Elp Health 3

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E-Learning Plan

S.Y. 2021-2022

Name of Mrs. Charito V. Cordial Subject HEALTH Grade level 3

Quarter SECOND Time Frame Week 1-3 (1:20-2:05) Google classroom https://me
code  et.google.c
Google Meet om/fit-
Lesson Lesson 1 - Health and Nutrition
A. Proper Hygiene
B. Disease all around us

Standards  Content Standard Performance Standard  Learning Competencies(based on MELCs)

The learner demonstrates… The learner demonstrates… The Learners should be able to…
 Explains the importance of proper
An understanding of the nature of and the prevention of Consistently practices healthy habits to prevent hygiene and building up one's
diseases and control diseases body resistance in the prevention
of diseases
EU: The student should understand that we can prevent diseases by Transfer goals:
 Demonstrates good self-
practices healthy habits. Students on their own and on the long run should be management and good-decision
able to… making-skills to prevent common
EQ: How do we prevent diseases?  Identify the healthy person diseases
 Identify the Proper nutrition and balanced meal
 Recognize the importance of proper nutrition Sub-competencies
and balanced meal  Apply proper hygiene in your own
environment as well
 Understand the importance of
environment sanitation
Goals and 1. Students will recognize the role of Proper hygiene
Objective  2. Students will identify diseases
3. Students will prevent diseases around us.

Learning Activity  Materials and digital
EXPLORE Activity for motivation or discovery Google meet
Materials: Video song that contains words that related to the lesson.

Materials: Video, PowerPoint, pictures
Reference: YouTube, MAPEH 3

FIRM UP Google meet

Show and tell
Materials: Video, PowerPoint, pictures
Reference: YouTube, MAPEH 3

DEEPEN UP  The teacher presents Personal hygiene products. Google meet

Hygiene - is a term that refers to the steps you do to keep your body clean and healthy.

 The teacher present a pictures of personal hygiene. Analyze the picture.

1. How do you take care of your hair?
2. How do you take care of your teeth?
3. How do you take care of your eyes?

Importance of hygiene
- To have a strong and healthy mind and body.
- You can reduce the spread of diseases.

How to take good care of your body?

1. Rest and sleep
- your body need to rest for it to function well and if you lack of sleep, you will easily get tired.
- It is very important to have a good eight hours of sleep.

2. Eat breakfast (eating the right kind of food is very essetial)

- breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
- eating good breakfast gives you the energy you need.

3. Brush your teeth

- remember to brush your teeth after every meal.
- avoid eating too many sweets
- visit your dentist regularly

4. Wash your hands

- very simple thing and yet very important.
- wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer or alcohol after working to keep your hands clean.
- cut your nails

5. Bathing
- it is the way of washing your body with soap and cleansing your hair with shampoo.

6. Wear clean clothes

- it will make you feel comfortable and presentable to others.

7. Comb and style your hair

- avoid using too much hair products (gel, and wax - It may irritate your scalp)
8. Clean your ears
- use gentle cotton bud tip or clean cloth to clean the wax in your ears.
- it helps you to be able to listen well if you hae clean ears.

9. Nose
- Use tissue paper to clean your nose.
- Remember to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze.
- Do not pick your nose in public.

10. Exercise
- It helps your body to be active and strong.
- Do not forget to exercise your brain (reading books and doing your homework)


REMEMBER: A clean body and a clean surrounding are the keys to a healthy lifestyle.

1. Start with your own room.

2. Set your bed neatly
3. Keep your bathroom clean
4. Keep the soaps and brushes at the assigned places after use.
5. Make sure to clean the garden at all times
6. Check aquariums and other stagnant water in the area.
7. Segregate all wastes and do not litter.
8. Apply mosquito repellant lotion at all times.

Food-borne diseases
- food poisoning, is an illness caused by eating foods that harmful organisms in them.
- These harmful germs include bacteria, parasites, and viruses.
- Bacteria can grow in raw meat, chicken, fish and eggs that have been exposed for a longtime.

Symptoms of Food-borne diseases

1. Diarrhea - you feel sick to your stomach, vomit or have stomach cramps.
2. Dehydration - simply means that your body has lost too much water or fluid.
3. High fever
4. Blood in the stool

Prevent Food-borne diseases simple tips:

1. wash your hands with soap
2. keep the germs of the raw meat away from getting on fruits, vegetables, and other foods.
3. make sure that the food is well-cooked
4. Refrigerate leftovers right away.
5. Do not take chances. If you are not sure if the food is safe, do not eat it.
TRANSFER  Synchronous Activities
A. Direction: Look at the picture of the children. Who practice proper hygiene?

B. Direction: Answer these questions orally.

1. What are the symptoms of a person who is suffering from a food-borne disease?
2.Why is it necessary to wash your hands regularly?
A. Direction: Fill in the blanks.
1. You should always cover your ________ while sneezing or coughing.
2. You should rinse your ________ before every meal.
3. Nails grow very rapidly and gather a lot of _______
4. You should _____ your hair every day.
5. You should clean your ______ to be able to listen.
B. Direction: The letters of the words below are jumbled. Figure out what the words are and write them on the blank lines provided.
1. Keeping your body (lenac) ________ is a very important part of keeping you healthy and helping you feel
2. (tablecomfor) ________ about yourself.
3. When you shower, make sure to use (sopa) _______ to wash your body and
4. (shompao) _______ to clean your hair.
5. You need to brush your teeth (trehe) ______ times a day.
C. Direction: Draw a line to connect the things you use to keep yourself clean and healthy.
D. Direction: Paste 3 pictures showing proper hygiene.

E. Direction: Write True if the sentence is correct and False, if the sentence is wrong.
1. _______ food gives us nourishment and it enables the body to work and function properly.
2. _______ Food-borne disease, or what others refer to as food poisoning, is an illness caused by eating foods that have harmful organism in them.
3. _______ It is always safe to eat street food.
4. _______ Washing your hands before you eat is a good practice.
5. _______ Dehydration means you have a good and enough supply of water in the body.
6. _______ Giving rehydration drink to patients suffering from cough and colds is a good move and decision.
7. _______ Germs are all around you that is why you need to observe proper hygiene at all times.
8. _______ Stomach cramps is one of the symptoms of diarrhea.
9. _______ Food that may be left out on the table for a long period of time is still safe to eat.
10. _______ The cause of food poisoning is the bad bacteria around you.
Values Integration: Integration, Excellence, Competence, Compassion

Criteria for Activities Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement

I now know what good
hygiene is all about

I understand that it is
important to keep my
body clean at all times.
I understand that it is
also important to keep
my surroundings clean
at all times.
A. Direction: Rate yourself by putting a check ( ) on the appropriate box.
B. Direction: Rate yourself by putting a check ( ) on the appropriate box.

Activities Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement

I know that I can

prevent the spread of
germs by keeping
myself clean.
I understand that
germs can cause illness
and that I can avoid
getting sick by being
cautious of the things
around me.
I understand the
importance of hand

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