Garou - The Homebrewery

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A Werewolf: The Apocalypse Conversion

for D&D 5th Edition

Be the Monster

Illustration Credited to: Ron Spencer


epending on who you talk to, Garou could have To the Garou, the truth about the Cursed Werewolves that
descended from many things. Some of the wise cannot control their rage, and lost their way is from an old
believe the Garou were once an Ancient Fey tribe called the White Howlers, who decided to travel the
race, and led the charge to battle the Legions of depths of the realms to fight the Wyrm themselves, and came
the Abyss, (the Wyrm) only to find they were back twisted, their spirits broken, as well as their link to Gaia
shut out from the Realm of the Fey. And without and Luna. They were no longer blessed by Luna and the
having the army necessary to fight in the Wyrm, Father Wolf, they came back Cursed. The Garou call them
they were stuck in the Material Realm, and evolved their Black Spiral Dancers, but most of society just calls them
species into Garou of today. Some werewolves themselves Lycanthropes, or werewolves. These days, the Garou have
believe they once held dominance over the natural world. decided to come out of hiding, try to write some of the
Created by Gaia to be the world’s protectors, they passed wrongs of their ancestors, but the tribes cannot all agree on
along their gifts to their children. Some chose to mate with the best way to show humanity the way. Some are tasked
humanity, favoring their intelligence and adaptability. Others with joining packs of other races. To even live amongst them,
chose to take mates from wolves, embracing their pack learn their ways, help understand each other. Others break
mentality and tenacity. The Garou acted as a check on the off from the traditional ways, and just want to experience life
growth of societies, but protected it as well. They tried to outside Garou Nation all together, and find adventure. Some
teach humanity to live in harmony with the world, and to find Garou find strategic advantages in grouping up with other
balance. races and kind, to take down minions of the Wyrm.
What happened? Are you ready to be the Monster...?
Every tribe has its own explanation, but they all do agree on
one thing is that the Garou became extremely aggressive in
policing humanity. They called it the Impergium, it was a time
of violence and terror. Humanity became terrified of the
wilderness and of wolves in particular; that horror follows
them even today, much to the Garou’s chagrin. Humans and
some other races gathered together in settlements to keep
each other safe at night. Those settlements became farming
communities, and then cities. And all along the way, the
Garou would steal into the communities and take the
weakest(or the most brazen, or the least reverent -- the
criteria for who died under the moon were never set in stone).
Garou believes this is what scarred humanity to the depths of
their very being. And the effects of this is what Garou call
Delirium today, some races when seeing the Crinos form of a
Garou, can be terrorized with fear. Some Garou tell it
They claim that gathering into settlements wasn’t
humanity’s idea at all. It was the werewolves who pushed
them into these groups, these herds, to keep a better eye on
their breeding stock. But they developed agriculture, and
eventually cities as a response to this, but if not for the
Garou, they might still be a nomadic species. The problem is,
stories of the Garou are an oral tradition, part history and
part legend, so the “truth”remains unclear. Stories say that
anyone bitten by a werewolf will become one himself. This is
not entirely true, while certain Garou can call upon an
ancestor spirit to bond with the body of man, the effects are

Part One: Choose Your Breed
Auspice is the moon phase of a Garou’s birth. The light of
The Three Ancient Spirits Luna affects them, granting them specific blessings that
will govern their path in life. The brighter the birth moon,
the more Rage the Garou will feel. Those born under the
The Weaver full moon are the most furious of all -- the warriors among
a warrior people.
The first Spirit, this became the Manifestation and symbol of Tribe is a social unit as well as a family. A Garou may
order and pattern. It is constantly weaving its webs into more come to a tribe for ideological reasons, but most are
and more patterns, in the deepest parts of the Realms, the descended from a tribe's bloodlines. A tribe defines itself
more it builds, the more civilizations expand. And her by its Kin, its territory, its ideology and its tribal totem. But
patterns grow further. Many examples of the Weaver’s while these three things can define a Garou, a fourth bond
influence can be found on the material plane. Many races exists--the bond of the pack. Garou's packmates are like
have learned to tap into the weaver’s webs and create many immediate family, best friends, and brothers-in-arms all at
things from it. once. They have very little relations to their Wyrm Tainted
Lycanthrope cousins, cursed by the Wyrm. The Garou are
half spirit, half flesh, protectors of Gaia, blessed by Luna’s
The Wyld Spirit. They are not a cursed Lupine, like their distant
If the Weaver is the one to create structures, the Wyld is the cousins, but a blessed union, by the Father Wolf Spirit and
Chaotic Energy spirit that gives them life. It is the Luna.
manifestation and symbol of pure change, the chaos of
transmutation and elemental force. If the Wizard pulls on the
Weavers web to cast it’s fireball, it is the Wyld’s magic that
gives it fire. It's what makes creations of the Weaver evolve, The Three Breeds
live, and adapt. Homid
A homid werewolf grows up in society, but is never truly
The Wyrm integrated with it. Pre-Change werewolves are prone to
behavioral problems and sensory quirks that make them
Garou Legend believes the Wyrm was a necessity to balance strange. They understand that society has rules and has a
the creations of the Weaver and the Chaotic energy of the certain set of expectations, but they often find them strange,
Wyld. The great wyrm serpent tied between the weaver and unfair, or just annoying. Some mask it better than others, but
the Wyld. It calmed the energy of the wyld, it destroyed the end result is that when the Change finally comes, amidst
creations of the Weaver, so it can be recycled to build new the blood and the death and the Rage, some part of the
structures. But the weaver did not like the Wyrm destroying werewolf feels relief at finally being with her People.
its creations all the time, it did not see the logic to it. And That isn't to say that the transition is easy. Years of
trapped the Wyrm into the very depths of the Realms, and education and indoctrination within the world die hard, and
calcified its webs so the wyrm could not escape. They wyrm’s what kind of upbringing the werewolf has had can make all
mind twisted and shattered from the horrors of those depths, the difference. If the werewolf’s father or mother was Kinfolk
and spewed its horrible creations out to get back at the (and knew it), for instance, the cub might have had things a
weaver. The Garou believe this marked the beginning of the little easier. The Kinfolk parent might not have given full
end, and one day, the wyrm will break free and destroy and disclosure, but just instilled the child with a love of and
get its revenge and destroy all of the weavers creations, and respect for the natural world. Understanding, even in abstract
all of the Cosmos. terms, that Gaia can see and feel what people do makes for
less guilt and horror when the Change comes and the Garou
sees exactly how much damage the races are doing to Gaia.
Breed, Auspice, Tribe Some homid Garou, though, feel that although some races
Breed is the birth form of the Garou. Some are born to a are dangerous to the planet, they are also the only species
human (or similar) parent and a Garou parent; others to a that can save it. As such, for the Garou to have any
wolf and a Garou. Still others are born to bloodlines of meaningful impact at all, they have to be able to move in
Kinfolk--people who possess Garou blood but are not society’s circles. Simce homid werewolves are best suited to
shapechangers themselves--and may not even know of understand and work within society, and they should, by
their strange heritage. And some werewolves are born to default, be the leaders of werewolves. The discussion is moot
Garou-Garou matings, though theirs is a difficult lot. in most tribes, since the numbers dictate the leaders. But the
effect of this imbalance is obvious. The Garou are losing
touch with their wolf blood, and this can only herald disaster
for the People.


You were born human and raised by human parents.(or Lupus
whichever base race you choose) You were not aware of your
heritage until you experienced the First Change with the None are closer to nature and the hidden face of Gaia than
onset of adulthood(or shortly before). It’s very likely that you you are. You were born a precocious pup, already showing
were completely unaware of your family’s nature as remarkable intelligence above that of your siblings. When the
Kinfolk(or of your Garou parent’s nature) Change overcame you, and you discovered your true nature,
the world itself became something you had never expected.
+1 towards 2 ability scores of your choice Lupus are quite capable of abstract thought, but much of
gain proficiency in one skill of your choice their experience with the concepts governed by such thought
Gain one feat of your choice.(Not vulnerable to silver in comes after the First Change. They pick up the basics of
Homid Form only) Can take the Rite of Passage as a Garou speech very quickly, and the basics of other languages
special Garou feat that allows their personal with surprising speed , but the small nuances and
belongings to adjust with them when they shapeshift connotations frequently elude them. They are accustomed to
Metis the socialization of a pack, not aof a greater society, which
can be particularly problematic if they were raised in a
The Garou Nation could have a veritable army of warriors traditional wolf pack, which is more of a nuclear family than
within a few years. The child of two werewolves, after all, is anything else.
always a werewolf. They grow up with an instinctive You were born a wolf and raised in the wilds among
understanding of Garou society and the spirit world, as well wolves. Until you were almost full-grown(two years or so), you
as an affinity toward shapeshifting. It would seem an easy were unaware of your true nature as a Garou. You aren’t as
solution. sophisticated as a homid, but you have stronger faith in your
Except, of course, for the fact that a child of two instincts.
werewolves, a metis, is always deformed in some way. Some +2 Dex +10 speed(all forms)
are born missing limbs, some are born disfigured and gain proficiency in Survival
hideous, and some are born mad. They are born into the gain one feat of your choice
world in crinos form, and are always sterile, and cannot pass Not vulnerable to silver in Lupus Form
on the Garou “gift”. Generations ago they would have been
destroyed. Metis undergo the First change anywhere from
their first year of life to the onset of puberty. For this reason,
they are raised within a sept, away from society. This makes
them well versed in Garou society by the time they are ready
to undergo a Rite of Passage.
That doesn't mean their life is easy, they are not coddled,
and mentoring a Metis is usually viewed as a form of
punishment. It's no wonder, then, that Metis tend to be
resentful and paranoid. The Litany flat out condemns them,
and any recitation of the Litany with a metis in attendance is
a least somewhat uncomfortable. Most metis grow up bitter,
and while some might learn to blend in among society, they
never really have a place to belong.
Your natural form is Crinos
+2 Str +1 Con
gain proficiency in 2 skills of your choice
Natural Battleform. The Metis is naturally comfortable in
crinos form, and naturally uncomfortable in his other
forms. Shapeshifting in Crinos form is considered instant
for combat purposes. Additionally, shapeshifting in any
other form other than crinos, is done so at disadvantage.
(Con check DC 10 to shift from crinos)
Vulnerability to Silver in any form
Deformity Some examples, Albino, Bad vision, Fits of
Madness, Hairless, Horns, Hunchback, No sense of Smell, Image source from:
No tail. At least one of these or similar must be chosen
during character creation. Both of your parents are Garou, cb=20181227192615 Onyx Path, Werewolf: the
and they broke the Litany when they conceived you. You Apocalypse
were raised within a sept among werewolves, and you
understand Garou culture more deeply than either
homids or Lupus. Metis are usually socially awkward in
public gatherings because of this as well.

Garou Forms
Garou Traits Image credited to Ron Spencer
Garou shares certain traits based on the hybrid race chosen.
The stats here replace those existing traits of the chosen
race. For, example, a dwarf Garou, would not receive typical
dwarf race abilities, they would instead be replaced with the
Age. Varies on the race chosen. Typical age span for race
chosen, any modifiers are replaced by the breed traits.
Size. Various sizes depend on form.
within the normal limits of race chosen
add 3ft, add 300lbs from homid Homid. Base stats and AC.(no claw or bite)
Lupus Chrinos. Base stats +4 STR,+1 temp HP/level x2,+2 AC,
minus 3ft from homid/minus 50lbs from homid Speed: +10
Lupus. Base stats +1 STR, +3 AC, Speed:50
Keen Hearing and Smell. The Garou has advantage on
Speed Base is typical of races chosen naturally in Homid. Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Crinos +10 from Homid, and Lupus base speed is 50.
Darkvision 60ft Natural Weapons.
Languages. Can speak, read, write Common and one extra Bite Considered magical. 1d8+STR piercing Except Homid
language of your choice. All forms are capable of speaking Claw Considered magical 2d4+STR slashing
languages, although certain forms can be challenging. damage.Except Homid
Garou Feat. All Garou have the option to take Rite of
Talisman Dedication as a Feat and a +1 to an ability score at
either 4th, 8th,12th,16th,19th level, if not provided for in their
Rite of Talisman Dedication Feat
The Garou can choose pieces of equipment that phase with
him when switching forms. This rite allows a Garou to bind
objects to her body, allowing them to fit her various forms
(pants will grow to accommodate the Crinos form rather than
splitting at the seams, also useful if a Garou ever decides to
don armor) Fetishes such as Klaives remain with the
werewolf in all forms automatically without this rite.
The character may never have more objects bout to himself
than his Gnosis score. Conceptually linked groups of objects
may count as a single object. A set of clothing is considered
one object, rather than one shirt, 2 socks, ect. Objects will
generally resize themselves to accommodate the character’s
various forms, but may simply meld with the character in
forms where they can be of no use- for example, a knife may
become a knife-shaped tattoo in Lupus.


The Beast and Spirit

very Garou has a pool system of Rage and Gnosis
Gnosis they can call upon. They are the
blessings of the Father Wolf, and the Luna Gaia did not leave the Garou with Rage as their only
Spirit. Garou themselves are half flesh, half inheritance of her spiritual power. She gave them another
spirit. They are the children that resulted in tool, one that connects her children to their other nature, the
the unification of the Father Wolf and Luna, spirit world. This connection to the Sacred Mother is called
the moon Goddess. Gnosis.
Gnosis is the essence of the spiritual world; it allows Garou
Garou Rage to access the spirits that surround them. In some ways, it is
the expression of their half-spirit nature. Its what fuels many
Every Garou is a crucible for Gaia’s primal anger--her Rage of the powerful Gifts the spirits can bestow. Without this
at the pillage of the world at the hands of the Wyrm. This spiritual force, Garou would be cut off from half of their
Rage is a force of mindless violence, a constant slow-motion natures.
path of unthinking destruction and violence that each and
every Garou must keep control of lest it consume her. Rage Garou form a pool of Gnosis that grows as they gain
mixes instinctual cunning and hunting ability with savage levels, it is spent to access Gifts, and restored after a long
bloodlust and unpredictable horror. rest. Beginning at first level, all Garou have the ability to
Much of a Garou’s struggle comes from a never-ending channel Gnosis. All Garou have a base Gnosis pool of 1 at
battle with the Rage each werewolf feels. The Beast is never first level, increasing by +1/level
far from their thoughts --even the most pacifistic Ragabash or Used to activate mystical gifts from the Tribe Spirits they
the most serene of the Children of Gaia looks at a normal belong to.
human and must repress the urge to rend and tear and bite Cannot use while in a Rage(this does not include the
until all that’s left is blood and meat. Ahroun have it far ability to spend Rage points for other abilities)
worse, fighting to see friends, family, and loved ones as little The ability to Side Step into the Umbra(Spirit Realm) is a
more than prey animals or targets for attack. The Garou can DC 20 - Gnosis Rating.(A Garou with a Gnosis Rating of
enter an enraged state by spending 1 point of rage. 10 the difficulty would be 10 on a D20 + Proficiency
As a bonus action: Gifts
Advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving The Garou can choose special Spiritual Gifts from many
throws. different spirits depending on their Breed and Auspice.
When the Garou makes an attack using its natural Their Tribe Totem also allows for Garou to further his Gift
weapons(bite, claw, ect.) you get a bonus to the damage selections based on their Tribal Spirit Totem.
roll that increases as you gain levels as a Garou.
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Can be activated, by Gnosis, Rage, or by simply
damage. knowing the Gift itself.
Rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked If a Gift needs concentration, no other gifts can be
unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked activated, unless the gift is automatically activated
a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage by simply knowing the gift. Otherwise, another gift
since then. You can also end your rage on your turn as a ends the gift that needed concentration.
bonus action.
Once you have raged the number of times shown for your
Garou level in the Rages column, you must finish a long
rest before you can rage again.
In Crinos Form, Rage can be spent to get extra actions.
Cannot spend more than half your rage in a round
rounded up. Each point spent grants an extra action until
the next round.Does not have to be in enraged to spend
rage points for other actions however.
-Spending 1 point of rage also can grant the Garou to shift
into any form instantly, that would otherwise take 1 action
-If you have 0 Rage points the player is required to roll a
successful CON check, DC 10 to successfully shapeshift.
Can retry every round until successful. Last until player
wishes to shapeshift again. Image Source credited to: Onyx Path, W20


Part 2: Choose your Auspice

t the moment a Garou is born, they inherit an
ancient legacy. The breed will shape her view of
the world, and one day, her tribe will train her to
fight the Wyrm. Her place in that fight, on the
other hand, is shaped by something far more
mystical. The phase of the moon at the instant
of a Garou’s birth determines her auspice, the
role she is destined to play in Garou Society. Every Garou
upholds one of these five aspects and receives mystical gifts
to help fulfill it.

Proficiency Rage Damage Gifts
Level Bonus Rage Gnosis Features Bonus Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 1 0 Unarmored Defense;Garou Forms +2 1 2 — — — —
2nd +2 1 0 Rite of Talisman Dedication +2 2 3 — — — —
3rd +2 1 3 Rite of Passage; Tribal Feature +2 3 3 — — — —
4th +2 1 4 Ability Score Improvement, Razor +2 4 4 — — — —
5th +3 1 5 Extra Attack +2 4 4 1 — — —
6th +3 1 6 Tribal Feature, Insightful Tactics +2 4 4 3 — — —
7th +3 2 7 Infectious Laughter Gift +2 5 4 3 1 — —
8th +3 2 8 Ability Score Improvement +2 5 4 3 1 — —
9th +4 2 9 — +3 6 4 3 1 — —
10th +4 2 10 Improved Shapeshift +3 2 4 3 1 — —
11th +4 2 11 Tribal Feature +3 6 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 3 12 Ability Score Improvement +3 7 4 3 3 1 —
13th +5 3 13 Side Step +3 7 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 3 14 Alter Self +3 3 8 3 3 1 —
15th +5 3 15 Open Moon Bridge Gift +3 8 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 4 16 Ability Score Improvement +4 9 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 4 17 Tribal Feature +4 10 4 3 3 3 —
18th +6 4 18 Trickster's Spirit +4 7 11 3 3 3 1
19th +6 5 19 Ability Score Improvement +4 12 4 3 3 3 1
20th +6 5 20 Thieving Talons of the Magpie +4 13 4 3 3 3 2

Ragabash Class Features
As a Ragabash, you gain the following class features
Hit Points
Primary Ability: Dexterity
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Ragabash level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution
modifier per Ragabash level after 1st
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: : Simple Weapons, hand crossbows, longswords,
rapiers, shortswords
Tools: Thieve's tools
Saving Throws: Dexerity, Intelligence
Skills: : Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception,
Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception,
Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of hand, and Stealth.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
(a) a rapier or (b) a shortsword
(a) a shortsword and quiver of 20 arrows or (b) a
(a) a burglar's pack,(b) a dungeoneer's pack, or (c) an
explorer's pack
Leather armor, two daggers, and thieves' tools
Activating Gifts normally require spending Gnosis, unless
they say otherwise. While some gifts are activated simply by
knowing the Gift itself.
Choose from the Ragabash Gift list, and pick 1 rank 1 Gift
at Character creation.
Image credited to: Rob Bliss The Ragabash may chose any gifts from the Ragabash gift
Those who were born under the new moon are considered list, his Breed Gift list, as well as his tribe gift list, as long as
the mythic trickster, among Garou Nation. The Ragabash is a he has aquired a high enough rank according to his class
cunning scout and unconventional tactician, leading the table to cast them. Once chosen they are permanent.
enemy into ambushes and striking at their soft underbellies
when they least expect it. While other auspices have fairly set Stealthy
roles within their sept and tribe, the Ragabash is usually left At 1st level, the Ragabash has inherited the abilities of the
to his own devises. He has the gift of flexibility: the New Moon to give it advantage on any stealth rolls naturally.
opportunity to explore options usually off limits to other
Garou. His insights are sometimes unwelcome, but Unarmored Defense
frequently worthy.
Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and
Quote: “Oh, what you’ve described is technically a plan, I not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + Dex modifier +
suppose. The sort of plan a drooling, brain-dead savage might Wis modifier.
create, but still a plan. Hey, easy! I wasn’t talking about you--I
was talking about the drooling, brain-dead savages massing
on our border. I’ve overheard their plans, and they were
largely the same as yours. Perhaps you might like to rethink
your approach”?

Rite of Talisman Dedication Ambush
Beginning at 2nd level, the Garou can choose pieces of At 9th level, you excel at leading ambushes and acting first in
equipment that phase with him when switching forms. This a fight. You have advantage on initiative rolls.
rite allows a Garou to bind objects to her body, allowing them Improved Shapeshift
to fit her various forms(pants will grow to accommodate the
Crinos form rather than splitting at the seams, also useful if a Starting at 10th level, the Garou can shapeshift from one
Garou ever decides to don armor). Fetishes such as Klaives form to another as a bonus action instead. A metis Ragabash
remain with the werewolf in all forms automatically without can go beyond this improvement, by manipulating its
this rite. deformed body into hideous fleshed wings, can fly at half
One Gnosis point is spent to activate this Rite and remains base speed.
active until the next long rest, and the character may never
have more objects bout to himself than his Gnosis score. Side Step
Conceptually linked groups of objects may count as a single Starting at 13th level, once per day at will, the Garou can side
object. A set of clothing is considered one object, rather than step into the Umbra at a DC 20 - Gnosis Rating.See Plane
one shirt, 2 socks, ect. Objects will generally resize Shift Spell.
themselves to accommodate the character’s various forms,
but may simply meld with the character in forms where they
can be of no use- for example, a knife may become a knife- Alter Self
shaped tattoo in Lupus. At 14th level, the Ragabash has the ability to extend his
Once the Ragabash reached 8th level, he will no longer shapeshifting abilities in different ways. Like the 2nd level
need to spend Gnosis. spell, the Garou can alter his appearance and the same rules
Rite of Passage All claws , fangs, horns, ect. Are still considered magical
When you reach 3rd level, the Garou petitions himself to a weapons, and the Garou however, retains his natural bonuses
tribe, in what is known as the Rite of Passage. Once that apply. The effects last 1 hour, unless the upkeep is paid
completed, he accepts that Tribe’s spirit totem as his own. in Gnosis.
Your Tribe grants you features at 3rd,6th, 11th, and 17th 1 Gnosis to activate
levels. 1 Gnosis to add an aquatic adaptation (Gills, webbed
fingers, ect)
Ability Score Improvement 1 Gnosis for every hour needed for upkeep on the ability
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th,16th, and Trickster's Spirit
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
by two, or increase two ability scores of your choice by one. Starting at 18th level, your thoughts can't be read by telepathy
You can't increase an ability score above 20 using this or other means, unless you allow it. You can present false
feature. thoughts by succeeding in a Charisma(deception) check
contested by the mind reader's Wisdom(insight) check.
Razor Claws Additionally, no matter what you say, magic that would
determine if you are telling the truth indicates you are being
When you reach 4th level, the Garou has the ability to spend truthful if you choose to, and you can't be compelled to tell
one action to sharpen its claws. Claw attacks become +1 the truth by magic.
attacks to hit and damage until the Garou changes forms.
Cant be used in Homid form.
Insightful Tactics
Starting at 6th level, if you spend at least one minute
observing or interacting with another creature outside of
combat, you can learn certain information about it's
capabilities compared to your own. The DM tells you if the
creature is equal, superior,or inferior in regard to two of the
following characteristics of your choice:
Intelligence score
Wisdom score
Charisma score
Class levels(if any)
At the DM option, you might also realize you know a piece
of the creature's history or one of it's personality traits, if it
has any.

Open Moon Bridge
Ragabash Gifts At 15th level, the Garou has the ability to open a moon bridge,
Luna’s Gifts to the Ragabash defy tradition and with or without the permission of the totem of that Caern.
conventional wisdom. Well-suited to tricksters, The location must be known to you, and on the same plane of
scouts and saboteurs, the eclectic blessings of the existence.Your familiarity with the destination determines
new moon are nothing if not effective. Gifts are whether you arrive there successfully. The GM rolls d100 and
received at 7th, 9th, 15th, and 20th levels. consults the table.
Familiarity Mishap Similar Area Off Target On Target
Permanent Circle ------- ------- ------- 01-100
Ragabash Gifts Associated Object ------- ------- ------- 01-100
Infectious Laughter Very Familiar 01-05 06-13 14-24 25-100
At 7th level, laughter is the tool with which Gaia’s tricksters Seen Casually 01-33 34-43 44-53 54-100
promote enlightenment and the knife that slashes through
the veil of Rage. When the Ragabash laughs, those around Viewed Once 01-43 44-53 54-73 74-100
her are compelled to follow along, forgetting their grievances. Description 01-43 44-53 54-73 74-100
Cost- 1 Gnosis point The Ragabash must make some False Destination 04-50 51-100 ------- -------
comment mocking the present situation in which she
finds herself, then laugh at it. A creature of your choice
that you can see within 60 ft, perceives everything as
hilariously funny and falls into fits of laughter if this spell Familiarity
affects it. "Permanent Circle" means a permanent teleportation
The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or circle whose sigil sequence you know. “Associated object”
fall prone, becoming incapacitated and unable to stand up means that you possess an object taken from the desired
for the duration. A creature with an Intelligence score of 4 destination within the last six months, such as a book
or less isn’t affected. from a wizard’s library, bed linen from a royal suite, or a
chunk of marble from a lich’s secret tomb.
At the end of each of its turns, and each time it takes "Very Familiear" is a place you have been very often, a
damage, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. place you have carefully studied, or a place you can see
The target has advantage on the saving throw if it’s triggered when you cast the spell. “Seen casually” is someplace you
by damage. On a success, the spell ends. have seen more than once but with which you aren’t very
familiar. “Viewed once” is a place you have seen once,
Blissful Ignorance possibly using magic. “Description” is a place whose
At 9th level, the Garou can become completely invisible to all location and appearance you know through someone
senses. else’s description, perhaps from a map.
"False Destination" is a place that doesn’t exist. Perhaps
Cost-2 Gnosis you tried to scry an enemy’s sanctum but instead viewed
an illusion, or you are attempting to teleport to a familiar
A veil of shadows and silence radiates from you, masking location that no longer exists.
you and your companions from detection. For 1 min, each "On Target" You and your group (or the target object)
creature you choose within 30 feet of you (including you) has appear where you want to.
a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can’t be "Off Target" You and your group (or the target object)
tracked except by magical means. A creature that receives appear a random distance away from the destination in a
this bonus leaves behind no tracks or other traces of its random direction. Distance off target is 1d10 × 1d10
passage. percent of the distance that was to be traveled. For
example, if you tried to travel 120 miles, landed off target,
and rolled a 5 and 3 on the two d10s, then you would be
off target by 15 percent, or 18 miles. The GM determines
the direction off target randomly by rolling a d8 and
designating 1 as north, 2 as northeast, 3 as east, and so on
around the points of the compass. If you were teleporting
to a coastal city and wound up 18 miles out at sea, you
could be in trouble.

"Similar Area" You and your group (or the target object)
wind up in a different area that’s visually or thematically
similar to the target area. If you are heading for your home
laboratory, for example, you might wind up in another
wizard’s laboratory or in an alchemical supply shop that
has many of the same tools and implements as your
laboratory. Generally, you appear in the closest similar
place, you could conceivably wind up anywhere within
1000 miles on the plane.
"Mishap" The spell’s unpredictable magic results in a
difficult journey. Each teleporting creature (or the target
object) takes 3d10 force damage, and the GM rerolls on
the table to see where you wind up (multiple mishaps can
occur, dealing damage each time). The maximum distance
that can thereby be covered is 1000 miles.
Cost- 5 Gnosis Cant be used to connect to portals that
are sealed by magic.
Thieving Talons of the Magpie
At 20th level, the Ragabash can steal the powers of others
and use them herself. These powers can be Gifts, spirit
charms, monster abilities, ect. They cannot steal spells, or
any Legendary or Lair actions or abilities.
Cost-5 Gnosis, and target makes a Wisdom Save. If the
target fails, the Ragabash steals the targeted power,
depriving its owner of its use. The Garou may keep the
power for as many turns as she wishes, so long as she
pays a point of Gnosis each turn.

Level Proficiency Bonus Rage Gnosis Features Rage Damage Bonus 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 1 0 Unarmored Defense;Garou Forms +2 2 — — — —
2nd +2 1 0 Rite of Talisman Dedication +2 3 — — — —
3rd +2 1 3 Rite of Passage; Tribal Feature +2 3 — — — —
4th +2 1 4 Ability Score Improvement, Razor Claws +2 4 — — — —
5th +3 2 5 Extra Attack +2 4 1 — — —
6th +3 2 6 Tribal Feature, Insightful Tactics +2 4 3 — — —
7th +3 2 7 Infectious Laughter Gift +2 4 3 1 — —
8th +3 2 8 Ability Score Improvement +2 4 3 1 — —
9th +4 3 9 — +3 4 3 1 — —
10th +4 3 10 Improved Shapeshift +3 4 3 1 — —
11th +4 3 11 Tribal Feature +3 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 3 12 Ability Score Improvement +3 4 3 3 2 —
13th +5 4 13 Side Step +3 4 3 3 3 —
14th +5 4 14 Alter Self +3 4 3 3 3 1
15th +5 4 15 Open Moon Bridge Gift +3 4 3 3 3 2
16th +5 4 16 Ability Score Improvement +4 4 3 3 3 2
17th +6 5 17 Tribal Feature +4 4 3 3 3 3
18th +6 5 18 Trickster's Spirit +4 4 3 3 3 3
19th +6 5 19 Ability Score Improvement +4 4 3 3 3 3
20th +6 5 20 Thieving Talons of the Magpie +4 4 3 3 3 3

The sickle-shaped crescent moon grants the gift of insight.
The Theurges are the mystics of the Garou, closer than any
to the Umbra and its denizens. They peer deep into the
shadowed recesses of the spirit world, and are tasked with
dealing with the secrets they find there.
Some call these seers the daydreamers of the Garou, and
many do seem to be a bit detached from their brethren. They
can see and hear things that others cannot, as if they live half
in the world of the physical and half in the world of the spirit.
The Theurge holds an important place in any pack. Without
her, the Garou would forget the spiritual side of their nature.
They might wander lost and blind if they did not have her
visions and dreams to guide them.
Quote: I hear their voices. Gaia grows hot with anger. The
wind is cold with scorn. They are all around us, awaiting my
Onyx Path, Werewolf: the Apocalypse Storytellers Guide

Channel Gnosis
Using an Action, the Theurge can use their Gnosis to
create spiritual energy, the waxing Theurge channels their
Class Features Gnosis to be able to heal wounds, and the Waning
As a Theurge, you gain the following class features Theurge uses it to create them. Any target the Theurge
can see within 60ft is able to be healed or hurt depending
Hit Points on the waxing or waning side the Theurge represents.
Primary Ability: Intelligence The Theurge can only spend half his Gnosis rating,
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Theurge level rounded up, in a turn for this effect.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier Waxing Theurge uses their Gnosis pool to heal
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution wounds. Luna’s Spiritual Blessing is cast at the
modifier per Theurge level after 1st target and is healed the Theurge’s level x5 per
Proficiencies Gnosis point spent. Alternatively the Theurge can
Armor: None, if any armor is worn, the Theurge becomes spend either multiple points of Gnosis for one
incapable of channeling their Gnosis...And gifts are made target, for a bigger heal, or one point per multiple
with disadvantage when applicable. targets for a lesser mass heal effect. But not both in
Weapons: : daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light the same round.
crossbows Waning Theurge uses their Gnosis pool to injure.
Tools: None Luna’s Spiritual Fury is cast at a target within 60ft
takes force damage equal to 1d10 + Theurge level
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom per Gnosis point spent. Dex save for half.
Skills: : Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, Alternatively the Theurge can spend either multiple
Investigation, Medicine, and Religion points of Gnosis for one target, or one point per
Equipment multiple targets for a lesser mass damage effect.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the But not both in the same round. Additionally there
equipment granted by your background: are a few other ways the Waning Theurge can
manipulate Luna’s Fury as well. At 3rd, 10th, and 17
(a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger level the Theurge can take a metamagic ability to
(a) a scholar's pack or an explorer's pack twist your Channel Gnosis ability to suit your
Theurge Gifts Waxing Moon Theurge
Activating Gifts normally require spending Gnosis, unless Starting at 2nd level, the Theurge decides to focus his
they say otherwise. While some gifts are activated simply by Gnosis to channel spiritual blessings from Luna, the
knowing the Gift itself. moon spirit. Along with the ability to channel Gnosis
Choose from the Theurge Gift list, and pick 1 rank 1 Gift at which strengthens as you level, at 5th and 15th level, the
Character creation. Waxing Moon Theurge gets more specific abilities to call
The Theurge may prepare any gifts from the Theurge gift upon.
list, his Breed Gift list, as well as his tribe gift list. You
prepare the list of Theurge gifts that are available for you to Mother's Touch
cast. To do so, choose a number of Theurge gifts equal to Starting at 5th level, Luna blesses the Waxing
your Intelligence modifier + your Theurge level (minimum of Moon Theurge with the ability to remove one
one Gift). The gifts must be of a level for which you have gift debilitating effect by touching a creature and
slots. spending 2 Gnosis points.
Gift slots can be recovered following a short or long rest.
Battle Mandala
Cantrip At 15th level, the Waxing Moon Theurge can create
a mystical sigil that burns itself into the ground
The Theurge is able to choose any cantrip from the Wizard around the Theurge in a radius of 5 x Gnosis rating
spell list. for their level, visible only to those with Gnosis
ratings. This circle drains the undead caught within
Rite of Spirit Awakening its web. Any Undead within the radius turn and
At 2nd level, the Theurge chooses to focus on the waxing or retreat. Undead within the area make a Wisdom
waning side of the moon. Each gives different abilities and saving throw vs Garou spellcast DC. Any undead
focuses on certain aspects. Their ability to Channel Gnosis to within the radius that failed the saving throw are
perform certain tasks depends on their waxing or waning turned for 1 min or until it takes damage. It spends
side they choose. its actions moving away from the Theurge, and
can't take reactions. It can use only the Dash action
trying to escape.

20+ = Empyrean/ Pit Fiend for 1 round. Can use
legendary actions for the round
Additionally, these undead within the radius that the
Garou can see, can be destroyed by spending additional MetaMagic
Gnosis if they fail the saving throw. Only one creature can The Waning Moon Theurge can manipulate the spiritual
be targeted at a time. Costs 1 action and 1 Gnosis each. If energies he channels from Gnosis. Starting at 3rd level,
the Undead have a CR above 4, they take 10d6 + level the Theurge of the Waning Moon can pick one of the
radiant damage instead MetaMagic abilities below and apply it to his channeling
ability. He can add to this feature at 10th, and 17th level to
Level Destroy CR of further suit his needs.
5th 1/2 or lower Distant Channel Gnosis
8th 1 or lower When you channel Gnosis you can spend 1
additional Gnosis point to double the range.
11th 2 or lower Empower Gnosis
14th 3 or lower When you roll damage for Channel Gnosis, you can
spend 1 Gnosis point to reroll a number of the
17th 4 or lower damage dice up to your Intelligence
modifier(minimum of 1). You must use the new
Waning Moon Theurge rolls. You can use Empowered Gnosis even if you
Starting at 2nd level, if the Theurge decides to focus his have already used a different Metamagic option
Gnosis to channel Luna’s Spiritual Fury, destructing force during the casting of the spell.
damage will be able to be called upon through channelling Heightened Gnosis
Gnosis, which strengthens as you level. At 5th and 15th When you channel Gnosis you can spend 3
level, the Waning Moon Theurge gets more specific additional Gnosis points to give one target of the
abilities to call upon. spell disadvantage on its saving throw made against
Sense Wyrm Quickened Gnosis
At 5th level, the Theurge can sense nearby When you channel Gnosis you can spend 2
manifestations of the Wyrm. This involves a additional Gnosis points to make the action a bonus
mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory image, action instead.
although Garou often describes the Wyrm’s Twinned Gnosis
spiritual emanations as a stench. The Garou can When you channel Gnosis and target only one
detect any evil, or undead being within 100ft per creature, you can spend equal the amount of
Gnosis point spent. If detecting something in the Gnosis spent on the first target and target an
area in a range he cannot see, the DM can call for a additional target in range. For example, if the
tracking roll(with advantage) to follow the scent. Theurge spent 5 gnosis for 5d10 + level damage
In the Beginning to target 1, he can spend an additional 5 gnosis,
At 15th level, the Waning Moon Theurge tears away to target a second creature at 5d10 + level.
at the Gauntlet, merging the worlds of flesh and Rite of Passage
spirit as they were in the days of legend. Moreover, When you reach 3rd level, the Garou petitions himself to a
this mended region acts as a shining beacon to tribe, in what is known as the Rite of Passage. Once
Gaian spirits, calling a flood of nature-spirits and completed, he accepts that Tribe’s spirit totem as his own.
other allies to assist the Theurge. An Occult roll + Your Tribe grants you features at 3rd,6th, 11th, and 17th
level is made to determine how powerful the spirit levels.
is that comes through. The ancient howl that is
made, forces whatever is summoned to aid the Mental Speech
Garou and his allies in any way within its abilities. At 7th level, the Theurge can communicate with anyone
They are obligated to use every available ability they willing telepathically that he can see.
can within the amount of time they are called upon.
When finished they are immediately consumed Empower
back through the Gauntlet at the end of the
duration. The roll chart determines what is called At level 9, the Theurge spends one Gnosis point and can
upon usually based off of the alignment of the boost any ability score by 2. Can only empower one ability
Garou. Cannot be used again until finishing a long at a time and the effect lasts for 1 hour.
rest.* 01-09 = 1d6 Air Elementals for 3 rounds
10-19 = Planetar / Marilith for 2 rounds

Create Lycan
At level 10, the theurge spends 2 gnosis points and can coat
its teeth with a Lycanthropy Curse to an individual if a
successful bite attack is made. The target rolls a Con Save vs
Garou’s Spell Save DC. If the Save fails, the effects of this
curse are immediate, and the target changes into a Cursed
All stats are the same as a normal cursed werewolf with
Lycanthropy, but this curse only lasts for an amount of
rounds equal to the Theurge’s level. Also, the Theurge is only
able to call upon this curse to one creature at a time. The
werewolf obey’s any commands the Theurge gives it and
fulfills them to the best of its ability, as long as it's not self
Side Step
Starting at 13th level, once per day at will, the Garou can side
step into the Umbra. See Plane Shift Spell.
Hurl Through Hell
Starting at 14th level, when you hit a creature with an attack,
you can use this feature to instantly transport the target
through the lower planes. The creature disappears and
hurtles through a nightmare landscape.
At the end of your next turn, the target returns to the space
it previously occupied, or the nearest unoccupied space. If the
target is not a fiend, it takes 10d10 psychic damage as it reels image source:
from its horrific experience. LJTFqdDkJAY/VDy4j8gBvGI/AAAAAAAAG6E/3PqMjJznol8/s1600/Moot.j
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you Onyx Path, Werewolf the Apocalypse
finish a long rest.
Umbral Form
Starting at 18th level, you can spend 6 Gnosis points as a
bonus action to magically transform yourself into your Wolf
Spirit form. In this form, you have resistance to all damage
except force and radiant damage, and you can move through
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain.
You take 5 force damage if you end your turn inside an
object. You remain in this form for 1 minute. It ends early if
you are incapacitated, if you die, or if you dismiss it as a
bonus action.
At 20th level, the Theurge is now immune to extreme
temperatures, diseases, and poisons. Additionally, by
spending 3 Gnosis a day, the Theurge has the ability to go
without food, water, and sleep without penalty. Will not
restore abilities used that require a short or long rest.

Level Proficiency Bonus Rage Gnosis Features Rage Damage Bonus 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 1 0 Balanced Unarmored Defense;Garou Forms +2 2 — — — —
2nd +2 1 0 Truth of Gaia +2 3 — — — —
3rd +2 1 3 Rite of Passage; Tribal Feature +2 3 — — — —
4th +2 2 4 Ability Score Improvement, Razor Claws +2 4 — — — —
5th +3 2 5 Extra Attack +2 4 2 — — —
6th +3 2 6 Tribal Feature, Pack Totem +2 4 2 — — —
7th +3 3 7 King of Beasts +2 4 3 — — —
8th +3 3 8 Ability Score Improvement +2 4 3 — — —
9th +4 3 9 Klaive +3 4 3 1 — —
10th +4 4 10 — +3 4 3 2 — —
11th +4 4 11 Tribal Feature +3 4 3 2 — —
12th +4 4 12 Ability Score Improvement +3 4 3 3 — —
13th +5 5 13 Take the True Form +3 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 5 14 Grand Klaive +3 4 3 3 2 —
15th +5 5 15 Wall of Granite Gift +3 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 6 16 Ability Score Improvement +4 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 6 17 Tribal Feature +4 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 6 18 Break the Bonds Gift +4 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 7 19 Ability Score Improvement +4 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 7 20 — +4 4 3 3 3 2

The half moon is balance and duality, standing between two
worlds. The Garou is both wolf and human, flesh and spirit,
fury and wisdom, savage and savant. The Philodox embraces
this duality, attempting to harness it with balance. The Half
Moon acts as counselor, mediator, and law-keeper to his pack.
Where the Ragabash must question the laws, the Philodox
must interpret them, finding the wisest answer out of many.
Half Moons are called to judge, for better or for worse.
Theirs is the task to set punishment when the Garou stray
from the path, and to determine when a werewolf's actions
are particularly meritorious. They are frequently leaders in
times of peace, but often cede command to Ahroun or
Galliards when war breaks out.
Quote: "You abandoned your post to aid a packmate. To
save another Garou’s life is commendable; to think of your
packmate before yourself is proper. But to put the sept in
danger is foolish and disregards the lives of your fellows. You Image source by:
must pay the price for that. I levy the punishment of ordeal.
Perhaps your love of your pack will encourage you to excel worgen-art-768x558.jpg Worgen World of Warcraft
here and wipe the stain from your honor."

At 13
Class Features Gifts detec
As a Philodox, you gain the following class features Activating Gifts normally require spending Gnosis, unless Alter
they say otherwise. While some gifts are activated simply by detec
Hit Points knowing the Gift itself. make
Primary Ability: Charisma Choose from the Philodox Gift list, and pick 1 rank 1 Gift fails t
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Philodox level at Character creation. is dis
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier The Philodox may prepare any gifts from the Philodox gift
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution list, his Breed Gift list, as well as his tribe gift list, as long as
modifier per Philodox level after 1st he has aquired a high enough rank according to his class
table to cast them. The Philodox may prepare any number of
Proficiencies gifts equal to his Charisma modifier + Philodox level rounded
Armor: All Armor down.(minimum of one)
Weapons: simple weapons, martial weapons, Klaives, Grand
Klaives Pack Totem
Tools: None
Beginning at 6th level, whenever you or a friendly creature
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma within 10 feet of you must make a saving throw, the creature
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Insight, gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to your Charisma
Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion and Religion Modifier(minimum of +1). You must be conscious to grant
Equipment this bonus. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the 30ft.
equipment granted by your background:
King of Beasts
(a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial
weapons At 7th level, the Philodox’s authority extends even into the
(a) five javelins or (b) any simple melee weapon realm of beasts, so that he can command the loyalty of any
a priest's pack or (b) an explorer's pack single animal. The Philodox spends 2 Gnosis on one animal
within 100 feet with a CR rating of 0, and that animal
Balanced Unarmored Defense becomes a familiar to the Philodox. The animal is now
considered Fey instead of beast. When dismissed it
Starting at 1st level, While you are not wearing any armor, disappears into the Umbra awaiting your summons.
your Armor Class equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier + your Mechanically the same as the Find Familiar conjuration
Charisma modifier spell.
Truth of Gaia Klaive
As judges of the Litany, Philodox may easily separate truth At 9th level, Gaia’s Chosen may use the Rite of the Fetish to
from falsehood. A Gaffling of Falcon teaches this Gift. bind spirits into appropriately crafted and consecrated
System: Any Deception within 30 ft of the Philodox is vessels. Majority of fetishes are crafted for natural materials.
made with a +10 to the difficulty against him. This Gift (wood, bone, hide, clay); Garou adorn them with carved river
reveals only which of the words that have been spoken are stones, feathers, beads, and other markings to honor and
true and which are false. It doesn’t reveal the truth behind a appease the spirit within.
lie unless the speaker utters it. If the speaker is uncertain
whether his words are true or false, the Gift identifies them Requires attunement after it is made and bound with a
as neither. spirit.
Like Rite of talisman Deduction, the Garou can summon
Rite of Passage the klaive in and out of existence. A useful tactic when
When you reach 3rd level, the Garou petitions himself to a changing forms, especially while in Hispo or Lupus and
tribe, in what is known as the Rite of Passage. Once can't use the Klaive.
completed, he accepts that Tribe’s spirit totem as his own. The Klaive is made of Silver, is considered a Shortsword,
Your Tribe grants you features at 3rd,6th, 11th, and 17th Gnosis grants it a +2 and magical
levels. When the Garou spends 2 Gnosis to activate the spirit
bound to the Klaive. Whenever the Klaive hits a target, it
deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage. The Klaive retains this
Extra Attack activation until its owner takes a short or long rest, or falls
Starting at 5th level, the Philodox gets an extra attack action. unconscious in any way.
Take the True Form

Grand Klaive
At 14th level, the Garou can now create a Grand Klaive. The
concept is similar to the Klaive but more powerful. The
Grand Klaive has 2 spirits bound to this weapon, and they
both serve a purpose when activated.
Considered a longsword which the blade is made of silver
(1d10), by spending 3 Gnosis it becomes a +3 and
Like the Klaive, once its activated it deals 2d8 radiant
damage when successfully striking a target
As far as the second War spirit bound to the Klaive, it can
be activated by spending a separate amount of Gnosis to use
whatever magical ability that spirit carries. Pick one
transmutation spell from the wizard spell list of 7th level or
lower. This cannot be changed once chosen. Optionally, the
DM can base it off a random roll. That spirit represents that
ability for the remaining life of the weapon.
It costs 3 Gnosis to activate the Grand Klaive’s second
The second ability cannot be used again until the owner
finishes a short rest.
Wall of Granite
At 15th level, the Garou spends 2 Gnosis touching the
ground, to produce a physical 10x10 ft stone panel 6 inches
thick. Can create multiple panels based on the amount of
Gnosis spent. Each panel has an AC 15 and 30 HP. The
panels can be created and or stacked anywhere within a 60ft
radius around the Garou. And can even be placed around an Image credited to: Kuzinskiy Andrey
ally within range to shield them
Break the Bonds
At 18th level, the Philodox has the ability to shatter all bonds,
physical or mental. Garou may use this Gift to benefit any
being, including herself once per short rest. Garou spends 5
Gnosis and can remove ANY Condition which impairs
movement or actions, also becomes immune to that condition
until they take a short or long rest, or fall unconscious.

Proficiency Rage Damage Gifts
Level Bonus Rage Gnosis Features Bonus Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 1 0 Pack Inspiration(d4), Garou +2 1 2 — — — —
2nd +2 1 0 Gift of the Galliard +2 2 3 — — — —
3rd +2 1 3 Rite of Passage; Tribal Feature +2 3 3 — — — —
4th +2 2 4 Ability Score Improvement, +2 4 4 — — — —
5th +3 2 5 Extra Attack, pack inspiration +2 4 4 1 — — —
6th +3 2 6 Tribal Feature +2 4 4 3 — — —
7th +3 3 7 Distractions Gift +2 5 4 3 1 — —
8th +3 3 8 Ability Score Improvement +2 5 4 3 1 — —
9th +4 3 9 Eye of the Cobra Gift +3 5 4 3 1 — —
10th +4 4 10 Delirium, Pack Inspiration (d8) +3 6 4 3 1 — —
11th +4 4 11 Tribal Feature +3 6 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 4 12 Ability Score Improvement +3 7 4 3 3 2 —
13th +5 5 13 Extra Howl (2) +3 7 4 3 3 3 —
14th +5 5 14 Master of Howls +3 8 4 3 3 3 1
15th +5 5 15 Pack Inspiration (d10) +3 8 4 3 3 3 2
16th +5 6 16 Ability Score Improvement +4 9 4 3 3 3 2
17th +6 6 17 Tribal Feature +4 10 4 3 3 3 3
18th +6 7 18 Fabric of the Mind Gift +4 11 4 3 3 3 3
19th +6 7 19 Ability Score Improvement +4 12 4 3 3 3 3
20th +6 8 20 Extra Howl (3) +4 13 4 3 3 3 3

Quote: "You should be afraid, brothers and sisters. This is

Kyrrth’takla, Beast of a Thousand Mouths, they have awoken.
Galliard The stories of its strength are terrifying. But I know you. I’ve
The Galliard sings the soul of the Garou to the near-full been honored to fight alongside you, and I know you will not
moon, howling of their joys and sorrows, their triumphs and be afraid. What you want is the glory of tearing this
losses. She is the voice of the People, calling them to battle abomination apart, and my brothers and sisters, we will have
and inspiring them to greatness in life and in death. She is it!"
also a keeper of traditions, carrying the lore of tribes all the
way back to the beginning.
A Galliard can rouse the pack from self-pity and suffering
when their claws are needed for battle. She can speak
caution to a Ragabash, draw a Theurge from his reverie,
soften the heart of a Philodox, and soothe the anger of the
Ahroun. The Galliard’s art and performance may take many to:htt
forms, she might be a dancer, a storyteller, a musician, or a came
bit of everything rolled into one. She may even be a leader in cb=2
times of war. When the battle is done, hers is the voice first
raised to praise the sacrifices made by the fallen, and the
triumphs of those who still live to fight again

Beast Speech - The Garou may instinctively understand
Class Features and communicate with any natural animals, from fish to
As a Galliard, you gain the following class features mammals. She need only speak normally to be
understood by animals, along with a touch of appropriate
Hit Points body language--there is no need to bark like a dog. This
Primary Ability: Charisma doesn't change animals basic reactions or dispositions;
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Galliard level most are still afraid of predators such as werewolves.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Call of the Wyld - The Galliard may send her howl
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution far beyond the normal range of hearing and imbue
modifier per Galliard level after 1st it with great emotion, stirring the hearts of fellow
Garou, wolf, dog, or those of animals similar in
Proficiencies nature for miles. Any within range is determined by
Armor: Light Armor the DM, and is urged to go to the location of the
Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, call. This however does not control or manipulate
rapiers, shortswords the animal in any way after it has arrived, it simply
Tools: None gets them there. And can communicate any
information the Garou asks if willing.
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma Mindspeak - Invoking the power of a waking
Skills: Choose any three dream, the Garou can place any chosen characters
Equipment into silent communication. 1 Gnosis point per
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the subject if willing. Opposing willpower saving
equipment granted by your background: throws if unwilling, if successful the link is
established for 1 min, after that rerolls will have to
(a) a rapier, (b) a longsword, or (c) any simple weapon be made. All beings must be in line of sight. The
(a) a diplomat's pack or (b) an entertainer's pack Mindspeak ends when all the participants want it
Leather armor and a dagger to, or on the turn the Galliard fails the roll against
an unwilling member.
Gifts Perfect Recall - The Garou is able to remember
and relive any memory with perfect clarity. The
Activating Gifts normally require spending Gnosis, unless player may spend one Gnosis point to perfectly
they say otherwise. While some gifts are activated simply by remember any one detail, no matter how small,
knowing the Gift itself. from any point in her character’s entire life.
Choose from the Galliard Gift list, and pick 1 rank 1 Gift at
Character creation.
The Galliard may chose any gifts from the Galliard gift list, Rite of Passage
his Breed Gift list, as well as his tribe gift list, as long as he When you reach 3rd level, the Garou petitions
has aquired a high enough rank according to his class table himself to a tribe, in what is known as the Rite of
to cast them. Once chosen they are permanent. Passage. Once completed, he accepts that Tribe’s
spirit totem as his own. Your Tribe grants you
Pack Inspiration features at 3rd,6th, 11th, and 17th levels.
At 1st level, the Galliard can channel their spiritual energy
once per long rest to guide those within a 10 ft radius. When
this is used, each ally of the Garou receives a 1d4 bonus to
one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes within
the next 10 minutes.
Gift of the Galliard
At 2nd level, the Moon Dancers burn with passion and song,
and so Luna gives them Gifts that allow them to weave
dream, fantasy and emotion into a tapestry that serves Gaia’s
best interests. That Galliard spends one Gnosis point and
chooses one of the following:

Howls Delirium
A Galliard howl is not an inarticulate cry--it can communicate Starting at 10th level, when the Garou is in Crinos form, it
a great deal of information. Many howls incorporate the can use this ability to strike fear in his enemies. Wisdom
Garou language. Just as every Philodox studies the Litany, Save vs Garou’s Spell Save DC to those who can see the
any Galliard should be well versed in all the common howls. Garou within 120ft. On a failed save, they are frightened. If
Any party that the Galliard considers his pack can receive the successful they are immune.
messages of this spiritual howl. The Galliard can spend 1
action to alter his vocal cords in any form if needed to invoke Master of Howls
these howls. Those within 60 ft are affected. The Galliard can At 14th level, the Galliard can use Snarl of Precedence
only use 1 per short rest starting at 4th level, 2 at 13th level, and Song of Mockery as a bonus action instead of a full
and 3 howls at 20th level. action.
Anthem of War - This howl is a call to battle, Galliards use
this to rally the troops. All allies within 60 ft gain advantage Fabric of the Mind
on Initiative if used. Additionally, if the Garou is surprised at At 18th level, the Galliard can summon any creature they
the beginning of combat, and isnt incapacitated, you can act can think of with the power of their imagination. The
normally on the Galliards first turn, but only if you enter Rage player rolls a 1d20 + Gnosis spent for the maximum CR of
first. a type of creature(min 1 Gnosis) The Galliard then
Snarl of Precedence - This short, violent outburst is describes the looks of any creature he can imagine, in as
directed against a chosen foe within 60 ft you can see. Packs much detail as he wants to the DM, and the DM takes that
use this snarl to coordinate tactics. Any and all attacks until information and the results of the roll to produce the
the end of the Galliard’s next turn towards the target is made creature.
with advantage. If any allies within 60 break off from this The creature has the same stats as their respective stat
tactic and attack another target within the same range, the block, but doesn’t have any Legendary Actions. Also, the
advantage ends. Garou must spend equal amounts of Gnosis each round to
Song of Mockery - Not a howl in its own right, this is more keep the power of his imagination a reality.
of a pitch, a sort of “sarcastic tone”. It is the equivalent of an
obscene gesture given alongside a speech. This howl targets
a creature within range, and all attacks and actions that can
be rolled at disadvantage do so until the end of the Galliards
next turn.
Extra Attack
At 5th level, the Galliard receives an extra attack action.
Distractions Gift
At 7th level, the Galliard can make distracting yips, yelps, and
howls to divert the attention of his target. Any time as a
reaction, the Galliard can turn the highest numbered die
from the damage rolled into a 1 instead for every 2 gnosis
spent. The Galliard has to see the target and be within 120ft.
If the Galliard spent more Gnosis than dice available, the
extra amount of Gnosis spent per die can be rerolled and
reduced from any of the bonus damage the victim of the
target would have received instead. Any remaining is Gnosis
that is overspent after that is just lost. This can be a gamble
on the Galliard’s part, but it can also be lifesaving.
Eye of the Cobra
At 9th level, any target the Galliard can see within 60 ft are
drawn to the Galliard, by some spiritual force. Target must
roll a Wisdom save vs Galliard’s spell save DC. If the target
fails, he stops whatever action he is doing, until he gets
within 5 ft of the Galliard. Once the target gets within 5 ft, the
gift ends.
Cost. 3 Gnosis

Proficiency Rage Damage Gifts
Level Bonus Rage Gnosis Features Bonus Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 1 0 Soak Damage (d12), Garou Forms +2 1 2 — — — —
2nd +2 1 0 Rite of Talisman Dedication +2 2 3 — — — —
3rd +2 1 3 Rite of Passage; Tribal Feature +2 3 3 — — — —
4th +2 2 4 Ability Score Improvement, Claws of +2 4 4 — — — —
the Ahroun
5th +3 2 5 Extra Attack, Rage Heal (d8) +2 4 4 2 — — —
6th +3 2 6 Tribal Feature +2 4 4 2 — — —
7th +3 3 7 Klaive +2 4 4 2 — — —
8th +3 3 8 Ability Score Improvement +2 5 4 2 — — —
9th +4 3 9 Brutal Critical (1 die) +3 5 4 3 1 — —
10th +4 4 10 Delirium, Rage Heal (d10) +3 5 4 3 1 — —
11th +4 4 11 Tribal Feature +3 6 4 3 2 — —
12th +4 4 12 Ability Score Improvement +3 6 4 3 2 — —
13th +5 5 13 Brutal Critical (2 die) (2) +3 6 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 5 14 Grand Klaive +3 7 4 3 3 2 —
15th +5 5 15 Kiss of Heliou Gift, Rage Heal (d12)) +3 7 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 6 16 Ability Score Improvement +4 8 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 6 17 Tribal Feature +4 9 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 7 18 Roar at the Moon +4 10 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 7 19 Ability Score Improvement +4 11 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 8 20 Ahroun Frenzy +4 12 4 3 3 3 2

Quote: "No more running. No more surrender. Here we stand

Ahroun and here we fight. We do not walk to Gaia’s arms tonight--we
The Garou’s connection to the moon is much more extensive will swim there, in a river of our enemy’s blood! Let them
than legends state. Every phase has its secret, but human hear your howls and know true fear!"
myth comes close to understanding the truth in one aspect:
the full moon floods the Warrior with Rage. The Ahroun is
the living weapon of Gaia, the lord of bloodshed. He is the
warrior among a race of warriors, the champion of martial
people. He is ever ready to kill, and to die if need be.
The Ahroun are respected, but also treated with some level
of dread. Their killing instinct is inborn; even a Full Moon just
past his First Change is more lethal than many veterans of
other auspices. Their elders are few--it’s a rare Ahroun that
survives the countless battles that are his birthright--but all
the more terrifying for their experience. Like the Galliard, the
Ahroun is an inspiring leader in time of war, but he leads with
deeds and action.
He is first into battle and last to retreat--if he ever retreats
at all. In times of peace, he relinquishes command to others,
but remains ever vigilant, knowing his talent for war will be
needed again all too soon. image source:
cb=20181227192615 Onyx Path, Werewolf the Apocalypse

One Gnosis point is spent to activate this Rite and remains
Class Features active until the next long rest, and the character may never
As a Ahroun, you gain the following class features have more objects bout to himself than his Gnosis score.
Conceptually linked groups of objects may count as a single
Hit Points object. A set of clothing is considered one object, rather than
Primary Ability: Strength one shirt, 2 socks, ect. Objects will generally resize
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Ahroun level themselves to accommodate the character’s various forms,
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier but may simply meld with the character in forms where they
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution can be of no use- for example, a knife may become a knife-
modifier per Ahroun level after 1st shaped tattoo in Lupus.
Proficiencies Rite of Passage
Armor: All armor, shields When you reach 3rd level, the Garou petitions himself to a
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons, Klaives tribe, in what is known as the Rite of Passage. Once
Tools: None completed, he accepts that Tribe’s spirit totem as his own.
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution Your Tribe grants you features at 3rd,6th, 11th, and 17th
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, levels.
Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and
Survival Claws of the Ahroun
Equipment Starting at 4th level, the Ahroun has the ability to take one
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the action to sharpen its claws and recieves to +1. It costs 1 rage
equipment granted by your background: point to do so.
(a) chain mail or (b) leather armor, longbow, and 20 Additionally the Ahroun can Spend 1 extra point of Rage
arrows on a successful attack , to bury her claws into the victim,
(a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial where they stick after breaking free from the Garou’s
weapons fingertips.
(a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two handaxes Until the victim takes a round to pull them out, they
(a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack suffer disadvantage to all actions. The Garou’s claws take
a full round to regenerate.
Activating Gifts normally require spending Gnosis, unless Extra Attack
they say otherwise. While some gifts are activated simply by At 5th level, the Ahroun receives an extra attack action.
knowing the Gift itself.
Choose from the Ahroun Gift list, and pick 1 rank 1 Gift at Rage Heal
Character creation. Starting at 5th level, the Ahroun can further manipulate his
The Ahroun may chose any gifts from the Ahroun gift list, rage to accelerate healing and rolls 1d8 + Constitution worth
his Breed Gift list, as well as his tribe gift list, as long as he of HP for every point of rage spent. This increases to 1d10 at
has aquired a high enough rank according to his class table 10th level, and 1d12 at 15th level.
to cast them. Once chosen they are permanent.
Soak Damage
At first level, the Ahroun Warrior can use his rage in different
ways compared to the other Auspices. Any damage the Garou
receives in combat, the Ahroun can choose to spend a Rage
Point to absorb 1d12 + Constitution modifier worth of
This can only be used in Crinos Form as a reaction. This
increases to 2d12 at 6th level, 3d12 at 12th level, and 4d12 at
17th level.
Rite of Talisman Dedication
Beginning at 2nd level, the Garou can choose pieces of
equipment that phase with him when switching forms. This
rite allows a Garou to bind objects to her body, allowing them
to fit her various forms( pants will grow to accommodate the
Crinos form rather than splitting at the seams, also useful if a
Garou ever decides to don armor) Fetishes such as Klaives
remain with the werewolf in all forms automatically without
this rite.

Klaive Brutal Critical
At 9th level, Gaia's Chosen may use the Rite of the Fetish to Beginning at 9th level, you can roll one additional weapon
bind spirits into appropriately crafted and consecrated damage die when determining the extra damage for a
vessels. critical hit with a melee attack. This increases to two
Majority of fetishes are crafted fro natural materials. wood, additional dice at 13th level and three additional dice at
bone, hide, clay; Garou adorn them with carved river stones, 17th level.
feathers, beads, and other markings to honor and appease
the spirit within.
The signature weapon of the Garou Nation, klaives are Delirium
fetish daggers of a singular design, made to be used in Homid Starting at 10th level, when the Garou is in Crinos form, it
and Crinos Form with ease. Klaives are rare weapons made can use this ability to strike fear in his enemies. Wisdom
from the purest silver. A war-spirit is usually bound to the Save vs Garou’s Spell Save DC to those who can see the
klaive. key notes on the Klaive: Garou within 120ft. On a failed save, they are frightened. If
Requires attunement after it is made and bound with a successful they are immune.
Like Rite of talisman dedication, the Garou can summon Grand Klaive
the klaive in and out of existence. A useful tactic when
changing forms, especially while in Lupus and can't use At 14th level, the Garou can now create a Grand Klaive.
the Klaive. The concept is similar to the Klaive but more powerful. The
The Klaive is made of Silver, is considered a Shortsword, Grand Klaive has 2 spirits bound to this weapon, and they
Gnosis grants it a +2 and magical. both serve a purpose when activated.
When the Garou spends 2 Gnosis to activate the spirit
bound to the Klaive. Whenever the Klaive hits a target, it Considered a longsword which the blade is made of silver
deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage. The Klaive retains this (1d10), by spending 3 Gnosis it becomes a +3 and
activation until its owner takes a short or long rest, or magical
galls unconscious in any way. Like the Klaive, once its activated it deals 2d8 radiant
damage when successfully striking a target
As far as the second War spirit bound to the Klaive, it can
be activated by spending a separate amount of Gnosis to use
whatever magical ability that spirit carries. Pick one
transmutation spell from the wizard spell list of 7th level or
lower. This cannot be changed once chosen. Optionally, the
DM can base it off a random roll. That spirit represents that
ability for the remaining life of the weapon.
It costs 3 Gnosis to activate the Grand Klaive’s second
The second ability cannot be used again until the owner
finishes a short rest.

Kiss of Heliou
At 15th level, the Ahroun can invoke the sun's power to
gain immunity to fire. Costs 3 Gnosis
Additionally, the Ahroun can spend an extra rage point to
ignite any portion of his body and keep it burning as he
desires. The Garou rolls an extra 1d8 fire damage when
successfully hitting a target with its claws or bite attacks.

Image source from:
cb=20181227172119 Werewolf the Forsaken, White-wolf

Roar at the Moon
At 18th level, the Ahroun enrages a fierce roar to the Moon
Goddess Luna. Once per long rest, Luna fuels her Ahroun
Warriors with Rage. 1 point of Rage costs 5 Gnosis (max 4).

Ahroun Frenzy
At 20th level, the Ahroun is no longer limited to the amount of
rage spent in a round, he invokes the inner beast. He spends
all Rage points he has for the Glory of battle.
While activated the Garou has to be in Crinos form, cannot
use Gnosis, Gifts, or has the ability to stop until the target is
killed. If the target is not killed after the last point of rage is
spent, it continues to attack with disadvantage until it misses.
Only then, does the attacks stop.
The Garou changes to his breed form, (unless Metis), and
has 4 levels of exhaustion. This attack is the Pride of Ahrouns
abilities. Usually a last resort by the Garou.

Exhaustion Levels
Level Effect
1 Disadvantage on Ability Checks
2 Speed Halved
3 Disadvantage on Attack rolls and Saving Throws
4 Hit Point Maximum is Halved

Image Source From: https://media.ex-
soi-1.jpg Onyx Path, Werewolf the Apocalypse

Part Three: Choose your Tribal

nce a Garou completes his Rite of Passage, he Theoretically, a cub can approach any tribe. A Garou is not
is welcomed into one of the 5 Tribes of the born into a tribe, he must prove himself worthy during his
Garou Nation. Before the completion of this Rite of Passage first. A cub with a Garou parent usually
rite, he is a cub, and therefore treated as little makes the same choice as his mother or father when
more than a child. He may not learn tribal Gifts deciding what tribe to petition, but he does not have to do so.
or recieve the tribe’s deepest secrets. Even But a cub with a long lineage will be hounded to “make the
Metis cubs are shut out from such sacred right choice.”
knowledge. Each Tribe is empowered by their own sacred
spirit animal. Each of the Tribes originally came from a
different region of the world. Each tribe’s Kinfolk and
societies reflect these different cultures.

Tribal Archetypes
A Garou petitions himself to join one of the known tribes
during his Rite of Passage.
The Garou is then accepted by the spirit totem of the tribe,
and even takes on certain characteristics in their forms as
well. Each tribe is blessed with Gifts that use Gnosis, the
spirit energy of the wolf.
Children of Gaia
This Tribe does not claim an ancestral homeland, considering
itself to be made up of citizens of Gaia and ambassadors of
peace and justice. Some Garou make the mistake of thinking
this makes them weak, but when the Children of Unicorn
choose to fight, they fight with righteousness.
The descendants and spiritual children of Stag, the Fianna
are loremasters, warrior-poets, and drinkers par excellence. Image Source
They are known for their fiery passions and insights, and, less from:
charitably, for stubborness and veniality. Onyx Path, Werewolf the Apocalypse 20th anniversary
Get of Fenris
The Get of Fenris is proud of its heritage, and prouder still of
their reputation as fearless warriors. They are
unapologetically blood-thirsty and savage, and carry a wide
survivalist streak. Fenris himself is their tribal totem.
Shadow Lords
The Shadow Lords heritage can be traced back among the
craggy cliffs and rocky foothills of the mountains. They are
ruthless in their efforts to dir#ect the Garou Nation, and
believe that the might of their totem, Grandfather Thunder,
makes them fit to rule.
Silver Fangs
The revered leaders of the Garou Nation--at least to hear
them tell it--the Silver Fangs follow Falcon as their totem.
The tribe has a long history of pure breeding, nobility, and
courage. Their modern image, however, also includes
accusations of inbreeding and insanity.

Get of Fenris

ven among a race of warriors, the Get of And for all their faults, the Get of Fenris produce many
Fenris are the most warlike. The Fenrir, as heroes. Their creed of strength is simple, but not simplistic --
they’re like to be called, value a glorious it teaches many Fenrir to master their Rage, to serve as
death over a peaceful old age. They wear examples of courage to the rest of the Nation, and to win
their scars with pride, howl the glory of battles that others would lose or abandon. They are
their victories, and revel in the fear that remarkably loyal to those who earn their respect, and their
they spread among the minions of the harsh standards encourage other Garou to fight harder if they
Wyrm. To the Get, compassion is a luxury, not a virtue--the want to keep the Fenrir’s allegiance. With the Apocalypse at
greatest virtues are valor and strength. hand, no tribe is more ready to tear the Wyrm apart
The most brutal and violent sagas of the regions pale regardless of the cost.
before the lore of the Get. Their Galliards joyously recount Appearance: Strong Fenrir blood manifests as huge gray
grim tales of bloody death against impossible odds, of the wolf forms with broad shoulders and vicious jaws. There are
eternal glory to be found on the battlefield. They have told precious few Get whose hides aren’t marked with scars and
stories of Ragnarok, for the Apocalypse, for centuries -- and tattoos. Some even brand their fur or ceremonially carve
they are ready for it. runes into their flesh.
Blood alone doesn’t make a Get of Fenris. A cub could be Tribal Totem: Fenris, the Great Wolf, one of the mightiest
the finest Pure Breed, but if he can’t make it through the of war totems. Other spirits allied to the Get include Aegir,
bloody Rite of Passage, he’s of no use to the Fenrir. Some Hrafn the raven-spirit, the Norns, and Surtur, spirits both
cubs don't even survive that first test. Harsh as it is, the Rite warlike and wise.
of Passage reflects the grim and fatalistic nature of life Quote: "Pain is my lover. Death is my sister. Gaia is my
among the Get. The battles against the Wyrm will be no Mother, and Great Fenris is my Father. You have NOTHING
gentler, --and the Fenrir never run from battle. Every child of for me to fear!"
Great Fenris, no matter his or her auspice, must be ready to
die gloriously for the Mother. This creed often seems
contradictory to lupus cubs, who are used to survival as the
first and most pressing mandate. Luckily, enough wolf-born
find their Rage that the Get haven’t fallen too far behind in
their ratio of homid-to-lupus members.
To make matters worse, many Get of Fenris embrace very
elitist attitudes not just to strenght and valor, but even to sex
and ethnicity. This has been a source of internal conflict
within the tribe for many years. Although it’s not easy for
outsiders to see, the Fenrir do possess admirable virtues
beyond their courage. There are long-standing traditions of
females doing as well as males in many Get septs-- they
frequently have to work very hard to earn them their status.
Metis can excel as well, if their deformities don’t impede their
actual strength--one who’s ugly as sin and has a terrible
speech impediment will still earn much glory if he can fight to
the tribe’s exacting standards. Many Get also care very deeply
for their Kinfolk, taking family ties exceptionally seriously.
This is a double standard for the Kin, of course: their
werewolf relatives hold them to brutally high standards, but
also defend them with great passion.
At every level, tribe society idealizes strength above all. Image source from:
Wisdom and cunning are valued, but as a complement to
might, not a substitute. Fenrir leaders, or jarls, must earn Onyx Path, W20 Sourcebook
their position through grueling physical trials, and be
prepared to hold them in the same way. Tribal moots are full-
moon affairs, beginning with a vicious gauntlet-running to
determine who’s worth to participate in the rites of the tribe.
Rites of Renown entail bloody runes carved into werewolf
hide, even mystical rites dealing with spirits involve ritualized
combat between rite-master and spirit as often as not. Even
their belief in an afterlife reflects the concept of Valhalla, a
grand battlefield awaiting its heroes.


Get of Fenris Features Get of Fenris Stereotypes
Fierce fighters one and all, the Get beseech their spirit allies of the other tribes:
for Gifts of war. Even their Ragabash and Theurges are
expected to stand out in battle. Children of Gaia: "You think you were given these teeth,
these claws, so you could sit about and talk of dreams of
All gifts cost one action, unless stated otherwise peace? FIGHT, you sheepfuckers!"
Gifts cannot stack similar bonuses, but can be used to
extend durations if applicable. Fianna: "Your ancestors were almost as strong as ours, and
you’re almost as strong as we are. What? It’s a compliment."
Lightning Reflexes
At level 3 the Get of Fenris can call upon their tribal spirit Shadow Lords: "Their schemes against the other tribes are
to effortlessly switch from offense to defense as the needs treacherous, which is why they are not friends. Their
of battle demand. schemes against the Wyrm are brilliant, which is why we
cost- The Garou spends 1 Gnosis to activate, and until haven’t cut them down."
his next turn, they have advantage on all Dex Saving
Throws, as well as giving them a bonus action to Dash, or Silver Fangs: "Speak with the voice of a true king, and we’ll
Disengage without an attack of opportunity. follow. You’re too weak to be worth it any other way."
Fangs of the North
At Level 6, Blue smoke rolls off of the Fenrir’s claws and
teeth, which are transformed into curving daggers of
hardened ice.
1d8 Necrotic damage added to any claw or bite
attacks(cannot be used in Homid Form)Increases to 2d8 at
10th level, 3d8 at 15th level, and 4d8 at 18th level. The
duration lasts for up to 1 minute, unless knocked
unconscious or choosing to deactivate the gift. Costs 2
Might of Thor
At 11th level, the Get can increase his strength tremendously
cost- spending 1 rage and 3 Gnosis, until his next turn,
increases his strength score +4, and also can exceed the 20
The effects applied to any damage, attack, feats of strength,
or saving throws where strength is involved.
Beyond Fenrir
At level 17, the Get has the ability to go Beyond the normal
state of himself. He is a Get, but greater. For every point of
Gnosis spent, the Garou has the ability to increase any ability
score by that amount (max 30). Can get scores over 20 in this
cost-is based on the amount the Garou wishes to spend,
and the effects last for 1 minute.



he Silver Fangs are first among the tribes, as quietly ignored when necessary. Still others chafe to be rid of
they are quick to point out. Descendants of them, the Shadow Lords most of all. But the Silver Fangs
great heroes and monarchs, every one, the have yet to fall completely. The charisma of their forebears is
tribe of Falcon claims the role of leadership of still strong in the tribe; those that are willing to reach out to
the Garou Nation. They trace their bloodline the other tribes are surprisingly adept at rallying septs to
back to the Progenitor Wolf, a genealogy of the unite for war. Time will tell if these last vestiges of true
noblest human blood and the finest wolf nobility will be enough to keep the tribe, and by extension the
ancestors. Through the ages, they have been at the forefront Garou Nation unified, or if the Silver Fangs have been
of the war, the proudest and most magnificent Garou — and tarnished and blunted too long.
to hear the Silver Fangs tell it, that is still true. Other tribes
have their doubts, though. Some charge that the Silver Fang’s
obsession with pure blood has brought them to inbreeding,
and their once-clear minds have grown feeble and clouded Appearance: Silver Fangs are of aristocratic human stock,
through the generations. and tend to have strong family resemblances within their
bloodlines. Their wolf forms have clean silver or white coats,
Weak kings demand respect for the deeds of their ancestors, long jaws and full tail brushes. They are fond of jewelry and
not their own. Mad leaders care more for the details of their ornately worked equipment as a sign of their status.
courtly traditions than for the war against the Wyrm. Far too
many fall to Harano for them to be a healthy tribe. Both Tribal Totem: Falcon, who inspires from on high. Silver
viewpoints have some truth to them. The Silver Fangs do Fangs are particularly dedicated to allied avian or solar
indeed descend from great heroes, and they have also spirits, such as Firebirds, the Talons of Horus, and the
suffered from their preference for aristocratic Kinfolk over Children of Karnak.
healthy and intelligent Kin. Many are as bad as their critics
claim, but some still shine with the light of old heroism. In
some ways, they are exactly the exemplars of the Garou they
claim to be — the strengths and the afflictions of the Garou Quote: "I ask nothing of you that you should not want to give
Nation are reflected in the story of the Silver Fangs. From for Gaia. Stand with me and She may yet be saved!"
their First Change, the Silver Fangs learn that they are meant
to rule — not that it is their destiny, or their right, but their
The best of them interpret this mandate as a form of
noblesse oblige: that they must lead by example in peace and
in war. The worst seize upon it as justification for tyranny.
Their aristocratic Kinfolk families raise their children with a
sense of being “above the rest.” Their lupus Kin, of course,
have no real sense of nobility per se. But the Fangs carefully
protect them with the fullness of their resources, so many
Silver Fang lupus still enjoy a more privileged youth than do
the wolf-born of other tribes. Metis are treated somewhat
paradoxically: on the one hand they are signs of impurity that
impugn the famous Silver Fang pride, but on the other, metis
with two Fang parents have arguably some of the purest
blood in the Nation. A metis may never be king, but he may
still receive some respect for his forebears (if not for his
parents’ shame). Silver Fang society borrows a few “regal”
traditions that are not seen in other tribes.
They organize into Houses first and camps second, and their
territories (or “protectorates”) are ruled by kings —
traditionally Ahroun. They divide their courts into two lodges: Image
the Lodge of the Sun deals with material and worldly source
matters, while the Lodge of the Moon focuses on spirituality from:
and issues concerning the wolf lines. Their moots are -werewolf-art-teen-wolf.jpg Onyx Path, W20 Sourcebook
remarkably convoluted, hinging on baroque rituals of
etiquette that would scarcely be tolerated by any other tribe.
As the Apocalypse unfurls, the role of the Silver Fangs is
deeply controversial. Many Garou uphold tradition by
acknowledging the Fangs as still worthy of leadership. Others
treat them as figureheads to be openly respected and then
Silverfang Features Silver Fang Stereotypes of
The regal Silver Fangs are the traditional leaders of the Other Tribes:
Garou, and their Gifts reflect -- and support --that birthright.

Eye of the Falcon

Children of Gaia: "They share our dislike of dissension,
At 3rd level, the Garou’s vision gains the predatory clarity of a although they tend to forgive rogues and rebels too easily."
bird of prey. Fianna: "Their loyalty is much appreciated, even if their
Cost- 2 Gnosis and all Ranged attacks and perception based etiquette is...variable."
checks have advantage for 1 min.
Get of Fenris: "Loyal and honorable vassals when they
acknowledge your position -- dangerous savages when they
Inspiration claim to perceive some weakness in you."
At 6th level, when others look to the Silver Fang for
leadership in battle, this Gift helps them to live up to that Shadow Lords: "They covet a throne, but do not command
trust. The Garou employs this Gift to lend her resolve and the respect necessary to hold it. Perhaps they should direct
righteous anger to those who share her cause. more energy against the true enemy."
Cost- 2 Gnosis spent and the Garou choses any single ally in
battle within 60 ft to gain 1d8 to apply to a roll within the
next 10 min. Can only apply to one individual at a time.

Side Step Death

At 11th level, legends say that when the first Silver Fang died,
he was reborn with this Gift. The Fang simply sidesteps what
would have become his deathblow.
Cost- 5 Gnosis, once activated, any damage that would
reduce the Garou to 0, the Umbra consumes him and
transfers him in any location other location from where the
act took place within 60ft, and HP is now 1 instead.

Renew the Cycle

At 17th level, the Silver Fang is blessed with this Gift that
allows the correction of a grievous wrong done to the natural
cycle of Gaia. The undead, whose very existence is an affront
to the natural order of things, wither and crumble to dust
when struck by the power of this Gift.
Cost- Undead rolls Con Save against current Gnosis DC,
(max 20), if failed, any undead with a CR half of players level
within 60ft is instantly destroyed. If save succeeds they suffer
6d10 + level radiant damage. Those with higher CR rating, if
save fails, they take 6d10 + level radiant, success takes half.

Children of Gaia

he Children of Gaia seem to be a study in With the Apocalypse so close at hand, the Children of Gaia
contradiction. They are Gaia’s warriors, yet are facing many internal crises of faith. Humanity seems to
they want nothing more than peace. No Garou come so far, and then it falls back into old patterns of hatred
work harder and plead more humbly for and bloodthirst. There are so few Garou to protect the world,
cooperation between the tribes than they do. and they turn on each other so quickly. Many of the tribe have
None grieve more when forced to shed the fallen into Harano as the enormity of their task seems to be
blood of a fellow werewolf. More than any overwhelming. Some Children even argue that the secrecy of
other tribe, they value compassion for all Gaia’s children, the Veil prevents them from properly educating humans and
even those that hold them in contempt. Many Garou mistake other races — that they would have the allies they need if
this compassion for weakness, — only to discover that the they could just show the races what’s going on. These
Children’s hatred of war doesn’t preclude the ability and will arguments cause rifts even within the tribe. All told, the odds
to fight — and fight well. seem impossible. But if they were to give up, the elders growl,
The tribe has its origins in the days of the Impergium, when they wouldn’t be the Children ofGaia. They wouldn’t be
they protested the practice of culling humans and fighting Garou.
over territory. When the Garou Nation came to an accord and
agreed to end the Impergium, the peacemakers who had led Appearance: Strong Children of Gaia Pure Breed usually
the effort formalized a pact with Unicorn and became the manifests as a white dappling on a gray or brown coat. The
Children of Gaia. They are the only tribe born from an act of most renowned Children have a calm and serene bearing
peace, and they take great pride in this origin. The Children that can be intimidating in its own right.
of Gaia’s primary purpose is that of all Garou — fight the
Wyrm, wherever it breeds and wherever it dwells. But their Tribal Totem: Unicorn. The Children of Gaia tribal totem is a
chosen secondary purpose is to mediate disputes and powerful spirit of purity, compassionate in peace but also
alliances among septs and packs, strengthening the Nation ferocious in war. They prefer to strike pacts with totems such
as a whole. It’s a difficult job, made more difficult by the as Dove and Narwhal, as well as gentle spirits of glade and
contempt they face from many more martial tribes. But as starlight.
they argue, it’s critical.
The Children of Gaia are a comparatively numerous tribe. Quote: "We’re Garou. We draw out the toxins from our
Rivals claim it’s because they shrink from combat — but Mother’s blood, cut away Her cancers, slay the parasites
that’s not true. They do well by adopting other Garou, any feeding on Her flesh. But once the surgery’s done, you have to
who ask. They are especially respectful of metis, treating bind the wounds back up, too."
them as equals. They have less of an advantage with lupus
numbers, though several wolf-born that grew up not
understanding the concept of “war” find the Children’s ideal
most natural. Unicorn’s children are less concerned with
strict rank and hierarchy. Though still powered by wolf
instinct, they favor fairly loose pack and sept organization.
Each sept has two elders who must excel at mediation: the
Voice of the Goddess(always female) and the Arm of the
Goddess (always male).
The Children constantly involve themselves in the arena of
other races’ politics, more so than many other tribes. They
face the same limitations that all werewolves do where
subtlety is concerned, but still they use what influence they
can, particularly through their Kin, to promote agendas of
compassion, peace and tolerance. The tribal creed states that
the war for Gaia can’t be won without loyal hearts. It’s an
uphill battle, though, and boundlessly frustrating. When the
time comes for war, more than one Child of Gaia lets out a
pent-up Rage that’s horrifying in its strength.

Onyx path, W20 sourcebook


Children of Gaia Features Children of Gaia
The Gifts of the Children of Gaia aid in calming others and Stereotypes of other
strengthening themselves. Yet those who would dismiss the
most peaceful of the tribes as ineffective pacifists will be Tribes:
surprised to discover how well the spirits prepare the Fianna: "There aren’t many who mourn their losses more
Children for the inevitability of battle. keenly, or prize their victories more joyously."
Mother’s Touch Get of Fenris: "You can admire their bravery and strength,
At 3rd level, the Garou channels spiritual power through her but at the end of the day, war is something that we abhor and
hands, mending the wounds of any other living creature. The that they seem to cherish. It’s horrifying."
Garou touches a creature, and heals 1d4/Gnosis point spent.
Cannot heal self, spirits, or any undead with this Gift. Shadow Lords: "Hard to tell what they love best: their
methods, their ambitions, or their successes."
Luna’s Armor
At 6th level, the Child of Gaia invokes the moon’s sacred Silver Fangs: "Of all the failures we’ve endured, the Silver
power. Her body is briefly wreathed in a shimmer of Fangs’ failure to keep the Nation unified has perhaps hurt all
moonlight, granting her Luna’s protection. of us the most."
Cost-2 Gnosis Gains +2 AC and protection from Silver.
At 11th Level, The Garou can flood a target’s mind with the
glory and love of Gaia, rendering him charmed. Charisma
Save vs Garou’s Spellcasting DC. If successful, the target is
immune to this effect for the remainder of the day. Cost - 3
Halo of the Sun
At 17th level, The Garou speaks an ancient word sacred to
Helios and is immediately surrounded by a sphere of blazing
sunlight surrounding her in a radius of 30 ft. Any creatures
trying to hit the Garou do so with Disadvantage, also, anyone
that finishes their turn inside the radius suffers 6d10 radiant
damage. This also applies to any creatures vulnerable to
sunlight that take double damage.



rief and joy, life and death--life is a series of interesting.
contradictions, and the Fianna embrace them
all. The Tribe of Stag are passionate Garou Appearance: Fianna Pure Breed manifests itself as shining
who exult in the pleasures of the flesh as well red or black fur, and often surprisingly large Lupus form.
as the more abstract delights of a song well- Fianna often use Gifts to make their eyes glow green, and
sung or a battle well-fought. Their philosophy teach their cubs to howl with beautiful eloquence.
is far from a shallow “live in the now”concept,
though. The Fianna are prominent lorekeepers and bards, Tribal Totem: Stag, who exemplifies the Fianna love of life.
fascinated with the history of all tribes as well as their own. Stag’s brood largely comprises animal spirits such as Rabbit,
Their Galliards have a particular place of honor within the Impala, the White Hart and the Hind, and some Naturae such
tribe, but every auspice is expected to learn lessons from the as the Brook, Dawn and Grain.
The Fianna trace their origins back to Western Lands, where Quote: "The blood of heroes is on fire within us! The ghosts
they had a particular fondness for the Celtic peoples. They of our ancestors swell with pride to see us stand strong and
stress this cultural identity perhaps more than most other true! The Wyrm itself trembles when we howl!
tribes do; members aren’t as prone to marry outside Celtic AAAAUURROOOOO!"
descended bloodlines, and they prefer to adorn their weapons
and fetishes with knotwork representative of “the old days.”
They endure plenty of old rivalries with other Western Garou
that challenged their borders. The Fianna try to be generous
and forgiving where these rivalries are concerned,
remembering but not making too much of it — an attitude
their rivals rarely share.
Strong passions and a powerful social streak run deep within
the tribe. Their mirth is powerful, their loves intense, and
their despair deep and prone to increasing into Harano.
Introverted Fianna are rare, and don’t earn much sympathy;
their tribemates tend to harass them to “loosen up” and enjoy
the raucous gatherings more. Metis have it much worse.
Fianna tradition holds that a deformed body reflects a
deformed spirit, and treat their metis cubs with great severity
— metis never hold positions of real authority within the
tribe. It’s sadly ironic, then, that the Fianna, with all their hot-
running passion and love of the romantic, are particularly
prone to sin with other Garou and create these luckless
The passionate, mercurial nature of the Fianna manifests
itself even in their wolf-born. Fianna lupus take to art readily,
though of course they prefer songs and howls above all. Some
(both inside and outside the tribe) suspect that this
commonality represents a dose of fae blood — there are
plenty of old stories of the Fianna fighting alongside the Fey,
and engaging in tragic romances with the Old Ones.
In some ways, the Fianna consider themselves the guardians
of Garou culture. They glorify the war every werewolf is born
to fight, they sing tales of romance that stress the importance
of clinging to one’s Kin, and they keep the stories of old
victories and defeats. They leap into battle with exuberance,
hoping to inspire their cousins to do the same. But even with
no other tribe’s eyes upon them, the Fianna fight as
ferociously as any Garou can.
Yet thanks to old rivalries and quick tempers, the Fianna can Image source from:
be a divisive presence as easily as a unifying influence. It’s
hard for them to resist a particularly well-crafted taunt, or to Onyx path, W20 Sourcebook
shake hands with a rival who’s spoken ill of or mistreated
Kin. Some Garou don’t take them seriously; others aren’t able
to laugh off a Fianna’s bouts of temper so easily.
It’s a good thing for the tribe that they’ve practiced the silver
tongue as long as they have. Certainly whatever happens, the
presence of a Fianna is prone to keep things lively and
Fianna Tribal Features Fianna Stereotypes of
The Gifts of the Fianna speak to their vigorous natures and other Tribes:
fae allies, and are often granted by spirits originating in their
native lands. Children of Gaia: "Good folks to have at any moot, even if it
takes more effort to howl ‘em into a proper battle fury when
Faerie Light the need’s there."
At 3rd Level, the Fianna conjures a small, bobbing sphere of
light. It’s no brighter than a torch, but that's usually enough to Get of Fenris: "Berserks and murderers, addicted to the
light the werewolf’s way or lead foes into an ambush. taste of blood. There’s the remnants of a tribe we could’ve
Cost- 1 Gnosis and the light can appear anywhere within the called friends somewhere in there, but it was buried
Garou’s line of sight, and bobs about at 10 ft/round if bidden millennia ago."
to do so. Lasts until Fianna chooses to dismiss it, or falls
unconscious. Shadow Lords: "Smart and vicious and effective, but
anyone who doesn’t respect his king on principle needs to be
Flame Dance watched."
At 6th level, Pushing the fire in his heart into his limbs, the
Fianna hurls himself unharmed through the ranks of Gaia’s Silver Fangs: "We owe them our loyalty, and it’s a hard debt
foes. A mongoose-spirit teaches this Gift. to pay sometimes."
System: The player reflexively spends one Rage point,
allowing the character to dodge one attack regardless of what
other actions he has taken during the round. Alternately, a
Rage point may be spent to enhance a normal Dexterity
based skill check, giving advantage to the ability.
Fair Fortune
At 11th level, the Fianna is blessed with a lucky streak a mile
Cost-3 Gnosis and the player may re-roll any failed roll. The
result of the second roll must be kept. Cant be used more
than once/short rest.
Fog of the Moor
At 17th level, the Fianna is transformed into a ghostly outline
of himself, allowing him to pass through anything except
silver as though he were incorporeal. He may communicate
and strike opponents normally. He cannot be harmed by
anything except silver, all incoming attacks pass harmlessly
through him.
Cost. 4 Gnosis/ per round. The Fianna may also decide to
phase back in as a bonus action, and save the remaining
rounds for a later time. This Gift ends at any point the Fianna
decides to rest, or falls unconscious. This does not cause
immunity from spells or attacks that affect the mind. The
Fianna cannot heal or receive healing while phased.

Shadow Lords

he strong dominate; the weak submit. This is and foolish at the time they’re needed most. The tribes are
the core of Shadow Lord philosophy. Intensely splintered and squabbling where they should be unified
political and coldly pragmatic, the Shadow against the Wyrm. The authority of royal blood has failed; the
Lords practice a rigid internal hierarchy and calls for reconciliation have failed. Perhaps the only thing
promote an equally unforgiving value system that will unite the Garou Nation is fear. If that’s what it takes
for the Garou Nation. Their very presence is — if the Garou need an iron claw to bring them together —
divisive. Other tribes view their manipulative the Shadow Lords will certainly take the opportunity when it
tactics as a reason to distrust the Lords, or complain that presents itself.
anyone so ruthless is marked for eventual corruption. Some
would argue that they should be cast out of the Nation Appearance: Shadow Lords with high Pure Breed often lean
entirely--but the Shadow Lords are far too valuable. Their toward the saturnine in all forms. In Lupus form, they are
methods are often dishonorable and sometimes cruel, but notably thick and stocky, with the dark coats that reflect their
they get results. tribal name.
Life among the Lords is one part oppressive and one part
inspirational. Cubs are taught to fear their elders as much as Tribal Totem: Grandfather Thunder, a powerful storm spirit
revere them. But the tribe is also a meritocracy — those who that demands a clear hierarchy. The most famous spirits of
have the ambition and skill to succeed will go farther than his brood are the Stormcrows, which are inextricably linked
those who rely on a misguided sense of entitlement. The to the Shadow Lords. Grandfather Thunder has also
lupus of the tribe usually start by mastering this instinctive dominated other spirits that others would find difficult to
dominance before they begin to hone their more humanlike control, such as spirits of night and pain.
capacity for deception and politics. Metis begin with the deck
stacked against them — but are in a unique position to begin Quote: "Of course I have a plan. Someone needs to do the
learning the tribe’s manipulative tricks almost as soon as they thinking around here. Now are you interested in winning this
can talk. fight, or were you looking forward to a glorious face-first
The Shadow Lords’ tribal strength is that they produce very charge into a wall of silver?"
strong, cunning champions; their elders and leaders have
earned their position by constantly honing themselves. Their
tribal weakness is that every Shadow Lord contends against
his brethren. Those below you covet your position; those
above you don’t want you coveting theirs. Their constant
struggles for dominance have dealt them more than one
setback in their ongoing quest for power.
This ruthless tribal philosophy has been at the tribe’s heart
ever since its founding in what is now Eastern Lands. During
the Impergium, they showed no mercy in culling their
charges — and when the Impergium ended, they still believed
it necessary that humans fear the dark. Over the years, the
Shadow Lords have made all manner of alliances, only to
turn on their compatriots when the opportunity and the
excuse were there. Many of these alliances were even with
other creatures of the night such as vampires. Of course, it’s
not fashionable to be seen consorting with a Leech, even if
you plan to eventually turn on it — because of course it will
eventually turn on you — so the Shadow Lords aren’t seen
doing so. Not if they can help it.
As ambitious and callous as they are, most Shadow Lords are
still loyalists to the Gaian cause. They work to undercut and
dethrone weak leaders, but a strong and cunning leader
earns great loyalty from the tribe of Grandfather Thunder.
They play one Garou against another, testing the loyalties of
both. If someone in a sept is close to turning to the Wyrm,
more often than not it’s a Shadow Lord who finds out first —
and then exploits the information in the most advantageous
way possible. As they reasonably point out, only the weak and
corrupt have anything to fear from their investigations. The Image source
fact that it’s the Shadow Lords defining “weak” and “corrupt” from:
does little to allay concerns. A Philodox of Grandfather -teen-wolf-dark-art.jpg Onyx Path W20 Sourcebook
Thunder rarely errs on the side of compassion.
In these dying times, though, the Shadow Lords see
weakness all around them. The Silver Fangs are doddering
Shadow Lord Tribal Shadow Lord Stereotypes
Features: of other Tribes:
The Shadow Lords appreciate both subtlety and power, and Children of Gaia: "Their aggression is difficult to make use
this is reflected in their spirit pacts. The Tribe’s Gifts grant of, and they’re very sensitive about it. Still, don't
power over shadows, intimidation, control, asserting underestimate the utility of a tribe that understands the
dominance over others, and the raw fury of the unleashed necessity of cooperation."
Fianna: "They’ll argue with any plan just for the love of
Shadow Weaving argument. Let the dispute run its course, let them think
At 3rd level, the Shadow Lord slightly flexing her fingers or they’ve won, and then get them moving against the target."
claws, pulls and weaves shadows as she desires--lengthening
or shortening them, lightening or darkening, or even twisting Get of Fenris: "Handle them properly, and they’re a vital
them into grotesque and frightening shapes. part of any battle plan. Make a mistake in handling
Cost- 1 Gnosis point, and the Shadow Lords gains advantage them...actually, let me just say don't make a mistake in
to any stealth and Intimidation check, also any attempt to handling them."
read aura on the shadow Lord fails, and after every round an
attempted roll or check used by the Shadow Lord or against Silver Fangs: "There will come a point where the fall of the
him, 1 Gnosis point must be spent to keep shadow weaving Silver Fangs will do more to unify the tribes than their
active. presence does. Wait."
Direct the Storm
At 6th level, the Shadow Lord can direct the primal instincts
of an opponent, friend, or foe, causing him to attack targets of
the Lord’s choice.
Cost-2 Gnosis and a Wisdom save vs Shadow Lord’s
spellcasting DC. Failed Save indicates that the Shadow Lord
controls the target’s frenzy and can set him on anyone she
chooses for the amount of rounds of the Shadow Lord’s total
Rage amount. Target has the opportunity to resist each
round. Shadow Lord cannot use abilities that require
intricate thought of the victim, or have them cast spells.
Strength of the Dominator
At 11th level, the Shadow Lord draws on a target’s anger to
feed his own.
Cost-3 Gnosis points, target rolls Wisdom Save difficulty
spellcaster DC. On a failed save, for every round the target
deals damage, the Shadow Lord gets a point of rage back for
the amount of rounds equal to Shadow Lord’s Gnosis rating.
On a successful save, the target becomes immune to the gift
for the remainder of the day.
Shadow Pack
At 17th level, the Shadow Lord summons up shadowy
duplicates of himself to stand by him in battle. These shadow
wolves resemble the Shadow Lord and share some of his
Cost- One Shadow Lord duplicate appears for each point
spent within 60ft in any area the Shadow Lord has line of
sight. These duplicates have the same stats and abilities as
the Garou, but can NOT use Gifts, Gnosis, or Rage. And can
only use its natural weapons of the Shadow Lord. Each only
has 1 hit point. Duplicates fade if not killed or dismissed
beforehand in 1 hour.


Gift List
Protean Form
Homid Totem Gift
Rank 1
Apecrafts' Blessing Lupus
City Running Rank 1
Master of Fire Hare’s Leap
Persuasion Heightened Senses
Smell of Man Sense Prey
Rank 2 Predator’s Arsenal
Jam Technology Prey Mind
Mark of the Wolf Rank 2
Speech of the World Axis Mundi
Staredown Eye of the Eagle
Rank 3 Scent of Sight
Calm the Savage Beast Rank 3
Cowing the Bullet Catfeet
Disquiet Monkey Tail
Reshape Sense the Unnatural
Rank 4 Silence the Weaver
Body Shift Strength of Gaia
Bury the Wolf Rank 4
Cocoon Beast Life
Spirit Ward Gnaw
Rank 5 Scream of Gaia
Assimilation Terror of the Dire Wolf
Beyond Human Rank 5
Part the Veil Elemental Gift
Song of the Great Beast
Rank 1 Ragabash
Create Element Rank 1
Primal Anger Blur of the Milky Eye
Rat Head Liar’s Face
Sense Wyrm Open Seal
Shed Scent of Running Water
Rank 2 Rank 2
Burrow Blissful Ignorance
Curse of Hatred Pulse of the Prey
Form Mastery Spider’s Song
Sense Silver Taking the Forgotten
Rank 3 Rank 3
Chameleon Gremlins
Eyes of the Cat Liar’s Craft
Mental Speech Monkey Tail
Shell Pathfinder
Rank 4 Rank 4
Gift of the Porcupine Luna’s Blessing
Lash of Rage Umbral Dodge
Rattler’s Bite Whelp Body
Wither Limb
Rank 5
Rank 5 Thousand Forms
Theurge Galliard
Rank 1 Rank 1
Spirit Snare Heightened Senses
Spirit Speech
Umbral Tether Rank 2
Rank 2 Howls in the Night
Command Spirit
Name the Spirit Rank 3
Sight From Beyond Song of Heroes
Song of Rage
Rank 3 Song of the Siren
Pulse of the Invisible Rank 4
Umbral Camouflage Bridge Walker
Web Walker Gift of Dreams
Shadows by the Firelight
Rank 4
Blurring the Mirror Rank 5
Grasp the Beyond Head Games
Spirit Drain
Spirit Ward Ahroun
Rank 5 Rank 1
Feral Lobotomy Falling Touch
Malleable Spirit Pack Tactics
Ultimate Argument of Logic Rank 2
Philodox Sense Silver
Shield of Rage
Rank 1 Spirit of the Fray
Fangs of Judgement True Fear
Persuasion Rank 3
Resist Pain
Scent of the True Form Heart of Fury
Silver Claws
Rank 2 Wind Claws
Call to Duty Rank 4
Command the Gathering
Strength of Purpose Body Shift
Clenched Jaw
Rank 3 Full Moon’s Light
Mental Speech Stoking Fury’s Furnace
Scent of the OathBreaker Rank 5
Sense Balance
Weak Arm Strength of Will
Unstoppable Warrior
Rank 4
Roll Over
Scent of Beyond
Rank 5

Children of Gaia Get of Fenris
Rank 1 Rank 1
Brother’s Scent Master of Fire
Jam Weapon Resist Pain
Resist Pain Visage of Fenris
Rank 2 Rank 2
Grandmother’s Touch Halt the Coward’s Flight
Luna’s Armor Snarl of the Predator
Para Bellum Troll Skin
Unicorn’s Arsenal
Rank 3
Rank 3 Redirect Pain
Calm the Savage Beast Venom Blood
Lover’s Touch Rank 4
Spirit Friend Body Shift
Heart of the Mountain
Rank 4 Scream of Gaia
Beast Life
Serenity Rank 5
Strike the Air Endurance of Heimdall
Uncaught Since the Primal Moon Horde of Valhalla
Fenris Bite
Rank 5 Call Great Fenris(6)
The Living Wood
Shadow Lords
Fianna Rank 1
Rank 1 Aura of Confidence
Hare’s Leap Fatal Flaw
Persuasion Seizing the Edge
Resist Toxin Whisper Catching
Two Tongues
Rank 2
Rank 2 Clap of Thunder
Glib Tongue Cold Voice of Reason
Form Mastery Howls in the Night
Howl of the Banshee Luna’s Armor
Howl of the Unseen Song of the Earth Mother
Rank 3 Rank 3
Faerie Kin Icy Chill of Despair
Fair Fortune Paralyzing Stare
Ley Lines Shadow Cutting
Reshape Object Under the Gun
Song of the Siren
Rank 4
Rank 4 Open Wounds
Balor’s Gaze
Phantasm Rank 5
Rank 5
Call the Hunt
Gift of the Spriggan

Silver Fangs
Rank 1
Falcon’s Grasp
Lambent Flame
Sense Wyrm
Rank 2
Hand Blade
Luna’s Armor
Sense Silver
Unity of the Pack
Rank 3
Burning Blade
Silver Claws
Talons of the Falcon
Wrath of Gaia
Rank 4
Rank 5
Luna’s Avenger

Casting Time Instantaneous
Gift Descriptions Range: Self
The Gifts are presented in alphabetical order. Duration: Permanent
Gnosis: N/A
Apecrafts’ Blessing Rage: N/A
Homid, Rank 1 Gift The lupus reaches out with her spirit to feel the presence
Casting Time bonus action of Gaia, centering herself with relation to her Mother. She
Range: Self always knows what direction she is traveling or facing in, so
Duration: Special long as she travels within the Gaia Realm. The spirits of
Gnosis: None migratory birds teach this Gift.
Rage: N/A System: Advantage to any rolls regarding Navigation This
Though many of Gaia’s children use tools, none have Gift’s effects are permanent.
mastered them so thoroughly as humanity. The homid
focuses this mastery into the tools she uses, causing their Balor’s Gaze
spirits to awaken and lend her aid. An ancestor-spirit or spirit Fianna, Rank 4 Gift
of a man-made object teaches this Gift. Casting Time 1 action
System: The werewolf can use a bonus action to gain Range: 60 ft
advantage on the next roll she makes to employ a tool made Duration: 10 minutes
by human hands. The purpose is irrelevant—this Gift is Gnosis: 1 Point
equally efficacious for attempts to repair an engine, drive a Rage: 1 point
car or fire a gun. One of the Fianna’s eyes glows a livid red, and all enemies
caught by his gaze are stricken with terrible agony. A pain-
Assimilation spirit teaches this Gift.
Homid, Rank 5 Gift System: The player spends one Rage point and one
Casting Time Instantaneous Gnosis. For the next 10 minutes, any foe at whom the Garou
Range: Self glares within 60 ft must roll Wisdom save double over in
Duration: 24 hours pain, dealing 8d6 psychic damage and a disadvantage on
Gnosis: 1/day their attack rolls until the Garou’s next turn. If a creature dies
Rage: N/A from the Balor’s Gaze, the Garou may choose to regain one of
A werewolf with this Gift blends smoothly into any culture, their rage or Gnosis points spent for this ability.
no matter how strange or unfamiliar he might normally find Beast Life
it. He could slip among Bedouin nomads as if he were one of Lupus, Rank 4 Gift
them, or he could shop in a Chinese market without anyone Casting Time Instantaneous
noticing that he doesn’t belong. The Gift doesn’t hide racial Range: 60 ft
differences, but it does allow the werewolf to mimic the Duration: 10 minutes
behaviors and mannerisms of a native. It also grants the Gnosis: 1 Point
ability to speak and understand the culture’s language, Rage: N/A
although this knowledge vanishes as the Gift ends. It is The werewolf can communicate with other wild animals
taught by Ancestor-spirits. and attract or even command them. Domesticated animals
System: The player rolls a history check If successful, the may speak with the Garou, but they have given themselves
character interacts with members of another culture as if he over to the ways of humans and will provide no aid beyond
were one of them. The difficulty depends on how alien the information. Any animal spirit can teach this Gift, although
culture is. Another Garou sept would be 5, while a Black lupus prefer to learn it from lion- or wolf-spirits.
Spiral hive or foreign country could be as high as 15. The System: The character gains the permanent ability to
character suffers no Social penalties when interacting with communicate with all animals, regardless of the form she
members of the culture, although he will enjoy no special wears. To attract animals, the player spends one Gnosis
benefits either. The Gift lasts for one day per Gnosis point point. All animals within 30 miles respond to the summons,
spent when activating it. and will follow any requests the Garou makes. It is
Aura of Confidence considered customary to pay homage to the spirit of any
Shadow Lords, Rank 1 Gift animal ordered to sacrifice itself with this Gift; to do
Casting Time Instantaneous otherwise risks angering the spirit world.
Range: Self
Duration: Permanent
Gnosis: N/A
Rage: N/A
The werewolf projects an aura of superiority, preventing
attempts to find flaws or read auras (but not to read the
werewolf’s thoughts). An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.
Axis Mundi
Lupus, Rank 2 Gift
Beyond Human Blurring the Mirror
Homid, Rank 5 Gift Theurge, Rank 4 Gift
Casting Time 1 action Casting Time 1 action
Range: Self Range: 60 ft
Duration: 1 hour Duration: 1 hour
Gnosis: up to half (round up) Gnosis: up to half gnosis(max 5)
Rage: up to half (round up) Rage: n/a
This potent Gift immunizes a human from the Delirium This Gift allows the Theurge to cloud the minds of other
effect. However, the Garou can replace any crucial piece of beings, making it impossible for them to find the Umbra or
information the target may have learned within this time, step sideways into it. Once used as a form of punishment for
with something else that the Garou creates for her. As long as arrogant pups, this Gift is more often deployed as a weapon
it isn't completely out of the ordinary. (Cant say aliens against Black Spiral Dancers in the days of the coming
abducted you for the last 24 hours) An ancestor-spirit teaches Apocalypse. A Weaver-spirit teaches this Gift.
this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis point for every
System: The player spends a Gnosis point for each day he individual she wishes to affect. The targets make Intelligence
chooses this Gift to remain in effect Must be within 120 ft to saves. On a failure any abilities to teleport, planar travel, open
activate. If the Garou chooses to substitute any piece of dimension doors, side step, wont work for the targets take a
known information the target may have acquired, it can be long rest. Also, any magical items that use similar abilities
replaced with another interpretation of the story, and stop working until the owner takes a long rest, or if the item
completely forget about that event. Target Rolls Wisdom Save has no owner it is 1 day.Up to five individuals can be affected
to resist. If saved, the target also realizes the attempt the at once. While normally used against other Garou, this Gift is
Garou tried to make, and may become hostile. effective against any being capable of entering the Umbra
sideways, including some mages.
Blissful Ignorance
Ragabash, Rank 2 Gift Body Shift
Casting Time 1 action Homid Rank 4 Gift
Range: Self Casting Time 1 action
Duration: 10 minutes Range: Self
Gnosis: n/a Duration: Until dispelled
Rage: n/a Gnosis: 2
The Garou can become completely invisible to all senses, Rage: n/a
spirits or monitoring devices by remaining still. A chameleon- Garou raised in the shifting maze of human society are
spirit teaches this Gift. well-prepared for the endless adaptations Gaia demands of
System: The player rolls gets a +10 to any Dexterity her protectors. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift. System:
checks attempting to blend in or hide. Success provides Garou can use her shapeshifting ability and alter her physical
perfect concealment. Last for 10 minutes. attributes. Until the Garou falls unconscious or willingly
disables this gift, the Garou can switch her STR, DEX, and/or
Blur of the Milky Eye Con ability scores around as she sees fit.
Ragabash, Rank 1 Gift Only one score can be exchanged with the other. Any and
Casting Time 1 action all saves, skills, and other abilities that are physical are also
Range: Self adjusted temporarily.
Duration: 1 hour
Gnosis: n/a
Rage: n/a
The werewolf’s form becomes a shimmering, indistinct
blur, as though seen through heavy cataracts — even in the
midday sun. The Ragabash is not truly invisible, however, and
if spotted, this Gift’s protection fails until the observer is
distracted. A chameleon- or ermine-spirit teaches this Gift.
System:Perception rolls made to detect him are made with
disadvantage for 1 hour.

Bridge Walker Gnosis: n/a
Galliard, Rank 4 Gift Rage: n/a
Casting Time 10 minutes This Gift grants the ability to burrow through the earth,
Range: Special creating a tunnel roughly the size of the digger’s body, which
Duration: one passage or next full moon others can follow through. The werewolf must be in a form
Gnosis: 1 - 3 possessing claws to use this Gift. Mole-spirits teach this Gift.
Rage: n/a System: The player rolls Athletics check against a difficulty
The Galliard may create minor moon bridges through depending on the substance to be excavated (DC 5 for loose
which she alone can travel. Such travel takes one percent of mud, DC15 for solid rock). Some metals (such as steel and
the time the journey would take normally, allowing the titanium alloys) and other reinforced structures won’t yield to
werewolf to disappear from in front of a foe and reappear the werewolf no matter how hard she digs. The character can
behind it instantly. These moon bridges are not protected by burrow 15 ft per turn after the initial roll, the character does
Lunes, and may attract the interest of spirits. A Lune teaches not need to roll again to continue at the same speed.
this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point to create the Bury the Wolf
bridge. The moon bridge lasts for only one passage, unless Homid, Rank 4 Gift
the player spends an additional three Gnosis, in which case it Casting Time 1 action
lasts until the next full moon. The maximum distance that Range: Self
can be traversed by the bridge is the Garou’s Gnosis in miles Duration: Variable
(1.6 km per Gnosis dot). Gnosis: 1-5
Rage: n/a
Brother’s Scent The war against the Wyrm isn’t always a matter of slashing
Children of Gaia, Rank 1 Gift claws and righteous fury — sometimes duplicity is required.
Casting Time Instantaneous A werewolf can temporarily “restrain” her inner wolf and
Range: Self appear to be a normal human. An ancestor-spirit teaches this
Duration: Until Dismissed Gift.
Gnosis: 1 System: The player spends one Gnosis point causes the
Rage: n/a character to appear human to all supernatural scrutiny. The
The Galliard may create minor moon bridges through Gift also nullifies the Curse and makes spending Rage
which she alone can travel. Such travel takes one percent of impossible, and locks her in homid form so long as its effects
the time the journey would take normally, allowing the persist. And is not vulnerable to silver. Any items the are
werewolf to disappear from in front of a foe and reappear considered magical are also hidden under this Gift, as they
behind it instantly. These moon bridges are not protected by appear normal. Any attempt to identify an item, or something
Lunes, and may attract the interest of spirits. A Lune teaches similiar must roll a WIS save, to reveal the item, or break the
this Gift. effects of the Gift. The duration depends on the amount of
System: The player spends one Gnosis point to create the Gnosis is spent, or if the caster chooses to end it earlier.
bridge. The moon bridge lasts for only one passage, unless Gnosis:
the player spends an additional three Gnosis, in which case it One 1 Hour
lasts until the next full moon. The maximum distance that Two 12 hours
can be traversed by the bridge is the Garou’s Gnosis in miles Three One day
(1.6 km per Gnosis dot). Four One week
Five One lunar cycle
Burning Blade
Silver Fangs, Rank 3 Gift
Casting Time 1 action
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
Gnosis: 1
Rage: n/a
This Gift causes a Garou’s weapon, whether it’s a sword,
klaive or axe, to burn with a deadly fire that burns her enemy
even as it bites into their flesh. A firebird spirit teaches this
System: The werewolf spends one Gnosis to activate the
Gift. The weapon now adds 2d8 fire damage. Flammable
objects will catch fire if struck by the blade. The weapon
remains ignited for 10 minutes.
Metis, Rank 2 Gift
Casting Time 1 action
Range: Self
Duration: 8 Hours
Call Great Fenris 6 System: The player spends one Gnosis point . Success
Get of Fenris, Rank 5 Gift summons the war-avatar of Great Fenris, who will fight at the
Casting Time 1 action Fenrir’s Few spirits — short of Incarnae themselves — are as
Range: 90 ft frightening and dangerous as the war-avatar of Great Fenris.
Duration: 3 rounds The avatar of Fenris Wolf appears as an enormous wolf, 20
Gnosis: 1 feet tall at the shoulder. His eyes burn with rage and his jaws
Rage: n/a drip with the blood of countless enemies. His coat is a deep
As the ultimate expression of the pact between tribe and gray that seems to shimmer from black to red and even to
totem, the greatest Get heroes may summon the war-avatar white as the light shifts across it. The war-avatar of Fenris is
of their tribal totem to aid them in their hour of need. The not as powerful as the Incarna himself would be, but it still
avatar joins in combat, slaying all that are not Get of Fenris or defies the usual limitations of spirits. The Fenrir Spirit rolls
under their protection. However, Great Fenris demands a his own initiative, as well as his own turns. He is friendly to
sacrifice for his intervention — usually the left hand of the his summoner and his allies. And if not commanded to do
summoner. It’s said that if the war-avatar is called for no good anything, will still defend itself from hostile creatures. Lasts
reason, it will devour the summoner entirely before for 3 rounds, and can be summoned anywhere within 90 ft of
departing. This Gift is taught by Great Fenris himself. the summoner. (See Fenrir Stat Block)

Fenrir Regeneration. Fenrir regains 20 hit points at the start of

his turn if he has at least 1 hit point remaining.
Gargantuan monstrosity (titan), unaligned
Siege Monster. Fenrir deals double damage to objects
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) and structures.
Hit Points 362(25d20 + 100)
Speed 50 ft. Actions
Multiattack. Fenrir can use his Frightful Presence. He
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA then makes four weapon attacks.
25 (+7) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 21 (4d6 + 7) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6)
Skills Intimidation +14, Perception +15, Stealth +9 necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it must
Damage Immunities necrotic; bludgeioning, piercing, succeed on a DC 22 Strength saving throw or be
and slashing from non magical weapons knocked prone.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened Frightful Presence. Each creature of Fenrir's choice that
Senses darkvision 120ft, passive Perception 25 is within 120 feet of him and aware of him must
Languages - succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Battle Frenzy. When Fenrir is at or below one-quarter his effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving
maximum hit points, he can make one additional attack throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the
on his turn. When it does so, he gains a +7 bonus to creature is immune to Fenrir's Frightful Presence for
his damage rolls, but also gains a -7 penalty to his the next 24 hours.
attack rolls..
Abdominal Drop. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Energetic Attacks. Fenrir deals an additional 7 (2d6) reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2)
necrotic damage on each of his weapon attacks Heel Jawbreaker. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
(included in the attack). 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2)
Keen Hearing and Smell. Fenrir has advantage on Tilt-a-whirl Eye Takedown. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2)
Enormous Nose. This creature gains advantage on any Legendary Actions
check involving putting things in its nose. Fenrir can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Legendary Resistance (3/day) If Fenrir fails a saving options below. Only one legendary action option can
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. be used at a time and only at the end of another
creature's turn. Fenrir regains spent legendary actions
Pack Tactics. Fenrir has advantage on an attack roll at the start of his turn.
against a creature if at least one of Fenrir's allies is
within 5 feet of the creature and that ally isn't Detect. Fenrir makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Move. Fenrir moves up to half his speed.
Primal Strikes. Fenrir ignores other creatures' resistance
and immunity to non magical bludgeoning, piercing, Attack. Fenrir makes one weapon attack.
and slashing damage.

Call the Hunt System: The Garou must chant and concentrate for one
Fianna, Rank 5 Gift full hour. The player then spends one Gnosis point. The Fey
Casting Time Concentration, 1 hour Huntsman appears with a leashed terror, plus one leashed
Range: 90 ft terror for each extra Rage or Gnosis point the player wishes
Duration: Until Request is fullfilled to expend. If the Huntsman judges that the evil he has been
Gnosis: 1 - max allowed for level summoned to hunt is insufficiently mighty or wicked to
Rage: max allowed for level warrant his talents, or if the Garou has already summoned
The werewolf calls forth the Huntsman of Celtic mythology the Huntsman within the last month, then the Garou
to harry and slay a great evil. The Huntsman himself teaches becomes the target of the hunt.
this Gift.

Fey Huntsman Horn of the Wild Hunt. Fey huntsmen carry hunting
horns that are enchanted to drive leashed terrors into a
Large Fey, Chaotic Neutral
frenzy. As a bonus action, the fey huntsman may sound
Armor Class 16 a horn of the wild hunt. All leashed terrors within 60
Hit Points 204(24d10 + 72) feet may spend a reaction to make an attack or use the
Speed 40 ft. Dash action. Once used, a horn of the wild hunt may
not be used again until the next dusk.
Onion Stench. Any creatures within 5 feet of this thing
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA develops an irrational craving for onion rings.
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) Actions
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, piercing, or Multiattack. The fey huntsman makes two spear attacks,
slashing damage from weapons made of cold iron two javelin attacks, or one spear attack and one javelin
Skills Animal Handling +6, Perception +6, Survival +6 attack.
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Perception 12 one target. Hit: 15 (2d10+4) piercing damage, and 9
Languages Common, Giant, Sylvan (2d8) poison damage. Creatures suffering the
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) frightened condition from a fey huntsman or a leashed
terror take an additional 9 (2d8) psychic damage.
When summoned, choose one of the following traits:
Masters of the Hunt. Fey huntsmen often carry the Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
leashes of leashed terrors, their hunting-beasts. The 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) piercing
leash can extend up to 120 feet or reduce to 5 feet damage, and the target must succeed a DC 16
without apparent slack. As a reaction or bonus action, Constitution saving throw or take an additional 9 (2d8)
the fey huntsman can pull a leashed terror whose leash poison damage and its speed is reduced by 15 feet
it holds up to 30 feet closer to it in a straight line. until the beginning of the fey huntsman’s next turn. A
Other characters can spend a Use an Object action to trophy of the great beast or horn of the wild hunt is
pull on a leash with a free hand. Roll a Strength almost always ruined in the course of a battle, or
(Athletics) check against DC 16; on a success the sundered upon the death of its bearer. One who
leashed terror is pulled 10 feet in a straight line. The proved true courage, enough to stir the heart of even a
fey huntsman can release any or all leashes as a free merciless and cruel fey huntsman, might be rewarded
action. with such an item from the huntsman’s own hand.
They are wondrous items that require attunement.
Trophy of Great Beast. Fey huntsmen have collected Please note that the trophy of the great beast is not
trophies from their greatest kills, often the head, horns, balanced for PC use, and you will want to consider
or heart, to strike fear into their prey. If any enemy adjusting its effect, while the horn of the wild hunt is
creature is within 30 feet of the fey huntsman when it useless to most PCs and should have its effect
rolls initiative, the trophy of the great beast casts fear; changed to something reasonable.
fey huntsmen and leashed terrors are not affected. The
Wisdom saving throw DC is 16.

Leashed Terrors
The leashed terrors that serve fey huntsmen as trackers, or Leashed Terror
that guard the palaces of Unseelie nobles, were once mortals Tiny beast, neutral annoying
– human, dwarven, or any other kind of humanoid. The
glamour of the Unseelie causes them to take the shape of Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
their own darkest terrors. (Those whose darkest terrors are Hit Points 117(18d8 + 36)
ill-suited to hunting or war are given… other work.) Speed 40 ft.
This fey magic is bound to them in their collars, clasped
about their necks. This clasp is vulnerable to determined STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
effort, but the leashed terrors are sure to punish those who
fail in the attempt. 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
Many leashed terrors look vaguely canine or lupine, while
others take the shapes of any kind of great predator, or even a Condition Immunities frightened
nightmarish mix of features that have never existed on a Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
single creature in nature. Perception 11
Always Hungry. Fey huntsmen feed their leashed terrors Languages understands Common and Sylvan but
cannot speak
only enough that they still feel the pangs of their hunger, for Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
they want them to be as aggressive as possible. The leash and
collar make sure that the terrors come quickly to heel. Transformed Mortal. When a leashed terror’s current
The Mortal Within. It is still possible to free the leashed hit points are less than or equal to half of its
terrors from the magic that holds them. Many of them maximum hit points, the clasp of its collar
crumble to dust the moment they are released, as the weight becomes accessible. A successful Dexterity
of too many centuries destroys them. The rest will surely (thieves’ tools) check against DC 14 opens the
struggle with the memories of their time as a beast of the clasp, transforming the leashed terror back to its
Wild Hunt. original form. On a failed check, the leashed terror
can spend its reaction to make an attack on the
creature that attempted to unlock its clasp.
Keen Smell. The leashed terror has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Pounce. If the leashed terror moves at least 20 feet
straight toward a creature and then hits it with a
claw attack on the same turn, the target must
succeed a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone. If the target is prone, the leashed
terror can make one bite attack against it as a
bonus action

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 16 (3d8+3) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 13 (3d6+3) slashing damage.
Dreadful Baying. All creatures other than leashed
terrors or fey huntsmen within 60 feet of the
leashed terror must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom
saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect

Call to Duty Chameleon
Philodox, Rank 2 Gift Metis, Rank 3 Gift
Casting Time 1 action Casting Time bonus action
Range: 90 ft Range: Self
Duration: Until dismissed Duration: Until dismissed
Gnosis: 2 Gnosis: n/a
Rage: n/a Rage: n/a
Names hold great power in the spirit world, and the Like the Gift’s reptilian namesake, the Garou can blend
Philodox may exploit this to summon and command any Fey with her natural surroundings. Unlike the lizard, the werewolf
she knows by name. Only one command may be given, and shifts fluidly with changing backgrounds, thus allowing the
the spirit departs immediately after fulfilling it. Alternatively, Garou to move about and even attack. A chameleon- or
all spirits in the area may be called in times of great need. An octopus spirit teaches this Gift.
Incarna avatar teaches this Gift. System: As a bonus action,the player spends one Gnosis
System: The Garou must know the name of the spirit she point to activate the Gift. The Garou can choose the hide
wishes to summon. The player rolls Charisma (difficulty action as a bonus action each round while active. Anyone
equal to the Fey’s CR - Garou’s Gnosis Rating). The second trying to see the werewolf, even in open ground, must make a
mode of this Gift simply requires the player to spend two Perception roll vs Garou’s stealth check to detect her. Once
Gnosis points to summon all Fey within a one-mile radius. the Garou attacks, he is no longer hidden, but can take his
The results of the roll determine a generalization of how bonus action to hide again. The Gift affects only sight; it does
powerful the Fey who have answered the call. If the character not mask the Garou’s sound or scent.
has abused this Gift in the past (in the Storyteller’s
estimation), the spirits might refuse the call — such a general City Running
summons is rooted more in appeal to duty than compulsion. Homid, Rank 1 Gift
The mightiest of Fey are generally able to ignore this Gift if Casting Time 1 action
they choose. Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
Calm the Savage Beast Gnosis: n/a
Homid, Rank 3 Gift Rage: 1
Casting Time 1 action Humans are creatures of the city, raising their steel and
Range: 30 ft glass nests high into the sky. This Gift allows a homid to
Duration: n/a easily scale the concrete canyons and navigate the tangled
Gnosis: 1-2 back alleys and rooftops of the urban landscape. Some lupus
Rage: n/a derisively refer to this Gift as “Climb Like an Ape.” It is taught
Even the most callous of homids can sympathize with the by an ancestor-spirit or an urban city-spirit.
Rage that moves their fellow Garou in the final days. This System:The player spends a point of Rage. For 10
Gift allows the werewolf to lend a frenzying Garou the will to minutes, the character may move unimpeded through rough
escape her Rage’s hold over her. It can also remove a terrain at her full movement speed and gains advantage on all
frightened status effect.It is taught by an ancestor-spirit. STR/DEX rolls to navigate through cities. (running down
System: The player spends a Gnosis point, soothing a cluttered alleys, climbing the side of buildings, leaping from
frenzying Garou within 30 feet (9 m), canceling the frenzy. By rooftop to rooftop)
spending an extra point, this Gift may affect non-Garou in a
state of frenzy, such as other shapeshifters or vampires. The Clap of Thunder
extra Gnosis point also removes the frightened status Shadow Lord, Rank 2 Gift
condition. Casting Time 1 action
Range: 20 ft radius
Catfeet Duration: Until Dismissed
Homid, Rank 3 Gift Gnosis: 1
Casting Time n/a Rage: n/a
Range: Self The Shadow Lord slams her hands together, creating a
Duration: Permanent mighty thunderclap that stuns those who hear it. A
Gnosis: n/a Stormcrow teaches this Gift.
Rage: n/a System: The player spends one Gnosis point. All
The werewolf gains the agility of a cat, making him characters within 20 feet (6 m) must succeed in a Wisdom
immune to falls under 100 feet (~30 m). He also has perfect Save, half the DC for packmates) or be stunned and unable to
balance even on the most slippery surfaces, and gets a +2 to act for one turn. The Garou must be in Homid, or Crinos
all combat actions involving body slams and grappling Cat- form to use this Gift.
spirits teach this gift.
System: This ability becomes innate to those who learn
the Gift.

Clenched Jaw Command Spirit
Ahroun, Rank 4 Gift Theurge, Rank 2 Gift
Casting Time bonus action Casting Time 1 action
Range: Self Range: 120 ft
Duration: Until Dismissed Duration: Until Dismissed
Gnosis: n/a Gnosis: 1 per creature
Rage: 1 Rage: n/a
The werewolf bites down with such power that her grip The Theurge can give commands to spirits she meets and
won’t loosen until she chooses to let it; even in death, her expect obedience. The Gift doesn’t grant the ability to
jaws remain locked. A wolf- or hyena-spirit teaches this Gift. summon spirits — only to compel them to obey. As always
System: After making a successful bite attack, the player when dealing with spirits, clear wording is essential, as some
may spend a Rage point to invoke this Gift. For each clever spirits may attempt to twist the spirit of issued
successive turn she chooses to maintain her grip, she makes commands while obeying them to the letter. Any Incarna
a bite attack roll with advantage. Any damage inflicted with avatar can teach this Gift.
her bite while she is locked down on her target, she adds half System: You speak a one-word command to a creature you
her wisdom score(not modifier) in addition to her damage to can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom
bite(round up). While foes can make a resisted Strength roll saving throw or follow the command on its next turn. The
to break the grip (1d8 + Garous Str mod of damage in the Gift has no effect if it doesn’t understand your language, or if
process of trying to tear free), the Garou may add half her your command is directly harmful to it. Some typical
Wisdom score(not modifier) to her damage as well(round up). commands and their effects follow. You might issue a
command other than one described here. If you do so, the
Cocoon GM determines how the target behaves. If the target can’t
Homid, Rank 4 Gift follow your command, the spell ends.
Casting Time 1 action Approach. The target moves toward you by the shortest
Range: Self and most direct route, ending its turn if it moves within 5 feet
Duration: 1 day of you.
Gnosis: 1 Drop. The target drops whatever it is holding and then
Rage: n/a ends its turn. Flee. The target spends its turn moving away
The werewolf wraps himself in a thick, opaque, chitinous from you by the fastest available means.
sarcophagus, immobilizing himself but also becoming nearly Grovel. The target falls prone and then ends its turn.
impervious to harm. The cocoon provides immunity to fire, Halt. The target doesn’t move and takes no actions. A
starvation, gas, high pressure, cold, and similar flying creature stays aloft, provided that it is able to do so. If it
environmental hazards. An insect- or Weaver-spirit teaches must move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum distance needed
this Gift. to remain in the air. 1 gnosis spent per creature the Theurge
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point. While the tries to command.
werewolf remains in the cocoon, any attack that strikes him
must do damage at least equal to half his HP per attack,
otherwise, the cocoon keeps him safe from any lesser amount
of Damage and regenerates after each strike. but is destroyed
if it’s pierced. The cocoon lasts for one day, but its duration
may be extended by spending more Gnosis to renew it. The
Garou may emerge from it at any time he chooses.
Cold Voice of Reason
Shadow Lords, Rank 2 Gift
Casting Time 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Duration: Until Dismissed
Gnosis: 1
Rage: n/a
A cunning Shadow Lord can talk his way out of just about
anything. If attacked, the werewolf may invent a clever remark
that will detain his attacker for at least one round. A
crowspirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls
Deception DC targets intelligence score. The attacker is
detained one round as long as he, in turn, is not attacked
(being attacked immediately breaks the Shadow Lord’s spell).
The attacker is free to take any other actions he wishes
(including attacking individuals other than the Shadow Lord).
If the Shadow Lord succeeds by +5 or more on the roll, the
target is detained for one round, and cannot move or take any
actions against the Shadow Lord or his allies.
Command the Gathering Duration: Until dismissed
Philodox, Rank 2 Gift Gnosis: 1
Casting Time 1 action Rage: n/a
Range: 50 ft radius The metis takes hold of the hate in her soul and layers it
Duration: Until Dismissed into her words, scourging the spirits of those she addresses.
Gnosis: 1 A spirit of hate teaches this Gift.
Rage: n/a System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls to
The Philodox draws all eyes to herself with a great attack using her primary ability modifier + profieciency bonus
exclamation, a clap of her hands, the striking of klaive to vs the targets AC. If she succeeds, her opponent recieves a
shield, or some other such gesture. Until she has had her say, disadvantage to any Wisdom check, ability, and saving throw
none may depart or interrupt her. A lion-spirit teaches this in addition to 2 Rage points to any Garou or creature that
Gift. uses Rage. This Gift may only be used successfully once on
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls an opponent only once per short rest, target is immune if
Persuasion + Proficiency(you get the bonus if you don't have failed to hit initially.
it naturally)(difficulty equals the highest Charisma score
among those whose attention she seeks to gain). If the roll Dazzle
succeeds, all in attendance fall quiet and listen. Any Children of Gaia, Rank 3 Gift
individual who wishes to interrupt the Philodox or walk out Casting Time 1 action
before she has finished speaking must roll a Wisdom save Range: 120 ft
DC equal to what the Garou had to roll against. Duration: Until dismissed
Gnosis: 1
Cowing the Bullet Rage: n/a
Homid, Rank 3 Gift The Garou can flood a target’s mind with the glory and love
Casting Time 1 action of Gaia, rendering him harmless for a short while. A unicorn-
Range: Self spirit teaches this Gift.
Duration: Until short or long rest System: A target within 120ft makes a wisdom save. If
Gnosis: 1 failed the target becomes charmed. As long as the target isn’t
Rage: n/a attacked,he stands mutely in awe until he can succeed his
The spirits of tools recognize man as their master; as a wisdom save. This Gift can be attempted against a given
result, they become reluctant to harm the homid. A Weaver- target only once per short rest.
spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point.Until the next Disquiet
short or long rest, the Garou gains +2 AC against all crafted Homid, Rank 3 Gift
weapons not made of silver. Casting Time 1 action
Range: 120 ft
Create Element Duration: Until dismissed
Metis, Rank 1 Gift Gnosis: n/a
Casting Time 1 action Rage: n/a
Range: 60 ft Pulling the mercurial tide of the target’s emotions to their
Duration: Until element is used up lowest ebb, this Gift makes its target feel inexplicably
Gnosis: 1 depressed and withdrawn. The subject finds his emotions
Rage: n/a muted and concentration difficult. An ancestor-spirit teaches
The metis may create a small amount of one of the four this Gift.
Western classical elements — fire, air, earth, or water. She System: The victim must make a WIS save. If it fails, that
could make a rock to throw, fill a bathtub with no faucet, light opponent will be unable to recover Rage for 10 minutes while
fires without matches, or provide air in an airtight room. She all durations for negative effects double and positive effects
cannot create specialized forms of any element. Precious are halved. Moreover, the target becomes listless and
metals (especially silver), lethal gases, and acid are beyond generally less inclined to stir himself to pursue any action of
her reach. Elementals teach this Gift. dubious necessity, such as investigating strange noises.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls a
d10. The result is roughly the amount of cubic feet of the
desired element,(a 10 being 10 cubic ft, or 100 lbs of an
element, whichever would come first.) anywhere she can see
within 60 feet (18 m). The element remains in existence until
used up (breathed, in the case of air, or burned up, in the case
of fire without any fuel to keep it going). The flames created
by this Gift inflict 1d6 level of damage per success, to a
maximum of 3d6.
Curse of Hatred
Metis, Rank 2 Gift
Casting Time 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Dreamspeak This is the Gift of ejecting spirits from places, objects, or
Galliard, Rank 2 Gift even people, whether they are bound or in voluntary
Casting Time 10 minutes possession. Any Incarna avatar can teach this Gift.
Range: Unlimited(must have at least seen the target at System: The werewolf must concentrate for three
some point) uninterrupted turns. If the spirit does not wish to leave, the
Duration: Until dismissed Target must roll a wisdom save. If the spirit was bound to its
Gnosis: 1 (if target awakens) Lodging, it removes the curse from the object. If there is no
Rage: n/a spirit that occupies the object, place, or person, the curse is
The Galliard can walk among another’s dreams and lifted. Any extremely potent curse on a magical item, could be
thereby affect their course. The werewolf doesn’t have to be dangerous and even harm the Garou performing the
anywhere near the target, but she must know or have seen exorcism. 20% of the Garou’s health is drained every round
the dreamer. A Chimerling teaches this Gift. for 5 rounds as the Bane tears free of its fleshy or magical
System: The target makes a wisdom save). If the dreamer home. This ensures the host’s swift demise unless a powerful
awakens while the Galliard is still withinthe dream, the healer manages to preserve his life during the exorcism.
werewolf is thrown out of the dream world and loses a
Gnosis point. Eye of the Eagle
Lupus, Rank 2 Gift
Elemental Gift Casting Time 10 minutes
Lupus, Rank 5 Gift Range: Self
Casting Time 1 action Duration: 8 hours
Range: 60 ft(can be moved 20 ft increments after Gnosis: n/a
summoned) Rage: n/a
Duration: 1 minute This Gift allows the werewolf to see over impossibly long
Gnosis: 1 distances, though not through obstacles — good vantage
Rage: n/a points are invaluable, and this Gift is in much demand among
Gaia herself steps in to lend a hand, offering part of herself caern guardians. It is taught by an eagle-spirit.
to the character. The werewolf gains the power to command System: The normal distance that a normal eye can see in
his surroundings, directing the elemental forces of the world. a clear day is 2 miles. The Lupus can double it Any visibility
Elementals teach this Gift. range is also doubled, including darkvision and other similar
System: The player spends one Gnosis. The Garou calls abilities. A lupus would get the first opportunity in perception
an elemental, who then grants her the ability to control a checks involving vision, before the rest of her party due to her
large volume of air, earth, fire, or water — approximately long range vision. If failed, it still wouldn't take away the other
1d10 x 20’ by 20’. The walls can deal 1d8 for every 20 x 20 party members chances of noticing something once they get
area it is in size. (max 10d8) The effect lasts for One minute in range.
and can be moved around on the Garou’s turn up to 20 ft a
round), or until the elemental leaves or is destroyed. Eyes of the Cat
Elementals summoned by this Gift are roughly as powerful as Metis, Rank 3 Gift
a Efreeti for example, or a similar elemental with a CR above Casting Time Instantaneous
10. Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour
Endurance of Heimdall Gnosis: 1
Get of Fenris, Rank 5 Gift Rage: n/a
Casting Time bonus action The werewolf may see clearly in complete darkness. His
Range: Self eyes glow a lambent green while this power is in effect. A cat-
Duration: 1 minute spirit teaches this Gift.
Gnosis: 2 System: Spend one Gnosis and the character suffers no
Rage: n/a penalties from Darkness or even magical darkness. This
The Fenrir’s body is suffused with hardiness beyond that of power may be used at will; it requires no roll or expenditure.
lesser beings. A boar-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and The
next creature it kills within the next 8 hours it gains that
creature’s HP as temporary HP. This effect lasts until the
Garou’s next long rest.
Theurge, Rank 3 Gift
Casting Time Concentration, 3 turns
Range: 30 ft
Duration: Until Dismissed
Gnosis: n/a
Rage: n/a

Faerie Kin Range: Touch
Fianna, Rank 3 Gift Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time Concentration, 1 action Gnosis: n/a
Range: 60 Ft Rage: 1
Duration: 1 minute This Gift allows the Garou to send her foe sprawling with
Gnosis: 1 but a touch. Any aerial spirit can teach this Gift.
Rage: n/a System: On any successful attack action from a melee
The Fianna can call upon ancient pacts between her weapon, claw, or bite, the Garou can spend 1 point of Gnosis
people and the fae. By emitting a special howl, the werewolf as a bonus action and knock the target prone and deal an
can call whatever fae are in the area to help. They will obey additional 1d8 damage from being knocked down.
the Fianna, but not without question. A dream-spirit teaches
this Gift. Fangs of Judgement
System: You summon a fey creature of challenge rating 8 Philodox, Rank 1 Gift
or lower, or a fey spirit that takes the form of a beast of Casting Time 1 action
challenge rating 8 or lower. It appears in an unoccupied Range: Self
space that you can see within range. The fey creature Duration: 10 minutes
disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell Gnosis: 1
ends. The fey creature is friendly to you and your companions Rage: n/a
for the duration. Roll initiative for the creature, which has its It falls upon the Philodox to levy not only judgment but also
own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it punishment against those who have fallen from their proper
(no action required by you), as long as they don't violate its stations. This Gift, taught by an ancestor-spirit, causes the
alignment. If you don't issue any commands to the fey werewolf’s claws and fangs to burn with the righteous power
creature, it defends itself from hostile creatures but of law.
otherwise takes no actions. If your concentration is broken, System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For the next
the fey creature doesn't disappear. Instead, you lose control of 10 minutes, all of the Garou’s natural weaponry attacks do
the fey creature, it becomes hostile toward you and your two extra dice of damage to all beings who have fallen from
companions, and it might attack. An uncontrolled fey their original purpose to the service of the Wyrm(Anything
creature can't be dismissed by you, and it disappears 1 hour that is evil)
after you summoned it. The GM has the fey creature's
statistics. Fatal Flaw
Shadow Lord, Rank 1 Gift
Fair Fortune Casting Time bonus action
Fianna, Rank 3 Gift Range: 40 ft
Casting Time Instantaneous Duration: 1 min
Range: Self Gnosis: 1 for added benefit
Duration: Once per short rest Rage: n/a
Gnosis: 1 The Shadow Lord can spy a target’s weakness, gaining an
Rage: n/a advantage in combat. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.
The Fianna is blessed with a lucky streak a mile wide. A System:As a bonus action, The Shadow Lord focuses on a
Chimerling teaches this Gift. target he can see within 40 ft, and grants the Garou an extra
System: The player may re-roll any failed or botched roll by die of damage during combat with that target. A Gnosis can
spending a Gnosis point. The result of the second roll must be spent to reveal one weakness of the target, (if any). Grants
be kept, and this Gift may only be used once per short rest. knowledge of further weaknesses, but not more dice.
Falcon’s Grasp Fenris Bite
Silver Fang, Rank 1 Gift Get of Fenris, Rank 5 Gift
Casting Time bonus action Casting Time 1 action
Range: Self Range: 40 ft
Duration: 1 minute Duration: 1 hour
Gnosis: n/a Gnosis: n/a
Rage: 1 Rage: n/a
The werewolf’s hands or jaws tighten in a mighty death- The werewolf’s already vicious bite now easily mangles
grip, making it nearly impossible to escape. A falcon-spirit and severs limbs. An avatar of Fenris teaches this Gift.
teaches this Gift. System: The Bite attack now does 3d8 + Strength damage,
System: As a bonus action, the player spends one Rage and the opponent makes a dex saving throw. If failed, his next
point. For one minute, the Garou’s grip (with both hands and attack is made with disadvantage. This lasts for 1 hour.
jaws) is much stronger — she has advantage to any grappling
maneuvers against her targets. Additionally, any attempt
while in a grapple to break free is done so with disadvantage.
Falling Touch
Ahroun, Rank 1 Gift
Casting Time bonus action
Feral Lobotomy Rage: n/a
Theurge, Rank 5 Gift The full moon is Luna’s warrior phase, when she searches
Casting Time 1 action out her enemies. The Ahroun can call upon her
Range: 60 ft determination in finding her foes, illuminating any who
Duration: Until Cured oppose her. Lunes teach this Gift.
Gnosis: 5 on a failed save from the target System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For the
Rage: n/a remainder of the scene, anyone within one mile who is
Unleashing a surge of pure Wyld energy, the werewolf can working against the Ahroun or her pack emits a soft glow, as
devolve an opponent’s mind into that of an animal, effectively though illuminated by moonlight. This Gift can be used to
destroying his intelligence. A Wyldling teaches this Gift. confound powers of stealth or even invisibility, but only if the
System: The target rolls an intelligence save. Failure takes target is actively attempting to harm, compete with, or
5d10 psychic damage. Also on a failure, roll 3d6, if the total otherwise foil the Ahroun or her pack.
equals or succeeds the targets intelligence score, the score is
reduced to 2 if the Garou chooses to spend 5 gnosis points. Geas
The target is stunned for one round. Can be cured with a Philodox, Rank 5 Gift
greater restoration spell.. The Targets intelligence is replaced Casting Time 1 action
with feral, animalistic behavior. Range: Touch
Duration: Until Dismissed
Firebringer 6 Gnosis: 1
Ragabash, Rank 5 Gift Rage: n/a
Casting Time Reaction This Gift binds an individual or group to a sacred oath.
Range: Self While the geas cannot force and individual to act against her
Duration: Permanent nature (such as to allow herself to be killed), it also doesn’t
Gnosis: 10 allow her to act against the task the Philodox has set before
Rage: n/a her. This Gift is taught by an Incarna avatar.
The Ragabash performs the ultimate trick, stealing a System: The player spends one Gnosis point and the
supernatural power and turning it into a Gift, which may in target rolls a Wisdom save while the Garou lays his hand on
turn be bestowed upon others as though the New Moon were the target while describing the task being assigned to him.
a spirit teacher. Alas, the Ragabash must first survive having The target can verbally agree, but if he does, this also
the power used upon him. Coyote or another trickster enforces that agreement on a spiritual level. The compulsion
Incarna teaches this Gift. to complete the task set out in the geas lasts until the task is
System: After having a power used on him, the Ragabash completed or the target is harmed to the point of
may spend 10 Gnosis points to internalize it into a Gift. incapacitation in pursuit of the quest. For every action the the
Forfeits all defenses against that power Any power may target outright denies the opportunity to complete the said
become a Gift in this fashion — even the vile magic of the task, a wisdom check is made for every attempt not to. Saves
Wyrm may be stolen and turned to the defense of Gaia. The for half of 3d6 damage per attempt. This ends when the task
Storyteller determines the new Gift’s appropriate level and is completed, or a remove curse spell is cast on the target,
what sort of spirit Garou should be able to learn it from. however in the attempt to remove this spiritual pact of
During the next long rest, the Garou will be able to use that binding, the target and the one removing the curse (if not
power as a gift. himself) can save for half of 15d8 damage.
Form Mastery Gift of Dreams
Metis, Rank 2 Gift Galliard, Rank 4 Gift
Casting Time none Casting Time 1 action
Range: Self Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent Duration: Special
Gnosis: n/a Gnosis: 1
Rage: n/a Rage: n/a
This Gift empowers the Wyld spark that resides in all The Galliard crafts a dream, then breathes it into a
Garou, granting the character greater control over her sleeping individual. A Lune teaches this Gift.
shapeshifting abilities. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Deception to craft the dream; the
System: When shapeshifting while you have 0 Rage points, higher the roll allows for more vivid and impactful dreams. To
all difficulties are reduced by 1. Additionally, you can enact ensure that an individual experiences this dream, the
partial transformations (grow Crinos Claws in Homid Form Galliard must breathe it into the target’s mouth while they
for example, or longer teeth to bite) sleep. The player spends a Gnosis point to complete the Gift.
This Gift’s effects are permanent. Dreams crafted with this Gift are often unusually vivid and
dramatic, often leaving even lifelong skeptics convinced that
Full Moon’s Light they hold some deep meaning.
Ahroun, Rank 4 Gift
Casting Time 10 minutes
Range: 1 mile radius
Duration: 24 hours
Gnosis: 1
Gift of the Porcupine The werewolf’s jaws strengthen until she can chew through
Metis, Rank 4 Gift nearly anything. Her fangs inflict more damage in combat,
Casting Time bonus action and only death will break her grip if she clamps her teeth into
Range: Self an opponent. Hyena- and wolf-spirits teach this Gift.
Duration: 10 minutes System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls a
Gnosis: 1 Con Save against a variable difficulty (5 for wood, 10 for steel
Rage: n/a handcuffs, 15 for 3” steel, anything thicker or stronger than
The werewolf undergoes a startling transformation: Her that would not be successful).The length of time it takes to
fur elongates, becoming bristly and sharp like the quills of a gnaw through something depends on what is attempted to be
porcupine. The werewolf must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus gnawed through. Additionally, the Gift grants a character’s
form to use this Gift. Porcupine teaches this gift, and he has a bite two extra dice of damage for 1 hour.
strong fondness for metis.
System: The character spends a Gnosis point to sharpen Grandmother’s Touch
her fur. Anyone whom the metis tackles, grapples or Children of Gaia, Rank 2 Gift
immobilizes takes 2d8 + STR modifier +1 and is considered Casting Time 1 action
magical. damage from these newfound quills. Furthermore, Range: Touch
those who strike her with bare flesh (unarmed Strikes or Duration: n/a
grapple) take their own Strength or Dex(whichever they use Gnosis: 1 - max allowed
for attack)modifier in damage (this does not negate any Rage: n/a
damage done to the metis). This Gift lasts for 10 min or until the Garou channels spiritual power through her hands,
the werewolf wills her fur to return to normal. mending the wounds of any other living creature. The Garou
touches a creature, and heals 1d4/Gnosis point spent. This is
Gift of the Spriggan the same as Mother’s Touch, but can also heal himself.
Fianna, Rank 5 Gift
Casting Time 1 action Grasp the Beyond
Range: Self Theurge, Rank 4 Gift
Duration: 1 hour Casting Time 1 action
Gnosis: 1 Range: Touch
Rage: n/a Duration: 10 minutes if unwilling
The Fianna grows to three times her normal size or Gnosis: 1 - 3
shrinks to the size of a small puppy. A Chimerling teaches Rage: n/a
this Gift. The werewolf may carry things in and out of the Umbra
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The effects without having to dedicate them to herself (see the Rite of
last for one hour or until the Garou cancels the Gift. If the Talisman Dedication). This Gift affects objects, people and
Garou grows larger, she gains a +3 Strength 100% increase animals, both willing and unwilling. An opossum- or
in size. If she grows smaller, she retains her normal Traits, kangaroo-spirit teaches this Gift.
but she may sneak around unnoticed or masquerade as System: The character must grasp the object or person he
someone’s pet. wishes to take to (or from) the spirit world, and spend a
number of Gnosis points: one for small items (a knife ), two
Glib Tongue for larger items (a backpack Or longsword), and three for
Fianna, Rank 2 Gift man-sized items (including people). The objects or person
Casting Time 1 action becomes a temporary Glyphed Tattoo on the Garou while
Range: 60 ft traveling. If the target is an unwilling one, a Wisdom save
Duration: 1 minute must be passed every 10 minutes. If the subjects are willing
Gnosis: 1 to become glyphed onto the Garou’s skin for a short period,
Rage: n/a the links can be even stronger. The target is absorbed into the
Listeners hear whatever the Garou wishes them to. The Garou’s skinned Glyph, however he can take actions from
Fianna can say anything, even total nonsense, but anyone there where it can see(The players can decide where on the
listening will agree heartily. A rabbit-spirit teaches this Gift. Garou the Glyph is located for visual purposes.), and even
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and a target cast spells. However once a ranged attack or spell is cast the
within 60 ft makes a wisdom save. The target agrees glyph is used up and the caster is reformed into its original
completely with the Garou for one minute, if the target takes shape within 5 ft of the Garou.
damage during this time, it may reroll a wisdom save to break
free of the gift. After which sanity reasserts itself.
Lupus, Rank 4 Gift
Casting Time 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Duration: 1 hour
Gnosis: 1
Rage: n/a

Gremlins System: The player makes a reflexive Athletics check
Ragabash, Rank 3 Gift (difficulty 10) to activate this Gift. If successful,the character’s
Casting Time 1 action leaping distances are doubled for10 min — or tripled for a
Range: Touch single turn with the expenditure of a Gnosis point
Duration: Permanent
Gnosis: n/a Head Games
Rage: n/a Galliard, Rank 5 Gift
The Ragabash can cause a technological device to Casting Time 1 action
malfunction merely by touching it. This Gift actually causes Range: 30 ft
the spirit energy within the device to work counter to its Duration: Until dismissed
function. If the Garou can frighten the spirit sufficiently, it will Gnosis: 1 per 100 HP
flee the device, causing it to malfunction permanently. A Rage: n/a
Gremlin teaches this Gift. Emotions become a palette with which the Galliard may
System: The player is able to make an Intimidation check; paint whatever picture takes her fancy. She may change the
the difficulty is determined by the complexity of the item.(DC target’s emotions as she pleases, from love to hate and back
5 to jam a lever, DC 10 a motorized construct). Any living again. A coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.
construct would have to make a Dex Save or be paralized, System: You attempt to charm a creature you can see
they could try again at the end of their next turn. within 30ft. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and it does
so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If
Halt the Coward’s Flight it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the spell
Get of Fenris, Rank 2 Gift ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to
Casting Time 1 action it. The charmed creature is friendly to you. When the spell
Range: Touch ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you. Cost 1
Duration: Permanent gnosis for every 100 hp the target has.
Gnosis: n/a
Rage: n/a Heart of Fury
The Get may slow a fleeing (not charging) foe, making him Ahroun, Rank 3 Gift
easier to catch. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift. Casting Time 1 action
System: As a bonus action, the Garou may call upon the Range: Self
essence of the wolf spirit to catch his foe. A successful Spell Duration: 10 minutes
attack deals 3d10 + Level in force damage as the wolf spirits Gnosis: n/a
essence clamps down on a target as well as halving its Rage: n/a
movement speed. A successful Dex Save can break free from The Garou steels himself against anger, suppressing his
the wolf spirit’s grasp. The range of this gift is 120 ft. Rage and creating a mental wall to hold back the tide of
righteous fury that threatens to drown him. The anger always
Hand Blade returns, however, and the Garou had best be ready to pay its
Silver Fang, Rank 2 Gift bill. A boar-spirit teaches this Gift.
Casting Time 1 action System: The player rolls 1d20 + current rage score, if it is
Range: Self higher than his Wisdom Score, he can be resistant to any
Duration: 10 minutes mind altering effects and any wisdom saves are rolled with
Gnosis: n/a advantage for the next 10 minutes. If the Garou already had
Rage: 1 resistances to any conditions which require a wisdom save,
Many Silver Fangs are trained in swordplay as part of their then he is immune to those conditions.
birthright. This Gift allows them to rely on such skills at any
time by turning their arm into a razor-sharp blade that slices
and cuts like the best-forged sword. An ancestor spirit,
usually a former klaive-dueling master, teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Rage to transform
one or both hands. For the next 10 minutes, he may use his
arm like a longsword + 1 and is considered magical. The
damage of this weapon is 1d10 +1+Str as his claws are part
of the blade.
Hare’s Leap
Lupus, Rank 1 Gift
Casting Time 1 action
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
Gnosis: 1 for added benefit
Rage: n/a
The werewolf can leap impossible distances. Hare-spirits
teach this Gift, naturally, though cat-, frog-, kangaroo-, and
even flea spirits occasionally do so as well.
Heart of the Mountain
Get of Fenris, Rank 4 Gift Berserker Wolf
Casting Time 1 action Large beast, unaligned
Range: Self
Duration: 8 hours Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Gnosis: n/a Hit Points 50(9d10 + 27)
Rage: 1 Speed 50 ft.
The werewolf becomes as untiring and eternal as the
mountains, and cannot be defeated in a test of endurance. A
mountain goat-spirit teaches this Gift. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
System: The player spends one Rage point. For the next 8 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
hours, the Garou cannot fail any task involving a Constitution
roll. Torturers can never break him; though he can’t breathe Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6
underwater and his lungs may fill with water, he will not die. Senses passive Perception 14
The only exception to this is attack damage. If this is the case, Languages --
one time while this gift is active, if the Garou falls to 0 HP Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
from an attack, it becomes 1 instead.
Blood Frenzy. The wolf has advantage on melee
Heightened Senses attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have
Lupus, Rank 1 Gift all its hit points.
Casting Time 1 action
Range: Self Keen Hearing and Smell. The wolf has advantage on
Duration: 10 minutes Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
Gnosis: 1 smell.
Rage: n/a Pack Tactics. The wolf has advantage on an attack
This Gift sharpens the werewolf’s senses to an incredible roll against a creature if at least one of the wolf's
degree. She enjoys the olfactory and auditory acuity of a wolf allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the >ally
whenever she is in Homid and Glabro forms, along with isn't incapacitated.
superior night vision. In Crinos, Hispo and Lupus, her senses
become preternaturally potent, allowing sensory feats that Actions
border on precognition. Sudden loud noises, bright lights or Multiattack. The wolf makes three attacks: one with
overwhelming scents can be disorienting, however. Wolf- its bite and two with its claws.
spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point to activate this Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Gift for 10 min. In Homid, the werewolf gains a +2 on one target. Hit: 17 (3d8 + 4) piercing damage. If
the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15
Perception checks, and if applicable has the ability to track Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
the scent. In Crinos and Lupus,the Garou gains a +3 with
advantage on Perception checks(this is not cumulative with Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
the ordinary Lupus-form Perception bonuses) and if one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
applicable, the Garou can shapeshift as a bonus action
Howl of the Banshee
Horde of Valhalla Fianna, Rank 2 Gift
Get of Fenris, Rank 5 Gift Casting Time 1 action
Casting Time 1 action Range: 60 ft
Range: 50 ft Duration: 1 minute
Duration: 8 hours Gnosis: 1
Gnosis: up to max allowed amount for level Rage: n/a
Rage: up to max allowed amount for level The werewolf emits a fearful howl that causes those who
When a Get evokes this Gift, he summons Beserker Wolves hear it to run in terror. A Banshee — a mournful spirit of the
to aid him. It cannot be used lightly, and it requires a good dead — teaches this Gift.
standing with Fenris as well as a truly worthy circumstance. System: The player spends a Gnosis point and anyone who
An avatar of Fenris teaches this Gift. can hear the Garou within 60 ft makes a wisdom save or flee
System: The player may spend as many points of Rage and in terror until they take damage, or pass their wisdom save.
Gnosis as desired, and then rolls Charisma DC 12 ( with
advantage if not used within the last 7 days). The number of
Berserker Wolves that appear is equal to the number of Rage
and Gnosis points spent. and they remain for the next 8
hours or until dismissed. The Garou can break through the
Gauntlet in any direction within 50 ft. Through this gateway,
is where the Beserker Wolves spawn.

Howl of the Unseen Gnosis: 1
Fianna, Rank 2 Gift Rage: n/a
Casting Time 1 action With a slight gesture, the werewolf unbalances the Wyld
Range: 60 ft and Weaver energies within technological devices, either
Duration: 1 minute suffusing them with destructive chaos or amplifying their
Gnosis: 1 inherent stasis until they refuse to do anything at all.
Rage: n/a Computers crash, guns jam, motors stall, and even the
This Gift allows a howl or proclamation from one side of simplest of shaped objects refuse to function. A gremlin — a
the Gauntlet to echo across into both realms. It is taught by a type of Wyldspirit that enjoys breaking things — teaches this
cricket-spirit. Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and produces a System: The player spends one Gnosis point. All
magical darkness from the spirit realm in a 15 ft radius that technological devices (i.e. any devices shaped from fabricated
the Garou can place within 60 ft of him. The Garou can use materials like metal or plastic) within 50 feet (15 m) cease to
its howl to not suffer the disadvantage effects of the darkness function for two turns. The devices remain unchanged, but
as long as the sounds can reflect off a physical body or object inert — knives won’t cut, gunpowder won’t ignite, gears won’t
of the target. All creatures inside suffer the same effects as turn, and so on. While the Garou can effectively remove the
the darkness spell. sharpness of a blade, it won't remove damage from a blunt
object. In these cases, damage from the weapon wouldn't be
Howls in the Night applied, however, the bonus damage from the weilder’s
Galliard, Rank 2 Gift strength and other modifiers would apply.
Casting Time 1 action
Range: 200 ft Jam Weapon
Duration: Special Children of Gaia, Rank 1 Gift
Gnosis: 1 Casting Time 1 action
Rage: n/a Range: 60 ft cone
The werewolf sends a full-throated howl shivering into the Duration: end of next turn
night sky, evoking primal terror in Gaia’s enemies. Creatures Gnosis: 1
of the Wyrm who hear the howl find themselves troubled and Rage: n/a
unable to rest easily while their enemies are on the prowl. A The Child may stop any Weaver-born weapons from
wolf-spirit teaches this Gift. working within the range of his voice. A dove-spirit teaches
System: The player spends a Gnosis point any hostile this Gift.
within 200ft rolls wisdom save. If this is done before combat System: The Garou shouts an ancient word of power and
is initiated, then the ones who failed within range, has a grace and spends a Gnosis point. Targets within a 60ft cone
disadvantage to any initiative rolls. If this is used during the makes a Wisdom Save. If failed, all manufactured weapons
course of combat already, then any hostile within range rolls will not function until the end of the Garou’s next turn. This
their next attack action at a disadvantage. (does not count for includes guns, crossbows, flame-throwers, and even knives
the any attacks following the first) In addition, any undead and swords, which refuse to cut. Natural weapons (such as
within 30 ft that you can see or hear is turned for 1 min or claws) and natural objects appropriated as weapons (such as
until it takes damage. rocks or naturally-fallen tree limbs) are unaffected.
Icy Chill of Despair Lambent Flame
Shadow Lord, Rank 3 Gift Silver Fangs, Rank 1 Gift
Casting Time Concentration, 1 action Casting Time 1 action
Range: 60 ft Range: 100 ft radius
Duration: Until dismissed Duration: 10 minutes
Gnosis: 1 Gnosis: 1
Rage: n/a Rage: n/a
The Shadow Lord appears to grow larger and more The werewolf causes her body to ignite with silver light. A
imposing, becoming a terrible, shadowy version of herself. Lune teaches this Gift.
This change in aspect can severely intimidate any onlookers. System: The player spends one Gnosis point to activate
A Stormcrow teaches this Gift. the Gift. The light illuminates a 100-foot (30 m) area around
System: The werewolf concentrates for a turn; the player the Garou for the next 10 minutes. Additionally, all attacks
spends one Gnosis point. Anyone who means the Shadow made against the Garou within 5 ft must make a Wisdom
Lord harm must make a Wisdom Save to attack, take action save or be blinded until the end of their next turn.
against or even verbally oppose the Shadow Lord. This Gift
doesn’t give the Lord actual control over her intimidated
victims — they’re simply too spooked to actively oppose her.
Jam Technology
Homid, Rank 2 Gift
Casting Time 1 action
Range: 50 ft
Duration: 2 turns
Lash of Rage Gnosis: 1
Metis, Rank 4 Gift Rage: n/a
Casting Time 1 action The Ragabash wraps herself in such a deceitful attitude
Range: 300 ft that nothing she says can be trusted — not even the clear and
Duration: n/a unvarnished truth. The werewolf may make a single truthful
Gnosis: n/a statement, and no human who hears it will believe her. A
Rage: 1 platypus-spirit teaches this Gift.
The metis harnesses all of the shame, hate, and fury coiled System: After the character makes a truthful statement,
in his heart and lashes out with it, destroying another. Bones the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Deception vs
snap, organs rupture, and cavities fill with blood as the targets insight. Any successful margin, no matter how big or
metis’s Rage tears the target apart. A spirit of fury teaches small will automatically assume you are lying. (Of Course im
this Gift. not a member of the courts guard! ::wink::) This would
System: The player spends one Rage point and target rolls automatically assume that you are as they start laughing at
DEX Save A target within 300 ft takes 10d6 + 40 force your joke.
damage.. This Gift can be used safely only once per scene.
Any additional uses inflict the Gift’s full damage on both the Lover’s Touch
metis and his target. Children of Gaia, Rank 3 Gift
Casting Time 1 action
Ley Lines Range: Touch
Fianna, Rank 3 Gift Duration: n/a
Casting Time 1 action Gnosis: 1-5
Range: Self Rage: n/a
Duration: n/a The Garou can restore what another lacks: not only
Gnosis: 1 wounds healed, but also strength of will and even spiritual
Rage: n/a essence. Any spirit of love or avatar of Unicorn may teach this
By manipulating ley lines — a spiritual grid that Gift.
crisscrosses the planet — the Fianna can disorient would-be System: The Garou touches the afflicted individual kindly.
trackers or hunters. The victims of this Gift find themselves The two need not be lovers, but the contact must convey
following false trails, making wrong turns or walking in affection and warmth — an embrace, a caress, or yet more
circles. An earth-spirit teaches this Gift. intimate contact. The player heals the target for 1d6 per
System: By spending a Gnosis point, any creature actively Gnosis point spent. Cannot spend more Gnosis than their
searching for the Garou or in his area rolls perception at current unlocked Rank at their level. (Max 5d6, if they have
disadvantage. Any actions taken by the Garou to counter the access to Rank 5 gifts). In addition, the Garou can also roll
effects of hiding from plain sight would end this effect any Save throw of the embraced if they are suffering from any
however. current conditions that. The difficulty would be the same as if
the target was rolling their save on their turn. If the Garou
Liar’s Craft succeeds the save, any conditions the embraced suffered
Ragabash, Rank 3 Gift from ends before their next turn.
Casting Time 1 action
Range: 60 ft Luna’s Armor
Duration: Until Dismissed Children of Gaia, Rank 2 Gift
Gnosis: 1 Casting Time Concentration 1 turn
Rage: n/a Range: Touch
The Ragabash can tell the most outrageous of lies and Duration: 1 minute
have them accepted as truth — for a while, at least. This Gift Gnosis: 1
is taught by a fox-spirit. Rage: n/a
System: As in Liar’s Face, but these effects can affect an The Child of Gaia invokes the moon’s sacred power. Her
entire crowd.After the character makes a truthful statement, body is briefly wreathed in a shimmer of moonlight, granting
the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Deception vs her Luna’s protection. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
someone in the group who has the highest Wisdom Save System: The werewolf concentrates for a turn; the player
score, if failed, the effects becomes contagious to all others spends one Gnosis point and rolls their survival + prof (if
from the group. Any successful margin, no matter how big or proficient) + level. The total amount rolled including any
small will automatically assume you are lying. (Of Course im modifiers is added to their temporary HP. The benefit lasts
not a member of the courts guard! ::wink::) This would for one minute.
automatically assume that you are as they start laughing at
your joke. Since the roll is made after the lie is told, this Gift
always carries some element of risk.
Liar’s Face
Ragabash, Rank 3 Gift
Casting Time 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Duration: Until Dismissed
Luna’s Avenger Madness Effects
Silver Fang, Rank 5 Gift Madness can be short-term, long-term, or indefinite. Most
Casting Time Concentration 1 turn relatively mundane Effects impose short-term madness,
Range: Self which lasts for just a few minutes. More horrific Effects or
Duration: 1 hour cumulative Effects can result in long-term or indefinite
Gnosis: 1 madness.
Rage: n/a A character afflicted with short-term madness is subjected
The Silver Fang transforms his greatest weakness into his to an effect from the Short-Term Madness table for 1d10
greatest strength, transforming his body into living silver. A minutes.
Lune teaches this Gift. A character afflicted with long-term madness is subjected
System: The Garou concentrates for a full turn to activate to an effect from the Long-Term Madness table for 1d10 ×
this Gift. The player spends a Gnosis point; for the next hour. 10 hours.
The Garou is immune to the effects of silver. All damage A character afflicted with indefinite madness gains a new
inflicted by attacks made with the werewolf’s body are character flaw from the Indefinite Madness table that lasts
considered to have been made with silver weapons. until cured.
Additionally, the character gains two additional +30 Short-Term Madness Table
Temporary HP and a +1 to his AC.
d100 Effect (lasts 1d10 minutes)
Luna’s Blessing 1-20 The character retreats into his or her mind and
Ragabash, Rank 4 Gift becomes Paralyzed. The effect ends if the character
Casting Time 1 action takes any damage.
Range: Self 21- The character becomes Incapacitated and spends
Duration: 10 minutes 30 the Duration screaming, laughing, or weeping.
Gnosis: 1
Rage: n/a 31- The character becomes Frightened and must use his
When Luna stands visible in the night sky, silver ceases to 40 or her action and Movement each round to flee
from the source of the fear.
act as a bane to the Garou. Indeed, when the moon waxes full,
silver may well turn on those who would wield it against 41- The character begins babbling and is incapable of
Gaia’s children. A Lune teaches this Gift. 50 normal Speech or Spellcasting.
System: After spending a Gnosis point, for the next 10 51- The character must use his or her action each round
minutes, any and all dice rolled to inflict damage to the Garou 60 to Attack the nearest creature.
becomes a 1 instead when the moon shows in the sky in a 61- The character experiences vivid hallucinations and
visible phase, Additionally, during the day, only 1 damage die 70 has disadvantage on Ability Checks.
is affected, also, on nights of the new moon, and when the
moon is below the horizon. 71-
The character does whatever anyone tells him or her
to do that isn’t obviously self-­destructive.
Madness 76- The character experiences an overpowering urge to
Metis, Rank 5 Gift 80 eat something strange such as dirt, slime, or offal.
Casting Time 1 action 81- The character is Stunned.
Range: Self 90
Duration: 10 minutes 91- The character falls Unconscious.
Gnosis: 1 100
Rage: n/a
Metis struggle throughout their lives to find a place of Long-Term Madness Table
dignity and respect amidst a minefield of horror and abuse.
This Gift allows her to unleash her inner demons upon d100 Effect (lasts 1d10 x 10 hours)
others, inflicting insanity and madness. The nature of the 1-10 The character feels compelled to repeat a specific
derangement inflicted varies from individual to individual, but activity over and over, such as washing hands,
is always severe, making it impossible for the victim to touching things, praying, or counting coins.
function normally. Lunes and spirits of trickery and madness 11- The character experiences vivid hallucinations and
teach this Gift. 20 has disadvantage on Ability Checks.
System: The player spends 5 Gnosis points to activate to
gift on a target he can see within 60 ft. Target makes a 21-
The character suffers extreme paranoia. The
character has disadvantage on Wisdom and
Wisdom Save, on a failed save, the target rolls a d100: 0-33 = Charisma Checks.
long term effect + Indefinite Madness 34-66 = long term
effect 67-100= Short term effect He suffers a random 31- The character regards something (usually the source
madness effect on the madness chart.Even after the Gift has 40 of madness) with intense revulsion, as if affected by
the antipathy effect of the Antipathy/Sympathy
ended, the repercussions may haunt the victim for the rest of spell.
his life.
41- The character experiences a powerful delusion.
45 Choose a potion. The character imagines that he or
she is under its Effects.

Long-Term Madness Table Continued Range: 120 ft
46- The character becomes attached to a “lucky charm,” Duration: Special
55 such as a person or an object, and has disadvantage Gnosis: 3
on Attack rolls, Ability Checks, and Saving Throws Rage: n/a
while more than 30 feet from it. The werewolf can change a spirit’s form or purpose. A
56- The character is Blinded (25%) or Deafened (75%). Chimerling teaches this Gift.
65 System: The player must hit the target within 120ft with a
psychic beam of energy, if the target is hit, it deals 14d6
66- The character experiences uncontrollable tremors or
75 tics, which impose disadvantage on Attack rolls,
damage the spirit rolls a wisdom save. On a failed save, the
Ability Checks, and Saving Throws that involve alignment of the creature can be altered. Temporarily altering
Strength or Dexterity. its way of thinking or beliefs. 3 Gnosis, must be spent, and
Intelligence must be 10 or lower for it to be Permanent.
76- The character suffers from partial amnesia. The
Higher than 10 is for 1d4 days, and higher than 15 is 1d10
85 character knows who he or she is and retains Racial minutes. The creature will still attack if it feels threatened,
Traits and Class Features, but doesn’t recognize other but possible that its disposition may change as well, but if it
people or remember anything that happened before flees, the actions it would take for the time being would be
the madness took effect. dictated by the alignment and beliefs it was altered to be.
86- Whenever the character takes damage, he or she
90 must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or Mark of the Wolf
be affected as though he or she failed a saving throw Homid, Rank 2 Gift
against the Confusion spell. The Confusion effect Casting Time 10 minutes
lasts for 1 minute. Range: 120 ft
91- The character loses the ability to speak. Duration: 1 day
95 Gnosis: n/a
96- The character falls Unconscious. No amount of
Rage: n/a
100 jostling or damage can wake the character. The werewolf marks those she comes in contact with,
leaving them to carry the same aura of the predator the
Indefinite Madness Table
Garou does. This subtle curse can wreak havoc in a target’s
private or professional life, and is a favorite of many homids
d100 Flaw (lasts until cured) looking to provoke discord in the ranks of the enemy. A Lune
01– “Being drunk keeps me sane.” teaches this Gift.
15 System: The player selects a target that has had some
interaction with the Garou(even something as simple as light
16 - "I keep whatever I find."
conversation in a shop counts). If the target fails a CHA save,
they inherit “The Curse” for one day, giving them
26– “I try to become more like someone else I know— disadvantage on social skill checks.
30 adopting his or her style of dress, mannerisms, and
Master of Fire
31– “I must bend the truth, exaggerate, or outright lie to Homid, Rank 1 Gift
35 be interesting to other people.” Casting Time 1 action
36– “Achieving my goal is the only thing of interest to Range: Self
45 me, and I’ll ignore everything else to pursue it.” Duration: 10 minutes
46– “I find it hard to care about anything that goes on
Gnosis: 1
50 around me.” Rage: n/a
Fire-spirits were among the very first to make pacts with
51– “I don’t like the way people judge me all the time.” humanity, allowing men to warm themselves, drive off wild
55 beasts, andclear the land. The cornerstones of civilization
56– “I am the smartest, wisest, strongest, fastest, and were laid in these simple acts, granting the spirits of flame
70 most beautiful person I know.” much prestige. Homid Garou remembers and continues to
71– “I am convinced that powerful enemies are hunting call upon these ancient pacts to protect themselves as the
80 me, and their agents are everywhere I go. I am sure final fires of the Apocalypse loom. An ancestor-spirit or fire
they’re watching me all the time.” elemental teaches this Gift.
81– “There’s only one person I can trust. And only I can
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For 10
85 see this Special friend.” minutes the Werewolf is resistant to fire damage.
86– “I can’t take anything seriously. The more serious
95 the situation, the funnier I find it.”
96– “I’ve discovered that I really like killing people.”

Malleable Spirit
Theurge, Rank 5 Gift
Casting Time 1 action
Mental Speech Name the Spirit
Metis, Rank 3 Gift Theurge, Rank 2 Gift
Casting Time 1 action Casting Time 1 action
Range: 1d10 x 10 miles Range: 120 ft
Duration: Until dismissed Duration: Permanent
Gnosis: 1 Gnosis: 1
Rage: n/a Rage: n/a
This Gift enables mental communication, even over vast As the lupus Gift. The werewolf gains an instinctive rapport
distances. The user must either know the target personally with denizens of the Umbra. He can sense the type and
(although friendship isn’t necessary) or have something that approximate Trait levels (Rage, Gnosis, ability scores) of
belongs to that person, such as a lock of his hair. Bird-spirits things from other realms. Owl- and raven-spirits teach this
and spirits of intellect teach this Gift. Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma modifier + Proficiency System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls
bonus (difficulty 10) and spends a Gnosis point; the effects Perception (difficulty 10).
last for a scene. The character may hold a mental
conversation with a target at a maximum distance of 1d10 x Obedience
10 miles Mind reading isn’t possible, but the werewolf may Theurge, Rank 2 Gift
use social Abilities such as Intimidation. Casting Time 1 action
Range: 30 ft
Mindblock Duration: Until dismissed
Silver Fang, Rank 4 Gift Gnosis: 1
Casting Time 1 action Rage: n/a
Range: Self The Shadow Lord becomes the ultimate alpha, compelling
Duration: 1 hour all others to follow her orders. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.
Gnosis: n/a System: The player spends one Gnosis point. Al within 30
Rage: n/a ft Must succeed al Wisdom save , or they succumb to the
The Garou fortifies her will against mystical influences of Gift’s effects. Targets follow any orders that don’t directly
all sorts. A falconspirit teaches this Gift. inconvenience them. 10 below the target DC causes the
System: The Silver Fang gains advantage to any saving targets to treat the Lord as their alpha and fight for her. When
throws of any direct mental attacks or attempts to control the the link to the Shadow Lord is finally severed, those that were
Garou’s mind, as well as more insidious psychic assaults affected take 15d8 psychic damage. Does not affect those
(mind-reading, illusions, possession, and so forth). This that are immune to charm effects.
protection lasts for 1 hour.
Open Seal
Monkey Tail Theurge, Rank 2 Gift
Lupus, Rank 3 Gift Casting Time 1 action
Casting Time 1 action Range: Self
Range: Self Duration: Until dismissed
Duration: 1 hour Gnosis: 1 (for locks sealed with magic)
Gnosis: n/a Rage: n/a
Rage: n/a The werewolf can open nearly any sort of closed or locked
The lupus may lengthen her tail and use it as a prehensile physical device. A raccoon-spirit teaches this Gift.
appendage at will. Although it’s no replacement for a hand, it System: The Ragabash gains advantage on any attempt to
can grasp objects, wrap around branches, and even allow the pick locks. If the object is sealed with magic, the player must
Garou to hang upside-down. A monkey-spirit teaches this spend a Gnosis point before making the attempt.
System: The Garou may employ her prehensile tail at will
in any form which possesses a tail. Successfully manipulating
the tail requires a Athletics roll (difficulty varies according to
the task).

Open Wounds System: This Gift may only be used at the beginning of a
Shadow Lord, Rank 4 Gift battle that was not initiated by the Garou, her pack, or her
Casting Time bonus action allies. The player spends one point of Rage; for the next
Range: Special minute, the character enjoys one additional die to any
Duration: Until dismissed damage inflicted upon the enemy who fired the first shot of
Gnosis: 1 the battle, or any character that has inflicted an injury on a
Rage: n/a member of the Child’s pack during the duration.
The werewolf causes the next wound he inflicts to bleed
profusely, weakening his opponent further. A pain-spirit Paralyzing Stare
teaches this Gift. Shadow Lord, Rank 3 Gift
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and on his Casting Time Concentation, 1 turn
next attack that deals damage. On a failed Con Save, the Range: 60 ft
target will bleed continuously, suffering an additional 8d6 Duration: 1 turn
piercing damage, half damage is save is successful. In Gnosis: 1
addition, to 2d8 damage every turn the target fails its Con Rage: n/a
Save The Shadow Lord directs a terrifying glare at a target,
causing her to freeze in terror. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.
Pack Tactics System: The Garou concentrates for one turn. The player
Ahroun, Rank 1 Gift spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intimidation DC of the
Casting Time bonus action targets Charisma Score. Success freezes the target in place,
Range: Special rendering her unable to move or attack (though she may still
Duration: Until an attack misses defend herself). The target must be able to see the Garou and
Gnosis: 1 be within 60 ft.
Rage: n/a
While the Ahroun’s role as the overall leader of Garou is Part the Veil
questionable, there’s no doubt at all who should take control Homid, Rank 5 Gift
of the pack in battle. By taking the lead and coordinating Casting Time Concentation, 1 turn
pack actions, the Ahroun gifts all her packmates with great Range: 120 ft
competence in the heat of battle. A wolf-spirit teaches this Duration: 1 day per Gnosis spent
Gift. Gnosis: 1- max available for level
System: The player spends a Gnosis point before initiating Rage: n/a
the Pack Tactics maneuver. The Ahroun chooses an offensive This potent Gift immunizes a human from the Delirium
attack action, and if successful on landing a strike gets a effect. However, the Garou can replace any crucial piece of
bonus die, the next in line to that successfully delivers an information the target may have learned within this time,
attack, gets 2 bonus dice to the damage inflicted, the with something else that the Garou creates for her. As long as
following pack mate after him would get 3 bonus dice to it isn't completely out of the ordinary. (Cant say aliens
damage, and so on (max 5). This doesn't apply to anyone's abducted you for the last 24 hours) An ancestor-spirit teaches
attacks following their first. However, if anyone's first attack this Gift.
misses, the accumulation of bonuses starts back at 1 bonus System: The player spends a Gnosis point for each day he
die, and continues on building by 1 for each packmate until chooses this Gift to remain in effect Must be within 120 ft to
its the Ahrouns turn again. Any pack mate that chooses an activate. If the Garou chooses to substitute any piece of
action that does not apply towards the target, like a heal for known information the target may have acquired, it can be
instance, would NOT break the cycle of accumulating dice. replaced with another interpretation of the story, and
Only when an attack on the initial hit on the target fails, does completely forget about that event. Target Rolls Wisdom Save
it throw the rest of the party off to performing a perfectly well to resist. If saved, the target also realizes the attempt the
executed pack tactic. Garou tried to make, and may become hostile.
Para Bellum
Children of Gaia, Rank 2 Gift
Casting Time Instantaneous
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Gnosis: n/a
Rage: 1
Though the Children love life, spring, and all that is good of
Gaia, they aren’t pacifists; they always stand ready to protect
their Mother. The werewolf’s Rage bursts forth in a torrent
when another breaks the peace she so cherishes. A bear-
spirit teaches this Gift.

Pathfinder One of the most unnerving aspects of the Homid shape is
Ragabash, Rank 3 Gift its lack of proper weapons. This Gift remedies that problem
Casting Time 1 action (while still retaining much of the Homid shape’s ability to
Range: -- blend in with the human world), granting the Garou battle-
Duration: n/a ready claws and teeth in Homid form. It is taught by a wolf-
Gnosis: n/a spirit.
Rage: n/a System: The werewolf concentrates for a turn to gain
The werewolf can strike implausible trails through pristine access to bite and claw attacks in Homid form for the next 10
wilderness and the urban jungle alike, locating the fastest min, or until she dismisses the transformation. May be
and shortest routes from one place to another. A crow-spirit concealed by simple expediencies such as the werewolf
teaches this Gift. keeping her mouth closed, wearing long sleeves, or keeping
System: The player rolls Survival (for wilderness) or her hands in her pockets. She can even speak normally
Perception (for urban environments) against difficulty 10. without giving herself away, as long as she’s careful not to
Success reduces travel time by approximately half the open her mouth too wide or smile so that her teeth show,
original travel time. The difficulty of any rolls to track the although her voice sounds rough and a bit distorted
werewolf increase by two when this Gift is active; this (attempting to discern that there’s something amiss with a
decrease is cumulative with other similar effects, such as Garou taking such precautions requires a Perception check
Scent of Running Water. vs Garous Deception check or similar).
Persuasion Prey Mind
Homid, Rank 1 Gift Lupus, Rank 1 Gift
Casting Time 1 action Casting Time 1 action
Range: 120 ft Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes Duration: 10 minutes
Gnosis: n/a Gnosis: n/a
Rage: n/a Rage: n/a
This Gift imbues a homid’s words with intrinsic credibility As Gaia dies and her natural order is perverted, predators
and conviction, causing them to ring true to the ear and lay become prey with increasing frequency — this is a sorrowful
heavy on the heart. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift. truth that lupus know all too well. This Gift assists the Garou
System: The player gains advantage on all social rolls in evading their enemies that they might fight another day,
regarding influencing another’s decision making for 10 showing them places to hide, ways to run, and even chances
minutes and allows successful social skill checks to have to strike back. A hare- or deer-spirit teaches this Gift.
uncommonly strong impact (such as changing long-held System: The player rolls Survival check; difficulty 10 in the
political views, or causing an addict to seriously reconsider wilderness, 15 in urban environments. Success adds
the course of his life advantage to all rolls to escape, outdistance, hide from or
evade pursuit for the next 10 min.
Fianna, Rank 4 Gift Primal Anger
Casting Time 1 action Metis, Rank 1 Gift
Range: 120 ft Casting Time 1 action
Duration: 1 hour Range: Self
Gnosis: 1 - max available for level Duration: n/a
Rage: n/a Gnosis: n/a
The Fianna creates an unmoving illusion that contains Rage: n/a
visual, auditory, olfactory and even tactile elements. A grain- The metis gives of herself to feed the Rage in her heart,
spirit — the so-called “spirit of spirits” — teaches this Gift. burning away her very blood and muscle in the process. The
System: The player spends one Gnosis point for each 10- spirits of ancient metis teach this Gift; few members of other
foot (3 m) radius area to be covered by the illusion. Anyone breeds have endured enough shame and suffering to learn it.
given cause to doubt the illusion must roll a wisdom save in System: The character may inflict 1d10 of damage on
order to see through it. herself once per short rest, and gain three points of Rage in
exchange (even if doing so takes her beyond her permanent
Predator’s Arsenal Rage rating).
Lupus, Rank 1 Gift
Casting Time Concentration, 1 turn
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
Gnosis: n/a
Rage: n/a

Protean Form System: No roll is required unless the target is actively
Metis, Rank 5 Gift hiding, in which case the player rolls Perception checks to
Casting Time 1 action keep her focus on the target. As long as the target is on the
Range: Self same Realm the Ragabash can eventually find her. This
Duration: Permanent would not work if the target is hiding through any magical
Gnosis: n/a means, or break through any magical barriers, pocket
Rage: n/a dimensions, ect. Can be used in the Umbra as well. If the
Born misshapen, the metis takes her deformity and makes target is a spirit, the difficulty is the spirit’s Gnosis.
it a source of power. She can twist her flesh in any number of
ways, sprouting a number of unnatural features, from extra Rat Head
limbs to additional mouths to grasping tentacles. A Metis, Rank 1 Gift
Chimerling teaches this Gift. Casting Time 1 action
System: The character’s ability to partially transform is Range: Self
permanently modified, allowing her to make almost any Duration: n/a
grotesque modifications the player can imagine. These Gnosis: 1
modifications must logically bestow one of the following Rage: n/a
benefits: +1 attack action natural weapons (extra clawed Metis are born into a world where they metaphorically
limbs for claw attacks, tentacles for clinches, etc), +2 damage don’t belong; it seemed only natural to rat-spirits to teach
dice when using modified natural weapons(a chest-mounted them to get into such places in the literal sense as well. This
squid beak for extra damage on clinches, arms coated in Gift renders the metis’s bone structure collapsible, allowing
shark teeth for boosted claw attacks, etc.), +15 ft per turn of her to squeeze through any gap she can fit her head into.
movement (extra legs) Or Fly -10 flight speed from base System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Dexterity
speed,( vestigial wings, etc.). These effects cannot be stacked Check DC10. Until he takes a short or long rest, the metis
together. may squirm through any gap she can fit her face into, moving
at her walking speed to do so.
Pulse of the Invisible
Theurge, Rank 3 Gift Rattler’s Bite
Casting Time 1 action Metis, Rank 4 Gift
Range: Self Casting Time bonus action
Duration: 10 minutes Range: within range of bite
Gnosis: 1 Duration: end of next turn
Rage: n/a Gnosis: 1
Spirits fill the world, and none know this fact better than Rage: n/a
the Theurge. This Gift grants constant awareness of the spirit The metis’s eyeteeth lengthen, and she can inject a deadly
world. Even in the physical world, the Theurge can interact poison with her bite. Spider- and snake-spirits teach this Gift.
with spirits in the Penumbra at will. While most spirit activity System: The player can choose to spend a Gnosis point
isn’t worth watching, the Theurge will be automatically aware after successfully biting an opponent, to inflict 5d8 additional
of any dramatic changes or upheavals nearby. Any spirit can poison damage. On a failed Con Save, the target is poisoned
teach this Gift. until the end of his next turn if failed.
System: The Theurge’s Gnosis rating determines how
deep into the umbra it can look, and be aware or alerted of Redirect Pain
any unusual activities or things that may interest the Garou. Get of Fenris, Rank 3 Gift
A Gnosis point is only spent to serve as a mental link of Casting Time Reaction
communication to any possible targets the Garou would be Range: Self
alerted to. If the Garou is too careless with whom it seeks a Duration: n/a
connection with on another plane, mental attacks are Gnosis: n/a
possible and resisted as you normally would in combat while Rage: n/a
the link is shared. Communication can also be resisted with a This Gift allows the Fenrir to visit the pain of his wounds
successful Wisdom check. The link lasts for 10 minutes, or upon those who inflicted them. A cuckoo-spirit teaches this
until the Garou decides to end it.. Gift.
System:Set up as a reaction, the Garou can redirect half of
Pulse of the Prey its next damage attack back at the attacker. The Garou
Ragabash, Rank 2 Gift ignores the amount of redirected damage as well.
Casting Time 1 action
Range: --
Duration: n/a
Gnosis: n/a
Rage: n/a
If the werewolf knows anything about her prey—even a
nickname, initials, or crude description—she can track it as
fast as she can travel. This unerring sense of direction works
anywhere, A wolf- or dog-spirit teaches this Gift.

Reshape Object System: The player begins an extended, resisted Wisdom
Homid, Rank 3 Gift check contest. The results are compared to each of her
Casting Time 1 action opponents in turn; when the player has scored three more
Range: 30 ft successes than an opponent, that opponent drops out of the
Duration: Special contest and submits. If one of the opponents accumulates
Gnosis: up to max per level three more successes over the character, the contest ends.
Rage: n/a For the 10 minutes, any individual who has submitted will
The Garou can shape once-living (though not undead) take no actions at all without the approval of the character,
material into something else instantly. Trees may become unless their life depends on it. Can be dispelled.
shelter, buck antlers spears, animal hides armor, and flowers
sweet perfumes. The item will resemble the object from Scent of Beyond
which it was created (e.g., the aforementioned spear will be Philodox, Rank 4 Gift
made of antler, not wood). A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift. Casting Time 1 action
System: The player makes a spell check against a difficulty Range: Any familiar place
defined by the scope and complexity of the transformation (a Duration: Until dispelled
broken tree limb into a spear would be DC 10, while a fallen Gnosis: n/a
tree into a canoe would be 15) and spends Gnosis points. Rage: n/a
The transformation persists for 10 minutes per Gnosis, or With a moment’s concentration, the werewolf can hurl her
permanent with five or more. Expending the additional senses to any place with which she is familiar (even an
Gnosis point allows a created weapon to inflict +2 damage Umbral location), no matter how far away it may be. Because
for 10 minutes for each extra spent after creation. a bird-spirit teaches this Gift, her senses perceive the scene
from above.
Resist Pain System: The player rolls Perception + level (difficulty
Philodox, Rank 1 Gift 12).This far-seeing continues for as long as the werewolf
Casting Time 1 action desires, but the character suffers a disadvantage to any
Range: Self attempts to react to local stimuli while her senses are
Duration: 1 minute projected.
Gnosis: 1
Rage: n/a Scent of Running Water
Fortifying herself with purpose and will, the werewolf shuts Ragabash, Rank 1 Gift
out the pain of her wounds. A bear- or badger-spirit teaches Casting Time 1 action
this Gift. Range: Self
System: The player spends one gnosis point and rolls a Duration: Permanent
d10+level, for the next minute, the Garou ignores that Gnosis: n/a
amount of damage per round automatically. Can be cast at a Rage: n/a
Higher Rank, for every rank higher add 1d10. The werewolf can mask her scent completely, making
herself virtually impossible to track. A fox-spirit teaches this
Resist Toxin Gift.
Fianna, Rank 1 Gift System: Any attempt to track the Ragabash is at a
Casting Time 1 action disadvantage, Also, any attempt by the Ragabash to hunt or
Range: Self gather food, is made WITH advantage. This Gift’s effects are
Duration: Until dismissed permanent, though the Ragabash may temporarily suppress
Gnosis: n/a them at will (which may be necessary to blend in with wolf
Rage: n/a packs).
The werewolf’s body is hardened against toxins of all sorts.
A rat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The werewolf is permanently immunized to
mundane poisons, from arsenic to alcohol, and gains
advantage to any save against being poisoned. This Gift may
be turned off and on at will (such as for enjoying alcohol).
Roll Over
Philodox, Rank 4 Gift
Casting Time 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Duration: 10 minutes
Gnosis: n/a
Rage: n/a
The werewolf radiates authority and power, allowing him
to exert his dominance over others. Humans bow or kneel,
while Garou roll over to expose their throats. A wolf-spirit
teaches this Gift.

Scent of Sight System: The Garou can smell Kinfolk or a fellow werewolf
Lupus, Rank 2 Gift automatically; pre-Change werewolves smell like Kin. In all
Casting Time 1 action other cases, the player must roll Perception A 5-10 will
Range: Self identify a normal human or animal; 11-15 will detect a
Duration: Until dismissed vampire, changeling, demon, mummy, or Fera;15+ are
Gnosis: n/a needed to sniff out anything else with a CR rating of 20+.
Rage: n/a Unfamiliar scents aren’t automatically recognized: A
The werewolf can compensate for her vision completely by perception roll with advantage is made to determine the
using her sense of smell. She can attack invisible creatures creatures true Form, Difficulty is determined by the DM,
normally or navigate in absolute darkness. Wolf-spirits teach DC=5 easy, while DC= 15 should be very difficult. This can
this Gift. see through minor illusions, as well as shapeshifting forms
System: The werewolf fully substitutes her sense of smell and creatures abilities, such as doppelgangers.
for her vision, enabling her to distinguish identity and
location flawlessly (color and fine details, such as letters Scream of Gaia
printed on a page, remain beyond her). A Perception roll may Get of Fenris, Rank 4 Gift
be required to detect things which actively obscure their Casting Time 1 action
scent. Range: 50 ft radius
Duration: n/a
Scent of the OathBreaker Gnosis: 1
Philodox, Rank 3 Gift Rage: n/a
Casting Time 1 action As the lupus Gift. The Garou emits a horrible, ragged
Range: Self scream imbued with Rage and the pain of Gaia. The force of
Duration: Until dismissed the scream batters foes and knocks them off their feet.
Gnosis: 1 Storm-spirits teach this Gift.
Rage: n/a System: The player spends a Gnosis point and hostiles in
Oaths sanctified before a Philodox are a serious matter the area rolls Dex Save. Everyone within a 50-foot radius,
indeed, so this Gift grants the judges of the Garou nation the except for the werewolf’s pack is blasted to the ground prone
ability to know when an oath has been broken and to track and suffer 8d6 force damage, save for half as a shockwave
down the oathbreaker to correct him personally. A dog-spirit rips through the area.
teaches this Gift.
System: The Philodox may spend one Gnosis point to Seizing the Edge
sanctify any oath or promise he personally witnesses, no Shadow Lord, Rank 1 Gift
matter how formal or informal. The involved parties must be Casting Time Instantaneous
aware they are binding themselves into a contractual oath Range: 60 ft
and the details in which that entails if they are broken. If at Duration: 1 minute
any point in the future one of the individuals sworn to the Gnosis: n/a
oath breaks it, the Philodox immediately becomes aware of Rage: n/a
this, and all rolls for the werewolf to track the oathbreaker by Shadow Lords don’t acknowledge the idea of the draw. If
scent drop to DC 5. Also, any rolls the Oathbreaker(s) neither competitor wins, then they both lose. This Gift allows
attempts are made with disadvantage.This benefit lasts until the Garou to swing the balance, ever so slightly, in her favor.
the Philodox next stands in the oathbreaker’s presence. A spirit servant of Grandfather Thunder teaches this Gift.
System: Whenever the Shadow Lord is involved in an
Scent of the True Form opposed roll with another being it can see within 60 ft, the
Philodox, Rank 3 Gift Shadow Lord has rolls with advantage. This Gift’s effects
Casting Time 1 action remain in effect for 1 min.
Range: 300 ft
Duration: 1 hour
Gnosis: n/a
Rage: n/a
The Philodox is able to scent the truth of those she meets,
literally sniffing out an individual’s true form. A vulture spirit
teaches this Gift.

Sense Balance Sense Silver
Philodox, Rank 3 Gift Metis, Rank 2 Gift
Casting Time Concentration, 1 turn Casting Time 1 action
Range: 120 ft Range: 300ft
Duration: 1 hour Duration: 10 minutes
Gnosis: 1 Gnosis: n/a
Rage: n/a Rage: n/a
As the arbitrators of the Garou Nation, the Philodox have To those truly born Garou, Luna has granted the ability to
developed an attunement with the cosmic forces that balance sense a werewolf’s greatest weakness. This Gift, taught by
the Tellurian. The werewolf may sense an overabundance of Lunes, allows the metis to detect the presence of silver.
Wyrm, Wyld, or Weaver energies in a location. A cat-spirit System: The player rolls Perception + Proficiency Bonus
teaches this Gift. (difficulty 10). If successful, she can detect the presence of
System: The player spends a Gnosis point. This Gift any silver within 100 yards. A 15 or higher can allow her to
makes your eyes glow blue and allows you to see magical pinpoint the silver’s location.
auras within 120 feet of you. These magical auras surround
magic items and other sources or conduits of magic such as Sense the Unnatural
other spellcasters. You know the location and power of all Lupus, Rank 3 Gift
magical auras within your range of this spell. An aura's power Casting Time 1 action
depends on a spell's level or the effect that the magic item Range: 150 ft
produces (the rarer the item, the stronger the aura produced). Duration: 1 hour
If an item or creature bearing an aura is within 120 feet of Gnosis: n/a
you, you know the school of magic involved in each object Rage: n/a
and the maximum spell slot level the item or creature can The werewolf can sense any supernatural presence and
produce. determine its approximate strength and type. Supernatural
If you focus on an object, you can determine what that presences can include magic, spirits, Wyrm taint, ghosts,
object can do as per the identify spell. If you focus on a vampires, faeries, and any other such unnatural
creature, you can determine if that creature has a manifestation — although it won’t pick them out specifically
spellcasting feature such as a lich or other magical abilities as such. A werewolf may sense a person plagued by haunting
such as a quasit's ability to turn invisible. To do so, you must as easily as a ghost. Any spirit servant of Gaia can teach this
succeed on an Intelligence (Arcana) skill check with a DC of Gift.
10 + the following depending on the object's rarity: +2 for a System: The target rolls a Charisma Save. If failed, The
common item, +4 for an uncommon item, +6 for a rare item, creature type and a supernatural ability can be determined.
+8 for a very rare item, +10 for a legendary item and +15 for The sensory input is somewhat vague and subject to
artifacts. For a creature, the DC is equal to 10 + the creature's interpretation, though. For instance, a vampire might smell of
highest level spell slot or the creature's CR; whichever is clotted blood, fear, corpse-meat or whatever else the
higher. Any creature with a CR of less than 1 is treated as Storyteller finds appropriate.
having a CR of 0 when determining the DC of the Arcana
skill check. Sense Wyrm
The Philodox must be at peace and without distraction to Metis, Rank 1 Gift
use this Gift. Casting Time 1 action
Range: 100 ft per gnosis point spent
Sense Prey Duration: 1 hour
Lupus, Rank 1 Gift Gnosis: Up to the max for your level
Casting Time 1 action Rage: n/a
Range: Self The werewolf can sense nearby manifestations of the
Duration: 8 hours Wyrm. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or
Gnosis: n/a olfactory image, although Garou often describe the Wyrm’s
Rage: n/a spiritual emanations as a stench. This Gift doesn’t
This Gift lets a werewolf locate enough prey to feed her necessarily sense dedication to the Wyrm, merely contact
pack. In the urban environment, this tends to guide lupus to with its spiritual essence, which can cling to even blameless
prey in parks, sewers, animal shelters or even zoos, drawing souls. Sense Wyrm requires active concentration; the
her unfailingly to the presence of prey animals. Humans and spiritual sense it provides doesn’t function passively. The Gift
carnivores too large or dangerous for a lone wolf to regard as may be taught by any Gaian spirit.
prey do not register as prey animals. A wolf-spirit teaches this System: The Garou can detect any evil, or undead being
Gift. within 100ft per Gnosis point spent. If detecting something in
System: Any requirement or roll that is needed to hunt for the area in a range he cannot see, the DM can call for a
food during the duration is rolled with Advantage. Effects last tracking roll(with advantage) to follow the scent.
for 8 hours.

Serenity System: To press an unwilling actor into the shadowplay,
Children of Gaia, Rank 4 Gift the player spends one Gnosis point per target and Rolls
Casting Time Reaction Performance vs Wisdom Spell save. The effects last until the
Range: 200 ft story ends (one scene), or until the actor is attacked. Willing
Duration: Until dismissed participants require no roll or expenditure. By the end, all
Gnosis: 1 who participated in the play recieve a 1d4 bonus die which
Rage: n/a can be stacked with any other inspirational dice as well.
The Garou can fill a hot heart with the peace of Gaia, even
in the midst of battle. An avatar of Unicorn teaches this Gift. Shed
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and can use Metis, Rank 1 Gift
their reaction to activate this gift. When the Garou is Casting Time 1 action
attacked, the gift is activated, but does not prevent any Range: Self
damage received, if any. The target must pass a wisdom save Duration: n/a
to attempt to attack the Garou again. In addition, the target Gnosis: n/a
automatically ends any Rage bonuses,cannot frenzy, and Rage: n/a
cannot spend Rage if applicable. The metis can shed a layer of fur and skin, slipping from an
opponent’s grasp or escaping from bonds with ease. A lizard-
Shadow Cutting spirit or snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
Shadow Lord, Rank 4 Gift System: The player rolls Dexterity check DC 10 If the roll
Casting Time Reaction succeeds, the character loses a tuft of fur or skin (revealing
Range: Special healthy new hide), allowing her to slip free of grapples or
Duration: 1 minute bonds such as ropes or chains.
Gnosis: 1
Rage: n/a Shell
The Shadow Lord can wound an enemy by striking at his Metis, Rank 3 Gift
very shadow. Such attacks are difficult to dodge. This Gift is Casting Time 1 action
taught by a night-spirit. Range: Self
System: The character spits into his opponent’s shadow Duration: 10 minutes
and the player spends a Gnosis point. For the next minute, Gnosis: 1
the character may strike at his foe’s shadow to wound him. Rage: n/a
Only fetish weapons or natural weaponry serves for such Shell places an emotional and instinctual barrier around
attacks. This Gift ignores any dodge, parry, or reactions of the the metis, shutting out the hostility of the world and
target, as the attack isn't being made to the physical body of suppressing his own powerful, destructive impulses. It is
the creature, but through its own shadow. Also, the range to taught by a turtle-spirit.
successfully hit is doubled by the natural size of the target. System: The player spends one Gnosis. insulating the
Whereas the natural rule of thumb is within 5 ft of the target. metis for a 10 min behind a mystical and psychological
The Shadow it casts adds to that range. For mechanical barrier, immunizing him against mind-altering magic of all
purposes, the Shadow Lord only has to be within 10 ft of a kinds for the duration.. However, he cannot gain any
medium sized creature instead of 5. Large creatures are 15ft, successes on social checks, nor can he spend Rage points.
Huge is 20 ft, and Gargantuan is 25 ft of the target to strike
within melee range. Anything smaller than medium sized and Shield of Rage
the shadow lord must still be within 5 ft for melee range. Ahroun, Rank 2 Gift
Cannot be used in complete darkness where no shadow is Casting Time 1 action
cast. Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
Shadows by the Firelight Gnosis: 1
Galliard, Rank 4 Gift Rage: n/a
Casting Time 1 action, concentration during scene Such is the Rage burning within an Ahroun’s heart that all
Range: 120 ft lesser furies quail before it. A wolverine-spirit teaches this
Duration: Until dispelled Gift.
Gnosis: 1 per unwilling target(n/a for willing participants) System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For For the
Rage: n/a next 10 minutes, the Garou gets a +1 to their AC.
The Galliard invokes shadows and dreams to set the stage
for a play in which other werewolves play a part. The Galliard
narrates the tale, and the actors are swept along in the
narrative, willing or no. The Gift is often used at moots, since
it allows many to participate in the retelling of legends. It is
also used as an object lesson for the wayward and stubborn.
An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.

Sight From Beyond System: The player spends 1 Gnosis to activate this Gift.
Theurge, Rank 2 Gift The claws are still considered magical and silvered. The
Casting Time n/a Ahroun suffers searing agony while manifesting these silver
Range: Self claws. Each turn, she gains an automatic Rage point, while
Duration: Special losing a gnosis point and taking 1d6 damage from being
Gnosis: n/a contacted with silver. (unless a gift is active to resist silver
Rage: n/a damage) and all non-combat difficulties increase by one
This is a Gift of prophecy. The werewolf becomes an because of the distraction. On each turn that her Rage points
oracle, prone to dreams and visions which hint at future exceed her Gnosis score, she has a 50% chance of frenzy.
opportunities, challenges and threats to come. These visions During this frenzy, the Garou can lose control, and attack
are always veiled in symbolism — an impending war against anyone within range, a d20 is rolled, if it is above 10 he can
the local vampires might be presaged by visions of continue attacking the enemy, if it is below 10 or below, he
skyscrapers weeping blood from their upper stories, while a attacks an ally and has to make wisdom saves at the end of
death in the sept might be heralded by dreams of a chorus of every turn. The Garou cannot spend Gnosis, but spends any
mournful howls rising to a ghost-pale moon. Owl-spirits teach Rage accumulated above his maximum immediately on his
this Gift. first target.The Gift lasts for one minute, unless the Garou
System: Visions are entirely under the Storyteller’s control takes a turn to voluntarily end it.(not during a frenzy)
and are best handled through roleplaying, though a truly
stumped player might ask for a roll to help interpret a Smell of Man
particularly puzzling vision. Homid, Rank 1 Gift
Casting Time n/a
Silence the Weaver Range: 30 ft
Lupus, Rank 3 Gift Duration: Permanent
Casting Time 1 action Gnosis: n/a
Range: 60 ft Rage: n/a
Duration: Special To creatures of the wild, man’s scent is death. To creatures
Gnosis: n/a of the city, it is authority, comfort, easy meals. This Gift,
Rage: 1 taught by an ancestor-spirit, enhances a werewolf’s human
The lupus releases a shattering howl, destroying all nearby scent, infusing it with spiritual power.
delicate Mechanical structures that aren't magical. Anything System: Non-supernatural wild animals gain disadvantage
with gears, or motorized functions that are supported when interacting with the Garou, save when defending
through magical means are affected within 120ft. radius themselves (non-combat) or running away, and will be
(crossbows, levers, ect) A storm-spirit teaches this Gift. inclined to flee rather than attack if possible. In addition
System: The lupus spends a turn howling. The player then domesticated animals recognize the werewolf as a friend, and
spends one Rage point and rolls Primary ability modifier + even trained attack dogs will do no more than wag their tails
proficiency bonus DC depends on complexity of mechanical at the character unless attacked first.
function. (5 simple function, one gear, 15 very complex, This Gift’s effects are permanently active.
multiple gears and functions) On a success within the ranged
area, those mechanical devices are destroyed in a flash of Snarl of the Predator
sparks. Get of Fenris, Rank 2 Gift
Casting Time bonus action
Silver Claws Range: Self
Ahroun, Rank 3 Gift Duration: end of next turn
Casting Time 1 action Gnosis: 1
Range: Self Rage: n/a
Duration: Special The Garou lets out a feral snarl that terrifies opponents
Gnosis: 1 and cows them into submission. A wolf-spirit teaches this
Rage: n/a Gift.
Luna sends her children to teach this powerful but painful System:As a bonus action, by spending one Gnosis, the
Gift to those warriors who gain her favor. When invoked, it Garou may use his Charisma modifier to deduct any damage,
transforms the werewolf’s claws into silver. except silver, for every successful attack made against him.
This lasts until the end of his next turn.

Song of Heroes Rage: n/a
Galliard, Rank 3 Gift The Garou travels to the deep wilderness and lets out a
Casting Time 10 minutes long, mournful howl. One of the Great Beasts of antiquity
Range: Self answers the call, appearing in the Realm near the werewolf
Duration: 8 hours — a mighty and savage being that walked the Earth in ages
Gnosis: 2 past. Such creatures include the Willawau (giant owl), the
Rage: n/a Sabertooth Tiger, the great Megalodon sharks that swam the
Reciting a tale of ancient Garou heroism, the Galliard seas eons ago and the mighty Mammoth, who arrives in
conjures up the spirit of fallen heroes and infuses those herds. Who knows what else the Song might call up? The
listening with some portion of their power. An ancestor-spirit Great Beasts possess power in the physical world to rival that
teaches this Gift. of mighty spirits in the Umbra. Once the ancient creature
System: This Gift requires the full recitation of a story of arrives, the Garou may make a request of it, but the Great
epic heroism, taking at least several minutes. At the end of Beast will fulfill it in its own way, according to its nature.
the tale, the player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Using this Gift is risky, but the results can be truly
Performance (difficulty 10). If successful on this roll add two spectacular. Few spirits know this Gift. It’s said that the
points to a single Ability score for all listening This bonus reclusive Mokolé know which spirits can teach the Song of
lasts for 8 hours. the Great Beast … if any survived the Impergium, and are
willing to talk to the Garou, that is.
Song of Rage System: The player spends 5 Gnosis points Describe the
Galliard, Rank 3 Gift assistance you seek, and roll percentile dice. The Ancient
Casting Time 1 action Beast Spirit some way ... If your totem spirit
Range: 60 ft intervenes, you can't use this feature again for 7 days. Traits
Duration: Until dispelled are left to the Storyteller’s discretion, but should always be
Gnosis: n/a impressive.
Rage: n/a
This Gift unleashes the beast in others, forcing Song of the Siren
werewolves, vampires, and other such creatures into frenzy Galliard, Rank 4 Gift
and turning humans into berserkers. A wolverine-spirit Casting Time 1 action
teaches this Gift. Range: 60 ft
System: A target within 60 ft makes a wisdom save. If Duration: Until dismissed
failed, the victim flies into a violent rage (or frenzy, if naturally Gnosis: 1
prone) attacking anything friend or foe. The closest one in its Rage: n/a
line of sight usually. Spells nor abilities can be used while in The Garou’s song or howl can entrance anyone who hears
this rage. The effect ends when the target can successfully it. A songbird spirit teaches this Gift.
pass a wisdom save at the end of their turn. System: The Garou spends 1 gnosis. Any creature within
60 feet with less than 100 HP is stunned. Otherwise it has no
Song of the Earth Mother effect. Anyone who is stunned can roll a Con save on their
Shadow Lord, Rank 2 Gift next turn to end it.
Casting Time 10 minutes concentration
Range: 300 ft Speech of the World
Duration: look back up to 72 hours Homid, Rank 2 Gift
Gnosis: 2 Casting Time Instantaneous
Rage: n/a Range: Self
This gift allows the werewolf to sense the presence of Duration: 10 minutes
activity within a broad area. Essentially, the Garou Gnosis: n/a
communes with the earth and listens to what it says. The Gift Rage: n/a
is taught by an earth-spirit. This Gift allows Gaia’s warriors to read and wield the spirit
System: The user spends 10 minutes communing with the of speech, bypassing the need to learn different languages
earth, during which time she may take no other actions. The and dialects. The Garou may speak and understand any
player then spends two Gnosis points and rolls Perception language she encounters, though she speaks with an obvious
DC 10. Success indicates that the earth tells her about any accent, marking her as an outsider. Speech of the World
presence within an area of 100 yards and/or any events that doesn’t convey literacy, nor is it an encyclopedia of cultural
took place within the area. In this case, any events that the information. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
Shadow Lord can see, is revealed as shadowy figures, and System: The player makes an INT check, DC 10. The
cannot determine specific faces or names. The Shadow Lord effect lasts for 10 minutes.
can look back in the timeline of the area as far as 72 hours.
Song of the Great Beast
Lupus, Rank 5 Gift
Casting Time 1 turn, concentration
Range: Self
Duration: n/a
Gnosis: 5
Spider’s Song A cat-spirit grants the Ahroun the Gift of blinding speed
Ragabash, Rank 2 Gift and lightning reflexes, permitting her to strike before any foe.
Casting Time 1 action, concentration System: Once the Ahroun learns this Gift, its effects are
Range:300 ft permanent. She adds 10 to all her initiative rolls, and if she
Duration: Until dismissed chooses, may spend a Gnosis point to add another 10 to an
Gnosis: 1 initiative roll (such an expenditure prevents spending Rage
Rage: n/a for extra actions for 1 min after combat starts however).
The Ragabash can steal messages from the Weaver’s web,
plucking them from the air or eavesdropping as they race Spirit Snare
through telephone lines. The Ragabash must be aware that a Theurge, Rank 1 Gift
conversation is happening to listen in on it (though she Casting Time 1 action
doesn’t have to know who’s on the other end of the line) Range: 120 ft
Spiderand raven-spirits teach this Gift. Duration: n/a
System: The player spends a Gnosis point. She listens in Gnosis: 1
on the conversation within 300 ft and as long as she Rage: n/a
concentrates on listening, the Ragabash can clearly hear the The Theurge casts out an invisible, mystic net which
conversation that normally would be to far to make out. entangles hostile spirits, confounding them with a mixture of
Automatic success if Ragabash is in a quiet place and there magical force and long-broken but still potent Gaian law. An
are no obstructions. ( DC 5- very quiet place, where a DC15 owl-spirit teaches this Gift.
would be through multiple walls in a tavern where a bard is System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls
playing music very loud.for example) Their primary ability score + Proficiency bonus as an attack
directed at a target within 120 feet,. 3d6 force damage is
Spirit Drain rolled and any wisdom saves rolled by the target are at
Theurge, Rank 4 Gift disadvantage until the end of the players next turn. Multiple
Casting Time 1 action applications of this Gift don’t stack.
Range: 120 ft
Duration: n/a Spirit Speech
Gnosis: n/a Theurge, Rank 1 Gift
Rage: n/a Casting Time Instantaneous
The Garou may drain power from a spirit to feed her own Range: Self
resolve. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift. Duration: n/a
System: A target within 120 ft takes 3d6 radiant damage Gnosis: n/a
on a successful spell attack. Any damage made to the target Rage: n/a
also heals the Garou. In addition, once per short rest,the This Gift bestows understanding of the language of the
Garou can regenerate a Rage point from a successful attack. spirit world, permitting the Garou to clearly understand and
speak with any spirit he encounters. The Gift doesn’t
Spirit Friend influence spirits’ attitudes toward the werewolf in any way,
Theurge, Rank 4 Gift nor ensure that they have any desire to communicate with
Casting Time 1 action, concentration him. Any spirit can teach it.
Range: 60 ft System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.
Duration: 10 minutes
Gnosis: n/a
Rage: n/a
The werewolf projects a feeling of tranquility and
fellowship that spirits naturally perceive. Save for the mad or
corrupt, spirits treat the Garou with courtesy and chivalry.
This Gift is taught by a unicorn-spirit.
System: The Garou produces a glowing Aura that
surrounds him in a radius of 60ft. Any ability or skill checks
that are based on Charisma are made with advantage when
dealing with any non evil creatures that are within range.
This effect lasts for 10 minutes and requires concentration,
or ends if another gift from the Garou is used that requires
Gnosis being spent.
Spirit of the Fray
Ahroun, Rank 2 Gift
Casting Time 1 action, concentration
Range: Self
Duration: Permanent
Gnosis: 1 (optional)
Rage: n/a

Spirit Ward System: This Gift’s effects are permanent. The werewolf
Homid, Rank 4 Gift regains one Rage point during any turn in which he takes
Casting Time 1 action damage. This Rage does not cause a frenzy check, though
Range: placed within 20 ft other sources will induce checks as usual. Additionally, the
Duration: 8 hours player can spend one Rage point per turn without losing any
Gnosis: 2 temporary Rage. If multiple Rage points are spent during any
Rage: n/a turn, however, all are marked off. Temporary rage points are
This Gift allows a werewolf to protect herself from spirits lost if not used by the next short or long rest.
by performing a quick warding rite. The werewolf traces an
invisible pictogram in the air that creates a hard to detect Strength of Gaia
magical Glyph that also frightens and unnerves any nearby Lupus, Rank 3 Gift
spirits, and which travels with the Garou for as long as it Casting Time 1 action
persists. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift. Range: Self
System: Requires a successful (Investigation) check Duration: 10 minutes
against your spell save DC to be found.The player spends two Gnosis: n/a
Gnosis points. Each creature that wasn't withina 20 ft range Rage: 1
while the glyph was first created that steps within the radius The Goddess blesses the lupus with the fullness of his
afterwards in the aura must make a Dexterity saving throw. might when he wears the most natural of his skins. While
(everyone else is bound the immunity to the damage)When wearing lupus form, the Garou enjoys the full might of
triggered, the glyph erupts with magical energy in a 20-foot- Crinos. A wolf spirit teaches this Gift.
radius Sphere centered on the glyph. The Sphere spreads System: The player spends one Rage point. His Lupus
around corners. A creature takes 6d10 acid, cold, fire, form base strength increases by four, rather than the normal
lightning, or thunder damage on a failed saving throw (your one, for 10 min.
choice when you create the glyph), or half as much damage
on a successful one.rolls Gift lasts for 8 hrs. Strength of Purpose
Philodox, Rank 2 Gift
Staredown Casting Time 1 action
Homid, Rank 2 Gift Range: Self
Casting Time 1 action Duration: n/a
Range: 60 ft Gnosis: n/a
Duration: Until dismissed Rage: n/a
Gnosis: n/a Philodox use this Gift to fortify themselves in the face of
Rage: n/a the Apocalypse, turning hot passion and burning Rage into
Rage burns in a werewolf’s eyes, striking fear into the cold, steely resolve. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
hearts of mortals and animals, causing them to flee for their System: Once per short rest ,1d10 and recover that
lives. Used against another werewolf, the target will freeze in amount of Gnosis.
place rather than run. A ram- or snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift affects only one target at a time. The Strength of Will
victim must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or drop Ahroun, Rank 5 Gift
whatever it is holding and become frightened for the Casting Time 1 action
duration. While frightened by this spell, a creature must take Range: 100 ft
the Dash action and move away from you by the safest Duration: 1d6 rounds
available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere Gnosis: 1 per target(must spend one for yourself, for max
to move. If the creature ends its turn in a location where it 4)
doesn’t have line of sight to you, the creature can make a Rage: n/a
Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the spell ends for A werewolf with this Gift is a pillar of indomitable will. He
that creature. Garou and classes with Rage do not flee but can share this terrifying strength with others as well, leading
may not attack while the Gift is in use. them through the gates of Malfeas without a moment’s fear or
hesitation. A wolf-spirit or an Incarna avatar teaches this Gift.
Stoking Fury’s Furnace System: The player spends 1 Gnosis per target and
Ahroun, Rank 4 Gift chooses up to 3 other willing allies within 100ft.. Each ally
Casting Time 1 action when rolling a to save and fails, the garou can roll his save to
Range: Self have her succeed instead. However if both fail, they both are
Duration: Permanent affected. In addition, whenever any of the 4 allies takes direct
Gnosis: n/a damage, it is divided equally, if it cant be divided equally, any
Rage: n/a left over damage goes to the Garou. Area of effect spells or
This Gift allows the Garou to husband his Rage, keeping it abilities do not apply to this. It must be direct damage to a
burning for as long as Gaia’s enemies remain to be defeated. single target. This lasts for 1d6 rounds. Can only be used
A wolverine-spirit teaches it. once every short rest.

Strike the Air Wolves haunt the ancestral nightmares of humanity, and of
Children of Gaia, Rank 4 Gift those monsters that were once human. The werewolf lets out
Casting Time 1 action a fierce snarl that triggers primordial terror in opponents and
Range: 100 ft drowns them in the Delirium. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
Duration: 1 minute System: The player spends a point of Rage and target or
Gnosis: 1 per target targets in an area of 60 ft roll Wisdom Save. If successful, the
Rage: n/a werewolf invokes the full effect of the Delirium on any
The Child becomes the ultimate example of passive human, formerly-human, or partly-human creature who can
resistance. She is unable to attack an opponent, but is also see her — including those normally immune to the Delirium,
unable to be hit, allowing her opponent to exhaust herself in such as mages and vampires. Only other werewolves are
an intricate dance of frustrated blows. A mongoose-spirit immune. It may be used in any form.
teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and gains a The Living Wood
+4 to AC. Must be using the Dodge action with this gift, the Children of Gaia , Rank 5 Gift
attacker has disadvantage when attacking, and the Garou Casting Time 1 action
also gains advantage to any Dex saving throws. The effect last Range: 60 ft
for one minute, unless the Garou falls unconscious, dies, Duration: Until dismissed
uses an attack action on the same target, or chooses to end it Gnosis: 1
sooner. This Gift will work on multiple opponents, but the Rage: n/a
player must spend an additional Gnosis point for each new The Child of Gaia calls upon the powers of the forest to
attacker. rise and aid her. Nearby trees begin to move and attempt to
protect the Garou. Limbs and vines will restrain, block and
Taking the Forgotten even fight those attempting to harm her. A Glade Child
Ragabash, Rank 2 Gift teaches this Gift.
Casting Time 1 action System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls
Range: Touch Survival. The Garou can summon Treants to aid her. The
Duration: Special amount of treants is determined by the roll.
Gnosis: n/a 1-5 = 1 treant
Rage: n/a 6-10= 2 treants
A Ragabash with this Gift can steal something from a 11-15= 3 treants
target and make his victim forget that she ever possessed the 16-20= 4 treants
stolen item. A mouse-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: With this Gift, a successful Sleight of Hand. the The Treants are under the Garou’s control until dismissed
target makes a WIS save, If failed the victim would never or slain. They do not have the ability to produce more treants
remember even seeing the Ragabash or any encounter within themselves however.
the past hour of the pick pocket. If the victim passes the Save,
the pick pocket was still successful, but would recall any Thousand Forms
interactions with the Ragabash if applicable. The victim Ragabash , Rank 5 Gift
would not realize this Gift was used on him, or alert his Casting Time 1 action
suspicions further in any way however. Range: Self
Duration: Until long rest
Talons of the Falcon Gnosis: 1 - 2
Silver Fang , Rank 3 Gift Rage:
Casting Time 1 action The werewolf with this Gift may change herself into any
Range: Self animal between the sizes of a small bird and a bison. The
Duration: 1 minute Garou gains all the special capabilities (flight, gills, poison,
Gnosis: 1 sensory abilities, etc.) of the animal she mimics. She may not
Rage: n/a take the form of Wyrm-beasts (not that she would wish to!),
The Silver Fang’s claws transform into impaling weapons, but with some extra effort she may take the form of mystical
allowing her to cut muscle, bone, and sinew as though they beasts (such as a griffon or unicorn), provided the beast
were paper. A falcon-spirit teaches this Gift. remains within the usual size limitations of the Gift. Wyld-
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and makes a spirits teach this Gift.
Dexterity + Strength modifiers to her claw attack and damage System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and allows
rolls for the next minute. the character to assume the shape of any normal Animal.
Until the next Long rest, he may make additional
Terror of the Dire Wolf transformation rolls without spending additional Gnosis,
Lupus , Rank 4 Gift provided he only takes the shape of normal animals. To allow
Casting Time 1 action the character to take on a mythical form, the player must
Range: 60 ft spend an additional point of Gnosis
Duration: Until dismissed
Rage: 1

Totem Gift The glib words and clever schemes of the Fianna are
Metis , Rank 5 Gift wasted on a single mark. This Gift teaches the werewolf to
Casting Time 10 minutes talk out of both sides of her face, literally carrying on two
Range: 30 ft conversations simultaneously, and to decide who hears what.
Duration: Special An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
Gnosis: 1 System: The Fianna may simultaneously carry on two
Rage: n/a conversations at the same time, which need have no relation
Metis are Garou from the moment of their birth, and their to one another. She decides which listeners hear which
ties to the spirit that guides their tribe run deep. The metis version of the words she’s speaking. Anyone suspecting
may plead with her tribal totem for power, with effects something odd about the Fianna’s behavior must roll
varying from tribe to tribe. Rat might send a swarm of Perception DC Garou’s Charisma Score to detect the Garou’s
rodents to attack the werewolf’s enemies, while Grandfather other conversation and to understand what she’s saying
Thunder might send down the lightning to strike aside there. This effect can last up to 8 hours, or until the Fianna
obstacles and opponents. The potential of this Gift depends chooses to end it.
on the favor of the totem, and may extend into the
miraculous. Only the tribal totem teaches this Gift. Ultimate Argument of Logic
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Theurge , Rank 5 Gift
Divine Intervention Describe the assistance you seek, and Casting Time 1 action
roll percentile dice. If you roll a number equal to or lower Range: 30 ft
than your level, your Totem Spirit intervenes. ... If your totem Duration: Special
spirit intervenes, you can't use this feature again for 7 days. Gnosis: n/a
Otherwise, you can use it again after you finish a Long Rest. Rage: n/a
Those who speak with the Theurge leave convinced of
Troll Skin some fact they might otherwise have disbelieved. If
Get of Fenris , Rank 2 Gift successful, the Garou can cause the target to believe
Casting Time 1 action implicitly in one aspect of existence (true or false) — that the
Range: Touch Earth is the center of the universe, that there is such a thing
Duration: 1 minute as a spirit world, or that cities are unnatural affronts to
Gnosis: 1 nature, for example. A coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.
Rage: n/a System: The Garou rolls a Persuasion vs the targets
The Fenrir draws on the power of the earth for protection. Insight. If the Garou wins, he is convinced that what the
Her skin grows tough and thick, covered with stony knots of Garou says is at least believable, as long as it doesn't go
hard, armored flesh. An earth elemental teaches this Gift. against anything in the targets moral code.(Murder is Good,
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and gains for example), if the Garou’s score is 5 or higher than the
resistance to all non magical attacks. This effect lasts for 1 target’s score, the target makes a Wisdom Save. If failed, then
minute. even the morals that the target holds on to can be changed.
Can be dispelled.
True Fear
Ahroun , Rank 2 Gift Umbral Camouflage
Casting Time 1 action Theurge , Rank 3 Gift
Range: 20 ft cone Casting Time 1 action
Duration: end of next turn Range: Self
Gnosis: n/a Duration: 10 minutes
Rage: n/a Gnosis: 1
The werewolf displays his full, terrifying might — baring Rage:
teeth or claws, howling, or simply looming ominously over a Although perfectly visible to all others, this Gift renders the
foe. Terror strikes one foe into quiescence. Spirits of fear werewolf undetectable to spirits. A wind-spirit teaches this
teach this Gift. Gift.
System: Any Targets within 20 ft cone in front of the System: The player spends one Gnosis point, and for 10
Garou, makes a Wisdom save. If they fail they are frightened minutes, she is completely invisible While not in the material
until the end of your next turn. You can use an action to realm. She may move about as normal but cannot make any
extend the effect. Effect ends if creatures get out of line of attack actions without disrupting the Gift. Not effective
sight or 60 feet away. If creature makes the save they are against creatures with true seeing, or that can see invisible
immune for 24 hours. however.
Two Tongues
Fianna , Rank 1 Gift
Casting Time Instantaneous
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 8 hours
Gnosis: n/a
Rage: n/a

Umbral Dodge Under the Gun
Ragabash , Rank 4 Gift , Rank Gift*
Casting Time reaction Casting Time bonus action
Range: touch Range: Touch
Duration: Special Duration: Special
Gnosis: n/a Gnosis: 1
Rage: n/a Rage: n/a
The Ragabash finds that the best way to deal with an The Shadow Lord lays a curse on her foe, ensuring
enemy is to send him far away — perhaps to a place where certain death by bullets. While the curse is in effect,
he’ll learn the folly of his ways. She may tear open a hole in bullets (as well as arrows, hurled knives, and any other
the Gauntlet while dodging an enemy’s attack, sending them missile weapons) are strangely attracted to the target.
to the land of spirits. A trapdoor spider-spirit teaches this Although this Gift is useful in battle, most Shadow Lords
Gift. prefer to use it secretly on a chosen foe before a fight
System: As a reaction, if the target misses any attack made begins, ensuring an “unfortunate accident.” A raven-spirit
against the Garou, he is able to use the attackers momentum teaches this Gift.
against himself, and cause him to rip through the Gauntlet
into the Umbra. The attacker can make a dex save to stop System: The Shadow Lord touches the intended target
himself. Otherwise he is trapped in the Umbra for 1d4+ with her fingertips. On a successful attack in which the
Garou’s Proficiency bonus rounds. The Gnosis point can be Garou can touch the creature, the Garou can choose to spend
spent after the target rolls his save to activate keeping him a Gnosis point to inflict an extra 4d6 points of necrotic
there. (or into the physical world if this Gift is used in the damage, in addition, it will curse the target to where all
Penumbra). ranged attacks have advantage against the target. The target
must succeed with a wisdom save to ignore this curse.
Umbral Tether
Theurge , Rank 1 Gift Unicorn’s Arsenal
Casting Time 1 action Children of Gaia , Rank 2 Gift
Range: Self Casting Time bonus action
Duration: 1 day Range: Touch
Gnosis: 1/day Duration: Until dispelled
Rage: n/a Gnosis: 1
The Umbra is a shifting world where logic doesn’t always Rage: n/a
apply and losing one’s way is easy. Theurges ensure they can The werewolf’s claws and fangs become dazzling and
always find their way back to the point where they entered pearlescent, shining with an inner multihued glory. Those
the Umbra with this Gift, which creates a silvery “umbilical wounded by these natural weapons lose the will to fight. An
cord” connecting the Garou to the point where they last avatar of Unicorn teaches this Gift.
crossed the Gauntlet. Only the werewolf who creates the System: The player spends one Gnosis point to initiate the
tether can see it. This Gift is taught by a spider-spirit. transformation. If the target is hit with any of the Garou’s
System: No roll is needed to create the thread. However, natural weapons, it must make a Con Save, or lose the ability
after each full day the character spends in the Umbra, a point to speak, and suffer disadvantage an its attacks rolls. The
of Gnosis must be spent to maintain the cord; otherwise, it effects last until the target can succeed his Con Save. This
slowly corrodes from the point of entry and toward the status effect can also be removed by Remove Curse, and does
Garou. not apply to any creature immune to curses.
Uncaught Since the Primal Moon
Children of Gaia , Rank 4 Gift
Casting Time bonus action
Range: Self
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Gnosis: 1
Rage: n/a
This Gift grants Unicorn’s perfect speed to the werewolf,
allowing her to outrun virtually any pursuer. An avatar of
Unicorn teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou doubles her base speed for 1d4
rounds, and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The
Garou can still use an attack action in the same turn, unless
using dash, which in turn, doubles twice the effect of this Gift,
but cannot use an attack action. The player spends a Gnosis
point to activate this gift.

Unity of the Pack Visage of Fenris
Silver Fang , Rank 2 Gift Get of Fenris , Rank 1 Gift
Casting Time 1 action Casting Time 1 action
Range: 30 ft radius Range: Self
Duration: Until missed attempt Duration: 1 attack per gnosis spent
Gnosis: n/a Gnosis: 1 - max available for your level
Rage: n/a Rage: n/a
It is only natural for those guided by canny leaders to excel. The Get appears larger and more fearsome, commanding
This Gift allows the Silver Fang’s pack to enjoy the benefits of respect from peers and cowing his foes. A wolf- or toad-spirit
her unifying aura, making them deadlier warriors against the teaches this Gift.
Wyrm’s minions. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The Garou spends 1 Gnosis and can add his
System: Whenever the Silver Fang is present, all members Charisma Modifier along with his normal modifiers to his
of her pack within 30 ft(including herself) have a chance to damage roll on his next successful attack. This duration can
gain additional damage. The effect gains momentum by each be increased to multiple attacks per Gnosis spent.
successful attack that is made without error until the end of
the Silver Fang’s next turn or someone misses their attack Weak Arm
before the Silver Fang's turn is up. The first successful Philodox , Rank 3 Gift
attacker gains +1 die to their damage roll, followed by the Casting Time 1 turn, concentration
next successful attacker gaining +2 dice, followed by +3, and Range: Self
so on and so forth. If someone in the party of the Silver Fang Duration: Special
has multiple attacks, the effects still apply as if he were the Gnosis: n/a
next attacker. So he could gain a +2 dice on damage for his Rage: n/a
first attack, and then plus +3 dice added to damage on his By watching an opponent’s fighting style, the Philodox can
second. The effect ends when someone misses an attack, quickly evaluate his strengths and weaknesses. Snake- and
even if an ally had multiple attacks.. The Silver Fang cannot wind-spirits teach this Gift.
benefit from this Gift when she is alone. System: The player rolls Perception + Proficiency DC 12, .
Each number greater than 13 can represent a +1 to hit, an
Unstoppable Warrior extra damage die to damage, or split anyway to both on the
Ahroun , Rank 5 Gift next successful attack. For instance, a Philodox who rolls a
Casting Time 1 action 16 can get a +3 bonus to hit on top of her other modifiers, or
Range: Self a extra 3d8 damage applied to her sword attack(if d8 is the
Duration: 1 minute damage die), or possibly a +1 to hit, and a 2d8 bonus to
Gnosis: n/a damage. — whatever combination suits her. However, the
Rage: 1 distribution of dice cannot be changed once the Gift has been
The werewolf with this potent Gift may shrug off even activated. This Gift can be used against a given foe only once
flames and the claws of his own kind. A warrior Incarna per scene, and its benefits are lost at the end of the scene. A
teaches this Gift. full turn of concentration is necessary to use this Gift.
System: The Garou heals for 1d10 + current level a round.
Costs one rage point, lasts for 1 minute.
Venom Blood
Get of Fenris , Rank 3 Gift
Casting Time 1 action
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Gnosis: n/a
Rage: 1
The werewolf may change her blood into a black, acidic
bile that poisons anyone unlucky enough to come into contact
with it. A snake- or spider-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and coats its
claws with its poisoned blood. Any attack made with its claws,
the target must make a Dex Save DC 19 or take 12d6 poison
damage. Half damage on a successful save. The effect lasts
for 1 minute or the next successful claw attack, whichever
comes first. Naturally, any attack made against the Garou
during this minute that may be exposed to its blood, as in a
bite, suffers the same effects.

Web Walker System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. For the next
Theurge , Rank 3 Gift 4 hours, all whispers within 200 feet are Fully audible by the
Casting Time 1 action Shadow Lord as though they had been spoken clearly just
Range: 30 ft next to her.
Duration: Until Dispelled
Gnosis: 1 Wind Claws
Rage: n/a Ahroun , Rank 3 Gift
The Garou may travel on the Pattern Web through the Casting Time bonus action
Umbra without physical difficulty, and without attracting the Range: Self
unfriendly attention of Weaver-spirits in the area. Any Duration: till end of turn
Weaver-spirit can teach this Gift. Gnosis: n/a
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. This enables Rage: 1
the Garou (and her pack, so long as they stick close to her) to The Ahroun’s claws and fangs pass through the flimsy
travel through the Umbra across the Pattern Web as though protections of their enemies as though they were but air and
she were on a moon bridge. Whether the Web’s strands go hope. An air elemental teaches this Gift.
where the Garou wants to travel is another matter entirely. System: The player spends one Rage point. For the rest of
While not in the Material web, The Garou and anyone within the turn, all of the Ahroun’s natural attacks completely ignore
30ft she choses remains on this undetermined path but is any armor (mundane or magical) that targets might be
immune to any damage, but also cant harm anything it sees. wearing; Does not affect creatures with natural armor.
All conditions apply while traveling on the web, as it would on
the material realm. Hunger, rest, ect are all possible. Wither Limb
Attempting to get off in a different location from where the Metis , Rank 4 Gift
Garou entered requires a Constitution save. DC 10 Success Casting Time 1 action
means you remove yourself on the web into the reality of Range: 60 ft
whatever Realm your in. Everyone including the Garou is Duration: Until dismissed
considered paralyzed for 1 round, as ripping through the Gnosis: 1
fabrics of reality between the reallms takes a toll. Failure on Rage: n/a
the Con Save means you are paralyzed for one round and With a snarl and a baleful stare, the werewolf ruins an
also take 10d6 force damage as well. opponent’s limb: bones twist, muscles wither, flesh
desiccates. Creatures with regenerative capabilities will
Whelp Body recover after one scene; all others are permanently crippled.
Ragabash , Rank 4 Gift Venomous spirits teach this Gift.
Casting Time 1 action System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls
Range: 60 ft Primary ability modifier + Proficiency bonus vs target AC.
Duration: 3 rounds The victim has disadvantage to all dex abilities, checks, and
Gnosis: 1 saving throws, and speed is now halved.
Rage: n/a
The Garou delivers a devastating curse upon a foe’s body, Wrath of Gaia
causing it to weaken or palsy. Many consider the use of this Silver Fang , Rank 3 Gift
Gift upon a foe to constitute a declaration of eternal enmity. Casting Time 1 action
Pain- and disease-spirits teach this Gift. Range: 30 ft
System: The player spends one Gnosis point Resisted by a Duration: 1 minute
Constitution Save by the target. IF Failed the target takes Gnosis: 1
8d10 necrotic damage + Level. Save for half. Rage: n/a
Additionally on a failed save, it receives one level of The werewolf shows himself in full, terrible glory as Gaia’s
exhaustion, for the next 3 rounds, or until a successful Con chosen warrior. His splendor overwhelms minions of the
Save is rolled, whichever comes first. This Gift may be used Wyrm, driving them before him in terror. An avatar of Gaia
only once ever against a given opponent. herself teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point. Any minions of
Whisper Catching the Undead who look upon the Garou within 30 ft must
Shadow Lord , Rank 1 Gift either make a Wisdom Save or flee in terror for the next
Casting Time 1 action minute. Any damage done to those affected before the minute
Range: 200 ft is over, ends the effect of this Gift.
Duration: 4 hours
Gnosis: 1
Rage: n/a
What good purpose could there be to keep secrets from
Gaia’s protectors? This Gift allows the werewolf to
supernaturally eavesdrop on whispered conversations—what
she does with the information learned is, of course, up to her
own conscience. A crow- or bat-spirit teaches this Gift.


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