Nursing Care Plan Sample 7
Nursing Care Plan Sample 7
Nursing Care Plan Sample 7
3. Elimination Pattern Subjective: Not a problem Not a problem Not a problem No data provided
4. Activity / Exercise Subjective: Wandering Wandering rt cognitive Moderate Caregiver reports patient
“She find it hard to dress impairment secondary to wandering at night. The
herself” Patient’s caregiver Alzheimer’s amb patient patient is at risk for harm
reported frequent walking around at during wandering and must
night be given assistance and
“Many times during the watched over
night she’s walk around,
turning all the lights on,
sitting in the chair, coming Impaired walking Impaired walking rt High 1 Patient has difficulty
back into the bed, bursting insufficient muscle walking and walks slowly.
into song” Reported by strength amb use of walker She uses a walker and
caregiver and requirement of must be provided
assistance during assistance during
“I’m so tired” ambulation ambulation, transferring
and performing activities
Objective: to prevent falling injuries.
Patient uses walker
Patient sometimes
doesn’t want to get
dressed and wants to
stay in her pajamas
Patient is assisted
with getting up and
Patient’s gait is slow
5. Sleep / Rest Subjective: Not a problem Not a problem Not a problem Not enough data provided
Caregiver reports
patient walks around
at night
6. Cognitive / Subjective: Impaired memory Impaired memory rt High 2 Patient has problem with
Perceptual “I wasn’t feeling too well a neurologic disturbances memory and was
little while ago. And I told secondary to Alzheimer’s diagnosed of Alzheimer’s.
them I was pregnant” amb inability to recall She must be provided
information assistance to prevent
“I think she’s living her complications and be
teenage years.” Patient’s provided with care.
caregiver said
Patient doesn’t retain a
lot in the daily life
Patient has sometimes
episodes of slight
College of Health Sciences Department of Nursing NOTRE DAME OF DADIANGAS UNIVERSITY
Nursing Related Learning Experience Manual
7. Self – Perception / Subjective: Not a problem Not a problem Not a problem Not enough data provided
Self - Concept N/a
Patient is very
humorous and giggles
Patient loves music,
sings along and comes
8. Role / Relationship Subjective: Caregiver role strain Caregiver role strain rt Low 1 The patient’s caregiver
“ I wasn’t getting much patient’s illness severity reports lack of sleep and
sleep at night and I could amb report of disturbed concern of continuous care
see that if this continued sleep pattern could lead him to be sick.
for a much length of time, The patient’s condition
I would be sick too” also gets worsen, making it
Caregiver reported harder for caregiver to take
care of patient.
Patient’s husband
cared for her until her
condition got worse
Patient is assisted by
her husband
Patient had made
relationship with other
Patient reintroduces
other male resident as
her husband
Patient’s caregiver
cries after sending
patient to sleep
9. Sexuality / Subjective: Not a problem Not a problem Not a problem No data provided
Reproductive N/a
College of Health Sciences Department of Nursing NOTRE DAME OF DADIANGAS UNIVERSITY
Nursing Related Learning Experience Manual
10. Coping – Stress Subjective Not a problem Not a problem Not a problem No data provided
Tolerance N/a:
11. Value Belief Subjective: Not a problem Not a problem Not a problem No data provided
garage, couldn’t get Respect for the patient’s personal space limitations
past the garage allows the patient to exert some control.
door, sat on the Patient
concrete floor and 5. Let the patient accomplish tasks at his establishes
started to call out” or her own pace. Do not hurry the patient. methods to help
Reported by Encourage independent activity as able remembering
caregiver and safe. with help of
Rationale: Healthcare providers and support system
“Oh, I want you out significant others are often in a hurry and
of this house. I own do more for patients than needed. Thereby
this house. You slowing the patient’s recovery and
shouldn’t be here. I reducing his or her confidence.
want you out and I
want you out today. 6. Label drawers, use written reminders
And if you don’t notes, pictures, or color-coding articles to
go, I’m going to assist patients.
call the police” Rationale: Assists the patient’s memory
by using reminders of what to do and the
“I had a husband a location of articles.
minute ago”
7. Enforce with positive feedback. Give
Objective: positive feedback when thinking and
Patient doesn’t behavior are appropriate, or when patient
retain a lot in verbalizes that certain ideas expressed are
the daily life not based in reality.
Patient has Rationale: Positive feedback increases
sometimes self-esteem and enhances desire to repeat
episodes of appropriate behavior.
aggression 8. Explain simply. Use simple
explanations and face-to-face interaction
when communicating with patient. Do not
shout message into patient’s ear.
Rationale: Speaking slowly and in a face-
to-face position is most effective when
communicating with an elderly individual
College of Health Sciences Department of Nursing NOTRE DAME OF DADIANGAS UNIVERSITY
Nursing Related Learning Experience Manual
1. Administer medication as ordered by
1. Collaborate with medical and
psychiatric providers in evaluating
orientation, attention span, ability to
follow directions
Rationale: To determine presence or
severity of impairment
1. Administer medication as ordered by