Annual Report RBI 2018
Annual Report RBI 2018
Annual Report RBI 2018
Q.20 The first Five Year Plan Q.23 The goals of five year
was introduced in? plans are:
1. Growth
a) January 1950 2. Modernization
b) April 1950 3. Self Reliance
c) January 1951 4. Equality
d) April 1951* 5. Equity
e) January 1952 6. Export Orientation
a) all except 2,4,6
Q.21 Who was the Chairman of b) all except 2,4
the Planning Commission in c) all except 4,6*
1960? d) all except 2,3,6
e) all except 2,6
a) Jawaharlal Nehru*
b) Lal Bahadur Shastri Q.24 Which of the following
c) Gulzarilal Nanda statements are correct?
d) Smt Indira Gandhi
e) Morarji Desai 1. Forestry is included in primary
Q.22 India would be a Socialist 2. Mining is included in primary
society with a strong public sector
sector but also with private 3. Fishing is included in primary
property and democracy; the sector
government would plan for the 4. Water Supply is included in
economy with the private tertiary sector.
sector being encouraged to be
part of the plan effort. Which of a) Only 1,2,3
Group A
(Approach towards Poverty
Identify correct Pairs: A. First
B. Second
Group A C. Third
A. First Five Year Plan
B. Fourth Five Year Plan Group B
C. Seventh Five Year Plan 1. Growth Oriented
2. Development Oriented
Group B 3. Poverty Alleviation
1. 1951-56 4. Minimum Basic Amenities
2. 1966-71
3. 1969-74 a) A-1 , B- 3, C-4 *
4. 1981-86 b) A-1, B-2, C-4
5. 1985-90 c) A-2, B-3, C-4
d) A-1, B-2, C-3
a) A-1 , B- 2, C-4 e) A-1, B-3, C-4
b) A-1, B-2, C-4
c) A-1, B-3, C-5* Q.60 As per Human
d) A-1, B-2, C-5 Development Report 2014 the
e) A-1, B-3, C-4 Rank of India in HDI was:
c) 133 a) Bihar*
d) 135* b) UP
e) None of these c) MP
d) Maharashtra
Q.61 In 2015-16 budget which e) Andhra Pradesh
of the following scheme has
highest allocation? Q.65 Which of the following
state has highest decadal
a) Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai growth rate during 2001-2011?
b) National Food Security Mission a) Jammu and Kashmir
c)Mahatma Gandhi National Rural b) Bihar
Employment Guarantee Scheme* c) Arunachal Pradesh
d) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak d) Meghalaya *
Yojana e) Uttar Pradesh
e) National Health Mission
Q.66 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
Q.62 Amartya Sen won was launched in the year _______
Economics Nobel Prize in which in India?
a)1995 b) 1988-89
b)1996 c) 1999-2000
c)1997 d) 2000-2001*
d)1998* e) 2001-2002
a) Saraswat Bank*
Q.74 Which of the following b) ICICI Bank
Deputy Governor is on the c) Cosmos Bank
Board of NABARD? d) Kalupur Commercial Cooperative
a) Shri R Gandhi e) Shamrao Vithal Cooperative
b) Shri H R Khan* Bank
c) Shri Urjit Patel
d) Shri Anand Sinha Q.78 An employment situation
e) Shri S S Mundra where the marginal
productivity of agricultural
Q.75 Functions of NABARD labour is zero is known as
were categorized into which of
the following groups? a) Structural unemployment
b) Seasonal unemployment
1. Financial c) Agricultural unemployment
2. Regulatory d) Disguised unemployment*
3. Developmental e) Cyclical unemployment
4. Supervisory
5. Institutional Q.79 Consider the following
economic events in India:
a) 1,2,3
b) 1,2,4 1. Green Revolution
c) 1,2,5 2. Announcement of Socialistic
d) 1,3,4* Pattern of society as a goal of
e) 1,3,5 economic planning
3. First Devaluation of Indian Rupee
Q.76 RBI has how much share 4. Indian Census Act
(%) in NABARD as on March 31,
2015? The correct chronological sequence
of these events is
a) 0.4* a) 1-2-3-4
b) 0.5 b) 1-2-4-3
c) 0.8 c) 3-4-1-2
d) 1.0 d) 4-3-1-2*
e) 2.0 e) 4-3-2-1
c) Transport
Q.81 Which of the following is d) Automobiles
not a correct statement e) Metals
regarding unemployment?
Q.84 Which of the following is
a) Workforce is a part of labour not a part of Social
force. Infrastructure?
b) Cyclical unemployment is not
secular unemployment, but a) School
frictional employment is. b) College
c) All forms of unemployment c) Hospitals
reflect poverty, but all forms of d) Village Roads*
poverty do not necessarily reflect e) Nursing Homes
d) Structural unemployment occurs Q.85 National Rural Livelihood
due to change in composition of Mission is a restructuring of
demand and supply or due to which of the two programmes?
change in technology.*
e) Seasonal unemployment is a 1. NRHM
phenomenon associated only with 2. IRDP
agricultural activity. 3. SGSY
Q.82 As per Economic Survey 5. PMRY
2014-15 how many industries
are classified as Core a) 1,2
Industries? b) 1,4
c) 2,3*
d) 2,4
e) 2,5 a) Hydro Power
b) Nuclear Power
Q.86 Which organization had c) Thermal Power*
given the following definition d) Solar Power
of Sustainable Development e) Wind Power
“Sustainable development is
development that meets the Q.90 Major Source of energy in
needs of the present without India is
compromising the ability of
a) Coal*
future generations to meet
b) Petroleum
their own needs.”
c) Biogas
a) UNFCCC d) Shell Gas
b) UNCED* e) Uranium
c) UN
Q.91 SEWA was founded by?
d) World Bank
e) UNEP a) Ms Ila Bhat*
b) Ms Shashi Rajgopalan
Q. 87 Dr.Amartya Sen’s theory
c) Ms Usha Thorat
relies on?
d) Ms Shyamala Gopinath
a) Individuals’ accomplishments e) Ms K J Udeshi
b) Individuals’ academic
Q.92 The Green Revolution has
led to marked increase in
c) Individuals’ capabilities*
d) Individuals’ wealth 1. Productivity of wheat
e) Individuals’ education 2. Productivity of Pulse
3. Regional Equalities
Q.88 Human Poverty Indix was
4. Inter-Personal Inequalities
introduced in the Human
Development Report of the a) 1,2
year. b)1,3
c) 3,4
a) 1994*
d) 1,2,3
b) 1995
e) 1,3,4*
c) 1996
d) 1997 Q.93 Which of the following is
e) 1998 not a feature of a developing
Q.89 Major form of energy
generation in India is a) High rate of unemployment
a) Mumbai
b) Delhi
c) Kolkata*
d) All
e) None of these
a) P V Narasimha Rao*
b) Chandra Shekhar
c) V P Singh
d) H D Deve Gowda
e) Dr. Manmohan Singh
a) 1978
b) 1979
c) 1981
d) 1982 *
e) 1983
a) 4*
b) 5
d) 16
d) 22
e) 26