MGMT 400 - Salma Zaman
MGMT 400 - Salma Zaman
MGMT 400 - Salma Zaman
Course Basics
Credit Hours 3
Lecture(s) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week 2 Duration 75 mins
Recitation/Lab (per week) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week Duration
Tutorial (per week) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week Duration
Course Distribution
Core Yes
Open for Student Category
Close for Student Category
Strategic Business Management is a senior-level management course about how firms create and sustain competitive advantage.
Formulating an implementing superior strategies is more critical now than ever because no firm or organization can take its
competitive advantage for granted in this fast paced, global business environment.
In this course, we will adopt a general management point of view and analyze decisions and strategies in light of the total
enterprise. We will also touch upon corporate strategy topics such as how business create value when operating multiple business
units, as well as touching on mergers and acquisitions. These theories and concepts will provide you with a language for discussing
strategy and the tools necessary to conceptualize a firm’s competitive environment and resources.
Lahore University of Management Sciences
The objective of the course is to ensure that students to develop a strategic mindset with an understanding of
strategy formulation, strategy implementation and evaluation & control of a business unit.
2. Ethical Judgement: Students will develop the ability to critically evaluate unstructured strategic business
issues and decisions to develop innovative and ethical decisions.
Effective Communication: Students who complete this course will enhance their ability to construct and deliver
clear, concise and convincing oral and written business communication.
Class Participation
Class participation should reflect that you have read the assigned material for the class. It should add value to the class discussion. If
a question is well thought out and shows understanding, it will also count as participation in the course. In effect, if anyone is
adding value to the class they will get points for it.
In this online semester, class participation will be a mix of in class assignments and class participation. Feel free to write your
thoughts on chat. In case you miss class, you will get the opportunity to submit your class participation later (but within 24 hours)
Attendance Policy
Students are required to attend at least 11 classes during the semester. These 11 sessions do not include the first two sessions of
the course or the last two presentation sessions. If more than 11 classes are missed, there will be a reduction of 0.5% from their
attendance score, for each additional missed class.
In case students have connectivity issues or other issues with online lessons, they should inform the instructor or the teaching
The assignments will consist of two cases (10% each). You will be required to read the cases and solve related questions. This would
be an individual effort. One of the assignments will be assigned to you in the beginning of the semester and the other assignment at
the end.
From time to time, you will be given small articles. You will be asked to use tools learned in class to interpret them and share
insights on the LMS discussion forum.
Lahore University of Management Sciences
Top 5 quizzes will be count. Each quiz will be announced and in class. You are required to keep your cameras on during the quiz. In
case you have any issues with this, please contact the instructor or the teaching assistants.
Yes/No: No
Combine Separate:
Final Exam
Exam Specifications:
Recommended Objectives/
Lecture/ Topics
Readings Application
Lecture 1 Course Introduction and Overview Course Syllabus Getting students familiar with the
syllabus. Addressing their concerns.
Lecture 2 What is Strategy? What is Strategy? By Michael E. Goal 7 (a) – Discipline Specific
and 3 Porter Knowledge and Understanding:
The Strategy Concept I: Five Ps Understanding the concept of
For Strategy – Henry strategy.
Rothaermel – Chapter 1: What is
Strategy? (page 5 -11)
Lecture 4 Chapter 1: section 1.2 (pages 11- Goal 7 (a) – Discipline Specific
Strategic leadership 18) Knowledge and Understanding:
Understanding the concept of
Lecture 5 External Analysis Chapter 3 (Rothaermel) Goal 6 – Understanding
Up till page 73 Organizational Ecosystems
Lecture 6 Case Study TBA Goal 3 – Analytical Thinking and
Problem Solving Skills
Goal 6 – Understanding
Organizational Ecosystems
Goal 7 (b) – Understanding the
“science” behind the decision-
making process
Lecture 13- Business Strategy 2: Innovation and Chapter 7 (Rothaermel) Goal 6 – Understanding
14 Entrepreneurship Organizational Ecosystems
Goal 7 (a) – Discipline Specific
Knowledge and Understanding:
Understanding the concept of
Lecture 15 Case Study TBA Goal 3 – Analytical Thinking and
Problem Solving Skills
Goal 6 – Understanding
Organizational Ecosystems
Goal 7 (b) – Understanding the
“science” behind the decision-
making process
Lecture 16- Corporate Strategy 1: Vertical Integration Chapter 8 (Rothaermel) Goal 6 – Understanding
17 and Diversification Organizational Ecosystems
Goal 7 (a) – Discipline Specific
Knowledge and Understanding:
Understanding the concept of
Lecture 18 Case Study TBA Goal 3 – Analytical Thinking and
Problem Solving Skills
Goal 6 – Understanding
Organizational Ecosystems
Goal 7 (b) – Understanding the
“science” behind the decision-
making process
Lecture 18- Corporate strategy 2: Alliances and Chapter 9 (Rothaermel) Goal 6 – Understanding
19 Mergers and Acquisitions Organizational Ecosystems
Lahore University of Management Sciences
Goal 7 (a) – Discipline Specific
Knowledge and Understanding:
Understanding the concept of
Goal 7 (b) – Understanding the
“science” behind the decision-
making process
Lecture 20 Case Study TBA Goal 3 – Analytical Thinking and
Problem Solving Skills
Goal 6 – Understanding
Organizational Ecosystems
Goal 7 (b) – Understanding the
“science” behind the decision-
making process
Lecture 21- Global Strategy: Competing Around the Chapter 10 (Rothaermel) Goal 6 – Understanding
22 World Organizational Ecosystems
Goal 7 (a) – Discipline Specific
Knowledge and Understanding:
Understanding the concept of
Lecture 23 Case Study TBA Goal 3 – Analytical Thinking and
Problem Solving Skills
Goal 6 – Understanding
Organizational Ecosystems
Goal 7 (b) – Understanding the
“science” behind the decision-
making process
Textbook(s)/Supplementary Readings
Required Textbook:
Frank T. Rothaermel – Strategic Management (3rd Edition)