Elp Health 3
Elp Health 3
Elp Health 3
S.Y. 2021-2022
The learner demonstrates… The learner demonstrates… The Learners should be able to…
Explains the importance of proper
An understanding of the nature of and the prevention of Consistently practices healthy habits to prevent hygiene and building up one's
diseases and control diseases body resistance in the prevention
of diseases
EU: The student should understand that we can prevent diseases by Transfer goals:
Demonstrates good self-
practices healthy habits. Students on their own and on the long run should be management and good-decision
able to… making-skills to prevent common
EQ: How do we prevent diseases? Identify the healthy person diseases
Identify the Proper nutrition and balanced meal
Recognize the importance of proper nutrition Sub-competencies
and balanced meal Apply proper hygiene in your own
environment as well
Understand the importance of
environment sanitation
Goals and 1. Students will recognize the role of Proper hygiene
Objective 2. Students will identify diseases
3. Students will prevent diseases around us.
Learning Activity Materials and digital
EXPLORE Activity for motivation or discovery Google meet
Materials: Video song that contains words that related to the lesson.
Materials: Video, PowerPoint, pictures
Reference: YouTube, MAPEH 3
Hygiene - is a term that refers to the steps you do to keep your body clean and healthy.
1. How do you take care of your hair?
2. How do you take care of your teeth?
3. How do you take care of your eyes?
Importance of hygiene
- To have a strong and healthy mind and body.
- You can reduce the spread of diseases.
5. Bathing
- it is the way of washing your body with soap and cleansing your hair with shampoo.
9. Nose
- Use tissue paper to clean your nose.
- Remember to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze.
- Do not pick your nose in public.
10. Exercise
- It helps your body to be active and strong.
- Do not forget to exercise your brain (reading books and doing your homework)
Food-borne diseases
- food poisoning, is an illness caused by eating foods that harmful organisms in them.
- These harmful germs include bacteria, parasites, and viruses.
- Bacteria can grow in raw meat, chicken, fish and eggs that have been exposed for a longtime.
E. Direction: Write True if the sentence is correct and False, if the sentence is wrong.
1. _______ food gives us nourishment and it enables the body to work and function properly.
2. _______ Food-borne disease, or what others refer to as food poisoning, is an illness caused by eating foods that have harmful organism in them.
3. _______ It is always safe to eat street food.
4. _______ Washing your hands before you eat is a good practice.
5. _______ Dehydration means you have a good and enough supply of water in the body.
6. _______ Giving rehydration drink to patients suffering from cough and colds is a good move and decision.
7. _______ Germs are all around you that is why you need to observe proper hygiene at all times.
8. _______ Stomach cramps is one of the symptoms of diarrhea.
9. _______ Food that may be left out on the table for a long period of time is still safe to eat.
10. _______ The cause of food poisoning is the bad bacteria around you.
Values Integration: Integration, Excellence, Competence, Compassion
I understand that it is
important to keep my
body clean at all times.
I understand that it is
also important to keep
my surroundings clean
at all times.
A. Direction: Rate yourself by putting a check ( ) on the appropriate box.
B. Direction: Rate yourself by putting a check ( ) on the appropriate box.