Aluminiumski Radijatori - FONDITAL - 2018

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Passive fire protection,
Aluminium Plumbing and
Heating division electroplating and Real estate
production division drainage division
moulding sector

Russia - Lipetsk Russia - Moscow Romania Poland Turkey

Fondital is the first manufacturer of die-cast aluminium Fondital establishes with its clients strategic
radiators worldwide as well as the international leader partnerships that go beyond a simple supplier-client
in heating systems. This is the result of the focus on relationship, but are based on information sharing
sustainable innovation in R&D, production renewal and customer orientation, maintaining focus on
related to study of the products, the constant environmental sustainability.
development and training of human resources and
the attention to well-being of its employees.

Our vision is to be innovative in the development of Our mission is to strive for excellence and to be
efficient and environmentally sustainable products, innovative in creating heating systems, satisfying our
by listening to our customers’ needs and creating customer’s needs. Fondital, being closely linked to its
new opportunities for our commercial partners in the territory, operates with respect to the environment and
various markets. promotes sustainable development.

Fondital is market leader internationally. Multilingual Fondital is constantly growing, thanks to its ability to
staff and representation offices assure a constant interpret customer needs and changes, and to the
presence on the global market, as evidence of its ability to constantly adapt its supply to the new end
customer oriented vision. market needs with process and product innovations.



Active markets



The painting process of Fondital radiators was With the aim to obtain flawless results, Fondital relies
developed in detail with the aim of ensuring an on a process including two coating phases: the first
exemplary final result in terms of both aesthetic look one is an anaphoretic coating dip and is essential
and metal protection. for metal protection, while the second one is carried
Painting is crucial to protect the metal from the out by spraying and increases the protection degree,
corrosion that could be triggered by particles in the lending the product the desired finish and look.
air of the room where the radiator is installed.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5




Aleternum B4 pag. 16
Calidor Super B4 pag. 18
Solar Super B4 pag. 20
Blitz Super B4 pag. 22
Master B3 pag. 24
Exclusivo B3 pag. 26
Blitz B3 pag. 28
Experto A3 pag. 30
Mytico A3 pag. 32
Blitz80 B2 pag. 34
Calidor80 B2 pag. 36
Alustal pag. 38


Garda S/90 pag. 42

Garda S/90 AC pag. 44
Garda Dual 80 pag. 48
Calens Dual R pag. 50
Decus R pag. 52


Cool pag. 56
Calens Dual R pag. 60
Decus R pag. 62


Mood pag. 66
Tribeca pag. 70


Accessories on request pag. 76

Fittings for copper pipe pag. 79
Fittings for multilayer pipes pag. 80
Fittings for polyethylene pipes pag. 81


eCool ED pag. 84
Maniva pag. 85
eBlitz GD pag. 86
Al-advance pag. 87



The low thermal inertia proper of aluminum, makes the Fondital Radiators the perfect heating body to
achieve an installation capable of giving a quick and precise response to temperature variations in the
room. This aspect, best highlighted in low temperature installations, is reflected in a better comfort and
considerable savings both energetic and economic.


Compared with steel or iron radiators, Fondital’s aluminum radiators stand out for a lower water content.
This characteristic allows the installation to reach the desired temperature quicker using a lower quantity
of combustible at the same time, resulting once again in an energetic and economic saving for the user.

The technical properties of aluminum, make Fondital radiators perfectly compatible with all tecent
technologies in heating production, as consensing boilers and heat pumps, prooving to be the perfect
solution both in replacements and new buildings.


Fondital radiators, assemblable at will based on different demands, allow you to have a more functional
warehouse, in terms of number of section for battery. Furthermore, in case you need to adjust the energetic
demand of a space, you’d be able to simply add or remove aluminum sections without any intrusive
renovation work. Moreover, aluminum’s lightweight allows an easier handling and installation of the radiator


Fondital manufactures its radiators in Italy, using just certificated raw materials. The aluminum used to create
the radiators is provided directly in liquid state by Raffmetal, and respects the UNI EN 1676:1998 European
legislations, with values of the chemical composition specific of EN AB 46100 and EN AB 46000 alloys. The
Aluminum used to manufacture home-furnishing radiators and design radiators is divided in two types:
bottom and top heads are made with the mentioned alloys through a die-casting process, while the body
is made of 98% pure aluminum through an extrusion process.

The aluminum used to produce Fondital’s radiators is 100% recycled and 100% recyclable itself. This is the
only possible way to provide to our customers a totally eco-friendly product, made in complete respect of
the environment.


The signature look of Fondital’s radiators is made possible by a double painting process that ensures the
brightness and integrity of the radiator through time. In detail, applying the first coating of anaphoretic
painting ensures a better grip throughout the surface of the radiator, making its quality and color unalterable.
The second epoxy powder coating gives the standard white RAL 9010 color, making every single section
the same shade and brightness, ensuring a perfect match even when assemblying sections form different

Fondital’s radiators are internationally thought and able to adapt to every market, this is reflected in their
operating characteristics: Max working pressure 16 bar, testing pressure of 24 bar on 100% of production,
burst pressure reached in laboratory of 60 bar .

Using certificated aluminum alloys and the innovative production and control process that Fondital
operates, allow us to offer a 10 years warranty on die cast and home-furnishing radiators, extending up to 20
years for the models treated with the anti-corrosion system Aleternum, and 12-15 years for design radiators.

Standing out among the numerous international patents that Fondital’s products possess, the new
thermoelectric joining technology, that makes our radiators even more resistant, better looking and eco-
friendly, and the anti-corrosion internal treatment Aleternum, that ensures a perfect functioning in a wider
water pH range, compared with the one of untreated aluminum or steel.

Fondital offers an exhaustive range of aluminium die-cast radiators that are
perfect for home renovation and low temperature applications.
Fondital radiators are manufactured in Italy from secondary aluminium
within environment-friendly facilities and ensure a lower heat inertia
thereby allowing energy saving features. In order to best meet any system
requirements, die-cast radiators are available in several models, depths and
centre distances. Fondital die-cast radiators are protected by a number of
international patents and are manufactured to obtain high mechanical
performance and energy efficiency.

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption


Easy to stock and install STANDARD SUPPLY:

350 mm = 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 sections
500 mm = 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 sections
600 mm = 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 sections
Working pressure 700 mm = 6, 8, 10, 12 sections
800 mm = 6, 8, 10 sections
COLOUR: Ral 9010 White

4 internatonal patents Internal anti-corrosive treatment

included in the price on all models.
Fondital guarantees ALETERNUM B4 for 20 years from the date of installation against all production defects provided that the heating system conforms with regulations, in
compliance with the standards in force and provided that instructions on installation, use and correct maintenance supplied with the product have been observed.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
350/100 47,2 67,9 89,9 113,1 137,3
500/100 64,1 92,8 123,8 156,5 190,9
600/100 74,0 107,5 143,6 182,0 222,3
700/100 83,1 120,7 161,3 204,5 249,8
800/100 91,1 132,7 177,7 225,6 276,0

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
350/100 V701014 97 407 350 80 G1 0,20 1,2598 0,6506
500/100 V701034 97 558 500 80 G1 0,26 1,2890 0,7991
600/100 V701044 97 658 600 80 G1 0,31 1,2981 0,8950
700/100 V701054 97 758 700 80 G1 0,36 1,2998 0,9986
800/100 V701064 97 858 800 80 G1 0,39 1,3085 1,0635

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

Article Code Description

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

A 80 550103 1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets;
A 81 550104
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket; 3 brackets
to be screwed on to the wall

A 2/1 510011 1”G joining nipple

A 10/1 530105 Nipple gasket (asbestos-free)

A 11/1 530108 Gasket for plugs (asbestos-free)

A 20 550037 Installation kit with two adjustable, coated brackets

For other accessories see page 75


Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption



Easy to stock and install

STANDARD SUPPLY: Available from 3 to 10

Working pressure sections for centre distance 800 – from 3 to 12
sections for centre distance 700 - from 3 to 14
sections for centre distance 350-500-600.
3 internatonal patents
COLOUR: Ral 9010 White
Fondital guarantees CALIDOR SUPER B4 for 10 years from the date of installation against all production defects provided that the heating system conforms with regulations,
in compliance with the standards in force and provided that instructions on installation, use and correct maintenance supplied with the product have been observed.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
350/100 47,2 67,9 89,9 113,1 137,3
500/100 64,1 92,8 123,8 156,5 190,9
600/100 74,0 107,5 143,6 182,0 222,3
700/100 83,1 120,7 161,3 204,5 249,8
800/100 91,1 132,7 177,7 225,6 276,0

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
350/100 V690014 97 407 350 80 G1 0,20 1,2598 0,6506
500/100 V690034 97 558 500 80 G1 0,26 1,2890 0,7991
600/100 V690044 97 658 600 80 G1 0,31 1,2981 0,8950
700/100 V690054 97 758 700 80 G1 0,36 1,2998 0,9986
800/100 V690064 97 858 800 80 G1 0,39 1,3085 1,0635

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

Article Code Description

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

A 80 550103 1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets;
A 81 550104
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket; 3 brackets
to be screwed on to the wall

A 2/1 510011 1”G joining nipple

A 10/1 530105 Nipple gasket (asbestos-free)

A 11/1 530108 Gasket for plugs (asbestos-free)

A 20 550037 Installation kit with two adjustable, coated brackets

For other accessories see page 75


Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption



Easy to stock and install

STANDARD SUPPLY: Available from 3 to 10

Working pressure sections for centre distance 800 – from 3 to 12
sections for centre distance 700 - from 3 to 14
sections for centre distance 350-500-600.
3 internatonal patents
COLOUR: Ral 9010 White
Fondital guarantees SOLAR SUPER B4 for 10 years from the date of installation against all production defects provided that the heating system conforms with regulations,
in compliance with the standards in force and provided that instructions on installation, use and correct maintenance supplied with the product have been observed.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
350/100 47,3 68,6 91,5 115,8 141,3
500/100 64,4 93,4 124,6 157,6 192,3
600/100 74,3 107,7 143,6 181,7 221,7
700/100 82,9 120,8 161,7 205,1 250,9
800/100 91,9 133,6 178,7 226,5 276,9

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
350/100 V688014 97 407 350 80 G1 0,21 1,2910 0,5865
500/100 V688034 97 557 500 80 G1 0,26 1,2917 0,7957
600/100 V688044 97 657 600 80 G1 0,3 1,2902 0,9230
700/100 V688054 97 757 700 80 G1 0,36 1,3064 0,9752
800/100 V688064 97 857 800 80 G1 0,39 1,3022 1,0956

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

Article Code Description

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

A 80 550103 1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets;
A 81 550104
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket; 3 brackets
to be screwed on to the wall

A 2/1 510011 1”G joining nipple

A 10/1 530105 Nipple gasket (asbestos-free)

A 11/1 530108 Gasket for plugs (asbestos-free)

A 20 550037 Installation kit with two adjustable, coated brackets

For other accessories see page 75


models Ardesia Black coffee Pearl
text. matt text. matt

350/100 VC053B014 VC053V014 VC054N014

500/100 VC053B034 VC053V034 VC054N034
600/100 VC053B044 VC053V044 VC054N044
700/100 VC053B054 VC053V054 VC054N054
800/100 VC053B064 VC053V064 VC054N064

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption



Easy to stock and install AS AN ACCESSORY

Working pressure
STANDARD SUPPLY: Available from 3 to 10
sections for centre distance 800 – from 3 to 12
sections for centre distance 700 - from 3 to 14
3 internatonal patents sections for centre distance 350-500-600.
COLOUR: Ral 9010 White

Available in 3 colors Coloured versions: 45% price increase on the price

of a gloss White RAL 9010.
Fondital guarantees BLITZ SUPER B4 for 10 years from the date of installation against all production defects provided that the heating system conforms with regulations, in
compliance with the standards in force and provided that instructions on installation, use and correct maintenance supplied with the product have been observed.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
350/100 48,0 69,4 92,4 116,8 142,3
500/100 63,7 92,7 124,0 157,2 192,1
600/100 73,8 107,3 143,5 181,9 222,3
700/100 82,6 120,9 162,5 206,8 253,6
800/100 90,3 133,8 178,2 229,4 281,6

Code Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model (COLOUR: Ral distance diameters capacity
9010 White) (C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
350/100 V693014 97 407 350 80 G1 0,24 1,2818 0,6139
500/100 V693034 97 557 500 80 G1 0,27 1,3027 0,7587
600/100 V693044 97 657 600 80 G1 0,29 1,3015 0,8822
700/100 V693054 97 757 700 80 G1 0,35 1,3238 0,9155
800/100 V693064 97 857 800 80 G1 0,38 1,3301 0,9896

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

Article Code Description

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

A 80 550103 1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets;
A 81 550104
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket; 3 brackets
to be screwed on to the wall

A 2/1 510011 1”G joining nipple

A 10/1 530105 Nipple gasket (asbestos-free)

A 11/1 530108 Gasket for plugs (asbestos-free)

A 20 550037 Installation kit with two adjustable, coated brackets

550360 Installation kit with two brackets, centre distance 350 mm
550361 Installation kit with two brackets, centre distance 500 mm
550362 Installation kit with two brackets, centre distance 600 mm Colour: RAL 9010 WHITE
550363 Installation kit with two brackets, centre distance 700 mm
550364 Installation kit with two brackets, centre distance 800 mm
550129V 1/2 “ mounting and plugs kit - Colour: BLACK COFFEE
550129E 1/2 “ mounting and plugs kit - Colour: ARDESIA TEXTURED MATT
550129NP 1/2 “ mounting and plugs kit - Colour: PEARL
550130V 3/4 “ mounting and plugs kit - Colour: BLACK COFFEE
550130E 3/4 “ mounting and plugs kit - Colour: ARDESIA TEXTURED MATT
550130NP 3/4 “ mounting and plugs kit - Colour: PEARL
For other accessories see page 75

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption



Easy to stock and install

STANDARD SUPPLY: Available from 3 to 10

Working pressure sections for centre distance 800 – from 3 to 12
sections for centre distance 700 - from 3 to 14
sections for centre distance 350-500-600.
3 internatonal patents
COLOUR: Ral 9010 White
Fondital guarantees MASTER for 10 years from the date of installation against all production defects provided that the heating system conforms with regulations, in
compliance with the standards in force and provided that instructions on installation, use and correct maintenance supplied with the product have been observed.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
350/100 47,2 67,9 89,9 113,1 137,3
500/100 59,9 86,4 114,9 145,0 176,6
600/100 68,9 99,4 132,2 166,8 203,1
700/100 77,7 112,3 149,5 188,9 230,2
800/100 85,1 123,6 165,0 209,0 255,3

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
B4 350/100 V686014 97 407 350 80 G1 0,20 1,2598 0,6506
B3 500/100 V662034 97 557 500 80 G1 0,24 1,2768 0,7783
B3 600/100 V662044 97 657 600 80 G1 0,27 1,2763 0,8973
B3 700/100 V662054 97 757 700 80 G1 0,39 1,2819 0,9928
B3 800/100 V662064 97 857 800 80 G1 0,42 1,2962 1,0360

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

Article Code Description

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

A 80 550103 1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets;
A 81 550104
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket; 3 brackets
to be screwed on to the wall

A 2/1 510011 1”G joining nipple

A 10/1 530105 Nipple gasket (asbestos-free)

A 11/1 530108 Gasket for plugs (asbestos-free)

A 20 550037 Installation kit with two adjustable, coated brackets

For other accessories see page 75

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption



Easy to stock and install

Mod. 700 - 800

STANDARD SUPPLY: Available from 3 to 10

Working pressure sections for centre distance 800 – from 3 to 12
sections for centre distance 700 - from 3 to 14
sections for centre distance 350-500-600.
3 internatonal patents
COLOUR: Ral 9010 White
Fondital guarantees EXCLUSIVO B3 for 10 years from the date of installation against all production defects provided that the heating system conforms with regulations, in
compliance with the standards in force and provided that instructions on installation, use and correct maintenance supplied with the product have been observed.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
350/100 47,3 68,6 91,5 115,8 141,3
500/100 59,6 86,4 115,2 145,8 177,8
600/100 68,5 99,7 133,4 169,2 206,8
700/100 77,1 112,0 149,5 189,4 231,3
800/100 85,2 124,0 166,0 210,7 257,7
Mod. 350/500/600 Mod. 700 - 800

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
B4 350/100 V680014 97 407 350 80 G1 0,21 1,2910 0,5865
B3 500/100 V666034 97 557 500 80 G1 0,25 1,2896 0,7422
B3 600/100 V666044 97 657 600 80 G1 0,28 1,3046 0,8101
B3 700/100 V666054 97 757 700 80 G1 0,39 1,2970 0,9358
B3 800/100 V666064 97 857 800 80 G1 0,43 1,3070 0,9992

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

Article Code Description

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

A 80 550103 1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets;
A 81 550104
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket; 3 brackets
to be screwed on to the wall

A 2/1 510011 1”G joining nipple

A 10/1 530105 Nipple gasket (asbestos-free)

A 11/1 530108 Gasket for plugs (asbestos-free)

A 20 550037 Installation kit with two adjustable, coated brackets

For other accessories see page 75

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption



Easy to stock and install

Working pressure STANDARD SUPPLY:

Available from 3 to 14 sections for centre distance
500 and 600.
3 internatonal patents
COLOUR: Ral 9010 White
Fondital guarantees BLITZ B3 for 10 years from the date of installation against all production defects provided that the heating system conforms with regulations, in
compliance with the standards in force and provided that instructions on installation, use and correct maintenance supplied with the product have been observed.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
500/100 62,3 89,9 119,5 150,8 183,6
600/100 69,6 101,0 134,9 170,9 208,7

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
500/100 V659034 97 557 500 80 G1 0,26 1,2767 0,8097
600/100 V659044 97 657 600 80 G1 0,29 1,2968 0,8449

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

Article Code Description

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

A 80 550103 1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets;
A 81 550104
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket; 3 brackets
to be screwed on to the wall

A 2/1 510011 1”G joining nipple

A 10/1 530105 Nipple gasket (asbestos-free)

A 11/1 530108 Gasket for plugs (asbestos-free)

A 20 550037 Installation kit with two adjustable, coated brackets

550361 Installation kit with two brackets, centre distance 500 mm

Colour: RAL 9010 WHITE
550362 Installation kit with two brackets, centre distance 600 mm

For other accessories see page 75

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption



Easy to stock and install

Working pressure STANDARD SUPPLY:

Available from 3 to 14 sections for centre distance
500 and 600.
3 internatonal patents
COLOUR: Ral 9010 White
Fondital guarantees EXPERTO A3 for 10 years from the date of installation against all production defects provided that the heating system conforms with regulations, in
compliance with the standards in force and provided that instructions on installation, use and correct maintenance supplied with the product have been observed.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
500/100 51,6 74,4 98,8 124,5 151,5
600/100 59,7 85,9 114,0 143,6 174,6

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
500/100 V633034 97 557 500 80 G1 0,25 1,2718 0,6820
600/100 V633044 97 657 600 80 G1 0,27 1,2670 0,8024

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

Article Code Description

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

A 80 550103 1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets;
A 81 550104
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket; 3 brackets
to be screwed on to the wall

A 2/1 510011 1”G joining nipple

A 10/1 530105 Nipple gasket (asbestos-free)

A 11/1 530108 Gasket for plugs (asbestos-free)

A 20 550037 Installation kit with two adjustable, coated brackets

For other accessories see page 75

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption



Easy to stock and install

Working pressure STANDARD SUPPLY:

Available from 3 to 14 sections for centre distance
3 internatonal patents
COLOUR: Ral 9010 White
Fondital guarantees MYTICO A3 for 10 years from the date of installation against all production defects provided that the heating system conforms with regulations, in
compliance with the standards in force and provided that instructions on installation, use and correct maintenance supplied with the product have been observed.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
500/100 50,6 73,1 97,3 122,7 149,5

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
500/100 V632034 97 557 500 80 G1 0,24 1,2778 0,6560

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

Article Code Description

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

A 80 550103 1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets;
A 81 550104
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket; 3 brackets
to be screwed on to the wall

A 2/1 510011 1”G joining nipple

A 10/1 530105 Nipple gasket (asbestos-free)

A 11/1 530108 Gasket for plugs (asbestos-free)

A 20 550037 Installation kit with two adjustable, coated brackets

For other accessories see page 75

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption



Easy to stock and install

STANDARD SUPPLY: Available from 3 to 10

Working pressure sections for centre distance 800 – from 3 to 12
sections for centre distance 700 - from 3 to 14
sections for centre distance 500-600.
3 internatonal patents
COLOUR: Ral 9010 White
Fondital guarantees BLITZ80 B2 for 10 years from the date of installation against all production defects provided that the heating system conforms with regulations, in
compliance with the standards in force and provided that instructions on installation, use and correct maintenance supplied with the product have been observed.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
500/80 51,3 74,2 98,8 124,8 152,2
600/80 58,6 85,1 113,5 143,7 175,5
700/80 67,2 97,6 130,4 165,3 201,9
800/80 74,5 108,2 144,7 183,3 224,0

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
500/80 V617134 77 557 500 80 G1 0,25 1,2833 0,6524
600/80 V617144 77 657 600 80 G1 0,28 1,2935 0,7203
700/80 V617154 77 757 700 80 G1 0,39 1,2993 0,8088
800/80 V617164 77 857 800 80 G1 0,44 1,2995 0,8966

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

Article Code Description

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

A 80 550103 1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets;
A 81 550104
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket; 3 brackets
to be screwed on to the wall

A 2/1 510011 1”G joining nipple

A 10/1 530105 Nipple gasket (asbestos-free)

A 11/1 530108 Gasket for plugs (asbestos-free)

A 20 550037 Installation kit with two adjustable, coated brackets

For other accessories see page 75

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption



Easy to stock and install

STANDARD SUPPLY: Available from 3 to 10

Working pressure sections for centre distance 800 – from 3 to 12
sections for centre distance 700 - from 3 to 14
sections for centre distance 500-600.
3 internatonal patents
COLOUR: Ral 9010 White
Fondital guarantees CALIDOR80 B2 for 10 years from the date of installation against all production defects provided that the heating system conforms with regulations, in
compliance with the standards in force and provided that instructions on installation, use and correct maintenance supplied with the product have been observed.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
500/80 51,8 75,1 100,2 126,9 154,8
600/80 59,8 86,4 114,9 145,1 176,6
700/80 68,7 99,6 132,7 167,8 204,7
800/80 75,6 109,9 147,1 186,5 228,0

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
500/80 V622134 77 556 500 80 G1 0,24 1,2935 0,6358
600/80 V622144 77 658 600 80 G1 0,28 1,2774 0,7765
700/80 V622154 77 757 700 80 G1 0,39 1,2878 0,8608
800/80 V622164 77 858 800 80 G1 0,42 1,3031 0,8984

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

Article Code Description

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

A 80 550103 1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets;
A 81 550104
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket; 3 brackets
to be screwed on to the wall

A 2/1 510011 1”G joining nipple

A 10/1 530105 Nipple gasket (asbestos-free)

A 11/1 530108 Gasket for plugs (asbestos-free)

A 20 550037 Installation kit with two adjustable, coated brackets

For other accessories see page 75

•  lightness of radiator
•  modern and attractive design 13

•  100% recyclable
•  excellent thermal conductivity

•  High resistance to corrosion
•  Maximum working pressure: 40 bar
•  Bursting pressure: 120 bar
•  Radiator maximum lifetime: 30 years
•  Possible use of different vector fluids as STANDARD SUPPLY:
water, oil, antifreeze liquid and steam 500 mm = 6, 8, 10, 12 sections

COLOUR: Ral 9010 White

Fondital guarantees ALUSTAL for 20 years from the date of installation against all production defects provided that the heating system conforms with regulations, in
compliance with the standards in force and provided that instructions on installation, use and correct maintenance supplied with the product have been observed.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 50 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
500/100 63,5 123,3 191,0

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
500/100 V901034 97 559 500 80 G1 0,19 1,3248 0,6557

Maximum working pressure: 4000 Kpa (40 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442.

Article Code Description

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

A 80 550103 1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket

Mounting kit for radiators each containing: 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers

1/2”G. Rh; 2 zinc-plated. paint-coated reducers 1/2”G. Lh; 4 retaining gaskets;
A 81 550104
1 manual air-purging valve 1/2”G with gasket; 1 (1/2”G) plug with gasket; 3 brackets
to be screwed on to the wall

A 2/1 510011 1”G joining nipple

A 10/1 530105 Nipple gasket (asbestos-free)

A 11/1 530108 Gasket for plugs (asbestos-free)

A 20 550037 Installation kit with two adjustable, coated brackets

For other accessories see page 75

A complete range of aluminium radiators for the home designed to satisfy
the most varied system and design needs, without compromising on
performance. Fondital radiators furnish and heat.

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption 05

Versatility Blocks of 3, 4, 5, 6 sections.
The water diaphragm is included.

COLOUR: Ral 9010 White

Easy to stock and install

Also available with anticorrosion

Working pressure treatment

ATTENTION: The minimum order for the

radiator Garda S/90 must be at least a blocks
of 3 sections.
All GARDA S/90 models are guaranteed 10 years from installation date on manufacturing faults, provided that the installation has been performed in compliance with the
current norms and respecting the instructions relating to the installation, the correct use and the correct maintenance as illustrated on this catalogue.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
900 90,9 134,4 182,0 233,3 287,7
1000 99,3 146,9 199,0 255,1 314,6
1200 111,3 164,6 223,0 285,8 352,5
1400 124,8 184,6 250,0 320,3 395,1
1600 135,9 202,4 275,0 354,8 439,2
1800 150,0 221,6 300,0 384,2 473,6
2000 159,5 237,9 324,0 418,0 518,0

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
mm (B) mm (A) mm mm inches litres/sect. n Km
900 83A014 90 966 900 80 G1 0,43 1,3605 0,8886
1000 83B014 90 1066 1000 80 G1 0,47 1,3604 0,9720
1200 83C014 90 1266 1200 80 G1 0,55 1,3610 1,0864
1400 83D014 90 1466 1400 80 G1 0,62 1,3600 1,2227
1600 83E014 90 1666 1600 80 G1 0,70 1,3843 1,2260
1800 83F014 90 1866 1800 80 G1 0,78 1,3570 1,4846
2000 83G014 90 2066 2000 80 G1 0,86 1,3905 1,4083

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the CETIAT, notified body №1623.

Article Code Description

Plug and ½” adapters kit, colour white
Rough brackets, not painted
X2 1 Bleed valve ½”
A 72 550118 2 Lh adapters ½”
1 Rh blanking plug
4 O-ring seals
1 Lh blanking plug
2 Supporting brackets
2 Rh adapters ½”
Plug and ¾” adapters kit, colour white
Rough brackets, not painted
X2 1 Bleed valve ¾”
A 73 550119 2 Lh adapters ¾”
1 Rh blanking plug
4 O-ring seals
1 Lh blanking plug
2 Supporting brackets
2 Rh adapters ¾”
A 30/1 521011 Retainer rubber cap (water diaphragm)

A 32/1 530102 O-ring gasket for nipples, plugs and adapters for Garda radiators

A 33/1 521012 1”G special nipple for extruded radiators

A 36/4 570014 Towel rack for Garda S/90 radiators, 4 sections, white 9010

A 36/5 570024 Towel rack for Garda S/90 radiators, 5 sections, white 9010

A 36/6 570124 Towel rack for Garda S/90 radiators, 6 sections, white 9010

For other accessories see page 75

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption

Versatility 05

Easy to stock and install Blocks of 3, 4, 5, 6 sections.
The water diaphragm is included.

Working pressure COLOUR: Ral 9010 White

ATTENTION: The minimum order for the

radiator Garda S/90 AC must be at least a
blocks of 3 sections.
All GARDA S/90 AC models are guaranteed 10 years from installation date on manufacturing faults, provided that the installation has been performed in compliance with
the current norms and respecting the instructions relating to the installation, the correct use and the correct maintenance as illustrated on this catalogue.




PLEASE NOTE: To connect the radiator with a valve at the bottom on one
side, you will need to join two Garda S90 AC radiators using dedicated
accessories Art. 550111E + Art. 520118.

Heat output Heat output

Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70 Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
1200/3 334 494 669 857 1058 1600/3 408 607 827 1064 1318
1200/5 556 823 1115 1429 1763 1600/5 680 1012 1378 1774 2196
1200/7 779 1152 1561 2001 2468 1600/7 951 1417 1930 2484 3074
1200/9 1001 1481 2007 2572 3173 1600/9 1223 1822 2481 3193 3953
1400/3 374 554 750 961 1185 1800/3 450 665 900 1153 1421
1400/5 624 923 1250 1602 1975 1800/5 750 1108 1500 1921 2368
1400/7 874 1292 1750 2242 2765 1800/7 1050 1551 2100 2689 3315
1400/9 1123 1661 2250 2883 3555 1800/9 1350 1995 2700 3458 4262

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length* Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
mm (A) mm (B) mm (L) mm inches litres n Km
1200/3 83CF1403 90 1287 1187 260 G1/2 1,65 1,3610 3,2592
1200/5 83CF1405 90 1287 1187 420 G1/2 2,75 1,3610 5,4320
1200/7 83CF1407 90 1287 1187 580 G1/2 3,85 1,3610 7,6048
1200/9 83CF1409 90 1287 1187 740 G1/2 4,95 1,3610 9,7776
1400/3 83DF1403 90 1487 1387 260 G1/2 1,86 1,3600 3,6681
1400/5 83DF1405 90 1487 1387 420 G1/2 3,10 1,3600 6,1135
1400/7 83DF1407 90 1487 1387 580 G1/2 4,34 1,3600 8,5589
1400/9 83DF1409 90 1487 1387 740 G1/2 5,58 1,3600 11,0043
1600/3 83EF1403 90 1687 1587 260 G1/2 2,10 1,3843 3,6780
1600/5 83EF1405 90 1687 1587 420 G1/2 3,50 1,3843 6,1300
1600/7 83EF1407 90 1687 1587 580 G1/2 4,90 1,3843 8,5820
1600/9 83EF1409 90 1687 1587 740 G1/2 6,30 1,3843 11,0340
1800/3 83FF1403 90 1887 1787 260 G1/2 2,34 1,3570 4,4538
1800/5 83FF1405 90 1887 1787 420 G1/2 3,90 1,3570 7,4230
1800/7 83FF1407 90 1887 1787 580 G1/2 5,46 1,3570 10,3922
1800/9 83FF1409 90 1887 1787 740 G1/2 7,02 1,3570 13,3614

Maximum operating pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar).

Characteristic equation: Φ = Km ·ΔTn, reference EN 442-1:2014.
* including two blanking plugs.

Valve with water inlet centre distance 50 mm with by-pass - Finish: nickel-plated
Article Code Description Size Connection

847V81210Q Angled valve suitable for thermostatic operation ½” ¾” EK

847V81610Q Straight valve suitable for thermostatic operation ½” ¾” EK

Valve with water inlet centre distance 50 mm with by-pass - Finish: white
Article Code Description Size Connection

847V81210E Angle valve suitable for thermostatic operation ½” ¾” EK

847V81610E Straight valve suitable for thermostatic operation ½” ¾” EK

Additional accessories
Article Code Description Connection

550140 Extension kit with o-ring ½”x ½”

847A40300A Liquid filled thermostatic head white/chrome finish M30x1,5

847M02610A Angled connector for thermostatic head M30x1,5

Components SUPPLIED AS STANDARD with radiators

Article Code Description

550057 Diaphragm for probe, 11 mm diameter

550128 Mounting system and plug kit

525013 Blanking plug with groove, right hand thread 1”

525113 Blanking plug with groove, left hand thread 1 “

526241 Reducer with groove, right hand thread 1”÷ ½

526341 Reducer with groove, left hand thread 1”÷ ½

Components SUPPLIED AS STANDARD with valves

Article Code Description

847NV81109A Plastic probe diameter 11 mm length 110 mm

847A31301A Flow diverter

847A34450B Nut and chrome-plated connection for valve

847A15029A O-Ring for ½”pipe connection

Fittings for COPPER pipes

Nickel-plated Chrome-plated
Pipe diameter Connection
Code Code
10 mm ¾” EK 847A43301Q 847A33501B
12 mm ¾” EK 847A43302Q 847A33502B
14 mm ¾” EK 847A43303Q 847A33503B
15 mm ¾” EK 847A43304Q 847A33504B
16 mm ¾” EK 847A43305Q 847A33505B
18 mm ¾” EK - 847A33506B

Fittings for MULTILAYER pipes

Nickel-plated Chrome-plated
Pipe diameter x Wall Connection
Code Code
14x2 mm ¾” EK 847A39301Q 847A58701B
16x2 mm ¾” EK 847A39302Q 847A58702B
17x2 mm ¾” EK 847A39304Q 847A58704B
18x2 mm ¾” EK 847A39306Q 847A58706B
20x2 mm ¾” EK 847A39308Q 847A58708B
16x2,25 mm ¾” EK 847A39303Q 847A58703B
20x2,25 mm ¾” EK 847A39309Q 847A58709B
20x2,5 mm ¾” EK 847A39307Q 847A58707B
16x2,6 mm ¾” EK 847A39315Q -
20x2,9 mm ¾” EK 847A39316Q -

Fittings for PEX pipes

Nickel-plated Chrome-plated
Pipe diameter x Wall Connection
Code Code
12X1 mm ¾” EK 847A39420Q 847A58810B
16 X 1,5 mm ¾” EK 847A39405Q 847A58811B
12X2 mm ¾” EK 847A39401Q 847A58800B
14X2 mm ¾” EK 847A39402Q 847A58801B
16X2 mm ¾” EK 847A39406Q 847A58803B
17X2 mm ¾” EK 847A39408Q 847A58805B
18X2 mm ¾” EK 847A39410Q 847A58806B
20X2 mm ¾” EK 847A39413Q 847A58808B
16X2,2 mm ¾” EK 847A39407Q 847A58804B
15X2,5 mm ¾” EK 847A39404Q 847A58802B
18X2,5 mm ¾” EK 847A39411Q 847A58807B
20X2,5 mm ¾” EK 847A39415Q 847A58809B

Components for radiators with SIDE CONNECTIONS

Article Code Description

550111E Kit with two nipples and two gaskets to join sections

520118 ½”plug to close central section

560257 Plastic wrench for plugs and G1”+ G ¾” reducers

550092 Wrench kit for joining nipples and plastic wrench for plugs

550090 Joining tool for G 1” nipples - cm. 80

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption 05

Versatility Blocks of 3, 4, 5, 6 sections.
The water diaphragm is included.

COLOUR: Ral 9010 White

Easy to stock and install

Also available with anticorrosion

Working pressure treatment

ATTENTION: The minimum order for the

radiator Garda Dual 80 must be at least a
blocks of 3 sections.
All GARDA DUAL 80 models are guaranteed 10 years from installation date on manufacturing faults, provided that the installation has been performed in compliance with
the current norms and respecting the instructions relating to the installation, the correct use and the correct maintenance as illustrated on this catalogue.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
900 86,6 128,5 174,4 223,8 276,4
1000 92,9 138,6 189,1 243,6 301,9
1200 105,8 157,7 215,0 276,9 343,1
1400 118,6 176,8 241,0 310,4 384,4
1600 130,2 194,7 266,0 343,2 425,8
1800 142,1 211,5 288,0 370,6 458,7
2000 152,4 227,3 310,0 399,4 494,9

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
mm (B) mm (A) mm mm inches litres/sect. n Km
900 82F014 80 966 900 80 G1 0,47 1,3695 0,8217
1000 82G014 80 1066 1000 80 G1 0,52 1,3908 0,8198
1200 82H014 80 1266 1200 80 G1 0,60 1,3889 0,9391
1400 82I014 80 1466 1400 80 G1 0,70 1,3875 1,0585
1600 82L014 80 1666 1600 80 G1 0,79 1,3980 1,1213
1800 82M014 80 1866 1800 80 G1 0,88 1,3832 1,2864
2000 82N014 80 2066 2000 80 G1 0,96 1,3902 1,3473

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the CETIAT, notified body №1623.

Article Code Description

Plug and ½” adapters kit, colour white
Rough brackets, not painted
X2 1 Bleed valve ½”
A 72 550118 2 Lh adapters ½”
1 Rh blanking plug
4 O-ring seals
1 Lh blanking plug
2 Supporting brackets
2 Rh adapters ½”
Plug and ¾” adapters kit, colour white
Rough brackets, not painted
X2 1 Bleed valve ¾”
A 73 550119 2 Lh adapters ¾”
1 Rh blanking plug
4 O-ring seals
1 Lh blanking plug
2 Supporting brackets
2 Rh adapters ¾”
A 30/1 521011 Retainer rubber cap (water diaphragm)

A 32/1 530102 O-ring gasket for nipples, plugs and adapters for Garda radiators

A 33/1 521012 1”G special nipple for extruded radiators

A 36/4 570014 Towel rack for Garda Dual 80 radiators, 4 sections, white 9010

A 36/5 570024 Towel rack for Garda Dual 80 radiators, 5 sections, white 9010

A 36/6 570124 Towel rack for Garda Dual 80 radiators, 6 sections, white 9010

For other accessories see page 75

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption


Working pressure
STANDARD SUPPLY: Blocks of 2, 3 sections.

The water diaphragm (retaining holder plug) is

included in the fixing system (accessory A71 -
to be ordered separately).

COLOUR: Ral 9010 White

All CALENS DUAL R models are guaranteed 10 years from installation date on manufacturing faults, provided that the installation has been performed in compliance with
the current norms and respecting the instructions relating to the installation, the correct use and the correct maintenance as illustrated on this catalogue.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
900 89,9 129,9 172,9 218,4 266,1
1000 98,2 142,8 190,9 242,0 295,8
1200 117,1 169,8 226,4 286,5 349,5
1400 134,1 194,7 260,0 329,3 402,1
1600 153,2 221,8 295,4 373,4 455,2
1800 168,5 244,4 326,0 412,6 503,5
2000 181,8 266,4 358,4 456,6 560,4 Each element, 160 mm wide,
comprises two columns.
Centre Connection Water
Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
mm (B) mm (A) mm mm inches litres/sect. n Km
900 EA81A014 40 940 900 160 G1 0,94 1,2807 1,1534
1000 EA81B014 40 1040 1000 160 G1 1,02 1,3009 1,1767
1200 EA81C014 40 1240 1200 160 G1 1,23 1,2905 1,4533
1400 EA81D014 40 1440 1400 160 G1 1,42 1,2963 1,6315
1600 EA81E014 40 1640 1600 160 G1 1,60 1,2850 1,9377
1800 EA81F014 40 1840 1800 160 G1 1,82 1,2917 2,0829
2000 EA81G014 40 2040 2000 160 G1 1,93 1,3288 1,9803

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the CETIAT, notified body №1623.

Article Code Description

A 31 530122 O-ring gasket for nipples, plugs and adapters

x4 Blister pack of wall fixings containing:

- 4 fixing units
A 71 590053 - adapters
- seals
- valve plug

For other accessories see page 75

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption


Working pressure Blocks of 3, 4, 5 sections (350 ÷ 800)
Blocks of 2, 3 sections (900 ÷ 2000)

The water diaphragm (retaining holder plug) is

included in the fixing system (accessory A70 -
to be ordered separately).

COLOUR: Ral 9010 White

All DECUS R models are guaranteed 10 years from installation date on manufacturing faults, provided that the installation has been performed in compliance with the current
norms and respecting the instructions relating to the installation, the correct use and the correct maintenance as illustrated on this catalogue.

Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect. W/sect.
350 60,0 87,4 117 148,5 181,7
500 77,8 113,5 152 193,0 236,2
600 89,5 130,6 175 222,3 272,1
700 100,7 146,9 197 250,3 306,5
800 111,8 163,3 219 278,4 340,9
900 123,0 179,6 241 306,4 375,4
1000 133,6 195,2 262 333,2 408,4
1200 155,2 227,0 305 388,2 476,0
1400 176,8 258,9 348 443,2 543,7
1600 197,7 289,9 390 497,0 610,0
Each element, 160 mm wide,
1800 218,7 320,9 432 550,9 676,5
comprises two columns.
2000 240,0 352,5 475 606,1 744,7

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
mm (B) mm (A) mm mm inches litres/sect. n Km
350 EA80A014 60 390 350 160 G1 0,480 1,3078 0,7019
500 EA80B014 60 540 500 160 G1 0,590 1,3104 0,9026
600 EA80C014 60 640 600 160 G1 0,678 1,3121 1,0323
700 EA80D014 60 740 700 160 G1 0,765 1,3139 1,1541
800 EA80E014 60 840 800 160 G1 0,850 1,3156 1,2741
900 EA80F014 60 940 900 160 G1 0,960 1,3174 1,3928
1000 EA80G014 60 1040 1000 160 G1 1,040 1,3191 1,5036
1200 EA80H014 60 1240 1200 160 G1 1,200 1,3226 1,7267
1400 EA80I014 60 1440 1400 160 G1 1,380 1,3261 1,9436
1600 EA80L014 60 1640 1600 160 G1 1,575 1,3296 2,1488
1800 EA80M014 60 1840 1800 160 G1 1,750 1,3331 2,3478
2000 EA80N014 60 2040 2000 160 G1 1,950 1,3365 2,5466

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the CETIAT, notified body №1623.

Article Code Description

A 31 530122 O-ring gasket for nipples, plugs and adapters

Blister pack for wall fixings including:

- 3 fixing units
A 70 590055
x3 - 1 rubber plug (water diaphragm)
x3 - 4 special O-ring seals

For other accessories see page 75

Fondital manufactures a wide range of towel rails in extruded aluminium.
100% made in Italy using secondary aluminium in environmentally-friendly
facilities, they ensure a lower heat inertia and energy saving.
In order to meet any system requirements, Fondital towel rails are available
in several models, depths and centre distances and some items feature
special colours and finishings. All Fondital towel rails guarantee extremely
long service life and are protected by a number of international patents.


Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption



Working pressure

Available in 24 colors 400 - 450 - 500 858 - 1152

550 - 600 1488 - 1740

Anticorrosion internal treatment

All COOL models are guaranteed 12 years from installation date on manufacturing faults, provided that the installation has been performed in compliance with the current
norms and respecting the instructions relating to the installation, the correct use and the correct maintenance as illustrated on this catalogue.




G1/2 G1/2 G1/2 50 G1/2

Lateral connection B

G1/2 G1/2 50 G1/2

Central attack (AC)

35 pipes 29 pipes 23 pipes 16 pipes
Heat output Heat output
Height Height
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70 Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
(B) mm W W W W W (B) mm W W W W W
860/400 188 266 348 433 521 1490/400 322 455 595 741 892
860/450 196 280 370 464 562 1490/450 347 497 658 826 1002
858 860/500 211 302 399 501 607 1488 1490/500 378 542 717 900 1092
860/550 226 324 428 537 651 1490/550 410 587 776 975 1182
860/600 241 346 457 574 696 1490/600 441 632 835 1049 1271
1160/400 248 350 458 571 687 1740/400 379 539 707 883 1065
1160/450 265 380 502 630 763 1740/450 413 590 778 976 1181
1152 1160/500 288 412 544 684 829 1740 1740/500 451 645 850 1066 1291
1160/550 310 444 587 737 894 1740/550 489 699 922 1156 1400
1160/600 333 477 630 791 959 1740/600 527 754 994 1247 1509

Centre Water
Height Depth Width Exponent Coefficient
Model distance capacity

(B) mm mm (A) mm (C) mm litres n Km

860/400 400 428 2,4 1,2015 3,1596
860/450 450 478 2,7 1,2443 2,8430
858 860/500 26 500 528 2,9 1,2468 3,0374
860/550 550 578 3,2 1,2492 3,2277
860/600 600 628 3,4 1,2517 3,4143
1160/400 400 428 3,4 1,2029 4,1431
1160/450 450 478 3,8 1,2479 3,8033
1152 1160/500 26 500 528 4,1 1,2487 4,1156
1160/550 550 578 4,5 1,2495 4,4259
1160/600 600 628 4,9 1,2502 4,7339
1490/400 400 428 4,4 1,2045 5,3470
1490/450 450 478 4,8 1,2520 4,9057
1488 1490/500 26 500 528 5,2 1,2509 5,3720
1490/550 550 578 5,7 1,2497 5,8423
1490/600 600 628 6,1 1,2486 6,3166
1740/400 400 428 5,3 1,2182 6,0193
1740/450 450 478 5,7 1,2406 6,0741
1740 1740/500 26 500 528 6,3 1,2408 6,6300
1740/550 550 578 6,8 1,2410 7,1851
1740/600 600 628 7,5 1,2412 7,7391

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

COOL radiator 860/400, gloss White colour. COOL radiator 1160/500, gloss Ardesia colour.
Es: EA42E0 04 Es: EA52G0 2B
To obtain the radiator code, it is necessary to add to the code the two final numbers concerning the finishing and the desired colour.


lateral connection central connection lateral connection central connection
Model Model

860/400 EA42E0 04 EA62E0 04 860/400 EA52E0 EA62E0

860/450 EA42A0 04 EA62A0 04 860/450 EA52A0 EA62A0
860/500 EA42B0 04 EA62B0 04 860/500 EA52B0 EA62B0
860/550 EA42C0 04 EA62C0 04 860/550 EA52C0 EA62C0
860/600 EA42D0 04 EA62D0 04 860/600 EA52D0 EA62D0
1160/400 EA42L0 04 EA62L0 04 1160/400 EA52L0 EA62L0
1160/450 EA42F0 04 EA62F0 04 1160/450 EA52F0 EA62F0
1160/500 EA42G0 04 EA62G0 04 1160/500 EA52G0 EA62G0
1160/550 EA42H0 04 EA62H0 04 1160/550 EA52H0 EA62H0
*The two final numbers change
1160/600 EA42I0 04 EA62I0 04 1160/600 EA52I0 EA62I0
XX* XX* according to chosen finishing/
1490/400 EA42Q0 04 EA62Q0 04 1490/400 EA52Q0 EA62Q0 colour.
1490/450 EA42M0 04 EA62M0 04 1490/450 EA52M0 EA62M0
1490/500 EA42N0 04 EA62N0 04 1490/500 EA52N0 EA62N0 All colours are available in
1490/550 EA42O0 04 EA62O0 04 1490/550 EA52O0 EA62O0 four finishes:
1490/600 EA42P0 04 EA62P0 04 1490/600 EA52P0 EA62P0 •  GLOSS
1740/400 EA42V0 04 EA62V0 04 1740/400 EA52V0 EA62V0
1740/450 EA42R0 04 EA62R0 04 1740/450 EA52R0 EA62R0 •  PEARL
1740/500 EA42S0 04 EA62S0 04 1740/500 EA52S0 EA62S0 The colours shown are merely
1740/550 EA42T0 04 EA62T0 04 1740/550 EA52T0 EA62T0 indicative and not binding, as
they may slightly differ, due to
1740/600 EA42U0 04 EA62U0 04 1740/600 EA52U0 EA62U0 the printing process.

Article Code Description

A 77 550124 Installation kit for Cool 3 points - white - with bleed valve and 1 plug

A 78 550125 Installation kit for Cool 3 points - chrome - with bleed valve and 1 plug (colored)

Installation kit for Cool 3 points - white - central connection with bleed valve
A 79 550126 and 3 plugs
Installation kit for Cool 3 points - chrome - central connection with bleed valve
A 89 550127 and 3 plugs (colored)
570135 White supports for Cool - n° 2
570135C Chrome supports for Cool - n° 2 (colored)
570133 Towel rail COOL 450-500-550 - White
570134 Towel rail COOL 600 - White
570133C Towel rail COOL 450-500-550 - Chrome (colored)
570134C Towel rail COOL 600 - Chrome (colored)

Serie TONDERA Attacco Centrale per COOL

Colour Colour
Description Ral 9010 White Chrome

Code Code
50 mm angle lockshield valve and valve with thermostat option assembly, 8496811 8496812
interchangeable copper and multilayer pipe connection, non-drip end. RH.
50 mm angle lockshield valve and thermostat valve assembly, interchangeable 8496841 8496842
copper and multilayer pipe connection, non-drip end. RH.

Description Code
Reversible screw for TONDERA from RH to LH 8490471

For other accessories see page 75




Code: 04 Code: 4M


Code: 2L Code: 3L


Code: 3T


Code: 3V


Code: 2N Code: 5N Code: 4N


Code: 2D Code: 5D


Code: 5P Code: 3P


Code: 2C Code: 3C


Code: 2S


Code: 2F Code: 3F


Code: 3R


Code: 2B Code: 3B


Code: 2A


Code: 3H


Code: 2I

Coloured versions: 45% price increase on the price of a gloss White RAL 9010.
Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption


Each package contains the following fittings
(included in the price):
• 1 blister pack for wall fixings (4 fixing un
Working pressure unites)
• 1Chromed air vent G½ - 2 reducers G1 and
G½ Rh
• 1plug G1 Lh - 1 reducer for the air vent G1
and G½’’ Lh
• 1 retaining rubber plug
• 4 special seals (O-RINGS) for plugs and
All CALENS R models are guaranteed 10 years from installation date on manufacturing faults, provided that the installation has been performed in compliance with the
current norms and respecting the instructions relating to the installation, the correct use and the correct maintenance as illustrated on this catalogue.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
8/450 193,6 275,5 362,0 453,1 547,4
8/550 226,4 322,1 423,0 529,3 639,4
12/450 270,2 386,1 509,0 638,7 773,4
12/550 319,5 456,6 602,0 755,3 914,6
15/450 361,6 498,7 640,0 784,5 932,0
15/550 395,5 566,1 748,0 938,5 1137,3
19/450 416,5 597,7 791,0 994,4 1206,7
19/550 495,2 707,2 932,0 1168,7 1414,5

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
mm mm mm mm inches litres/sect. n Km
8/450 EA84O014 40 800 450 490 G1 2,50 1,2266 2,9861
8/550 EA84V014 40 800 550 590 G1 2,80 1,2252 3,5087
12/450 EA84P014 40 1120 450 490 G1 3,60 1,2412 3,9652
12/550 EA84Z014 40 1120 550 590 G1 4,10 1,2413 4,6872
15/450 EA84Q014 40 1440 450 490 G1 4,60 1,1175 8,0822
15/550 EA840014 40 1440 550 590 G1 5,20 1,2467 5,6963
19/450 EA84R014 40 1760 450 490 G1 5,70 1,2553 5,8268
19/550 EA841014 40 1760 550 590 G1 6,60 1,2387 7,3298

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the CETIAT, notified body №1623.

Article Code Description

Blister pack of wall fixings containing:

- 4 fixing units; - adapters
A 51 530122 - seals; - valve plug


A 31 590051 O-ring gasket for nipples, plugs and adapters

1/2”G air valve, chromed

A 52 520203

A 53 528010 350 W electric resistance for mixed version

A 54 528011 500 W electric resistance for mixed version

A 55 528012 850 W electric resistance for mixed version

For other accessories see page 75

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption


Each package contains the following fittings
(included in the price):
• 1 blister pack for wall fixings (4 fixing un
Working pressure unites)
• 1Chromed air vent G½ - 2 reducers G1 and
G½ Rh
• 1plug G1 Lh - 1 reducer for the air vent G1
and G½’’ Lh
• 1 retaining rubber plug
• 4 special seals (O-RINGS) for plugs and
All DECUS R models are guaranteed 10 years from installation date on manufacturing faults, provided that the installation has been performed in compliance with the current
norms and respecting the instructions relating to the installation, the correct use and the correct maintenance as illustrated on this catalogue.


Heat output
Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
8/450 194,5 276,4 362,9 453,4 547,2
8/550 225,9 321,8 423,4 529,8 640,4
12/450 267,6 383,1 505,9 635,1 769,7
12/550 320,7 459,2 606,6 761,5 923,0
15/450 339,6 486,4 642,7 807,2 978,6
15/550 404,8 578,3 762,6 956,0 1157,3
19/450 421,3 602,9 796,2 999,4 1211,0
19/550 492,7 705,7 932,7 1171,3 1420,0

Centre Connection Water

Depth Height Length Exponent Coefficient
Model Code distance diameters capacity
mm mm mm mm inches litres/sect. n Km
8/450 EA84A014 40 800 450 490 G1 2,5 1,2207 3,0609
8/550 EA84H014 40 800 550 590 G1 2,9 1,2297 3,4475
12/450 EA84B014 40 1120 450 490 G1 3,8 1,2469 3,8517
12/550 EA84I014 40 1120 550 590 G1 4,2 1,2475 4,6073
15/450 EA84C014 40 1440 450 490 G1 4,6 1,2492 4,8494
15/550 EA84L014 40 1440 550 590 G1 5,3 1,2397 5,9716
19/450 EA84D014 40 1760 450 490 G1 5,8 1,2462 6,0784
19/550 EA84M014 40 1760 550 590 G1 6,7 1,2494 7,0312

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the CETIAT, notified body №1623.

Article Code Description

Blister pack of wall fixings containing:

- 4 fixing units; - adapters
A 51 530122 - seals; - valve plug


A 31 590051 O-ring gasket for nipples, plugs and adapters

1/2”G air valve, chromed

A 52 520203

A 53 528010 350 W electric resistance for mixed version

A 54 528011 500 W electric resistance for mixed version

A 55 528012 850 W electric resistance for mixed version

For other accessories see page 75

Fondital manufactures a wide range of decorative radiators in
extruded aluminium. 100% made in Italy using secondary aluminium
in environmentally-friendly facilities, they ensure a lower heat inertia
and energy saving. In order to meet any system requirements, Fondital
decorative radiators are available in several designs, depths and centre
distances and some models feature special colours and finishings.
With a vertical or horizontal development, for low or high temperature
systems, Fondital range of decorative radiators is protected by a number
of international patents.


Low thermal inertia


Low water consumption


Working pressure
Radiator Mood: with decoration.
The Mood model with supporting feet is supplied
with centre distances from 1000 to 2000 mm.
The supporting feet for this model only have an
Available in 24 colors
aesthetic function. The radiator must be secured
to the wall with brackets.

Anticorrosion internal treatment

All MOOD models are guaranteed 15 years from installation date on manufacturing faults, provided that the installation has been performed in compliance with the current
norms and respecting the instructions relating to the installation, the correct use and the correct maintenance as illustrated on this catalogue.



235 - 335 - 350 - 435 Radiator made of

500 - 535 - 600 4 to 20 sections

Radiator made of
685 - 700 - 800 - 835
4 to 16 sections

900 - 935 - 1000 Radiator made of

1135 - 1200 - 1400 4 to 9 sections

1435 - 1600 - 1735 Radiator made of

1800 - 1935 - 2000 4 to 9 sections

Heat output Heat output

Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70 Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele.
235 16,0 23,1 30,6 38,6 46,9 935 47,5 69,2 92,7 117,7 144,0
335 21,1 30,5 40,5 51,1 62,3 1000 50,3 73,4 98,3 124,9 152,8
350 21,8 31,5 41,9 52,9 64,4 1135 56,2 82,0 110,0 139,8 171,2
435 25,6 37,1 49,4 62,5 76,1 1200 59,9 87,5 115,7 149,3 182,8
500 28,5 41,3 55,1 69,7 85,0
1400 67,9 99,2 133,3 169,6 207,9
535 30,1 43,6 58,2 73,6 89,8
1435 69,5 101,6 136,4 173,5 212,7
600 32,9 47,8 63,8 80,8 98,6
1600 77,1 112,6 151,2 192,3 235,6
685 36,6 53,3 71,2 90,2 110,2
700 37,3 54,2 72,5 91,8 112,2 1735 83,4 121,8 163,4 207,8 254,6
800 41,6 60,6 81,1 102,8 125,8 1800 86,4 126,3 169,4 215,4 263,9
835 43,1 62,8 84,1 106,7 130,5 1935 92,9 135,7 181,9 231,3 283,3
900 45,9 67,0 89,7 113,9 139,3 2000 96,1 140,2 188,1 239,0 292,7

Centre Length Connection Water

Depth Height * Exponent Coefficient
Model distance mm/elem diameters content
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
235 90 284 235 50 G1 0,43 1,2665 0,2158
335 90 384 335 50 G1 0,58 1,2792 0,2718
350 90 399 350 50 G1 0,71 1,2800 0,2799
435 90 484 435 50 G1 0,85 1,2849 0,3243
500 90 549 500 50 G1 0,95 1,2885 0,3566
535 90 584 535 50 G1 1,00 1,2905 0,3734
600 90 649 600 50 G1 1,10 1,2942 0,4037
685 90 734 685 50 G1 1,15 1,2990 0,4418
700 90 749 700 50 G1 1,18 1,2999 0,4484
800 90 849 800 50 G1 1,34 1,3055 0,4907
835 90 884 835 50 G1 1,38 1,3075 0,5050
900 90 949 900 50 G1 1,50 1,3091 0,5353
935 90 984 935 50 G1 1,56 1,3100 0,5514
1000 90 1049 1000 50 G1 1,66 1,3115 0,5812
1135 90 1184 1135 50 G1 1,88 1,3149 0,6420
1200 90 1249 1200 50 G1 1,98 1,3164 0,6809
1400 90 1449 1400 50 G1 2,28 1,3213 0,7583
1435 90 1484 1435 50 G1 2,36 1,3210 0,7771
1600 90 1649 1600 50 G1 2,60 1,3192 0,8673
1735 90 1784 1735 50 G1 2,85 1,3178 0,9430
1800 90 1849 1800 50 G1 2,95 1,3171 0,9801
1935 90 1984 1935 50 G1 3,10 1,3156 1,0585
2000 90 2049 2000 50 G1 3,22 1,3150 1,0970

* The height of the MOOD radiator with supporting feet is 54 mm higher than that indicated in the table.
Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)
Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

MOOD radiator 600 from 10 sections gloss White colour. MOOD radiator 600 from 12 sections gloss Ardesia colour.
Es: EA10C0 + 04 + 10 Es: EA10C0 + 2B + 12

To obtain the radiator code, it is necessary to add to the code the four final numbers concerning the finishing and the desired colour.

MOOD MOOD MOOD with support

Model Finishing/ Model Finishing/ Model Finishing/
Code Code Code
Colour Colour Colour
235 EA11A0 935 EA11G0 1000 EA30G0 *The two final numbers change
according to chosen finishing/
335 EA11B0 1000 EA10G0 1135 EA31H0 colour.
350 EA10A0 1135 EA11H0 1200 EA30H0 COLOURS
435 EA11C0 1200 EA10H0
1400 EA30I0 All colours are available in
500 EA10B0
1400 EA10I0 four finishes:
535 EA11D0 1435 EA31I0
XX XX* 1435 EA11I0 XX XX* XX XX* •  GLOSS
600 EA10C0 1600 EA30L0 •  MATT
1600 EA10L0
685 EA11E0 1735 EA31L0 •  TEXTURED MATT
700 EA10D0 1735 EA11L0 •  PEARL
1800 EA10M0 1800 EA30M0 The colours shown are merely
800 EA10E0
1935 EA11M0 1935 EA31M0 indicative and not binding, as
835 EA11F0
they may slightly differ, due to
900 EA10F0 2000 EA10N0 2000 EA30N0 the printing process.

Article Description Code Colour

550122 Withe
550122MP Withe - Pearl
550122L Corvino textured matt
550122LL Corvino glossy
Special fixing kit with 550122NP Pearl glossy
white pincers + plugs and 550122NL Pearl glossy
adapters: 550122NO Pearl matt
1 Flat ½ bleed valve 550122DL Organza glossy
2 White plastic cover 550122DO Organza matt
1 Flat ½ plug 550122PO Turtle matt
2 White ½ rh adapeter 550122P Turtle textured matt
Coloured versions:
2 White ½ lh adapeter 550122CL Copper glossy
45% price increase
1 Bag with 3 metal sheet 550122C Copper textured matt
brackets 550122FL Silver glossy
on the price of
1 Bag with 3 white plastic 550122F Silver textured matt a gloss White
covers 550122EL Ardesia glossy RAL 9010.
3 White rh pincers 550122E Ardesia textured matt
x3 3 White lh pincers 550122BL Rubino glossy
4 O-ring seals 1” 550122H Helois textured matt
1 Rubber retaining plug 550122IL Turquoise beach glossy
550122R Grafite textured matt
x3 550122SL Terra bruciato glossy
550122V Black coffee textured matt
550122T Metropolitan textured matt

Article Code Description

570125 Towel rack kit, with decoration, mm 237
570126 Towel rack kit, with decoration, mm 337
570127 Towel rack kit, with decoration, mm 437
570128 Towel rack kit, with decoration, mm 537
A 30/2 521011M Rubber lockshield plug Mood-Tribeca (water diaphragm)

A 32/1 530102 O-ring seal for nipples, plugs and adapters

A74 550120 Fixing kit for horizontal installation, colour white (4 pieces package)

A75 550121 Fixing kit for horizontal installation, colour chrome (4 pieces package)

For other accessories see page 75




Code: 04 Code: 4M


Code: 2L Code: 3L


Code: 3T


Code: 3V


Code: 2N Code: 5N Code: 4N


Code: 2D Code: 5D


Code: 5P Code: 3P


Code: 2C Code: 3C


Code: 2S


Code: 2F Code: 3F


Code: 3R


Code: 2B Code: 3B


Code: 2A


Code: 3H


Code: 2I

Coloured versions: 45% price increase on the price of a gloss White RAL 9010.

Low thermal inertia

Low water consumption


Working pressure

Available in 24 colors
Radiator Tribeca: without decoration

Anticorrosion internal treatment

All TRIBECA models are guaranteed 15 years from installation date on manufacturing faults, provided that the installation has been performed in compliance with the current
norms and respecting the instructions relating to the installation, the correct use and the correct maintenance as illustrated on this catalogue.



235 - 335 - 350 - 435 Radiator made of

500 - 535 - 600 4 to 20 sections

Radiator made of
685 - 700 - 800 - 835
4 to 16 sections

900 - 935 - 1000 Radiator made of

1135 - 1200 - 1400 4 to 9 sections

1435 - 1600 - 1735 Radiator made of

1800 - 1935 - 2000 4 to 9 sections

Heat output Heat output

Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70 Model ΔT 30 ΔT 40 ΔT 50 ΔT 60 ΔT 70
W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele. W/ele.
235 16,0 23,1 30,6 38,6 46,9 935 47,5 69,2 92,7 117,7 144,0
335 21,1 30,5 40,5 51,1 62,3 1000 50,3 73,4 98,3 124,9 152,8
350 21,8 31,5 41,9 52,9 64,4 1135 56,2 82,0 110,0 139,8 171,2
435 25,6 37,1 49,4 62,5 76,1 1200 59,9 87,5 115,7 149,3 182,8
500 28,5 41,3 55,1 69,7 85,0
1400 67,9 99,2 133,3 169,6 207,9
535 30,1 43,6 58,2 73,6 89,8
1435 69,5 101,6 136,4 173,5 212,7
600 32,9 47,8 63,8 80,8 98,6
1600 77,1 112,6 151,2 192,3 235,6
685 36,6 53,3 71,2 90,2 110,2
700 37,3 54,2 72,5 91,8 112,2 1735 83,4 121,8 163,4 207,8 254,6
800 41,6 60,6 81,1 102,8 125,8 1800 86,4 126,3 169,4 215,4 263,9
835 43,1 62,8 84,1 106,7 130,5 1935 92,9 135,7 181,9 231,3 283,3
900 45,9 67,0 89,7 113,9 139,3 2000 96,1 140,2 188,1 239,0 292,7

Centre Length Connection Water

Depth Height Exponent Coefficient
Model distance mm/elem diameters content
(C) mm (B) mm (A) mm (D) mm inches litres/sect. n Km
235 90 284 235 50 G1 0,43 1,2665 0,2158
335 90 384 335 50 G1 0,58 1,2792 0,2718
350 90 399 350 50 G1 0,71 1,2800 0,2799
435 90 484 435 50 G1 0,85 1,2849 0,3243
500 90 549 500 50 G1 0,95 1,2885 0,3566
535 90 584 535 50 G1 1,00 1,2905 0,3734
600 90 649 600 50 G1 1,10 1,2942 0,4037
685 90 734 685 50 G1 1,15 1,2990 0,4418
700 90 749 700 50 G1 1,18 1,2999 0,4484
800 90 849 800 50 G1 1,34 1,3055 0,4907
835 90 884 835 50 G1 1,38 1,3075 0,5050
900 90 949 900 50 G1 1,50 1,3091 0,5353
935 90 984 935 50 G1 1,56 1,3100 0,5514
1000 90 1049 1000 50 G1 1,66 1,3115 0,5812
1135 90 1184 1135 50 G1 1,88 1,3149 0,6420
1200 90 1249 1200 50 G1 1,98 1,3164 0,6809
1400 90 1449 1400 50 G1 2,28 1,3213 0,7583
1435 90 1484 1435 50 G1 2,36 1,3210 0,7771
1600 90 1649 1600 50 G1 2,60 1,3192 0,8673
1735 90 1784 1735 50 G1 2,85 1,3178 0,9430
1800 90 1849 1800 50 G1 2,95 1,3171 0,9801
1935 90 1984 1935 50 G1 3,10 1,3156 1,0585
2000 90 2049 2000 50 G1 3,22 1,3150 1,0970

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kPa (16 bar)

Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn.
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan
Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

TRIBECA radiator 600 from 10 sections gloss White colour. TRIBECA radiator 600 from 12 sections gloss Ardesia colour.
Es: EA20C0 + 04 + 10 Es: EA20C0 + 2B + 12

To obtain the radiator code, it is necessary to add to the code the four final numbers concerning the finishing and the desired colour.


Model Finishing/ Model Finishing/ Model Finishing/
All colours are available in
235 EA21A0 700 EA20D0 1400 EA20I0 four finishes:
335 EA21B0 800 EA20E0 1435 EA21I0 •  GLOSS
350 EA20A0 835 EA21F0 •  MATT
1600 EA20L0
435 EA21C0 900 EA20F0 •  TEXTURED MATT
XX XX* XX XX* 1735 EA21L0 XX XX* •  PEARL
500 EA20B0 935 EA21G0
535 EA21D0 1000 EA20G0 1800 EA20M0 The colours shown are merely
1935 EA21M0 indicative and not binding, as
600 EA20C0 1135 EA21H0
they may slightly differ, due to
685 EA21E0 1200 EA20H0 2000 EA20N0 the printing process.
*The two final numbers change according to chosen finishing/colour.

Article Description Code Colour

550122 Withe
550122MP Withe - Pearl
550122L Corvino textured matt
550122LL Corvino glossy
Special fixing kit with 550122NP Pearl glossy
white pincers + plugs and 550122NL Pearl glossy
adapters: 550122NO Pearl matt
1 Flat ½ bleed valve 550122DL Organza glossy
2 White plastic cover 550122DO Organza matt
1 Flat ½ plug 550122PO Turtle matt
2 White ½ rh adapeter 550122P Turtle textured matt
Coloured versions:
2 White ½ lh adapeter 550122CL Copper glossy
45% price increase
1 Bag with 3 metal sheet 550122C Copper textured matt
brackets 550122FL Silver glossy
on the price of
1 Bag with 3 white plastic 550122F Silver textured matt a gloss White
covers 550122EL Ardesia glossy RAL 9010.
3 White rh pincers 550122E Ardesia textured matt
x3 3 White lh pincers 550122BL Rubino glossy
4 O-ring seals 1” 550122H Helois textured matt
1 Rubber retaining plug 550122IL Turquoise beach glossy
550122R Grafite textured matt
x3 550122SL Terra bruciato glossy
550122V Black coffee textured matt
550122T Metropolitan textured matt

Article Code Description

570125 Towel rack kit, with decoration, mm 237
570126 Towel rack kit, with decoration, mm 337
570127 Towel rack kit, with decoration, mm 437
570128 Towel rack kit, with decoration, mm 537
A 30/2 521011M Rubber lockshield plug Mood-Tribeca (water diaphragm)

A 32/1 530102 O-ring seal for nipples, plugs and adapters

A74 550120 Fixing kit for horizontal installation, colour white (4 pieces package)

A75 550121 Fixing kit for horizontal installation, colour chrome (4 pieces package)

For other accessories see page 75




Code: 04 Code: 4M


Code: 2L Code: 3L


Code: 3T


Code: 3V


Code: 2N Code: 5N Code: 4N


Code: 2D Code: 5D


Code: 5P Code: 3P


Code: 2C Code: 3C


Code: 2S


Code: 2F Code: 3F


Code: 3R


Code: 2B Code: 3B


Code: 2A


Code: 3H


Code: 2I

Coloured versions: 45% price increase on the price of a gloss White RAL 9010.

Article Code Description

520201 RH 1”G automatic air-purging valve. Chromed

A 1/1
520202 LH (always to be installed with the vent in upward position)

525014 RH
A 4/1 1”G zinc-plated paint-coated plug
525114 LH
526014 RH Reducer 3/8 white
526214 RH Reducer 1/2 white
526414 RH Reducer 3/4 white
A 6/1
526114 LH Reducer 3/8 white
526314 LH Reducer 1/2 white
526514 LH Reducer 3/4 white
525214 RH Valve plug 1/4 white
525414 RH Valve plug 1/8 white
A 8/1
525314 LH Valve plug 1/4 white
525514 LH Valve plug 1/8 white

A 13 540024 Touch-up spray paint (White RAL 9010) cc 400

A 16 550020 Bracket to be embedded in the wall mm 175

550035 DX
A 18 Bracket to be screwed on to the wall
550036 SX

A 26/1 550090 Nipple wrench 1”G

A 40/2 560257 Plastic key

A 52 520203 1/2”G air valve, chromed (included in the supply)

525602 1/2” plug

ALFA series valves 1/2” connection (Valves supplied without fitting)

Colour Colour Colour
Description White/Chrome Chrome Gold

Code Code Code

Angle valve, iron pipe connection 8493051 8493052 8493053
Straight valve, iron pipe connection 8493061 8493062 8493063
Angle lockshield valve, iron pipe connection 8493031 8493032 8493033
Straight lockshield valve, iron pipe connection 8493041 8493042 8493043
Angle valve, copper/PE/multilayer pipe connection 8493151 8493152 8493153
Straight valve, copper/PE/multilayer pipe connection 8493161 8493162 8493163
Angle lockshield valve, copper/PE/multilayer pipe connection 8493131 8493132 8493133
Straight lockshield valve, copper/PE/multilayer pipe connection 8493141 8493142 8493143


BETA series valves 1/2” connection (Valves supplied without fitting)

Colour Colour
Description White/Chrome Chrome

Code Code
Angle valve, iron pipe connection 8483351 8483352
Straight valve, iron pipe connection 8483361 8483362
Angle lockshield valve, iron pipe connection 8493531 8493532
Straight lockshield valve, iron pipe connection 8493541 8493542
Angle valve, copper/PE/multilayer pipe connection 8483451 8483452
Straight valve, copper/PE/multilayer pipe connection 8483461 8483462
Angle lockshield valve, copper/PE/multilayer pipe connection 8493631 8493632
Straight lockshield valve, copper/PE/multilayer pipe connection 8493641 8493642

GAMMA series valves 1/2” connection (Valves supplied without fitting)

Colour Colour
Description White/Chrome Chrome

Code Code
Angle valve, iron pipe connection 8484351 8484352
Straight valve, iron pipe connection 8484361 8484362
Angle lockshield valve, iron pipe connection 8494531 8494532
Straight lockshield valve, iron pipe connection 8494541 8494542
Angle valve, copper/PE/multilayer pipe connection 8484451 8484452
Straight valve, copper/PE/multilayer pipe connection 8484461 8484462
Angle lockshield valve, copper/PE/multilayer pipe connection 8494631 8494632
Straight lockshield valve, copper/PE/multilayer pipe connection 8494641 8494642

TONDERA series valve 1/2” connection (Valves supplied without fitting)

Colour Colour
Description White Chrome

Code Code
Thermostatically-controlled angle valve, copper/multilayer pipe connection, 8496131 8496132
non-drip end
Thermostatic angle valve, copper/multilayer pipe connection, 8496331 8496332
non-drip end
Hand-operated angle valve, copper/multilayer pipe connection, 8496231 8496232
non-drip end
Angle lockshield valve, copper/multilayer pipe connection, non-drip end 8496731 8496732
Thermostatically-controlled straight valve, copper/multilayer pipe 8496151 8496152
connection, non-drip end
Thermostatic straight valve, copper/multilayer pipe connection, 8496351 8496352
non-drip end
Hand-operated straight valve, copper/multilayer pipe connection, 8496251 8496252
non-drip end
Straight lockshield valve copper/multilayer pipe connection, 8496751 8496752
non-drip end

MINIMAL series valve 1/2” connection (Valves supplied without fitting)
Colour Colour
Description White Chrome

Code Code
Angle valve with thermostat option, interchangeable copper and multilayer 8493851 8493852
pipe connection, non-drip end
Thermostatic angle valve, interchangeable copper and multilayer pipe con- 8493651 8493652
nection, non-drip end
Angle lockshield valve, interchangeable copper and multilayer pipe con- 8493631 8493632
nection, non-drip end
Angle valve with thermostat option, iron pipe connection, non-drip end 8493751 8493752
Thermostatic angle valve, iron pipe connection, non-drip end 8493551 8493552
Angle lockshield valve, iron pipe connection, non-drip end. 8493531 8493532

LIBERTY series valve ½” connection (Valves supplied without fitting)*

Colour Colour Colour
Description White Ghisa Bronze
Code Code Code Code
Angle valve, iron pipe connection, non-drip end 8493251 8493256 8493254 8493255
Angle lockshield valve, iron pipe connection, non-drip end 8493231 8493236 8493234 8493235
* An adapter is required for copper multilayer pipes

Colour Colour
Description Gold * Chrome

Code Code
Adapter for copper and multilayer LIBERTY series pipes 8493283 8493285
Pipe size (Ø mm) 3/4” x 24/19
* Can be used with valves and lockshield valves in white, RAL 1036 and cast iron

OLD STYLE series valve ½” connection (Valves supplied without fitting)

Colour Colour Colour
Description White Chrome Bronze

Code Code Code

Thermostatic angle valve, iron pipe connection, non-drip end 8493671 8493672 8493675
Angle valve, iron pipe connection, non-drip end 8493371 8493372 8493375
Angle lockshield valve, iron pipe connection, non-drip end 8493411 8493412 8493415
Thermostatic straight valve, iron pipe connection, non-drip end 8493681 8493682 8493685
Straight valve, iron pipe connection, non-drip end 8493381 8493382 8493385
Straight lockshield valve, iron pipe connection, non-drip end 8493421 8493422 8493425
Thermostatic angle valve, copper and multilayer pipe connection, 8493691 8493692 8493695
non-drip end
Angle valve, copper and multilayer pipe connection, non-drip end 8493391 8493392 8493395
Angle lockshield valve, copper and multilayer pipe connection, non-drip end 8493431 8493432 8493435
Thermostatic straight valve, copper and multilayer pipe connection, 8493701 8493702 8493705
non-drip end
Straight valve, copper and multilayer pipe connection, non-drip end 8493401 8493402 8493405
Straight lockshield valve, copper and multilayer pipe connection, 8493441 8493442 8493445
non-drip end



ALFA, BETA and MINIMAL fittings for copper pipes
Colour Colour Colour Colour
Pipe size Chrome Gold Pipe size Chrome Gold
(Ø mm) (Ø mm)
Code Code Code Code
10 849381210 849381310 15 849381215 849381315
12 849381212 849381312 16 849381216 849381316
14 849381214 849381314 18 849381218 849381318

GAMMA and TONDERA fittings for copper pipes

Colour Colour
Pipe size Chrome Pipe size Chrome
(Ø mm) (Ø mm)
Code Code
10 849481210 15 849481215
12 849481212 16 849481216
14 849481214 18 849481218

LIBERTY fittings for copper pipes

Colour Colour Colour Colour
Pipe size Gold* Bronze Pipe size Gold* Bronze
(Ø mm) (Ø mm)
Code Code Code Code
10 x 24/19 849381310 849381510 15 x 24/19 849381315 849381515
12 x 24/19 849381312 849381512 16 x 24/19 849381316 849381516
14 x 24/19 849381314 849381514 18 x 24/19 849381318 849381518
* Combinable to valves and white holders, RAL 1036 and cast iron

OLD STYLE fittings for copper pipes

Colour Colour Colour Colour
Pipe size Chrome * Bronze Pipe size Chrome * Bronze
(Ø mm) (Ø mm)
Code Code Code Code
10 x 24/19 849481210 849481510 15 x 24/19 849481215 849481515
12 x 24/19 849481212 849481512 16 x 24/19 849481216 849481516
14 x 24/19 849481214 849481514 18 x 24/19 849481218 849481518
* Combinable to valves and chromed and white holders

ALFA and BETA fittings for multilayer pipes
Colour Colour
Pipe size Chrome Gold
(int. Ø - ext. Ø)
Code Code
10 - 14 849383210 849383310
12 - 16 8493832115 8493833115

GAMMA and TONDERA fittings for multilayer pipes

Colour Colour
Pipe size Chrome Pipe size Chrome
(int. Ø - ext. Ø) (Ø mm)
Code Code
7,5/8-12 x 24/19 84948320812 11,5/12-17 x 24/19 84948321217
9,5/10-14 x 24/19 849483210 12,5/13-17 x 24/19 84948321317
9,5/10-15 x 24/19 84948321015 12,5/13-18 x 24/19 84948321318
10,5/11-15 x 24/19 84948321115 13,5/14-18 x 24/19 84948321418
10,5/11-16 x 24/19 84948321116 14,5/15-20 x 24/19 84948321520
11,5/12-16 x 24/19 8494832115 15/15,5-20 x 24/19 849483215520
15,5/16-20 x 24/19 84948321620

LIBERTY fittings for multilayer pipes

Pipe size Colour Gold* Colour Bronze

(int. Ø - ext. Ø)
Code Code
7,5/8-12 x 24/19 84938330812 84938350812
9,5/10-14 x 24/19 849383310 84938351014
9,5/10-15 x 24/19 84938331015 84938351015
10,5/11-15 x 24/19 84938331115 84938351115
10,5/11-16 x 24/19 84938331116 84938351116
11,5/12-16 x 24/19 8493833115 84938351216
11,5/12-17 x 24/19 84938331217 84938351217
12,5/13-17 x 24/19 84938331317 84938351317
12,5/13-18 x 24/19 84938331318 84938351318
13,5/14-18 x 24/19 84938331418 84938351418
14,5/15-20 x 24/19 84938331520 84938351520
15/15,5-20 x 24/19 849383315520 849383515520
15,5/16-20 x 24/19 84938331620 84938351620
* Combinable to valves and white holders, RAL 1036 and cast iron

MINIMAL fittings for multilayer pipes

Colour Colour
Pipe size Chrome Pipe size Chrome
(int. Ø - ext. Ø) (int. Ø - ext. Ø)
Code Code
7,5/8-12 x 24/19 84938320812 11,5/12-17 x 24/19 84938321217
9,5/10-14 x 24/19 849383210 12,5/13-17 x 24/19 84938321317
9,5/10-15 x 24/19 84938321015 12,5/13-18 x 24/19 84938321318
10,5/11-15 x 24/19 84938321115 13,5/14-18 x 24/19 84938321418
10,5/11-16 x 24/19 84938321116 14,5/15-20 x 24/19 84938321520
11,5/12-16 x 24/19 8493832115 15/15,5-20 x 24/19 849383215520
15,5/16-20 x 24/19 84938321620


OLD STYLE fittings for multilayer pipes

Pipe size Colour Bronze
(int. Ø - ext. Ø)
Code Code
7,5/8-12 x 24/19 84948350812 84948320812
9,5/10-14 x 24/19 84948351014 849483210
9,5/10-15 x 24/19 84948351015 84948321015
10,5/11-15 x 24/19 84948351115 84948321115
10,5/11-16 x 24/19 84948351116 84948321116
11,5/12-16 x 24/19 84948351216 8494832115
11,5/12-17 x 24/19 84948351217 84948321217
12,5/13-17 x 24/19 84948351317 84948321317
12,5/13-18 x 24/19 84948351318 84948321318
13,5/14-18 x 24/19 84948351418 84948321418
14,5/15-20 x 24/19 84948351520 84948321520
15/15,5-20 x 24/19 849483515520 849483215520
15,5/16-20 x 24/19 84948351620 84948321620


ALFA and BETA fittings for polyethylene pipes
Colour Colour
Pipe size Chrome Gold
(int. Ø - ext. Ø)
Code Code
12-16 849382212 849382312
13-18 849382213 849382313
14-18 849382214 849382314

GAMMA fittings for polyethylene pipes

Pipe size Chrome
(int. Ø - ext. Ø)
12-16 849482212
13-18 849482213
14-18 849482214

Thermostatic head for BETA, GAMMA, TONDERA and MINIMAL valves
Type White/Chrome

With liquid sensor 8480931

Fondital manufactures electrical radiators in wet and dry versions using
high-quality components, with aluminium die-cast body featuring a
high heat exchange efficiency, and high-precision electronic ambient
temperature control, thereby ensuring energy savings. Available with
different heat outputs, electrical radiators are equipped with on-board as
well as remote controls to set and adjust required temperature. Fondital
electrical radiators make use of renewable energy sources, such as
photovoltaic (solar) panels and wind power, helping to achieve energy
savings and reduce pollution.

eCool ED

Aluminium alloy body

with low thermal inertia

LCD backlight interface

Daily and weekly programming options

Open window detection function

Child safety lock

Fixing system included

Anticorrosion internal treatment


1000 W

700 W

500 W

300 W

Output Width Height Depth

Model Code
W mm mm mm
eCool ED 300 FCA0M1YD30 300 478 933 45
eCool ED 500 FCA0M1YD50 500 528 1143 45
eCool ED 700 FCA0M1YD70 700 528 1563 45
eCool ED 1000 FCA0M1YDA0 1000 628 1815 45

Article Code Description

Infrared remote control with wall support (Batteries not included)

Features: Comfort, Night, Antifreeze and Stand-by

The aluminium alloy body is guaranteed against manufacturing defects for 5 years from date of purchase. Electric and electronic components are guaranteed
2 years from the date of purchase of the radiator.



Excellent weight/power ratio

Aluminium alloy body:

- low thermal inertia

Light and easy to install

Modern design and state-of-the-art electronics

with hourly and weekly programmable time

Energy saving:
- open window detection function
- displayed consumption

Child safety lock

Output Sections Width Height Depth

Model Code
W n° mm mm mm
Maniva 3110 FMD0M1EDA7 1000 7 605 427 97
Maniva 3115 FMD0M1EDFC 1500 12 1005 427 97
Maniva 3118 FMD0M1EDID 1800 13 1085 427 97
Maniva 5807 FME0M1ED74 700 4 365 578 80
Maniva 5810 FME0M1EDA6 1000 6 525 578 80
Maniva 5812 FME0M1EDC9 1200 9 765 578 80
Maniva 5815 FME0M1EDFA 1500 10 845 578 80
Maniva 5818 FME0M1EDIC 1800 12 1120 578 80
Maniva 5820 FME0M1EDKE 2000 14 1280 578 80

The aluminium alloy body is guaranteed against manufacturing defects for 5 years from date of purchase. Electric and electronic components are guaranteed
2 years from the date of purchase of the radiator.

eBlitz GD

Aluminium alloy body:

quickly reaches the desired temperature

Unalterable over time thanks to aluminum sides

Interfaccia LCD retroilluminata incorporata

NTC temperature probe and electronic

temperature regulation

In order to optimise consumption, the radiator

-- Daily and weekly programming with start up
adapting control
-- Consumption display
-- Open window detection function
-- Behavioural indicator

Keyboard lock

Power and surface temperature reduction

The right side houses the new

backlight adjustment and control A detachable humidifier is
system with digital display and conveniently fitted in the left side
easy-toreach buttons regardless of the appliance.
of installation type.

Output Sections Width Height Depth

Model Code
W n° mm mm mm

eBlitz GD 5806 FBE0M1FD65 600 5 560 578 80

eBlitz GD 5810 FBE0M1FDA6 1000 6 640 578 80

eBlitz GD 5812 FBE0M1FDC9 1200 9 880 578 80

eBlitz GD 5815 FBE0M1FDFA 1500 10 960 578 80

eBlitz GD 5818 FBE0M1FDIC 1800 12 1120 578 80

The aluminium alloy body is guaranteed against manufacturing defects for 5 years from date of purchase. Electric and electronic components are guaranteed
2 years from the date of purchase of the radiator.

Al- advance


Aluminium alloy body with low thermal inertia

Built-in humidifier

Window opening function

LCD backlight interface

NTC temperature probe and electronic

temperature regulation

Daily and weekly programming options

Soapstone is a natural stone

traditionally known for its
heat storage capability, which
makes it ideal for electric
radiator manufacture. Thanks
to its properties, its use is
especially recommended in
countries with particularly cold
winter temperatures.

The right side houses the

new backlight adjustment A detachable humidifier
and control system with is conveniently fitted
Pilot wire, no plug
digital display and easy- in the left side of the
toreach buttons regardless appliance.
of installation type.

Output Sections Width Height Depth

Model Code
W n° mm mm mm

Al-advance GDSM08 FAE0M3FD85 800 5 560 578 97

Al-advance GDSM10 FAE0M3FDA6 1000 6 640 578 97

Al-advance GDSM15 FAE0M3FD9F 1500 9 880 578 97

Al-advance GDSM20 FAE0M3FDKB 2000 11 1040 578 97

The aluminium alloy body is guaranteed against manufacturing defects for 5 years from date of purchase. Electric and electronic components are guaranteed
2 years from the date of purchase of the radiator.




Seven test ramps and a wide range of tests, simulations

and prototypes guarantee the quality and reliability of
the production processes.

The test laboratory for testing finished products and units, on the other hand, comprises a thermostatic
components is the fruit of a partnership with one of chamber and experimental equipment for performing
Europe’s most reputed technological universities, and is hydraulic tests; the design and simulation area features
capable of ensuring maximum system reliability. Working a high-performance computing station for creating
in synergy with the Milan Polytechnic’s Department of designs and executing simulations in the field of fluid
Energy Engineering, FONDITAL has been expanding its dynamics; and finally there’s the prototype workshop,
R&D efforts since 2009 by introducing new equipment which is comprised of a fully-equipped The sector’s
and broadening the company’s know-how, all with future development also foresees the enhancement
the goal of increasing system performance, enhancing of the thermo-fluid dynamic simulation unit, and the
product reliability, improving safety beyond the market expansion of the tests to be carried out upon generators
standards, and developing increasingly ecocompatible using renewable energy sources, thus sustaining the
processes. planning, execution and control activities for the
In keeping with FONDITAL’s goal to emerge as a processes that govern the company’s production
qualified global supplier in the energy industry, the and services. The test laboratory, which currently
laboratory has been designed to test heat generation spearheads the FONDITAL R&D department, reaffirms
and distribution systems, as well as terminal units of the the company’s operational line, which has always been
latest-generation. dedicated to ensuring the highest standards in terms of
The four areas of activity: the heat generation quality and technological innovation. Considering the
sector includes seven ramps and a test cell for low current environmental protection requirements and
temperature testing; the test for the terminal heating fuel costs on a global scale, the company has deemed

it necessary to develop its heating systems in greater ALETERNUM IS AN EXAMPLE OF AN
The thermostatic test chamber, which represents the
world’s only testing installation, allows the various This treatment is designed to prevent the onset of
terminal units to be classified based on a comparison corrosion by protecting the radiator’s water chamber.
of the energy supplied to the environment and the The Aleternum radiator is ideal for renovation projects,
relative thermal comfort levels. In addition to ensuring as it is capable of satisfying every requirement in terms
accurate measurements compliant with EU standard of quality, heat output and efficiency. Highly efficient
442, the system also provides for the assessments and guaranteed for 20 years, it resists any type of water
required in order to determine more realistic indices for and can be used in any type of system. Furthermore,
the various terminal heating units. This research project, in addition to requiring no maintenance whatsoever, it
which has given rise to countless exclusive patents, is even has a better €/watt ratio with respect to radiant
aimed at improving the performance of the previous panel systems.
series of radiators, thus allowing for the development
of products that reduce the use of raw materials and
boost the potential of the heating terminals, all while
providing equal yield and mechanical performance.

Aleternum®: anti-corrosion treatment for radiators

❯ Introduction Corrosion is the primary cause of malfunctions in heating

systems. Not only does it deteriorate the components of the
system, but over the years corrosion significantly reduces
efficiency, increasing consumption and, as a result, operating
costs. For example, corrosion in a heating system containing
cast iron or steel radiators produces a sludge that accumulates
at the bottom of the radiators, obstructing the radiators
themselves and the pipes, resulting in a partial or total loss in
thermal performance and uneven heat distribution.
In conventional aluminium radiators, corrosion produces gas
pockets which prevent the radiator from heating evenly and
Aleternum® may limit thermal performance.
internal coating by Fondital To stop corrosion even before it starts, Fondital has developed
Aleternum®, an exclusive resin-based internal coating to
protect the radiator water chamber.
Aleternum® by Fondital brings the heating system into a new
era, in which total* protection is a guarantee of safety and high
Your heating system will always be as good as new!

❯ What is corrosion? It is the chemical and physical interaction between a metal

and a water-based medium, which causes changes in the
properties of the metal and which often leads to a loss in
the functionality of the metal itself, of the medium or of the
system consisting of these two elements.

Metal + Water + Oxidant = Corrosion

plan view profile view
Depending on the part of the metal affected,
Uniform Corrosion – generalised attack
corrosion is classified as follows:
• diffused corrosion (or generalised Uniform Corrosion – uniform attack
corrosion): if the entire surface of the
Localised Corrosion
metal is affected by corrosion;
• uniform corrosion: if the entire surface craters
of the metal is affected by corrosion and
the effects of corrosion are equal over Pitting pin holes
the entire surface;
• localised corrosion: where only certain
areas of the metal are affected by corrosion. Simple cracks
Stress corrosion
There are numerous different patterns of cracking (SCC)
localised corrosion, among which: ulcers, Ramified cracks
craters, cavities, pin holes and cracks. Corrosion - erosion

❯ The complete anti-corrosion treatment*

❯ Ideal for a broad ph spectrum

Conventional aluminium radiators require pH levels between 7 and 8.
The new coating eliminates this limitation, allowing aluminium radiators with the Aleternum
coating to operate at a wider pH range than both untreated aluminium and steel (which is subject
to corrosive attack at pH levels below 8).
Aleternum® radiators by Fondital may be used in heating systems with high or potentially high
pH levels.

Conventional aluminium radiator

Radiator with

❯ No gas pocket formation (no gas)

❯ 100% Aluminium - 100% recyclable
❯ Burst pression up to 60 bar - ideal for multi-storey
❯ Will not become obstructed - no cold spots
❯ Light and easy to install
❯ May be installed in mixed heating systems
❯ Extended warranty up to 20 years.
❯ Better euro/watt ratio than steel and bimetal radiators
❯ Patented system

* Anticorrosive characteristics are ensured if the product is installed in a closed-circuit heating installation, in which all the cleaning and water treatment
operations have to be made according to installation standards specific for closed circuit heating installations.


Thermoelectric process, a PATENT PENDING technology, Thermoelectric joining technology is carried out at
ensures a stable joint between the aluminium die-cast controlled temperatures that prevent spatter and
section and its base. Metal in the joint area is absolutely porosity. The result is a radiator that is as solid as a
uniform and the two components are perfectly 100% single piece in aluminium, even more sturdy and
integrated into each other. reliable than ever.





To correctly determine the heat output of the radiators to be installed, you must comply with the rules in force.
To determine the number of sections required for each radiator, you must remember that their nominal heat output is
associated with a ΔT (difference between the average water temperature and ambient temperature) of 50 K.
It is therefore advisable to ensure a ΔT of less than 50 K by decreasing the water outlet temperature (for example, a ΔT of
40 to 30 K). This will ensure energy savings as well as increase the degree of comfort.
The radiator heat output for different ΔT values is calculated using the formula: Φ = Km x ΔTn

The radiator heat output for different ΔT values is calculated using the formula:
CALIDOR SUPER B4 500/100 radiator with water temperature: inlet 60 ° C, outlet 44 ° C and ambient temperature of 20 °C.

ΔT= (inlet water temperature + outlet water temperature) / 2 - ambient temperature = (60 + 44) / 2 - 20= 32 K.
Φ (32K) = Km x ΔTn = 0,7991 x (32)1,2890 = 69,62 W

When determining the number of sections, remember that in the case of installations with water inlet and outlet at the
base or installations with one-way or two-way valve, heat output may decrease by up to 10÷12% and 20% respectively,
due to the particular water distribution in the radiators. If the radiator is installed under shelves, in niches or - worse - in
the event of radiator covers, heat output may decrease by around 10-12 %.


The heating systems must be designed, installed, operated and maintained according to the rules in force.
In particular, remember the following during installation:
•  The radiators may be used with water and steam systems (max temperature of 120°C);
•  The max operating pressure is 6 bar (600 kPa);
•  The radiators must be installed according to the minimum permitted distances:
- 12 cm above the floor
- 2÷5 cm from the wall behind
- 10 cm from any niches or shelves;
•  If the wall at the back is not sufficiently insulated, fit any additional insulation to minimize dispersion of heat out through
the wall;
•  Each radiator must be fitted with a vent valve, preferably an automatic one (especially if the radiator has to be isolated
from the system);
•  The water must have a pH of 7 or 8 and must not have any properties that can corrode metal in general;
•  As regards treating water in domestic heating systems, it is advisable to use specific products that are suitable for multimetal
plants, in order to optimize performance and safety, preserve these conditions over time, ensure regular operation of
auxiliary equipment as well, and minimize energy consumption, in compliance with the applicable laws and standards.
Compliance with this standard is a legal requirement. Use specific products suitable for multi-metal systems such as, for
example, CILLIT HS 23 Combi, SENTINEL X 100 or FERNOX F1.

When using the radiator, remember:

•  Never use abrasive products to clean the surfaces;
•  Do not use humidifiers in porous materials such as terracotta;
•  Avoid fully closing the valve and thereby isolating the radiator from the system;
•  If the radiator requires excessive purging, this means there is a fault with the heating system. Contact a qualified
technician or call the manufacturer’s technical office directly.



Via Giuseppe Giacosa 2, angolo
Borgo P. Wührer, 127 – 25123 Brescia Via Del Lupo, 9 - 37050 Oppeano, VR
Viale Santa Eufemia - 25135 Brescia
The manufacturer reserves the right to implement modifications without notice.

Uff. Pub. Fondital - CTC 03 P 446 - 03 Febbraio 2018 (200 - 02/2018)

Via Cerreto, 40
25079 VOBARNO (Brescia) Italia
Tel.: +39 0365 878.31 - Fax: +39 0365 878.304
E-mail: [email protected] - Web:


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