Use of CFRP in Retrofitting
Use of CFRP in Retrofitting
Use of CFRP in Retrofitting
M.Hemapriya1, T.P.Meikandaan2
Assistant Professor 1,2,Department of Civil Engineering,
BIST, BIHER, Bharath University, Chennai.
[email protected]
2. Experimental Investigation
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
4 3.2 3.0
4.5 3.8 3.5
5 5.0 5.0
5.5 7.0 7.0
5.94 (Ultimate Load) 10.5 11.5
Figure 1. Graphical
phical representation of Deflection vs Load (FCB 1)
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
3. Summary & Conclusion Polymer). There are many types of FRP's among which
CFRP has the best result out of all for retaining or
3.1 Summary increasing the loading capacity. The study is concerned
with the assessment of the functional efficiency of the
The retrofitting of elements in the framed structures CFRP on strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beam
are now being practised which helps the damaged beam For the purpose of the study of the strengthening
either by over loading or due to the aging to retain its behaviour of the CFRP sheet when externally bonded
ultimate load bearing capacity by 80 - 125 % leading to around the beam to a specific pattern the results on
the increment as well. The products which have been testing of control beams are compared to the CFRP
common for the maintenance or repairing of damaged wrapped beams and then the conclusions were derived.
beams and columns are of FRP's (Fibre Reinforced
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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue