase the effects of fatigue.
In line with general road safety laws, employees may not drive when under the influence of
alcohol or other drugs.
In order to ensure individuals who are on call are able to drive as safely as practicable, they
should not consume drugs or drink alcohol which would cause them to have a blood alcohol
content of more than .01% when on call.

Environmental Factors: Road/ Surface Conditions

External factors such as the conditions of the road surface, or overlap between pedestrians and
vehicles significantly influence the risk of accident and injury involving vehicles. Within their
area of control, clients are responsible for maintaining hazards associated with the driving
environment to a reasonable level. As most employers do not have control of the roads on which
their employees drive, this duty of care commonly relates mostly to the parking area and
driveways within the work site.
Hazard management within parking areas and driveways should be based on risk assessment and
findings from analysis of accident statistics. Control measures may include the following:

 Defining separate pedestrian and vehicle zones wherever practicable;

 Maintaining adequate lighting between buildings and vehicles;
 Minimizing obstructions on the surface of driveways;
 Maximizing visibility for drivers throughout the site (eg using visibility mirrors near
blind corners);
 Clearly marking obstructions that cannot be removed;
 Maintaining the road surface in good condition;
 Adopted from client and/or traffic management plans are to be developed for worksites;
 Ensuring adequate access/ egress space for parking areas;
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

 Where pedestrians are necessarily within areas used by vehicles, each person should be
provided with, and wear, a high- visibility vest.

Suitable Safety Signboard Display

 Speed Limit
 Men At Work
 Deep Excavation
 Electric Hazard
 Underground Utility

Traffic Controller Deploy in the selected Location.

• Approval of concerned road authorities shall be obtained before implementation of the

traffic controllers.
• All works shall minimize the inconvenience and potential hazard to all road users.
• All road works should be planned and submitted to the Engineer for approval.
• Signaling of roadwork areas should be uniform and consistent all over the road network.
• All traffic control devices should be kept according to safety manual.
• The function of the traffic control devices should be checked regularly, especially in
• The behavior of workers should always be good in order to gain the respect and
confidence of the public traffic.
• As soon as a roadwork is finished, the traffic control devices should be removed.
• Someone should always be responsible for the traffic control devices at the work site.
• A good rule of thumb is to always use as few traffic control devices as possible but as
many as necessary.
• Traffic control devices should always be used to enhance the orderly and safe movement
of motorized, non-motorized and pedestrian traffic.
• These traffic control devices should consist of traffic signs, road markings and traffic
• Barricade boards, traffic cones and lighting devices shall be used for special
circumstances to indicate the hazards. (During night work, construction site should be
properly visible)
• Traffic cones, barricade boards and direction boards shall be used as traffic control
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

devices to regulate and stream line the flow of traffic and to divert the flow of traffic
during road works.
• Traffic signals including pedestrian signals, red flags and amber light
• Traffic signals shall be used as a control device at road intersections
• Proper use of traffic control devices
• Traffic control devices shall be used only where necessary after careful study and field
• Flagmen shall be posted to divert the traffic, whenever there is a danger of blasting rock,
removal of boulders or clearing & grubbing and Deep Excavation taking place.
• Barricades shall be used to separate the working area from traffic area. This will
prevent the vehicles and pedestrian from entering the work area.
Traffic signs shall be provided alongside and the road, as follows.
 Beside the shoulder / foot walk; or
 On the center median; or
 As overhead sign placed across the road.

16.0 Environmental Management Plan

The transportation method

The contractor will be avoided over loaded trucks to transport material to construction sites and
during transportation; materials will properly covered by tarpaulin. Any damages to road will be
repaired immediately.

The stockpiling methods

After the approval of the stock yards, the stock materials will be pack in the suitable manner in
the approved land. To prevent soil erosion, drainage system will be maintained in the yard and if
necessary, retaining wall will be constructed using boulders. Water will be sprayed two or three
times of the day for dust control. After the removing all the stock materials from the yard’s
consent letter will be taken from the land owner before return the land.

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

Anticipated Source of Mitigation measures for the identified impact Alternatives/ot

Environmental impact her remarks

Impact due to Due to the • Control of quality of construction waste water within
diverting existing construction the construction site through suitable drainage
streams activity system with traps for arresting sediment load for its
proposed disposal into the main natural drainage
• The site will establish appropriate erosion and
sediment control measures such as e.g. silt fences to
prevent sediment from moving off
site and causing excessive turbidity in streams.
• Proper drainage and sanitation facilities will be
provided at the construction sites.

Impact duo to dust Due to the • Transformation vehicles will be followed in the
construction designated area.
activity • Cover any exposed materials during transportation
(Vehicles, • Proper and prior planning and appropriate
Machineries) sequencing and scheduling of all major construction
• Sprinkling of water (through a sprinkler system) for
dust suppression working area

Impact duo to Due to the • Erosion control measures will be implemented Frequent
erosion/slope construction • Temporary drains will be included silt traps or Monitoring
failure activity any other sediment trapping measures to minimize programs
silt carrying runoff generated from the sites
• To avoid siltation in the waterways crossing the Only the
project site, temporary drainage paths from required area to
construction sites will not be directly sent to the be cleared
Streams without passing through a silt trap. And keeping the
vegetation cover
as much as
Impact duo to Transportation  Strictly adhere the CEA regulations All machinery
Noise /vibration (Vehicles, and equipment
Machineries)  All Vehicle, machinery and equipment should be should be well
well maintained and fitted with noise reduction maintained and
devices in accordance with manufacturer’s fitted with noise
instructions. reduction

 If the earth filling sites is within 20m to the Less Sound

nearest habitation, noisy construction work such machineries use

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

as concrete mixing, etc., will be stopped between

18.00 hours to 06.00 hours

 The contractor will be ensured to avoid use of

noise generating machinery, equipment’s during
school hours and sleeping time at night so that
community disturbance is minimal.

 Proper signboard will be installed indicating ban

on use of pressure horns by moving vehicles
around the school.

Impact on water Due to the  Construct settling ponds where silt-laden water
quality/surface construction can settle before being discharged into natural
water pollution activity watercourses;
 Application of erosion and sediment control
practices to prevent excessive onsite damage;
 Apply perimeter control practices to protect the
disturbed areas from onsite runoff and to prevent
sediment damage to areas below the construction
 Temporary cross drainage will be provided along
the canals in line with all locations where
permanent cross drainage structures will be
located on trace. Use 900mm or 120mm pipes as
 Contractor shall restore the drainage path back to
its original states once the need for such diversion
or closure or blockage is no longer required.
 Avoid/minimize construction works near/at such
drainage locations during heavy rain seasons
which create flood conditions. .
Impact on ground Due to the  Construct settling ponds where silt-laden
water resources construction water can settle before being discharged into
activity natural watercourses;

 Application of erosion and sediment control

practices to prevent excessive onsite damage;

 Apply perimeter control practices to protect

the disturbed areas from onsite runoff and to
prevent sediment damage to areas below the
construction site

 Keeping run-off velocities low and trying to

retain much of the run-off on the site

 Stabilization of the disturbed areas as soon as

the final grade has been attained.
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

 Restricting construction activities near water

courses as far practicable during the dry
 On site fuelling area of vehicles and
equipment will be selected away from water
bodies and should be protected by a berm to
prevent runoff from leaving the area.
Impact due to  Disposal waste will be done only in the Making the
disposal designated areas. workers aware
waste  The soil shall be disposed in such a manner on the waste
that; management
(i) waterways and drainage paths
are not blocked
(ii) the disposed material should not
be washed away by runoff an

Environmental Monitoring Plan

All the Earth filling works shall be done under the supervision of skill workers as per the Contract
Monitoring on following factors shall be done by third party monitoring group accepted by Central
Environmental Authority (CEA)
 Impact due to diverting existing streams
 Impact duo to dust
 Impact duo to erosion/slope failure 
 Impact duo to Noise and vibration
 Impact on water quality/surface water pollution
 Impact on ground water resources
 Impact due to disposal waste

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

Monitoring Plan
Impacts Parameters to Frequency of Location of Monitoring
Monitored Monitoring Sampling points responsibility
Diverting Number of As required by Construction area CEA/ Supervision
existing streams damages Consultant Consultant (SC),
streams PMU

Soil erosion Siltation As required by Construction area CEA/ Supervision

Consultant Consultant (SC),

Dumping As required by Approval disposal

Disposal  Procedure Consultant site CEA/ Supervision
Waste Responses from Consultant (SC),
local residents PMU, LA

Effluent quality As required by Construction area

Surface Water quantity in Consultant CEA/ Supervision
water steams with Consultant (SC),
special reference PMU, Water board
to suspended
solids, PH, BOD,
DO pesticide
residual levels
Ground Water Level As required by Wells CEA/ Supervision
Water Consultant Consultant (SC),
PMU /Water board
Noise and  Noise levels As required by Construction area CEA/ Supervision
vibration  Consultant Consultant (SC),
Dust Dust emission As required by Construction area CEA/ Supervision
Consultant Consultant (SC),

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservior Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300).

2 -42 Section 2 - Excavation, Rock Support, Earthworks and Dewatering

Schedule 2.5
Additional Requirements for Selected Fill Material

S2.5.1 Fill Class A and Class B (Embankment Fill)

S2.5.1.1 Particle Size and Characteristic Limits for Fill Class A (Free Draining):
To be acceptable for use as free draining embankment fill Class A, material shall satisfy the following
particle size distribution limits and characteristic limits:

Characteristic Ljmiting Value(s)

Maximum particle size s 100 mm
Compaction (minimum) 95% MOD standard Proctor [*l

Note[*] "MOD standard Proctor'' refers to the maximum dry density attained using Method 3.3
or Method 3.4 of BS 1377:1990 - Part 4.

Permissible Limits of Percentage by Dry Weight

Diameter of Particle Smaller than Specified Diameter of Particle
Lower Limit (¾) Upper Limit (%)
0.20 - 5

0.40 - 20
1.70 0 60
2.00 5 80
5.00 13 100
10.00 20 -
30.00 50 - ..
70.00 80 -
100.00 100 -

S2.5.1.2 Characteristic Limits for Fill Class B (General):

To be acceptable for use as general embankment fill Class B, material shall satisfy the following
characteristic limits:

Characteristic Limiting Value(s)

Maximum particle size s 30mm
Fine fraction (< 75 µm) ~ 40%
Liquid Limit 30 % - 90 %
Plasticity Index 15 - 60
Compaction (mean) 98% MOD standard Proctor [*l
Compaction (minimum) 95% MOD standard Proctor [*l
Moisture content optimum - 1% to + 3% (by weight)

Note[*] "MOD standard Proctor'' refers to the maximum dry density attained using Method 3.3
or Method 3.4 of BS 1377:1990 - Part 4.

Bidding Document for Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta lo Mahakithula Employer's Requirements:
Reservoir Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300km) Specification
Section 2 - Excavation, Rock Support, Earthworks and Dewatering 2- 43

S2.5.2 Particle Size Distribution Limits for Fill Class C and Class D (Backfill}

: 'i


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Bidding Document for Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Employer's Requirements:
Reservoir Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300km) Specification
2 - 44 Section 2 - Excavation, Rock Support, Earthworks and Dewatering

52.5.3 Particle Size Distribution Limits for Fill Class E (Sand Drainage Layer)
Permissible Limits of Percentage by Dry Weight
Diameter of Particle Smaller than Specified Diameter of Particle
Lower Limit (%) Upper Limit (%)
0.06 - 3
0.15 0 16
0.20 4 23
0.30 11 34
0.42 18 54
0.60 26 73
0.84 36 96
1.18 50 100
2.0 68 -
4.0 93
6.0 100

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Bidding Document for Construction of Main Canal From Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Employer's Requirements:
Reservoir Inlet Tunnel (from 5+250km to 22+300km) Specification
China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited.
Doc. No : CSCEC/ITP/006
Rev. No : 00
Project : Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservoir
Inlet Tunnel (NWPCP ICB-2) Date : 14/03/2019
Employer : Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment (MMDE) Page : 1 of 03
Engineer : Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant (PMDSC)
Contractor : China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited.(CSCEC)



Reference sheet
Document Description
Method Statement Method statement for earth filling (MS 007 Rev 00)

Detailed project design Filling section

Specification Project specification volume II
ICTAD publication No. SCA/5

Revision history

Revision Date Prepared by Description Checked by Approved by Remarks

China State Construction Engineering Corp. Limited Total number of pages (including attachments): 03

Page 1 of 3
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservoir Inlet Tunnel (NWPCP ICB-2)
Doc. No. :CSCEC-ITP-006
Employer : Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment Engineer : Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant Contractor : China State Construction Engineering Corp. Limited
Legends Used: CSCEC= China State Construction Engineering Corp. Limited PO=Procurement Officer SA=Site Agent TS=Technical Specification SC=Sub-contractor
QAM=Quality Assurance Manager H=Hold Point MS=Method Statement PS=Particular Specification ENG=Engineer
W=Witness Point SE/F=Site Engineer/Foreman P=Perform
Level of witness required
Description of works item on which Applicable Frequency of The for Inspection and /or Responsibility for
Inspection(s) &/or

the Inspection and/or Testing specification and clause Acceptance Criteria Inspection and/or verifying Testing signature(s) on
Test(s) required
Activity shall be carried out reference testing record(d) is SC CSCEC ENG verifying record(s)

Part A – Safety and environment

A01 Safety Safety plan conditions Safety inspection Comply safety Each construction - P P H The Engineer
requirement activity Safety Officer
Site Engineer
A02 Environment Environment action Environmental Comply Environment Each construction - P P H The Engineer
Plan conditions inspection requirement activity Environment officer
Site Engineer
Part B – Document and material approval
B01 Verify validity of drawings Project specification/ER N/A Approved Drawings Each Location - H H W QA Manager
Site Engineer
B02 Get the approval for relevant Method Project specification/ER N/A Approved the Method Once before start - H H w QA Manager
statements statements concreting for Chief Engineer
different section
B03 Material Approval Project specification/ER Sampling and Accepted Manufacturer Once in beginning CMS H H w The Engineer
Testing and material in Material Engineer
Approved the CMS
Part C – Work Preparation
C01 Set out the area As per design drawings jointly Survey In accordance with the Prior to removal of RSCF H H H The Engineer
Ms:07 rev A Cl:8 inspection required approved design drawings site vegetation Site Surveyor -CSCEC
And Surveyor data
C02 Clearing (Debris removal) and Detailed project design Site inspection In accordance with the Required section H H W The Engineer
Removal of Soft Soil drawing Ms:07 rev A Cl:7 required approved design drawings Site Engineer -CSCEC
/Setting out

C03 Unsuitable Soil Excavation As per design drawings Site Inspection In accordance with the Required section H H W The Engineer
Ms:07 rev A Cl:7 required approved design drawings Site Engineer –CSCEC
/Setting out

Page 2 of 3
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservoir Inlet Tunnel (NWPCP ICB-2)
Doc. No. :CSCEC-ITP-006
Employer : Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment Engineer : Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant Contractor : China State Construction Engineering Corp. Limited
Legends Used: CSCEC= China State Construction Engineering Corp. Limited PO=Procurement Officer SA=Site Agent TS=Technical Specification SC=Sub-contractor
QAM=Quality Assurance Manager H=Hold Point MS=Method Statement PS=Particular Specification ENG=Engineer
W=Witness Point SE/F=Site Engineer/Foreman P=Perform
Level of witness required
Description of works item on which Applicable Frequency of The for Inspection and /or Responsibility for
Inspection(s) &/or

the Inspection and/or Testing specification and clause Acceptance Criteria Inspection and/or verifying Testing signature(s) on
Test(s) required
Activity shall be carried out reference testing record(d) is SC CSCEC ENG verifying record(s)

C04 Excavation depth verified by the As per design drawings Site Inspection In accordance with the Required section H H W The Engineer
Engineer Ms:07 rev A Cl:6 required approved design drawings Site Engineer -CSCEC
/The joint survey cross
sections of excavation will be
taken at adequate

Part D – Permeable soil fill and Compaction

C01 OGL checked and approved by the Ms:07 Rev A Cl:6 Surveyor inspection In accordance with the Each section prior to H H H The Engineer
Engineer required approved design drawings fill ISG Site Surveyor -CSCEC
/Setting out
C02 Checked the material source Delivery tickets Site Inspection Comply with the source Randomly Delivery H H W The Engineer
During the construction required approval Record sheet Site Engineer -CSCEC

C05 permeable soil Spread the layer MS:07 Rev A Cl:10 Site Inspection Uniformly spread over the Each layer H H W The Engineer
uniformly required approved surface Site Engineer -CSCEC
The compacted layer
thickness will be not more
than 225mm
Checked Layer thickness
prior to compaction and
After the compaction.
C06 Compaction of soil layer MS:07 Rev: A Cl:11 Degree of Compacted by using roller Each layer ISG H H W The Engineer
Compaction and until it get firm compacted And Site Engineer -CSCEC
Field moisture surface Laboratory
content test The compaction requirement test report
is not less than 95% of
Maximum dry density
C07 Final checking of surface &levels for As per design drawings Site Inspection In accordance with the Each Section ISG H H H The Engineer
starting the Embankment construction and required approved design drawings Site Engineer -CSCEC
MS:07 Rev: A Cl:6 And setting out
C01 OGL checked and approved by the Ms:07 Rev A Cl:6 Surveyor inspection In accordance with the Each section prior to H H H The Engineer
Engineer required approved design drawings fill ISG Site Surveyor -CSCEC
/Setting out

Page 3 of 3
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservoir Inlet Tunnel (NWPCP ICB-2)
Employer: Ministry of Mahaweli Engineer: Program Management, Design and Supervision Contractor: China State Construction & SURVEY
Development and Environment Consultant (PMDSC) Engineering Corp. Limited Page No:
Section: Inspection date:
Structure: Instrument type, Number &Temperature:
Location: Drawing reference:
Between the Survey Point and
Design Coordinate of the Survey Point Actual Coordinate of the Survey Point Defference
Chainage of Station
Survey Point Directional
Distance X Y Z △X △Y △Z

Survey Diagram or Illustration:

Design Coordinate of the Station Point: X: Y: Z:
Design Coordinate of the Back Vision Point: X: Y: Z:
The Data of the
Actual Coordinate of the Back Vision Pint: X: Y: Z:
contro Points
Directional Angle: Distance (m):

Height of Instrumrnt (m): Height of Prism (m):

Position,Name,Date & Signature Position,Name,Date & Signature Position,Name,Date & Signature Position,Name,Date & Signature
Surveyed By: Calculated By: Certified By CSCEC: The Engineer
Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservoir
Inlet Tunnel (NWPCP ICB-2)

Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment INSPECTION SHEET

Engineer Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant GRUBBING

Contractor China State Construction Engineering Corp. Limited

Location Inspection Date :

Start Chainage End Chainage

Work Item:

No Item to inspect Evaluation Remarks

Site Clearing

1 Safety Measures oY/ oN

2 Setting out oY/ oN

Removed and disposed of shrubs, bushes,include roots, grass,

3 oY/ oN
weeds, top organic soil and other rubbish

4 Disposal of removed material oY/ oN

5 Preservation of Property oY/ oN

5 Environmental protection oY/ oN


Site Engineer ( CSCEC)

Name, Signature & Date

Accepted by: QC Inspector (CSCEC)

Name, Signature & Date

T/O or S/E (PMDSC Consultant)

Name, Signature & Date
Reviewed & Accepted
Accepted by contractor Reviewed by Engineer

Name,Signature & Date Name,Signature & Date

Construction of Main Canal from Nebadagahawatta to Mahakithula Reservoir
Inlet Tunnel (NWPCP ICB-2)

Employer Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment INSPECTION SHEET

Engineer Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant

Contractor China State Construction Engineering Corp. Limited

Location Inspection Date :

Start Chainage End Chainage

Work Item:

No Item to inspect Evaluation Remarks

Prior to excavation

1 Safety Measures oY/ oN

2 Excavate as per the setting out oY/ oN
3 Does the excavation require Benching, Shoring, Shielding oY/ oN
4 Are adjacent structures stabilized oY/ oN
5 Surface encumbrances removed or supported oY/ oN
6 Has the excavation been tested for suitability oY/ oN

During the Excavation

1 Is there an accumulation of water present oY/ oN

2 Surface water or runoff diverted or controlled to prevent accumulationoinYthe
/ o N
3 Removal of existing structures (If applicable only) oY/ oN
4 Excavation depth (m) oY/ oN
5 Excavation width (m) oY/ oN
6 Excavate volume (m3) oY/ oN
7 If sloped, is it at proper angle oY/ oN

Line and level of the excavation

1 After excavation checked the level oY/ oN

2 Required refilling oY/ oN
3 Refilled layer thickness (Avg. of 3 spot in mm) oY/ oN
4 Refilled layer tested oY/ oN
5 Test result of refilled layer oY/ oN


Site Engineer ( CSCEC) Name, Signature & Date

Accepted by: QC Inspector (CSCEC) Name, Signature & Date
T/O or S/E (PMDSC Consultant) Name, Signature & Date

Reviewed & Accepted

Accepted by contractor Reviewed by Engineer

Name,Signature & Date Name,Signature & Date

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