Risk Awareness2021
Risk Awareness2021
Risk Awareness2021
Reporting of frauds involving forged instruments including fake/forged instruments sent in clearing in
respect of truncated instruments will be done by the A.Payment Bank
2. What is not the meaning of integrity of information?A. Information should not be readable.
3. Which of the following is NOT an international recognized standard for information security?
C. IEEE 802.11b
4. Who can lodge a Whistle Blower complaint in our bank? A. any employee of the bank
5. Who is the first Layer in IMM? B. Creator of incident
6. Statistical closure of frauds can be done in cases C. Fruads involving uptoRs. 25.00 lacs
7. Frauds by closing of cards can be minimized/prevented if C. all ATMs are enabled with chip
reader software and customers are allowed to used only chip based cards.
8. Near Miss Events below a particular threshold should not be reported.
B. False? All NMEs are required to be reported
9. Talent risk is managed by B. Human resource dept
10. What is worm? B. It is a program that spreads over network. Unlike a virus, a worm dopes not attach
itself to a host program.
11. All network devices should be in time synchronization with the ___ Synchronization device/server
12. Risk weight for A rated borrower is d. None of the above
13. Banks should calculate the incremental provisioning and capital requirements for the Unhedged
Foreign Currency Exposure (UFCE) at least on a/an __basis B. Quarterly
14. This is the type of software intended to deliver advertisements , but quite often it tracks user behavior
as well B. Adware
15. Keyloggers is a form of A. Spyware
16. Which one of the following is one of the Roles and responsibilities of Inspection & management Audit
(I&MA) Department A. Checking of Near Miss event data reported by branch
17. What is the full form of RAROC? B. Risk adjusted return on capital
18. BEICF stands for A. Business Environment and internal control factors
19. A bankruptcy remote company is a A. Company within a corporate group whose bankruptcy ..
20. What do you call a program used to detect unsolicited and unwanted e mail and prevents those
messages from getting to a inbox C. Spam filter
21. Increasing in number of frauds over time indicates..D. Both (1)and (2)
22. Attempted fraud is a B. Near miss event
23. VaR can be calculated using D. all of the above
24. This is a computer system on the internet that is expressly setup to attract and “trap” intruders
A. Honey Pot
25. Objectives of Key risk indicators are D. all the above
26. According to RBI guidelines, from April 1, 2019 onwards, Specified borrower means a borrower having
threshold aggregate sanctioned credit limit(ASCL) of more than B. >10,000 Crs.
27. If identity of the whistle blower/complainant could not be estimated, how the complaint will be
treated/ B. it will be treated as anonymous complaint….
28. Which one of the following would not trigger risk threshold 3 under PCA?
D. Negative returns on assets for 3 consecutive years.
29. Probability of Default that a borrower can have is a key important factor. PD is calculated for a period
of__ B. 4 quarters
30. The sum of debit and credit summations of a public limited company is Rs. 90lacs, the account needs
to be categorized as A. Low risk
31. In a cryptography, what is cipher? A. algorithm for performing encryption and decryption
32. Pending position of OVVR checking is an example of A. Leading/ preventive indicator
33. Bank’s capital would be needed to absorb B. unexpected losses
34. Which is a systematic and early examination of financial transactions on an ongoing basis to ensure
accuracy& compliance with procedure and guidelines?B. concurrent audit
35. Which is the last date for completion of BC&OR plan testing for branches /operating units
C. 31stDecember
36. What is the RWA applicable on credit exposures to Banks with CRAR of 8%
A. 15% B. 20% C. 50% D. 100%
37. Which of the following is an example of banking crises that occurred between 1990 and 2005
C. The Argentina crisis from 2001
38. Timely and quick identification of fraud helps in D. all three
39. It is desirable and extremely motivating to give appreciation to the employee who identified NME
A. True
40. The full form of PCA in banking parlance is? C. Prompt Corrective action
41. Find the odd man out with regard to measures to control and mitigate Operational Risk as per
Operational Risk Management Policy? D. Customer service survey
42. This is the inclusion of a secret message in otherwise unencrypted text or images
C. steganography
43. To prevent disbursement of Car Loan to factious Car Dealers
A. Account details of dealers mapped in LOS are hard coded in CBS while opening CL account
B. Changes can be made in account details through supervisory override
C. Only A Both a & b
44. Global financial crises period refers to C.2008-2009
45. This is a type of malware that is activated by some trigger , such as a specific date.
A. Logic Bomb
46. Only citizens of India can seek information under RTI act A.True
47. What is the full form of IMM B. incident Management Module
48. This is a set of standards and guidelines, which every employee of the bank needs to follow, regarding
appropriate (or inappropriate) use of e mail or Web browsing.
B. Acceptable usage policy
49. In assessing with a potential mortgage loan, a bank will charge higher if the borrow has a relatively
B. High Loan to value ratio
50. What is the most secure wireless encryption standard of the items listed below? A. WPA2
51. Frauds occur mostly in D. all three
52. BIS stands for A. Bank for international settlements
53. Which of the following ins not a contributing factor for Operational Risk C. default risk
54. What is the user id of the Reviewer of the incidents, created by the branch IMM
B. Combination of sbi.5 digit concerned reviewer office code
55. __ is the data exchanged between an HTTP server and a browser ( a client or server) to store state
information on the client side and retrieve it later for server use A.Cookies
56. To prevent fraud through submission of fabricated financial statement by borrowers for availing credit
facilities , Bank has mandated verification of financials A. with UDIN of ICAI
57. What is the timeline for reporting of fraud to RBI C. 21 days from the date of detection
58. Who is designated Officer for receiving complaint under Whistle Blower Policy? C. DGM & CFO at
circles Circles and GM(FPMD) at corporate centre.
59. Which of these is not a secure internet usage
A. Accessing of banking cites in Cyber cafes/public hotspots
60. Which one of the following is the most important document for opening of an account of a company?
B. Memorandum and Article of Association of the Company
61. The users of Banking services have to send their complaints regarding deficiency in services by
member banks to BCBSI only. A.TRUE
62. Customer acceptance policy defines explicit criteria for A. Acceptance
63. With respect to LDG, What is the difference between F-IRB and A-IRB? A. F-IRB permits to use
prescribed LDG estimates and A-IRB permits to use own internal LGD estimates
64. The relation of Return on Asset to risk assessed under Financial Feasibility report is
A. Negative
65. Hashing of data ensure B. Integrity
66. What is the full form of CCF? C. Credit Conservation Factor
67. The eight business lines are , Corporate Finance, Trading & services, Retail Banking, Commercial
Banking, ___ Asset Management, Retail brokerage
D. Payment & settlement, Agency Services
68. With the increase in LGD, the requirement of capital will A. Increase
69. Maximum Applicable score in pre sanction process of CRM is B. 305
70. The facility of CC(Carbon Copy) in email is provided for ----C. to make a copy of official communication
to the controlling authority i.,e. your manager
71. Who is empowered to make a request for issuance of LOOK Out Circular to prevent the promoters /
directors leaving the country to escape from criminal action D. chairman
72. Dynamic Review is conducted in case of borrowers enjoying aggregate limits of Rs. 500 crore when
b. Half yearly intervals even if there is no trigger generated
73. If identity of the whistle blower/complainant could not be estimated, how the complaint will be
treated/ B. it will be treated as anonymous complaint….
74. Once a near miss event is reported, based on priority , identifying the cause(s) and initiating an action
plan for prevention of recurrence should be formulated A. True
75. What sort of intruders are actually “gud Guys” doing good things for your network.
B. Ethical Hacker
76. If ten lac customers out of 1 crore want to ……..A. Customer identification risk
77. Which of the following is NOT recommended when using public computers?
D. No need to check the configuration …
78. RCSA helps in early detection of unidentified and/or under estimated risks A.True
79. Market risk has the following risk components D. all of the above
80. In measuring the capital requirements for General market risk, which are designed to capture the risk
of loss arising out of charges in the market interest rates which are the two principal method?
C. Maturity & Duration
81. Which action taken in cases where suomoto proceedings initiated by investing agencies eg.CBI
C. The case is to be reported as fraud.
82. Bank A has recently increased the interest rate for its Home Loans by 0.5% p.a. How should the bank
inform its existing Home Loans customers?
C. Bank has to send updates to customers….
83. Probability of Default that a borrower can have is a key important factor. PD is calculated for a period
of__ B. 4 quarters
84. Under its standard 239, BCBS has set out principles to strengthen Bank’s capabilities in
D. Digital Banking
85. What can detect the creeping privilege? C. Account review
86. In case of project financing, the Banks and FIs seek to ensure end use of funds by obtaining certificate
from the ____ A. charted accountant
87. Which of the following describes the freedom of being observed, monitored or examined without
consent or knowledge B. Privacy
88. What is spoofing C. Malicious practice in which ……….
89. Which is the appellate authority under RTI Act for appeals pertaining to Branches D. Circle CGM
90. Which of the following is NOT the limitation of IDS ?
B. It cannot tell you exactly how the attack occurred
91. _____ will primarily be responsible to put in place the appropriate approved mitigation measures
immediately to prevent recurrence of NMEs? A. Branch/Unit where the event has..
92. If acompliant has been lodged against a borrower with any law Enforcement Agency (LEA) like
police/CBI/ED etc. For any dishonest act. Such as removal of goods/disposal of assets/ property
charged to the Bank, the borrowal account is to be reported as fraud within A.15days
B. 30 days of lodging of complaint/FIR with the LEA C. 3months D.No such action
93. Leverage Ratio shall be __ for the DSIBs B. 4.00%
94. Which option Is not part of Microsoft office 365 productivity suite D. Webex
95. Bob received a message from David that was encrypted with asymmetric algorithm. What key he
should use to decrypt it. B. Bob’s Private Key
96. Which of the following is not part of CIA traid C. Authentication
97. In basic indicator approach, capital charge is calculated on A. Gross Income
98. In a branch headed by an Asst. General manager, OTMS alerts to be responded by
D. AGM only
99. Accounts suspected as fraud by auditors during RFIA are reported in the suspected fraud portal by
them. A view regarding fraud or otherwise needs to be taken by the concerned circle/BU within
B. 30 days of reporting the account as “ suspected fraud” in the portal
100. What is SPIM? B. spim is short form of spam over instant messaging
101. As per RBI guidelines, exposure limit for a country should not exceed the Bank’s ___ except in the
case of Insignificant Risk category. B. Regulatory capital
102. To hide information inside a picture, what technology is used C. Steganography
103. The relation of Cost to Income to risk assessed under financial stability report is
104. Applicable risk weight for exposure on core investment companies (CICs) D.100%
105. Potential Future Exposure (PEE), Current exposure (CE) & Expected positive Exposures (EPE) are
the concepts used in A. Counterparty Risk Management
106. As per “Alertness Award for Near Miss Events including Preventive/Detection/Foiling of Frauds” ,
Under Category (ii) is applicable for how much amount involved. C. From Rs.5.00 lacs
to Rs. 25.00 lacs
107. Basel III recommendations will improve the banking system by increasing the skills to cover the
shock of financial crisis. Basel III will also increase the financial risk. B.False
108. What is Credit Conservation factor (CCF) for Financial Bank Guarantees A.100%
109. A dash board for fraud prone branches has been developed and made available to controllers by
A. Data Analysis Department, GITC
110. Similar events occurring multiple times should be B. Given higher priority
111. CERT-in represents A. Computer Emergency Response Team India
112. Which of the following is a security incident? B. An employee accessing a colleague’s
system using a guessed password, to complete an official work.
113. Beta is the slope of B. The Capital market line
114. The authority to place embargo or removal of embargo for assuming exposure on any country lies
with A. MD (R,C & SARG) B. DMD ( IBG)
115. BEICFs C. Both (a) and (b) above
116. What is CFR B. It is abbreviation for Central Fraud Registry. RBI provides fraud data based
on FRMs reported by various Banks and select FIs
117. The risk that an investor will suffer from lack of diversification and investing too heavily in one
type of security is known as A. Concentration risk
118. Which of the following is not a segmentation of network A. VPN
119. What is full form of ORMS C. Operational risk management
120. Which officer in the public authority provides information under RTI act C. PIO
121. Under IBC 2016, who is the Adjudicating Authority for corporate person? B. NCLT
122. Not insuring the assets charged to Bank is an example of B. Lagging/detective
123. Under Human Capital Impact assessment, is assessed on scale having ___ rating options
5 ( impact 1 to impact 5)
124. What type of connectivity is used for Remote VPN connection D. Internet
125. To prevent or timely identify fraudulent disposal of mortgage property, Bank has mandated
D. Both 1 and 2 are correct
126. CCIL stands for D. Clearing Corporation of India Ltd.
127. Under regulatory Impact assessment, is assessed on a scale having ___ rating options
C. 7(impact 1 to impact 7)
128. Reporting to investigating agencies, Police/CBI is not mandatory for fraud cases
D. All cases below Rs.10000/-
129. A borrowal account that has been extended credit facilities by a consortium of Banks , is Red
flagged (RFA) by a member Bank today. As per RBI guidelines, the RFA details are to be uploaded in
CRILC within____ days of identification as RFA A.7
130. The provisioning in respect of existing loans/exposures of the Bank to companies having
director/s (other than nominee directors of government/financial institutions brought on board at the
time of distress) , whose name/s appear more than once in the list of willful defaulters, will be ___ in
case of standard accounts. A. 5%
131. ___ are indicators of a Bank’s operational risk profile that reflects underlying business risk factors
and an assessment of the effectiveness of the internal control environment. A.BEICF
132. What is the purpose of Tranche I,II and III data submitted by the banks to RBI
C. RBI assess the risk and capital position of the bank…..
133. NFB exposure can A. exceed 100% Bank’s total FB exposure
C. Not exceed 100% Bank’s total FB exposures
134. What is the minimum exposure limit at present for Red Flagging an account B.3 cr
135. PV01 is change in price of bond for ___bps change in yield A. 1
136. With reference to revised RAROC framework, undrawn portion of Cash Credit Limits attract ,CCF
of C. 20%
137. Whistle Blower complaint can be lodged through D. any of these
138. What type of vulnerability allows attackers to gain access of underlying DatabaseC.SQL Injection
139. Number of days ATM cash did not tally with ADMIN balance is an example of Key risk Indicator
140. Who is the second layer of IMM? B. Reviewer of Incident
141. Non-Trigger based Dynamic Review of Rating above Rs.500Crs. is not required for
C. Mahartna&Navratna
142. During RCSA exercise where there is a divergence of opinion as to the rating of the risk, how
should one deal with the situation C. Both a and b above
143. Total how many categories are available under Alertness Award for Near Miss Events including
Prevention/ Detection/ Foiling of Frauds” C.3
144. According to KYC guidelines, a customer is D. All of the above
145. What is meant by the term spamming C. Unsolicited emails to large number of…..
146. The weighing factor for cash assets is___ B.0%
147. What should be done with equipment that is at the end of its life cycle and that is being Donated
to a Charity? C. Sanitize it
148. Web sites with SSL can improve the security of online transactions, but which of the following is
NOT a function provided by SSL C. Verifies…….
149. Once a near miss event is reported, based on priority, identifying the cause(s) and initiating an
action plan for prevention of recurrence should be formulated B.False
150. As a step to prevent/minimize fraud through cloning of cheques, details of cheque books ordered
by the customer are restricted to the home branch CBS users B. TRUE
151. Frauds by cloning of cards can be minimized /prevented if C. All ATMs are enabled with
chip Reader software and customers are allowed to use only Chip based cards
152. What is the full form of RCSA C. Risk and control self-assessment
153. Limits on the maximum amount that can be lent to a single borrower has been put to avoid or
control A. Concentration risk
154. The main exemptions which would normally be applicable to the Bank are
D. All of the above
155. Tractor loan sanction may be considered after credit enhancement or to be forwarded to next
higher authority , if credit score of the applicant is in the range B. 40%- 60%
156. Expected loss in a loan the average anticipated credit loss that happens in the normal course of
Business and it is covered by? C. Provisions & Pricing
157. Frauds detected by Bank’s are to be reported to RBI through FMR
A. Within 7 days from the date of detection
158. What term describes the forgery of an email header so that the message appears to have
originated from a genuine source B. E-mail spoofing
159. The assessment of control for each of the identified risk will be based on C. both a & b
160. What is botnet? C. It is a network of Zombie computers under the remote……..
161. What is the full form of BYOD? B. Bring your own device
162. Incremental exposure of the banking system to a Specified borrower beyond Net Permissible
Leading Limit (NPLL) will attract additional risk weight of B. 75%
163. Internet access through Bank’s centralized internet proxy is allowed in SBI so that employees can
B. perform job responsibilities
164. Maximum loss on an instrument or a portfolio that can be expected over a given time interval at a
specified level of probability is computed by A. VaR
165. A person making a request under RTI need not give any reason for the request or any personal
details except that may be necessary for contacting him A. TRUE
166. Which of the following features is least likely a benefit of collateralization?
D. reduce credit exposure
167. Valuation of Collateral such as immovable properties is required to be done every __year/Years
168. Roles of a controller with respect to Near Miss Events are to C. Both A&B
169. Whether users can share the folders in their desktop with other users in the Bank’s network
C. yes, if specifically authorised
170. What is the maximum number of days allowed for IBC resolution process D. 330
171. Full form of MRTWG? C. Model Review Technical Working Group
172. RBI has extended the transition period for implementing the last tranche of 0.625% under the
Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB), it will be effective from D. 01-Oct- 21
173. Primary responsibility for effectively managing Operational Risk in our bank lies with
B. Board of directors
174. I have no work in conservation of capital if I am not working as a D. none of the above
175. The frequency f submission of CRILC main report is ? A.Monthly
176. Which of the following would generally not be considered an asset in a risk analysis? D.
users profile files
177. The arrangement of keeping the source code of software with a neutral third party with join
rights of vendor & Bank is termed as___ B. Software escrow
178. In RAROC, LGD is based on B. Internal rating
179. This is not an example of NME relating to Non _IT areas
D. Unsuccessful hacking attempts on IT components
180. How many types of risk index in RCSA? D. 4
181. ___ is the data exchanged between an HTTP server and a browser ( a client of the server) to store
state information on the client side and retrieve it later for server use A. cookies
182. The unauthorised interception of information through tapping of wire or network over
which the information is flowing is called b. sniffing
183. As per CVC guidelines, frauds with what amount to be reported to CBI
B. Rs.3 crores and above
184. Master netting arrangements are used for reducing counterparty risk arising from-
transactions. B. Derivative Investments
185. Minimum amount is under Alertness Award for Near Miss Events including
Prevention/Detection/Foiling of Frauds? A. 5000
186. The right to information act is associated with which fundamental right
a. Freedom of Speech and expression
187. What is adware ? C. It is a software that displays advertising banners while the ……
188. Bank A has marketing the mutual fund products of B Mutual fund through its branches. Will the
code of bank’s commitment to customers be applicable to the mutual fund products of B mutual fund
sold through bank A branches A. yes, it is applicable to all products and services offered by the
bank, including those marketed by it.
189. Govt-penalty die to delayed reporting is classified under which Basel defined category
C. Agency services
190. What sort of intruders are actually “gud guys” doing good things for your network
B. Ethical Hackers
191. If prices of Gold fluctuate this is a type of B. Commodity Risk
192. Policy of cheque collection includes C. Instant credit of local and non local cheques
193. All historical/ internal loss data to be categorized into RBI defined B. 8X7 matrix
194. Control operating effectiveness parameters with regard to RCSA are rated by
D. None of the above
195. Internet websites/API s shall be hosted in Bank’s __ zone in data center environment
C. demilitarized
196. NSFR(net stable funding ratio) guidelines shall be effective from the quarter commencing?
A. 01-oct-21
197. Staff accountability uncases of misappropriation of funds by staff members to be completed
within __ weeks under fast track disciplinary proceedings mechanism (FTDPM) B. 24 weeks
198. As per “Alertness Award for Near Miss Events including Preventive/Detection/Foiling of Frauds” ,
Under Category (iii) is applicable for how much amount involved. D. Rs. 25.00
lacs and above
199. Which of the following is not an Operational risk event B. External publicity
200. At RBO level who is designated for reviewing of the incidents created by the branch
C. CM( C&R)
201. There exists possibility of general reluctance on the part of the operating staff to report NMEs
A. on account of fear of accountability
202. Which of the Business lines are not applicable for our bank.
203. AGL stands for A. Aggregate gap limit
204. The effectiveness of new set of mitigation measures can be gauged in the next cycle of RCSA
exercise A.True
205. Full form of CRD C. Credit review Department
206. List of willful defaulters provides information for outstanding of C. Rs.25.00 lacs and above
207. The authority to sanction exposure limit on a foreign bank lies with C. ECCB
208. To which phase of the information security management cycle does information security incident
handling belong? C. Monitoring & recording
209. What is the present Repo rate? B.4%
210. While conducting stress test for market risk loss incurred due to adverse movement in a single
risk factor is known as B. scenario analysis
211. Time line of any incident from capturing by branches to approval from AGM (ORM) in IMM
A. 5 days
212. A leading key risk indicator helps to prevent or stop the risk event from occurring A. True
213. The maximum ceiling on exposure to an individual is A.
Maximum aggregate exposure of Rs.100cr or its equivalent
214. With reference to internal rating mapping to external rating for exposure more than 500 cr, SBI is
equal to D. AAA
215. According to RBi guidelines, from fiscal 2018, Incremental exposure of the banking system to a
Specified borrower beyond Net Permissible Leading Limit (NPLL) would deemed to be carry higher risk,
which would be recognized by C. all the above
216. Whenever you receive a mail and have to consult it with outside persons, you should forward the
same along with history and attachments to the outside person. Is it advisable? : C.Draft a new mail…..
217. What is the limit for regulatory retail portfolio? C. 7.5 crores
218. Banks has a scheme for rewarding employees for preventing frauds, wherein the employees are
given a certificate of merit and a cash award. It is known as C. Alertness award
219. I have no role in conservation of capital if I am working as a D. none of the above
220. How many Early Warning Signals related to fraud are identified by RBI
A.7 B.10 C. 44 D.120
221. Leverage ratio of SBI(group) as on 31.03.2021 is C.5.39%
222. Which of the following is a potential fraud risk D. all the three
223. Placement is the process of placing thourhg deposits or other means, illegal cash proceeds into
traditional __ C. Both a & b
224. The legal entity identifier (LEI) code is a __character unique identity code assigned to entities who
are parties to a financial C. 20
225. An official at a Branch wants to develop a software which will keep track of all the complaints…..
A. Branches are not permitted to take up…
226. Which of the following is a component of Tier 2 capital as per Basel III? A.
General Provisions and Loss Reserves
227. Who is the competent authority for identification of fraud for cases below Rs.5.00 lacs
A. GM of Network
228. The relation of Growth in profit to risk assessed under Financial Stability Report is
A. Negative
229. This is an attack in which multiple compromised systems attack a single target, causing users to
be denied normal services. C. DDoS
230. As per RBI guidelines the stress shock for baseline scenario for Interest rate risk of trading book
should be C. 250bps
231. What type of attack uses email and attempts to trick high-level executives?
C. Whaling
232. RCSA does not involve the business Groups/Support Groups…..B. False
233. Design effectiveness denotes A…
234. Frauds in mortgage of immovable properties can be prevented if D. all the three
235. What is Risk Weight % and standard asset provision% for Home loans above Rs. 7 lakhs?
B.50%, 0.25%
236. Near Miss can be classified into Basel defined Loss event Types A.True
237. Which of the following is most likely to occur as a direct result of a pandemic
B. Increase in Advances
238. What can a customer do if he/she is not satisfied with the services rendered by a particular bank
branch D. Customer can seek redressal as per the banking Ombudsman scheme 2006
239. In calculating the VaR, the minimum holding period prescribed by RBI is _____ days C.10
240. The risk weight of 75 percent will apply to all fresh exposures and also to existing exposures
where incremental exposure may be taken by the banks upto the revised limit of C. 7.5Cr
241. Review of Externally Unrated Exposures (either at borrower level or instrument level) of Rs. 10
crores and above each to be capped at __ % of the Bank’s domestic exposure exclusive of food
advances ,advances against our own bank deposits, personal segment advances and exposure to banks
A. 0.05 B. 0.1 C. 0.15 D. 0.2
242. The capital charge on each business line is calculated by multiplying income by a factor (denoted)
given by ___ assigned to that____ A. Regulator, Business line B. Corporate centre, account
C. Regulator, bank D. Corporate centre, branch
243. Quick Mortality is an example of A. Key risk indicator
244. Full form of CRILC C. Central respiratory of information on large credits
245. Banks using standardized measurement for Credit risk in OTC derivates must add a capital charge
to cover___C. Credit Valuation Adjustment Risk
246. Which of the following is not considered as security measures implemented by an e-commerce
website B. cookie
247. Internal loss data would include A.Actual loss b. Potential loss C.Near misses
D. Attempted frauds
248. The one of the objectives of market risk management is A.maximising returns
B. Optimizing resources C. Maximising the risk adjusted rate of return D. Managing
249. In the formula for market risk capital charge calculation issued by RBI what is the minimum
number of factors set for mc &ms B.3
250. If anything goes wrong in regard to product and services, the bank should immediately C.
Correct the mistake and cancel any bank charges that have charged for the services
251. ICAAP is the document approved by the Banks board and submitted to RBI. What tis the full form
of ICAAP? A. Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment process
252. From which date Large Exposure Framework (LEF) will be implemented B.01-April-19
253. The weighing factor for CRE assets is d.100%
254. After the completion of the SSL handshake, which of the following keys is used to provide security
D. A symmetric session key
255. Flash reports in respect of fraud cases where amount involved is Rs.5 crores and above, is to be
sent to RBI A.With in 7 days of receipt of information at the head offcie
256. Operational risk is the risk loss from C. Both a&b
257. Un successful hacking attempts on IT components can be classified as Near Miss Event(NME)
258. To take exposure on a Foreign Banks? C. Approved exposure Limit must be in place
259. The minimum regulatory required CAR of the bank as on 01.04.2021 is? A.9
B.10.875 C. 11.475 D. 12.1
260. What is the full form of KRI? C. Key Risk Indicator
261. Layering means converting cash into D. All of the above
262. Which of the following will ensure that the user is connecting to Bank’s official internet banking
website B. By typing complete address in the address bar……
263. For stress testing in Operational Risk following Tool is used B. Scenario analysis
264. If other things remain constant, with increase in the value of TOL/TNW, ability of the company to
borrow (to raise debt) A. Would increase
265. Leverage Ratio is calculated as D. Tier 1 capital / Total exposure
266. Which of the following statement in respect of Near Miss Management Process is not correct
B. Private Browsing only protects me from people…..
267. Which one of the following is the condition for PCA risk threshold 1 criteria? A.
Net NPA>= 6 but < 9%
268. Does private browsing fully ensure that no one is able to know what you did online?
269. Full form of LEF? C. Large Exposure Framework
270. Provision of country risk exposures are to be made on countries in which the Banks' net
funded exposure is: c. 1% or more of its total assets
271. Scenario analysis is a forward looking exercise... A. TRUE
272. Sharing of borrowers data with outsiders results in B. credit risk
273. The bank has a mechanism wherein an employee can report fraudulent/suspicious activities of a
college/peer discretely to an identified nodal officer of the bank. The scheme is called B. Whistle
Blower policy
274. Branches have to respond OTMS alerts’ within A. 3 days
275. What is the risk called when one bank makes the decision about how much risk to take, while
someone else (like government) bears the costs if things go badly? B. Moral hazard
289. what can you do if information is denied or not provided under RTI act.. A.
Appeal to appellate authority…
290. Working/ access of Bank network for official purpose other than from base location is
called B. Telemarketing
291. Which of the following is/are included in 7 loss event as per basel defined matrix:
(D) all the above
292. Pillar I of the mutually reinforcing pillars on which Basel III is based is
B. Minimum capital Requirements
293. Mobile apps can be downloaded from B. Only legitimate app store/play store
294. An “aggressive” common stock would have a beta A. Equal to Zero
295. Within _ days of his appointment, the Insolvency resolution professional makes a public
announcement, inviting all the potential creditors to file claims against the debtor for their dues A. 3
296. How can a user protect sensitive data on laptop in the event of loss of laptop
297. Under the revised PCA, framework for banks , the number of key areas for monitoring
are C.3
298. Borrowers who have defaulter / not defaulted but have committed a fraud in the account
would be debarred from availing bank finance from SCBs, Development Financial Institutions, govt.
owned NFBCs, Investment institutions for a period of C. 5 years
299. What is the user id (Creator of the incidents)of any the branch IMM
A. Combination of sbi.5 digit branch code
300. Which of the following is a part of post sanction process in Credit risk management CRM
C. Insurance cover for assets charged
301. A staff misappropriated an amount of Rs.25 lac…….. C. Rs. 25 lac as the amount involved …..
302. When the actions can lead to the entire financial system coming to a standstill , it is called
A. Systemic risk
303. A KRI in Red zone needs C. Immediate escalation
304. Under LEF, for Indian branches of foreign non GSIBs, exposure limit on a non GSIB,……
C.25% ,20%
305. As per RBI guidelines, the CRR requirement of banks will be reduced to ___% of their NDTL
from April 2020 D.3.00%
306. Key risk indicators D. all the above
307. What qualities is essential in an employee o check and prevent fraudulent activity? D. all
the three
308. CPIOs are officers designated by the bank under RTI act and placed at B.LHO
309. For a fraud base loan of Rs. 1.00 crore, the bank will have to provide Rs.—lacs as capital @12%
CAR and RW 100% B.12
310. The basel III is to be implemented by banks in India as per the guidelines issued by D.RBI
311. Key loggers are a form of A. spyware
312. Net (i.e., residual )risk is B. a measure of risk after taking controls into account
313. As per Basel III accord, which form of capital is ? going concern capital for bank
A. Tier 1 capital
314. Under CRA model, following risk are considered D. all the above
315. The norms for the bank exposure and the sharing of exposure with other banks, are applicable
in respect of borrowers enjoying aggregate exposure from banking system of more than D.500 cr
316. Branches can prevent frauds if D. both a and b
317. Advanced measurement approach of operational risk is B.
Based on internally developed…
318. According to RBi guidelines on ‘enhancing credit supply for large borrowers through market
mechanism ‘ ASCL is aggregate of A. Fund based credit limits only
319. Filer avasion is the techniques used by phishers to use images instead of text B. to
make it hard….
320. Willful defaults broadly cover___ A. all of these
321. Which risk is not associated with G-sec B. credit risk
B. incident management module(IMM)
323. Liquidity coverage Ratio(LCR-Group)as on 31.03.2020 quarterly B.144.09%
324. Credit derivatives are used as credit protection and a recognised credit risk. Mitigation
product, one example of credit derivative is: a. credit default swap
325. A wanted to to know the number of A/cs B having in the bank. Can it be given.
B. No, personal information cannot be given
326. Credit concentration risk may arise due to D. all the above
327. Which of the following is not a component of common equity tier 1 capital as per Basel III
C. balance in P& L account at the…..
328. In case of ATM end points, third party audit certificates shall be submitted to the bank
by the vendors A. Anually
329. Banks will face a significant additional capital requirement under basel III D.
330. Testing of software for security featured by evaluating its internals including
design/architecture and code is B. white box testing
331. The rationale behind RBI seeking flash reports for frauds of Rs. 5 crand above
is D.both 1 and 2
332. Participants of an RCSA workshop at an entity(Branch/CPC/Vertical/FO) have to :(D)
333. In case of which risk, do we have a lot of information easily available to monitor
closely? A. Market risk
334. Frauds in SME/ Corporate loans are perpetrated by diversion of loaned funds…
D. both 1 and 2
335. which of the following is not a component of Common Equity Tier 1 capital as per basel III? d.
perpetual non cummulatinve preference shares
336. What are the risk components that are used to measure credit risk under
337. Borrowers having aggregate fund based working capital limit of… A. April 1
338. All securities held in HFT portfolio shall be have maximum holding period of A. 90days
339. For calculation of moving average under financial risk parameters in CRA how many years
value to be taken
340. The components for validation of output from a model will compromise
341. For Indian branches in case of facility of loans/advances/BG- country exposure to be reckoned
d. On geographical location where economic activity and remittance of surplus take place
342. All investments falling under the Investment portfolio of the bank have to e classified D .all
of the above
343. For a fraud angle examination, group approach is applicable for units/companies forming pert
of a group with total exposure D. Rs. 50cr and above
344. Which of the following EMM product is used with in the bank B. VM ware ariwathc
345. Example of intangible securities are C. both ..
346. Fsa
347. Df
348. Sdaf
349. sdfa