Sample/Pre-Board Paper 20 Class X Term 1 Exam Nov - Dec 2021 English Language and Literature (Code 184)
Sample/Pre-Board Paper 20 Class X Term 1 Exam Nov - Dec 2021 English Language and Literature (Code 184)
Sample/Pre-Board Paper 20 Class X Term 1 Exam Nov - Dec 2021 English Language and Literature (Code 184)
Sample/Pre-Board Paper 20
Class X Term 1 Exam Nov -Dec 2021
English Language and Literature (Code 184)
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English X Sample Paper 20 Term 1
5. Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate Shocking Ocean Pollution Statistics:
title for the passage? • 100 melon marine animals die each year from plastic waste
(a) Food Inflation In India alone.
(b) Onions And Vendors • 100000 marine animal die from getting entangled in plastic
yearly - this is just the creatures we find.
(c) Food Deficit Worldwide
• 1 in 3 marine mammal species get found entangled in litter, 12-
(d) Food Imports In India 14000 tons of plastic are ingested by North Pacific fish yearly.
• In the past 10 years, we’ve made more plastic than the last
6. What can be said about the sale of onions at present century. By 2050, the pollution of fish will be outnumbered
by our dumped plastic.
as given in the passage?
• The largest trash site on the planet is the Great Pacific
(a) Vegetable vendors are unwilling to sell onions. Garbage Patch, twice the surface area of Texas, it
(b) People are not buying as much as they used to. outnumbers sea life there 6 to 1.
(c) The sale of onions has picked up and is • Chine is ranked #1 for mismanaged waste and plastics.
unprecedented. However, the US is in the top 20 with a more significant
waste per person contributions.
(d) None of these • 300 Million tons of plastic gets created yearly, and this
weighs the same as the entire human population, and 50%
7. The usage of the phrase ‘cashing in’ in the passage can is single-use only.
• There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic waster estimated to
possibly mean
be in our oceans. 269000 tons float, 4 billion microfibers per
(a) Profiting km2 dwell below the surface.
(b) Running away • 70% of our debris sinks into the ocean’s ecosystem, 15%
(c) Paying money floats and 15% lands on our beaches.
• In terms of plastic, 8.3 million tons are discarded in the sea
(d) Bailing out
yearly. Of which, 236000 are ingestible microplastics that
marine creatures mistake for food.
8. Which of the following is most similar in meaning to • Plastics take 500-1000 years to degrade; currently 79% is
the word ‘tight’ as used in the passage? send to lands or the oceans, while only 9% is recycled, and
(a) Firm 12% gets incinerated.
• 1950-1998 over 100 nuclear blast tests occurred in our oceans.
(b) Loose • 500 marine locations are now recorded as dead zones
(c) Limited globally, currently the size of the United Kingdom’s surface
(d) Taut (245000 km2)
• 80% of global marine pollution comes from agriculture runoff,
untreated sewage, discharge of nutrients and pesticides.
9. Which of the following is most similar in meaning to • 90% of the worldwide ocean debris comes from 10 rivers alone.
the word ‘temper’ as used in the passage?
III. Almost 1,000 species of marine animals get impacted
(a) Displeasure
by ocean pollution, and we now have over 500
(b) Anger locations recorded as dead zones where marine life
(c) Rage cannot exist. How did this happen, what is causing
(d) Control the most damage, find out everything above in the
marine pollution statistics round-up.
IV. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a floating island
10. Which of the following is most opposite in meaning of
of debris, accumulated in the North Pacific Ocean by
the word ‘archaic’ as used in the passage?
an extensive system of currents called gyres. It is built
(a) Simple
up from two other waste patches, the western garbage
(b) Straightforward patch near Japan and the eastern garbage patch near
(c) Modern America’s west coast near California and Hawaii.
(d) Lively V. The North Pacific Subtropical Convergence Zone
links the east and western garbage patches, acting as
a highway for waste to move from one to the other.
II. Read the passage given below.
Because of this, a small item of debris dropped
I. The ocean is one of the most unexplored parts of our
near California can travel across to Japan, then
planet, with a magnitude of undiscovered species and
eventually get sucked up by these swirling garbage
mysteries. It turns out from the studies conducted over
patch vortexes.
the last few decades, this magnificent environment is
VI. The great pacific garbage patch size is quite shocking.
under serious threat from human intervention, with
These patches of trash are said to be twice the
plastics set to outnumber fish by 2050.
size of Texas and float on the surface but do drop
II. Marine life, as we know it, is suffering irreparable several meters into the ocean in places, which makes
damage from the chemical pollution of the waters the correct size challenging to measure. The world’s
and the millions of tons of mismanaged waste largest garbage site is mainly made up of microplastics
dumped in the oceans each year. The result is a creating a vast cloud, with newer items of debris that
planetary crisis with over 100 million marine haven’t broken down as much floating around like
animal’s lives get lost every year, and the decay of chunks in a soup. The great pacific garbage patch
the ocean’s ecosystem. effects on marine life are extremely significant.
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