Test 5. Identify Human Activities, Such As Farming, Construction of Structures, and Waste Disposal, That Affect The Quality and Quantity of Soil
Test 5. Identify Human Activities, Such As Farming, Construction of Structures, and Waste Disposal, That Affect The Quality and Quantity of Soil
Test 5. Identify Human Activities, Such As Farming, Construction of Structures, and Waste Disposal, That Affect The Quality and Quantity of Soil
Mrs. Ruby Rose N. Cervantes-Besoyo
2 examples of uses for
3 ideas or learnings from 1 unresolved area /
how the ideas could be
what was studied muddiest point
3 I’ve learned that human 2 The soil is very important to 1 None
activities, such as land use plants because plants are grown
changes, waste deposal, and in soil and plants can be used
others primarily affect the for foods, clothes, and much
ecosystem. more.
2 I’ve learned that farming also 1 Soil filters and cleans the
affects the quality and quantity of water and helps prevent natural
the soil because of the pesticides disaster such as flooding. So,
or other chemicals that they apply we must protect the soil for us
or use in farming. to live and for the future
1 I’ve also learned that generations.
construction of structures affects
the quantity of the soil because
they reduce the soil for them to
construct buildings, roads, and
other structures.