Yautja: Case File No. WY-8790-2004
Yautja: Case File No. WY-8790-2004
Yautja: Case File No. WY-8790-2004
They are the ultimate hunters in the universe. They Averaging around 2.1 to 2.4 meters in height and is
see everyone as prey. They are the Yautja! about 150 kilograms in weight, but with all things
The Yautja are an alien species that live for the hunt. both vary from individual to individual. They have a
Commonly referred to as Predators by humans, the similar build to humans with the few exceptions on
yautja are hunters to the extreme, their entire society their hands and feet which end in small thick claws.
revoles around "The Hunt" and a personal code of Their skin is tougher then a human's and have a wide
honor. Feared where ever they go, yautja hunting range of skin coloration, from off-white to a greenish-
parties, or even the solo hunter, is a deadly and often blue to a deep ruddy orange. They also seem to
fatal encounter for those unprepared. exhibit various patterns located on and around their
torsos and forehead, and these vary greater as well.
Their blood glows a bright green.
1.0 Origins The yautja have body hair, but it is remarkablily
distinct from that of human hair. It's appearance look
like thick rubbery tentacles then actual hair. They
The exact origins of the yautja aren't known, but are
have small hairs of similar makeup on their eyebrows,
believed to originate somewhere outside the boundries
jawline, and head.
of humanspace. This seems to hold up as no
Their most distinctive feature is their mouth, that
expedition has ever found a yautja homeworld, or if
which is said to resemble that of a crab's. It consists of
they have none have survived the encounter. With
a set of four manibles centered around the mouth
this, the theory goes, is that the yautja are a nomadic
which has fang-like teeth that suggests a pure
species, traveling the stars searching for the new great
carnivorous diet.
It is unknown if the yautja have any sort of religious The field gear of the standard hunter is marvelous, but
beliefs among their people. With what of their many of their tools resembles and have functions that
language that has been translated, it seems that they are similar to that of mankind. All of their weapons
make references beings translated to 'gods' in the and armor is made of a metallic alloy that is very
human language and at least seem to personify death lightweight but very resilient, out performing even the
as the "Black Warrior". It is assumed that with their best of metals used by mankind.
rigid code of honor that it plays a part in their way
they govern their life and may possible be a •Audiowave Analyzer: A unqiue device that can
philosophical view of the universe. detect the faintest of sounds amongst a battlefield,
the audiowave analyzer allows a hunter to know if
there is a threat outside his vision and react
accordingly, giving the attack a +2 penalty to their
4.0 Yautja Technology attack checks. This also gives a -3 bonus to any
checks required to listen for opponents.
With such a competitive and brutal society and way of Another feature is that it can playback any sound it
life, it is amazing how far advanced the yautja records with perfect quality, enabling the yautja to
technology have over the technology of humans. mimic human voice patterns.
Perhaps the hunters did invent and create their
•Body Mesh: This is a full-body mesh covering that
technology on their own or perhaps they salvaged
is the closest thing the yautja have to a flightsuit. It
those pieces of technology from their former prey.
can also run a small electrical charge through the
One thing is clear though, they know the equipment
mesh to provide comfortable heat zone for the
and know how to use it effectivily.
hunter in cold atmospheres and environments. With
this they can survive in sub-zero tempatures for an
extended period of time, but makes them real
4.0A Yautja Technology Track detectable by thermal-IR sensors, giving them a -4
Yaujta have very sophisticated technology compared
to humans; cloaking technology, advanced energy •Cloaking Device: A remarkable piece of
control, etc. Here is a technology track of the yaujta, technology and very advanced is the device that can
as presented in the format in the Warships wrap lightwaves around the hunter, effectivily
supplement. making them almost invisbile from sight. While it
makes them nearly impossible to spot, they can still
• PL 8 Tech Tracks: Gravity manipulation, Super- be detected by IR heat signatures, EM detectors,
materials. motion-trackers, and other sensors that don't rely on
• PL 7 tech Tracks: Dark matter tech, Fusion tech, visual recognition. Another drawback is that while
Quantum tech, Energy transformation, Computer tech. the device bends light around the hunter, distorting
• PL 6 Tech Tracks: Antimatter tech, Matter coding, the light and makes a ripple effect that can be
Matter transmission. spotted, especially when moving. It also is
• Unused Tech Tracks: Psi-tech.
ineffective when water is splashed on the device,
rendering the cloaking field inoperable for a time. It
can be completely shutdown by damaging the
4.0B Acquisition of Gear computer gauntlent as well. This acts like a Stealth
From observations, it seems the yaujta don't have
•Computer Gauntlent: This gauntlent seems to be
anything resembling currency, but this ain't surprising
the control center for all the other technology the
seeing how there is little information on their actual
hunters uses. The audio-waave analyzer, self-
lifestyle with thier homeworld. Perhaps the hunters
destruct device, cloaking, and others can all be
have a barter system, each trading various goods and
controlled through this gauntlent. Also, the
services to recieve what they want, or maybe they
plasmacaster and lasercaster can be manually aimed
must earn their equipment through competitons or the
with this device as well, but without the bonus from
Hunt. Whatever the case, the yaujta have no need for
the laser targeting system. Another neat trick of the
hard currency, so within the this section no item will
gauntlent is to provide a quick, but powerful electric
have an effective price.
surge to electronic devices to short them out. Treat lasercaster, smart disc, or spear gun, they reduce
this as a Good-grade Computer Gauntlent. penalties from range by 2, to a minimum of +0.
•Field Recharge Unit: This unit can quickly gather •Medikit: This is a kit filled with yautja medicine
and replenish a hunters' energy stores to their and other medical gear. Various blades, needles,
equipment. It takes a few phases (1d4+1) to chemicals, and bandages are found inside. This acts
completely restore all their gear, but using the like a Trauma Pack II.
device they must remain stiill, it makes a bright •Rebreather: This is a small hand-held breathing
light (Amazing), and a loud humming sound when filter found within the head gear of the hunters. It
used (Good), making it easier for others the find te allows for the yautja to continue hunting even
hunter. without their masks and helms.
•Hunters' Helm: This is the helmet of the yaujta. It •Self-Destruct Device: Although this could be
is made of the same alloy as their equipment and os classified as a wepaon, the self-destruct device, or
pretty thick and weighs 2 kg. The helm is another SDD for short, isn't used in an offensive or even a
peice of the technology that gives the hunters an defensive manner, but as a way to keep their
edge. First it is an atmospheric filter, allowing a technology from the hands of enemies and unworthy
hunter to survive even in some of the more deadlier prey. The SDD can deliver a tremendous explosion
environments and has a comm-link to all other and has a blast radius of somewhere around 100
hunters within a 10km range. It has a variety of meters and is capable of of massive damage to the
different vision modes; Magnification, Thermal-IR, surrounding environment. This weapon is often used
Bioelectrc, Electromagnetic, Spectrovisual, and as a last resort to save their honor by taking down
Starlight. It also has the Laser Sight targeting the prey along with them.
system and the Audiowave Analyzer. The blast causes Energy damage of Amazing-grade
d8+3m out to 10 meters, Good-grade d6+1m out to
Table 1: Vision Modes 30 meters, and Ordinary-grade d6+1w out to 100
•Magnification: This has a magnification zoom of meters.
x20 and built-in rangefinder. This provides a -1 bonus
to Awareness-perception checks out to 2km distance.
•Thermal-IR: This mode allows the hunter to see
heat, like that of a pit viper. When hunting such prey
4.2 Personal Armory
that gives off body heat, like humans, you gain a -1
bonus when fighting them, but a +2 penalty to all The personal armory of the yautja contains many
others. impletments of warfare that far exceed that of
•Bioelectric: This vision mode seems to be geared mankind. It is a strange thing that the hunters both use
trowards the detection of xenomorphs. When fighting highly advanced plasma-based weaponry and simple
xenomorphs, you gain a -1 bonus against them, but a and primitive, but effective melee weapons of spears
+2 penalty against all others. and blades.
•Electromagnetic: This vision mode allows one to
see through the yaujta cloaking devices completely.
•Spectrovisual: An unusual vision mode, this allows 4.2A Yautja Weapons
a hunter to see hard, non-ambient lights, like
flashlights beams. When fighting those with lights in The weapons of the yautja are quite similar to the
the darkness, you gain a -1 bonus against them, but a
various devices throughtout human history. With their
+2 penalty to all those without lights.
weapons made out of their alloy, the weapons are
•Starlight: This is night-vision, reducing penalties
from darkness by 1 step. incredibily durable and can withstand massive
amounts of abuse before breaking, if at all.
•Hunters' Mask: This is a lesser version of the
Note on Avilability
helm. It has the features of magnification, starlight,
It should be noted that since the yaujta have a slightly
the audiowave analyzer, and the filter and
different approach to attaining gear and their lack of
communication functions.
currency, the Availability of the items are as follows:
•Laser Sight: Part of the helmet the hunters wear, "Any" and "Common" gear is found from the lowest
this laser sight can project three thing beams of light unblooded hunter to the highest Clan Elder.
in a triangular fashion out to 400 meters or so. "Controlled" gear is usually suited for blooded hunters
When used in conjuction with the plasmacaster, or used when the leader of a hunt allows it. "Military"
is usually for Clan Elders and other hgih-ranking 4.2C Ranged Weapons
yaujta. "Restricted" gear is for those times where the
yautja are either at war or on a very dangerous hunt. •Burner: This is the standard "rifle" of the yautja. It
fires a quick beam of plasma per shot and is capable
of autofire. Oddly enough, the weapon has no form
4.2B Melee Weapons of magazine or battery, and when empty most
hunters toss the ting or use it as an improvised club.
•Armblades: This is similar to the wristblades, but Speculation concludes that the weapon is
it has a singleblade underneath the forearm and is rechargeable onboard their hunting vessels.
also able to retract into a smaller size. •Dart Gun: The yautja version of a pistol. It fires a
•Collapsible Sword: Another weapon that can neddle-like projectile and can deliever any form of
collapse in on itself. The blade measures 1.5 to toxin.
almost 2 meters in length, with a handle that can be •Gauntlent Rocket: This is a fast, small rocket that
used by two hands. When not in use, can collapse to is quite destructive for it's size. It normally isn't used
make for a total length of less then half a meter in much, but is fitted to the left gauntlent and can be
length. fired with a flick of the wrist. It uses the laser
•Combistick: Also referred to as a "Telescopic targeting system to pin-point the impact spot of the
Spear", the combistick is a remarkable weapon. It is rocket before launching it, but doesn't guide the
a collapsable spear that is around two meters long rocket when fired.
when out-stretched and is only a meter in length •Lasercaster: Another version of the shoulder
when compacted. cannon is the Lasercaster. It fires a thin blue laser
There are two versions of this weapon, one has a beam instead of a bolt of plasma. While it doesn't
single bladed end and the other ends in a spear have the effectiveness of the plasmacaster in sheer
point. The other version has a spear or bladed end destructiveness, it out ranges it and doesn't require
and the other has a unique device that is filled with one to "lead" a moving target.
twelve arrows. To shoot the arrows, the hunter only •Net Gun: This weapon fires a thin wire net that is
needs to do is use a slide-action to "pump" the capable of pinning a target to a wall or similar solid
arrows out. object. The wire is thin enough that struggling
•Naginata: This is a doubled-bladed polearm and is against it causes deep cuts on unarmored areas. The
a very prestigous weapon among the yaujta. It net can be cut realitivily easy with a sharp blade.
measures a total of meters in length and the blades •Plasma Pistol: This is another pistol-like weaopn
are always razor-sharp and different and unique of the yautja. It fires a smaller bolt of plasma like
from weapon to weapon. the plasmacaster in it's primary firig mode. On the
•Sideblade: A sideblade is a last-ditch weapon and secondary, it is much deadlier, but the range is
resembles the shortsword of history in size, but does shortened because the plasma arcs real quick,
not have a cross-section handguard. making it more look like a hand-held artillery piece
•Wristblades: A unique weapon that is some-what then a sidearm. It too must be recharged in the
of a signature weapon of the hunters is the yautja spaceships.
wristblades. This is a gauntlent that houses two •Plasmacaster: Also known as a "shoulder
serrated and razor-sharp blades that can snap out cannon", the plasma-caster is a very potent weapon.
with a flick of the wrist. This is a prized weapon and It fires a small bolt of plasma that can sear any
is very common amongst all the castes of the yautja. object hit by the bolt.
•Wristblades, extended: This weapon is a longer •Scattergun: This is a "shotgun" version of the
version of the wristblades, being able to extend in Burner. It fires a net of plasma energy that can reach
two stages. out to long range, but cannot be used in an autofire
role. Anyone standing within 2-meters of the target
may also be hit if they fail a Dexterity feat check. It
too must be recharged in the yautja spaceships.
•Shoulder Launcher: This is a large cannon that
resembles an anti-tank missile weapon and is used
much in the same way. It fires a larger and more
powerful plasma bolt then the plasmacaster, but due
to it's sheer size, it has one helluva recoil and has a
very low ammo count. This is mostly used against manner of personal armor with ease and can even
heavily armored opponents or fortifications, not penetrate into light vehicle armor.
when hunting prey. •Spear Gun: This weapon is the closest to what the
•Shuriken, yautja: These are large disc-shaped yautja have as a sniper's rifle. It fires a lightweight
weapons that can spring forth many small but durable two-pronged spear-head at amazing
retractable blades from within. These weapons can speeds. It is capable of penetrating body at
be thrown and return like a boomerang. Due to the considerable distances and is fatal out to 400 meters
returning action of this weapon, it can only be used away. When not is use, this weapon also retracts
once per two phases. into itself about a meter in length.
•Smart-Disc: A disc with an edge even keener then •Wrist-darts: These are small high-speed darts
a razor, this is another signature weapon of the fired from gauntlets. Though widely inaccuracy,
yautja hunter. The disc can be thrown and returns in these weapons provide a surprise to anyone within
an arc a short time later or can be used in melee. their range.
The edges are so sharp that it can slice through all
Clip Clip
Weapon Actions Size Cost Hide Mass Avail Cost
Armblades 2 - - - 5 Con -
Collapsible Sword 2 - - +2* 4 Mil -
Combistick 3 - - -1* 3 Com -
arrows 4 12 - - - - -
Naginata 1 - - - 5 Con -
Side Blade 4 - - +2 2 Any -
Wristblades 4 - - - 3 Com -
Wristblades, ext. 2 - - - 4 Com -
Clip Clip
Weapon Actions Size Cost Hide Mass Avail Cost
Burner 3 50 - - 6 Con -
Dart Gun 3 20 - +2 1 Com -
Gauntlent Rocket 2 1 - - 2 Mil -
Lasercaster 4 60 - - 2 Com -
Net Gun 3 6 - +1 2 Con -
Plasma Pistol 2 30 - +2 2 Con -
Plasmacaster 4 30 - - 3 Mil -
Scattegun 2 50 - - 6 Con -
Shoulder Cannon 1 10 - - 15 Res -
Shuriken, yautja 2 - - +1 1 Con -
Smart Disc 2 - - +1 1 Com -
Speargun 3 30 - -1* 4 Con -
Wrist-darts 2 2 10 +3 2 Con -
•Half Armor: This is a set of armor that covers only the shoulders and upper torso and also the lower legs
and forearms, but gives the greatest maneuverability. This is the most common armor found amongst the
•Full Armor: This offers more protection then Half Armor. It covers the entire body, but there are some
gaps at the joints and other areas to provide good maneuverability while keeping the protective quaility of
the armor.
•Ceremonial Armor: This is a suit that covers their entire body in plated armor like the Full Armor, but
even covers the weaks points of said armor. This is mostly a prized possession by the Clan Elders and other
high-ranking yaujta.
Engines and Power: Most of the engines of the Unique Systems: There are some systems within the
yautja ships contain a form of Ion propulsion drives ships that are truly unique; such as the cloaking unit
and the bigger ships have a very advanced gravity- described above, as well as the environmental
based engine. The powerplants of the ships tend to be protection shielding that allows their ships to enter a
using some form of mass reactors that utilize the chronosphere of a star for short periods of time. Other
matter known as "Dark Matter". unique systems include remote operation, advanced
The Faster-Than-Light drives that the yautja possess sensor equipment, and a ship-board self-destruct
are only seen on the bigger ships. It is unknown device.
exactly how this is achieved, but it is thought to be
some sort of "Hyperspace" drive allowing them great
speeds of travel without the ramifications of traveling 4.4 Starship Classes
at-or-beyond the speed of light.
Here are some of the more common spacecraft that
have been identified with the yaujta hunters. Each is
given a brief description of the most likely use of the
ship and possible armamens and defenss.
4.4A HUNTERS' SHUTTLE [Cutter-class]
The smallest vessel design encountered is just big enough to fit a single hunter and the trophies and equipment
with ease or up to possibly four hunters with very little room.
Roll Compartment Systems (Dur/Pow) Dur
1-7 Command Command Deck (0/0) 16/16/8
Airlock (0/0)
Computer Core, O (1/0)
Ded. Sensors, G (0/0)
Multiband Radar (0/0)
EM Detector (0/0)
Ladar (0/0)
Laser Transceiver (0/1)
Radio Transceiver (0/1)
Jammer (0/1)
Cloaking Unit (1/3)
Stealth Shield (2/2)
Remote Operation (*/*)
Plasma Cannon (3/3)
Autosupport (0/1)
Suite (1/0)
8-20 Engineering Ion Engines (4/2) 24/24/12
Mass Reactor (6/*)
Self-destruct Device (0/*)
Stabilizer (1/0)
Weapon Data
System Acc Range (Mm) Type Damage Actions Facing
Plasma Cannon 0 4/8/16 En (e) d6+2w/d8+2w/d6+1m 3 Forward
4.4B HUNTERSHIP [Corvette-class]
A larger vessel with about two or three decks that houses a single yaujta hunting pack, complete with cargo
bay, equipment for the hunters, and reasonable living quarters for all involved.
Roll Compartment Systems (Dur/Pow) Dur
1-4 Command Command Deck (0/0) 16/16/8
Airlock (0/0)
Computer Core, O (1/0)
Ded. Sensors, G (0/0)
Multiband Radar (0/0)
IR (0/0)
EM Detector (0/0)
CE Array (2/1)
Ladar (0/0)
Internal Monitors (0/0)
Laser Transceiver (0/1)
Radio Transceiver (0/1)
Jammer (0/1)
Cloaking Unit (1/3)
Stealth Shield (2/2)
Remote Operation (*/*)
Autosupport (0/3)
5-9 Engineering 1 Inertial Flux Engines (2/2) 12/12/6
Warpdrive (4/*)
10-12 Engineering 2 Quantum Cells (12/*) 24/24/12
13 Auxiliary Self-destruct Device (0/*) 6/6/3
Stabilizer (3/0)
14-16 Cargo Dediated Hangar, 10 pt. (10/0) 36/36/18
Cargo Space (168 cu. m) (7/0)
Probe (1/0)
17-18 Crew Crew Quarters (3/0) 8/8/4
Suites (1/0)
Hydroponics Bay (4/2)
Recycler Unit (1/1)
19-20 Weapons Plasma Cannon (3/3) 18/18/9
Plasma Cannon (3/3)
Plasma Cannon (3/3)
Weapon Data
System Acc Range (Mm) Type Damage Actions Facing
Plasma Cannons 0 4/8/16 En (e) d6+2w/d8+2w/d6+1m 3 Top, Port, Starboard
4.4C MOTHERSHIP [Capital-class]
This is the biggest ship known of the yaujta designs seen so far. It can comfortably fit (if one can call it that)
an entire clan of yaujta hunters and has about four to six decks.
Note: Because of the massive size and crew of the Mothership, there are no statistics as the other ships have.
Instead I have put what I think is the best solution for each entry.
Weapon Data
System Acc Range (Mm) Type Damage Actions Facing
Plasma Cannons 0 4/8/16 En (e) d6+2w/d8+2w/d6+1m 3 All
4.4D EGGLAYER [Cutter-class]
This is an automated ship that is about the size of the Hunters' Shuttle. It is used to land a few days before the
hunters' arrive. During this time, the ship sends out a few robotic drones to release the xenomorph eggs. After
it has done it's duty, it goes into orbit waiting to the arrival of the hunters and then rejoins the main ship.
Roll Compartment Systems (Dur/Pow) Dur
1-3 Command AI Computer (0/0) 6/6/3
Computer Core, M (*/0)
Multiband Radar (0/0)
Laser Transceiver (0/1)
Radio Transceiver (0/1)
Jammer (0/1)
Cloaking Unit (1/3)
Stealth Shield (2/2)
Remote Operation (*/*)
4-11 Engineering Ion Engine (2/1) 14/14/7
Mass Reactor (4/*)
Self-destruct Device (0/*)
Stabilizer (1/0)
12-20 Cargo Dedicated Hangar, 4 pts (8/0) 20/20/10
48 cu. m, Cargo Space (2/0)
Airlock (0/0)
Egg-Layer Drone
In each Egg-Layer ships there are two small robotic drones that will release the eggs into the surrounding
environment. The drones have two crab-like front limbs that allow it to scale any terrain and a rear track
assembly, though it does move at a slow pace. It has no form of weaponry, but does boast the yautja alloy
armor and a radar-absorbing hull. Each drone can carry up to 12 xenomorph eggs at any one time.
● mei'hswei = friend/ally
In this final section I have listed a few words and ● mesh'in'ga = battle dreamtime,
phrases that have popped up in the various Predator meditation etc
comics, novels, and other sources. The list originally ● mi = fuel
came of the net, but since I don't have the exact site ● nain-desintje-de = pure win
● nain-de = victory
addresses, I can't give them props for it. When I do, I ● nan-dethan-gaun= battle cry, fight to
will place the here. death "kiss of midnight"
● nan-ku = alive, conscious
Language and Word Comparison Listings ● nok = measurement, eg cm.
This is a listing off all the yautja phrases and words ● pauk! = fuck!
found within the AvP novels and such. The list ● paya = conqueror
originally came from the net and I did not have ● payas-leitjin-de = I acknowledge your
submission etc.
anything to do with it. ● pyode amedha = soft meat, literally
humans, or Ooman.
Yautja Word/Phrase Human Equivalent
● setg' = in shadow, stealthy
● awu'asa = armor
● s'yuit-de = traitor, etc.
● ch'hkt-a = anxious, excited
● tarei'hsan = animal
● chiva = Leadership trial
● te'dqi = alien secretion, spittle
● cjit = generic swear word
● c'ntlip = alcoholic beverage
● thei-de = death, dead
● dhi'ki-de = coma, near death
● thin'de le'hsaun = learn the gift
● dlex = metal, steel etc.
● thwei = blood
● dtai'kai'-dte = battle, fight etc.
● tjau'ke = sand, dirt
● dto = forest
● tyioe-ti = escape pod
● gkinmaaru = camera, sensor, etc
● u'sl-kwe = final rest, formal for
● gkei'moun = simple
● gry'sui-bpe = panic
● h'dui'se = musk, pherenome
● hiju = lower hand battle style Letters and Number System
● h'ulij-bpe = crazy The yautja have a 9-digit numbering system.
● hma'mi-de = Remember Gods
● jehdin/jehdin = hand to hand (combat)
● kainde amedha = hard meat, alien.
● ka'rik'na = The summoning call
● kehrite = sparring room
● ki'cte! = enough!, now!, etc.
● ki'cti'pa = wrist blades
● kv'var = exercise, practice
● kwei = coward
Special Thanks •PREDATOR ©1987, PREDATOR 2 ©1990; by
20th Century Fox.
First a big “Thank You!” goes out to H.R. Giger, •ALIENS: EARTH HIVE ©1992, ALIENS:
Dark Horse comics, and Tweniteth Century Fox, and NIGHTMARE ASYLUM ©1993, ALIENS:
those I have not mentioned, for creating what I belive FEMALE WAR ©1993; by Bantam Books.
to be one of the more interesting and coolest and •ALIENS VS PREDATOR: PREY ©1994,
sweetest universes out there! ALIENS VS PREDATOR: HUNER'S PLANET
Then there is everyone at Alternity.Net ©1994, ALIENS VS PREDATOR: WAR ©2000;
(www.alternityrpg.net), especially Paladin and his by Bantam Books.
help and advice on the Predators, and everyone who •PREDATOR COLD WAR ©1997 by Bantam
has every replied to any of my AvP threads (sorry I Books.
can't remember you all). Another thanks goes out to •ALIENS ADVENTURE GAME ©1991 by
“Slipstream2” of SerenaDawn and his Fuzion: Alien Leading Edge Games.
vs Predator write-up. Without that to guide me I •COLONIAL MARINE TECHNICAL
would be in a world of hurt. Thanks fellas! MANUAL ©1996 by Lee Brimmicombe-Wood,
•PREDATOR COLD WAR comic mini-series
Sources and Copyrights ©1991 by Dark Horse Comics.
This last section is for the listing of all the sources I ALIENS VS PREDATOR 2 ©2001, by Sierra
have used, even in the slightest. All books, novels, Games.
comics, web sites, movies, and anything else are all •ANCHORPOINT ESSAYS
given credit where credit is do. If there is a source that (www.anchorpointessays.com).
I used but isn't here, please notify me so I can add •ALIEN UNIVERSE TIMELINE
them in their rightful spot. Also, to keep my butt from (time.absoluteavp.com/index.html).
seeing the legal system, it has the copyright •YAUTJA (PREDATOR) ENCYCLOPEDIA
information on the Alien, Predator, and Aliens vs (www.geocities.com/gunsandgod/intro.html).
Predator franchises. •PREDATOR - THE HUNTED
•ALIEN DESIGN by H.R. Giger. dex.php).
©1998, ALTERNITY GAMEMASTER'S FUZION (www.serenadawn.com/AlienRPG-
©1999; by TSR.
•ALIEN ©1979, ALIENS ©1986, ALIEN 3
©1992, ALIEN RESURRECTION ©1997; by
20th Century Fox.