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Codex of the Mind Preview

Paradigm Concepts Publishing, LLC is proud to present Authors

this preview of the Codex of the Mind, a complete psionics
Pedro Barrenechea and Henry Lopez
ruleset, and more for 5E. Written for the Arcanis: The World
of Shattered Empires Campaign Setting, these rules can be
easily adapted to any setting by changing the names of the Cover
people and places used here to something that fits YOUR Santi Casas
campaign setting.
Presented here is an overview of the nuts and bolts rules Interior Artist
explaining how psionics works and a sample telekinetic Pat Loboyko and Santi Casas
character with all the rules necessary for play. The full
book, which will be Kickstarted soon, will contain many
other ways to play a psionicist, including the psion presented
Layout & Graphic Design
here, the psi-warrior, and characters who are untrained in Ruben Smith-Zempel
harnessing the power of the mind and must rely on instinct
and emotion. Game Mechanics
Codex of the Mind will also contain: Pedro Barrenechea and David Thomas Chappell
• Dozens of archetypes for each of the new base psionic
classes Art Director
• New backgrounds, feats, and magic items Jimmy Beck
• Psionic runes to enhance hero gear
• Psionic monsters
Editing Team
Cody Bergman and Doug Seipel
• Expanded Madness rules (and a madness warlock
Arcanis: The World of Shattered
• And of course, a full suite of psionic disciplines and
spells Empires created by
Henry Lopez
Feel free to check out our Kickstarter Preview at:
or by emailing [email protected].
We hope you find the contents of this preview useful and

All portions of this book are © 2021 Paradigm Concepts Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Arcanis, Arcanis: the World of
Shattered Empires, the Arcanis logo, and all related marks and images are © 2000 – 2021 Paradigm Concepts Publishing, LLC.
Shattered Empires: Roleplaying in the World of Arcanis is © 2000 - 2021 Paradigm Concepts Publishing, LLC. The mention of, use of
or reference to any company, trademark or product in this book is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright in question.
Psionics Overview
Expressions: You can expend a mental focus to create a
Psionics potent effect called an expression. Manifesting an expression
immediately ends the focused ability, which the mental
Creatures that are psionically gifted are known as the focus was previously maintaining. Expressions may include
Awakened. All Awakened creatures share the unique ability spells, enhance the effects of psionic powers, or power class
to fracture their consciousness into multiple parts, called foci. features. Unless otherwise noted, expending an active mental
The Awakened use foci to create mental constructs, patterns focus requires an action, even if the power has a different
that produce magical effects lasting for as long as they are manifesting time. Expressions are cast at a spell level equal to
focused upon. Awakened creatures learn how to cannibalize your manifestation level, as shown on the respective classes’
these foci, fusing them back into their primary consciousness, table. A spell expression is a spell-like effect that mimics
creating a surplus of mental energy. The Awakened can then a spell in all ways, including casting/manifesting time, but
use this energy to manifest more powerful magical effects, with components replaced by mental (M) power displays (see
ending the mental pattern they were once focused upon. below). If your manifestation level is higher than the spell’s
The psionics system builds off the already established rules level, you can manifest the spell at a higher level just like a
for spellcasting, particularly that used by the warlock class, spell is cast in a higher spell slot.
but uses different terminology, which is defined below. A mental focus acts as a spell slot that can be temporarily
All Awakened creatures share the following traits. dedicated to powering a focused ability. As long as the mental
focus is dedicated to the focused ability, that ability remains
Manifesting Psionics active. When you spend that mental focus to manifest (cast)
an expression (a spell or spell-like ability), that expression is
Mental foci (singular focus, plural foci) allow you to maintain manifested at a level equal to your manifestation level (spell
several lesser abilities and can be expended to manifest slot level). Once that mental focus is expended, it can no
powerful spell-like effects. You gain additional mental foci longer be used to power the focused ability.
as you advance in level, as listed on the respective class’ table.
You regain all expended mental foci after completing a short Persistent Abilities are always available to you and do not
or long rest. There are two ways to use your mental foci: to require a mental focus. Unless otherwise noted, activating
maintain a focused ability and to expend those foci to fuel these abilities requires an action and produces both visual (V)
Expressions, both are described below. and sonic (S) power displays. These abilities are manifested at
your manifestation level and can be dispelled or countered.
Focused Ability: You can devote a mental focus to use
a Focused Ability. This psionic effect remains active for as Grand Expressions are the most powerful psionic
long as you have a mental focus dedicated to it. Initiating capabilities known, often equaling the most potent spells
a focused ability produces a mental (M) power display (see and abilities. Characters can manifest grand expressions
below). In cases of focused abilities that possess more than only if a class feature explicitly grants them one. Unless
one option, you may only focus upon one option regardless otherwise noted, manifesting a grand expression requires an
of the number of mental foci you possess. action. These effects and spells are manifested at the spell’s
minimum level or as listed under the grand expression.
Any time you are reduced to 0 hit points, all of your Grand expressions produce both visual (V) and mental (M)
actively focused abilities immediately end, but the foci are power displays as well as a sharp, loud pop at the moment the
not expended. Once you regain consciousness, as an action grand expression is manifested.
you may apply unused mental focus to a focused ability until
all your unused foci are applied.

Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview 2

Psionic Powers
Psionic powers are psionic effects similar to cantrips. The
number of psionic powers known are listed on the respective
class’ table. You continue to gain more psionic powers Psionics
through your sub-class, your choice of psionic gnosis (see Manifesting a psionic effect or ability follows the same rules
below), and as you advance in level. Additionally, any time as those used for spell casting with two differences: spell
you learn a psionic power by gaining a level in a psionic class, components are replaced with power displays and psionics
you may choose to swap a psionic power you already know are categorized by discipline rather than a school of magic.
from your base class and replace it with another from your
class’s psionic power list.
Psionic Power Displays
Just as casting a cantrip does not use a spell slot, you do
not need to expend a focus to manifest a psionic power’s base Manifesting psionics is an act of pure will. When you
effects. Some psionic powers offer one or more expressions manifest a psionic ability or effect, you do not use spell-
that require the expenditure of a mental focus, providing casting material components, there are no words spoken, or
additional effects as your manifestation level increases. Any hand movements. Instead, any time you manifest a spell-
time a rule refers to a “base power,” it refers to a psionic like effect, the base spell’s components are replaced with
power without the use of any of its expressions. power displays. Verbal (V) components are replaced with
Visual (V) displays, Somatic (S) components with Sonic
Gnosis (S), and finally Material (M) components with Mental
Many psionic classes and subclasses learn one or more psionic (M) displays. These displays are not disruptive to a creature’s
gnoses. A gnosis is a specialization in a psionic practice. concentration. Unless a cost is indicated for a material
component, manifesting does not require any material
Psionics Action Economy components. If a cost is indicated for a material component,
Psionic powers act as cantrips unless you use the power’s the manifester is required to possess a psionic focus item
expression. Expressions, regardless of the source (psionic (which is not consumed) to manifest the spell.
power, gnosis, or class feature), are the equivalent of casting Visual (V): Your eyes burn like points of silver fire
a spell. Like casting a spell, you may only manifest one when you manifest and lasts as long as the ability or effect
expression per turn as either an action or bonus action. The remains active. Expressions are also accompanied by displays
only exception is combining one base power with another that relate to the ability or effect’s function. Hold person,
psionic ability. Similarly, the limit applies to intermingling for example, may appear as transparent chains springing
magic spells and psionic manifestations. Persistent from the ground and wrapping around your target, while
and focused abilities are not limited by the rule of one
telekinetic bolt might ripple the air between you and your
manifestation per turn.
target. These displays can be unique to the individual psion
and are commonly seen as their personal signature.
An Example of Psionics in Play
A 5th-level psion, Sathath of the Brood of Ven, possesses Sonic (S): A bass hum, eerily akin to many deep-pitched
three mental foci. After completing a short rest, you assign voices, issues from your vicinity (or the area of effect). The
your psionic foci to three of your focused abilities, choosing sound grows within seconds from a whisper to being loud
Inertial Barrier, Enhanced Kinetics, and Tactile Kinetics. Later
enough to be heard within 30 feet. Some abilities and
that day, during combat, you choose to manifest magic missile
expending the mental foci dedicated to Tactile Kinetics, effects may describe a unique auditory display; for example,
ending that focused ability. During the next encounter, you manifesting thunderwave would be accompanied by the
successfully hit a creature with the telekinetic bolt psionic boom of thunder.
power and choose to expend the psionic focus dedicated to
Mental (M): A subtle chime rings once in the minds
Enhanced Kinetics, thereby increasing the power’s damage,
and ending the Enhanced Kinetics focused ability effect. of creatures within 15 feet of both you and your target
Now, until your character takes a long or short rest, you (or the area of effect). You may choose to have the chime
only have one mental focus, which is currently dedicated to ring continuously for the duration of the ability or effect.
Inertial Barrier. Some abilities and effects may describe their unique mental

3 Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview

Spells and psionic powers that affect a specific school of
Manifesting with Subtlety magic also affect powers and gnosis abilities of its aligned
(Optional Rule) discipline (see Psionic Disciplines below).
The Arcanis 5e Campaign Setting has rules for casting spells The spell (or spell expression) detect magic can discern
with subtlety, which also allow Awakened creatures to psionic discipline just like it can discern a school of magic. In
manifest powers in the same manner. a world where psionics is rare, the GM may require Psionics
While manifesting a power or expression is a mental skill proficiency to be able to identify the psionic aura.
exercise, it creates outward effects that betray the Awakened
creature. These effects can be suppressed. Manifesting in Armor
If manifesting a psionic power or expression, you may Because of the mental immersion required for manifesting
attempt to suppress the manifestation’s displays. To do so, psionics, you must be proficient with the armor you are
you must make a manifesting ability check with a DC equal wearing in order to manifest psionics. You are otherwise
to 16 + your manifesting level. The DC for manifesting a too distracted by the discomfort of your armor to use your
psionic power, switching to a focused ability, or manifesting psionic abilities. Similarly, you cannot apply or redirect a
a persistent power is 16. You cannot suppress the displays of
mental focus, nor can you manifest a persistent ability while
a grand expression unless specified.
wearing armor with which you are not proficient.
Regardless of the success at manifesting with subtlety,
the psionic effect succeeds. If you succeed at manifesting
with subtlety, the result of your check becomes the DC for
onlookers to perceive the effect with either their passive or The Psionic
active Perception. Failure means that all onlookers, active or
passive, automatically know that you manifested psionics.
Bonuses and penalties to this check are at the GM’s discretion.
Psionic powers and abilities are grouped into seven disciplines.
For example, when in a dark room, hiding the manifestation These disciplines are analogous to the schools of magic. With
of luminescent crystals would be impossible, while telekinetically
the exception of telepathy, they are not governed by any
moving a book across the same dark room would be significantly
additional rules, unless otherwise specified in the description.
easier. Some powers and expressions are impossible to manifest
without notice, such as creating an item, manipulating fire, or Clairsentience powers enable you to learn secrets long
causing lightning to arc from your weapon. forgotten, find hidden objects, glimpse the immediate future
and predict the far future. Psionicists can learn precognitive
Targets powers to aid their comrades in combat as well as other
Psionicists possess what many telepaths refer to as the abilities that permit them to gather information in many
second sight. If an Awakened creature has a current, ongoing different ways. Clairsentience is closely aligned to the magical
telepathic contact with another creature, the contact counts school of divination.
as being a potential target that the Awakened creature can Metacreation powers create objects, creatures, or some
see for manifesting psionic effects. The manifestation range form of matter. This discipline includes powers that manifest
still applies. This rule does not apply to any magic spells that psilicate, a form of ectoplasm, to create semisolid and solid
a psionicist might be able to cast, such as being multiclassed. items such as armor, weapons, or animated constructs.
Metacreation is closely aligned to the magical school of
Psionics and conjuration.
Magic Transparency Metapsionic powers and abilities allow the manifester
The abilities of the Awakened may be vastly different from to augment their own psionics. In the absence of psionics,
those of other classes, like clerics and sorcerers, but they still metapsionics has very little use, but when applied to powers
draw on the residual energy of creation to produce magical and expressions from other disciplines, it can change,
effects. Psionic expressions, powers, abilities, and effects that distort, or dispel the way that psionics is used and expressed.
force a saving throw or require an attack roll can be targeted Metapsionics is aligned to the magical school of abjuration.
by counterspell or dispel magic, and are blocked by defenses Psychometabolism powers change the physical properties
such as globe of invulnerability unless otherwise stated. of creatures, things, or conditions. This discipline consists
Psionic expressions are treated as spells, psionic powers are of powers that alter the psychobiology of the psionicist
treated as cantrips when applicable.
or creatures near him. Psychometabolism abilities can
Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview 4
heal or transform a psionicist into a fearsome fighter. Telepathy powers can spy on and affect the minds of
Psychometabolism is closely aligned to the magical school others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Most
of transmutation. telepathy powers, expressions, and abilities are mind-
Psychoportation powers move the manifester, an object, affecting, as such, they work against only creatures who are
or another creature through space. These powers propel or susceptible to psychic damage. Creatures immune to psychic
displace objects in space or time. Psychoportation is closely damage are also immune to the powers under this discipline.
aligned to the magical school of conjuration. Telepathy abilities also allow mental contact and control of
other sentient creatures, as well as deceiving or destroying
Telekinesis is closely aligned to the magical school of the minds of their enemies. Telepathy is closely aligned to
evocation. Many of these powers produce spectacular effects the magical school of enchantment.
above and beyond the power’s standard display, such as
moving, burning, or blasting a target.
5 Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview
The psion class and all its traditions focus on using psionic • Choose two simple weapons appropriate to your starting
gifts to manipulate, transform, attack and defend by nation.
envisioning how they wish something to be and then willing • Choose either a scholar’s pack or a dungeoneer’s pack.
it into existence. Whether this is by moving an object
across space by telekinesis or by ripping into the mind of an • The equivalent of leather armor from your starting nation.
adversary to bring their secrets to light, the psion’s hands are Psion Gnosis Advancement
never sullied, as it is their mind that enacts their will.
Psion Primary Secondary Tertiary
Level Gnosis Level Gnosis Level Gnosis Level
Class Features
1 1st — —
Racial Restrictions 2 2nd — —
Unlike other classes, the psion and the majority of other 3 2nd — —
psionic casting classes, requires the Psionic Potential racial 4 2nd — —
trait. Of the player races presently available in the Arcanis
5 3rd — —
Campaign setting, only the val and the Black Talon Brood
of Ven ss’ressen possess this trait. 6 3rd 1st —
7 3rd 1st —
Hit Points 8 3rd 2nd —
Hit Dice: 1d8 per psion level 9 4th 2nd —
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier 10 4th 3rd —
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution 11 5th 3rd 1st
modifier per psion level after 1st 12 5th 4th 1st
13 6th 4th 2nd
Proficiencies 14 6th 5th 2nd
Your choice of psion tradition will provide you with 15 7th 5th 3rd
additional proficiencies. See your chosen tradition for details.
16 7th 6th 3rd
Armor: Light armor
17 8th 6th 4th
Weapons: Simple weapons
18 8th 6th 4th
Tools: None 19 8th 7th 4th
Saving Throws: Per your Psionic Tradition 20 8th 7th 5th
Skills: Choose one of the following skills: Athletics, History,
Insight, Investigation, Perception, and Psionics The Awakened
All Awakened creatures possess the ability to fracture their
Equipment consciousness, allowing them to maintain and focus on
You start with the following equipment in addition to the multiple patterns of power simultaneously.
equipment granted by your background. See the Arcanis 5e
Campaign Setting (Chapter 4) for a list of regional weapons Mental Foci
and armor. If you choose a weapon with ammunition you
Mental foci are pathways that allow you to maintain a
start with 20 bolts or arrows, or 10 shots of blast powder
number of lesser abilities, and can be expended to manifest
in the case of flintlocks. If using the Arcanis 5e Campaign
powerful spell-like effects.
Setting for regional weapons and armor:

Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview 6

The Psion
Proficiency Powers Mental Manifestation
Level Features
Bonus Known Foci Level
1 +2 Awakened, Primary Gnosis, Psionic Tradition 4 1 1st level
2 +2 Refocus, Psionic Tradition feature 4 2 1st level
3 +2 Complex Mind 4 2 2nd level
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 5 2 2nd level
5 +3 — 5 3 3rd level
6 +3 Psionic Tradition feature, Secondary Gnosis 5 3 3rd level
7 +3 Fractured Mind 5 3 4th level
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 3 4th level
9 +4 — 6 4 5th level
10 +4 Psionic Tradition feature 6 4 5th level
11 +4 Grand Expression (6th level), Tertiary Gnosis 6 4 5th level
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 4 5th level
13 +5 Grand Expression (7th level) 7 5 5th level
14 +5 Psionic Tradition feature 7 5 5th level
15 +5 Grand Expression (8th level) 8 5 5th level
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 8 5 5th level
17 +6 Grand Expression (9th level) 8 6 5th level
18 +6 Subconscious Reflexes 8 6 5th level
19 +6 Ability Score Improvement 9 6 5th level
20 +6 Fount of Will 9 6 5th level

At 1st level, you have one mental focus, which allows you Expression: You can expend a mental focus to create a
to concentrate on a single focused ability at a time or can be potent effect. Manifesting an expression instantly ends the
expended for an expression. You gain additional mental foci focused ability that the mental focus was maintaining. Unless
as you advance in level, as listed on Table: The Psion. There otherwise noted, expending an active mental focus requires
are two ways to utilize your mental foci: to maintain focused an action. Expression effects that are spell-like operate at a
abilities, and to expend those foci to power expressions. You spell level equal to your manifestation level, as shown on
regain all expended mental foci after completing a short or Table: The Psion.
long rest, at which point you may reassign them to focused
abilities. Psionic Powers
Focused Ability: These are effects that remain active for Psionic powers are rudimentary psionic effects that are
as long as you have a mental focus dedicated to it. Initiating similar to magic cantrips. You know a number of psionic
a focused ability produces an M (mental) power display (see powers as shown on Table: The Psion, and continue to gain
Psionics Overview Chapter 3). Any time you are reduced to more psionic powers through your psionic tradition, your
0 hit points, all of your actively focused abilities instantly choice of gnosis, and as you advance in level.
end, but any foci that maintained them are not expended. You manifest a psionic power’s base effects without using a
Once you regain consciousness, as an action, you can reapply mental focus. Beyond that, most psionic powers offer one or
your unused mental foci to your previously focused abilities. more expressions. Manifesting a power’s expression requires
Without the use of a special feature, you can only change the expenditure of a mental focus. The highest possible
your focused abilities at the end of a short or long rest. effects of an expression depend on your manifestation level.

7 Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview

Gnosis Refocus
Gnosis are collections of similar abilities and effects that grant Starting at 2nd level, as an action, you can redirect a mental
you persistent abilities, focused abilities, and expressions, focus from one focused ability to another, ending one effect
which become available as you gain levels in the psion class. and starting the other. Refocusing does not expend that
You gain spell expressions from all your gnosis based on mental focus.
your manifestation level. Once you have access to a particular
feature, it functions based on your full psion level. Complex Mind
You start with a single gnosis, referred to as your primary
Beginning at 3rd level, your mind becomes so fractured that
gnosis, at class level 1. You gain additional gnosis when you
it is almost impossible for non-Awakened to read it. You gain
reach 6th and 11th class level, which are referred to as your
advantage on all saving throws to resist attempts by non-
secondary, and tertiary gnosis, respectively.
psionic creatures to read your mind (such as through the
Your primary gnosis represents the primary focus of your detect thoughts spell). If the effect doesn’t normally allow a
psion practices. You learn the first level of your gnosis at saving throw, you can still attempt a special DC 20 saving
1st level and gain additional gnosis levels at 2nd, 5th, 9th,
throw using your manifesting ability score, with advantage,
11th, 13th, 15th, and 17th class level. Later you learn the
to resist the effect.
1st level of your secondary gnosis at 6th class level, and gain
additional levels in it at 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th
class level. Finally at 11th class level you learn the 1st level of Ability Score Improvement
your tertiary and final gnosis, in which you gain additional When you reach 4th level, and again at, 8th, 12th, 16th,
levels at 13th, 15th, 17th, 20th class level.
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
For example, when you reach the 6th level of the psion choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
class you may choose psychometabolism as your secondary choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
gnosis. You gain mind over body, but do not yet gain access to above 20 using this feature. You may choose to forego any
other higher-level gnosis features. You also immediately learn Ability Score Improvement to take a feat of your choice
the first three levels of spell expressions for psychometabolism.
instead. Alternatively, if your race has a Bloodline trait, then
Upon reaching 8th level in the psion class, you gain access
at certain levels (4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th), you may
to the feature subconscious weapon mastery, but not any of its
forego an Ability Score Improvement to increase your Blood
higher-level abilities.
Rank by 1.

Psionic Tradition Fractured Mind

Starting at 1st level, you must choose which psionic tradition
(e.g. Kineticist, Savant, Sentinel, or a val-family tradition) When you reach 7th level, you become adept at briefly
you follow, which are detailed below. Your psionic tradition fracturing your deep mind. As a bonus action, you can
determines your saving throw proficiencies and your create a shard of your subconscious mind that maintains
manifesting ability score. It also grants you additional features concentration on an active spell or other effect that requires
and skill proficiencies at 1st level. Your choice grants you concentration.
features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level. Your shard can concentrate for a number of turns equal to
your manifesting ability modifier. During that time, you can
Manifesting Ability concentrate on a second spell or effect. If you take damage,
Your manifesting ability score modifier is used to determine your shard immediately stops concentrating. If you are
your attack modifier or saving throw DC when manifesting concentrating on a second effect, you can maintain either the
any spell, ability, or psionic power. Your manifesting ability first or second effect, as long as you make your Constitution
is determined by your psionic tradition. saving throw.

Manifestation save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until
your manifesting ability modifier you complete a long rest.

Manifestation attack modifier = your proficiency bonus

+ your manifesting ability modifier

Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview 8

Grand Expressions
When you reach 11th level, you learn how to
manifest grand expressions, powerful abilities
and effects similar to higher-level spells.
At 11th level, you can manifest a 6th-level
grand expression once without expending a
mental focus. You must finish a long rest before
you can do so again. At higher level, you gain
more grand expressions; one 7th-level grand
expression at 13th level, one 8th-level grand
expression at 15th level, and one 9th-level grand
expression at 17th level. You regain all uses of
your grand expressions when you finish a long
rest. Knowledge of grand expressions is granted
through your gnosis and certain psion traditions.

Subconscious Reflexes
At 18th level, your subconscious begins to
reflexively strike back at those who attack your
mind. On the turn immediately after you
manifest a psionic defense power, you may
manifest a psionic attack power as a bonus

Fount of Will
At 20th level, when you roll initiative and do
not have an active mental focus, you regain two
mental foci that you may instantly apply to your
focused abilities.

9 Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview

Across the Known Lands, when a val family scion becomes
Awakened, they are taken to be trained in controlling and
focusing their new-found power. While each family has
traditions known only to them, there are some that are
common to all. These traditions include the Kineticist, the
Savant, and the Sentinel. A fourth tradition, that of the
psionic inquisitor, is taught by the Mother Church of Coryan
and its successors and is available to the devout Awakened.

Commonly Held
Psion Traditions
You practice one of the most brutal forms of the psionic
traditions, that of the Kineticist. This tradition manifests its
power through sheer willpower, and it allows you to manifest
pure kinetic bolts that can snap wood, metal, and bone with
disturbing efficacy.
Manifesting Ability: Charisma Brutal Precision
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma Beginning at 6th level, any psionic ability or effect you create
Additional Proficiencies: Choose one of the following skills. that deals force damage scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
You may not choose the same skill that you chose as your class
skill: Acrobatics, Deception, Performance, Sleight of Hand. Overwhelming Force
Upon reaching 10th level, when manifesting a psionic ability
Tradition Power or effect that deals force damage, as a bonus action you can
You learn the psionic power telekinetic bolt. increase the damage by 1d8. If the psionic ability or effect
that deals force damage can be manifested as a bonus action,
you can increase the damage by 2d8 as an action. You may
Inertial Barrier use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma
Upon reaching 2nd level, you begin to subconsciously tap modifier (minimum of one), regaining all expended uses
your kinetic abilities and can create a telekinetic buffer when you finish a long rest.
around your body.
Focused Ability: While maintaining focus on this Redirect Force
ability, you may manifest mage armor on yourself at will.
Starting at 14th level, any time you suffer bludgeoning,
Additionally, while maintaining focus on this ability, any
force, piercing, or slashing damage, as a reaction you can
time you deal force damage with a psionic ability or effect
gain resistance to that damage. Moreover, on your next turn,
you can gain 5 temporary hit points, which remain for 1
any psionic ability or effect that you create that deals force
hour. You can also gain 5 temporary hit points as an action.
damage has its damage increased by an amount equal to the
damage you suffered. You may use this feature a number of
times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one),
and you regain all expended uses after finishing a long rest.

Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview 10

Psionic Gnosis
Gnosis is a collection of mental techniques that permanently creature’s falling speed is reduced to 60 feet per round until
opens one’s metaphysical pathways, allowing the Awakened they reach the ground, where they suffer no falling damage
to unlock abilities and effects powered by mere acts of and land on their feet.
will. Gnosis grants you a list of focused abilities, persistent
abilities, expressions, grand expressions, and spell expressions
that become available as you advance in level within the class
2nd Level of Gnosis
that is granting the gnosis. Some classes and subclasses are
able to learn one or more gnosis.
Telekinetic Might
Your mind can strike with the strength of a bull.
New Spells are denoted with an asterisk (*). These spells
are described later in this chapter. Persistent Ability: Any time you manifest a psionic effect
or ability that deals force damage, add your manifesting
ability modifier to the damage dealt.
Telekinesis • Upon becoming a 5th level psionicist, when you hit a
creature with a psionic effect or ability that deals force
When an Awakened combines rigorous training with violent
damage, you can force a creature of Large size or smaller
intent, their thoughts manifest as force. Telekinesis is the
to succeed on a Strength saving throw or be forced back
gnosis that turns thought into force.
10 feet.
Spell Expressions: As you advance in level, you learn to
• Upon becoming a 9th level psionicist, when you hit a
manifest the following spell expressions, which you manifest
creature with a psionic effect or ability that deals force
at your manifestation level.
damage, you can use a bonus action to force a creature
Manifestation level Spell Expression of Large size or smaller to succeed on a Strength saving
1st level Magic missile throw or fall prone.
2nd level Shatter
3rd Level of Gnosis
3rd level Slow
4th level Resilient sphere Tactile Kinetics
5th level Telekinesis You have developed the ability to feel though your telekinetic
In addition, as a telekinetic you gain the following effects abilities.
and abilities as you gain levels in this gnosis. Focused Ability: You can use the psionic power basic
telekinesis to search for physical details in an area, searching
1st Level of Gnosis the entire area within range as an action, using your
manifesting ability score in place of Intelligence on all
Enhanced Kinetics Investigation checks.
You begin to gain mastery over your kinetic abilities.
You learn the psionic power basic telekinesis.
4th Level of Gnosis
Focused Ability: The effective Strength of your basic Chains of Mental Might
telekinesis becomes equal to your manifesting ability score. You can restrain foes with nothing but your mind.
Additionally, as an action you can use basic telekinesis to shove
a Large or smaller creature within 30 feet, which requires Focused Ability: As a bonus action, you can attempt to
your target to make a successful Strength saving throw to telekinetically grapple one creature of Large size or smaller,
resist being shoved. within 30 feet of you. Use your manifesting ability score to
make grapple checks instead of Strength or Dexterity. Unlike
Expression: When you or a creature within 60 feet of a regular grapple, you must use a bonus action every turn to
you falls, you can manifest basic telekinesis as a reaction. maintain your grapple on your opponent.
Choose up to five falling creatures within range. Any chosen

11 Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview

5th Level of Gnosis 7th Level of Gnosis
Precise Kinetics Telekinetic Wave
You have mastered the ability to telekinetically manipulate Grand Expression (8th-level): As an action you send
objects with incredible facility. forth a wave of telekinetic force. All creatures other than
Focused Ability: You can use the basic telekinesis power to you within 30 feet must make a successful Strength saving
precisely manipulate objects, allowing effective use of tools throw or be knocked 20 feet away from you as they suffer
at a distance. You must have a clear line of sight to the tool 12d6 force damage. In addition, fragile unsecured objects
and you use your tool at disadvantage if you are more than are instantly destroyed, while other unsecured objects caught
15 feet away from it. within the area of effect are automatically pushed 20 feet
away from you. Manifesting this grand expression emanates
Grand Expression (6th-level): You manifest the spell
a loud “thuuummm” sound that can be heard up to 100 feet
reverse gravity, but with an area of effect equaling a 30-foot
radius, with the effect extending to 60-foot height.

6th Level of Gnosis 8th Level of Gnosis

Kinetic Confinement Telekinetic Implosion
Using your telekinetic ability you can fold a target upon
Grand Expression (7th-level): You manifest the spell
Grand Expression (9th-level): You manifest the spell

Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview 12

Personality Traits
I naturally assume that I am in charge. I am
CLASS: Psion (Kineticist)
the most capable person I know.
Background: Awakend High Born
Race: Val (val’Abebi)
Nationality: Republic of Altheria (Semar)
Mastery: I constantly seek to improve myself
Church: Mother Church of Coryan
and my connections to my bloodline.
Deity: Althares
Level: 5th
saving I have a duty to protect those who do not
Score bonus throws
have my gifts.
Strength: 9 -1 -1
ability scores

Dexterity: 14 +2 +2 I spill secrets at the drop of a hat. I
can’t understand the idea of withholding
Constitution: 10 +0 +3
intelligence: 14 +2 +2
wisdom: 14 +2 +2 Defenses & Health

Charisma: 17 +3 +6 ARMOR 14/15* Temp hp current hp

bloodrank 1
Proficiency HIT death saves
Bonus +3 speed: 30’ 5d8
DICE made failed
* with inertial barrier
Passive special:
Perception 15 ______________
Attack Hit Damage Special/Range
Skills Languages
Skill TOTAL Low Coryai
Scimitar +5 1d6+3(S)
High Coryani Finesse, light
Acrobatics (Dex) +2
Animal Handling (Wis) +2 Flintlock Pistol +5 1d8+3(p) 20/80
Arcana (Int)* +3 Ammunition (10 shots), light, loading,special
Khitani, Low
Athletics (Str) -1
Literate? Primary Gnosis: Telekinesis (3rd level)
Deception (Cha) ֍ +6
History (Int) ֍* +6 Psionic Powers Spell
(at will) Expressions
Insight (Wis) +2
Basic Telekinsis Magic Missle
Intimidation (Cha) +3
Burst of Speed Shatter
Investigation (Int)֍ +6
Intellect Fortress Slow
Medicine (Wis) +2
Luminescent Crystals Other
Nature (Int)* +3
Mental Scream Expressions
Perception (Wis) ֍ +5
Sensitivity to Psionic Impressions * See Psionic Powers
Performance (Cha) +3
Telekinetic Bolt * See Enhanced Kinetics
Persuasion (Cha) +3
Psionics (Int) ֍* +6
Religion (Int)* +3 Foci
Sleight of Hand (Dex) +2 # of foci Manifestation Level
Stealth (Dex) +2 3 3rd level
Survival (Wis) +2
֍ Trained skill *1/2 blood rank +1 added Attack and Saves:
Other proficiencies Spell Attack Spell Save
Game Set (Cards) +6 14

13 Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview

Equipment: Psion Abilities and Rules
Explorer’s Pack
Includes a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10
torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has All Awakened creatures possess the ability to fracture their
50 feet of hemp rope, a set of common clothes, a document consciousness, allowing them to simultaneously maintain
showing your status as a freeman, and a belt pouch containing and focus on multiple patterns of power.
10 gp.
Scimitar, Adorned Flintlock Pistol (10 shots), Studded Mental Foci
Leather Armor, 4 Potions of Healing, Mental foci (the plural for focus) are pathways that
allow you to maintain a number of lesser abilities and can be
expended to manifest powerful spell-like effects. At
1st level, you have one mental focus, allowing you to
Weapons: New Weapon Qualities remain focused on a single focused ability. You gain
Flintlocks: Altheria may be a center of knowledge and additional mental foci as you advance in level, as listed in
learning, but it is the power of blastpowder that has kept Table: Psion. You regain all expended mental foci after
the Republic of Altheria safe for many years. The Altherians’ completing a short or long rest.
advanced understanding of blastpowder and its explosive There are two ways to utilize your mental focus: to
potential has aided them in the design of their flintlock maintain Focused Abilities and to expend those foci to power
weapons. Expressions.
Altherian flintlocks are designed to take advantage of Focused Ability: These are effects that remain active
specific amounts of blastpowder for every shot, for as long as you have a mental focus dedicated to it.
leading to the creation of blastpowder rounds – small paper orInitiating a focused ability produces an M (mental) power
cloth packets of blastpowder pre-measured to gain the most display. Any time you are reduced to 0 hit points, all of your
efficient and accurate shot. Therefore, these fine weapons areactively focused abilities instantly end, but the foci that
usually easier, safer, and faster to reload and fire. maintained them are not expended. Once you regain
Altherians, as well as clerics and holy champions of consciousness, as an action, you can reapply your unused
Althares, may purchase flintlocks at the listed price and may mental foci to your previously focused abilities.
carry them regardless of rank. Expression: You can expend a mental focus to create a potent
You do not suffer penalties for firing a flintlock while prone.
effect. Manifesting an expression instantly ends the focused
Unless you have a flintlock maintenance kit and are proficient ability, which the mental focus was maintaining. Unless
with it, whenever you roll a 1 on a ranged attack roll with a otherwise noted, expending an active mental focus requires an
flintlock, the weapon malfunctions and jams. action. Expression effects that are spell-like operate at a spell
A jammed flintlock cannot be fired. Repairing a jammed level equal to your manifesting level, as shown in Table: Psion.
flintlock requires proficient use of a flintlock maintenance kit
and takes 10 minutes. Psioic Powers
Additionally, in Arcanis, flintlocks are reinforced and Psionic powers are rudimentary psionic effects,
balanced for use as improvised melee weapons. Flintlock similar to cantrips. You know a number of psionic powers as
shown on Table: Psion, and continue to gain more psionic
pistols may be used as clubs, while flintlock rifles may be used
as greatclubs. If you are proficient with a club or greatclub,powers through your psionic tradition, your choice of psionic
you can add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls with your disciplines, and as you advance in level. Any time you gain a
flintlock when you use it as an improvised weapon. psionic power, you may also choose to swap a psionic power
you already know and replace it with another from the
Special: You also suffer no penalties for firing a flintlock
psionic power list.
while prone.
You manifest a psionic power’s base effects without using
a mental focus. Beyond that, each psionic power that offers
one or more Expressions which require the expenditure of a
mental focus, providing additional effects as your manifesting
level increases.
Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview 14
Class Features Expressions
Refocus Enhanced Kinetics
Starting at 2nd level, as an action, you can redirect a Expression: When you or a creature within 60 feet of you
mental focus from one focused ability to another, ending one falls, you may manifest basic telekinesis as a reaction.
effect and starting the other. Refocusing does not expend Choose up to five falling creatures within range. Any chosen
that mental focus. creature’s falling speed is reduced to 60 feet per round until
they reach the ground, where they suffer no falling damage
Complex Mind and land on their feet.
Beginning at 3rd level, your mind becomes so fractured that
it is almost impossible for non-Awakened to read it. You gain Psionic Powers
advantage on all saving throws to resist the charmed
condition, as well as attempts by non-psionic creatures to
read your mind (such as through the detect thoughts spell).
Basic Telekinesis
If the effect doesn’t normally allow a saving throw, you Telekinetic power (utility)
can still attempt a special DC 20 saving throw using your Manifesting Time: 1 action
manifesting ability score, with advantage, to resist the effect.
Range: 30 feet
Persistent Powers Power Displays: V, S
Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
Telekinetic Might
You focus on a single object within range and move it with
Your mind can strike with the strength of a bull.
an act of will. Once this power is manifested, you may
Persistent: Any time you manifest a psionic effect or ability use an action to manipulate an unattended object (that is
that deals force damage, add your Manifesting ability an object not currently in the possession of a creature or being
modifier to the damage dealt. held or touched by a creature). Some examples are opening
an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from
Focused Abilities an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You can
Inertial Barrier move objects 30 feet per turn. You cannot use this power to
attack, activate magic items, or carry more than 10 pounds.
Focused Ability: While maintaining focus on this
ability, you may manifest mage armor on yourself at will. • At 5th level, while maintaining concentration on this
power, you can use a reaction to assist another character,
Additionally, while maintaining focus on this ability, any
there by granting them advantage on any Strength
time you deal force damage with a psionic ability or effect,
(Athletics) check.
you gain 5 temporary hit points, which remain for 1 hour.
• At 11th level, while maintaining concentration on this
power, you can use a reaction to interpose an object
Enhanced Kinetics between yourself and your attacker, thereby granting
Focused Ability: The strength of your basic telekinesis you half cover (+2 to AC and Dexterity saving throws).
becomes equal to your manifesting ability score. • At 17th level, while maintaining concentration on this
Additionally, as an action, you may choose to use basic power, you can use a bonus action to manipulate an
telekinesis to shove a Large or smaller creature within 30 unattended object.
feet, requiring your target to make a successful Strength
Expression: For the power’s duration, you may move
saving throw to resist being shoved.
objects with this power as if it had a Strength of 18 + half
your psion level (rounded down).
Tactile Kinetics
Focused Ability: You can use the psionic power basic
telekinesis to search for physical details in an area, searching 2nd level expression: You may manifest a spell-like effect
the entire area within range as an action, using your that mimics the spell levitation.
manifesting ability score in place of Intelligence on all 3rd level expression: You may manifest a spell-like effect
Investigation checks. that mimics the spell fly.

15 Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview

Burst of Speed Luminescent Crystals
Psychoportation power (utility) Metacreation power (utility)
Manifesting Time: 1 bonus action Manifesting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 120 feet
Power Displays: V, S Power Displays: V, S
Duration: 1 turn Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Until the end of your next turn, your speed is increased by You create up to four floating fist-sized crystals within range,
10 feet. The effect of this power improves with experience. making them appear as torches, lanterns, or glowing orbs
that hover in the air for the duration. Whichever form you
• At 5th-level, when you manifest this ability, your speed choose, each crystal sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius.
increases by 20 feet.
As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the lights
• At 11th-level, this psionic power allows you to take the up to 60 feet to a new spot within range. Each light must be
Dash action as a bonus action. within 20 feet of another light created by this power. The
1st-level Expression: You manifest the spell expeditious crystal disappears if moved outside of the range of this power.
retreat upon yourself only. The intensity of the light increases at higher levels.
3rd-level Expression: You manifest the spell haste upon • At 5th level, each crystal can shed bright light in a 5-foot
yourself only. radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet.
5th-level Expression: You manifest this expression as part • At 11th level, each crystal can shed bright light in a
of a Dash action. When you do so, you triple your movement 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
rate and can run across any liquid or hazardous surface
without taking damage or suffering any condition effect. If • At 17th level, each crystal can shed bright light in a 20-
you have not crossed the surface or hazard by the end of your foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
movement, you suffer normal effects of the surface or hazard. 1st-level Expression: You remove the concentration
requirement while increasing the duration of this power to a
Intellect Fortress number of hours equal to your manifestation level + 1.
Telepathy power (defense)
Manifesting Time: 1 reaction, taken when you are dealt Mental Scream
force or psychic damage. Telepathy power (attack)
Range: Self Manifesting Time: 1 action
Power Displays: V, M Range: 120 feet
Duration: 1 turn Power Displays: V, S, M
Manifesting this power grants you resistance to both force Duration: Instantaneous
and psychic damage against a single attack.
Choose a creature that you can see within range. The target
1st-level Expression: You manifest this expression as a must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 psychic
reaction when you take psychic or force damage. You have damage. This power’s damage increases when you reach
resistance to the triggering damage type until the end of higher levels.
your next turn.
• At 5th level, the psychic damage increases to 2d8.
2nd-level Expression: As an action, you affect yourself and
• At 11th level, the psychic damage increases to 3d8.
a number of willing creatures equal to your manifestation
level within 20 feet, granting them all resistance to your • At 17th level, the psychic damage increases to 4d8.
choice of either force or psychic damage until the end of your Expression: You change the power’s range to self
next turn. (60-foot cone). All creatures within this area must make a
Wisdom saving throw, suffering 2d6 psychic damage plus
1d6 for each manifestation level on a failed saving throw, or
half as much damage on a successful saving throw.

Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview 16

Sensitivity to Psionic Impressions Expression: As a bonus action, when you successfully hit
an opponent or object with this power, you may choose to
Clairsentience power (utility)
expend a mental focus to increase the power’s effect. You
Manifesting Time: 1 action increase the power’s damage by 1d6 force damage plus 1d6
Range: Self force for each manifestation level. Additionally, you can
force your target to succeed on a Strength saving throw or be
Power Displays: V
shoved back 10 feet and fall prone.
Duration: Instantaneous
The psion can detect the presence of a psionic echo left by Val Racial Traits:
traumatic events. Traumatic events such as murder or torture Ability Score Increases: Your Charisma score increases by
always leave a psionic echo of sorts. When you manifest this 1.
power, you can detect the presence of traumatic psychic Size: Val possess the same range of height as common
residue in a 30-foot area around yourself. You can sense how humans, ranging between 5’ to well over 6’ tall. Your size is
long ago the event happened and its general scale (e.g., many Medium.
people have been tortured here over many years, someone Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
was killed here last night, or someone was beaten here a few
weeks ago).
val’Abebi Bloodline Powers
1st-level Expression: You gain greater insight on the events
that created a psionic impression as you discern a vision of Enhanced Memory (Rank 1): The blessed of Althares possesses
the events that created the echo. These visions are dreamlike, the ability to commit knowledge to memory and recall it
lacking precise details, and although you cannot readily gain with perfect clarity
any special knowledge of anyone involved in the event, you • Add half your Blood Rank (minimum 1) to all
find you can recall more general details such as the presence Intelligence-based skill checks made to recall
of a holy champion or fellow Awakened val, a particular information.
family banner, a signet on a ring, the weather, or even time • You gain the ability to memorize a long string
of day the event took place. Witnessing these events leaves ofnumbers, a long passage of verse, or some other
you paralyzed until the end of your next turn. At that time, particularly difficult piece of information with
you can attempt a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check to recall perfect recollection. With one minute of study, you
specific details, as provided by your GM. can memorize a single page of text (up to 800 words),
1st-level Expression: You manifest the spell detect evil and numbers, diagrams, or sigils. This does not allow you to
good but can sense only places and not creatures nor objects. memorize magical writing or similarly exotic material,
but you can memorize diagrams or symbols even if you
don’t recognize their meaning. You may retain a number
Telekinetic Bolt
of pages equal to your Intelligence score multiplied by
Telekinetic power (attack) your Blood Rank. You always retain this information
Manifesting Time: 1 action and can reproduce it exactly. You can choose to forget a
Range: 120 feet page’s worth of information and replace it with another
page of information any time you use this ability.
Power Displays: V, S
At 3rd level, your bloodrank increases by 1, and you gain the
Duration: Instantaneous following bloodline ability.
Make a ranged manifestation attack against a creature
or object you can see within range. On a successful hit,
The Face of Althares (Rank 2): To most, the motives of
your target takes 1d10 force damage. This power’s damage
Althares’ children are inscrutable.
increases when you reach higher levels.
• You have advantage on all Charisma (Deception) skill
• At 5th level, the force damage increases to 2d10.
• At 11th level, the force damage increases to 3d10.
• You also gain advantage on all saving throws against
• At 17th level, the force damage increases to 4d10. spells and spell-like effects that read your thoughts (such
as detect thoughts).

17 Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview

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Arcanis 5e · Codex of the Mind Kickstarter Preview 18

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