Annual Report RBI 2018

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Test No.1: NCERT XI a) Dadabhai Naoroji

Indian Economic Development b) William Digby
c) V.K.R.V. Rao*
d) R.C. Desai
Q.1. Which of the following e) M G Ranade
statement/s is/are correct
about Indian Economy during Q.3. The world is divided into
British Rule? first world second world, third
world and fourth world in
1. The sole purpose of British terms of:
colonial rule in India was to reduce a) Per Capita Income
the country to being a feeder b) Economic Growth
economy for Great Britain’s own c) Economic Development *
rapidly expanding modern d) Size of GDP
Industrial base. e) Share in world GDP
2. India had a dependent economy
before the advent of the British Q.4. Which of the following
rule. statement/s is/are correct?
3. Though agriculture was the main
source of livelihood for most 1. Indian economy under the British
people, yet, the country’s economy colonial rule remained
was characterized by various kinds fundamentally agrarian – about
of service oriented activities like 75% of the country’s population
jute, cotton processing etc. lived mostly in villages and derived
livelihood directly or indirectly from
a) Only 1* 2. The agricultural sector continued
b) Only 1,2 to experience stagnation and not
c) Only 1,3 infrequently, unusual deterioration
d) Only 2,3 3. This stagnation in the
e) All agricultural sector was caused
mainly because of low per capita
Q.2. During British period few land holding, less use of technology
Economists made attempts to and illiteracy.
measure national and per
capita income. Whose a) Only 1
estimates of the nations and b) Only 1, 2*
per capita incomes during the c) Only 1, 3
colonial period were d) Only 2
considered very significant? e) All

Q.5. which of the following machine tools which are in

statements are correct? turn used for producing
artisan for current
1. During British period these consumption.
was some evidence of a 2. Capital Goods industry means
relatively higher field of cash industries which requires large
crops in certain areas of the amount of capital generally
country due to Rs.1000 Crore and more.
commercialization of 3. Following are some of the
agriculture. Capital Goods subsectors.
2. India divided’ was written by Dies, moulds and tools
Dr.Rajendra Prasad. Machine tools, Plastic
3. ‘The Land Systems of British Machinery etc.
India’ was writher by R.C.
Dutta. a) Only 1, 3*
4. ‘Economic History of India’ b) Only 2, 3
was written by B. L. Bader c) Only 1
Powel. d) Only 3
e) Only 2
a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Only 1, 2*
d) Only 1, 2, 3
e) All Q.8. During British period India
became an_________ of primary
Q.6. Tata Motors and Tata products and_________ of
Airlines was established in finished consumer goods.
which years respectively?
a) Importer, importer
a) 1945, 1932* b) Importer, Exporter
b) 1908, 1931 c) Exporter, Importer*
c) 1932, 1907 d) Exporter, Exporter
d) 1931, 1908 e) Foreign Trade was
e) 1911, 1932 completely banned.

Q.9. which of the following

Q.7. Which of the following statements about India’s
statements are correct? foreign trade during British
India is/are correct?
1. Capital Goods Industry means
industries which can produce

1. More than 75% of India’s

foreign trade was restricted to a) Only 1
Britain while rest was allowed b) Only 2
with a few other countries like c) Only 1,3
China, Ceylon, and Perisa etc. d) Only 2, 3*
2. More than 50% of India’s e) Only 3.
foreign trade was restricted to
Britain while rest was allowed Q.11 Economic development is
with a fee other countries like
China, Ceylon, and Perisa etc. a)Economic growth with reforms in
3. The opening of the Suez Canal agricultural and non agricultural
further intensified British activities.
control over India’s furies b) Economic growth accompanied
trade. by rise in efficient handling of
a) Only 1 c) Economic growth in
b) Only 2 underdeveloped and backward
c) Only 1, 3 nations
d) Only 2, 3* d) Economic growth with
e) Only 3 redistribution of resources in favour
of worse off*
e) Sustainable economic growth

Q.12 The path of development

which does not compromise on
options of future development
Q.10. The most important to secure development for the
characteristics of India’s present generation is called as:
foreign trade throughout the
colonial peril was/were a) Progressive Development
b) Quality of life
1. Generation of small export c) Economic Development
surplus. d) Socialistic Development
2. Generation of large export e) Sustainable Development*
3. Several essential Q.13 Which of the following
commodities food grains, Ministry has revised the Base
clothes, kerosene etc. Year of the Consumer Price
became conspicuous by Index (CPI) from 2010 to 2012
their acute scarcity in the with effect from the release of
domestic market.

indices for the month of a) Which are not registered with

January 2015. MoF
b) Which are not registered under
a) Ministry of Commerce and Factory Act *
Industries c) Which are not registered with
b) Ministry of Finance MOSPI
c) Ministry of Statistics and d) Which are not registered with
Programme Implementation* Ministry of Corporate Affairs
d) Ministry of Labour & e) Which are not registered with
Employment CSO
e) Ministry of Consumer Affairs
Q.17 In the History of
Q.14 The GoI has released the demographic transition, which
new series of national of the following year is
accounts, revising the base considered as the year of Great
year from 2004-05 to _____. The Divide?
base year of national accounts
was last revised in January a) 1881
_____. b) 1901
c) 1911
a) 2009-10 , 2009 d) 1921*
b) 2010-11 , 2009 e) 1971
c) 2011-12 , 2010*
d) 2011-12 , 2011 Q.18 The main intention of
e) 2008-09, 2010 British rulers behind the
introduction of Railways in
Q.15 ‘Warehouse and Storage’ India was?
subsector comes under which
sector of Indian Economy? a) For movement of British Army
b) To earn profit through foreign
a) Primary trade
b) Secondary c) To break geographical and
c) Tertiary* cultural boundaries*
d) Quaternary d) Cheap and rapid movement of
e) Quinary people from one place to another
e) To develop India’s cotton and
Q.16 Unregistered jute industry
manufacturing sector refers to
those manufacturing units. Q.19 Nehruvian model of
development laid greater
stress on:

the following reflected this

a) Collective use of land outlook?
b) Agricultural development
c) Using imported seeds 1. Industrial Policy Resolution 1956
d) Rapid industrialization with 2. Directive Principles of State
particular emphasis on Policy
development of basic and heavy 3. Preamble of Indian Constitution
industries *
e) Use of modern technology in a) Only 1
agricultural and allied sectors b) Only 2
c) Only 1, 2*
d) Only 2, 3
e) All

Q.20 The first Five Year Plan Q.23 The goals of five year
was introduced in? plans are:
1. Growth
a) January 1950 2. Modernization
b) April 1950 3. Self Reliance
c) January 1951 4. Equality
d) April 1951* 5. Equity
e) January 1952 6. Export Orientation
a) all except 2,4,6
Q.21 Who was the Chairman of b) all except 2,4
the Planning Commission in c) all except 4,6*
1960? d) all except 2,3,6
e) all except 2,6
a) Jawaharlal Nehru*
b) Lal Bahadur Shastri Q.24 Which of the following
c) Gulzarilal Nanda statements are correct?
d) Smt Indira Gandhi
e) Morarji Desai 1. Forestry is included in primary
Q.22 India would be a Socialist 2. Mining is included in primary
society with a strong public sector
sector but also with private 3. Fishing is included in primary
property and democracy; the sector
government would plan for the 4. Water Supply is included in
economy with the private tertiary sector.
sector being encouraged to be
part of the plan effort. Which of a) Only 1,2,3

b) Only 1,4 d) The ratio of number of children

c) Only 1,2 who die before their first birthday
d) Only 1,3,4* out of every 100 live births
e) All e) The ratio of number of children
who die before their second
Q.25 Which of the following is birthday out of every 1000 live
not true for Small Scale births
Q.No.28 Combined Share of
a) SSIs are vital for generation of Primary and Secondary Sector
jobs of Indian Economy in 1950-51
b) SSI is labour intensive was approximately around:
c) SSI needs small investment
d) SSI is capital intensive* a) 83%*
e) SSI shows location flexibility b) 91%
c) 78%
Q.26 The Mahalnobis Model d) 73%
was developed for which of the e) 89%
following plans?
Q.No.29 Consider the following
a) First statements regarding the
b) Second * market and state in Indian
c) Third Industrial Development during
d) Fourth first two five year plans.
e) Fifth
1. The State had to play an
extensive role in promoting the
industrial Sector.
Q.27 What does Infant 2. The State had complete control
Mortality Rate (IMR) refers to? of those industries that were vital
for the economy.
a) The ratio of number of children 3. The policies of the private sector
who die before their fifth birthday were complimentary to those of the
out of every 1000 live births public sector, with the public sector
b) The ratio of number of children leading the way.
who die before their first birthday
out of every 1000 live births* Which statements are correct?
c) The ratio of number of children a) Only 1
who die before their fifth birthday b) Only 1,3
out of every 100 live births c) Only 2,3
d) Only 1,2

e) All* 2006 what is the criteria for

Small Enterprise in
Q. 30 Which of the following Manufacturing Sector?
statements regarding It is an enterprise which has
Industrial Policy Resolution following investment in Plant
1956 were correct? and Machinery:

1. The resolution classified a) More than five lakh rupees but

industries into three categories. does not exceed one crore rupees
2. This resolution formed the basis b) More than twenty five lakh
of the third Five Year Plan. rupees but does not exceed one
3. The purpose of this policy crore rupees
resolution was to promote regional c) More than five lakh rupees but
equality. does not exceed two crore rupees
d) More than twenty five lakh
a) Only 1 rupees but does not exceed two
b) Only 2 crore rupees
c) Only 1,2 e) More than twenty five lakh
d) Only 1,3* rupees but does not exceed five
e) All crore rupees*

Q.31 Which of the following Q.33 The Village and Small

countries cannot be called as Scale Industries Committee
Socialistic countries? was also called as:

1. China a) Marathe Committee

2. India b) SSI Committee
3. Finland c) Tondon Committee
4. Sweden d) Karve Committee*
5. USA e) Resolution Committee
6. Belgium
Q.34 Green Revolution did not
a) Only 5* include which of the following
b) Only 3,5 measures:
c) Only 5,6
d) Only 3,4,5 1. Use of HYV seeds
e) Only 3,4,5,6 2. Use of insecticides and
Q.32 Under Micro, Small & 3. Rural Electrification
Medium Enterprises 4. Use of Chemical Fertilizers
Development (MSMED) Act, 5. Agricultural Credit Facilities

6. Increase of Irrigation Cover 3. Population Explosion

4. Gulf War
a) Only 3 5. Fall in Foreign Exchange
b) Only 4 Reserves
c) Only 5
d) Only 6 a) Only 1,2,3*
e) All included* b) Only 2,3,4
c) Only 3,4,5
d) Only 1,2,3,4
e) All

Q.37 Identify the correct

Q.35 Consider the following statements regarding
statements. Sterilization and Stabilization.

1. New Economic Policy implied 1. Sterilization measures aimed to

replacement of LQP (Licensing, maintain sufficient foreign
Quota, Permits) by LPG. exchange reserves and keep the
2. A substantial rise in non rising prices under control.
developmental expenditure was 2. Stabilization aimed at improving
the root cause behind the the efficiency of the economy and
mounting fiscal deficits. increasing its international
3. Liberalization means laissez competitiveness by removing the
faire. rigidities in various segments of the
Identify correct statements. Indian economy.
3. Stabilization measures aimed to
a) Only 1 maintain sufficient foreign
b) Only 2 exchange reserves and keep the
c) Only 1,2* rising prices under control.
d) Only 1,3 4. Sterilization aimed at improving
e) All the efficiency of the economy and
increasing its international
Q.36 In late 1980s the competitiveness by removing the
government expenditure began rigidities in various segments of the
to exceed its revenue by such Indian economy.
large margins that it became 5. Stabilization measures are long
unsustainable. What were the term measures.
reasons? 6. Stabilization measures are short
term measures.
1. Unemployment
2. Poverty a) 1,2,5

b) 1,2,6* Q.41 Which of the following

c) 3,4,5 is/are not example/s of Direct
d) 3,4,6 Tax?
e) 1,3,5
1. Corporation Tax
Q.38 The state which gained 2. Property Tax
most from Green Revolution 3. Security Transaction Tax
was: 4. Service Tax
5. Gift Tax
a) Orrisa
b) Punjab* a) 2,3
c) Bihar b) 3,4*
d) Maharashtra c) 4,5
e) Tamilnadu d) Only 3
e) Only 4
Q.39 Land Ceiling Act is which
kind of reforms? Q.42 At present how many
Maharatna Companies are
a) Agricultural there?
b) Infrastructural
c) Institutional* a) 5
d) Market b) 6
e) Legal c) 7*
d) 8
e) 9

Q.43 Which of the following is

not a Miniratna Company?
Q.40 First Industrial Policy
Resolution of independent a) Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd*
India was announced in which b) Antrix Corporation Ltd
year? c) Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd
d) IRCON International Ltd
a) 1948* e) SLVN Ltd
b) 1951
c) 1955 Q.44 Which of the following is
d) 1956 not a criterion for for grant of
e) 1960 Maharatna status?

a) Listed on Indian stock exchange

with minimum prescribed public

shareholding under SEBI

regulations. Q.47 Which of the following
b) Average annual turnover of organisation settles the
more than disputes among the member
Rs. 25,000 crore, during the last 3 countries?
c) Average annual net worth of a) IMF
more than b) World Bank
Rs. 10,000 crore, during the last 3 c) IBRD
years.* d) WTO*
d) Average annual net profit after e) None of these
tax of more than Rs. 5,000 crore,
during the last 3 years. Q.48. Which of the following
e) Should have significant global countries is not called as Gulf
presence/international operations. country (Members of Gulf
Cooperation Council) ?
Q.45 In post reform period,
there has been fall in: a) Bahrain
b) Kuwait
a) Production c) Oman
b) GDP d) Iran*
c) Tax Revenue* e) Saudi Arabia
d) GDP Growth Rate
e) None of these Q.49 Which of the following is
not a component of Foreign
Q.46 Pre condition of Exchange Reserves?
privatisation are:
a) FCA
1. Liberalisation b) Gold
2. Deregulation c) Paper Gold
3. Capital markets should be d) Sovereign Bonds in Dollar*
sufficiently developed. e) Reserve Position in the IMF

a) 1,2 Q.50 WTO was established on?

b) 1,3
c) 2,3 a) 1948
d) All* b) 1984
e) None c) 1991
d) 1985
e) 1995*

Q.51 Who was the first person C. Non Poor

to discuss the concept of
Poverty Line in Pre- Group B
Independent India? 1. Always Poor
2. Usually Poor
a) Shaheen Rafi Khan 3. Churning Poor
b) Damian Killen 4. Occasionally Poor
c) Dadabhai Naoroji* 5. Never Poor
d) Amartya Sen
e) R C Dutt
a) A-1 , B- 2, C-3
Q.52 b) A-1, B-2, C-4
Match the pairs: c) A-2, B-3, C-4
d) A-2, B-4, C-5*
Group A e) A-2, B-5, C-4
A. Planning Commission Study
Group Q.54 The latest estimates of
B. Task Force on Projections of poverty are available for the
Minimum Needs and Effective year 2011-12. These estimates
Consumption Demand have been made following
C. Expert Group _________ Committee
methodology using household
Group B consumption expenditure
1. 1962 survey data collected by the
2. 1965 NSSO.
3. 1979
4. 1989 a) C Rangrajan
5. 1956 b) Y V Reddy
c) Tendulkar*
a) A-1 , B- 2, C-3 * d) Lakdawala
b) A-1, B-2, C-4 e) Bimal Jalan
c) A-2, B-3, C-4
d) A-2, B-4, C-5 Q.55 In less developed country
e) A-2, B-5, C-4
a) Real wages are likely to be high
Q.53 b) The primary sector is likely to be
Identify correct Pairs: significant*
c) The infrastructure is likely to be
Group A good
A. Chronic Poor d) Unemployment is likely to be low
B. Transient Poor

e) Real wages are likely to be was ‘Towards Faster and More

stable Inclusive Growth?’

Q.56 Economic development as a) 8th

a concept is more relevant for. b) 9th
Select most appropriate c) 10th
option. d) 11th*
e) 12 th
a) Developed Countries*
b) Developing Countries Q.59
c) Underdeveloped Countries
d) European Countries Identify correct Pairs in
e) None of These relation to the initial years of

Group A
(Approach towards Poverty
Identify correct Pairs: A. First
B. Second
Group A C. Third
A. First Five Year Plan
B. Fourth Five Year Plan Group B
C. Seventh Five Year Plan 1. Growth Oriented
2. Development Oriented
Group B 3. Poverty Alleviation
1. 1951-56 4. Minimum Basic Amenities
2. 1966-71
3. 1969-74 a) A-1 , B- 3, C-4 *
4. 1981-86 b) A-1, B-2, C-4
5. 1985-90 c) A-2, B-3, C-4
d) A-1, B-2, C-3
a) A-1 , B- 2, C-4 e) A-1, B-3, C-4
b) A-1, B-2, C-4
c) A-1, B-3, C-5* Q.60 As per Human
d) A-1, B-2, C-5 Development Report 2014 the
e) A-1, B-3, C-4 Rank of India in HDI was:

Q.58 Which of the Following a) 127

Five Year Plan’s objective/title b) 128

c) 133 a) Bihar*
d) 135* b) UP
e) None of these c) MP
d) Maharashtra
Q.61 In 2015-16 budget which e) Andhra Pradesh
of the following scheme has
highest allocation? Q.65 Which of the following
state has highest decadal
a) Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai growth rate during 2001-2011?
b) National Food Security Mission a) Jammu and Kashmir
c)Mahatma Gandhi National Rural b) Bihar
Employment Guarantee Scheme* c) Arunachal Pradesh
d) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak d) Meghalaya *
Yojana e) Uttar Pradesh
e) National Health Mission
Q.66 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
Q.62 Amartya Sen won was launched in the year _______
Economics Nobel Prize in which in India?
a)1995 b) 1988-89
b)1996 c) 1999-2000
c)1997 d) 2000-2001*
d)1998* e) 2001-2002

Q.63 While considering Indian

Census which decade had
highest decadal growth rate? Q.67 Which of the following is
the website of Prime Minister
a) 1995-61 of India?
b) 1961-71*
c) 1971-81 a)
d) 1981-91 b)*
e) 1991-2001 c)
Q.64 As per 2011 Census which e)
of the following state has third
highest population? Q.68 Ministry of Human
Resource Development (MHRD)

of GoI has which of the Q.71 Identify the famous

following Departments? personality.

1. Department of Human Resource 1. She was Board Member of RBI.

2. Department of Educational 2. She was Board Member of
Development NABARD.3
3. Department of Department of 3. She was a member of the
School Education & Literacy Malegam Committee set up to
4. Department of Department of study how microfinance institutions
Higher Education should be regulated.
5. Department of Higher and 4. At NABARD, she was a member
Technical Education of the UC Sarangi committee set up
a) Only 1,2 to study farmer indebtedness.
b) Only 1,3
c) Only 3,4* a) Ms Ila Bhat
d) Only 3,5 b) Ms Shashi Rajgopalan*
e) Only 1,3,5 c) Ms Usha Thorat
d) Ms Shyamala Gopinath
Q.69 The AICTE was constituted e) Ms K J Udeshi
in _____ as an advisory body in
all matters relating to technical Q.72 Which of the following is
education. not a part of institutional credit
structure in Rural area?
a) 1945*
b) 1947 a) Primary Agricultural Credit
c) 1952 Societies
d) 1957 b) NABARD
e) 1985 c) Commercial Banks
d) District Central Cooperative
Q.70 Kudumbashree is a Banks
women oriented community e) All are part of Rural Credit
based poverty reduction Structure*
programme was launched in
which of the following states? Q.73 Kisan Credit Card was
a) Maharashtra introduced by Government in
b) Andhrapradesh
c) Kerala* a) 1978-79
d) Tamilnadu b)1979-80
e) West Bengal c)1980-81
e) 1998-99*

a) Saraswat Bank*
Q.74 Which of the following b) ICICI Bank
Deputy Governor is on the c) Cosmos Bank
Board of NABARD? d) Kalupur Commercial Cooperative
a) Shri R Gandhi e) Shamrao Vithal Cooperative
b) Shri H R Khan* Bank
c) Shri Urjit Patel
d) Shri Anand Sinha Q.78 An employment situation
e) Shri S S Mundra where the marginal
productivity of agricultural
Q.75 Functions of NABARD labour is zero is known as
were categorized into which of
the following groups? a) Structural unemployment
b) Seasonal unemployment
1. Financial c) Agricultural unemployment
2. Regulatory d) Disguised unemployment*
3. Developmental e) Cyclical unemployment
4. Supervisory
5. Institutional Q.79 Consider the following
economic events in India:
a) 1,2,3
b) 1,2,4 1. Green Revolution
c) 1,2,5 2. Announcement of Socialistic
d) 1,3,4* Pattern of society as a goal of
e) 1,3,5 economic planning
3. First Devaluation of Indian Rupee
Q.76 RBI has how much share 4. Indian Census Act
(%) in NABARD as on March 31,
2015? The correct chronological sequence
of these events is
a) 0.4* a) 1-2-3-4
b) 0.5 b) 1-2-4-3
c) 0.8 c) 3-4-1-2
d) 1.0 d) 4-3-1-2*
e) 2.0 e) 4-3-2-1

Q.77 Which of the following is Q.80 Short term measure

the largest cooperative bank in focused under the new
India? economic policy was

a) Correcting the disequilibrium in a)4

foreign exchange market * b)5
b) Reforms in financial and capital c)6
markets d)7
c) Trade and industrial reforms e)8*
d)Technological up gradation of
production facilities in different Q.83 Which of the following
fields sector has generated highest
e) Import Substitution employment during June 2013
to June 2014 as per Economic
Survey 2014-15?

c) Transport
Q.81 Which of the following is d) Automobiles
not a correct statement e) Metals
regarding unemployment?
Q.84 Which of the following is
a) Workforce is a part of labour not a part of Social
force. Infrastructure?
b) Cyclical unemployment is not
secular unemployment, but a) School
frictional employment is. b) College
c) All forms of unemployment c) Hospitals
reflect poverty, but all forms of d) Village Roads*
poverty do not necessarily reflect e) Nursing Homes
d) Structural unemployment occurs Q.85 National Rural Livelihood
due to change in composition of Mission is a restructuring of
demand and supply or due to which of the two programmes?
change in technology.*
e) Seasonal unemployment is a 1. NRHM
phenomenon associated only with 2. IRDP
agricultural activity. 3. SGSY
Q.82 As per Economic Survey 5. PMRY
2014-15 how many industries
are classified as Core a) 1,2
Industries? b) 1,4
c) 2,3*

d) 2,4
e) 2,5 a) Hydro Power
b) Nuclear Power
Q.86 Which organization had c) Thermal Power*
given the following definition d) Solar Power
of Sustainable Development e) Wind Power
“Sustainable development is
development that meets the Q.90 Major Source of energy in
needs of the present without India is
compromising the ability of
a) Coal*
future generations to meet
b) Petroleum
their own needs.”
c) Biogas
a) UNFCCC d) Shell Gas
b) UNCED* e) Uranium
c) UN
Q.91 SEWA was founded by?
d) World Bank
e) UNEP a) Ms Ila Bhat*
b) Ms Shashi Rajgopalan
Q. 87 Dr.Amartya Sen’s theory
c) Ms Usha Thorat
relies on?
d) Ms Shyamala Gopinath
a) Individuals’ accomplishments e) Ms K J Udeshi
b) Individuals’ academic
Q.92 The Green Revolution has
led to marked increase in
c) Individuals’ capabilities*
d) Individuals’ wealth 1. Productivity of wheat
e) Individuals’ education 2. Productivity of Pulse
3. Regional Equalities
Q.88 Human Poverty Indix was
4. Inter-Personal Inequalities
introduced in the Human
Development Report of the a) 1,2
year. b)1,3
c) 3,4
a) 1994*
d) 1,2,3
b) 1995
e) 1,3,4*
c) 1996
d) 1997 Q.93 Which of the following is
e) 1998 not a feature of a developing
Q.89 Major form of energy
generation in India is a) High rate of unemployment

b) High rate of population growth

c) High rate of capital formation*
d) High IMR
e) Widespread Poverty

Q.94 What is the name of

Monetary authority of

a) Reserve Bank of Pakistan

b) Islamic Bank of Pakistan
c) Federal Reserve of Pakistan
d) State Bank of Pakistan *
e) Central Bank of Pakistan

Q.95 What is official name of

China ?

a) People's Republic of China*

b) Communist Republic of China
c) People’s Communist of China
d) Republic of Communist China
e) None of the above

Q.96 Reserve Bank of India was

established in which city in

a) Mumbai
b) Delhi
c) Kolkata*
d) All
e) None of these

Q.97 Who was Prime Minister

when India pledged Gold to
solve BoP problem?

a) P V Narasimha Rao*
b) Chandra Shekhar
c) V P Singh
d) H D Deve Gowda
e) Dr. Manmohan Singh

Q.98 NABARD was separated

from RBI in which of the
following year?

a) 1978
b) 1979
c) 1981
d) 1982 *
e) 1983

Q.99 As per RBI Act, 1934,

Reserve Bank of India has how
many Offices?

a) 4*
b) 5
d) 16
d) 22
e) 26

Q.100 Which of the following

does not constitute a part of
the jurisdiction of WTO?

a) Agreement related to agriculture

b)Trade related tariff and non-tariff
c) Regional trade agreements*
d) Trade related intellectual
property rights
e) All are part of jurisdiction

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