A Sustainable Evaluation Method For A Tourism Public Wayfinding System: A Case Study of Shanghai Disneyland Resort
A Sustainable Evaluation Method For A Tourism Public Wayfinding System: A Case Study of Shanghai Disneyland Resort
A Sustainable Evaluation Method For A Tourism Public Wayfinding System: A Case Study of Shanghai Disneyland Resort
A Sustainable Evaluation Method for a Tourism
Public Wayfinding System: A Case Study of Shanghai
Disneyland Resort
Wenying Zhang 1 , Lian Zhu 1 , Zixuan Zhang 1 , Zhan Zhang 2, * and Linjun Lu 1
1 Transportation Research Center, Department of Transportation Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Shanghai 200240, China; [email protected] (W.Z.); [email protected] (L.Z.);
[email protected] (Z.Z.); [email protected] (L.L.)
2 School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-138-1845-8042
Received: 14 August 2020; Accepted: 30 September 2020; Published: 14 October 2020
Abstract: The traditional method of designing wayfinding systems has been used in tourism
management for decades. However, the absence of quantitative evaluations for the wayfinding system
at tourist resorts may affect information transmission and cause visitors to feel lost. This article proposes
a quantitative approach and applies it to the wayfinding system at the Shanghai Disneyland Resort
from 2017 to 2019, where the layouts and the contents of wayfinding signboards are systematically
evaluated. The analytic hierarchy process is used in conjunction with expert advice to rank 11 elements
of content design, and four reasonable indices are calculated to explore the spatial–topological
relationships at the tourism resort. According to both the field and expert investigation and tourists’
responses to designed questionnaires, the results show that this method containing content and
layout evaluation can enhance tourist satisfaction in certain aspects, thus helping to improve tourism
management by considering important indices in wayfinding signage design and modification.
1. Introduction
Fuzzy information adversely affects the activities of tourists, so tourism managers have begun
realizing the importance of the wayfinding system design in recent years [1]. The public wayfinding
system is a standard instruction system for spatial environments in open areas that is meant to help
people find information on their destinations [2]. The wayfinding system design is an overall collection
formed by both the signboard contents and its layouts in a certain area, including different elements
such as the design of color, font, height, and size of a single signboard, and the location structure and
density control of a large amount of wayfinding signs.
Based on these premier studies, this article proposes a quantification evaluation method for
scoring both the content and layout of the wayfinding system at scenic spots. Eleven content indices
of three signboard types are calculated by an analytic hierarchy process, and the topological metrics
for the layout design is proposed, where the parameters and calculation formulae are preliminarily
defined. In addition, we investigate the effects in information conveyed by the signage on tourist
preferences and experts’ recommendations, and thus evaluate the specific Disneyland tourist site based
on quantitative analysis.
The core area of the Shanghai International Tourism Resort (Shanghai Disneyland) covers an area
of about seven square kilometers, of which the first phase spans 3.9 square kilometers. The core area
includes a theme park and hotel, retail catering and entertainment, transportation, and municipal
supporting facilities. Rail transit line 11 will service the area soon, and Rail transit line 2 will service
it in the long term. The two lines share a rail transit station in the area. The main construction
of Phase I of the core area includes amusement park facilities (theme park), the Central Lake and
Weicheng River, retail catering and entertainment, a themed hotel, public parking lot (tourist parking
lot), public transportation facilities, offices (management service center), and municipal facilities.
Our study selected working days and weekends as special days, and we then carried out the field and
questionnaire surveys.
The Shanghai Disneyland Resort had been open for a year before an improvement scheme was
implemented to it. The public information guidance system for tourists has played a crucial role in its
operations, and its shortcomings have gradually been realized with experience. During the construction
of the guidance system, there were significant differences in design methods and construction processes.
Multiple construction units can easily lead to a lack of continuity or inconsistency of informational
signage. According to our investigation, the park had 46 indication signs, 9 positioning maps, 7 wall
signs, 2 commercial signs, 7 bus station signs, 17 signs showing the names of roads, 2 braille maps,
and 6 summarizing signs for a total of 96 positioning sites. After getting feedback from tourists, the
optimization evaluation was adjusted locally. The field investigation yielded a complete record of
guiding signs within the scope of the wayfinding system of the Shanghai International Tourism Resort.
According to CAD (computer aided design) drawings provided by the Disneyland sponsors, we have
measured and evaluated the topological layout of signboards and coordinates.
Our work timeline is as follows. At the beginning of 2017, the method was determined, and experts
were invited to determine the coefficient and measurement standard. The preliminary survey was
conducted in June 2017, and later the calculation was completed, and the revised scheme was submitted
in December. In June 2019, a random survey was conducted in the Disneyland Park on tourists’
satisfaction with the guidance system adjusted according to the improved scheme. By comparison, the
values of indicators were rising, and the improvement scheme has achieved good results.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces research on guidance
systems in recent decades, and Section 3 details our proposed method. Section 4 introduces the
evaluation of the Shanghai Disneyland Resort and the comparison of tourist satisfaction before and
after modification. Section 5 contains the conclusions of this study.
2. Literature Review
According to the literature review, the past research on tourist wayfinding systems can be divided
into two parts—one is the discussion and design on the content elements, and another is the information
transmission achieved by the layout of the wayfinding system. The current research has been achieved
to select the sign evaluation factors, put forward the layout hierarchy, and establish the comprehensive
evaluation index as the representative of the system performance [3]. The researchers examined the
integrity and effectiveness of unique symbolic information by using the analytic hierarchy process,
and in this context, the spatial syntax [4], the design of route-finding navigation systems [5], and a
redefinition of spatial information [6] have also been conducted. As a component of urban planning,
guidance systems have attracted considerable research attention in the last century [7]. The isotype
system movement (International System of Typographic Picture Education) launched in the 1920s was
the first to emphasize the importance of creating a system of visual design [8]. In the 1960s, Lynch
proposed a systematic concept of the urban guidance system and discussed several solutions to relevant
problems [9]. Golledge proposed three levels of spatial knowledge and spatial knowledge acquisition,
where the foundation of spatial analysis has been formed [7]. Research by Michon, Denis, and Tom has
shown that people move around using landmarks on road signs [6]. Meilinger and Knauff investigated
human wayfinding and knowledge acquisition in urban environments [10]. The participants in their
study were required to retrace two routes learned either from route maps or from verbal directions.
Grabler, Agrawala, and Sumner discussed the automatic design of maps of tourist routes in his
work [11]. One study by Wiener, Büchner, and Hölscher has shown that knowledge of specific target
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8489 3 of 18
locations, paths, and the overall environment can help determine the behavior and cognitive strategies
that can be applied to perform road finding tasks [12]. Dai focused on the design of directional
information signs for passengers in an integrated transport hub using the concept of utility [13].
Kühl, Stebner, and Navratil examined the effects of different visualization models on the acquisition of
collateral routes and the surveyed knowledge during an assisted tour [14]. Schewering, Krukar, Li,
Anacta, and Fuest proposed a computer-based pathfinding method that supports user positioning
through a location-based pathfinding navigation system that uses spatial learning and cognitive
mapping [15]. Recent research has focused on guidance systems for pedestrians and vehicles. Studies
have been conducted on the objective factors influencing guidance indicators, the identification of the
guidance system by traffic, and the application of topological networks using route-related and spatial
relationships [16]. An effective navigation system can guide people to their destination and improve
tourist safety [17].
At the same time, several essential topological elements of public guidance systems have been
defined by referring to research on the topologies of traffic networks. Graph theory was first applied to
research on transportation in the 1960s by Bodino [18]. Chown, Kaplan, and Kortenkamp proposed a
wayfinding system with the fundamental goals of this work being to examine how the wayfinding
process is integrated into general cognition [19]. Topological relations refer to the spatial relationships
among elements, such as points and edges, in a topological graph, and include connectivity, inclusion,
and adjacency [20]. The topological structure of the guidance system is like the topological network
of urban traffic [21]. There are several bottlenecks in current research. Most studies have focused
on either the elements of identification or the overall layout [22]. Both system planning and the
design of the signage remains essential for a successful guidance system; thus, a good measurement
model should combine them [23]. Moreover, most research in this field has addressed specific cases,
because of which improvements to conventional methods have rarely been proposed. Software
or computer programming is mostly used to design the guidance system, and few scholars have
developed measurement indicators and calculation formulae. Past work in the area reveals a pyramid
structure of problems with guidance systems. At the top, the most significant problem in this context
is accidents caused by the guidance system, such as stampeding and improper evacuation of public
areas in case of emergency [24]. A deeper layer represents the tourists’ sense of loss, and an inability
to find their desired spots. The next layer features unreasonable information transmission, and the
deepest layer is constituted by the unreasonable design of the topological network and the elements of
signage, and the last is the fundamental problem requiring a solution. Quantitative models have been
widely used for evaluation and optimization [25], so we decided to provide a quantitative topological
method as an improvement method over the traditional design.
3. Methodology
electronic signs.
investigation (a–d).
The average
The main guiding
degreeelements of the of
of attraction public information
indication guiding
guidance system
(AATT) areindicator
is an graphic signs, text signs,
that measures
the sketch maps,
attractiveness to information boards,
tourists of scenic block
spots guidingbymaps,
indicated and portable
the signs. Tourists printed
are moremaps.
to go to
more can beplaces,
popular divided into
and three
more categories
signs shouldaccording
be used totoguide
themindication signs,
to such areas positioning signs,
and information
Sustainability 2020, 12,plates. The REVIEW
x FOR PEER layout
∝ of guide signs in the study area is shown in Figure 2. 6 of 17
𝐴𝐴𝑇𝑇 = ∑ 𝑐𝑗 ⋅ 𝐹1 (1)
𝑁(𝑁 + 1)
where 𝑐𝑗 is the degree of attraction of destination j, and is related to the flow of people and the
importance of the destination in planning as determined by the staff, and N is the number of
informational signs i. That is, an indication sign may have information on directions to one or more
areas. F represents whether directions for destination j are on the given sign. F = 0 or F = 1, and ∝1 is
the adjustment factor for calculation.
The average distance of indication guidance (ADIS), according to past research [12], is used to
measure whether the distance between the location of the sign and the destination indicated is
∝2 1
𝐴𝐷𝐼𝑆 = ∑∑ ⋅𝐹 (2)
𝑁(𝑁 + 1) 𝑑𝑖𝑗 2
𝑖 𝑗
of the given destination [29]. The research object of this project was the static guidance system of
signs for pedestrians in peripheral public areas, excluding signage for motor vehicles and dynamic
electronic signs.
The average degree of attraction of indication guidance (AATT) is an indicator that measures the
attractiveness to tourists of scenic spots indicated by the signs. Tourists are more likely to go to more
popular places, and more signs should be used to guide them to such areas [13]:
∝1 X
AATT = c j · F1 (1)
N (N + 1)
where c j is the degree of attraction of destination j, and is related to the flow of people and the importance
of the destination in planning as determined by the staff, and N is the number of informational signs
i. That is, an indication sign may have information on directions to one or more areas. F represents
whether directions for destination j are on the given sign. F = 0 or F = 1, and ∝1 is the adjustment factor
for calculation.
The average distance of indication guidance (ADIS), according to past research [12], is used
to measure whether the distance between the location of the sign and the destination indicated is
∝ PP 1
ADIS = N(N2+1) dij · F2 (2)
i j
where dij is the Euler distance between sign i and destination j. N represents the number of informational
items on sign i. F represents whether destination j is on the given sign. F = 0 or F = 1, and ∝2 is the
adjustment factor for calculation.
The average density of indication of the road where a sign is located (ADEN) represents the degree
of reasonableness of the density of the signboard along the road as classified by the volume of traffic:
∝3 P
ADENSi ,Sp = M(M+1)
wk × F3 (3)
where Si represents the indication signs, and Sp is the positioning signs. wk is the factor to assess traffic
volume on road k. M represents the number of indication or positioning signs. F represents whether
destination j is listed on this sign. F = 0 or F = 1, and ∝3 is the adjustment factor for calculation:
where the coefficients a and b represent the proportions of the signboard occupied by the pointing and
positioning functions, respectively, in the entire scope of evaluation, that is, the overall layout is added
proportionally by the results of the indices of two separate arrangements.
The average informational coefficient of the indication sign network (AINT) evaluates the
reasonableness of the density of all signboards in the area by measuring the coverage of guidance
information across the entire region:
∝4 i ( k lik ×wk )
AINFSi ,Sp = M(M+1)
where Si represents indication signs, and Sp is positioning signs. lik is the sum of the lengths of the range
of radiation of the sign on road k, which depends on the visual distance of human eyes. M represents
the number of informational items on indication sign i, and ∝4 is the adjustment factor for calculation.
The optimal solution obtained by using a single target may be less effective under another standard.
In practice, people are more willing to accept a plan that takes all perspectives into account, rather
than a one-sided optimal plan. Therefore, the design of indices of the guidance system should consider
an excellent guidance effect, a short distance, and a reasonable layout density on average [30].
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8489 6 of 18
To simplify the calculation, the following preliminary assumptions were made for the study area:
(1) We assumed an exponential network (not a power law distribution), homogeneous nodes, smooth
roads, and homogeneous road sections excluding passenger flow. (2) Each type of sign had the same
format excluding its content. (3) Scenic spots, intersections, and entrances could be used as target
points in the formulae for indices but were calculated separately in practice to be refined and adjusted.
(4) When studying the topological relationship between the signboards and the target point, a directed
weighted graph was used; when considering the topological metrics, an undirected weighted graph
was used.
Table 1. Elements of content selection and interpretation in the analytic hierarchy process.
In the schematic layer, the proportions of Layer D were as follows: convenience, 0.246; ease of
identification, 0.279; continuity, 0.183; and accuracy, 0.191.
Through the above AHP results in Tables 2 and 3, the preliminary conclusions drawn were as
1. The most important parts in the design of the sign system were the accuracy and size of the
information, respectively. Following them in importance was the color design of the information
board, which also belongs to the typesetting design part and accounted for more than 10%.
2. Distance identification (8.91%) and a unified standard (8.59%) should be attended to as well.
At present, directional signs cannot guarantee the accuracy of distance identification, and lack of
unified signs for a scenic spot, which leads to the differences of scenic spots in different places, the
phenomenon of inconsistent signs in the same area, and aggravates the sense of loss of tourists.
3. The calculations of the AHP showed that the most important factor was ease of identification,
followed by convenience. In planning identification systems, the person in charge is likely to pay
attention to the continuity and accuracy of complex information while ignoring the most critical
demands of tourists.
Table 2. The coefficients and the results of signage content in the analytic hierarchy process.
4. Results
this adjustment. We conducted the survey from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and 12:00–20:00 on
weekends. A selective (age, gender) survey was carried out for tourists. The on-duty traffic police and
traffic service personnel (traffic manager, traffic guide) were also interviewed. A total of 300 tourists
were surveyed, where 294 responses were valid for an effective recovery rate of 97.7%. The statistical
results show that 80.2% of the respondents thought that the public information system was essential
or very important. The problems recognized by them were deficiencies in each element of the
wayfinding system, unreasonable spatial layout of the public information guidance system, and a
lack of information transmission between signage and resorts; for instance, there is no follow-up
identification information after half the journey.
Having experienced the resort guidance system, most tourists tend to think that it can meet their
requirements to a certain extent but has limitations. In 2017, 300 tourists were randomly chosen and
interviewed by members of this research team at the Shanghai Disneyland Resort. Ten to 15 questions
were asked to test the satisfaction index of the questionnaire survey, corresponding to the 11 evaluation
indices of the sign guidance system. The weight of each index was determined by the expert prediction
method [34]. The results enable a quantitative estimation in the absence of sufficient statistical data
and original data [35].
The scores of the 11 evaluation indicators in the questionnaire survey were as follows. Tourists feel
totally incomprehensible, very unsatisfied, very unreasonable, challenging to find, and ultimately not
meeting the requirements equal 2 points. Tourists feel incomprehensible, unsatisfactory, unreasonable,
and not meeting the requirements equal 4 points. Average feeling equals 6 points. The feeling of
understandable, satisfactory, reasonable, accurate, easy to find, and can meet the requirements equal
8 points. If they feel completely understandable, very satisfactory, very reasonable, and meets all
requirements then the question can get 10 points.
In the questionnaire survey shown in Table 4, the weights of the 11 evaluation indices for satisfaction
evaluation were determined by the expert estimation method based on quantitative and qualitative
analyses. The determined weights of the 11 evaluation indices were as follows: the readability takes 5%,
color and font of the sign takes 5%, density of the layout of the sign takes 5%, sight distance and height
takes 5%, oriented information density takes 5%, information accuracy takes 20%, convention of sign
layout takes 5%, continuity of guidance system takes 10%, indications for important destinations takes
20%, frequency of update of signage information takes 10%, and satisfaction with the guidance system
takes 10%.
The average score for tourist satisfaction was 75%, which shows that there were deficiencies in the
design of the guidance system for the park. The continuity of the guidance system and convenience of
the layout of the signage were found least satisfactory by the respondents.
The research objects were divided into three categories: signs indicating scenic spots only, signs
indicating service areas only, and signboards indicating entrances and exits. According to the field
investigation, the scoring results were as follows: (1) scenic spots takes 0.0305, and the normalized
results were 0.0142 with a percentage of 214.51%; (2) the scores of service area were 0.009, and the
normalized results were 0.006 with a percentage of 151.23%; (3) for entrances and exits, the scores
were 0.0179 and 0.0128, respectively, with a percentage of 139.25%; (4) the overall score was 0.0606, the
normalized result was 0.0337, and the percentage was 179.93%.
According to the evaluation standard, all the scores of AATT are above 150%, so the conclusion
is all three types of the signboards in Shanghai Disneyland perform well in the aspect of indicating
visitors to hot scenic spots, and there is almost no information left of popular attractions. That is, we
do not need to add other information and elements on the basis of the current sign information as a
whole, because this wayfinding system can transfer information perfectly.
4.2.3. Average Indication Density of Road Where Signs Were Located (ADEN)
The research objects can be divided into relationships between directional signs and roads only,
and those between sketch maps of the plane and the roads. (1) The score for the former was 0.0148,
with a standard value of 0.0086 and a percentage of 171.79%. (2) The score for the latter was 0.08, with
a standard value of 0.0357 and a percentage of 224.07%. According to the number ratio of the two
types of signs in Disneyland, the calculation coefficients were 0.8112 and 0.1888, respectively; thus, the
total score was 181.67%.
Combining the score of ADEN and ADIS, which refers, respectively, to the indicating distance
between signs and destinations, and the density of road signs, we can conclude that the low score of ADIS
and high score of ADEN indicates there is no need to put more signboards along main roads, but the
information along the road needs to be related more to destinations if we take economic considerations.
whereas the identification of entrances and exits could be further strengthened. (2) The guiding distance
is the distance between the position of the directional signs and the scenic spots referred to on them.
(3) The reasonableness of the density of signs on roads as classified by right of way was generally
reasonable and did not need to be adjusted. (4) The density of spacing of guiding signs in this section
was adjusted accordingly. The number and density of duplicate signs needed to be reduced to reduce
the difficulty of identification for tourists. Additionally, some specific roads needed the addition of the
necessary signboards to prevent tourists from feeling lost.
Table 5. Results of calculation of the layout of signage of the Shanghai Disneyland wayfinding system.
Table 6. Results of the calculation of signage content of the Shanghai Disneyland wayfinding system.
Table 7. The results for the signage content of the Shanghai Disneyland wayfinding system.
According to the specific scores of the content and layout of the guidance system, we went to the
field to find specific reasons based on the unreasonable scores and proposed the following improvement
suggestions for the reference and modification of Shanghai Disneyland.
1. The road name of Caiyun Avenue was not clear, which made it difficult to judge its boundary.
2. The lack of distance indication (such as, the number of kilometers to a specific scenic spot/service
area) caused tourists to feel tired and lost.
3. Some directional signs were too close to each other.
4. In the survey, there are three roundabout islands, and there are generally no signs for passers-by
to see (the name of the road is printed on the lane, which is dangerous to observe).
5. The lack of positioning signs (Class B) led to a loss of positioning.
6. A lack of bus stops and symptoms in advance of Xingyuan Park.
7. From Shendi West Road to Lantian Avenue and through Disneyland Avenue, there was no hint of
Disneyland Avenue.
8. The East, South, and West Shendi Roads were relatively long, and did not contain an appropriate
number of road signs.
9. The E7 bus station had a single station, and there was no matching station on the opposite side of
the road.
10. The street signs were covered by tree shade, barrier-free signs are blocked by road signs, and the
road signs themselves blocked one another.
11. The color, contrast, and text of the road signs were unsatisfactory (not uniform, and the English
was small and not easy to read).
5. Discussion
During a gradual improvement process from 2017 to 2019, we re-implemented a field survey
in Shanghai Disneyland Resort which is shown in Table 8. This time we participated in the survey
and randomly checked 50 tourists, which is the same as the 2017 questionnaire. After measuring the
content and layout of the guidance system of Disneyland Park, the tourism management department
modified and updated the contents of the corresponding signboards. For example, the contents of the
signboards generally indicate the distance to the indicated places, unify the font size and scenic spot
signs in all parts of the park, adjust the number of signs in the areas where the layout information is too
dense or too sparse, and sign letters of main roads and popular scenic spots of interest adjustment, etc.
The results of the questionnaire indicate that the reasonable planning based on the two-level model
of content and layout improves people’s awareness of the design of the guidance system, which is
more conducive to tourists to find their way smoothly. It is necessary to select projects with a better
foundation and better development prospects for investment and construction to avoid the waste
of resources caused by blind installation. Our research result in Figure 4 shows a clear growth of
tourist satisfaction is made in both signage content and wayfinding sign layout after this modification
task, which proves that through this quantification method, the managers and designers of tourist
attractions can improve wayfinding systems to be more scientific and reasonable without unsustainable
resource waste.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8489 15 of 18
Table 8. The questionnaire for tourist satisfaction of the Shanghai Disneyland wayfinding system (investigation in June 2017 and June 2019).
Occupation Ratio Specific Description Degree of Satisfaction 1 Score 1 Degree of Satisfaction 2 Score 2
0.05 Identity readability 0.78158 0.039079 0.8025 0.040125
0.05 Color and font of the signage 0.73512 0.036756 0.7825 0.039125
0.05 Layout density of the signage 0.7229 0.036145 0.8156 0.04078
0.05 Sight distance and height 0.75292 0.037646 0.8326 0.04163
0.05 Orientated information density 0.73588 0.036794 0.7854 0.03927
0.2 Information accuracy 0.75898 0.151796 0.7974 0.15948
0.05 Signage layout convenience 0.70718 0.035359 0.8025 0.040125
0.1 Guidance system continuity 0.70106 0.070106 0.9125 0.09125
0.2 Indications for important destinations 0.81564 0.163128 0.92 0.184
0.1 Signage information update frequency 0.7536 0.07536 0.8075 0.08075
0.1 Satisfaction to the guidance system 0.74536 0.074536 0.7812 0.07812
1 Total calculation - 0.756705 - 0.834655
1 investigation in June 2017, 2 : investigation in June 2019.
Sustainability 2020, 12, x:FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 17
Figure 4. Results for tourist satisfaction investigation in 2017 and 2019 in Shanghai Disneyland.
Figure 4. Results for tourist satisfaction investigation in 2017 and 2019 in Shanghai Disneyland.
6. Conclusions
Our research took the wayfinding system for Shanghai Disneyland tourist attractions between
the year 2017 to 2019 as the research object, and we proposed a quantification method to score both
the content and the layout indices to achieve targeted modification instead of traditional large-scale
replacement of signboards. The investigation results show that this method actually worked and has
improved tourist satisfaction, which means our index selection and measurement are meaningful,
and can be applied to other scenic spots as a reference. Through an analysis of its macroscopic
characteristics, calculation of elements of system network topology metrics, and the subjective
quantitative research on tourists, the information-oriented wayfinding system was developed
further. The understanding and factor analysis further proposed a complete quantitative model for
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8489 16 of 18
6. Conclusions
Our research took the wayfinding system for Shanghai Disneyland tourist attractions between
the year 2017 to 2019 as the research object, and we proposed a quantification method to score both
the content and the layout indices to achieve targeted modification instead of traditional large-scale
replacement of signboards. The investigation results show that this method actually worked and has
improved tourist satisfaction, which means our index selection and measurement are meaningful, and
can be applied to other scenic spots as a reference. Through an analysis of its macroscopic characteristics,
calculation of elements of system network topology metrics, and the subjective quantitative research
on tourists, the information-oriented wayfinding system was developed further. The understanding
and factor analysis further proposed a complete quantitative model for the wayfinding signage system
design, evaluation, and optimization of tourist attractions. We assessed the public information guidance
system in systematicity, integrity, attractiveness, clarity, distinguishability, accuracy, coordination,
rationality, safety of the guidance system, and the principle of people orientation. Through research on
the wayfinding signage system of scenic spots, the following research works can be concluded:
(1) We used a combination of objective evaluation and on-the-spot investigation for assessment.
The AHP method was used to calculate the content weight of 11 evaluation indices of 3 types of signs in
Shanghai Disneyland. Based on the assignment of scores by 20 experts, the qualitative and quantitative
evaluations were carried out.
(2) We summarized the macroscopic topological characteristics of the wayfinding system for the
given tourist resort. Based on the theoretical theory of topology, the information attraction degree, the
density of information, and the distance between signs and destinations, indicators that the labeling
system has drawn attention to managers and comparison was taken to demonstrate the flaws precisely.
We performed topological calculations and proposed studies on the signboard information.
(3) We have carried out on-the-spot investigations twice and made data collection for the case of
Shanghai Disneyland Resort, and according to research, influenced index methods to check whether
the preliminary design of the wayfinding system was reasonable, and which specific aspects can be
noticed and modified soon. Instead of traditional qualitative methods and fuzzy evaluation methods,
this method can be replicated and repeatedly implemented, thereby saving resources and creating
precise optimization sustainably.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, W.Z., L.L., and L.Z.; Methodology, W.Z. and Z.Z. (Zixuan Zhang);
Formal Analysis, W.Z. and L.Z.; Investigation, W.Z., L.Z., and Z.Z. (Zixuan Zhang); Writing, W.Z.; Funding
Acquisition, Z.Z. (Zhan Zhang). All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The National Science Foundation of China partly supported this work (grant no. E080701/51508325).
Acknowledgments: The authors thank the management department of the Shanghai Disneyland Resort for
helping explore this subject in inviting experts from related areas and providing map data for signboard locations.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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