Electrochimica Acta: Shuai Liu, Lihua Wang, Yue Ding, Biqian Liu, Xutong Han, Yanlin Song
Electrochimica Acta: Shuai Liu, Lihua Wang, Yue Ding, Biqian Liu, Xutong Han, Yanlin Song
Electrochimica Acta: Shuai Liu, Lihua Wang, Yue Ding, Biqian Liu, Xutong Han, Yanlin Song
Electrochimica Acta
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/electacta
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Novel acid-base blend membranes composed of sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) (SPEEK) and
Received 18 February 2014 polyetherimide (PEI) were prepared for vanadium redox flow battery (VRB). The blend membranes were
Received in revised form 25 February 2014 characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scanning electronic microscopy
Accepted 25 February 2014
(SEM). The ion exchange capacity (IEC), proton conductivity, water uptake, vanadium ion permeability
Available online 11 March 2014
and mechanical properties were measured. As a result, the acid-base blend membranes exhibit higher
water uptake, IEC and lower vanadium ion permeability compared to Nafion117 membranes and all
these properties decrease with the increase of PEI. In VRB single cell test, the VRB with blend mem-
branes shows lower charge capacity loss, higher coulombic efficiency (CE) and energy efficiency (EE) than
Proton conductivity Nafion117 membrane. Furthermore, the acid-base blend membranes present stable performance up to
Vanadium ion permeability 50 cycles with no significant decline in CE and EE. All experimental results indicate that the SPEEK/PEI
(S/P) acid-base blend membranes show promising prospects for VRB.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0013-4686/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Liu et al. / Electrochimica Acta 130 (2014) 90–96 91
peeled off from the substrates and kept in deionized water before
ı = L/R (5)
A VRB single cell was manufactured by sandwiching the mem- The microstructure could influence the properties of mem-
brane between two pieces of carbon felt electrodes with effective branes. SEM images for cross-section of acid-base blend mem-
reaction area of 9 cm2 . The felt was carbon felt and the current branes are shown in Fig. 3. Apparently, the blend membranes
collector material was graphite felt. The cell geometry: carbon felt (Fig. 3b-3f) exhibit different morphology compared with SPEEK
was 12 × 12 × 0.4 cm, current collector material was 4 × 4 × 1.5 cm, membranes (Fig. 3a). Pristine SPEEK membrane present planar
cell geometry was 12 × 10 × 10 cm and inter-electrode gap was structure while the blend membranes exhibit phase-separated
7 cm. The solutions of 1.5 mol L−1 V3+ in 3.0 mol L−1 H2 SO4 and microstructure distinctly. In addition, these images display the for-
1.5 mol L−1 VO2+ in 3.0 mol L−1 H2 SO4 were served as initial nega- mation of small (<0.5 m) spherical domains of PEI at a 5% PEI
tive and positive electrolyte, respectively. The volume of electrolyte content and their growth up to ∼0.7 m at 15% PEI and ∼1 m
on each side of the cell was 60 mL. Both the positive electrolyte at 25% PEI. Compared with Fig. 3(a), Fig. 3(f) shows evident micro-
and negative electrolyte were cyclically pumped into the corre- phase separation, which might be attributed to hydrogen bond and
sponding half-cell at 20 mL min−1 . Charge-discharge cycling test ionic interactions between SPEEK and PEI [31,36]. With the increase
was conducted by LAND CT2001A with a constant current density of PEI, there will be more unbounded PEI units, which also facilities
of 50 mA cm−2 at 25 ◦ C. To avoid the corrosion of carbon felt, the the phase separation.
cut-off voltage for charge and discharge was set as 1.65 V and 0.8 V
respectively. 3.3. Mechanical properties
The coulombic efficiency (CE), voltage efficiency (VE), and
energy efficiency (EE) of the cell are calculated as following equa- The mechanical strength of the blend membranes is signifi-
tions cant for VRB application to assure its stability as the electrolyte
Qdis I t t passes across the membrane. The mechanical strength of SPEEK
CE = × 100% = ch dis × 100% = dis × 100% (7) membrane and the blend membranes were measured at room tem-
Qch Ich tch tch
Vdis As shown in Fig. 4, the blend membranes show higher ten-
VE = × 100% (8)
Vch sile strength with the addition of PEI. The tensile strength rises
EE = CE × VE (9) from 20.8 MPa to 37.1 MPa with the content of PEI increase from
0% to 25%. Such enhancement in tensile strength is due to the
ionic crosslinking and close packed molecules in acid-base blend
3. Results and discussion
membranes. However, the ionic crosslinking also reduces molec-
ular flexibility, hence the blend membranes become more fragile
3.1. FT-IR
and the elongation at break is decreased.
FT-IR spectra of S/P acid-base blend membranes are shown
in Fig. 2. As for the S/P membranes, the bands at 708 cm−1 , 3.4. IEC, Water uptake and Swelling ratio
1071 cm−1 , 1279 cm−1 are assigned to the stretching vibration
of–SO3 H groups. This is confirmed that the sulfonic acid groups are The IEC, water uptake, swelling ratio are important param-
successfully introduced to the resulting polymer. The hydrophilic eters for a membrane to be characterized. These properties of
S. Liu et al. / Electrochimica Acta 130 (2014) 90–96 93
Fig. 3. SEM images for cross-section of acid-base blend membranes: (a) S/P-0; (b) S/P-1; (c) S/P-2; (d) S/P-3; (e) S/P-4; (f) S/P-5. Scale bar is 3 m.
acid-base blend membranes and Nafion117 membrane are pre- can improve the proton conductivity. However, it also leads to
sented in Table 1. poor dimensional stability and high vanadium permeability. As
Many significant properties of the membrane, such as proton expected, tertiary nitrogen groups in PEI reduce the amount of free
conductivity and water uptake, are related to IEC. IEC directly sulfonic acid groups by acid-base interactions. High content of PEI
depends on the content of free sulfonic acid groups in the mem- leads water uptake reduced, indicating the increase of hydropho-
brane. It can be seen that the IEC of the blend membranes decreased bicity within the blend membranes. Moreover, the formation of
with increase of the PEI. One reason is due to the content of SPEEK cross-linked network structure reduces free volume in blend mem-
decrease when PEI was added in, the number of sulfonic acid groups branes for water molecules which leads to water uptake decrease.
reduced. Moreover, the measured IEC values of the blend mem- The swelling ratio reflects dimensional stability, and the lower
branes are lower than the theoretical values calculated from the swelling ratio is required for keeping membrane dimensional stable
content of SPEEK. This phenomenon implies the formation of acid- for a long time. Similar to the water uptake, all blend membranes
base pairs between amino groups and the sulfonic acid groups. show decreased swelling ratio with increase of the PEI, which is
Water uptake is another important parameter for ion exchange beneficial for the application as ion exchange membranes [37].
membrane. It has a great influence on the proton conductivity Permeability of vanadium ion is a crucial parameter for VRB,
and dimensional stability of the membrane. High water uptake which represents the ability to prevent the crossover of positive
Table 1
Basic properties of the acid-base blend membranes and Nafion117 membrane.
Membrane IEC(mmol g−1 ) P(10−8 cm2 s−1 ) Water uptake (%) Swelling ratio (%)
Fig. 5. Concentration of vanadium ion in the right reservoir of the cell with S/P
and negative electrolytes. Diffusion of vanadium ions across the acid-base blend membranes and Nafion117 membrane.
membrane will lead to self-discharge of the battery. In this study,
the vanadium ion permeability of blend membranes and Nafion
117 membrane was measured. The concentration of vanadium ion
in the right reservoir as a function of time is depicted in Fig. 5, and
the calculated vanadium permeability coefficients are illustrated interactions improve the homogeneity and introduce cross-linked
in Table 1. All the blend membranes have lower permeability than structure. The possible acid-base interactions structure is shown in
that of Nafion117 membrane. The permeability of the S/P-5 mem- Fig. 6. This structure helps to control the vanadium ions crossover.
brane is only 2.39 × 10−8 cm2 s−1 compared to 6.5 × 10−7 cm2 s−1 Therefore, the S/P blend membranes are favorable for application
of Nafion117 membrane, it also can be seen the permeability of in the VRB system for their lower vanadium ion permeability.
blend membranes decrease with the increase of PEI, the perme- Besides, the proton conductivity is the most important perfor-
ability of the S/P-0 membrane is 11.2 × 10−8 cm2 s−1 compared to mance properties for membranes used in battery systems. It is
2.39 × 10−8 cm2 s−1 of the S/P-5 membrane. mainly determined by water uptake, IEC and microstructure of the
The difference in vanadium ion permeability of blend membranes. The transport of protons requires channels formed
membranes and Nafion117 membrane is determined by their by sulfonic acid groups. Proton transportation and vanadium per-
microstructure [38,39]. The microstructure of Nafion117 mem- meation take place through the same hydrophilic channels in the
brane contains two parts: the high hydrophilic sulfonic function membranes.
groups and high hydrophobic fluorocarbon backbones. It would As seen in Fig. 7. It is clear that the higher the PEI content,
give rise to hydrophobic/hydrophilic micro-phase separation. Due the lower the proton conductivity of the blend membranes. Due
to the high flexibility of the fluorocarbon, the hydrophilic sulfonic to cross-linked structure and the decrease of SPEEK content, the
groups’ clusters tended to form hydrophilic domains. Not only pro- reduction of proton conductivity can be explained by the reduced
tons but also vanadium ions could penetrate through the Nafion available sulfonic acid groups for transferring protons. However,
membrane through these domains during using in VRB. Compared the proton conductivities of blend membranes (except S/P-5) are
with Nafion117 membrane, the backbone of SPEEK is rigid and still higher than 0.065 S cm−1 (close to 0.083 S cm−1 of Nafion117
less hydrophobic which prevents dispersed sulfonic groups from membrane), which makes them interesting for using in VRB. It
aggregating to hydrophilic domains. Thus, the water filled chan- could be attributed to acid-base pairs between amino groups and
nels in SPEEK membrane are narrow and branched compared with the sulfonic acid groups which act as proton-conducting structures
those in Nafion membrane. In S/P blend membranes, the acid-base [40,41].
Fig. 8. Charge-discharge curves for VRB with Nafion117 and S/P acid-base blend
Fig. 7. The proton conductivity of the acid-base blend membranes and Nafion117 membranes.
The VRB single cell performance with Nafion117 and S/P blend
membranes is shown in Table 2. The charge–discharge test was
performed under the same current density of 50 mA cm−2 .
The CE of VRB with all blend membranes is much higher than
that of the VRB with Nafion117 membrane. In addition, with the
increase of PEI, the CE rises from 90.2% to 97.7%, and then it reduces
to 93.9%. It is due to the CE of VRB determined by the vanadium ion
permeability and ion conductivity of the membranes. All the blend
membranes have much lower permeability than Nafion117 mem-
brane. Moreover, with the increase of PEI, the proton conductivity
and vanadium ion permeability reduced. So the balance between
ion conductivity and vanadium permeability could be achieved
with S/P blend membranes in VRB system.
The typical charge-discharge curves of VRB single cell with blend
membranes and Nafion117 membrane are presented in Fig. 8. It can
Fig. 9. The self-discharge of the VRB with Nafion117 and S/P-3 acid-base blend
be seen that the EE of single cell with blend membranes are a little membranes.
lower than that of Nafion117 membrane. At the same time, the VE
of VRB with blend membranes cut down with the increase of PEI.
As illustrated, the OCV value gradually decreases with the time
It is attributed to the lower proton conductivity of the blend mem-
at first and rapidly drops to 0.8 V. It can be seen that the time of
branes. As seen in Fig. 8, there is a capacity difference in the different
OCV with S/P-3 acid-base membrane can last for more than 46 h
systems. The cell capacity is controlled by the proton conductivity,
beyond 0.8 V, which is nearly 2.5 times longer than Nafion117
cycle time and vanadium ion permeability. The low conductivity
of blend membrane leads to short cycle time. The capacity of VRB
with blend membranes is lower than that of Nafion117. At the same
time, with the increase of PEI, the proton conductivity and the cell
capacity of the blend membranes decreased.
The value of open circuit voltage (OCV) can be used to investigate
the self-discharge degree of VRB and reveal the transferring of the
vanadium ions across the membranes. Fig. 9 displays the OCV of the
VRB with Nafion117 and S/P-3 acid-base blend membranes charged
to a state of charge at 50%.
Table 2
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