MadameMavrasCarnival 1
MadameMavrasCarnival 1
MadameMavrasCarnival 1
3 Credits
Initial creation
Location 3 Jared Tisher
Entering the Carnival 3
Purpose 3 Write-up
Emily Stammel
Locations 4
4 Current Version
Living Quarters 1.0
Carnival Stations 4
Slipgill's Table 4 Image Credits
House of Horrors 4
Food 5 Cover
Games 6 IGnome, Steam Trading Cards Wiki
Performance Tent 6
Shu'lock the Sooth 7 Lamia (p.3)
Monstrous Sun Walkers 7 Forgotten Realms Wiki
The Mythical Unicorn 7
The Winterwing Sisters 7 Hook Horror (p.5)
The Water Lily 7 Russell Marks
Montel Many-Hands 7
Dargus the Stone Gut 7 Harpie (p.7)
Finale 8 Planet Dolan
Appendix A 9 Wand of Wonder (p.14)
DnD Beyond
Carnival Poster 9
Map of the Carnival 10
Letter to Mavra 11
Appendix B 12
Potions 12
Wand of Wonder 14
eep in the caverns of the underdark, a variety of Some are dotted with makeup of vibrant colors and all are
colors twinkle and shimmer against the black dressed in outrageous attire. These carnival workers roam
waters of the Darklake. They reveal a cluster of the outside areas, dancing and carousing guests with drink
tents and booths resting on a stalagmite island, and food. They are actually previous customers who have
surrounded by strings of pulsing lights. The been driven mad to stay with the carnival and ‘work’ the
plinking of music notes fill the darkness, crowds that gather.
presenting the carnival as a welcome respite
from the constant danger and fear lurking in the caverns. But,
much like the rest of this terrain, all is not as it would seem. Purpose
Madame Mavra seeks to please her demon lord deity with
Location unique sights, morbid acts and performances, and trapping
some in perpetual erotic horror within the carnival.
The stone island that hosts the carnival is several hundred All the “performers” are simple folk who simply visited the
feet off the Darklake shores, seemingly raised from the deep carnival out of curiosity and were charmed and driven mad to
or possibly a large stalagmite cut to form a plateau. It’s join the carnival by Mavra and her manipulation of Graz’zt’s
attached to the shoreline by a rickety bridge, with docks along faerzress influence. Most if not all are eventually killed during
the outside to provide parking for lake travelers. their acts and are typically used to “grow” the facility,
A haze of faerzress coats the area, making it difficult to becoming part of it. Only those who truly embrace the
cast most magics. This faerzress is imbued primarily with madness live through it.
Graz’zt’s influence and can be subtly manipulated by Mavra Upon first entering the carnival, she is standing in front of
for methods of charming, seducing, and enslaving others to the high top tent, greeting guests as they enter. If the players
join the carnival. confront her or cause issues, she’s not hesitant to cast Charm
Floating, ever-lit orbs of light glisten across the surface of Person. After some time of greeting guests, she enters the
the lake and pierce through the faerzress to provide light for hightop to prepare the performance, for which she will be the
the carnival and its patrons. Some are different colors like announcer.
blues, greens, and pinks, while most remain white to provide
dull light.
A large, 3 tiered tent colored in purples, blues, and blacks
sits in the center of the stone plateau. Accompanying this tent
are two smaller ones set up around it. Madame Mavra
To the west sits one that looks to be a bit shaggy, strung up The carnival’s founder, Mavra presents herself as a
with netting and aquatic paraphernalia, with the words charming deep-red skinned tiefling in a top hat,
‘Fortune Teller’ crudely painted on its hanging banner. corset waist, and long dark skirt. She is actually a
To the east is a medium sized tent decorated in silks of lamia priestess of Graz’zt, who travels the
deep reds, blacks, and silver, with a sign above the entrance underdark and uses Charm Person and Disguise
marking it as the ‘Hall of Horrors’. self to entice its citizens. She has corrupted them
with Graz’zt’s madness to perform in her morbid
Next to the Fortune Teller’s tent, there is an open space carnival setting, and seeks nothing more than to
with guests milling about, and booths selling a variety of add new attractions and please her “benefactor”.
foods. Behind that setup is another large open area, with
what appear to be game booths for patrons to enjoy.
PART 1 | Introduction
Living Quarters Carnival Stations
A few small tents are set up behind the main high-top, Slipgill's Table
providing sleeping quarters for the carnies. If the players Bloolup Slipgill is a Kua-Toa gone mad, a recent addition to
attempt to approach or search these quarters, as a group they the carnival who developed an act of fortune telling using
must pass a DC 17 stealth check to avoid being noticed by bones and other oddities. The bits and pieces he uses are
the quaggoth carnie who is relaxing in one of the tents. actually parts from other customers.
In the smaller tents, there are simple bunks with with The readings are all brought on by madness but have small
coarse blankets over each. Some of the beds have bags sitting shreds of truth, some hinting to the demon lords rising. For
on them, belonging to carnies. If the players go through these the most part, however, they are just ramblings of a madman.
bags, they will find meager belongings including 3 days of The following table contains some examples. When the
rations (fungus of course), a short rope, a few sets of dirty players first encounter him, there is a robed and hooded
clothing, and in one case, a small locked box. gentleman, tall, and appears to be tiefling in nature. He
With a DC 13 thieve's tools check, a player can pick the laughs at the little fish man as he has his fortune read. As he
lock and discover that the chest is filled with bits of goes to hand slipgill “something”, those who roll perception
humanoid matter. Fingernail clippings (and a few whole DC 15 see it is a small red coin and the man has 6 fingers.
fingernails), strands of hair, dried bits of leathered skin, and
less identifiable parts fill the box. A rancid smell eminates Slipgill'ss Prophecies
from it, and it's clear that clumps of this matter are bonded d6 Prophesy
together with dried blood. 1 The shallow deep hides the smallest giant, the
blackness shines through cracks in smooth
Mavra's Personal Quarters stone. Feeding the fire on the water's edge
Mavra's personal quarters are in the largest of the three tents. with your leatherbound bed wrap watching
Her room is almost overwhelming in its luxury. Silks are with eyes closed.
draped across the fine bed and along the tent walls, and a 2 Moving fast at a snail’s pace, they grow
small yet beautiful rug covers the dirt floor. following the one moving still to find what you
A writing desk made of zurkhwood sits in one corner, and a weren’t looking for.
small compact 2-drawer dresser sits in another. Looting the 3 Stay close to the grubs furthest away from you,
room will reveal the following: hiding from your reflection in a polished gem,
swallow your price like fungus on a chalkboard.
In the Desk
A pouch with 5 gems (worth 50 gold each) 4 Motionless you run towards nothing and find it.
A letter sealed with a wax stamp showing a hand of 6 The fire freezes hearts of those who fear
bravely, sucking the images of pain like a
fingers and addressed to Mavra (DC 12) shoelace that’s cutting off the food supply
A zurhkwood comb
5 One’s got a weasel and the other’s got a flag.
In the Dresser One’s got on the pole and shoved the other in
Fine clothing, each garment worth roughly 10 gold a body bag. Your time is a piece of wax falling
on a termite, that’s choking on the splinters.
A small coin purse with 150 gold (DC 12)
6 Walking on the top in the bottom of a box, you
Under the Bed run off the ledge with a stain on your shirt.
A required DC 20 Investigation check reveals a bag of Double barrel glass shards falling from above
holding strapped to the underside of the bed. Its contents and you breathe it all in like a mathematical
20 platinum
a whip and manacles House of Horrors
500 feet of rope, impossibly tangled and would take The second largest tent in the carnival is the House of
at least an hour to straighten out. Horrors. It is set up with 3 seperate aisle, each displaying a
a full-length mirror row of creatures locked up in cages, huddled in abysmal
a brass lantern conditions.
small charm of a hand with 6 fingers The tour guide is a female svirfneblin named Ghiri, who
a bag of rotting meat has an angry disposition and keeps an electric baton with her
surgical tools and a jar of leeches at all times. As they walk the halls, she recites 'facts' about
An Investigation DC is set for certain items, which is only the different creatures and jolts them with her baton if they
required if the players have limited time to search the room. aren't being interesting enough.
See Appendix A for a copy of the letter. Most of her facts - especially the ones about the surface
creatures - are completely inaccurate.
Monstrous Sun Walkers The Freaks
The leftmost aisle is full of surface creatures that somehow The first cage of the 'freaks' contains four humanoids, all
ended up in the carnival. huddled together in a group. The party consists of a gnome,
A tiger sulks in torner of his cage, chewing on one of the human, dwarf, and half-elf.
bones scattered about his floor. Each member has been altered in some way to appear
The next cage holds a goat. Ghiri is quick to show guests more freakish: The dwarf's beard is half cut off, the human is
that this is a fainting goat, by zapping it with her baton and missing a hand, the gnome has been stuffed into a too-small
scaring it. drow outfit, and the half-elf's skin is a dull glowing blue.
Two dogs, a black and a spotted one, share a cage and are If Ghiri leaves the players unattended and they try to
curled up together. They look calm and tame, but Ghiri initiate a conversation with this party, it becomes clear that
insists that they are vicious beasts. all four are heavily charmed. They are obsessed with Mavra
A small cage holds an owl whose leg is chained to the bar and gaining her approval, and keep insisting that Mavra
he sits on. An even smaller cage holds a black cat who is wants them here and that 'leaving is not a choice for us; we
practically feral. She warns you not to get close, and won't do as Mavra wants'.
even get close with her baton. If Ghiri witnesses the exchange of words, she'll rush up
The last cage holds two sleeping turtles. A passive and zap one of the humanoids, reprimanding them for
perception of 12 or higher will reveal that one of the turtles 'frightening the guests'.
has been dead for a little while. Ghiri insists he's resting. If
the guests raise questions, she will relent, take out the dead The next cage is considerably smaller, and holds a single
one, and toss it in the tiger's cage. crazed halfling in tattered rags. She rocks back and forth
constantly, reciting 'two escaped, one dead, three missing'
Beasts of the Underdark over and over. She doesn't seem to respond to any outside
The center aisle holds an array of underdark monsters. stimuli.
A Shadowmere stands in a tall cage, staring blankly at The last cage contains a derro and two kuo-toa, both with
every guest who walks by. multicolored fungi sprouting from different areas in their
A Cloaker hangs at the top of its small cage. Ghiri pokes it bodies. They are uncharacteristically calm and content,
with her baton, grumbling about how it never impresses the chatting with any guests that interact with them. They have
guests. At the jab, it responds by screeching and dropping to also been charmed and have no problem with their captivity.
the edge of the cage. They are enraptured with any myconid guests that walk by,
The next cage seems to be empty except for two or three attempting to barrage them with questions about their
stalagmites. Ghiri prods each of them with her baton until lifestyle, deities, and the Neverlight Grove. If Sarith is with
one of them billows up with a screech. The darkmantle, the party, he is equally intrigued by them as they are with
whose sleep has been disturbed, flaps around the cage Stool.
making sounds of annoyance.
A single Hook Horror hangs by its hooks from the top bars Food
of its cage. It lets out a screech as the guests walk by. You catch the smell of fresh cooked meats and vegetables;
The last cage in this aisle is considerably longer than the sugary scents follow them as you see the lights and tents of
others, though no wider. There is an extra set of bars food stands up ahead. Lines have formed as guests look
between the guests and the creature, keeping everyone more eagerly at those who are already eating.
than 5 feet away from the cage. A troglodyte sits in the middle Anyone that partakes in the food must make a DC 18
of its cage, muttering in its own language and glaring at wisdom saving throw.
everyone who walks by, especially at Ghiri. On a failure, they become charmed and the remainder of
the space as pleasant and fun, now blinded to some of the
more morbid aspects of the carnival. They can repeat the
saving throw whenever something amiss occurs.
On a success they simply enjoy the food that is offered and
keep their wits. They will have advantage on saving throws
during the performance.
Meat on a Stick
The meat being sold at this booth costs 5 copper each, and is,
indeed, meat on a stick. While flavorful and well-seasoned, it
seems to be made of questionable quality. A DC 15 nature or
investigation check reveals that the meat is an assortment of
bat, giant spider, and something else. A DC 18 reveals the last
meat to be some type of humanoid.
Sparkling Darklake
A glass of Sparkling Darklake costs 3 copper. Despite its
murky brown color and slow, plopping carbonation, it tastes
pleasantly like a rich ale.
Gillywig's Sweets Rope Ladder Climb
Gillywig, a gentle kuo-toa, enthusiastically offers guests some A few stalagmites rise from the stony island, platforms atop
of her homemade sweets for just 2 copper a piece. each and silken ladders strung between them, with a bell
hanging above the highest platform. Zeskah, a male drow,
Candied Apples introduces this as the rope ladder climb. If a player passes
Since apples do not exist in the underdark, Gillywig has the dexterity check for all three rope tiers and rings the bell,
managed to cover a sour-smelling onion-flavored fungus with they win the prize. He then shows them the current prize: a
some sort of sweet sugary syrup. small dagger, impossibly black, with small silver spiderweb
etchings along the blade. The first ladder's dexterity DC is 12
Cotton Candy (10 feet up), the second is 14 (15 feet up), and the third is 17
The cotton candy is sweetened wads of Lace Mycelium - a (20 feet up).
fungus made of thin, white filaments that stretches over The dagger is enchanted with a form of the Entangle spell.
cavern walls with spiderweb delicacy. There are small, dead, If held for more than 5 minutes in hand, spider silk emerges
crunchy spiders spun into it. from the handle, binds the dagger to the owner's hand, and
begins to constrict. Player takes 1d4 damage every round
Games until it's removed; the silk has 8 HP and takes a DC 14
Another collection of booths have gathered a quite large strength check to be pulled from the player's hand.
crowd, with carnies calling out and baiting guests to try their The Grip of Six
hand at their challenge. A calm quaggoth, holding a small mallet, stands next to a the
Ring Toss gate of a fighting ring.
The players stand at a low counter, about 8 feet away from a A tall post stands nearby, with a lever on the bottom and a
small table in the center of the booth. The table is full of bell on top. The sides of the post have lines carved across it,
many different sized bottles - some tall and elaborately marking different heights. The player swings the mallet and
decorated, some simple and unassuming, all filled with a hits the lever, making a strength check (with proficiency if the
myriad of unidentifiable colored potions. player is proficient in any hammers). The higher they hit, the
Nilus, a male svirfneblin, steps up and explains that the easier their fight will be in the ring.
aim of the game is to toss a ring onto one of the bottles. If the The quaggoth explains that they are welcome to bring a
player succeeds, they win whichever bottle they caught. It few companions into the ring to help in combat. If they win
costs 4 copper per round, and a round lasts for 3 attempts or the following fight, they are awarded a Wand of Wonder (Item
ends early if the player wins a bottle. If he's feeling generous, description can be found in Appendix B).
Nilus may offer the first round for free. The Grip of Six: Monsters
A DC 11 perception check reveals that the rings Nilus used Strength DC Creature
to demonstrate the game are slightly larger than the rings he
hands to the player. With the smaller rings given to them 0-6 Chuul
originally, players can get the smaller and medium bottles but 7-10 Hell Hound
not the largest ones. It will require a persuasion or 11-13 Quaggoth
intimidation check of 14 to convince him to give over his
rings. Otherwise, the player will need to use a magic spell 14-16 Giant Toad
(such as telekinesis or enlarge/reduce) and cast it stealthily 17-18 Darkmantle
(stealth check DC 15).
The player must make a dexterity check to land the ring on 19+ Giant Bat
a bottle. Proficiency can be added if the player is proficient
with any thrown weapon. If the toss succeeds (determined by Performance Tent
the following table), the player rolls a d20 to determine the
specific potion they have won (Appendix B). When it is time for the show to start, a gong will sound and
all carnies will start to close up their shops, chattering
Tossing a Ring excitedly to any guests who will listen about the wonderful
d20 Bottle Size performances they have planned. Guests begin to file into the
1-9 Miss high-top tent and find seats within. Mavra is standing in the
center of the tent, smiling graciously. Once the guests are all
10-14 Small seated, the colorful lights are dimmed and Mavra begins by
15-19 Medium introducing the first act.
20+ Large with enlarged ring; Medium otherwise
Assuming the players do not disrupt the show, They must
make a Wisdom saving throw DC 10 at the end of the night
or suffer madness from Graz’zt’s table. Those still under the
charm from before make the save with disadvantage.
If the players do not break their charm by the final act or fail Once the surface creatures are led off stage, Mavra
their Graz’zt madness check, they will want to stay; other announces the Enchanting Unicorn, one of a kind! A large
players can try to convince them but will have to force them black stallion is led forward, with a sword blade attached to
away. The charmed players do not get violent if taken away. its forehead. It's been done in a way that the animal seems
The effect wears off after an hour of being away from the currently unharmed but there are some dried colored streaks
area. around the protrusion.
If the players do try to leave during the performance, they The clowns, still on stage, prance around the 'unicorn' and
are confronted by carnies out front who are standing and jump in and out of its range until it spears one of the clowns
blocking the exit outside. Mavra has no interest in fighting straight through. A few carnies calmly walk out and lift up the
her guests unless they disrupt her show. If that is the case, wounded clown who is bleeding profusely, acting as though
she will revert to her original form and attempt to subdue this is a common occurance.
them, kidnap them, and add them to her host of 'employees'. They carry him offstage, accompanied by the other clown
The guests watching the show mistake it as part of the who is still smiling and waving.
performance and cheer her on.
If the players appear to be winning the fight, she retreats The Winterwing Sisters
and sends her quaggoths into the fray. While the party is Mavra smiles politely, laughs off the accident as if it were part
distracted with them, she will attempt to disguise herself as a of the performance, and introduces the Winterwing Sisters,
simple female deep gnome and hide in the crowd. an acrobatic trio.
Shu’lok the Sooth Three Harpies emerge from their roosts at the top of the
tent posts. They perform a dazzling display of aerial
Mavra's voice resonates in the dark room. "We will begin by acrobatics while Shu’lok plays their music.
setting the mood. Here to guide you through our show of At one point, they ask for a volunteer and the crowd goes
wonders is Shu’Lok the Sooth and his song of many-fingers.” wild trying to be chosen. The crowd cheers as they choose a
A black dragonborn wearing a porcelain mask showing guests, swoop down, and pull him up in their talons by his
both sorrow and joy takes the stage first, playing an eerie raised hand.
tune on an accordion. His fingers dance along the keys at its They begin to toss him back and forth in a trapeze-like
side as he is joined by two deep gnomes playing drums, both show, and he starts screaming as their talons slash into his
wearing masks as well. skin and rain blood down in an unsettling display. He falls
As his performance comes to an end, he gives a bow and unconscious, and the harpies stash him away in their nest
the audience claps. He sits back down and resumes playing, (presumably to eat later) and continue the performance.
remaining there for the rest of the show and providing music Anyone who is not charmed can roll perception DC 17 to
for the unsettling performances ahead. see streaks of blood trailing down the main poles in the
Players must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 16 or center; it appears that this is simply part of the act. The
become charmed by the performance and admire the rest of harpies swing around the tent in one last feat before
the show. If the players were already charmed by the food retreating to their roost.
previously, they do not make the save and automatically fail.
All charmed players can repeat their wisdom saving throw
after each of the following acts.
Monstrous Sun Walkers
A slew of what Underdark dwellers would consider alien
animals are led on stage and in cages by animal tamers of
various races. A deep gnome and a duergar, both in masks
and colorful clothing like clowns, take to the stage as well and
interact with the animals.
They scare the goat to make it faint, pretend to fear the
dogs by holding chairs in front of them for 'protection', and
simply showing off the cat in its small cage as they carry it
about the audience. The audience laughs, fully entertained by
their antics.
The tiger is led out to the center of the room, dragged by a
rope around its neck. One clown takes a running leap from
behind and jumps onto its back, riding it like a rodeo bull. It
screeches, twists, turns, and attempts to swing the carnie off
its back. Finally, it rolls over and traps him underneath itself,
then pounces on him and picks him up in its jaws.
The carnie holding its rope pulls it back to the exit, and it
follows willingly with its prey dangling from its mouth. The
crowd cheers with excitement.
The Mythical Unicorn
The Water Lily He takes a seat in the center of the room as guests begin
bringing up small things like rocks, fish bones, and pieces of
While the guests' gazes are directed upwards, an elegant zurkhwood, which he consumes with ease.
female elf figure climbs one of the two poles and emerges on After a few offerings, someone approaches the stage and
the diving platform attached to one of the main posts. Her sticks a dagger in the pile, giggling and thinking he’ll turn it
skin is a reddish pink and she wears a decorative bathing suit down. Dargus eats it without hesitation, while his madness
and a familiar mask. hides the pain. He holds an eerie smile as blood drips from
A large wooden barrel is brought out to the center of the his lips.
room, below her platform. She raises her arms high above Another person, inspired by the last, offers up a hand axe
her head, the crowd goes silent, and she jumps. She soars which Dargus begins to devour as well, dislocating his jaw
through the air and dives perfectly and almost silently into and swallowing it. He is escorted off stage after and dies out
the bucket. The crowd cheers. of sight, his body tossed into the darklake.
She re-emerges and stands with arms held high, coated
head to toe in the blood that the barrel was filled with. After a Finale
big grin to the audience, she lays back down in the bath and Mavra takes the center stage of a pit now stained with the
relaxes as two quaggoths carry it away. blood of multiple various beings, smiling and waving to the
Montel Many-Hands audience. When they begin to quiet down, she starts her
closing speech.
A skilled drow juggler enters the stage, wearing elegant "Thank you all for being such wonderful guests in our
clothing and a porcelain mask, juggling a few glowing simple, humble carnival. Our only goal here at the Carnival of
spheres. After doing a few fun tricks, he tosses the balls Curiosities is to satisfy that hunger for gratification that all
behind him, draws 3 silver short swords, and begins juggling creatures endure. It is only by Graz'zt's satisfaction that we
those. can find ourselves satisfied."
Most of the crowd cheers, but one audience member Her eyes light up as she seems to come up with an idea. "In
heckles him and calls for him to do something more exciting; fact!" she exclaims, waving a hand at one of the carnies
without missing a beat, the drow flicks one of his swords into behind her. "What better way to show our gratitude to him
the guest's throat, who gargles and slumps over. than to give him our whole selves? Who here desires to
The drow bows and leaves as Mavra laughs delicately, become a part of this wonderful Carnival and devote their
assuring her guests that it’s all part of the show, a little lives to spreading Graz'zt's desire for pleasure?"
morbid humor to enjoy. Masked attendants carry the body She looks around as multiple guests raise their hands,
away. chatter excitedly, and begin to file forward. The first five or six
guests who volunteer will be given carnival clothes and a
Dargus the Stone Gut mask, items that actually belonged to performers who died
A heavyset goliath enters the stage next as Mavra introduces during the carnival that night.
Dargus the Stone Gut. She brags that he is able to eat
anything given to him, and asks the audience to present
things they wish to see him eat.
Multiattack. Mavra makes two attacks: one with her
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) claws and one with her dagger or Intoxicating Touch.
Skills Deception +7, Insight +4, Stealth +3 Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
Senses Darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 12 target. Hit (2d10 + 3) slashing damage.
Languages Abyssal, Common Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft,
Challenge 4 (1,100 xp) one target. Hit (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Intoxicating Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft, one creature. The target is magically cursed
for 1 hour. Until the curse ends, the target has
disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws and all ability
Appendix A
Carnival Poster
Map of the Carnival
Letter to Mavra
Appendix B
If there is a plus or minus following the normal DC, this
Potions indicates the DC required to learn additional information
The 'DC to Identify' column lists the ability checks required about a potion (indicated in the Effect column by underline).
to identify a given potion. When supplies are listed (e.g. A natural one may result in a mis-identified potion (if the DM
alchemist, herbalism), the player must be proficient in that so desires).
kit. Otherwise, a (p) after a skill indicates that the player must
be proficient in that skill to corretly identify the potion.
Ring Toss: Medium Potions
d20 Contents Visual DC to Identify Effect
1-2 Strong Looks and smells like a no DC When consumed, you must make a DC 14 constitution
Alcohol really awful ale saving throw, or you are drunk for 1d6 hours.
3 Potion of Yellowish liquid, with an arcana 12 (p) Gain the effect of the Clairvoyance spell
Clairvoyance eyeball bobbing inside
4 Potion of A red bead of liquid alchemist / Gain the 'reduce' effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for
Growth suspended in clear arcana 12 (p) 1d4 hours
liquid; continuously
grows and contracts
5-6 Potion of Red liquid, glimmers herbalism 10, 4d4 + 4 HP regained
Greater when agitated medicine 12
7-8 Hero's Flaw Splashing, sparkling pink arcana 12 (p) When consumed, DC 15 check to resist addiction. On a
fail, you are addicted to the Hero's Flaw and can't stop
thinking about it; 1d6 hours later, you are poisoned for
1d4 hours as you experience withdrawal.
9 Potion of Bright orange alchemist 10, Gain resistance to acid damage for 1 hour
Acid intelligence 12
10 Potion of Transparent, a sliver of a alchemist 10, Strength score becomes 23 for one hour (if your strength
Giant frost giant's fingernail nature 12 (p) score is not already that high or higher)
11-12 Strong Green liquid poisoner's kit 0, Use the poison to coat a slashing or piercing weapon
Poison nature 12 twice, or up to 6 pieces of ammunition. Applying it takes
an action, and it retains potency for 1 minute. A creature
hit by the poison must make DC 12 constitution saving
throw or take 3d4 poison damage
13 Potion of Red liquid, glimmers herbalism 8, It looks, tastes, and smells like a healing potion, but is
Poison when agitated medicine 10 (to actually poison masked by illusion magic. Its true nature
(ILLUSION) detect health can be revealed with the Identify spell or a DC 15 check
potion) with alchemist's supplies.
If consumed, take 3d6 poison damage and succeed a DC
13 constitution saving throw or be poisoned. On each
turn, take 3d6 poison damage at the start and repeat the
saving throw at the end. On a success, the damage taken
on subsequent turns decreases by 1d6. The poison ends
when the damage decreases to 0 or you reach
14 Potion of Fire Constantly moving, alchemist 8, For 3 uses or 1 hour, bonus action to exhale fire at a
Breathing bright orange; smoke arcana 12 target within 30 feet; DC 13 dexterity saving throw. Take
fills the top 4d6 fire damage on failed save, 1/2 on success.
15 Antitoxin Light silver liquid, herbalism 8, Gain advantage on ST against poison for 1 hour.
shimmering nature 12
16 Potion of A red bead of liquid alchemist / Gain the 'enlarge' effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for
Diminuition suspended in clear arcana 12 (p) 1d4 hours
liquid; continuously
grows and contracts
17-18 Potion of Light, bubbling gold arcana 12 (p) You feel wonderfully fluent and are able to express
Efficacy thoughts with great clarity, gaining advantage on
charisma checks for 1d4 hours.
19 Potion of Cloudy green fluid, alchemy 10, Breathe underwater for 1 hour.
Water smells of the sea and nature 12
Breathing has a jellyfish-like
bubble floating in it
20 Potion of Dark grey sludge alchemy 12 Gain resistance to necrotic damage for 1 hour
Ring Toss: Large Potions
d20 Contents Visual DC to Identify Effect
1-5 Potion of Red liquid, glimmers herbalism 12, 8d4 + 8 HP regained
Superior when agitated medicine 14
6-8 Potion of Syrupy liquid, looks like arcana 14 (p) Resistance to all damage for 1 minute
Invulnerability liquified iron
9-12 Potion of Transparent, a sliver of a alchemist 12, Strength score becomes 25 for one hour (if your strength
Giant fire giant's fingernail nature 14 (p) score is not already that high or higher)
13-15 Potion of Clear liquid, floats at the arcana 14 (p) Gain flying speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour
Flying top of the container and and can hover. After 1 hour, you fall if you're in the air
has cloudy white unless you have other means of staying aloft.
impurities drifting in it
16-17 Potion of Dense, purple liquid arcana 14 (p) Gain the effect of the Detect Thoughts spell (save DC
Mind Reading with an ovoid cloud of 13)
18-20 Potion of Looks empty, but feels arcana 14 (p) Become invisible for 1 hour. Anything you wear or carry is
Invisibility as though it holds liquid also invisible. The effect ends early if you attack or cast a
Wand of Wonder
Wand of Wonder
Wand, rare (requires attunement by a Spellcaster)
Wand of Wonder: Effects
d100 Effect
1-5 You cast slow.
6-10 You cast Faerie Fire.
11-15 You are Stunned until the start of your next turn, believing something awesome just happened.
16-20 You cast Gust of Wind.
21-25 You cast Detect Thoughts on the target you chose. If you didn't target a creature, you take 1d6 psychic damage.
26-30 You cast Stinking Cloud.
31-33 Heavy rain falls in a 60-foot radius centered on the target. The area becomes lightly obscured. The rain falls until
the start of your next turn.
34-36 An animal appears in the unoccupied space nearest the target. The animal isn't under your control and acts as it
normally would. Roll a d100 to determine which animal appears. On a 01-25, a Rhinoceros appears; on a 26-50,
an Elephant appears; and on a 51-100, a rat appears. See the Monster Manual for the animal's Statistics.
37-46 You cast Lightning Bolt.
47-49 A cloud of 600 oversized butterflies fills a 30-foot radius centered on the target. The area becomes heavily
obscured. The butterflies remain for 10 minutes.
50-53 You enlarge the target as if you had cast enlarge/reduce. If the target can't be affected by that spell or if you
didn't target a creature, you become the target.
54-58 You cast Darkness.
59-62 Grass grows on the ground in a 60-foot radius centered on the target. If grass is already there, it grows to ten
times its normal size and remains overgrown for 1 minute.
63-65 An object of the DM 's choice disappears into the Ethereal Plane. The object must be neither worn nor carried,
within 120 feet of the target, and no larger than 10 feet in any dimension.
66-69 You shrink yourself as if you had cast enlarge/ reduce on yourself.
70-79 You cast Fireball.
80-84 You cast Invisibility on yourself.
85-87 Leaves grow from the target. If you chose a point in space as the target, leaves sprout from the creature nearest
to that point. Unless they are picked off, the leaves turn brown and fall off after 24 hours.
88-90 A stream of 1d4 x 10 gems, each worth 1 gp, shoots from the wand 's tip in a line 30 feet long and 5 feet wide.
Each gem deals 1 bludgeoning damage, and the total damage of the gems is divided equally among all creatures
in the line.
91-95 A burst of colorful shimmering light extends from you in a 30-foot radius. You and each creature in the area that
can see must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become Blinded for 1 minute. A creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
96-97 The target's skin turns bright blue for 1d10 days. If you chose a point in space, the creature nearest to that point
is affected.
98-100 If you targeted a creature, it must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. If you didn't target a creature, you
become the target and must make the saving throw. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is instantly
Petrified. On any other failed save, the target is Restrained and begins to turn to stone. While Restrained in this
way, the target must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming Petrified on a failure or
ending the effect on a success. The petrification lasts until the target is freed by the Greater Restoration spell or
similar magic.