CotM Preview
CotM Preview
CotM Preview
All portions of this book are © 2021 Paradigm Concepts Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Arcanis, Arcanis: the World of
Shattered Empires, the Arcanis logo, and all related marks and images are © 2000 – 2021 Paradigm Concepts Publishing, LLC.
Shattered Empires: Roleplaying in the World of Arcanis is © 2000 - 2021 Paradigm Concepts Publishing, LLC. The mention of, use of
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Psionics Overview
Expressions: You can expend a mental focus to create a
Psionics potent effect called an expression. Manifesting an expression
immediately ends the focused ability, which the mental
Creatures that are psionically gifted are known as the focus was previously maintaining. Expressions may include
Awakened. All Awakened creatures share the unique ability spells, enhance the effects of psionic powers, or power class
to fracture their consciousness into multiple parts, called foci. features. Unless otherwise noted, expending an active mental
The Awakened use foci to create mental constructs, patterns focus requires an action, even if the power has a different
that produce magical effects lasting for as long as they are manifesting time. Expressions are cast at a spell level equal to
focused upon. Awakened creatures learn how to cannibalize your manifestation level, as shown on the respective classes’
these foci, fusing them back into their primary consciousness, table. A spell expression is a spell-like effect that mimics
creating a surplus of mental energy. The Awakened can then a spell in all ways, including casting/manifesting time, but
use this energy to manifest more powerful magical effects, with components replaced by mental (M) power displays (see
ending the mental pattern they were once focused upon. below). If your manifestation level is higher than the spell’s
The psionics system builds off the already established rules level, you can manifest the spell at a higher level just like a
for spellcasting, particularly that used by the warlock class, spell is cast in a higher spell slot.
but uses different terminology, which is defined below. A mental focus acts as a spell slot that can be temporarily
All Awakened creatures share the following traits. dedicated to powering a focused ability. As long as the mental
focus is dedicated to the focused ability, that ability remains
Manifesting Psionics active. When you spend that mental focus to manifest (cast)
an expression (a spell or spell-like ability), that expression is
Mental foci (singular focus, plural foci) allow you to maintain manifested at a level equal to your manifestation level (spell
several lesser abilities and can be expended to manifest slot level). Once that mental focus is expended, it can no
powerful spell-like effects. You gain additional mental foci longer be used to power the focused ability.
as you advance in level, as listed on the respective class’ table.
You regain all expended mental foci after completing a short Persistent Abilities are always available to you and do not
or long rest. There are two ways to use your mental foci: to require a mental focus. Unless otherwise noted, activating
maintain a focused ability and to expend those foci to fuel these abilities requires an action and produces both visual (V)
Expressions, both are described below. and sonic (S) power displays. These abilities are manifested at
your manifestation level and can be dispelled or countered.
Focused Ability: You can devote a mental focus to use
a Focused Ability. This psionic effect remains active for as Grand Expressions are the most powerful psionic
long as you have a mental focus dedicated to it. Initiating capabilities known, often equaling the most potent spells
a focused ability produces a mental (M) power display (see and abilities. Characters can manifest grand expressions
below). In cases of focused abilities that possess more than only if a class feature explicitly grants them one. Unless
one option, you may only focus upon one option regardless otherwise noted, manifesting a grand expression requires an
of the number of mental foci you possess. action. These effects and spells are manifested at the spell’s
minimum level or as listed under the grand expression.
Any time you are reduced to 0 hit points, all of your Grand expressions produce both visual (V) and mental (M)
actively focused abilities immediately end, but the foci are power displays as well as a sharp, loud pop at the moment the
not expended. Once you regain consciousness, as an action grand expression is manifested.
you may apply unused mental focus to a focused ability until
all your unused foci are applied.
At 1st level, you have one mental focus, which allows you Expression: You can expend a mental focus to create a
to concentrate on a single focused ability at a time or can be potent effect. Manifesting an expression instantly ends the
expended for an expression. You gain additional mental foci focused ability that the mental focus was maintaining. Unless
as you advance in level, as listed on Table: The Psion. There otherwise noted, expending an active mental focus requires
are two ways to utilize your mental foci: to maintain focused an action. Expression effects that are spell-like operate at a
abilities, and to expend those foci to power expressions. You spell level equal to your manifestation level, as shown on
regain all expended mental foci after completing a short or Table: The Psion.
long rest, at which point you may reassign them to focused
abilities. Psionic Powers
Focused Ability: These are effects that remain active for Psionic powers are rudimentary psionic effects that are
as long as you have a mental focus dedicated to it. Initiating similar to magic cantrips. You know a number of psionic
a focused ability produces an M (mental) power display (see powers as shown on Table: The Psion, and continue to gain
Psionics Overview Chapter 3). Any time you are reduced to more psionic powers through your psionic tradition, your
0 hit points, all of your actively focused abilities instantly choice of gnosis, and as you advance in level.
end, but any foci that maintained them are not expended. You manifest a psionic power’s base effects without using a
Once you regain consciousness, as an action, you can reapply mental focus. Beyond that, most psionic powers offer one or
your unused mental foci to your previously focused abilities. more expressions. Manifesting a power’s expression requires
Without the use of a special feature, you can only change the expenditure of a mental focus. The highest possible
your focused abilities at the end of a short or long rest. effects of an expression depend on your manifestation level.
Manifestation save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until
your manifesting ability modifier you complete a long rest.
Subconscious Reflexes
At 18th level, your subconscious begins to
reflexively strike back at those who attack your
mind. On the turn immediately after you
manifest a psionic defense power, you may
manifest a psionic attack power as a bonus
Fount of Will
At 20th level, when you roll initiative and do
not have an active mental focus, you regain two
mental foci that you may instantly apply to your
focused abilities.
Commonly Held
Psion Traditions
You practice one of the most brutal forms of the psionic
traditions, that of the Kineticist. This tradition manifests its
power through sheer willpower, and it allows you to manifest
pure kinetic bolts that can snap wood, metal, and bone with
disturbing efficacy.
Manifesting Ability: Charisma Brutal Precision
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma Beginning at 6th level, any psionic ability or effect you create
Additional Proficiencies: Choose one of the following skills. that deals force damage scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
You may not choose the same skill that you chose as your class
skill: Acrobatics, Deception, Performance, Sleight of Hand. Overwhelming Force
Upon reaching 10th level, when manifesting a psionic ability
Tradition Power or effect that deals force damage, as a bonus action you can
You learn the psionic power telekinetic bolt. increase the damage by 1d8. If the psionic ability or effect
that deals force damage can be manifested as a bonus action,
you can increase the damage by 2d8 as an action. You may
Inertial Barrier use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma
Upon reaching 2nd level, you begin to subconsciously tap modifier (minimum of one), regaining all expended uses
your kinetic abilities and can create a telekinetic buffer when you finish a long rest.
around your body.
Focused Ability: While maintaining focus on this Redirect Force
ability, you may manifest mage armor on yourself at will.
Starting at 14th level, any time you suffer bludgeoning,
Additionally, while maintaining focus on this ability, any
force, piercing, or slashing damage, as a reaction you can
time you deal force damage with a psionic ability or effect
gain resistance to that damage. Moreover, on your next turn,
you can gain 5 temporary hit points, which remain for 1
any psionic ability or effect that you create that deals force
hour. You can also gain 5 temporary hit points as an action.
damage has its damage increased by an amount equal to the
damage you suffered. You may use this feature a number of
times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one),
and you regain all expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Dexterity: 14 +2 +2 I spill secrets at the drop of a hat. I
can’t understand the idea of withholding
Constitution: 10 +0 +3
intelligence: 14 +2 +2
wisdom: 14 +2 +2 Defenses & Health
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that Codex of the Mind, Stretch Goal #8 Edition, Copyright 2020, Paradigm
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