Linear Servo Base Unit - Workbook (Student)
Linear Servo Base Unit - Workbook (Student)
Linear Servo Base Unit - Workbook (Student)
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1 IP02 Modeling 5
1.1 Background 6
1.1.1 Modeling Using First-Principles 6
1.2 Pre-Lab Questions 9
1.3 In-Lab Exercises 10
1.3.1 Model Validation Experiment 10
1.4 System Requirements 12
1.4.1 Overview of Files 12
1.4.2 Configuring the IP02 and the Lab Files 12
4 Lab Report 42
4.1 Template for Modeling Report 42
4.2 Template for Position Control
Report 43
4.3 Template for Speed Control
Report 43
4.4 Tips for Report Format 45
The objective of this experiment is to find a transfer function that describes the linear motions of the IP02 cart. The
dynamic model is derived analytically from classical electromechanical principles.
Topics Covered
• Deriving the dynamics equation representing the linear motion servo plant using first-principles.
• Obtaining the transfer function that describes the cart velocity with respect to the motor input voltage from the
dynamic equation previously found.
• Tuning the obtained transfer function and validating it with the actual system response.
In order to successfully carry out this laboratory, the user should be familiar with the following:
• Transfer function fundamentals, e.g. obtaining a transfer function from a differential equation.
• Basics of QUARCr .
• Laboratory described in the QUARC Intergation Section A in order to be familiar using QUARCr with the IP02.
where M is the mass of the cart, vc is the linear velocity of the cart, and Beq is the equivalent viscous damping
coefficient as seen at the motor pinion. The inertial force due to the motor's armature in rotation is neglected.
The driving force, Fc , generated by the DC motor and acting on the cart through the motor pinion can be expressed
ηg Kg τm
Fc = (1.1.3)
where ηg is the planetary gearbox efficiency, Kg is the gear ratio, τm is the torque generated by the motor, and rmp
is the motor pinion radius.
To determine Fc as a function of the motor voltage, we will first focus on the electrical components of the system.
The DC motor armature circuit schematic is illustrated in Figure 1.1.1. Recall, as specified in [2], that Rm is the
motor resistance, Lm is the inductance, Bm is the motor damping, and km is the back-emf constant.
As is illustrated in Figure 1.1.1, the back-emf (electromotive) voltage, eb , depends on the speed of the motor shaft
and the back-emf constant of the motor according to
Using Kirchoff's Voltage Law, which states that voltages in a closed-loop circuit must be equal to zero, we can write
the following equation
Since the motor inductance, Lm is much less than its resistance, it can be ignored. Solving for Im (t), the motor
current can be described as
Vm (t) − km ωm (t)
Im (t) = (1.1.4)
By introducing the motor torque constant, kt , we can relate the motor current to the torque generated by the motor
We can now begin to pull together the electrical and mechanical equations into a complete equation of motion for
the IP02 system. Substituting Equation 1.1.4 and Equation 1.1.5 into Equation 1.1.3 yields:
The translation between the angular velocity of the motor shaft and the linear velocity of the cart can be expressed
Kg vc (t)
ωm (t) = (1.1.7)
which allows us to define the force applied to the cart in terms of the linear velocity of the cart by substituting Equation
1.1.7 into Equation 1.1.6 as
Now that we have the force applied to the cart expressed as a function of the input voltage, we substitute Equation
1.1.8 into the equation of motion Equation 1.1.2
ηg Kg ηm kt (Vm (t)rmp − km Kgvc (t))
M v˙c (t) + Bc vc (t) = 2 R
rmp m
ηg Kg2 ηm kt km + Bc rmp
Beq = 2 R
rmp m
ηg Kg ηm kt
Am = (1.1.11)
rmp Rm
1. In Section 1.1, we obtained Equation 1.1.9 that described the dynamic behavior of the cart speed, vc , as a
function of the motor input voltage, vm . Starting from this equation, find the transfer function VVmc (s)
(s) .
2. Express the steady-state gain, K, and the time constant, τ , of the first-order process model in terms of the M ,
Bm , and Am parameters.
3. In the analysis performed in Section 1.1, the inertial force due to the rotating motor armature was neglected.
If the inertial force of the motor armature as seen at the cart is included in the equation of motion, by applying
Newton's second law of motion and D'Alembert's principle we can recreate Equation 1.1.2 as
The armature inertial force due to the motor rotation acting on the cart can be expressed as a function of the
armature inertial torque using
ηg Kg τaj
Faj = (1.2.2)
By applying Newton's Second Law of motion, we can express the armature inertial torque as
4. How will the revised model you found in Question 3 affect the steady-state gain, K, and the time constant, τ ?
Revise the model parameters if necessary.
In this laboratory, you will conduct an experiment to fine tune the parameters of the transfer function you calculated
in Section 1.2 to validate them.
Experiment Setup
The q ip02 mdl Simulink diagram shown in Figure 1.3.1 is used to perform the modeling exercises in this laboratory.
The IP02 Speed subsystem contains QUARC blocks that interface with the DC motor and sensors of the IP02
system, as discussed in the QUARC Integration Lab Section A. The IP02 Plant Model subsystem uses a Transfer
Fcn block from the Simulink library to simulate the IP02 system. Thus both the measured and simulated cart speed
can be monitored simultaneously given the set open-loop input voltage.
Note: Before you can conduct these experiments, you need to make sure that the lab files are configured according
to your IP02 setup. If they have not been configured already, then go to Section 1.4.2 to configure the lab files before
you begin.
1. Double-click on the Signal Generator block and ensure the following parameters are set:
• Wave form: square
• Amplitude: 1.0
• Frequency: 1
• Units: Hertz
Figure 1.3.2: Input square voltage. Figure 1.3.3: Speed step response. Simu-
lation done with default model parameters:
K = 0.1 and τ = 0.01.
• QUARCr is installed on your PC, as described in the QUARC Installation Guide [3].
• You have a QUARC compatible data-aquisition (DAQ) card installed in your PC. For a listing of compliant DAQ
cards, see the QUARC User Manual [1].
• IP02 and amplifier are connected to your DAQ board as described the IP02 User Manual [2].
Follow these steps to get the system ready for this lab:
1. Set up the IP02 without the additional weight as described in the IP02 User Manual [2].
2. Load the Matlabr software.
3. Browse through the Current Directory window in Matlabr and find the folder that contains the IP02 modeling
files, e.g. q ip02 mdl.mdl.
4. Double-click on the q ip02 mdl.mdl file to open the Simulink diagram shown in Figure 1.3.1.
5. Configure DAQ: Double-click on the HIL Initialize block in the Simulink diagram and ensure it is configured
for the DAQ device that is installed in your system. For instance, the block shown in Figure 1.3.1 is setup for
the Quanser Q2-USB hardware-in-the-loop board. See the QUARC Installation Guide [3] for more information
on configuring the HIL Initialize block.
6. Go to the Current Directory window and double-click on the setup ip02 modeling.m file to open the setup script
for the q ip02 mdl Simulink model.
8. Run the script by selecting the Debug | Run item from the menu bar or clicking on the Run button in the tool
The objective of this laboratory is to develop a feedback system to control the position of the IP02 cart. Using a
proportional-velocity (PV) control scheme, a controller is designed to meet a set of specifications.
Topics Covered
• Design of a proportional-velocity (PV) controller for position control of the linear servo within particular require-
• Simulation of the PV controller using a developed plant model to ensure the specifications are met.
In order to successfully carry out this laboratory, the user should be familiar with the following:
• Transfer function fundamentals, e.g. obtaining a transfer function from a differential equation.
• Basics of QUARCr .
• Laboratory described in the QUARC Intergation Section A in order to be familiar using QUARCr with the IP02.
Recall in Linear Servo Modeling [5], the IP02 voltage-to-speed transfer function was derived. To find the voltage-to-
position transfer function, we can introduce an integrator (1/s) in series with the speed transfer function (effectively
integrating the speed to get position). The resulting voltage-to-position transfer function becomes:
P (s) = (2.1.2)
s(τ s + 1)
As you can see from Equation 2.1.2, the plant is a second order system. In fact, when a second order system
is placed in series with a proportional compensator in the feedback loop as shown in Figure 2.1.1, the resulting
closed-loop transfer function can be expressed as:
Y (s) ωn2
= 2 (2.1.3)
R(s) s + 2ζωn s + ωn2
where ωn is the natural frequency and ζ is the damping ratio. This is called the standard second-order transfer
function. Its response properties depend on the values of ωn and ζ.
R(s) =
100(ymax − R0 )
PO = .
From the initial step time, t0 , the time it takes for the response to reach its maximum value is
tp = tmax − t0 .
In a second-order system, the amount of overshoot depends solely on the damping ratio parameter and it can be
calculated using the equation
P O = 100e 1 − ζ2 . (2.1.4)
The peak time depends on both the damping ratio and the natural frequency of the system, and can be derived as:
tp = √ (2.1.5)
ωn 1 − ζ 2
Generally speaking, the damping ratio affects the shape of the response while the natural frequency affects the
speed of the response.
where rss (t) is the value of the steady-state input and yss (t) is the steady-state value of the output.
We can find the error transfer function E(s) in Figure 2.1.1 in terms of the reference R(s), the plant P (s), and the
compensator C(s). The Laplace transform of the error is
Solving for Y (s) from Equation 2.1.7 and substituting it into Equation 2.1.1 yields
E(s) = (2.1.8)
1 + C(s)P (s)
tp = 0.15s
P O = 10%
ess = 0
u(t) = kp e(t) + ki e(t)dt + kd ė(t) (2.1.9)
where kp is the proportional gain, ki is the integral gain, kd is the derivative gain, and e(t) is the feedback error where
e(t) = r(t) − y(t). The PID controller can also be described by the transfer function
C(s) = kp + + kd s (2.1.10)
The proportional term is based on the the present error, the integral term depends on past errors, and the derivative
term is a prediction of future errors. Advanced model-based controllers differ from the PID controller by using a
model of the process for prediction.
The PID controller described by Equation 2.1.9 is the ideal PID controller. Attempts to implement these formulas
directly may not yield good controllers. For example, most measurement signals are subject to noise, which can
result in very large fluctuations when differentiated. PV Control
In order to control the position of the linear servo cart, a variation of the classic PD control will be used: proportional-
velocity (PV) control, illustrated in Figure 2.1.5. Unlike the standard PD control scheme, the negative velocity is
where kp is the proportional gain, kd is the derivative gain, r = xd (t) is the setpoint cart position, y = xa (t) is the
measured cart position, and u = Vm (t) is the control input or IP02 motor input voltage.
1. Find the closed-loop transfer function Y (s)/R(s) = Xa (s)/Xd (s) for the closed-loop PV position control of the
IP02. Assume all initial conditions are zero, i.e., xa (0− ) = 0 and ẋa (0− ) = 0.
2. Using IP02 closed-loop transfer function that was derived in Step 1, find the control gains kp , and kv in terms
of ωn and ζ. Hint: Remember the standard second order system Equation 2.1.3.
3. Calculate the minimum damping ratio and natural frequency required to meet the design specifications listed
in Section 2.1.4.
4. Based on the nominal IP02 model parameters, K = 0.1433 m/(V-s) and τ = 0.0584 s, found in Linear Servo
Modeling [5], calculate the control gains needed to satisfy the time-domain response requirements listed in
Section 2.1.4.
5. Find the steady-state error of the system, ess , for the step input R(s) = Rs0 , where R0 is the desired cart
position. Use the PV control equation from Step 1, and the error transfer function Equation 2.1.7. HINT: Use
the Final-Value Theorem.
2.3.1 Simulation
First, you will simulate the closed-loop response of the IP02 with a PV controller to a step input. Our goals are to
confirm that the desired response specifications in an ideal situation are satisfied, and to verify that the motor is not
Experiment Setup
The s ip02 position Simulink diagram shown in Figure 2.3.1 is used to simulate the closed-loop position control
response with the PV controller. The IP02 Model subsystem uses a Transfer Fcn block from the Simulink library to
simulate the IP02 system. The PV Control subsystem contains the PV controller detailed in Section
Figure 2.3.1: Simulink diagram used to simulate the IP02 closed-loop position response
Note: Before you can conduct these experiments, you need to make sure that the lab files are configured according
to your IP02 setup. If they have not been configured already, then go to Section 2.4.2 to configure the lab files before
you begin.
7. Change the proportional gain, kp , and examine its effect on the response. In particular, what happens to the
overshoot and settling time as kp is increased?
8. Change the velocity gain, kv , and examine its effect on the response. In particular, what happens to the settling
time and overshoot?
9. Enter the proportional and velocity control gains found in Pre-Lab question 2 in Matlabr as kp and kv.
10. Generate a MATLAB figure showing the Ideal PV position response and the ideal input voltage. After each
simulation run, each scope automatically saves their response to a variable in the MATLAB workspace. That
is, the x c (m) scope saves its response to the variable called data pos and the Vm (V) scope saves its data
to the data vm variable. The data pos variable has the following structure: data pos(:,1) is the time vector,
data pos(:,2) is the simulated angle, and data pos(:,3) is the setpoint. For the data vm variable, data vm(:,1)
is the time and data vm(:,2) is the simulated input voltage.
11. Measure the steady-state error, the percent overshoot and the peak time of the simulated response. Does the
response satisfy the specifications given in Section Section 2.1.4? Hint: Use the MATLAB ginput command
to take measurements off the figure.
Experiment Setup
The q ip02 position Simulink diagram shown in Figure 2.3.4 is used to implement the position control experiments.
The IP02 Position subsystem contains QUARC blocks that interface with the DC motor and sensors of the IP02
system, as discussed in the QUARC Integration Lab Section A. The PV Control subsystem implements the PV
controller detailed in Section, except a high-pass filter is used to obtain the velocity signal (as opposed to
taking the direct derivative).
Note: Before you can conduct these experiments, you need to make sure that the lab files are configured according
to your IP02 setup. If they have not been configured already, then go to Section 2.4.2 to configure the lab files before
you begin.
2. Enter the proportional and velocity control gains found in Pre-Lab question 2.
3. Set Signal Type in the Signal Generator to square to generate a step reference.
4. Set the Amplitude (m) gain block to 0.01 to generate a step with an amplitude of 10 millimeters.
5. Open the cart position scope, Meas.(0) and Sim.(1) Resp., and the motor input voltage scope, Vm (V).
Figure 2.3.5: Measured PV step response. Figure 2.3.6: PV control input voltage.
8. When a suitable response is obtained, click on the Stop button in the Simulink diagram toolbar (or select
QUARC | Stop from the menu) to stop running the code.
9. Generate a MATLAB figure showing the measured PV position response and its input voltage. As in the
s ip02 position Simulink diagram, when the controller is stopped each scope automatically saves their re-
sponse to a variable in the MATLAB workspace. Thus, the x c (m) scope saves its response to the data xc
variable and the Vm (V) scope saves its data to the data vm variable.
10. Measure the steady-state error, the percent overshoot, and the peak time of the IP02. Does the response
satisfy the specifications given in Section 2.1.4?
12. How could you alter the controller to compensate for the steady-state error?
13. Click the Stop button on the Simulink diagram toolbar (or select QUARC | Stop from the menu) to stop the
14. Turn off the power to the amplifier if no more experiments will be performed on the IP02 in this session.
Table 2.4.1: Files supplied with the IP02 Position Control Laboratory.
Follow these steps to get the system ready for this lab:
3. Browse through the Current Directory window in Matlabr and find the folder that contains the IP02 modeling
files, e.g. q ip02 position.mdl.
4. Double-click on the q ip02 position.mdl file to open the Simulink diagram shown in Figure Figure 2.3.4.
5. Configure DAQ: Double-click on the HIL Initialize block in the Simulink diagram and ensure it is configured
for the DAQ device that is installed in your system. For instance, the block shown in Figure 2.3.4 is setup for
the Quanser Q2-USB hardware-in-the-loop board. See the QUARC Installation Guide [3] for more information
on configuring the HIL Initialize block.
8. Run the script by selecting the Debug | Run item from the menu bar or clicking on the Run button in the tool
The objective of this laboratory is to develop a feedback system to control the speed of the IP02 cart. A lead
compensator is designed to regulate the speed of the linear cart accoding to a set of specifications.
Topics Covered
• Design of a lead compensator for speed control of the linear servo within particular requirements.
• Simulation of the lead compensator using the plant model to ensure the specifications are met without satu-
rating the actuator.
In order to successfully carry out this laboratory, the user should be familiar with the following:
• Transfer function fundamentals, e.g. obtaining a transfer function from a differential equation.
• Basics of QUARCr .
• Laboratory described in the QUARC Intergation Section A in order to be familiar using QUARCr with the IP02.
ωc = 80 rad/s
ϕm = 85 deg
The phase margin mainly affects the shape of the response. Having a higher phase margin implies that the system
is more stable and the corresponding time response will have less overshoot.
The crossover frequency is the frequency where the gain of the Bode plot is 1 (or 0 dB). This parameter mainly
affects the speed of the response, thus having a larger ωc decreases the peak time.
These frequency-domain specifications should result in a system that fufills the following time-domain specifications:
tp ≤ 0.05 s
PO ≤ 5 %
ess = 0 m/s
Consider the speed control system with unity feedback shown in Figure 3.1.1. Let the compensator be C(s) = 1.
We can find the steady-state error using the final value theorem:
E(s) = (3.1.1)
1 + C(s) P (s)
P (s) = (3.1.2)
τs + 1
E(s) = ( )
s 1+ τ s+1
( )
ess = R0 lim
s→0 τs+1+K
ess = (3.1.3)
To obtain zero steady-state error, an integrator is placed in series with the plant. This system is denoted by the
transfer function
P (s)
Pi (s) = (3.1.4)
The phase margin and crossover frequency specifications listed in Section 3.1.1 can be satisfied using a proportional
gain, Kc , and the lead transfer function
1 + aT s
Glead (s) = (3.1.5)
1+T s
Kc (1 + a T s)
C(s) = (3.1.6)
s(1 + T s)
The Lead compensator is an approximation of a proportional-derivative (PD) controller. A PD controller can be used
to add damping to reduce the overshoot in the transient portion of a step response, and effectively make the system
more stable. In other words, it increases the phase margin. In this particular case, the lead compensator is designed
for the following system
Kc P (s)
H(s) = (3.1.7)
The proportional gain Kc is designed to attain a certain crossover frequency. Increasing the gain crossover frequency
essentially increases the bandwidth of the system which decreases the peak-time in the transient response (makes
the response faster). However, if Kc > 1 the system less is stable since the phase margin of the H(s) system is
therefore lower than the phase margin of the Pi (s) system and this translates to having a large overshoot in the
response. The lead compensator is used to dampen the overshoot and increase the overall stability of the system,
effectively increasing its phase margin.
1 + a T ωj
Glead (ω j) =
1+T ωj
T 2 ω 2 a2 + 1
|Glead (ω j)| =
1 + T 2 ω2
ϕG = arctan(a T ω) − arctan(T ω)
In this section, we will design a lead compensator that will satisfy the frequency-based specifications given in Section
1. Create a Bode diagram of the open-loop uncompensated system, Pi (s): To generate the Bode plot of
Pi (s), enter the following commands in Matlabr .
Note: If your system has not been set up yet, then you need to first run the the setup ip02 speed.m script, as
outlined in Section 3.4.2. This script will create the model parameters K and tau in the MATLAB workspace.
The model parameters are used with the commands tf and series to create the Pi (s) transfer function. The
margin command generates a Bode plot of the system and it indicates the gain and phase stability margins as
well as the phase and gain crossover frequencies.
2. Find the required gain: The gain must be determined such that the gain crossover frequency is 40.0 rad/s
(use the ginput Matlabr command). As mentioned before, the lead compensator adds gain to the system and
will increases the phase as well. Therefore, gain Kc is not to be designed to meet the specified 80.0 rad/s fully.
As given in Figure 3.1.4, the crossover frequency of the uncompensated system is 0.143 rad/s. To move the
crossover frequency to 40.0 rad/s, a gain of
Kc = 57 dB
Kc = 708 V/rad
in the linear range is required. The Bode plot of the loop transfer function Hp (s) (from Section 3.1.2) is given
in Figure 3.1.5.
After the initial estimate of the gain was found, the gain was then adjusted according to the crossover frequency
calculated in the generated Bode plot of the Hp(s) system.
ϕm = P Mdes − P Mmeas + 5
Given the desired phase margin, and the phase margin of H(s) is
The lead compensator, as explained in Section, has two parameters: a and T . To attain the maximum
phase ϕm shown in Figure 3.1.3, the Lead compensator has to add 20 log10 (a) of gain. This is determined
using the equation
1 + sin(ϕm )
1 − sin(ϕm )
The gain needed is found by inserting the max phase into this equation to get
a = 23.73 (3.1.8)
which is
20 log 10(a) = 27.5 dB
4. Place the frequency at which the lead maximum phase occurs: The lead maximum phase frequency
must be placed at the new gain crossover frequency ωc,new . This is the crossover frequency after the lead
compensator is applied. As illustrated in Figure 3.1.3, ωm occurs halfway between 0 dB and 20 log10 (a), i.e. at
10 log10 (a). So, the new gain crossover frequency in the H(s) system will be the frequency where the gain is
−10 log10 (a).
From Figure 3.1.5, it is found that the frequency where the −10 log10 (a) gain in the H(s) system occurs is at
about 99.6 rad/s. Thus, the maximum phase of the lead will be set to
ωm = 110 rad/s
As illustrated earlier in Figure 3.1.3 in Section Section, the maximum phase occurs at the maximum
phase frequency ωm . Parameter T , given by
T = √ , (3.1.9)
ωm a
is used to attain a certain maximum phase frequency. This changes where the Lead compensator breakpoint
frequencies 1/aT and 1/T shown in Figure 3.1.3 occur. The slope of the lead compensator gain changes
at these frequencies. We can find the parameter T by substituting ωm = 99.6 and the lead gain value from
Equation 3.1.8 into Equation 3.1.9
T = 0.0019 s/rad
Therefore, the lead breakpoint frequencies are:
= 22.58 rad/s
= 535.88 rad/s
6. Create a Bode diagram of the loop transfer function H(s): Described in Equation 3.1.7. The phase margin
of H(s) is 78 degrees and is below the desired phase margin of 85 degrees, as specified in Section 3.1.1.
7. Check response: If the crossover frequency and/or phase margin specifications are not satisfied, then the
lead design needs to be re-visited.
1. Based on the steady-state error result of a step response from Equation 3.1.3, what type of system is the IP02
when performing speed control (Type 0, 1, or 2) and why?
2. Using the transfer function of the lead compensator Equation 3.1.6, and the error transfer function Equation
3.1.1, find the steady-state error result from a step response when the lead compensator outlined in Section
3.1.2 is used for speed control of the IP02.
3. Find the frequency response magnitude, |Pi (ω)|, of the transfer function Pi (s) given in Equation 3.1.4.
4. The gain crossover frequency, ωc , is the frequency at which the gain of the system is 1, or 0 dB. Express
the crossover frequency symbolically in terms of the IP02 model parameters K and τ . Then, evaluate the
expression using the nominal IP02 model parameters K=0.1433 m/s/V and τ =0.0584 s, (or use what you
found for K and τ in the IP02 Modeling Laboratory).
3.3.1 Simulation
First, you will simulate the closed-loop response of the IP02 with a lead controller to a step input. Our goals are to
confirm that the desired response specifications in an ideal situation are satisfied, and to verify that the motor is not
Experiment Setup
The s ip02 speed Simulink diagram shown in Figure 3.3.1 is used to simulate the closed-loop speed control response
with the lead controller. The IP02 Model subsystem uses a Transfer Fcn block from the Simulink library to simulate
the IP02 system. The Lead Compensator subsystem contains the lead controller detailed in Section 3.1.2.
Figure 3.3.1: Simulink diagram used to simulate the IP02 closed-loop speed response
Note: Before you can conduct these experiments, you need to make sure that the lab files are configured according
to your IP02 setup. If they have not been configured already, then go to Section 3.4.2 to configure the lab files before
you begin.
6. Varify that the time-domain specifications in Section 3.1.1 are satisfied and that the motor is not being saturated.
To calculate the steady-state error, peak-time, and percent overshoot, use the simulated response data stored
in the data v variable.
7. If the specifications are not satisfied, go back in the lead compensator design. You may have to, for example,
add more maximum phase in order to increase the phase margin. If the specifications are met, move on to the
next step.
8. Generate a MATLAB figure showing the Simulated Lead speed response and its input voltage.
Experiment Setup
The q ip02 speed Simulink diagram shown in Figure 3.3.4 is used to implement the speed control experiments. The
IP02 Speed subsystem contains QUARC blocks that interface with the DC motor and sensors of the IP02 system,
as discussed in the QUARC Integration Lab Section A. The Lead Control subsystem implements the lead controller
detailed in Section 3.1.2, except a high-pass filter is used to obtain the velocity signal (as opposed to taking the
direct derivative).
Note: Before you can conduct these experiments, you need to make sure that the lab files are configured according
to your IP02 setup. If they have not been configured already, then go to Section 3.4.2 to configure the lab files before
you begin.
4. Set the Amplitude (m/s) gain block to 0.1 to generate a step with an amplitude of 0.2 meters.
5. Open the cart speed scope, Meas.(0) and Sim.(1) Resp., and the motor input voltage scope, Vm (V).
7. Select QUARC | Start to begin running the controller. The scopes should display responses similar to figures
3.3.5 and 3.3.6. Note that in the Meas.(0) and Sim.(1) Resp. scope, the yellow trace is the measured position,
the purple trace is the simulated position, and the cyan trace is the setpoint.
8. When a suitable response is obtained, click on the Stop button in the Simulink diagram toolbar (or select
QUARC | Stop from the menu) to stop running the code.
9. Generate a MATLAB figure showing the measured speed response and its input voltage. As in the s ip02 speed
Simulink diagram, when the controller is stopped each scope automatically saves its response to a variable
in the MATLAB workspace. Thus, the Meas.(0) and Sim.(2) Resp. scope saves its response to the data v
variable and the Vm (V) scope saves its data to the data vm variable.
10. Measure the steady-state error, the percent overshoot, and the peak time of the IP02. Does the response
satisfy the specifications given in Section 3.1.1?
11. Do the experimental results match the simulated model response? Give some possible reasons why discepen-
cies may exist.
Table 3.4.1: Files supplied with the IP02 Speed Control Laboratory.
Follow these steps to get the system ready for this lab:
5. Configure DAQ: Double-click on the HIL Initialize block in the Simulink diagram and ensure it is configured
for the DAQ device that is installed in your system. For instance, the block shown in Figure 3.3.4 is setup for
the Quanser Q2-USB hardware-in-the-loop board. See the QUARC Installation Guide [3] for more information
on configuring the HIL Initialize block.
6. Go to the Current Directory window and double-click on the setup ip02 speed.m file to open the setup script
for the q ip02 speed Simulink model.
8. Run the script by selecting the Debug | Run item from the menu bar or clicking on the Run button in the tool
3. Speed Control.
For each experiment, follow the outline corresponding to that experiment to build the content of your report. Also,
in Section 4.4 you can find some basic tips for the format of your report.
1. Implementation
Do not interpret or analyze the data in this section. Just provide the results.
1. Response plot from step 13 in Section 1.3.1, Model and experimental comparison.
Provide details of your calculations (methods used) for analysis for each of the following:
Interpret your results to arrive at logical conclusions for the following:
1. Why the nominal model does not represent the IP02 with better accuracy in Step 13 in Section 1.3.1.
1. Simulation
• Briefly describe the main goal of the simulation.
• Briefly describe the simulation procedure and observations in Step 7 in Section 2.3.1.
• Briefly describe the simulation procedure and observations in Step 8 in Section 2.3.1.
2. Implementation
• Briefly describe the main goal of this experiment.
• Briefly describe the experimental procedure in Step 9 in Section 2.3.2.
• Briefly describe the proposed changes in Step 12 in Section 2.3.2.
Do not interpret or analyze the data in this section. Just provide the results.
1. Ideal position response plot from 10 in Section 2.3.1, Position control simulation.
2. Ideal position response plot from 9 in Section 2.3.2, Position control implementation.
Provide details of your calculations (methods used) for analysis for each of the following:
1. Peak time, percent overshoot, steady-state error, and input voltage in Step 11 in Section 2.3.1.
2. Peak time, percent overshoot, steady-state error, and input voltage in Step 10 in Section 2.3.2.
3. Explanation of the simulation and implementation response comparison in Step 11 in Section 2.3.2.
Interpret your results to arrive at logical conclusions for the following:
1. Whether the controller meets the specifications in Step 11 in Section 2.3.1, Position controller simulation.
2. Whether the controller meets the specifications in Step 10 in Section 2.3.2, Position controller implementation.
1. Simulation
• Briefly describe the main goal of the simulation.
Do not interpret or analyze the data in this section. Just provide the results.
1. Simulated Lead speed response plot from 8 in Section 3.3.1, Speed control simulation.
2. Lead speed response plot from 9 in Section 3.3.2, Speed control implementation.
Provide details of your calculations (methods used) for analysis for each of the following:
1. Peak time, percent overshoot, steady-state error, and input voltage in Step 6 in Section 3.3.1.
2. Peak time, percent overshoot, steady-state error, and input voltage in Step 10 in Section 3.3.2.
3. Explanation of the simulation and implementation response comparison in Step 11 in Section 3.3.2.
Interpret your results to arrive at logical conclusions for the following:
1. Whether the controller meets the specifications in Step 6 in Section 3.3.1, Speed controller simulation.
2. Whether the controller meets the specifications in Step 10 in Section 3.3.2, Speed controller implementation.
• Has cover page with all necessary details (title, course, student name(s), etc.)
• Each of the required sections is completed (Procedure, Results, Analysis and Conclusions).
• Typed.
• All grammar/spelling correct.
• Figures are numbered, axes have labels, each figure has a descriptive caption.
• Tables are numbered, they include labels, each table has a descriptive caption.
• Data are presented in a useful format (graphs, numerical, table, charts, diagrams).
• No hand drawn sketches/diagrams.
In this section, we explain how to send voltage commands to the Quanserr IP02 and measure the position of the
cart and pendulum in real-time using your computer.
In order to successfully carry out this laboratory, the user should be familiar with the following:
• The required software and hardware outlined in Section 1.4, Section 2.4 or Section 3.4.
• Basics of QUARCr .
1. Make a Simulinkr model that interacts with your installed data-acquisition device using blocks from the QUARC
Targets library. This is explained in Section Section A.1.1,
2. From the Simulinkr model, build real-time code as shown in Section Section A.1.2, and
3. Execute the code as explained in Section Section A.1.3.
In this section, we will make a Simulinkr model as shown in Figure A.1.1 using QUARCr blocks to feed a sinusoidal
voltage to the IP02 DC motor. The blocks from the QUARC Targets library are used to interact with a data-acquisition
board, e.g. Quanser Q2-USB or Q8-USB device.
Figure A.1.1: Simulink model used with QUARC to apply voltage to IP02
2. Create a new Simulinkr diagram. To do this, go to File | New | Model item in the menu bar.
3. Open the Simulink Library Browser window by clicking on the View | Library Browser item in the Simulink menu
bar or clicking on the Simulink icon.
4. Expand the QUARC Targets item and go to the Data Acquisition | Generic | Configuration folder, as shown in
Figure A.1.2.
5. Click-and-drag the HIL Initialize block from the library window into the blank Simulinkr model. This block is
used to configure your data-acquisition device, e.g. the Quanser Q2-USB or Q8-USB hardware-in-the-loop
(HIL) boards.
6. In the Library Browser, go to the Data Acquisition | Generic | Immediate I/O category. This contains various
blocks used to interact with actuators and sensors.
7. Click-and-drag the HIL Write Analog block from the library into the Simulinkr diagram. This block is used to
output a voltage from an Analog Output channel, i.e. digital-to-analog (D/A) channel, on the data-acquisition
8. Add the Signal Generator block, found in the Simulinkr | Source folder, and the Slider Gain block, from the
Simulinkr | Math Operations category, into the Simulinkr model. Connect the blocks as shown in A.1.1.
• In the Board type field, select the board that is installed in your PC. For example, if you have a Quanser
Q2-USB board then select q2 usb.
• If more than one of the same board is installed (e.g. two Q2-USB devices), ensure the Board number
field is set correctly, e.g. if two boards are used, then choose either 0 or 1.
10. Go to the Analog Output pane shown in Figure A.1.3. Make sure the Analog output channels field includes
0. This will ensure 0 V is output from Analog Output channel #0 when the QUARC controller is stopped. For
more information, click on the Help button. Otherwise, click on the OK button and proceed.
Note: If you are using a NI DAQ device, make sure you enter [0] in the Analog Output channel box. The
analog output channels for the NI boards are not selected by default.
• Make sure Board name is set to HIL-1 (i.e. points to the HIL Initialize block).
• Set Channels to 0 (default setting). Recall that, as instructed in Reference [2], the DC motor is connected
to Analog Output Channel #0 on the hardware-in-the-loop board. Therefore, Channels should be set to
• Set Sample time to -1 (default setting). This implies that the sampling interval is inherited from the previous
12. Click on the OK button to save and close the HIL Write Analog block properties.
13. Save the Simulinkr mode by selecting the File | Save item in the menu bar or clicking on the Save icon.
The Simulinkr model we made in Section Section A.1 can now be used by QUARC to generate code. When you
execute this code, a voltage is sent to the IP02.
1. In the Simulinkr diagram made in Section Section A.1, go to the QUARC | Set default options item to set the
correct Real-Time Workshop parameters and setup the Simulinkr model for external use (as opposed to the
simulation mode).
2. To view the compiler options shown in Figure A.1.4, go to QUARC | Options in the Simulinkr model tool bar.
4. Solver pane:
• Stop time is set to inf in order for the code to be executed continuously until it is stopped manually by the
user. Alternatively, the Stop time parameter can be set to the desired duration (code will cease executing
when the stop time value is reached).
• Type parameter is set to Fixed-step. When compiling real-time code, the solver must be fixed-step as
opposed to variable step which can be used in simulations.
• Solver is set to discrete. There are no continuous blocks inside the designed Simulinkr model, therefore
having a discrete solver is fine. However, if an Integrator block or another continuous system were be
added, then the Solver field would have to be changed to an integration method such as ode1 (Euler).
• Fixed-step size field sets the sampling interval, or sampling time, of the controller. By default this is set
to 0.002 seconds, which is a sampling rate of 500 Hz.
5. Click on the OK button to close the Configuration Parameters window.
6. Select the QUARC | Build item. Various lines in the Matlabr Command Window should be displayed as the
model is being compiled.
7. Once done compiling, a QUARC Windows executable file along with a folder containing various ''C'' and
Matlabr files are generated. Note that once the executable is created, the folder is no longer needed. If you
like, you can remove the executable and associated code folder may be removed from the current directory
by clicking on QUARC | Clean item.
Once the Simulinkr model has been compiled, the code can be executed and the voltage set in the Simulinkr model
can be sent to the SRV02 motor. Here are the steps to follow:
2. To begin executing the code, click on the QUARC | Start item in the Simulinkr model. The IP02 cart should
begin moving back-and-forth. This command actually does two things: it connects to the target and then
executes the code. Alternatively, users may decide to go through these steps individually:
Option 1: In the Simulinkr model tool bar, click on the Connect to target icon and then click on the Run icon.
These buttons are shown in Figure A.1.5.
Option 2: Select the Simulation | Connect to target item from the menu bar and the select Simulation | Start
Real-Time Code item.
4. Set the Frequency field to 0.5 Hz and click on the OK button. Notice how the parameter change effects the
IP02 immediately: the velocity of the cart begins to switch back-and-forth slowly.
5. Vary the value of the Slider Gain block between 0 and 2. Examine how the speed of the IP02 cart changes
proportionally with the amplitude of the sine wave.
6. Select the QUARC | Stop item to stop the code execution (or click on the Stop button in the Simulinkr model
tool bar).
7. Power OFF the amplifier if no more experiments will be run in this session.
Figure A.2.1: Simulinkr model used with QUARC to send voltage to IP02 and read the encoder sensors.
Using the Simulinkr model designed in Section A.1, follow this procedure to add encoder functionality:
1. From the QUARC Targets | Data Acquisition | Generic | Immediate I/O category in the Library Browser, add a
HIL Read Encoder block.
2. Recall that, as instructed in [2], the cart encoder is connected to Encoder Input #0 and the pendulum encoder
is connected to Encoder Input #1 on the data acquisition board. The HIL Read Encoder block is configured for
to read channel 0 by default, and should be changed to read both encoders by updating the Channels: field to
''[0 1]''. The default encoder configurations in the HIL Initialize block are fine (but keep in mind that these can
be changed).
3. Add two Scope and Gain blocks from the Math Operations folder in the Library Browser, into the Simulinkr model.
4. Add a Mux block from the Signal Routing folder in the Library Borwser.
5. Connect the Scope and Gain blocks as depicted in Figure A.2.1.
• Connect the HIL Read Encoder block outputs to the Mux, followed by the Gain block. Label the gain
Encoder Calibration (deg/count).
• Connect the output of this gain block to the input of the Scope block and label the scope theta c and
theta p (deg). This scope will display the measured angular position of the cart and pendulum in degrees.
6. Set the Frequency parameter in the Signal Generator block to 1.0 Hz and the Slider Gain block to 1.
12. As discussed in the IP02 User Manual [2], the encoder outputs 4096 counts for every full revolution. To
measure the load gear angle, set the Encoder Calibration (deg/count) gain block to 360 / 4096 degrees per
13. The measurement will be very small. Click on the Autoscale icon in the scope to zoom up on the signal or
adjust the range of the y-axis manually. The position scope should appear similarly as shown in Figure A.2.2.
Note that no further calibration is needed since the encoder positions increase when the input voltage goes
positive or the pendulum encoder is rotated CCW.
14. Select the QUARC | Stop item to stop the code from running.
15. Power OFF the amplifier if no more experiments will be run in this session.
2. Click on Parameters icon and select the Data History tab, as shown in Figure A.3.1.
• Select the Save data to workspace check box.
• Set the Variable name field to a desired variable, e.g. theta data.
• Set Format to Array.
Note: By default, the Limit data points to last box is set to 5000. This means that only the last 5000 points of
data will be saved in the variable. Thus, given that the controller runs at 500 Hz, this implies that the last 10
seconds of data shown in the theta l (deg) scope will be captured.
3. Click on the OK button.
8. When the controller is stopped, the variable theta data is saved to the workspace. The variable is a three-
dimensional array with a maximum of 5000 elements. The first vector is the running time and the second
vector is the position of the cart, and the third vector is the position of the pendulum. You can plot the data into
a Matlab figure using a script like:
t = theta data(:,1);
th c = theta data(:,2);
th p = theta data(:,3); plot(t,th c);
hold on
plot(t,th p,'r');
Note: Use the Matlabr command ginput to measure points directly from the Matlab figure.
There are many different ways to save data for offline analysis, e.g. saving data to a Matlab MAT file. Go to [1] in
the QUARC Basics | Data Collection category for more information.
Background section provides all the necessary theoretical background for the experiments. Students should read
this section first to prepare for the Pre-Lab questions and for the actual lab experiments.
Pre-Lab Questions section is not meant to be a comprehensive list of questions to examine understanding of the
entire background material. Rather, it provides targetted questions for preliminary calculations that need to be done
prior to the lab experiments.
Lab Experiments section provides step-by-step instructions to conduct the lab experiments and to record the col-
lected data. The lab may also include a set of pre-lab questions that need to be done prior to the lab experiments.
System Requirements section describes all the details of how to configure the hardware and software to conduct
the experiments. It is assumed that the hardware and software configuration have been completed by the instructor
or the teaching assistant prior to the lab sessions. However, if the instructor chooses to, the students can also
configure the systems by following the instructions given in this section.
Assessment of ABET outcomes is incorporated into this manual as shown by indicators such as . These indicators
correspond to specific performance criteria for an outcome.
All or some of the questions in the Pre-Lab Questions sections can be assigned to students as homework. One
possibility is to assign them as a homework one week prior to the actual lab session and ask the students to bring
their assignment to the lab session. This would help them get ready for the lab session. You should encourage
them to study the background section of the chapter prior to attempting the pre-lab questions. Note that solutions
for some of the Pre-Lab questions are parameters needed for the experiments in the lab session.
Another possibility is to go over some of these questions either in class or in the lab session together with the
students. This could generate an interactive learning opportunity for them prior to the lab.
Finally, it is possible to use some of the pre-lab questions in your mid-term or final exams. This would reinforce the
concepts covered in the labs; connections between the abstract theory and the real hardware; and would give you
an option to integrate some of the work done in the lab sessions into your exams.
This manual is organized into several laboratory sections. Each section contains several experiments which are,
for the most part, independent of each other. Therefore, one possible way to use this material is to conduct the
individual experiments in your weekly lab sessions. Another possibility is to divide the class into teams and have
each team conduct an experiment given in a section.
It is the responsibility of the program seeking accreditation to demonstrate clearly that the program meets a set of
criteria. One of these criteria is the ``Criterion 3: Program Outcomes''. Engineering programs must demonstrate
that their students attain program outcomes (a) through (k). Much more information about this can be found in the
``Criteria for Engineering Accreditation'' document ABET publishes on its website annually (
For fulfillment of Criterion 3, a program must show that there is an assessment and evaluation process in place that
periodically documents and demonstrates the degree to which the program outcomes are attained by their students.
Most programs do this by mapping the outcomes (a) through (k) to the courses in the curriculum1 . Then, these
outcomes are assessed in the courses. Finally, the assessment results are collected from the courses and compiled
into program-level data to demonstrate the ``degree to which the program outcomes are attained by their students''.
If your course is part of a similar assessment effort in your program, you probably need to assess the following
outcomes in your course:
These outcomes can be assessed in your course using various assessment tools, such as student surveys and
For the purpose of this laboratory curriculum, we defined a set of performance criteria for each outcome. These
criteria are labeled as ``A-1, A-2, B-3, ..., K-3'' as indicated in the rubrics in Section A.4.3 below. We also embedded
these performance criteria in the curriculum shown by indicators such as .
Assessment of outcomes is different than grading. A course grade (or a grade on an assignment or exam), is a
composite indicator. For example, if a student receives "B" as a grade in your course, it is probably difficult to tell
his/her level of achievement in outcome "A" versus "G". One of the purposes of assessment is to "measure" the level
of achievement of these specific skills and knowledge so that improvements can be made in the future offerings of
the course.
So, how should you introduce outcomes assessment into your course? The outcomes assessment approach
described here can be applied to each pre-lab homework assignment and lab report of each student throughout the
semester. This may or may not be feasible depending on your class size. In general, a representative sample of
student work is assessed.
You can continue to give assignments/exams and grade them in the traditional way. To introduce assessment into
your course, you can pick a representative sample of student work and "score" their work using the scoring sheets
and rubrics given in this manual. This is a good way to start introducing assessment into your course.
Recall that for fulfillment of Criterion 3, a program must ``document'' the assessment process. Programs collect sam-
ple student work in the academic year prior to the site visit by an ABET team. You can retain the sample homeworks,
lab reports, their scoring sheets and the assessment workbook as ``evidence'' for the ongoing assessment effort in
your course. This collection can then be given to the assessment committee in your program to be incorporated into
the program-level evidence they will compile prior to the ABET site visit.
If you choose to assign the pre-lab questions as homework, then the outcome targetted by these questions can be
assessed using the student work. The pre-lab questions require students to ``apply'' their math and engineering
science knowledge through calculations and problem solving strategies. Therefore, outcome ``A'' was mapped to
the pre-lab questions through its performance criteria.
If you assign the pre-lab questions as homework, you can ``score'' the returned homeworks using the rubric for
outcome ``A'' given in Section A.4.3 and the scoring sheet provided for that pre-lab in that chapter.
1. Print the scoring sheet for the Pre-Lab Questions section you assigned as homework. One sheet is used per
2. Use the rubric for ``Outcome A'' (Section A.4.3) to assign a score for each question. The rubric gives the de-
scription of ``levels of achievement'' (4 = exemplary, 3 = proficient, 2 = developing and 1 = beginning/incomplete)
for each criterion. As an example, below is a completed sample scoring sheet after evaluating the homework
of one student.
1 Disclaimer: The opionions expressed or the assessment techniques described here have not been endorsed by ABET in any way.
3. You can then enter the ``Total'' for each performance criterion into the assessment workbook [4] as shown in
Figure A.4.1.
Figure A.4.1: Pre-Lab entry into the assessment workbook for one student.
As mentioned earlier in Section A.4.1.2, there are various ways in which you can use the material provided in this
manual. In any case, the outcomes targetted by the lab experiments can be assessed from the lab reports submitted
by the students. These reports should follow the specific template for content given at the end of each laboratory
chapter. This will provide a basis to assess the outcomes easily.
The lab activities correspond to the ``applied'' part of engineering. Therefore, outcomes ``B'' and ``K'' were mapped
to the lab activities through their performance criteria. The lab reports themselves match outcome ``G'' on effective
communication skills.
If you choose to do an individual experiment in your weekly lab sessio then you can ask the students to submit a lab
report using the report template provided for this experiment. The template contains the main ``content'' sections you
would expect in a typical lab report (procedure, results, analysis, conclusions). Each section of the report template
You can score the lab reports using the rubric for outcome ``G'' given in Section A.4.3 and the scoring sheet provided
for the experiment in that section. Note that each lab report scoring sheet directly corresponds to the lab report
content template for that experiment. Also, note that the rubric for outcome ``G'' already contains rubrics for outcomes
``B'' and ``K'' since these outcomes appear as an integral part of the report.
1. Print the scoring sheet for the Lab Report for the experiment they conducted in the lab. One sheet is used per
2. Use the ``Content'' rubric (Section A.4.3) to assign a score for each entry in the scoring sheet. The rubric
gives the description of ``levels of achievement'' (4 = exemplary, 3 = proficient, 2 = developing and 1 = begin-
ning/incomplete) for each criterion. As an example, below is a completed scoring sheet after evaluating the
lab report of one student.
3. Use the ``Format'' rubric (Section A.4.3) for the ``GS-1 and GS-2'' criteria to score the formatting of the report
on the same scoring sheet.
Item1 K-1 K-2 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-9 GS-1 GS-2
I.1. Frequency Response Experiment
1 4
I.2. Bump Test Experiment
1 4
I.3. Model Validation Experiment
1 4
1 4
2 3
3 3
4 3
III.1. Frequency Response Experiment
1 2
2 3
III.2. Bump Test Experiment
1 3
1 3
Total 6 10 12 3 2 3 4 3
4. You can then enter the ``Total'' for each performance criterion into the assessment workbook [4] as show in
Figure A.4.2.
Figure A.4.2: Lab report score entries in the workbook for one student.
As explained earlier, the performance criteria, such as A-1, A-2, A-3, are used to describe a set of measurable
statements to define each learning outcome. Up to this point, we explained how to assess each performance
criterion using the pre-labs, the lab reports and the scoring sheets.
A single score for each outcome can be computed to indicate the level of attainment of that outcome by the entire
class. One approach is to simply average the scores for the performance criteria for that outcome. For example, in
case of outcome ``A'', you can use:
SCOREA = (A.4.1)
Another possibility is to use a weighted-average where some of the performance criteria are considered to be more
important than the others. In case of outcome ``A'', you can use:
The assessment workbook [4] incorporates the simple average approach as shown in Figure A.4.3.
Figure A.4.3: Computation of single score for outcome ``A'' in the assessment workbook.
Similarly, the simple average approach is also used for outcomes B, K and G. Referring to the rubrics in Section
A.4.3, it should be noted that outcome ``G'' contains performance criteria for both ``B'' and ``K'' to assess the content
of the report. In addition, there are two performance criteria, GS-1 and GS-2, to assess the format of the report. The
scores for all of these performance criteria are averaged to arrive at the single score for outcome G. For example,
the single score for outcome G in Figure A.4.4 for the Modelling experiment was calculated using:
Figure A.4.4: Computation of single score for outcome ``G'' in the assessment workbook.
The assessment workbook [4] was developed using Microsoft Excelr . It is intented to give a general idea for how
the assessment scores can be tracked and brought together. On purpose we designed the workbook to have no
automatic features. You can use it as is or customize it in any way you like.
The assessment workbook has a tab for the Pre-Lab Questions and a tab for each of the laboratory chapters. Only
10 students were listed assuming you would use samples of student work and not the entire class. If you want to
add more students, you can insert rows into the spreadsheets. Note: If you insert new rows, make sure that the
formula ranges in the cells with calculations are correct.
At the bottom of each pre-lab section, there is a row entitled ``Total Possible''. To count a pre-lab assignment in
the calculation of the overall scores, you need to enter the correct totals here. For example, to count the Pre-Lab
for modeling, you need to enter 12, 44 and 8 (Figure A.4.1). If you want to exclude an assignment from the overall
calculation, enter ``0'' as shown in Figure A.4.5. Of course, if you are excluding a pre-lab, then do not enter any
scores for the students under those columns.
A.4.3 Rubrics
Table A.4.1: OUTCOME A: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
B-2 Identifies inde- All variables All variables Most variables None or only a
pendent and are identified are identified are identified few variables
dependent correctly, expla- correctly correctly are identified
variables nations about correctly
their relations
are provided
B-3 Lists assump- All assumptions All assumptions Assumptions No assumptions
tions made and their rea- are listed are listed but listed or most of
sons are clearly some are miss- them are miss-
listed ing ing
B-4 Formulates ex- Developed a Developed cor- Attempted but Could not
perimental plan sophisticated rect experimen- could not com- develop an
to investigate a experimen- tal procedure to pletely develop accurate ex-
phenomenon tal procedure test the hypoth- an experimental perimental
complete with esis procedure to procedure
details of every test the hypoth-
step to test the esis
B-5 Follows ex- Follows ex- Follows exper- Follows ex- Follows ex-
perimental perimental imental proce- perimental perimental
procedures procedures dures leading procedures procedures
carefully with to correct mea- with some mis- with many mis-
great atten- surements takes leading to takes leading to
respect to the rate explana- tions and logical clusions but with are provided or
original hypoth- tions, including conclusions some errors they are wrong
esis trends, and based on data
arrives at logical and results
based on data
and results
Table A.4.2: OUTCOME B: An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
variables provided
B-3 Lists as- All assumptions and All assumptions are Assumptions are No assumptions
sumptions their reasons are listed listed but some are listed or most of
made clearly listed missing them are missing
B-4 Formulates Developed a sophis- Developed correct Attempted but could
experimen- ticated experimental experimental pro- not completely
tal plan to procedure complete cedure to test the develop an experi-
investigate with details of every hypothesis mental procedure to
a phe- step to test the hy- test the hypothesis
nomenon pothesis Could not develop
an accurate experi-
mental procedure
B-5 Follows ex- Follows experi- Follows experimen- Follows experimen- Follows experimen-
perimental mental procedures tal procedures lead- tal procedures with tal procedures with
procedures carefully with great ing to correct mea- some mistakes lead- many mistakes lead-
attention to detail. surements ing to mostly correct ing to mostly wrong
Makes precise measurements measurements
(Continued on the next page)
ware tools software tools and tools correctly for tools for data pre- ware tools for data
to present their advanced fea- data presentation sentation with only a presentation or
data in use- tures correctly for few mistakes attempts to use
ful format data presentation them but with many
(graphs, mistakes (missing
numeri- labels, etc.)
cal, table,
K-3 Uses soft- Can use software Can use software Can use software Cannot use software
ware tools tools and their ad- tools correctly for tools for simulation tools for simulation
to simulate vanced features simulation with only a few or attempts to use
physical correctly for simula- mistakes them but with many
systems tion mistakes
B-7 Uses appro- Excellent, in-depth Appropriate level of Some data analysis No analysis or at-
priate meth- analysis of the data analysis of data us- but incomplete tempts to analyze
ods to ana- using appropriate ing correct methods with wrong methods
lyze data methods
B-8 Accounts Is aware of all poten- Is aware of all poten- Is aware of some of Is unaware of any
for exper- tial experimental er- tial experimental er- the potential experi- experimental errors
respect to explanations, in- logical conclusions sions but with some vided or they are
the original cluding trends, and based on data and errors wrong
hypothesis arrives at logical results
conclusions based
on data and results
Table A.4.3: OUTCOME G: Ability to communicate effectively. (for Lab Report - CONTENT)
GS-2 Professional • Has cover page with all neces- Two of the Four of the Five or more
appear- sary details (title, course, student conditions conditions of the condi-
ance name(s), etc.) for the "ex- for the "ex- tions for the
• Typed emplary" emplary" "exemplary"
• Report layout is neat category category category
• Does not exceed specified maxi- were not met were not met were not met
mum page limit
• Pages are numbered
• Equations are consecutively num-
• Figures are numbered, axes have
labels, each figure has a descriptive
• Tables are numbered, they include
labels, each table has a descriptive
• No hand drawn sketches/diagrams
• References are cited using correct
Table A.4.4: OUTCOME G: Ability to communicate effectively. (for Lab Report - FORMAT)
K-1 Uses software Can use various Can use software Can use software Cannot use
tools for analysis software tools tools correctly for tools for analysis software tools for
and their analysis with only a few analysis or
advanced mistakes attempts to use
features correctly them but with
for analysis many mistakes
K-2 Uses software Can use various Can use software Can use software Cannot use
tools to present software tools tools correctly for tools for data software tools for
data in useful and their data presentation presentation with data presentation
format (graphs, advanced only a few or attempts to
numerical, table, features correctly mistakes use them but with
charts, diagrams) for data many mistakes
presentation (missing labels,
K-3 Uses software Can use software Can use software Can use software Cannot use
tools to simulate tools and their tools correctly for tools for software tools for
physical systems advanced simulation simulation with simulation or
features correctly only a few attempts to use
for simulation mistakes them but with
many mistakes
Table A.4.5: OUTCOME K: An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Double Inverted Pendulum Linear Flexible Joint Linear Flexible Joint with
Inverted Pendulum
Quanser’s linear collection allows you to create experiments of varying complexity – from basic to advanced. With nine
plants to choose from, students can be exposed to a wide range of topics relating to mechanical and aerospace
engineering. For more information please contact [email protected]
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