Hatchery Book
Hatchery Book
Hatchery Book
Southern Africa
This material is owned by the South African Poultry Association and it’s intended purpose is to provide farmers with relevant
information on production practises. Under no circumstances may this material be used for commercial gain.
The majority of chicks produced in South Africa are hatched in modern hatcheries which
need to be managed and operated at a very high level of technical skill. Modern breeds
require different approaches to incubation compared to breeds which were known two to
three decades ago. The ever increasing genetic pressure on both the broiler and commercial
layer has not only impacted on the commercial performance of the bird. It has also resulted
in changes in the approach to incubation of these breeds.
A sound knowledge of equipment, incubation systems, the functioning thereof as well as
good technical knowledge of embryonic development and all interacting factors, is a
prerequisite to the production of quality and disease free day old chicks.
This book shares my experiences and knowledge of hatchery management under Southern
African conditions. It forms part of a series of books on poultry management and housing
which are available from the address below.
The text should be read in conjunction with many manuals available for specific incubators as
well as equipment manuals specific to such equipment. This book is a guide to methods of
managing commercial broiler and layer chick hatcheries and contains written text as well as
photographic illustration. I am indebted to many incubator supply companies as well as day
old chick supply companies and breeders who serve the local egg and broiler producer and
who have assisted in supplying photos for this book.
Alan Saunders
The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information herein.
Appropriate information sources should be consulted, especially for new or unfamiliar
procedures. The author cannot be held responsible for any typographical or other errors
found in this application. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use
of information contained herein.
1 Chick Hatcheries ..........................................................................................................7
1.1 Basic Requirement of Hatcheries ..........................................................................7
1.1.1 Location ........................................................................................................ 7
1.1.2 Floor Plan and Construction ......................................................................... 7 Rectangular Floor Plan ...........................................................................8 T-shaped Design .....................................................................................9
1.1.3 Water Supply ................................................................................................ 9 Water Temperature .................................................................................9 Water Pressure ......................................................................................10 Water Quality .......................................................................................10 Volume of Water ..................................................................................10
1.1.4 Staff ............................................................................................................. 10
1.2 Hatchery Buildings ..............................................................................................11
1.2.1 Egg Receiving, Handling and Storage Rooms ............................................ 11
1.2.2 Fumigation and Pre-Heating Room ............................................................ 12
1.2.3 Setter Room ................................................................................................ 13
1.2.4 Hatcher Room ............................................................................................. 13
1.2.5 Chick Take-off, Handling and Holding Room ........................................... 14
1.2.6 Waste Disposal, Wash Bay and Trolley Storage ........................................ 15
1.2.7 Chemical and Vaccine Storage ................................................................... 15
1.2.8 Machine and Electrical Control Rooms ...................................................... 16
1.2.9 Workshop and Spares ................................................................................. 16
1.2.10 Offices and Staff Ablution .......................................................................... 16
1.2.11 Connecting Passages and Doors ................................................................. 16
1.3 Hatchery Floor and Drains ..................................................................................17
1.4 Ventilation ...........................................................................................................18
1.4.1 Environmental Requirement ....................................................................... 18
1.4.2 Air Supply and Flow ................................................................................... 18
1.4.3 Exhaust Airflow .......................................................................................... 20
1.4.4 Conditioning of the Air ............................................................................... 21
1.5 Incubators ............................................................................................................22
1.5.1 Multi-Stage Setters...................................................................................... 22 Fixed Rack Setters ................................................................................22 Trolley Setter ........................................................................................23
1.5.2 Single-stage Setters ..................................................................................... 24
1.5.3 Hatchers Machines ...................................................................................... 25
1.6 Ancillary Equipment ...........................................................................................25
1.6.1 Egg Transfer Machine................................................................................. 25
1.6.2 Chick Take-off ............................................................................................ 26
1.6.3 Infrared Beak Trimming ............................................................................. 26
1.6.4 Other Ancillary Equipment ......................................................................... 27
2 Biosecurity and Hygiene Control...............................................................................28
2.1 Biosecurity Program ............................................................................................28
2.2 Disease Risk ........................................................................................................29
2.2.1 Bacterial Infection ....................................................................................... 29 Omphalitis ............................................................................................29
4 Salmonella Infection .............................................................................29
2.2.2 Fungal Infection .......................................................................................... 29
2.2.3 Vertical Transmitted Disease ...................................................................... 30
2.3 Chemical Disinfectants .......................................................................................30
2.3.1 Phenols ........................................................................................................ 31
2.3.2 Oxidising Agents ........................................................................................ 31
2.3.3 Iodine .......................................................................................................... 32
2.3.4 Chlorine....................................................................................................... 32
2.3.5 Quaternary Ammonium .............................................................................. 32
2.3.6 Formaldehyde ............................................................................................. 32
2.4 Monitoring Hatchery Hygiene ............................................................................33
3 Development of the Chick Embryo ...........................................................................34
3.1 The Chicken Egg .................................................................................................34
3.1.1 The Shell ..................................................................................................... 34
3.1.2 The Shell Membranes ................................................................................. 34
3.1.3 The Albumen .............................................................................................. 35
3.1.4 The Yolk ..................................................................................................... 35
3.1.5 Egg Shell Strength ...................................................................................... 36
3.1.6 Microbial Contamination ............................................................................ 36
3.2 Early Embryonic Development ...........................................................................36
3.3 Fertility ................................................................................................................37
3.3.1 Male Fertility .............................................................................................. 38
3.3.2 Other Factors affecting Fertility.................................................................. 39
3.4 Embryonic Development during Incubation .......................................................39
3.4.1 Yolk Sac ...................................................................................................... 39
3.4.2 Amnion ....................................................................................................... 39
3.4.3 Allantois ...................................................................................................... 40
3.4.4 Chorion ....................................................................................................... 40
3.4.5 Development of the Embryo ....................................................................... 40
4 Chick Incubation ........................................................................................................46
4.1 Hatching Eggs .....................................................................................................46
4.1.1 Transportation of Hatching Eggs ................................................................ 46
4.1.2 Egg Size ...................................................................................................... 47
4.1.3 Egg Shell Quality ........................................................................................ 47
4.1.4 Shell Contamination.................................................................................... 48
4.1.5 Egg Age ...................................................................................................... 48
4.2 Hatching Egg Storage..........................................................................................48
4.2.1 Egg Holding Room Temperature ................................................................ 49
4.2.2 Egg Holding Room Humidity ..................................................................... 49
4.2.3 Moisture Condensation on Shell Surface .................................................... 50
4.2.4 Positioning and Turning of Hatching Eggs during Storage ........................ 50
4.2.5 Pre-storage Incubation ................................................................................ 50
4.2.6 Pre-heating and fumigation of hatching eggs ............................................. 51
4.3 Incubation Process...............................................................................................52
4.3.1 Temperature Requirement .......................................................................... 52
4.3.2 Relative Humidity Requirement ................................................................. 53
4.3.3 Air Supply Requirement ............................................................................. 54
4.3.4 Hatching at Altitude .................................................................................... 55
4.3.5 Turning ........................................................................................................ 56
4.3.6 Egg Transfer to Hatchers ............................................................................ 56
4.4 Candling of eggs at transfer ................................................................................57
4.5 Analyses of Hatch Results...................................................................................57
4.5.1 Determination of Fertility and Embryo Mortality ...................................... 58 Fresh Egg Breakout ..............................................................................58 Candling Breakout ................................................................................58 Hatch Debris Breakout .........................................................................60
4.5.2 Weight Loss during Incubation ................................................................... 61
4.5.3 Embryonic Temperature during Incubation ................................................ 62
5 Chick handling and Quality .......................................................................................63
5.1 Removal of Chicks from the Machines ...............................................................63
5.2 Chick Quality ......................................................................................................64
5.3 Sexing of chicks ..................................................................................................64
5.3.1 Vent Sexing................................................................................................. 65
5.3.2 Feather Sexing ............................................................................................ 65
5.3.3 Colour Sexing ............................................................................................. 66
5.4 Vaccination of Chicks .........................................................................................66
5.5 Morphological Alteration of Chicks ...................................................................67
5.5.1 Dubbing of Breeder Males .......................................................................... 67
5.5.2 De-Spurring and Toe Cutting of Breeder Males ......................................... 68
5.6 Chick Holding and Transport ..............................................................................68
5.7 Chick Temperature ..............................................................................................69
6 Trouble Shooting .......................................................................................................71
6.1 Normal Embryonic Mortality ..............................................................................71
6.2 Embryonic Mortality during First Week of Incubation ......................................71
6.3 Embryonic Mortality during Second Week of Incubation ..................................72
6.4 Embryonic Mortality during the Third Week of Incubation ...............................72
6.5 Malposition..........................................................................................................72
6.6 Specific Problems ................................................................................................73
1 Chick Hatcheries
The day old chick hatchery forms an important link between hatching egg supply farms and
commercial production farms. Not only is there a large amount of contact made with egg
supply and commercial farms but also as a result of the fact that the hatchery is central in the
production chain, any problems that may be encountered in the hatchery could have
significant consequences, be it an integrated production business or a hatchery supplying day
old chicks to the industry at large.
The hatchery building and equipment used within the building are highly specialized with
unique environmental and hygiene requirement. A large amount of live biological material in
the form of eggs, chicks and hatchery waste is handled daily. The environmental conditions
that are created in the hatchery are also conducive for the development and growth of harmful
micro-organisms, which may be spread to commercial farms as well as back to the hatching
egg supply farms.
The chick hatchery has to be planned with the view to the production of quality day old
chicks which are healthy and disease free.
1.1.1 Location
To assist in the control of disease spread, hatcheries should be well separated from egg
supply farms as well as farms and customers to which the chicks are supplied. On the other
hand, large distances between hatching egg supply farms and chick rearing farms, will result
in high transport cost. A balance therefore needs to be found between an economical distance
and the risk from a disease control point of view.
The availability and reliability of labour, water and electrical supply as well as ease of
disposing of hatchery waste should also be considered.
Egg Room Room Wash Bay Chick Handling
Fumigation Office
Although the rooms are orientated in a manner which allows for production flow from clean
to dirty areas by means of a central passage way, this design does lack in biosecurity features,
especially in terms of staff movement within the building.
This compact rectangular design of the hatchery building is commonly used in smaller
Egg Room
This basic design has excellent biosecurity features but as a result of more passages
separating the rooms the initial building costs will be higher.
If cognisance of possible future expansion is taken in the initial planning, this design lends
itself very well to future expansion without major disruption to ongoing production.
Water which is used for humidification of machines and hatchery rooms or lobbies should be
around normal room temperature of 25 to 26°C.
For hatchery sanitation, water at normal room temperature will be adequate but the supply of
hot water (50 to 60°C) in areas where much debris accumulates and washing is done will
assist in speeding up and improving the sanitation process and possible saving on chemicals
used in the long run.
1.1.4 Staff
The staff that will be required will depend on the type of hatchery (broiler production,
commercial layer chick production or parent chick production) as well as the extent of
automation. Areas where most labour is required include the process of preparing eggs to be
set, tray over of eggs from setter to hatcher machines as well as the process of chick take off,
chick grading, sexing and boxing and cleaning of machines and equipment during this
It is best to consult with the suppliers of equipment in this regard as each application will
have its own set of labour requirement and circumstance. The number of days that chicks
will be hatched during the week will also determine labour requirement. Chicks may be
hatched either four times per week, twice per week or only once per week. This results in a
considerable fluctuation in the amount of labour required on a daily basis.
It is also common to have chicks removed from the machines as early as possible on the day
of hatching to ensure that chicks are dispatched or transported to farms as early as possible.
This will result in setting of eggs at night and removal of chicks from the hatchers during
very early hours of the morning.
1.2 Hatchery Buildings
It is not possible to put forward a hatchery design that will suit all circumstances as they
differ widely. Most suppliers of incubator machines have standard design plans which can be
used and modified to suit requirements.
The building will consist of various major areas grouped as follows:
Egg receiving, handling and storage
Fumigation and preheating room
Setter rooms
Hatcher rooms
Chick take-off, holding room and dispatch
Cleaning area
Chemical and vaccine storage
Machine and electrical control room
Workshop and spares
Offices and staff area
Connecting passages
Example of a hatchery egg holding room
Extraction fan
Heater pan
for fumigant
1.2.3 Setter Room
The sizing of the setter room will depend on the number and type of setters used. For
example to hatch 120 000 broiler chicks per week over two hatches per week will require 4
multi stage setters, each with a capacity of 108 864 eggs or 24 trolleys holding 4 536 eggs
108 864 ÷ 6 settings = 18 144 eggs/machine (4 trolleys/setting) x 4 = 72 575 eggs per setting
72 575 eggs per setting twice/week = 145 152 eggs per week
@ 83% hatch = 120 476 chicks/week or 60 238 chicks/hatch
This hatchery setter room will therefore have to accommodate 4 such setters.
Some machines require access to the back of the cabinet while others may be installed with
the back and sides flush against the wall. It is however important to allow for sufficient space
in front of the machines (3.0 to 4.0 m between the machine and facing wall or facing row of
setters). This will provide for temporary storage of trolleys and easy manhandling of the
trolleys into and out of the machines. A good ceiling height above the setters should be
provided as this area needs to be kept clean and from time to time maintenance work will be
carried out in the area above the setters.
Some machines require access to the back while others may be installed with the back and
sides flush against the wall. The exhaust ventilation system chosen will also affect the size of
the hatcher room. When a plenum chamber is to be used then allowance for this must be
made at the back of the hatcher cabinets (see Ventilation below).
Only hatchers used on the same day of hatching are to be located in the same room. This will
require two or more hatcher rooms so that micro-organisms released during hatching do not
affect eggs of a subsequent hatch. The individual rooms are then completely cleaned and
sanitized before placement of the next hatch, without disrupting other settings.
It is important to allow for sufficient space in front of the machines (3.5 to 4.0 m between the
machine and facing wall or facing row of hatchers). This will provide for sufficient working
area for transfer of eggs from setter trays to hatcher baskets.
Example of hatchers
Placing chicks onto a chick carousel situated in an adjacent chick handling room
The size of the chick handling and holding room will depend on the type of hatchery (need
for sexing, vaccination and grading) as well as the frequency with which chicks are
The area in which boxed chicks are to be held should be large enough to allow for sufficient
air movement between stacks. Allow for 20 to 30 cm between stacks of boxed chicks for
good ventilation.
Likewise all vaccines should be stored in a special room adjacent to the chick handling room.
In this regard Mareks vaccine in the case of parent and commercial layer chick hatcheries is
of special importance. The room should not only allow for an area where the vaccine can be
stored and properly prepared. It should also provide for cleaning and storage of equipment
used in administering such vaccines.
1.3 Hatchery Floor and Drains
The hatchery floor is of extreme importance in efficient hatchery operation. The floor should
be capable of withstanding heavy traffic in the form of eggs on trolleys. Because of a large
volume of water being used for proper sanitation and hygiene control, the slope of the floor
and drainage is a further point to be considered. The direction in which the drainage water
flows should also take into consideration product flow and must always be from clean to the
dirty end of the process and hatchery building. The floor should be sloped to the drainage
and generally a slope of 1 mm per meter is applied in passages, lobbies and other working
rooms. The floors within the machines are to be level and smooth to ensure proper sealing of
the floor with the machine cabinet walls and trolleys interlocking as required.
When planning to build a hatchery the floor starts with the base on which the floor is to be
constructed. This base should be well compacted. The floor slab should be 100 to 120 mm
thick and should the base be suspect, re-enforcement of the slab may be required, as hatchery
floors carry a great deal of heavy traffic in the form of egg buggies and trolleys. The floor
finish should be smooth and hard but not slippery which is achieved by screening, floating
and towelling. Some makes of machines have steel casters fitted to trolleys and such casters
are even harsher on wear and tear of floors.
Three types of drains are commonly used:
Open drains are channels covered with steel grating strong enough to handle the
weight of trolleys. These drains are less expensive but are not as hygienic as they are
open and often more difficult to maintain and keep clean, especially the area between
the floor channel and the steel grating
Closed drains with drain traps and catchment baskets strategically positioned in every
room are more hygienic as they are closed and debris is caught up in the drain traps
before flowing into the drainage system. They do have the disadvantage in that water
often does not flow readily into the drain traps, especially when foaming agents are
Slot drains are more costly but ideal for hatchery floors. They do have a disadvantage
in that if not kept clean, especially just under the slot, such drains could be a source of
unhygienic conditions
1.4 Ventilation
Although most hatchery machines may be able to cope with fairly large differences in
environmental conditions, for optimum results it is advisable to ensure that the conditions
within the hatchery building are controlled within reasonably narrow limits.
Ventilation is required to:
Supply oxygen to the developing embryos
Remove carbon dioxide from the machines and chick rooms
Remove heat from incubators as well as from the hatcher and chick rooms
Provide incubators with sufficient fresh air at the correct temperature and humidity
Provide chick take off and handling rooms with sufficient fresh air at the correct
temperature and humidity
Consideration in the ventilation of a hatchery building includes environmental requirement,
conditioning of the air, air supply, airflow and air exhaust.
they should be able to call for air from setter or hatcher rooms or lobbies as required by the
respective machines. Exhaust air from the machines should be removed in a positive manner
from the respective rooms, again without placing undue negative pressure on the machines.
Rooms and lobbies to which the air is to be moved should therefore have a lower static
pressure than those from which the air is to be moved. Most hatcheries utilize a positive
airflow with air entering the building via air ducts from the air conditioning plant into the
various setter and hatcher lobbies. By controlling the outlets from these ducts into the
various rooms, the airflow within the building can be controlled to move in the desired
direction. For this reason doors should seal in a positive fashion against the door frame and
floor. The amount of air (as well as the pressure) entering the respective rooms should be
checked against the machine requirements. Exhaust fans which are balanced to the incoming
amount of air are then strategically positioned so as to move air from within the room in the
desired direction though creation of a slight negative pressure.
Incubator rooms may be designed in such a manner that a separate closed lobby is created in
front of the machines into which the required air volume is ducted. The air intake of the
machines draws air from the lobby and escape louvers placed between the lobby and the area
behind the machines allow for air escape to ensure that no excessive air pressure is placed on
the machines. Any excess air moves through the louvers and out via balanced exhaust fans in
the area behind the lobby. Exhausting of air should be done from this area to ensure that the
air moves in a positive manner from the lobby, into the area on top of and behind the
machines and then out the exhaust area. The advantage of creating lobbies in front of the
machines is that this smaller area is kept clean more easily and it is isolated from the exhaust
end (dirty) of the machines.
An alternate way is to simply place the machines in the room, supply air through ducting into
the room and create exhaust ducts and fans from the room. The exhausting fans should be
matched to the incoming air to ensure that the setter room is under a slight positive pressure
(over pressure) so that air always moves out of the setter room and not into the setter room
from other rooms, especially the hatcher room and lobby.
Some systems will incorporate pressure sensors in the lobby in front of and the area behind
the machines and through variable speed controlled fans create a constant slight positive
pressure in the lobby area. When doors are opened the fans will increase in supply to
compensate for the drop in pressure and likewise the fans behind the machines will increase
in speed to compensate.
Due to the cost of heating air, the exhaust air from the setter machines is often ducted back to
the air supply unit where, with the use of heat exchangers the heat from the setter machines is
recovered and used to heat the fresh air being supplied back to the machines.
Whatever system is applied, the key objective should be to ensure correct volume of air
supply at the required temperature and humidity. The setter lobby should be at a slight
positive pressure to ensure that airflow within the building is away from the setter lobby.
Machines should also not be subjected to undue high negative or positive air pressure.
Installation of an air supply unit
The exhaust outlets of machines should never be connected direct to exhaust ducts as this will
result in possible pressurizing of the machines air. Air escape vents should ensure that the air
pressure on the intake and outlet side of the machines is continually being balanced.
Cooling of the egg holding room is normally done by conventional cooling units using gas
filled high-pressure heat exchangers.
The sizing and calculation of the required cooling and heating capacity is best left in the
hands of competent engineers.
1.5 Incubators
Through the years many types of forced-draft incubators have been developed, utilizing
lighter yet more effective cabinet materials, machines without floors so as to allow for
buggies to be wheeled in and for easier cleaning, improved temperature and humidity control
through electronic control and automatic egg turning in the setters. Single-stage incubation
systems preceded the larger more efficient multi-stage, walk-in systems introduced in the
1950's. During the last decade there has been a move back to single-stage setters mainly as a
result of concern for food safety and control of diseases such as salmonellosis.
In most modern chick hatcheries the incubation process consists of the first 18 days in the
setter and the last days in the hatcher, requiring eggs to be transferred from setter trays to
hatcher baskets during the 18th or 19th day of incubation. Most large hatcheries will hatch 4
times per week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday). In such operations, two sets of
hatchers are utilized, one set for the Monday and Thursday hatches and the second for the
Tuesday and Friday hatches. Where twice a week hatching is practised only one set of
hatchers will suffice for Monday and Thursday hatching.
The 6 settings over a three week period are placed in a set configuration to ensure that the
newly placed setting is closest to the oldest egg in the machine. Various types of fixed rack
machines have distinct setting patterns which must be adhered to when setting eggs.
The advantage of fixed rack machines is that due to old and fresh eggs being dispersed
through the cabinet by a particular setting pattern in a very uniform manner, there is more
even distribution of hot and cold areas. Results therefore tend to be better compared to
trolley machines as in the latter, different setting are done by trolley which results in larger
areas of cold and hot eggs close to one another.
Example of trolley setters
Single-stage machines are also less efficient on energy utilization. Compared to multi-stage
machines, additional heating capacity has to be provided during the early stages of
development of the setting, while heat has to be removed from the setting in increasing
amounts toward the latter part of embryonic development which requires additional cooling
capacity. They are therefore much more costly to install as well as operate.
These systems are particularly advantageous in breeder hatcheries where control of vertically
transmitted diseases is more critical. With increased emphasis on food safety as well as
increased evidence that it is beneficial to set cabinet conditions more closely to the desired
requirements during the various stages of embryonic development, single stage incubation is
becoming more popular in commercial layer and broiler hatcheries.
Hatcher machines
Example of a small egg transfer machine
Chick Take-off
1.6.4 Other Ancillary Equipment
Other ancillary equipment in a chick hatchery would include high pressure wash bay
equipment, electric standby plant in case of power failure, vacuum and air pressure pumps.
In very large hatcheries the extent to which the chick take-off can be automated is
considerable requiring limited labour in such hatcheries. Such equipment could include chick
separators, chick counters, boxing and spray vaccination as well as automated cleaning and
re-stacking of baskets and setter trays. These systems are only economically viable in very
large hatcheries where labour costs may be high.
2 Biosecurity and Hygiene Control
It is desirable that the chick hatchery should apply strict biosecurity rules to reduce the
chances of diseases spreading from parent farms to commercial rearing farms as well as from
commercial rearing farms back to the parent farms. Day old chicks have very little immunity
to most common diseases and should not be subjected to poultry diseases prior to being
inoculated against such diseases. It is furthermore essential that the hatchery insures that no
disease develops within the premises which may be spread via the chicks to farms with which
contact is made.
The hatchery therefore plays a significant part in combating spreading of diseases within the
poultry industry.
Is water available from a reliable source and is the quality thereof known and tested
regularly? Omphalitis
Omphalitis is an infection associated with improper closure of the navel and subsequent
bacterial infection. The cause of this is poor hatchery sanitation, excessive incubator
humidity, as well as chilling and overheating of the newly hatched chick. The navel closure
is incomplete, causing the entry of a variety of bacteria should they be present. Poor shell
quality will also permit easy bacterial penetration into the egg.
Incubation period for the bacteria is 8 to 24 hours and the disease could last for 6 to 7 days
after incubation. Most common bacteria isolated with an omphalitis infection could include
E Coli, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Salmonella and Clostridia.
Chicks are weak, have large abdomens, moist and inflamed navels, pasted vents and lack
body tone. Chicks will huddle and those severely infected will die within the first week. The
mortality rate will vary but could be as high as 20 percent in severe cases.
There is usually no treatment as non-infected chicks need no treatment. Treatment of
infected chicks has very little positive effect. Treatment started early in anticipated cases
could be considered. Severely infected chicks should be culled out early. The control of this
condition is through effective hatchery sanitation, hatchery hygiene procedures, breeder flock
surveillance and proper pre-incubation handling of eggs.
The symptoms are gasping, emaciation, bluish dark skin and high mortality. All birds are
susceptible but chicks in particular are highly susceptible. Mortality will vary and could be
20 percent and higher.
Diagnosis will involve the isolation of the fungus.
The source of the fungal infection could be the breeder farm as well as the hatchery and in
some instances the rearing house could be the cause of the fungal infection. In the hatchery
the areas of possible cause will include especially the ventilation ducts which are difficult to
clean. Air into ventilation ducts should be filtered and clear of dust particles and from time to
time the ventilation ducts are to be fogged with a fungicide. Infected eggs and generally poor
hatchery hygiene may also be the cause of a fungal infection.
Disinfectants must be given time to inactivate the micro-organisms. Also important is the fact
that surfaces are only disinfected while they are wet or moist. The concentration of
disinfectants influences the rate of death of micro-organisms.
The following factors affect to a lesser or greater extent the successful use of chemicals:
It is important that the prescribed concentration is used, since a lower concentration
means it takes longer for micro-organisms to die off and the long-term effect of this is
that some bacteria will become resistant
Generally speaking, disinfectants act on micro-organisms more quickly at higher
temperatures. Formalin has no effect at temperatures below 15°C. An exception is
caustic soda, which at a minimum concentration of 2% is more effective at 5°C than
at 15°C
Different chemicals may require different water pH and it is essential to ensure that
the water pH is suited for what is being used
When disinfecting, it is not only the micro-organisms that need to be considered but
also with organic material that may be involved. Proteins especially have an
unfavourable influence on the disinfecting process
It is essential that the chemical in question is suited to combat the particular organism
involved. Differentiation should be made between viruses, moulds and bacteria and
whether the bacteria involved is Gram- positive (includes Enterococci and
Staphylococcl), Gram- negative (includes E.coli, Salmonella, Proteus and
Pseudomonas) or Spore-producing bacteria (includes Bacillus and Clostridium)
2.3.1 Phenols
Phenols are coal-tar derivatives and include a large number of compounds. Synthetic phenols
are more germicidal and less toxic than natural phenols to animal tissues and have generally
replaced the natural phenols as general disinfectants. Many of the synthetic compounds are
combined with soap during manufacture. The cleansing action enhances their germicidal
contact and effectiveness.
Phenols have a characteristic odour, turn milky when added to water, and are effective
germicides especially against bacteria and fungi. By certain additions their veridical activity
is increased. Organic materials have a diluting effect but do not inactivate phenols. Phenols
have high dilution coefficients i.e. small changes in concentration give rise to large
differences in their killing rates and they are always more effective as the temperature rises.
Oxidizing agents are safe, biodegradable; corrosive, readily soluble, severely inhibited by
organic material, relatively expensive, wide spectrum, have no or very little cleaning power
and all application methods such as spraying and fogging can be used.
2.3.3 Iodine
Iodophors are mainly effective against bacteria and fungi but with a long contact time, some
viruses will also be killed. Iodophors are not used widely in hatcheries. When the
characteristic iodine colour fades, effectiveness is gone.
Iodine, the active chemical in iodophors is a member of the halogen group (includes Cl and
Br) of chemical elements. Iodine vaporizes (passes off a vapour) very rapidly after
application. It is widely used in dairy and food processing. All halogens are rapidly
destroyed in the presence of organic material, so the areas to be disinfected must be clean.
The iodophors are good disinfectants in acidic situation (pH 2 to 4), but activity diminishes in
an alkaline pH.
These solutions are used for egg dipping, hatchery and poultry house disinfecting and for
sanitizing processing plants, footpaths and poultry drinking water.
2.3.4 Chlorine
Chlorine is an effective constituent of certain disinfectants. Included are the powder/liquid
forms of sodium or calcium hypochlorite combined with other chemicals. One major use of
chlorine is in purification of water. Various types are available. Common household bleach
contains 5 percent available chlorine; products manufactured for use in swimming-pool
sanitation contain 15 percent available chlorine.
It is also used for washing and dipping eggs but mainly in disinfecting of water.
2.3.6 Formaldehyde
Effective fumigation of hatching eggs is a proven means of reducing the burden of shell
bacteria provided the eggs are correctly fumigated soon after lay. It will help to ensure that
eggs do not contaminate the hatchery with potential pathogens such as Salmonellae.
It is advantageous to fumigate hatching eggs on the farm as soon as possible after lay and
again before setting in the hatchery. The first fumigation is designed to kill shell bacteria
before they penetrate the shell; the second is designed to reduce shell contamination that
occurs between the farm and setting.
For effective fumigation, the following concentrations are commonly used:
45 ml of 40% formalin and 30 g of potassium permanganate per m3 of fumigation
chamber. Water is produced during this reaction and provision of extra moisture is
unnecessary. At 21°C there is no significant variation in efficiency when fumigation
is carried out between 60 and 80% RH.
Heating 10 g of paraformaldehyde per m3 in a pan, assuming the prills are 91 %
paraformaldehyde. Some moisture should be provided and the addition of a few
millilitres water to the evaporator is satisfactory.
Poor fumigation is often due to:
Leaks in the chamber
Insufficient time of exposure to the gas (20 minutes)
Absorption of the gas by chamber surfaces
Excessive or too little moisture
Inadequate gas circulation
Insufficient chemicals
Absorption of gas by pulp trays
Eggs are often fumigated at half strength immediately after transfer into the hatchers.
Caution should be taken when applying this practice as chicks should not have started
Trickle fumigation is often applied in the hatcher cabinets to reduce the cross contamination
by chick fluff. This is done by using a 40% aqueous solution of formalin at a rate of 15 ml
per m of hatcher space, placed in enamel pans at transfer. Very low concentration of
formaldehyde is achieved but the effectiveness lies in the long exposure time.
3 Development of the Chick Embryo
The chick embryo derives its nutrients from the egg itself and not from nutrients supplied via
the blood from the mother as is the case with mammals. Although some embryonic
development takes place while the egg passes through the oviduct in the body of the hen,
most of the development occurs outside of the mother's body in the egg itself.
The process of incubating chicken eggs should be prefaced by knowledge and understanding
of the makeup and structure of the egg and how fertilization of the egg cell takes place.
Embryonic development in the chicken egg may be classified into two phases. The first
phase being the development of the blastodisc which occurs in the hens body prior to the egg
being laid, where after development ceases if egg temperature is maintained below a certain
threshold. Embryonic development will again commence when egg temperature increases
above this threshold. This unique phenomenon allows for large volumes of eggs to be stored
and then incubated at the same time.
The two shell membranes are separated at the round end of the egg to form the air cell. In a
fresh egg, the cell is approximately 15 to 20 mm in diameter and 3 to 4 mm in depth. As the
egg ages, the diameter and depth of the cell will increase and the speed at which this happens
will depend primarily on the temperature at which the egg is kept. At colder temperatures,
the increase in size will be retarded while it is enhanced at higher temperatures.
The air cell can be seen when candling and enlarges during the process of incubation. This is
also the area into which the beak of the developed chick will move during hatching when the
process of respiration starts towards the end of the incubation process. This is the reason why
embryonic development must occur in the correct position to ensure that pipping is in the
correct place of the egg and that the chick is properly orientated in respect of the air cell,
when hatching.
The main function of yolk material is to provide metabolic energy and nutrients to the
developing embryo.
The ectoderm is the uppermost layer of cells and gives rise to the nervous system, parts of the
eyes, feathers, beak, claws and skin.
The endoderm is the lower layer of cells from which the respiratory system and secretary
organs as well as the digestive track develop.
The mesoderm is the third layer between the two mentioned above and forms the skeleton,
muscles, blood system, reproductive organs and the excretory system.
The embryo in the newly laid egg will cease development and cell division when temperature
drops below 24°C. Hatching eggs are therefore generally stored at 18°C when kept for short
periods of time. A colder temperature is applied (12°C) when eggs are stored for longer than
7 days.
The cessation of embryonic development is reversed when egg temperature is increased again
to levels above 24°C and the development will be sustained at temperatures of approximately
Parthenogenesis is a process where cell division occurs in an unfertilized ova. It is rare but
does occur in chicken. Most of the development found will have ceased before oviposition or
during the first few hours of incubation.
3.3 Fertility
It is possible to distinguish between fertile and infertile eggs prior to placement in the
incubators. It does however require practise and the egg has to be broken to evaluate the
content. The egg is broken out on a white plate or flat surface and the germinal disc
(blastoderm) must be found. This is often the more difficult part as the germinal disc could
have landed under the broken out yolk material.
Prior to hatching a fertile egg will show a large germinal disk (3 to 4 mm in diameter) with a
light centre and a thick, white perimeter. It appears like a doughnut, with the thick, white
circle around the outer perimeter of the disc. An infertile egg will show a smaller germinal
disk with a solid, bright white centre, which may or may not be in the centre of the disc. The
white centre of the infertile egg is much brighter than the white centre of the fertile egg. The
germinal disk of an infertile egg could in the odd occasion be large but the centre will be
solid and bright and the perimeter will be irregular.
Typical infertile egg on the left and a fertile germinal disc on the right
Fresh egg breakout has the advantage that it is the quickest way of determining fertility (even
before incubation starts) but it does have the disadvantage that it is a slow process and
valuable eggs have to be broken.
It is however a good practice at the start of a new flock to know in advance what the fertility
would be like as well as when disease and fertility problems are being encountered. Fertility
can be determined on the day that the egg is laid rather than having to wait for 3 weeks until
final hatching.
Because of the value of hatching eggs, sample size of 100 eggs should suffice but results
could be variable as a result of the small sample size. This practise is generally only followed
when specific problems are being investigated.
Often males will develop enlarged footpads and hock joints caused by injury and resulting in
an infection (staphylococcus) in the joints. This condition could also have a nutritional
background as excessive protein consumption could be the cause of urate deposits in the foot
pad area.
Spiking of males is sometimes used to overcome the problem of reduced fertility towards the
end of the breeding cycle. This is done by replacing the old males with young males. It is
however costly and should be approached with care. It is usually done at night and all males
in the breeding pen should be removed and replaced. When only a part of the males are
removed and replaced by younger males, the younger males do not only then have to contend
with dealing with older and more dominant females but also with a number of older and
generally heavier males. If partial spiking is to be done then it is best to split the pen in two,
leaving older males with part of the females and the younger males with a separate number of
3.4.2 Amnion
The amniotic sac is filled with a transparent fluid in which the embryo floats and prevents the
embryo from injury during its development.
3.4.3 Allantois
This membrane serves as the circulatory system in the egg. It starts to develop on the 3rd day
of incubation and is fully developed by the 12th day covering the complete inside of the shell
and has the following functions:
It supplies oxygen to the blood of the embryo and removes carbon dioxide
The excretions from the embryonic kidney is held in the allantoic cavity
It aids in the transportation of albumin and absorption of calcium from the eggshell
3.4.4 Chorion
This membrane fuses the inner shell membrane with the allantois and in so doing assists the
allantois in its metabolic function.
and is filled with amniotic fluid which protects the embryo from shock and allows the
embryo to move.
Day 4
During the fourth day the brain divides into three parts - the forebrain, the midbrain and the
hindbrain and can be seen at the top. One of the eyes will be visible from the top as a dark
spot. The heart has enlarged and the vascular system of the yolk sac membrane shows up
very well as it increases over the yolk area.
The beak is forming as a dark spot at the bottom of the head and the egg tooth is evident at
the end of the maxilla. The embryo will also respond to touch. The neck starts to separate
the head from the thorax. The heart will be completely enclosed and the yolk sac surrounds
the yolk almost completely.
Day 8
If the embryo is removed, the upper and lower beak will be clearly distinguishable. The neck
is longer and wings and legs will be clearly defined. The brain is completely enclosed.
Toes will be clearly defined and the embryo will be sinking deep into the yolk material due to
its weight. Down feathers will also begin to appear. The amniotic connection opens and the
embryo begins to swallow albumen. White uric acid precipitates may be noticed within the
allantoic sac as the pH decreases.
Day 13
The only noticeable external changes seen will be in the growth of down and production of
feathers. Toenails and leg scales are more noticeable.
Day 14
Feather growth is rapid and down feathers will almost cover the entire body. The embryo
will be orientated along the long axis of the eggshell and beak clapping movements may be
Embryonic development day 15 and day 16
Day 17
Some white urate waste material can be seen in the allantois fluid. The air cell is enlarged
and in the proper incubation position, it should be above the chick. The beak which is under
the right wing will be pointing towards the air cell. The albumen will have been almost
completely utilized and some yolk sac contraction may be observed.
Day 18
During day 18 the chick will start preparing to hatch. The yolk sac has started to be
incorporated into the abdominal cavity. This is the stage during which the eggs are
transferred to the hatcher baskets.
Embryonic development day 19 and day 20
Day 21
The chick will immerge from the shell and dry and fluff out for take-off 21 days plus 6 to 12
hours after setting.
4 Chick Incubation
The incubation of chicken eggs comprises the process of storage of eggs destined for
incubation, preparation of such eggs for incubation and the incubation process itself.
The actual process of incubation is complicated and there are many factors that will affect the
process and eventual hatch results and chick quality. To a large extent the optimum
incubation temperature, humidity and air supply requirements have been well documented
but in many instances hatch results and chick quality often remain poor.
It is necessary to distinguish between poor hatching performance as a result of farm related
problems, egg storage and transport conditions and those factors that can be ascribed to the
hatchery and incubation conditions.
A good record and analytical system is required on an ongoing basis to analyse the causes of
varying hatch results and chick quality. It is also advisable to do the analyses regularly to
ensure that when any abnormal results do emerge, a historical picture is available to which
the abnormal results can be compared.
Hatching eggs should at all times be handled as gently as possible and allowed to settle for a
couple of hours after transport prior to setting. When handled properly there is little
evidence to indicate that transportation of hatching eggs over large distances is harmful.
On farm traying of hatching eggs onto setter trays is often practised to save labour costs as
the eggs are then not re-handled at the hatchery. On farm traying does however pose a
potential biosecurity risk when setter trays are not properly cleaned and disinfected prior to
being moved back from the hatchery to the farm.
When pulp trays are used it is advisable that they be used once only and not returned to the
breeder farms. Fumigation of pulp trays is not effective in disposing of pathogens and micro-
When transporting eggs it should always be done with the round ends up and sharp end to the
bottom. Transporting eggs with small ends up could result in damage to the chalazae which
hold the yolk to the centre of the egg and the blastodisc could then move into an incorrect
position in the egg, which in turn will result in the chick hatching in an incorrect position.
These imperfections would include:
Misshapen eggs
Round eggs
Wrinkled eggs
Rough shells
Banded eggs
Thin shells
Cracked eggs may be seen as:
Open toe cracks
Impact cracks
Hairline cracks
availability to match chick requirement. Conditions in which eggs are held prior the
incubation will impact on hatching performance.
The Psychrometrics and the relationship between dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature
and the moisture content of air may be illustrated in the Psychrometric Chart above.
In order to understand what is meant by relative humidity, it is important to understand the
relationship between temperature and the amount of moisture in the air.
At a dry bulb temperature of 16 to 18 °C (read on the bottom axis of the chart) the wet bulb
temperature should be in the order of 14 to 15 °C (diagonal lines and read on the top red
slanting axis) for the relative humidity to be 70% (red slanting lines). Good management of
an egg holding room would consist of regular checks of the daily maximum and minimum
dry bulb temperature as well as the wet bulb temperature reading or reading the relative
incubator to heat the eggs to normal incubation temperature, the time that eggs are kept at
37.7 °C in the pre-incubation process should be reduced.
Pre-incubation will not improve hatch results but could be a consideration to assist in
maintaining hatch results which deteriorate with longer storage time.
Note that fumigation should only be done once the chamber temperature has reached 26 °C.
The fumigant should be allowed to be circulated over all the eggs for 20 minutes in the
chamber before being extracted via an exhaust fan. It is important to ensure that all of the
fumigant has removed before setting of the eggs in the machine. In multi-stage machines
especially the embryos that were set in the previous setting will be very susceptible to be
killed by the fumigant if carried into the machine. Having removed all fumigant the eggs are
then allowed to remain in the chamber for up to 6 hours for pre-heating before being set.
In single stage setters the process of pre-heating and fumigation is carried out in the cabinet.
Age of the Embryo
The air temperature in the incubator cabinet is only an indirect measure of knowing what the
egg (embryo) temperature is. Air velocity and humidity around the egg will also influence
the heat exchange between the air and the egg and hence the embryo temperature.
It is advisable to know what the actual egg (embryo) temperature is as the norm is to ensure
that embryo temperature remains within the narrow limits of 37.5 to 38.0 °C (99.5 to 100.5
°F). Adjustment to machine settings should only be based on knowledge of the egg
Temperatures of eggs within the cabinet may vary a great deal and a wide spread of
temperatures should be taken in establishing the mean egg temperature within the cabinet.
Hand held infra red digital thermometers sold by chemists may be used for this as they enable
egg temperatures to be taken without having to break the shell. In multi-stage setters a
compromise must be found to suite all eggs from day 1 to 19 of incubation. In single stage
setters, the incubation temperatures may be reduced as the incubation time progresses,
thereby maintaining egg temperatures as close as possible to the ideal of 37.5 to 38.6 °C (99.5
to 101.5 °F). In these machines the initial temperature would be in the order of 37.75 °C (100
°F) to ensure an egg temperature of 37.75 °C (100 °F). The machine temperature is then
gradually reduced in line with the developing embryo and the consequent increase in heat
output by the embryo itself in such a manner that the egg temperature remains as close as
possible to the ideal of 37.75 °C (100 °F).
moisture the air will hold, increasing as temperature increases and decreasing as the
temperature decreases. A graphic relationship between dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures,
moisture content and relative humidity as well at heat content of the air is known as the
Psychrometric Chart.
The importance of relative humidity is to ensure the correct rate of loss of water from the egg.
Depending on the type of machine these limits are between 50 to 60 % but it is advisable to
experiment under local conditions to find the optimum.
Generally excessive relative humidity during the first 19 days will cause chicks to hatch later
than normal and they will be larger and soft in the abdomen. Too little humidity will shorten
the incubation period and chicks will be smaller and show signs of dehydration.
Large eggs have less shell aria per unit of egg mass than do small eggs. As evaporation of
moisture depends mainly on the shell area, smaller eggs will lose a greater proportion of their
mass than will larger eggs at given relative humidity. Furthermore smaller eggs will produce
smaller chicks and chicks from such eggs have a double disadvantage in respect of producing
smaller chicks. The reverse is true for larger eggs producing larger chicks as a result of egg
size per se as well as the result of lower moisture evaporation.
An egg with a mass of 56-57 g should lose in the order of 12% of weight through evaporation
during incubation to 19 days. Eggs vary in mass and the ideal relative humidity should be
adjusted to suite the majority of eggs in the machine.
Older flocks have a greater egg mass and usually shell quality deteriorates with age. The
relative humidity for eggs from older flocks therefore has to be adjusted in the setter to ensure
the correct moisture loss. The same may apply to modern layer breeds with very good shell
quality. A balance needs to be found between moisture loss and heat transfer to and from the
The chicken, be it in the shell or out of the shell cannot withstand conditions of high
temperatures and relative humidity. During the last two days of incubation, when the eggs
spend time in the hatcher, the relative humidity has to be increased but only within certain
limits. Correct moisture will prevent the beak of the chick from sticking to the newly pipped
shell and allows freer movement of the chick's head at the time of pipping. The relative
humidity in the hatcher is therefore increased compared to that of the setter. A temperature
reduction of 0.3 to 1.0 °C (0.5 to 2.0 °F) is necessary at the same time and it must be
remembered that this temperature reduction will automatically result in an increase in relative
humidity as colder air holds less moisture. A temperature reduction of 0.6 °C at this point
will increase the relative humidity by 2.5%.
There is also a natural increase in relative humidity once chicks emerge from the egg and
begin to dry. No fixed guide is possible as each circumstance will require particular setting
for best results.
volume is required. Single stage machines are set to introduce increased volumes of air as
the incubation process advances while multi-stage machines are set at a level which is a
compromise between the requirement of older and embryos at the early stages of
It should be noted that with most machines, opening and closing of air inlet dampers
(allowing more or less air into the cabinet) serves as the first stage of temperature correction.
Carbon dioxide levels of 0.3% during the first 4 days will be tolerated and this increases
linearly with age and a upper maximum level of 0.75% in the hatcher is advisable. In fact
many single stage setter programs will introduce no fresh air for the first couple of days to
ensure a uniform cabinet temperature.
Ventilation and fans within the machine cabinet has two important components:
Controlling and distributing the fresh air introduced into the machine to provide
sufficient oxygen and dispose of carbon dioxide and moisture
Maintain proper internal circulation of air to prevent uneven temperatures and
concentration of gas and moisture around the eggs.
This is normally achieved by the fans circulating the air over the eggs within the cabinet and
a damper system controlling the volume of fresh air flow into and exhaust air from the
Several factors may impact on machine ventilation resulting in decrease hatch results and
chick quality.
Inlet and exhaust openings not functioning or balanced properly
Obstruction of inlet and exhaust ducts
Cold winter conditions causing decreased airflow into lobbies
Excessive humidity in summer
Loose fitting gaskets and seals resulting in temperature loss
Incorrect fan motors and fan blades
Dirty fan blades
Lobbies excessively pressurized on intake side
Excessive negative pressure on exhaust systems
adjust for the changing ventilation and embryo needs. This is however costly and not
practiced under normal circumstances.
Research has shown that eggs produced at altitude hatch better at altitude compared to eggs
produced at sea level and hatched at altitude. Eggs produced at altitude and hatched at sea
level will hatch at the same rate as eggs produced at sea level and hatched at sea level.
4.3.5 Turning
The yolk of the newly laid egg has a specific gravity that causes it to settle in the thin
albumen. Once the embryo starts to develop, the specific gravity reduces and the yolk in a
stationary position will rise to come into contact with the outer thick albumen resulting in
embryonic death.
For this reason eggs are turned through 90 degrees (45 degrees to either side). It is important
to ensure that turning at least achieves 40° as it has been proven that less will affect hatch
Manual transfer on the left and a small transfer machine on the right
Transfer machines are available and these machines can be either semi-automatic or fully
automated. The semi-automated machine will lift the eggs from the setter tray by vacuum
suction cups, allowing the setter tray to be removed and replaced by a hatcher basket into
which the eggs are then gently placed. The placing and removal of setter trays and hatcher
baskets is done manually. With fully automated machines the feeding and removal of setter
trays and hatcher baskets is fully automated requiring very little labour.
Although smaller transfer machines may not save labour, the process is done much more
gently and pneumatic tray over will reduce the percentage of cracked eggs, resulting in
improved hatch results.
Hatch % of fertile eggs = (Number of chicks hatched ÷ (Number of eggs set – number of
infertile eggs)) x 100
Pullet yield % = (Number of 1st grade pullet chicks ÷ Total number of chicks) x 100
Second grade chick % = (Number of non saleable chicks ÷ Total number of chick) x 100
Candling of eggs with a single light (left) and set of lights (right)
Spot candling is more accurate as cracked eggs are more easily seen and eggs set wrong way
up are seen more readily. The process is however more time consuming.
Embryos that have shown at least some development to the point where the embryo is
noticeable under the light when quickly rotating the egg under inspection may also be
detected and separated from absolutely clear eggs. The former is then classified as being
early death. The only way to distinguish between infertile eggs and embryos that have died
at a very early stage is to break open the egg.
This is done by breaking and pealing the round end of the eggs. Whatever development
could have taken place would normally occur there. Should the germinal disc not be
noticeable, then rotate the egg and pour off some of the albumen so that the germinal disc
may be noticed. If still no development is found the contents may be poured into an empty
pan and examined more closely.
development. Be on the lookout for signs of development of blood vessels around the
area of the air cell. Should some development of blood vessels be noted this would
indicate embryonic death during the second to third day of incubation. Embryos that
have died during the fourth day will be distinctly visible as an embryo
Mid embryonic death are eggs classified as having died between day 8 and 14 of
Cracked eggs
Eggs set upside down
Other such as rotten or microbial contaminated eggs
21-day egg breakout
The most practical way of determining weight loss during incubation is as follows:
Determine the weight of an empty setter tray and fill and weigh it with eggs from the
designated breeder flock
Subtract the weight of the setter tray from the total to determine the weight of the eggs
and divide this by the number of eggs to determine the mean egg mass
After several days of incubation replace any cracked or broken eggs with similar eggs
from another tray and obtain the new mean egg mass as above
Calculate the loss as a percentage of the original egg mass and divide this by the
number of days of incubation
Check the calculation against the recommended percentage daily weight loss
5 Chick handling and Quality
The process of chick hatching in commercial hatcheries involves the removal of large
numbers of chicks from the incubators and separating the chicks from the hatch debris.
Chicks should not be subjected to stress in any way and the fact that in many instances the
process of hatching and chick handling may call for sexing and vaccination, makes it
essential that chick handling and storage facilities should be good.
In commercial layer chick and breeder hatcheries, unwanted chicks need to be disposed of in
a humane manner. This applies to the disposal of second grade chicks in broiler hatcheries as
Chick hatcheries play an important role within the poultry industry which is regarded as a
small margin, high volume business. Large volumes of chicks are handled and the quality of
chicks originating from such large commercial hatcheries will impact significantly on the
success or failure of the industry.
In layer and breeder hatcheries the chicks have to be sexed and vaccinated and they are
therefore transferred onto a conveyer system of some sort on which they would go through
the process of being sexed, vaccinated and boxed. A system of round revolving tables is
usually preferred as such a system acts as a reservoir for the various tasks being performed.
sex may be determined by either feather sexing or colour sexing, depending on the breed.
Colour sexing is obviously a lot easier than feather sexing and may be performed direct on
the hatcher tray. Feather sexing requires individual chicks to be handled and therefore
requires the chicks to be placed as hatched onto an accumulating table from where the sexer
may handle them.
The genetic background of feather sexing is explained in the Breeder Management Book.
Feather sexing is much easier to perform that vent sexing and less training is required. Good
sexers will handle 1500 chicks per hour. In the slow feathering males the coverts are the
same length or longer than the primaries. In the fast feathering female chick the primaries
will be longer than the coverts.
Colour sexing
With automatic vaccinators, the area of vaccination is held against a trigger plate and the
needle is inserted by the machine, under the skin. If not serviced and properly maintained,
these machines could damage the chicks.
This is a specialized procedure and should only be carried out by trained staff and also only if
it necessary to do so due to males damaging one another during fighting. Seek veterinary
advice before carrying out such procedure. The chick is held in one hand with the head held
firmly between the thumb and first finger. A sharp scissors is then used to cut the comb as
close to the head as possible, following the round shape of the head against the scull from
front to back. Mentholated spirits or alcohol should be used to disinfect the scissors after
every cut. This process is normally not followed in broiler parent stock as the intact comb is
required to keep males out of female feeders.
5.5.2 De-Spurring and Toe Cutting of Breeder Males
Females are often injured unduly by the males during mating and could call for the males to
be de-spurred as well as toe clipped. This procedure is to be performed by specially trained
staff and veterinary advice should be sought before carrying out the procedure. Special hand
held machines are used for this purpose. The de-spurring machine consists of an apparatus
that is very similar to a small electric soldering iron with a heated wire point at the end. A
transformer controls the heat at the wire end, which should have a red glow when in use. The
chick is held in one hand with one leg stretched forward and the spur knob is touched with
the hot iron. The process is then repeated with the second leg. A small burned spot should
be all that is noticed.
Toe trimming is performed by a similar looking hand held machine but with this apparatus,
two hot wires are mounted on a pliers-like pincher which cuts and cauterizes the toe end. The
chick is again held in one hand with toes extended and the innermost toe trimmed at the last
joint, just behind the toe nail. The process is then repeated with the second leg.
The toes as well as the de-spurred area are disinfected by dabbing cotton wool soaked in
alcohol or mentholated spirits on the cut and cauterized areas.
Fully air conditioned chick truck
Some pullet customers would however prefer to receive chicks the following morning, to
have sufficient time for staff to get the chicks settled into the cage systems. Whatever the
preference, the driver should be aware that there are live chicks on the truck generating much
heat and moisture in a confined space and especially when stationary, the heat build up in the
vehicle could be very rapid and harmful.
The type of truck to be used for delivery of chicks to the farm will depend on the distances
involved. For short distances and mild temperature conditions, it is sufficient to provide for
adequate ventilation only with avoidance of excessive draughts in the truck body. When the
distances to be travelled involve diverse conditions (such as travelling over long periods or
when environmental conditions are bound to vary) it would be advisable to consider a tailor
made fully air-conditioned vehicle.
With chick trucks the load is confined to a very small space and ventilation and movement of
air throughout the entire load is of utmost importance. Specially designed vehicles are
equipped with air conditioning units to heat or cool a minimum amount of fresh air
introduced into the truck body while a larger amount of air is circulated within the truck to
remove heat from the chicks in a similar fashion as air movement in a hatcher cabinet.
Measuring chick temperature
6 Trouble Shooting
Embryonic mortality and chick quality are influenced by various aspects including nutrition,
diseases, management of the breeder flock, hatching egg handling as well as management of
the hatchery and hatchery conditions. In order to effectively analyze poor hatching results, it
is important to know the normal pattern of embryonic death so as to compare results to this.
The procedure to determine the stage at which embryonic mortality occurred as well as the
procedure to identify between early embryonic death and infertility is described in the section
on Chick Incubation.
It is advisable to regularly break open eggs to establish the normal pattern for the hatchery.
Embryonic mortality should normally show a peak in the first seven days (30% of total
embryonic mortality), where after it declines in the second week of incubation (10% of the
total embryonic mortality). Sixty percent of the total embryonic mortality will occur during
the last week but especially during the last 3 to 4 days of incubation.
The initial peak mortality should always be lower than the latter peak (30 to 50% thereof).
Pre-oviposital mortality could also occur which is normally as a result of eggs which are in
the hen too long or when the period that the egg spends in the hen is too short. Several
factors will affect the time that the egg spends in the oviduct and include size of the egg
(large eggs move slower), eggs with thick shells move slower, disease often cause eggs to be
laid prematurely and eggs move slower down the oviduct of poorer producing hens.
Poor holding conditions of hatching eggs
Long storage time
Improper fumigation of eggs prior to setting
Incorrect incubation temperature
Poor pre-heating
Insufficient turning
6.5 Malposition
The normal position of chick development at 19 days is for the head to be at the round end of
the egg (close to the air cell) with the head to the right and tucked in under the right wing, the
beak facing toward the air cell and feet toward the head. Many eggs do not develop in this
position, some of which will hatch and others not.
The reasons for chicks developing in the wrong position could be:
Eggs set wrong way round (small ends up)
Old breeder flocks tend to have more malpositioned embryos
Eggs that are very round and difficult to assess blunt end could have been set wrong
way round
Inadequate turning (frequency and angle)
High incubation temperature
Severe vitamin deficiency in feed
Investigate setter ventilation
Embryonic mortality in second week of Setter problems
incubation Turning infrequent and not enough angel
Poor ventilation supply and air circulation
Temperature high, low or fluctuating
Machine has hot and cold spots
Excessive temperature drops
Nutritional deficiencies
Microbial contamination
Embryonic mortality in third week of Setter problems
incubation Poor lobby conditions
Temperature high, low or fluctuating
Poor humidity control
Poor turning
Poor ventilation supply and air circulation
Machine hot and cold spots
Transfer problems
Eggs loosing excessive temperature
Rough handling of eggs
Transfer too late
Hatcher problems
Poor control on lobby conditions
Temperature high, low or fluctuating
Poor ventilation supply and air circulation
Poor humidity control
Excessive trickle fumigation
Hatcher being opened too often
Embryos pipped but dead in shell Setter problems
Eggs set small ends up
Old eggs (long storage time)
Poor machine temperature control
Insufficient turning
Transfer problems
Rough handling of eggs
Hatcher problems
High temperature causing small pipping area
Low humidity
Excessive trickle fumigation
Poor ventilation
Chicks hatching early Breeder flock
Young flock
High temperatures
Low humidity
Poor lobby temperature and humidity
Poor lobby ventilation and air pressure
Chick hatching late Breeder flock
Old flock
Egg storage
Eggs stored long
Low temperatures
Poor lobby temperature and humidity
Poor lobby ventilation and air pressure
Drawn out hatch Pre-incubation
Mixed egg age
Mixed breeder flock age
Varying egg size
Poor egg handling
Uneven cabinet temperature
Poor lobby temperature and humidity
Poor lobby ventilation and air pressure
Dirty chicks with smeared egg content Pre-incubation
Old eggs
Poor shell quality
Poor egg sanitation
Very large eggs breaking
Pops causing egg content to smear chicks
Low incubator temperature
High incubator humidity
Small dehydrated chicks Pre-Incubation
Young breeder flock
Small eggs
Low humidity during storage
Poor shell quality
High machine temperature
Low machine humidity
Unhealed navels, dry with rough down Incubation
High incubation temperature
Fluctuating incubator temperature
Hot spots in incubators
High or low hatcher humidity
Unhealed navels with infection, chicks Poor sanitation
lethargic Dirty eggs
Poor egg fumigation
Setting floor eggs
Dirty trays and baskets
Poor sanitation of machines
Weak chicks lying in hatcher basket Incubation
High hatcher temperature
Chicks too long in hatcher
Excessive trickle fumigation
Crooked beaks and other head and facial Incubation
abnormalities often also brain hernia High temperature
Hot spots in machines
Poor control on lobby temperature and humidity
causing uneven machine temperature
Poor control on lobby ventilation causing uneven
machine temperature
Spraddled legs and crooked toes Pre-incubation
Inadequate nutrition
Smooth hatcher baskets
High hatcher temperature
Post hatching
Smooth paper in chick handling systems and boxes
Short and wiry down Pre-incubation
Inadequate nutrition especially riboflavin
Mycotoxins causing nutritional deficiency
High machine temperature
Red hocks and beaks are indicative that Incubation
chicks have struggled to break out of the High temperatures
shell Hot spots in machines
Low humidity
Small pipping area
Small pipping area different to the normal Incubation
pipping of almost one third from the High temperature
rounded end of the egg Uneven cabinet temperature with hot spots
Poor lobby conditions creating uneven machine
Rots and smelly egg content Pre-incubation
Dirty eggs set
Floor eggs set
Poor egg sanitation
Unhygienic egg storage
Moisture condensation on shell
Poor washing of eggs if practiced
Eggs being wiped with dirty cloth
Re-contamination by dirty hands and equipment
Egg and chick contaminated by other eggs exploding
Re-contamination by dirty equipment
Poor water quality in spray nozzles
Chicks gasping and showing sign of Poor sanitation of lobbies, machines and ducting
aspergillus infection