Project 1.5 Diagnostic Detectives Rubric: PLTW Gateway Medical Detectives

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Diagnostic Detectives

PLTW Gateway Medical Dete

Project 1.5 Diagnostic Detectives Rubric

Criteria Basic Proficient Advanced
Patient Interview Interview questions are not clearly Interview questions are clearly Interview questions are clearly
Questions written and are ineffectively written, but ineffectively designed to written and effectively designed to
designed to gather sufficient gather sufficient information to gather sufficient information to
information to analyze the case. analyze the case. analyze the case.
Summation of Case Case notes somewhat describe Case notes completely describe Case notes completely describe all
Notes limited medical evidence to better limited medical evidence to better medical evidence clearly to better
understand the full medical case. understand the full medical case. understand the full medical case.
Diagnosis with Diagnosis does not align with the Diagnosis somewhat aligns with the Diagnosis clearly aligns with the case
Supporting Evidence case notes, and conclusions are case notes, and conclusions are notes, and conclusions are supported
insufficiently supported by pieces supported by limited pieces of by multiple pieces of medical
of medical evidence. medical evidence. evidence.


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