Lady M Solution
Lady M Solution
Lady M Solution
Fixed Cost Y1
Rent 310600
Utility 38644
Labour 594750
Contribution / unit 40
BEP units 23600 Cash BEP
Selling Price 80
BEP Sales 1888000,00
5% sales growth Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
Revenue 1888000 1982400 2081520 2185596 2294876
CoGS 944000 991200 1040760 1092798 1147438
Rent 310600 319918 329516 339401 349583
Utility 38644 39803 40997 42227 43494
Labour 594750 624488 655712 688497 722922
Profit 6 6991 14535 22672 31438
Initial investment uncovered 999994 993003 978468 955795 924357
Assuming the initial capital expenditure of $10,000,000 the growth needed to break event would be
Terminal Value
A perpetuity method g=4% 73931159,58
WACC = 12%
DCF discount 12% Rs. 938.293,51 Rs. 2.007.160,49 Rs. 2.375.183,89 Rs. 2.771.117,09 Rs. 3.226.963,49 Rs. 41.950.525,42
EV (taking PV of cashflows) Rs. 53.269.243,90
Investor investment 10000000
%share 18,8%
Debt 1017615
Equity Value 52251628,9
%share 19,14%
B EBITDA multiple 12
Year 2014 Terminal Value 26712372,82
PV Rs. 15.157.317,72
EV Rs. 26.476.036,19
Debt 1017615
Equity Value Rs. 25.458.421,19
%share 39,28%
So Lady M fully capable of generating a profit and expand its market throughout the world. They should
not take Chinese investor offer even if in 2019, the $ 10 million will be 1/3 Lady M equity value, and
instead should considering entering the Chinese market, not by franchising.