World Languages: Secondary Solutions - Grades 6-12

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Secondary Solutions | Grades 6-12
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4 Middle and High School Spanish 23 Upper-Level/AP French
4 Auténtico ©2018 23 Allons au-delà! ©2012

20 Spanish Videos 24 AP® French: Preparing for the Language and Culture
¿Eres tú, María? Examination ©2012

En busca de la verdad 24 Une fois pour toutes ©2008

¡Pura vida!
25 DK French/English Visual Bilingual Dictionary
La Catrina
La Catrina: El último secreto
26 Latin Programs
26 Prentice Hall Ecce Romani I–III ©2009
16 Upper-Level/AP Spanish
28 Latin for the 21st Century/Latin Poetry
16 Abriendo paso ©2014
28 Latin Readers
17 AP® Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination
©2014 29 Upper-Level/AP Latin Readers

17 Una vez más ©2009 Updated! A Song of War ©2013

Love and Transformation
18 Prentice Hall Encuentros maravillosos ©2011
A Call to Conquest ©2013
18 Obra escogida Updated! Love and Betrayal ©2012

19 Reflexiones AP® Edition ©2013

30 Digital/Intervention/Supplemental
30 InspireLiteracy—Intervention
20 Spanish Resources
34 SucessMaker—Reading and Math Intervention
20 Spanish Videos
36 TikaTok
21 Spanish Activities and Tools for Interactive Whiteboards

21 DK Visual Bilingual Dictionaries

37 Earlier Editions
37 Earlier Editions Price Lists
21 La Catrina Readers
40 How to Order
21 Grammar Study Guides
42 OASIS Ordering Information
22 Bilingual Dictionaries
22 New and Updated! Visual Bilingual Dictionaries

AP® is a trademark registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved
in the production of, and does not endorse these products.

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Complete curriculum support from
Middle School High School


Page 4

Page 4



Page 26 Page 26

For information on other languages including Chinese, French, German, Italian, Latin,
Portuguese, and Russian visit

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exploratory to advanced study!
Upper-Level/Advanced Placement®

Page 16
Page 17

Page 18 Page 19

For new AP® French language and culture examination

For AP For AP
New Digital

Page 24 Page 23 Page 24

For AP For AP Expanded!

Page 29 Page 29 Page 29

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Auténtico ©2018

Boyles, Met, and Sayers

Your path, your world,

your way!
Auténtico ©2018 | Grades 6–12

Auténtico: Levels 1 through 3

Auténtico is the ideal blend of print and digital resources to
help students develop Spanish language proficiency and
cultural understanding.
• Scaffolded instructional approach to build language
• Authentic resources that support language acquisition
• Articulated sequence of instruction through Spanish 3
• Balanced approach that combines vocabulary,
grammar, culture, and communication
• Digitally integrated instruction
• Multitude of tools and resources that support
diverse learners
• Materials that support digital, print, or blended instruction
• Engaging activities that keep students involved
• Create, modify, rearrange, and link content!
Upper Elementary/Middle School Spanish
Auténtico A and B provide the same content per Tema as
Auténtico 1. At the end of Auténtico B, students are ready for
the next step in their journey with a smooth transition into
Auténtico 2.
If you are looking for an upper elementary Spanish program,
Auténtico A can be used effectively in classrooms starting at
grade 4.

High School Spanish

Auténtico 1–3 gives teachers a wide range of tools and support
to help all students develop Spanish proficiency and cultural
understanding. The articulated sequence through Level 3
includes student-center themes, performance-based language
tasks, differentiated resources, and engaging technology.
For more program information, online videos, and
demos, visit:
For implementation support, visit for
video modules and information on live Webinars.

4 Shop online at

Be Connected Be Engaged Be Flexible
Your path and your world are unique to you and your
students, Auténtico let’s you teach YOUR WAY!

Auténtico ©2018 | Grades 6–12

With digital, print or blended
options to support all your
instructional needs!

The same great Auténtico content that is in print is also online with our
integrated digital platform. Auténtico reaches students where they are. One
such example is our interactive eText, which gives students an opportunity
to capture their cultural reflections in an online notebook and turn it in, all
at the click of a button!

For more information, visit:

Great new tools compatible with everything so you can do anything

• OpenEd provides thousands of already vetted resources ready to assign.
• Microsoft OneDrive™ integration allows teachers and students to add OneDrive files to custom program content
discussions and assignments.
• Google Drive™ integration lets you link files directly from your Google Drive to the course.
• Google Classroom™ lets you share both content AND assignments with grades for auto scored items shared
between both Realize and Google.
• Pearson Realize™ offers more Google integrations than any other publisher platform and is the first to become a
Google for Education Premier Partner.

Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.
OneDrive is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

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Student technology and engagement
With Auténtico, you can provide more ways to help all students learn to communicate.
Whether you choose digital, print, or a combination of both, your students will have
everything they need!

It starts online with the personalized learning management system powered by Realize. Online, students
can instantly access a wide range of digital tools to help them learn at their own pace and in ways that
work best for them.

Vocabulary App The Auténtico Vocabulary App Games Auténtico reaches

lets students, see, hear, and practice language students in their world! Each
they will use in standards-based communication. chapter features a variety of
Available for iOS. assignable games at the end of
the chapter that help students
Auténtico ©2018 | Grades 6–12

review while having fun. Did

we mention the scores go into
your Gradebook?

Mapa global interactivo

These interactive geography
tasks zoom students to
Instant Check Each vocabulary and locations across the Spanish-
grammar practice section online
speaking world using the
includes this quick auto-graded
power of global
exercise that will instantly check if
positioning technology.
your students “get it”. This formative
assessment is an ideal tool to help you Maps, cultural videos and
guide instruction! activities connect them to the
world, just a click away with the
red globe icons in Auténtico!

Take students all

across their world
with a virtual field
Canciones de
Hip Hop What better
way to connect your
students to vocabulary and Speak and Record Activities
grammar than by singing
and dancing to our popular
Canciones de Hip Hop?
Students can download the
songs and lyrics for
each chapter.

eText: Auténtico The online

Student Edition, called eText,
contains the same trusted Online each student has a built-in “Speak and Record” feature to
content as the print Student record interpersonal or presentational speaking tasks including:
Edition. The book comes alive
with embedded audio and • Paired practice activities
video files plus study tools that • Pronunciación
include Flashcards, • Presentación oral
Highlighting, Bookmarking, and
• Communicative Activities (from Teacher’s Resource)
Notes. It also features an
interactive whiteboard view • Situation Cards (from Teacher’s Resource)
for front-of-classroom use. • Speaking tasks on chapter and cumulative tests
Students are able to record • Speaking tasks on Integrated Performance Assessments
their responses directly in the system and are available for
teacher viewing.

6 Shop online at

Engaging content and authentic resources
Open a pathway to learning, language, and culture for your students with our engaging
videos featuring real-life experiences and authentic resources!

For online previews, visit

Authentic Resources Auténtico 3: ¡Pura vida!

Connect students to the world
through dynamic authentic
resource videos that support
each chapter theme as part of

Auténtico ©2018 | Grades 6–12

our Auténtico Resource Workbook

This fourteen-episode storyline video expands Level 3 language skills

Videomodelos as students follow the experiences of five young adults in Costa Rica.
If you have ever gotten tired of The video and accompanying activities are accessible online.
modeling paired practices for Partner Resource Videos
your students, then this video is
for you!
The Videomodelo segments
feature teens from different
Spanish-speaking countries
modeling interpersonal
speaking tasks from the Student Edition. What a great way to build
pronunciation skills! Students can see the Videomodelo clips within
the eText and the assignable activity online. Available online.

Auténtico A/B/1 and 2: Videocultura

 hese videos, available with
English and Spanish narration,
connect students with the Open up a world of experiences for your students with our
chapter theme. Each segment carefully selected authentic videos that match the themes and
concludes with an on-screen content in Auténtico.
question that encourages critical
thinking. Available online. GramActiva Videos
Back to Realize Search Menu

Capítulo 3A: ¿Desayuno o almuerzo? Vocabulario en contexto > Vidiohistoria

El almuerzo

Before You Watch

Using prior experience Think about what you and your

friends generally eat for lunch. Do you eat sandwiches, salads,
or something different? Do you ever have foods or drinks like
those shown?

Compare the Activity

Tu comida favorita Escribe una lista de las comidas que te

gusta comer y las bebidas que te gusta tomar en el almuerzo.

Grammar videos for each chapter provide additional vocabulary

modeling for students. Available online.

Auténtico (all levels): Grammar Tutorials

Videohistorias provide real-life scenarios that model language
usage and check for understanding. Available for levels A/B, 1–3
in Auténtico.

The clear grammar explanations, helpful charts, and realistic

examples explain Spanish grammar with a focus on comparisons
to English. Available online.

Shop online at 7

Student resources and content connections 
Authentic Resources Workbook Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook
Authentic resources and activities develop This two-in-one workbook conveniently provides differentiated
language acquisition and foster cultural practice to help students learn the new vocabulary and grammar.

understanding. Choose the print workbook and/or the workbooks on Auténtico.

In addition to the two authentic resources
within each chapter of Auténtico, the Part 1: Core Practice
workbook offers two additional resources Includes basic practice for each chapter’s
and multiple activities per theme. new vocabulary and grammar, plus an
end-of-chapter crossword puzzle and
Over 150 authentic organizer. Answer Keys in the Teacher’s
resources in Auténtico! Resource Books.

Part 2: Guided Practice

Auténtico ©2018 | Grades 6–12

Includes guided practice for each

chapter’s new vocabulary and grammar
that includes clip art, vocabulary-folding
study sheets, step-by-step grammar
activities, supported reading, and
scaffolded presentational tasks.

Literacy Skills Workbook

This multi-use workbook focuses on the
Grow reading, writing, listening and speaking skills using authentic
communication skills of listening, reading,
situations and resources.
and writing. Choose the print workbook
Authentic Resources Workbook, Lesson Plan, Capítulo 3A
and/or the workbook on Auténtico.
Vocabulario en uso 1
necessary for students toAuthentic the KWL Workbook,sandwich
completeResources Lesson Plan, with sliced tomatoes,
Capítulo 3A tacos with diced
chart and to check comprehension.
Answers will vary, but may
of the following:
include some en uso
necessary for students to complete
tomatoes, or hot dogs with ketchup. Then call
on volunteers
the KWL
the class.
to present their descriptions to
sandwich with sliced tomatoes, tacos with diced
Features informational and authentic
chart and to check comprehension.
Ye sé: manaza, plátano, naranja
Quiero aprender: El nombre willmás
de la fruta
vary, but may include
I. 1. a 2. csome
tomatoes, or hot dogs with ketchup. Then call
on volunteers to present their descriptions to
3. a 4. a 5. b: II. 1. 2, 4;
readings with supporting vocabulary,
the class.
consumida: ¿cuánta frutaofsethe
Aprendi: El tomate es la Ye
manaza, plátano,
consumida del naranja
III. Answers will vary.

aprender: El nombre de laCultural

fruta másPerspectives I. 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. b: II. 1. 2, 4;
comprehension, and application activities.
mundo, En México se llama jitomate.
consumida: ¿cuánta fruta se come? Have students reflect on why they thinkwill
After Viewing Aprendi: El tomate es la fruta mástomato III. Answers

Teaching in the Target mundo, En México se llama jitomate.

is thedel
most consumed fruit in the
world. Have them think about
about the foods that contain
they know
in Latin
Volume 1 readings support the Novice Low
Have students reflect on why they think the
Discuss each question and call onViewing
to respond to check comprehension. Pause
the video at 0:55 and point

out the illustration

America and Spain. How tomato
promote the use of tomatoes?
does theisculture
the most consumed fruit in the
world. Have them think about what they know
to Intermediate Mid Interpretive Reading Benchmarks (Auténtico
A/B, 1, 2). Volume 2 readings support the Intermediate Mid to
Teaching in the Target Language
showing how many tons of tomaties, bananas, and call on volunteers about the foods that contain tomatoes in Latin
Discuss each question Heritage Speakers
and apples are consumed. America and Spain. How does the culture
to Read
respond aloudto each
comprehension. Pause to describe popular breakfast or
Ask students
promote the use of tomatoes?
Advanced Mid Interpretive Reading Benchmarks (Auténtico 3).
and then ask: ¿Crees que toneladas significa
the video at 0:55 and point out the lunchillustration
foods from their heritage country that
“tons” o “pounds”? Before beginning activity
showing how many tons of tomaties, containbananas,
tomatoes. Then have them write a
III, guide a discussion by asking the following Heritage Speakers
and apples are consumed. Read aloud report each
the most consumed fruit in their
questions: ¿Te gusta comer los tomates? Ask students to describe popular breakfast or
and then ask: ¿Crees que toneladas family. Encourage them to include how it is
¿Cuáles son las comidas que comes con lunch foods from their heritage country that
“tons” o “pounds”? Before beginning eaten activity
and how often.
tomates? ¿Te gusta comer los tomates solo
(by themselves) o en una
tomates comes en un dia
guide a discussion
o en una¿Te
¿Cuántosby askingDifferentiated
the following
gusta comer los tomates?
semana? Have students
with learning
contain tomatoes. Then have them write a
report about the most consumed fruit in their
family. Encourage
difficulties use them to include how it is
Assignable and customizable
on Auténtico
¿Conoces (Are you familiar with)son las comidas que comes
comidas con
eatentoandhelphow often.
¿Te gusta comer los the on-screen text and visuals them
de otros paises del mundotomates?que contienen
(by activity
tomates solo
understand what is being said. Pause the
o en una ensalada? ¿Cuántos Ch 7 Core WB: Vocab. Act. (p. 94)
tomate? Then to complete
students to select eithertomates
III, tell
or lunch
video in spots where the text
un dia o en una semana?
are shown together to allow students timewith
you familiar with) comidas
Have students
and illustrations
to learning difficulties use
All activities are
use the chapter vocabulary to describe the on-screen text and visuals to help them
de otros
tomatoes are used in a dish
For example, students whotomate?
for that meal.del mundo queFor
Then can
pick lunch
comprehend the most important information.
example, at 0:39 students will be able to is being said. Pause the
to complete activity III, tell
understand what Ch 7 Core WB: Vocab. Act. (p. 94)
Assign Customize
conveniently scored
read and hear the main idea video in spots
of the video.where the text and illustrations
describe a salad with whole cherryto tomatoes,
select either
a breakfast or lunch and are shown together to allow students time to Assign Customize online and recorded in
use the chapter vocabulary to describe how comprehend the most important information. Ch 7 Comm. WB: Writing Act. (p. 96)
tomatoes are used in a dish for that meal.
For example, students who pick lunch can
For example, at 0:39 students will be able to
read and hear the main idea of the video.
Ch 7 Comm. WB: Writing Act. (p. 96)
the grade book!
describe a salad with whole cherry tomatoes, a
Assign Customize

Assign Customize

Our Authentic Resources Workbook also includes lesson plans.

Lesson plans offer guidance and differentiation strategies for using Assign and customize content for your students! Students can
authentic resources in the classroom, connecting students to complete any assigned activity from the Leveled Vocabulary
language, communities, culture, and perspectives with real-world and Grammar Workbook, Literacy Skills Workbook, and Para
authentic resources. hispanohablantes online.

Auténtico Para hispanohablantes For demos visit

Integrated within our Auténtico program is our all-Spanish Para
hispanohablantes resources that provide support for teaching the
heritage speaker with Auténtico. Expanded language development
activities support each chapter section.

8 Shop online at

Teacher technology and resources


Auténtico provides teachers a wide array of time saving digital tools and resources to help plan,
teach, practice, evaluate, and remediate. Teacher resources are available in print and online.

Auténtico ©2018 | Grades 6–12

 ctivities and Tools for Interactive Whiteboards
A Personalized Communication
Connect with and engage all the learners in your class with these • Choose words that • See and hear the vocabulary
fun and interactive activities and tools! interest you • Create your own activities
200+ activities with directions and extension ideas per level: • Build your own vocabulary lists
click-and-drag, fill-in-blank, sequencing, storytelling (with audio),
polls/Surveys (with audio), and games. Written in SMART
Notebook Express software, these activities work on a variety
of interactive whiteboards.
Learning their way! More flexible resources for you and your
students to connect with the content and the culture.

Resources and tools that support your way of teaching!

The eText Teacher’s Edition of Auténtico provides instructional support
Teacher resources
Teacher resources for all learners and a multitude of resources in an intuitive, and easy-
to-use format!
Assessment Assessment
Chapter Checklist
Chapter Checklist and and
Teacher Publish
Lesson Plan
Assessment s andPlan s and
Chapter Answer
Checklist andKeys
Publish Publish
Authentic Whiteboard
Resources Vocabulary
Lesson Activities
Plan s and
Keys Assign
Publish Publish
Interactive Para
Whiteboard hispanohabalantes:
Capítulo 3A
Activities Capítulo 3A
Publish Publish
Publish Pre-AP Resource
Pre-AP Resource
Para Activity Activity
Sheets: Capítul...
Sheets: Capítul...
Capítulo 3A
Assign Assign
Publish Publish
Pre-AP Teacher’s
Materials Materials: Capítulo 3A
Capítulo 3A
Sheets:Assign Assign
Publish Publish
Teacher’s Resource
Materials: Capítulo 3A

Manage classes, make

assignments, monitor
completion, and review grades Try it out! Visit
in the gradebook. to try out the powerful Digital Courseware
and teacher resources.

Shop online at 9

Teacher: Resources Assessment Program Designed for students in regular or advanced/
These resources provide a detailed overview of the program gifted levels of instruction, the Assessment Program includes Placement
components and ways to integrate both print and digital resources Tests, Chapter Quizzes, Chapter Tests, Cumulative Tests, and Rubrics.
with daily instruction. The resources are conveniently organized Assessment options right when you need them! Auténtico’s
by chapter and many are blackline masters (BLMs). Available in Assessment Program offers:

print, online, and downloadable to print.

Differentiated Assessment
• School-to-Home Connection Letter (BLM) Core Assessment Extra Support
• Input, Audio, and Video Scripts • Assessment Program: Examen del • Alternate Assessment Program:
capítulo 3A Examen del capítulo 3A
• Communicative Activities (BLM) • Technology: MP3 Audio Cap. 3A • Technology: MP3 Audio Cap. 3A
• ExamView: Chapter Test, Test Banks A
• Situation Cards (BLM) and B Heritage Speakers
• Assessment Program: Para
• Vocabulary Clip Art (BLM) Challenge/Pre-AP® hispanohablantes: Examen del
• ExamView: Pre-AP® Test Bank capítulo 3A
• Authentic Resources Workbook • Pre-AP® Resource Materials • ExamView: Heritage Speaker Test
• Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook
• Literacy Skills Workbook • Integrated performance assessments
Auténtico ©2018 | Grades 6–12

• Alternate assessments, adapted versions for students with

special needs
Authentic Resources Workbook, Lesson Plan, Capítulo 3A • All-Spanish assessments and rubrics for heritage speakers using
Vocabulario en uso 1
necessary for students to complete the KWL
chart and to check comprehension.
sandwich with sliced tomatoes, tacos with diced
tomatoes, or hot dogs with ketchup. Then call
Para hispanohablantes
Answers will vary, but may include some on volunteers to present their descriptions to
of the following:
Ye sé: manaza, plátano, naranja
Quiero aprender: El nombre de la fruta más
the class.
I. 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. b: II. 1. 2, 4;
• Placement package for Spanish speakers
• ExamView Exam Banks for Chapter Tests, Heritage Speakers’ Test,
consumida: ¿cuánta fruta se come?
III. Answers will vary.
Aprendi: El tomate es la fruta más consumida del
mundo, En México se llama jitomate. Cultural Perspectives

After Viewing
Teaching in the Target Language
Have students reflect on why they think the
tomato is the most consumed fruit in the
world. Have them think about what they know
and Pre-AP Tests
about the foods that contain tomatoes in Latin
Discuss each question and call on volunteers
to respond to check comprehension. Pause
the video at 0:55 and point out the illustration
America and Spain. How does the culture
promote the use of tomatoes?
Connect students
showing how many tons of tomaties, bananas,
and apples are consumed. Read aloud each sign
and then ask: ¿Crees que toneladas significa
Heritage Speakers
to the world using
Ask students to describe popular breakfast or All quizzes and tests can be assigned, taken,
authentic resources!
lunch foods from their heritage country that
“tons” o “pounds”? Before beginning activity
III, guide a discussion by asking the following
questions: ¿Te gusta comer los tomates?
contain tomatoes. Then have them write a
report about the most consumed fruit in their graded, and recorded in the Gradebook online!
family. Encourage them to include how it is
¿Cuáles son las comidas que comes con
eaten and how often.
tomates? ¿Te gusta comer los tomates solo
(by themselves) o en una ensalada? ¿Cuántos Differentiated Instruction
tomates comes en un dia o en una semana? Have students with learning difficulties use
¿Conoces (Are you familiar with) comidas

Online Speaking Assessment

the on-screen text and visuals to help them
de otros paises del mundo que contienen understand what is being said. Pause the
tomate? Then to complete activity III, tell video in spots where the text and illustrations
students to select either breakfast or lunch and are shown together to allow students time to
use the chapter vocabulary to describe how comprehend the most important information.
tomatoes are used in a dish for that meal.
For example, students who pick lunch can
describe a salad with whole cherry tomatoes, a
For example, at 0:39 students will be able to
read and hear the main idea of the video.
Capítulo 5: Trabajo y comunidad > Vocaulario en uso 1 > Activadades 9 y 10
 ll speaking assessments
Vocabulario en uso 1
such as Paired Speaking
Auténtico prepares students activities can be
Pre-AP® Integration 9 ¿En qué te gustaria trabajar?
• Learning Objective: Interpersonal Writing for success on the AP® completed and
� Speak and Record Go back to Realize to speak and record
• Activity: As a warm-up activity for five days, have
students list what they have eaten for breakfast Spanish Language and Culture your answers. graded online.
or lunch. At the end of the week, have them write
a short email to a nutritionist asking for tips to Examination. Pre-AP Resources HABLAR EN PAREJA Imagina que estás haciendo planes para
conseguir un trabajo. Con otro(a) estudiante, piensen en varios
improve their eating habits–or indicating how well
they follow healthy eating guidelines. are available at point of use! trabajos a tiempo parcial, digan cuáles les gustaria hacer y por qué.
Decidan qué tipo de trabajo les gustaria más conseguir.
• Pre-AP® Resource Materials: Comprehensive
Differentiated Instruction
guide to Pre-AP® writing skill development
Challenge/Pre-AP® Differentiation strategies
Ask students to think of three brand and Pre-AP Notes are Quizzes with Remediation
integrated throughout the Assessment
names of food or drink items. Have
them say only the brand name, and call Assessment
on a volunteer to explain what it is. The
student who responds should continue Teacher’s Edition.
the game by saying another brand Ch Ch
Vocab. Pre-Test Prueba
Pre-Test Prueba 1: Stores
1: Stores and shopping
and shopping
name and calling on another volunteer
to describe it.
Assign Customize
Customize Remediation

Assessment  Assign Customize

Assign Customize

Auténtico offers a wide range of assessment options both in print Vocabulary production quizzes and all grammar quizzes
and online! automatically assign remediation and re-quizzing for students who
do not perform adequately on the quiz.
Evaluation The following rubric will be used to grade your

Rubric Score 1 Score 3 Score 5

Integrated Performance Assessments
Amount of You respond to You respond You respond
Information you only two to only three to five questions.
provide questions. questions.
Your accuracy You use three You use four You use five or
in describing verbs in the past verbs in the past more verbs in the
events in the with grammatical with some past with very
past errors. grammatical few grammatical
errors. errors.
Your use of
vocabulary and
You use very
little variation
You use limited
vocabulary and
You use an
extended variety
Edit the rubrics or
grammar of vocabulary and have some usage of vocabulary create your own!
have frequent errors. and have very
usage errors. few usage errors.

Rubrics let students know how they will be evaluated, fostering

greater preparation for tasks and supporting better outcomes. Students demonstrate what they can do in Spanish through these
performance-based tasks that integrate multiple sources and
skills. The speaking tasks can be completed and graded online.

ExamView ® Computer Test Bank

Teachers can quickly access the four test
banks available for each chapter or create
their own tests. The ExamView test banks are available online and
downloadable to print.

10 Shop online at

Auténtico Resources Print Digital Level A Level B Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Core Instructional Resources
Student Edition • • • • • • •
Teacher’s Edition • • • • • • •

Lesson Plans • • • • • • •
Authentic Resources Workbook
Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook
Literacy Skills Workbook, Volume 1
Literacy Skills Workbook, Volume 2
Differentiation Resources
Vocabulary App for iOS • • • • • •

Auténtico ©2018 | Grades 6–12

Teacher Resource Materials
Para hispanohablantes
Pre-AP ® Resources
Mapa global interactivo • • • • • •
Online Cultural Readings • • • • • •
Interactive Whiteboard Activities • • • • • •
Vocabulary Clip Art
Flashcards • • • • • •
Glossary Spanish English • • • • • •
Authentic Resources from NBC Learn, Banco Interamericano
de Desarrollo, Agencia EFE, and more
• • • • • •
Videohistoria • • • • • •
Videocultura • • • • •
GramaActiva • • • • •
¡Pura vida! Videonovela •
Videodocumentario •
Grammar Tutorials • • • • • •
Videomodelos • • • • • •
Songs and Animations
Canciones de Hip Hop • • • • • •
Grammar Animations • • • • • •
Assessment and Remediation
Instant Check • • • • • •
Quizzes with Remediation
Interactive Speak and Record Questions • • • • • •
Chapter Tests
Integrated Performance Assessments
Placement Tests
Para hispanohablantes
Alternate Assessments
Games • • • • • •
ExamView ® Assessment Suite (Chapter Tests; All Students
Item Bank; Pre-AP ® Item Bank; Heritage Speaker Item Bank)

Pearson EasyBridge is a time-saving solution that provides districts This component is also downloadable for print.
with centralized user management and automated class rostering to
simplify learning platform setup.

Shop online at 11

Better Together

Sharing content, assessments, and

Auténtico ©2018 | Grades 6–12

rosters is now easier than ever

technology when working with both Pearson
Realize™ and Google G Suite for
and learning Education™. Inspire learning with
meet digital tools and curricula that
work together.

Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.

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Premier Partnership

means more integrations, more support,
and more flexibility for YOU.

Auténtico ©2018 | Grades 6–12

Share supported content from your Realize programs Add links from your Google Drive directly into
with your classes. Just click “Share Google Classroom” your Realize lessons and quickly assign those links
and Realize will do the rest for you. to your students.

Secure Roster Sync

Be off and running when class starts. Sync your Google
Classroom™ rosters easily with Pearson Realize™. Students log
in once and have access to everything.

Assignment and Score Sharing

Assignable assessments and content show in the student’s
Google Classroom stream. Completed work and scores
are shared and recorded in both Pearson Realize and
Google Classroom.

See how this partnership can work for you by contacting your Pearson representative.

Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.

Shop online at 13

Bring world class content and open educational resources to life

With Realize’s latest integration we combine the academic quality you have come to expect from
Pearson while enjoying the added flexibility of using open educational resources in your classroom.

• Regularly updated
Auténtico ©2018 | Grades 6–12

Content is regularly added and improved to

ensure relevancy in today’s classroom.

• Multiple content types

OpenEd provides open videos, lessons, tests,
and games that are easily assignable within the
Realize platform.

• Standards aligned
Embedded standards alignments mean no more
guessing, with content being tagged
automatically so you can get what you need,
when you need it.

OpenEd Content Criteria Take your World Languages Classroom Further

• Standard-alignment accuracy • 1,000+ Spanish Related Resources
• Engaging, age-appropriate delivery • 800+ Latin/Roman Related Resources
• Compliant with social content standards • 1,000+ French Related Resources and so much more!
• Device-agnostic
• No ads beyond links to content provider’s site Easily Accessible and Ready to Assign
to your Students!
• Examples and/or opportunity to practice the content
• High-quality, educational publishers and distributors

14 Shop online at

World Languages Professional Development
Auténtico Professional Development
Visit to see all PD offerings!

Ask about our Program Activation Services!
Our activation services provide you with an orientation to the program components and
design, in order to prepare you for the first day in the classroom.

Auténtico: Program Implementation Essentials Auténtico: Job-Embedded Services

This training is designed to support educators in implementing Job-Embedded Services for Auténtico provide different types of
the program with fidelity. Participants dig into the components, coaching to focus on the effective implementation of the program.
instructional design, and structure of the program. Participants These on-site, shoulder-to-shoulder services provide teachers
will practice applying specific features and design elements and leaders with varying levels of support, both in and out of the

Auténtico ©2018 | Grades 6–12

(including instructional philosophy, lesson structure, and content) classroom to increase levels of understanding and strengthen
to classroom practice through hands-on activities and observation instruction with the program. Focus areas are customized based
of a demonstrated lesson. Participants will receive a prescriptive, on individual need and typically support instruction through
week-by-week implementation training plan to use following the the use of product tools and resources. By way of practical
workshop that can be customized to their needs. application, teachers can reinforce what they have learned in prior
ISBN: 122870 curriculum program professional development.
*All PD session are 6 hours in length and accommodate 30 participants unless noted otherwise. ISBN: 123093

Auténtico ©2018
Description 13 Digit ISBN Price Description 13 Digit ISBN Price

Auténtico A Teacher Material

Teacher Edition 9780328934423 107.47
Student Materials TPR Storytelling Book (Levels A/B/1) 9780328955701 57.47
Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware License*
1-year access 9780328936977 70.47 Student Print Ancillaries
6-year access 9780328936984 78.47 Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook 9780328923748 20.97
Literacy Skills Workbook, Volume 1 (Levels A/B/1/2) 9780328923946 20.97
Digital Courseware
Digital Courseware License* Authentic Resources Workbook (Levels A/B/1) 9780328923960 20.97
1-year license 9780328936878 18.97
6-year license 9780328936960 64.97 Auténtico 2
* Available for PC, Mac®, iPad® tablet, and Android™ tablet (OS 3.1 or greater). Student Materials
Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware License*
Teacher Material 1-year access 9780328938827 90.97
Teacher Edition 9780328934454 85.47
6-year access 9780328937042 99.97
TPR Storytelling Book (Levels A/B/1) 9780328955701 57.47
Digital Courseware
Student Print Ancillaries Digital Courseware License*
Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook 9780328923779 20.97 1-year license 9780328936908 25.97
Literacy Skills Workbook, Volume 1 (Levels A/B/1/2) 9780328923946 20.97 6-year license 9780328936946 84.47
Authentic Resources Workbook (Levels A/B/1) 9780328923960 20.97 * Available for PC, Mac®, iPad® tablet, and Android™ tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).

Auténtico B Teacher Material

Teacher Edition 9780328934430 107.47
Student Materials TPR Storytelling Book (Level 2) 9780328955718 57.47
Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware License*
1-year access 9780328936991 70.47 Student Print Ancillaries
6-year access 9780328937028 78.47 Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook 9780328923755 20.97
Literacy Skills Workbook, Volume 1 (Levels A/B/1/2) 9780328923946 20.97
Digital Courseware
Digital Courseware License* Authentic Resources Workbook (Level 2) 9780328923977 20.97
1-year license 9780328936885 18.97
6-year license 9780328936922 64.97 Auténtico 3
* Available for PC, Mac®, iPad® tablet, and Android™ tablet (OS 3.1 or greater). Student Materials
Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware License*
Teacher Material 1-year access 9780328937011 90.97
Teacher Edition 9780328934461 85.47
6-year access 9780328937059 99.97
TPR Storytelling Book (Levels A/B/1) 9780328955701 57.47
Digital Courseware
Student Print Ancillaries Digital Courseware License*
Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook 9780328923786 20.97 1-year license 9780328936915 25.97
Literacy Skills Workbook, Volume 1 (Levels A/B/1/2) 9780328923946 20.97 6-year license 9780328936953 84.47
Authentic Resources Workbook (Levels A/B/1) 9780328923960 20.97 * Available for PC, Mac®, iPad® tablet, and Android™ tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).

Auténtico 1 Teacher Material

Teacher Edition 9780328934447 107.47
Student Materials
Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware License* Student Print Ancillaries
1-year access 9780328937004 90.97 Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook 9780328923762 20.97
6-year access 9780328937035 99.97 Literacy Skills Workbook, Volume 2 9780328923953 20.97
Authentic Resources Workbook (Level 3) 9780328923984 20.97
Digital Courseware
Digital Courseware License*
1-year license 9780328936892 25.97
6-year license 9780328936939 84.47
* Available for PC, Mac®, iPad® tablet, and Android™ tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).

Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

Shop online at 15

Abriendo paso ©2014
Upper-Level/AP Spanish

Díaz, Nadel

The new Abriendo paso is specifically written to address the needs of high
school students in upper-level study, including preparation for the Advanced Ideal for the new AP ®
Placement Spanish Language and Culture Examination. Spanish Language
Culture Examination!


Abriendo paso: Temas y lecturas Teacher resources† and options

This highly respected anthology, now with a beautiful four-color Choose the format for teacher resources that works for you: print,
design, provides thorough coverage of the Themes, Recommended DVD, or downloadable (at no extra charge) from the Digital Course.
Contexts, Essential Questions, and Learning Objectives as outlined Downloadable resources are accessed through the purchase of
in the College Board Curriculum Framework. student products that include a license to the Digital Course.
Each Capítulo focuses on a Recommended Context from the Temas y lecturas  Teacher’s Guide: answer keys, scripts, and teaching
Framework. The reading selections (both fiction and nonfiction) support; Audio Program on DVD: mp3 files for all listening activities;
serve as the springboard for a wide range of activities that focus Assessment Program: tests per chapter
on building proficiency and a deeper understanding of cultural Gramática  Teacher’s Resource Book: answer keys and scripts
perspectives and comparisons. † In print or downloadable.

Abriendo paso: Gramática Temas y lecturas/Gramática Package

This independent grammar text features extensive practice Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware License*
(7-year license) 9780328954278 91.97
opportunities for upper-level grammar. The explanations in English
are followed by a variety of controlled and open-ended practice
activities. The text is an ideal companion to Temas y lecturas or can Temas y lecturas
be used alone. Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware License*
7-year license 9780328954360 79.47
Digital Courses for Abriendo paso 1-year license 9780328954391 71.47
Power up your class with the Abriendo paso Digital Courses on Realize. Student Edition Digital Courseware License*
7-year license 9780328954414 70.47
Choose the print Student Edition with Digital Course license or Student
1-year license 9780328954445 19.97
Edition Digital Course license.
Teacher’s Guide 9780133238198 49.47
• eText (online Student Edition) compatible on mobile devices* Assessment Program 9780133238204 55.97
• Assignable auto-graded multiple-choice and fill-in-blank Audio Program on DVD 9780133238211 37.97
tasks activities
• Assignable open-ended writing activities (teacher-graded) Gramática
• Assignable speaking activities using RealTalk! (teacher-graded) Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware License*
• Class discussion “blog” through Add Content tool 7-year license 9780328954285 79.47
1-year license 9780328954308 46.97
• Teacher’s Guide or Teacher Resource Book Student Edition Digital Courseware License*
• Downloadable audio files (Temas y lecturas) 7-year license 9780328955183 70.47
• Teacher management tools including: enrollments, gradebook, 1-year license 9780328954346 19.97
custom/adding content, preferences, and more! Teacher’s Resource Book 9780133238181 37.97
* Available for PC, Mac ®, iPad ® tablet, and Android™ tablet (OS 3.1 or greater). * Available for PC, Mac, iPad tablet, and Android tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).

For more details on Abriendo paso, visit:

Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.
Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice. OneDrive is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

16 Shop online at

Upper-Level/AP Spanish

AP Spanish:

Upper-Level/AP Spanish

Preparing for the

Language and Culture
José M. Díaz AP Language and Culture

Una vez más

3rd Edition ©2009
Great new tools compatible with everything so you can do anything! Couch, McCann, Rodriguez-Walter,
This highly acclaimed all-Spanish grammar
review text is ideal for intermediate or
This edition provides extensive test preparation and practice in the same formats as will advanced Spanish classes, AP preparation,
appear on the new AP ® Spanish Language and Culture Examination. or beginning college Spanish. The thirteen
lessons include charts, explanations, and
Digital Course for AP Spanish: Preparing for the Language and abundant practice for each grammar point.
Culture Examination! An accompanying Test Booklet contains
Power up your class with the AP Spanish Digital Course on Realize. You and your two tests per lesson to allow for pre- and
students get access all the time saving tools by purchasing the print Student Edition with post-testing.
Digital Course license or Student Edition Digital Course license. The updated Student Edition includes:
• eText (online Student Edition) compatible on mobile devices with embedded multimedia files* • Attractive new design
• Assignable test practice activities • Updated vocabulary
• Auto-graded interpretive (reading and listening)
• Updated language rules from the
• Interpersonal and presentational writing tasks (emails and essay) Real Academia
• Interpersonal and presentational speaking tasks using RealTalk! • Improved grammar explanations
• Downloadable audio files
• Additional practice activities to reflect
Teacher resources and options the AP Spanish Language Examination
Choose the format for teacher resources that works for you: print, DVD, or The updated Student Edition Answer
downloadable (at no extra charge) from the Digital Course. Downloadable resources Key includes:
are accessed through the purchase of student products that include a license to the
Digital Course. • Separate Answer Key booklet shrink-
wrapped to every Student Edition for
• Teacher’s Guide  answer keys, scripts, and teaching support (in print or downloadable) flexibility of use
• Audio Program on DVD  mp3 files for all listening activities (on DVD or downloadable) • Answer Key also available not bundled
For details, visit with Student Edition
The updated Test Booklet includes: • Blackline master tests (two per lesson)
• Writing section with each Examen
Print • Test Answer Key
Student Edition (softcover) 9780133238013 44.97
Student Edition with Separate Answer Key
Print and Digital Course (Hardcover) 9780133611250 66.47
Student Edition (print) with license to Digital Course (Softcover) 9780133611267 53.97
1-year license 9780328954995 49.47 Student Edition Answer Key 9780133611274 9.97
3-year license 9781418271831 89.47 Testing Program and
Answer Key 9780133611281 53.97
Student Edition Digital Courseware
1-year license 9780328955022 45.47
3-year license* 9780328955039 76.47
Teacher’s Guide 9780133238228 24.47
Audio Program on DVD 9780133238266 61.97
* Available for PC, Mac®, iPad® tablet, and Android™ tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).

Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC. OneDrive is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

Shop online at 17

Upper-Level Spanish Anthology
Upper-Level/AP Spanish

Ideal for any

Spanish Course

Prentice Hall®
Encuentros maravillosos Obra escogida
Gramática a través de la literatura
Matute, Editors: 
2nd Edition ©2011 Martí, Rubio-Maroto
This invaluable text presents a complete introduction to the
The second edition of this highly praised, all-Spanish totality of Ana Maria Matute’s work. The text includes:
anthology introduces students to modern Hispanic
literature presented in universal themes that connect with
• Short stories and a novel
today’s learners. Students communicate about issues that • Ample exercises, including 226 questions and 56 different
touch them personally, while expanding their vocabulary writing topics
and grammar skills—all connected to the theme, the • Extensive vocabulary
literature selection, and the author’s body of work. The
Student Edition (Softcover) 9780883341629
writers in the anthology include Borges, Neruda, Cortázar,
Unamuno, Matute, García Márquez, Esquivel, García Lorca,
Allende, Guillén, Machado, Storni, Alegría, Zamora, Curis,
Ibarbourou, and Nervo.
The second edition offers new literary selections in
Chapters 10 and 12. Chapter 10 includes three new poems:
“La poesía” by Neruda, “Proverbios y cantares, XXIX” by
Machado, and “Peso ancestral” by Storni. Chapter 12 now
includes an excerpt from Las ruinas circulares by Borges. In
addition, each chapter contains a new Integración section
that includes listening, speaking, writing, and additional
standards-based activities.
Student Edition
(Hardcover) 9780133693744 65.47
(Spiralbound) 9780133693751 54.47
Chapter Tests 9780133693768 29.47
Teacher’s Resource Book (includes Audio CDs) 9780133693775 33.97
ExamView® Computer Test Bank 9780133693782 140.97

Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

18 Shop online at

Upper-Level Spanish/AP Spanish

AP® Edition

Upper-Level/AP Spanish
Reflexiones de la
literatura hispánica
For AP Lit
and Culture


This anthology provides unparalleled preparation for the Advanced Placement Spanish
Literature and Culture Examination.

The textbook contains an outstanding introductory section on literary history and cultural periods,
different genres, and critical approaches to literature. The literature is presented in six thematic chapters
that correspond to the themes in the College Board Framework.
• Pluralismo étnico y desigualdad económica y social
• Machismo y feminismo
• Tiempo y espacio
• Las relaciones interpersonales y sociales
• La agonía de la existencia y la dualidad del ser
• La imaginación y la creación literaria
Each chapter is preceded by a brief essay on the topic followed by Essential Questions. The chapters
contain all the appropriate selections from the AP List as well as other important works of literature that
expand upon the theme. All texts are complete and unabridged. The extensive pre- and post-reading
selections expand language proficiency across a full range of language skills while introducing students to
literary analysis.
• Instructor’s Resource Manual and Testing Program Background information, teaching suggestions,
Student Edition answers, and chapter tests that prepare students for exam formats.

AP Student Edition (HS Binding) 9780132793124 65.47

Instructor’s Resource Manual and Testing Program 9780205241293 21.47

Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

Shop online at 19

Spanish Videos
Spanish Videos: Levels 1 Through 4 La Catrina
Motivate and reward your students with four outstanding Spanish Join Jamie González in
Spanish Videos

videos. The videos are presented in the recommended sequence her quest to find the
for viewing. secrets of her mysterious
Level 1 ¿Eres tú, María? “La Catrina.” This series
captivates students in a
web of intrigue,
adventure, and romance.
14 episodes of
approximately 14 minutes
each. Includes Teacher’s
Video Guide, Video
Workbook, and novel.

Level 4  La Catrina: El último secreto

   A mysterious package
from Querétaro, a visit
Your students join Lola Lago, a private detective in Madrid, as she
from the Mexican police,
investigates the theft of jewelry from doña Gracia. And no one can
and an unexpected
find María! This ten-episode “whodunit” is easily comprehensible
discovery in Oaxaca
to first-year Spanish students.
require Jamie’s return to
• Ten episodes (eight minutes in length) Mexico. There, she
• Includes Teacher’s Video Guide confronts the revenge of
Don Silvestre, her future
Level 2  En busca de la verdad with Carlos, and the
shocking last secret of
“La Catrina.” Eleven episodes of approximately 14 minutes each.
Includes Teacher’s Video Guide, Video Workbook, and novel.
¿Eres tú, María?
Video Program (DVD) 9780130360588
Video Workbooks
5-pack 9780130361356 52.47
10-pack 9780130361363 105.47

En busca de la verdad
Video Program (DVD) 9780130360779 299.47
Roberto Toledo, a teenager living in Guanajuato, is unable to Video Workbooks
get anyone in his family to talk about the disappearance of his 5-pack 9780130361370 59.97
grandfather. The arrival of Linda Toledo, a student from San
Antonio, Texas, prompts Roberto to search for the truth. What ¡Pura vida!
secret is the family hiding? Video Program (DVD) 9780133712216
• Ten episodes (nine minutes in length)
• Includes Teacher’s Video Guide La Catrina
Video Program (DVD) 9780131341265 359.47
Level 3  ¡Pura vida! Video Workbooks
5-pack 9780673592064 78.97
This 14-episode video follows the 10-pack 9780673592057 137.97
experiences of five young adults living in Teacher’s Edition 9780673218049 21.97
Costa Rica. The vocabulary and grammar La Novela (5-pack) 9780673592040 73.97
in the series reinforces and expands La Novela (10-pack) 9780673592033 123.97
previously taught content. Teacher
materials are provided online using Web
La Catrina: El último secreto
code jef_9100 at For
schools that are using Video Workbooks
5-pack 9780673592101 78.97
with Realidades 3, the complete ¡Pura vida! 10-pack 9780673592095 137.97
video program is available as part of the Teacher’s Edition 9780673218452 21.97
course content. La Novela
5-pack 9780673592088 73.97
10-pack 9780673592071 123.97
Preview the videos online at or request Video Sampler
0133241599 from your Account General Manager.

Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

20 Shop online at

Spanish Activities and Tools Spanish Resources

Interactive Whiteboard/Spanish Resources

for Interactive Whiteboards
Ideal to use with any Spanish program! New and Updated!
Visual Bilingual
Engage all the learners in your class with the fun and effective activities
and tools on this new DVD-ROM! Content is organized around common Dictionaries
Show your students what other dictionaries
vocabulary and grammar topics and is usable with all Spanish programs. only tell them!

Each DVD-ROM includes the following: Now comes with a free companion audio
app that allows readers to scan the pages to
hear words spoken in Spanish and English.
Vocabulary and Grammar
Interactive Whiteboard Activities These beautiful, 360-page dictionaries
invite your students to learn language
Each DVD-ROM contains over 200+ through the strikingly clear, four-color
activities to practice vocabulary and visuals that illustrate the meaning of each
grammar generally taught in Spanish 1, 2, vocabulary word. Students can easily
or 3. The activities are written in SMART find words by topic or by using the dual-
Notebook Express™ software and can be language glossaries.
used on most interactive whiteboards.
Each dictionary is organized by these
Activities include click-and-drag, fill-in- practical topics:
blank, sequencing, storytelling (with audio),
polls/surveys (with audio), and games. • People • Shopping • Transport
• Appearance • Food • Sport
• Health • Eating Out • Leisure
DK Spanish-English Visual Bilingual • Home • Study • Environment
Dictionary eText • Services • Work • Reference
We’ve included the new eText edition of
Spanish/English (Softcover) 9781465459312 15.97
this beautiful dictionary with over 6,000 French/English (Softcover) 9781465459282 16.99
vocabulary items organized around 15 Italian/English (Softcover) 9781465459305 14.95
topics. See next column. Each vocabulary
item includes audio for pronunciation.
Note: we have eliminated some of the La Catrina, Intermediate
inappropriate vocabulary from the print Curland
dictionary such as some body parts and
references to alcohol. La Catrina: La novela
5-pack 9780673592040 73.97
10-pack 9780673592033 123.97
Image Gallery La Catrina: El Último Secreto
5-pack 9780673592088 73.97
And we added the 6,000+ visuals with 10-pack 9780673592071 123.97
audio files to the Image Gallery. Use these
gorgeous images to create your own
activities. Grammar Study Guides
Levels 1–2/3–4
Handy guides summarize key grammar
points for study of first- and second-year
Spanish or third- and fourth-year Spanish.
Each two-page guide is durable, three-hole-
punched, and available in packs of 35. A
Activities and Tools for Interactive Whiteboards DVD-ROM great fundraiser!
Spanish 1 9780133204186 174.97
Spanish 2 9780133204193 174.97
Grammar Guide
Spanish 3 9780133204209 174.97
Level 1–2 9780673584311 86.97
Level 3–4 9780673584328 86.97

Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

Shop online at 21

Bilingual Dictionaries

New and Updated!

Bilingual Dictionaries

Visual Bilingual Dictionaries

Show your students what other dictionaries only tell them!

A great way for World Languages students to personalize their

communication efforts!
Introducing a range of useful current vocabulary in thematic order, these dictionaries
use full-color photographs and artworks to display and label all the elements of
everyday life — from the home and office to sports, music, nature, and the countries
of the world — with panel features on key nouns, verbs, and useful phrases.

Now they each come with a free companion audio app that allows
readers to scan the pages to hear words spoken in either French,
Spanish, or Italian and English.
• A quick and intuitive way to learn and remember thousands of
everyday words.
• A complete range of illustrated objects and scenes from everyday life.
• Fast and effective learning for any situation, from home and office to
shopping and dining out.
• Detailed index for instant reference.
• Handy size ideal for learning on the go!
The illustrations provide a quick and intuitive route to learning a language,
defining the words visually so it is easier to remember them and creating
a colorful and stimulating learning resource.

Spanish/English (Softcover) 9781465459312 15.97

French/English (Softcover) 9781465459282 16.99
Italian/English (Softcover) 9781465459305 14.95

Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

22 Shop online at

Allons au-delà! ©2012

Upper-Level/AP French
La langue et les cultures du monde francophone
Richard Ladd
Grades 9–12

Especially written for the new AP® French Language and Culture Examination
Allons au-delà! is a brand new anthology designed to prepare students for the
new AP French Examination. This highly anticipated program provides thorough
coverage of the Themes, Recommended Contexts, Essential Questions, and
Learning Objectives as outlined in the College Board Curriculum Framework.

Student Edition table of contents

Theme 1: Global Challenges/Les défis mondiaux
Theme 2: Science and Technology/La science et la technologie
Theme 3: Contemporary Life/La vie contemporaine
Theme 4: Personal and Public Identities/La quête de soi
Theme 5: Family and Communities/La famille et la communauté
Theme 6: Beauty and Aesthetics/L’esthétique
Each Theme is organized around the Essential Questions. Each Chapter focuses on a
Recommended Context. The varied reading selections (both fiction and nonfiction) serve
as the springboard for a wide range of activities that:
• address the three modes of communications
• practice the testing formats
• develop learning strategies
• build vocabulary groups
• develop cultural perspectives
Find out more!
For details, samples, and program Program Components
overviews, visit: Student Components (two options):
Student Edition: four-color hardcover textbook with 7-year license to Digital Course;
Digital Course powered by Realize: includes eText with audio links; eText is compatible with many mobile devices*.
Teacher Components:
All Teacher Resources are available online within Realize and are accessed through the
purchase of licensed Student Editions or Digital Courses.
• eText with audio links*
• Audio files (downloadable)
AP French: Preparing for • Teacher’s Guide
the Language and Culture
• Assessment Program
See page 24. Print and Digital
Student Edition (print) with Digital Course
1-year license 9780328954872 76.47
Get started! 7-year license 9780328954896 80.47 for videos
Digital Courseware
modules and PDF instructions Student Edition Digital Courseware License*
1-year license* 9780328954902 21.97
7-year license* 9780328954933 71.97
* Available for PC, Mac®, iPad® tablet, and Android™ tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).

Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.
OneDrive is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Shop online at 23

Upper-Level/AP French
Upper-Level/AP French

New Digital

For AP Language and For AP Language and

Culture Culture

AP ® French Une fois pour toutes

Preparing for the Language and Une révision des structures essentielles
Culture Examination de la langue française
©2012, Richard Ladd 3rd Edition ©2008
This all-new edition provides extensive test preparation and Sturges, Cregg, Herbst
practice in the same formats as will appear on the new AP® Une fois pour toutes is now available in a Digital Course
French Language and Culture Examination. New with this powered by Realize that includes:
edition, you can choose between a consumable book with • eText compatible with mobile devices*
online support or go all digital!
• Assignable grammar Exercises
Program Components • Assignable Interrogations (pre- and post‑tests)
Student Components (two options): Student Edition: Softcover • Assignable Situations actives (essay tasks and RealTalk!)
book with 1-year or 3-year license to Digital Course; Digital
Teacher components on the Digital Course include the Answer
Course powered by Realize:
Keys and Testing Program available as downloadable files.
• eText with audio links, compatible with mobile devices*
This highly acclaimed all-French grammar review text
• Assignable activities and test practice is ideal for advanced French classes and preparation
• Auto-graded listening and reading activities for the Advanced Placement French Language and
• Open-ended gradable speaking and writing tasks Culture Examination. The twelve lessons include charts,
• Speaking assessments using RealTalk! explanations, and abundant practice grammar. An
accompanying Test Booklet contains two tests per lesson
Teacher Components: to allow for pre- and post-testing, plus an Answer Key. This
Available online within Realize and accessed through the separate Answer Key booklet is shrink-wrapped to every
purchase of licensed Student Editions or Digital Courses. Student Edition for flexibility of use. Answer Key also available
• eText with audio links* not bundled with Student Edition.
• Audio files (downloadable) For details, samples, and program overviews, visit:
• Teacher’s Resource Book for details, samples, and Print
program presentations Student Edition with Separate Answer Key
(Hardcover) 9780133611205 66.47
(Softcover) 9780133611236 53.97
Print and Digital
Student Edition (print) with Digital Course License Student Edition Answer Key 9780133611212 9.97
1-year access 9780328955053 49.47 Testing Program and Answer Key 9780133611243 53.97
3-year access 9781418271855 89.47
Print and Digital
Digital Courseware Student Edition with Digital Course
Student Edition Digital Courseware 1-year License* 9780328955084 42.97 (Hardcover) 7-year license 9780328955114
* Available for PC, Mac®, iPad® tablet, and Android™ tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).
(Softcover) 1-year license 9780328955121

Digital Courseware
Student Edition Digital Courseware License*
7-year license* 9780328955138 59.97
3-year license* 9780328955145 30.97
1-year license* 9780328955152 12.47
Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC. * Available for PC, Mac, iPad tablet, and Android tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).
OneDrive is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

24 Shop online at

Bilingual Dictionary

New and Updated!

Upper-Level/AP French
French/English Visual
Bilingual Dictionary
Now it comes with a free companion audio app that allows readers to scan
the pages to hear words spoken in French and English!
This vivid, 360-page dictionary invites students to learn language through the
remarkably clear, four-color visuals that illustrate the meaning of each vocabulary
word. See page 22 for more information.

French/English (Softcover) 9781465459282 16.99

Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

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Prentice Hall®
Latin is ALIVE

Ecce Romani I–III 4th Edition ©2009 on Realize!

Ecce Romani I–III

Learning is evolving and so is our technology ... the nation’s leading

Latin program leaps ahead with the exciting new Realize platform!
Visit for detailed
information on Ecce Romani ©2009, including
information on the new Realize platform.

New and Updated in Ecce Romani on Realize:

• Addition of Google Drive™ Integration provides you the
ability to link to files directly from your Google Drive to
the course.
• Addition of Classroom Google Classroom™ Integration
“Classroom Share Button” directly into Realize enables
you to easily add links in Google Classroom that point to
select content types within Realize.
• OpenEd integrated search engine with thousands of
already vetted resources ready to assign to students
• Ease of creating specialized groups and personalized
learning paths
• Make it your own functionality with ability to add PPTs,
audio/video files, and more!
• Ability to rearrange your content
• Create your own assessments
• Rename topics and customize the course the way you
truly want
• Create discussion prompts for students to encourage
social interaction and interpersonal communication.
• Access to new data tools provides mastery by
assignment and usage reports on created assignments
• Expanded Ecce Romani III
• Colorful redesign for all three levels
Student Editions (print and eText)
Great new tools Highlights in the new Student Editions I and II:
that make your Latin
Classroom even • Redesign that includes new chapter-opening illustrations
better! • Vocabulary designated as “Words for Active Knowledge”
and “Words for Passive Recognition”
• Comprehension questions added to cultural readings
• Full information on Latin words in end-of-book glossary
Highlights in the new Student Edition III include:
• Same four-color design as Levels I and II
• Expanded readings and poetry for a full year of instruction
• Variety of authors including Vergil and Caesar
• Skill development for sight reading
• New Language Activity Book
 eacher’s Guide with Chapter Resources
and Blackline Masters
Highlights include:
Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.
• More manageable format for ease of use
OneDrive is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. • Per-chapter organization of all teaching resources
26 Shop online at
All of the Ecce Romani ©2009 resources can be used with earlier copyrights!
Student Resources Teacher Resources

Ecce Romani I–III

Ecce Romani eText Teacher’s Guide with Chapter Resources and
New interactive Standalone Pearson eTexts accessible on Blackline Masters
iPad®, Android™ tablets, and computer. Now organized by chapter, the updated resources include
The eTexts contain the same content as the print Student lesson plans, pacing guides, updated bibliographies,
Edition plus: the Answer Key for the Language Activity Books, and a
wealth of teaching ideas. Ecce Romani III Teacher’s Guide
• Embedded audio files in Ecce Romani I and II contains a CD-ROM with transparencies for additional
• Interactive tools to add responses to created discussion reading support.
boards, highlight, add notes, bookmark pages and add
files to specially created teacher activities Transparency Package
• Ability to view videos from teacher assigned OpenEd and Four transparencies per chapter include chapter illustrations,
other added videos support for the story, and vocabulary, plus graphic organizers
• Projection view for front-of-class instruction and maps.
• Classroom management tools Test Masters
• Students using Levels IA and IB should use the eText All tests will be revised for all levels.
for Level I.
For details, visit Contact Additional Support
your Pearson Account General Manager for a demo access code. The Romans Speak for
Themselves is a perfect
Language Activity Books accompaniment for
The new workbooks include Ecce Romani!
expanded vocabulary practice, See page 28 for more
new exercises, support for reading information.
strategies, English-to-Latin sentences,
and new stories. A new Language
Activity Book is available for Ecce
Romani III. See sample chapters at

Prentice Hall® Ecce Romani ©2009

Description 13 Digit ISBN Price Description 13 Digit ISBN Price
Teacher’s Guide II 9780133610963 71.97
Level I/IA/IB
Test Masters II 9780133610994 29.97
Student Edition I (Hardcover) 9780133610895 85.97
Audio Program on CDs II 9780133611106 48.47
Level I Standalone Pearson eText
ExamView Computer Test Bank II 9780133611038 156.47
6-year license* 9781418301354 60.47
Transparency Package II 9780133611120 145.97
1-year license* 9781418301385 13.97
Student Edition IA (Softcover) 9780133610925 36.97
Student Edition IB (Softcover) 9780133610932 36.97 Level III
Language Activity Book I 9780133611199 17.97 Student Edition III (Hardcover) 9780133610901 85.97
Teacher’s Guide I 9780133610949 71.97 Level III Standalone Pearson eText
Test Masters I 9780133611007 29.97 6-year license* 9781418301378 60.47
Audio Program on CDs I 9780133611090 48.47 1-year license* 9781418301408 13.97
ExamView ® Computer Test Bank I 9780133611021 156.47 Language Activity Book III 9780133610956 17.97
Transparency Package I 9780133611113 145.97 Teacher’s Guide III 9780133610987 71.97
Test Masters III 9780133611014 29.97
ExamView Computer Test Bank III 9780133611045 156.47
Level II
* Available for PC, Mac, iPad tablet, and Android tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).
Student Edition II (Hardcover) 9780133610918 85.97
Level II Standalone Pearson eText
6-year license* 9781418301361 60.47
1-year license* 9781418301392 13.97
Language Activity Book II 9780133611182 17.97

Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

Shop online at 27

Latin Programs/Resources/Readers
Latin Programs/Resources/Readers

Latin for the 21st Century

From Concept to Classroom The Romans Speak for Themselves
LaFleur Lawall
This contemporary, professional resource book is appropriate The Romans Speak for Themselves, Books I and II, consist
for anyone interested in the study of Latin, whether at the of selections drawn from some of the greatest and most
elementary, secondary, or university level. It explores modern interesting Roman authors. Book I contains fourteen short,
Latin teaching methodologies, highlights the wide array of adapted readings designed to accompany any Latin program.
effective instructional materials, and discusses the impact of Each passage is cross-referenced to the appropriate chapter
educational trends on the study of Latin at all levels. in Ecce Romani I. Book II provides eight passages drawn from
Roman authors such as Seneca, Petronius, and Augustine.
Contents Highlights Each passage is cross-referenced to the appropriate chapter
• National Standards for Latin instruction in Ecce Romani II.
• Latin in elementary, middle, and high schools; high school/ Contact your Account General Manager to order.
college articulation
• Advanced Placement® instruction
• College programs for majors, minors, graduate students,
and teaching assistants
• Teacher preparation and certification programs
• Making the Spanish–Latin connection
Latin for the 21st Century 9780673576088 48.47

Fabulae Romanae
Stories of Famous Romans
Student Book 9780801309922 33.97
Latin Poetry Teacher’s Guide 9780801309939 24.97

For the Beginning Student
This supplementary reader for first- and second-year students
presents a brief sampling from some of the most popular Latin
Latin Poetry 9780801301339 32.97

Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

28 Shop online at

Upper-Level/AP Latin Readers

Upper-Level/AP Latin Readers

A Song of War
Readings from
Vergil’s Aeneid
Available on Available on
©2013 Pearson eText! Pearson eText!
LaFleur, McKay
For new AP! For new AP!

This highly acclaimed textbook, also available as a

Pearson eText*, introduces intermediate and advanced Latin A Call to Conquest
students to Vergil’s Aeneid and has been updated for the Readings from Caesar’s Gallic Wars
new AP Latin Examination. The text’s readings (including all
those on the Advanced Placement Latin Examination) are ©2013
comprised of selections from Books 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, and 12, Perry
as well as Book 2 in its entirety. For more information, visit This text, also available as a Pearson eText*, introduces
intermediate and advanced students to Caesar’s De Bello
Student Edition (Hardcover) 9780133205206 58.47 Gallico. For teachers preparing students for the new
Teacher’s Guide 9780133205190 28.97 Advanced Placement Latin Examination, this all-in-one text
® ® ™
* Available for PC, Mac , iPad tablet, and Android tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).
contains the required 52 chapters in Latin from Books 1, 4, 5,
and 6 as well as the English selections from Books 1, 6, and 7.
For more information, visit
Student Edition (Hardcover) 9780133205213 58.47
Teacher’s Guide 9780133205183 28.97
* Available for PC, Mac, iPad tablet, and Android tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).

Love and Transformation

An Ovid Reader Expanded!

2nd Edition ©1999

Levels 3–Upper-Level
This edition introduces intermediate and advanced high
school and college students to the timeless artistry of Ovid’s
Love and Betrayal
Metamorphoses and Amores. A Catullus Reader
Student Edition 9780673589200 37.97 ©2012
Teacher’s Guide 9780673589217 29.47 Lawall, Arnold, Aronson, and Baer
Levels 3–Upper-Level
This expanded text introduces intermediate and advanced
To learn more about the Pearson eTexts, visit: high school and college students to the poetry of Catullus.
This expanded version includes all the poems in the previous edition plus poems 14a, 30, 40, 60, 64.50–253,
65, 68.1–40, and 69.
Student Edition (Softcover) 9780133204780 37.97
Teacher’s Guide 9780133204797 29.47

Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

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To order, request
a proposal, or find
more information
Read. Love. Literacy.
iLit™ is a comprehensive, digital-first literacy program with optional blended print
for students in grades 4 and up. It has everything your class needs to gain two
years of reading growth in a single year. iLit is based on a proven instructional model
that has produced successful results for students in districts across the country.

Individual, small group, and whole-class instruction is personalized with a wide range of
InspireLiteracy | Grades 4 and up

embedded assessments and text-based performance tasks. iLit engages students like no other
reading program through its vast e-library of high-interest texts, blended print books, instant
coaching and feedback for scaffolded support, engaging activities, and built-in reward systems
that motivate students and track their progress.

Find the iLit program for you!

Find the version of iLit to help you accelerate student performance in
reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Inspire literacy and language
growth, inspire teachers! iLit gives students access to thousands of
high-interest texts in a digital, leveled library.
Supports on-level or below-level readers in a
dedicated class period. It can complement or
replace your core ELA curriculum.

Accelerates English Language Development. Use

iLit ELL to supplement your ELA curriculum for a
dedicated class period.

Personalizes supplemental reading instruction.

iLit 20 encourages independent reading at just the
right level. Use iLit 20 15–20 minutes per day, two
to five times per week.


Professional Development resources available.

See pages 32–33.

30 Shop online at

Students can self-select titles based on interest and level

Teach social and emotional learning with novels using

the Reading with Relevance Teaching Guides.

Resources for your struggling learners, ELL,

Newcomers, and Special Education.

InspireLiteracy | Grades 4 and up

Blend digital and print experiences
More choices means more reading. From action, adventure, and
adapted texts, to drama, nonfiction, horror, thrillers, sports and
everything in between, iLit™ brings together culturally relevant,
contemporary topics and themes that match students’ interests.
Across the library of trade books, workbooks, leveled classroom
libraries, newcomer box sets, and ELL libraries, iLit gives students full
choice in what they read. A perfect blend of print and digital takes
reading online, offline, anywhere, and everywhere.

The instructional model

iLit delivers a research-proven instructional model through a A world of high-interest content
ground-breaking mobile instructional system, making it accessible,
adaptive, and engaging for today’s teachers and students. iLit features over 3,000, high-interest books in the student library,
all available via each student’s device. Students can look up the
iLit uses a gradual release approach. First, the teacher models meaning of any word in the text, translate it into 45+ different
an instructional skill, such as using textual evidence to make languages, or check out a visual definition.
inferences. Then, the teacher guides the class as they work • Comprehensive curriculum for students reading 2–4 grade
together to practice the skill. Students then apply the skill at their levels below enrolled grade
own level on adaptive activities.
• Adaptive assignments and personalized study plans let
The instructional model is broken into six stages: students gradually master essential skills
1. Self-selected reading
2.   English Language Development and Vocabulary Powerful teaching tools
3.   Teacher-guided reading Instruction, assessment, and data, all in a single teacher app.
4.   Paired and small group discussions Teachers can easily adapt and personalize instruction with quick
5.   Guided practice formative assessments woven into iLit’s instructional model.
6.   Independent, adaptive work • iLit is designed specifically for struggling readers and
unengaged learners
Learn more at • Quick formative assessments and embedded support helps
teachers customize instruction

Services available with iLit

• Online Professional Learning Community
• On-site Professional Development
• On-Demand Professional Development videos
• Embedded point-of-use “Best Practices” videos
• Embedded explicit and contextual lesson support, including
for ELL
• App tips
• Mobile device management
• Data analysis

Shop online at 31

Digital/Intervention/Supplemental Professional Development

InspireLiteracy Professional Development

Visit to see all PD offerings!

InspireLiteracy services are tailored to each customer’s

unique needs. Your Pearson Intervention Lead will work
closely with you to devise a prescriptive and detailed
implementation plan that outlines goals and plans for usage,
progress monitoring, and accountability.

 myPearsonTraining is your one-stop shop for live and on-demand

training! Access tutorials, live webinars, chat support and more!
InspireLiteracy | Grades 4 and up

iLitTM 45, ELL Onsite Training and Professional Development

To drive the fidelity of the implementation, Pearson provides support that begins with the “how-to” of iLit
and extends to strengthening instruction and increasing student outcomes through the use of iLit.

Initial Training Follow-Up Training In-Class Support

Initial Training includes hands-on and Follow-up days of support allow participants In-class support comes in the form of
step-by-step training on product features to move past the “how-to” and dive deeper modeling, coaching, and consultation
needed to get students started with iLit. The into increasing comfort with technology focused on practices that maintain or
Education Specialist tailors the agenda and and meeting student’s individual needs. The improve implementation fidelity. A strong
topics so teachers can maximize the best approach is extremely consultative and focus emphasis is placed on targeted areas such as
product features for their student population areas are aligned to the district’s goals and Differentiation and Data.
and goals. plans for usage. These services are intended Flexible delivery options available. Participant size
to bring teachers from understanding to varies based on the type of support provided.

* All Participants are required to have a computer. Maximum number of participants is 15 unless otherwise noted.

ISBN: Three-day Package: ILITIMPESSBP Additional Days:


iLit: Technology and Digital Classroom Management iLit 20: Implementation Essentials
This one-day, follow up session focuses on the effective This half-day workshop is designed to support educators in
implementation of iLit technology and best practices in the implementing the program with fidelity.
classroom. Participants receive hands-on practice using
applications and devices required for iLit instruction. Participants dig into the components, instructional design, and
structure of the program. Participants will practice applying
ISBN: ILITIMPESSBASIC specific features and design elements (including instructional
philosophy, lesson structure, and content) to classroom practice
through hands-on activities and observation of a demonstrated
lesson. Participants will receive a prescriptive, week-by-week
implementation plan to use following the workshop that can be
customized to their needs.
ISBN: 122671

* A ll PD sessions are six hours in length and accommodate 15 participants unless

noted otherwise.

32 Shop online at

Digital/Intervention/Supplemental Professional Development (iLit continued)

iLit™: Partnership Plus Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners
Our most powerful and flexible form of support with a full-time, 15 Days
dedicated consultant provides you with up to 140 days of services English language learners (ELLs) are the fastest-growing student
over the course of 12 months. Education Specialists mentor and population. These sessions help teachers support ELLs and meet
train staff, and provide support planning and progress monitoring Rigorous State Standards. Learn research-based strategies and
at all levels of the implementation. sound pedagogical practices for English language development.
ISBN: ILITPP140OS Recognize language proficiency levels, review language acquisition
theory, and discover how to facilitate language learning. Build on
cultural and equity assumptions to motivate ELLs.
Technology Services
This institute provides support in the area of scaffolding
iLit Remote IT Consultation instruction when implementing new programs by using various
A Pearson Systems Engineer works with your district IT staff to components including the use of visual representations,
provide information, guidance and recommendations to prepare vocabulary/academic language development, and the use of
for your iLit implementation. Topics include System Specifications, technology to enhance and deepen instruction.
System Overview, Reporting and more!

InspireLiteracy | Grades 4 and up

Flexible delivery options available. Participant size will vary depending
ISBN: ILITREMOTETECHCONS on the type of support provided.
ISBN: 121653
Comprehensive Technical Analysis ISBN: Meeting the Needs of ELLs Additional Service Day: 121624
Pearson Systems Engineers work onsite and remotely with your
district IT staff to evaluate your district’s readiness to implement
iLit. The Infrastructure Analysis focuses on site readiness for SIOP ® Training for Teachers (3 Consecutive Days)
increased technology usage. The Operations Analysis focuses Educators gain an in-depth understanding of the components of the
policies, procedures and plans around technology usage. Upon SIOP Model and techniques to implement it in their classrooms in this
completion, a written report of findings and recommendations is three-day workshop. Participants gain practical skills to collaborate,
provided. share, and implement lesson plans that incorporate all eight
components and thirty features of the SIOP Model in order to teach
ISBN: Technical Infrastructure Analysis: 121550 content while developing students’ academic and social language.
ISBN: Technical Operations Analysis 121570
ISBN: Technical Analysis Additional Days Onsite: 121560 Participants are provided with Making Content Comprehensible for
English Learners: The SIOP Model to support implementation upon
returning to their schools.
Meeting the Needs of Special Education Students
ISBN: For K–12 teachers: 112992
15 Days ISBN: For PreK–K teachers: 119360
Learn how to support students with special needs and provide ISBN: For Elementary teachers: 112995
access to the curriculum. These sessions focus on teaching
ISBN: For Secondary teachers: 112994
students with social, emotional, academic, or physical disabilities.
Topics include special education leadership, the power of ISBN: For California teachers: 122030
co-teaching, and Response to Intervention (RtI). Explore Universal
Design for Learning (UDL), Positive Behavioral Interventions and SIOP Training for Administrators
Supports (PBIS), and Assistive Technology (AT). School and district administrators use the best-selling, research-
This institute provides support in the area of scaffolding based book The SIOP Model for Administrators to learn about the SIOP
instruction when implementing new curriculum programs by Model and understand how it can improve instruction for all students,
using various components including: the use of text-to-audio including English learners. Participants consider the roles that coaches
functionality, visual representations, and the use of technology to and administrators can play in supporting teachers using the SIOP
enhance and deepen instruction. Model and are provided with The SIOP Model for Administrators, 2nd
edition to support implementation upon returning to their schools.
Flexible delivery options available. Participant size will vary depending
on the type of support provided. ISBN: 112990
ISBN: 121644
 eeting the Needs of Special Education Students Additional SIOP: Developing Academic Language
Service Day: 121634 Learn how to boost students’ academic language skills to meet
today’s rigorous new college and career-readiness standards.
Participants examine the language demands of their lessons
and create language targets to promote academic language
development for all students, including English learners. The
workshop is suitable for teachers who want to extend practice
with building academic language and literacy skills and may have
already studied the SIOP Model’s components and features.
Participants are provided with the Developing Academic Language
with the SIOP Model text to support sustained implementation of
the techniques and strategies presented in the workshop.
ISBN: 119488
* A ll PD sessions are six hours in length and accommodate 30 participants unless
noted otherwise.

Shop online at 33

SuccessMaker ®

To order, request
a proposal, or find
Is success easy? more information
Does everybody always get it? find-my-rep.

Do we all learn in the same way?

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SuccessMaker ® | Grades K–8

SuccessMaker ® is the only continuously adaptive K–8 reading and math intervention program
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SuccessMaker ® | Grades K–8
Printable worksheets Support student biliteracy for Reading and Math
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SuccessMaker Math is translated in over 60 languages!
SuccessMaker SuccessMaker
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Name Name

Academic Vocabulary
• Morphological Academic Vocabulary
• Prefixes and Spanish Translation Spanish Audio
Directions: Read the following passage from the short story “Dee’s Stormy Night.” • Sometimes you may come across words you do not know. You can look to see if the
base word has a prefix at the beginning or a suffix at the end that helps you figure out
Then answer the questions below. the meaning.
• The prefix un- makes a word mean “not” or “the opposite of.” For example, unhappy

T he winds were growing stronger than

expected, and Dee looked out the
window nervously. Weather forecasts on
Grass and leaves had covered the storm
drains, leaving the rain no place to go.
Suddenly, the lights went out. Just as

means “not happy.”
• The suffix -ly makes a word mean “in a way.” For example, slowly means
“in a slow way.”
radio and television stations called for heavy Dee’s aunt handed her a flashlight, they • The suffix -tion makes a word mean “the act of .” For example, addition means
rain. News programs predicted this would heard a loud boom. A tree branch hit the “the act of adding.”
be the severest storm of the summer. front door! Luckily, the front door was not
• The suffix -ive makes a word mean “tending to .” For example, active means
Dee knew that a storm like this could damaged. Wow! This is going to be some
“tending to act.”
easily bring destruction. The last time there storm, Dee thought.
was a really bad storm, many roads flooded. Directions: Read each sentence. One word is underlined in each sentence. Circle
the prefix un- or the suffix -ly, -tion, or -ive in the underlined word. Then circle the
correct meaning of the word.
1. How does the base word destroy help you understand the word destruction?
1. Bobby and Ashley replaced the broken treats with undamaged ones.
not broken not sweet
2. Many people’s homes were severely damaged, or badly destroyed.
2. What is an example of destruction given in the passage? Write it below.
in a bad way in a strange way
3. The storm had passed through the American South a few days before, causing
3. How can you figure out the meaning of the word severest? terrible destruction.
the act of causing the act of destroying
4. Rachel fixed the unattractive car wash sign by drawing colorful pictures on it.
4. What is the meaning of damaged? not looking good not tending to make
5. The attraction of the baked goods caused Mr. Huang to visit the bake sale table.
the act of watching the act of drawing in
5. How are the words destruction and damage alike?
6. Mrs. Miller knew the Red Cross was helping with the relief effort for the disaster
caused by the destructive storm.
tending to make new tending to tear apart
7. Mr. Miller attractively arranged treats on a tray for the children’s bake sale.
in a pleasing way in an organized way

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 2

SuccessMaker SuccessMaker
® ®
Name Name

Read the writing prompt and follow the steps to complete the BIOGRAPHY Now use your organizer to write a biography of an athlete you admire. Start by filling in the writing
assignment. frame with your athlete’s name and facts about him or her. End by summing up why this person is so

Built from the ground up with a focus on the needs and

realities of teachers, SuccessMaker delivers an engaging
student-driven experience that ensures reading and
After you have written your
Use the planner to organize facts and ideas about your athlete’s life and work. If you need more biography, check your work.
information on your athlete, ask a teacher for permission to search a Website or print source. Use the checklist to evaluate
your writing. Then make any
final changes needed. Write a

math mastery.
clean copy of your biography
Biography on a separate sheet of paper.
Name and sport played:


Interesting facts:

Why he or she should be remembered:

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 2

Math Mastery Math Mastery: ELL
LINEAR MODELS. GMADE Assessment Gains GMADE Assessment Gains
Grade 3 Students Grade 3 ELL Students
Sketch a line segment that shows inches.


2. Tear out page 15, Paper Strips, and cut out both paper strips along the dashed lines.


Reading Mastery: Reading Mastery:
All rights reserved.
Targeted Lessons
Hispanic At-Risk
GRADE Assessment Gains GRADE Assessment Gains
Grade 7 Hispanic Students Kindergarten At-Risk

Request a personal SuccessMaker tour! Percentile increase that SuccessMaker students outperformed peers using a
Contact your Pearson Account General Manager or ELL/Intervention competitor product. Gatti Evaluation, Inc. Randomized Control Trial
Account Executive.

Shop online at 35


Everyone has a story . . . help students tell theirs!

Aligned to the Common
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Unique publishing projects, writing prompts, and image
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Contains: 1-year subscription to; access to all project templates; all classroom
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Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

Visit to see our overview video, lesson

ideas, try story templates, and purchase online.

36 Shop online at

Description ISBN Price Description ISBN Price Description ISBN Price

Earlier Editions, Middle School and

World Languages Earlier Editions

Realidades para hispanohablantes Assessment Program 9780133225815 119.47
Workbook 9780133225891 20.97
High School Spanish Lecturas 9780133610017 10.47
Alternate Assessment
Program 9780133225853 119.47
Grammar Study Guide Realidades para hispanohablantes
Realidades ©2014 Levels 1–2 (packet of 35) 9780673584311 86.97 Teacher’s Resource Package 9780133231168 327.97
Realidades A Reading, Writing, and Speaking Placement Test 9780131164291 55.97
Print and Digital Workbook, Volume 1 9780133302998 18.97
Answer Key 9780133225969 28.97
Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware Digital Assessment Program 9780133225921 119.47
License* (1-year license) 9780328943975 67.97 Student Edition Digital Courseware
Teacher Technology
Student Print Ancillaries 1-year access* 9780328923007 17.97
Software (Macintosh/Windows dual compatibility)
Leveled Vocabulary and Teacher’s Edition Interactive Teacher’s Edition with
Grammar Workbook 9780133225693 20.97 Teacher’s Edition 9780133199505 82.97 Resource Library DVD-ROM 9780133204131 299.47
CommunIcation Workbook Activities and Tools for Interactive
with Test Preparation 9780133225747 20.97 Teacher Print Ancillaries
Teacher’s Resource Package 9780133231151 327.97 Whiteboards DVD-ROM 9780133204186 174.97
Realidades para hispanohablantes PresentationEXPRESS
Workbook 9780133225891 20.97 Teacher’s Resource
Book Level A 9780133203721 99.97 Premium DVD-ROM 9780133204049 156.97
Lecturas 9780133610017 10.47 ExamView Computer Test Bank
Grammar Study Guide Levels 1–2 Teacher’s Resource
Book Level B 9780133203738 99.97 CD-ROM 9780133204070 141.47
(packet of 35) 9780673584311 86.97
Pre-AP Resource Book 9780133202052 33.97 Audio
Reading, Writing, and Speaking Audio Program on DVD-ROM 9780133203813 348.97
Workbook, Volume 1 9780133302998 18.97 TPR Storytelling 9780130359780 55.47
Assessment Program 9780133225808 119.47 Video
Digital Alternate Assessment Videocultura on DVD 9780133694864 93.97
Student Edition Digital Courseware Video Program DVD 9780130360373 449.47
Program 9780133225846 119.47
1-year access* 9780328922994 17.97 Videomodelos DVD 9780133204018 105.47
Realidades para hispanohablantes
Teacher’s Edition Teacher’s Resource Package 9780133231168 327.97
Teacher’s Edition 9780133199499 82.97 Placement Test 9780131164291 55.97 Realidades 2
Answer Key 9780133225969 28.97 Print and Digital
Teacher Print Ancillaries Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware
Teacher’s Resource Assessment Program 9780133225921 119.47
License* (1-year license) 9780328944002 87.97
Package 9780133231151 327.97 Teacher Technology
Teacher’s Resource Software (Macintosh/Windows dual compatibility) Student Print Ancillaries
Book Level A 9780133203721 99.97 Interactive Teacher’s Edition with Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar
Teacher’s Resource Resource Library DVD-ROM 9780133204124 299.47 Workbook 9780133225723 20.97
Book Level B 9780133203738 99.97 Activities and Tools for Interactive Communication Workbook with
Pre-AP Resource Book 9780133202052 33.97 Whiteboards DVD-ROM 9780133204186 174.97 Test Preparation 9780133225778 20.97
TPR Storytelling 9780130359780 55.47 PresentationEXPRESS Realidades para hispanohablantes
Assessment Program 9780133225808 119.47 Premium DVD-ROM 9780133204049 156.97 Workbook 9780133225907 16.47
Alternate Assessment ExamView Computer Lecturas 9780133610024 10.47
Program 9780133225846 119.47 Test Bank CD-ROM 9780133204070 141.47 Grammar Study Guide Levels 1–2
Audio (packet of 35) 9780673584311 86.97
Realidades para hispanohablantes
Teacher’s Resource Package 9780133231168 327.97 Audio Program on DVD-ROM 9780133203851 348.97 Reading, Writing, and Speaking
Placement Test 9780131164291 55.97 Workbook, Volume 1 9780133302998 18.97
Answer Key 9780133225969 28.97 Videocultura on DVD 9780133694864 93.97 Digital
Assessment Program 9780133225921 119.47 Video Program DVD 9780130360373 449.47 Student Edition Digital Courseware
Videomodelos DVD 9780133204018 105.47 1-year access* 9780328922963 24.97
Teacher Technology
Software (Macintosh®/Windows® dual compatibility) Teacher’s Edition
Interactive Teacher’s Edition with Realidades 1 Teacher’s Edition 9780133199529 103.97
Resource Library DVD-ROM 9780133204117 299.47 Print and Digital
Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware Teacher Print Ancillaries
Activities and Tools for Teacher’s Resource Package 9780133231069 327.97
Interactive Whiteboards License* (1-year license) 9780328943982 87.97
Teacher’s Resource
DVD-ROM 9780133204186 174.97 Student Print Ancillaries Book Volume 1 9780133203769 99.97
PresentationEXPRESS™ Leveled Vocabulary and Teacher’s Resource
Premium DVD-ROM 9780133204049 156.97 Grammar Workbook 9780133225716 20.97 Book Volume 2 9780133203790 99.97
ExamView® Computer CommunIcation Workbook Pre-AP Resource Book 9780133202052 33.97
Test Bank CD-ROM 9780133204070 141.47 with Test Preparation 9780133225761 20.97
TPR Storytelling 9780130359797 55.47
Audio Realidades para hispanohablantes
Assessment Program 9780133225822 119.47
Audio Program on DVD-ROM 9780133203851 348.97 Workbook 9780133225891 20.97
Alternate Assessment
Video Lecturas 9780133610017 10.47
Program 9780133225860 119.47
Videocultura on DVD 9780133694864 93.97 Grammar Study Guide Levels 1–2
Realidades para hispanohablantes
Video Program DVD 9780130360373 449.47 (packet of 35) 9780673584311 86.97
Teacher’s Resource Package 9780133231090 327.97
Videomodelos DVD 9780133204018 105.47 Reading, Writing, and Speaking
Placement Test 9780131164291 55.97
Workbook, Volume 1 9780133302998 18.97
Answer Key 9780133225976 28.97
Realidades B Digital Assessment Program 9780133225938 119.47
Print and Digital Student Edition Digital Courseware
Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware 1-year access* 9780328922956 24.97 Teacher Technology
License* (1-year license) 9780328944064 67.97 Software (Macintosh/Windows dual compatibility)
Teacher’s Edition Interactive Teacher’s Edition with
Student Print Ancillaries Teacher’s Edition 9780133199512 103.97 Resource Library DVD-ROM 9780133204148 299.47
Leveled Vocabulary and
Teacher Print Ancillaries Activities and Tools for Interactive
Grammar Workbook 9780133225709 20.97
Teacher’s Resource Package 9780133231045 327.97 Whiteboards DVD-ROM 9780133204193 174.97
CommunIcation Workbook
with Test Preparation 9780133225754 20.97 Teacher’s Resource
Book Volume 1 9780133203745 99.97
Teacher’s Resource
Professional Development resources available. Book Volume 2 9780133203783 99.97
Visit Pre-AP Resource Book 9780133202052 33.97
TPR Storytelling 9780130359780 55.47
Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice. * Available for PC, Mac, iPad tablet, and Android tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).

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World Languages Earlier Editions Description ISBN Price Description ISBN Price Description ISBN Price

PresentationEXPRESS™ Reading, Writing, and Speaking Realidades para hispanohablantes

Premium DVD-ROM 9780133204056 156.97 Workbook, Volume 2 9780133303001 18.97 Teacher’s Resource Pkg 9780133629774 190.97
ExamView® Computer Workbook Answer Key 9780131164321 29.97
Test Bank CD-ROM 9780133204087 141.47 Student Edition Digital Courseware Assessment Program 9780131164253 122.97
Audio 1-year access* 9780328922987 24.97 Placement Test 9780131164291 55.97
Audio Program on DVD-ROM 9780133203820 348.97 Teacher’s Edition Teacher Transparencies
Video Teacher’s Edition 9780133199543 103.97 Answers on Transparencies 9780133720228 136.97
Videocultura on DVD 9780133694864 93.97 Fine Art Transparencies 9780130360410 204.47
Teacher Print Ancillaries
Video Program DVD 9780130360380 449.47
Teacher’s Resource Package 9780133231083 327.97 Teacher Technology
Videomodelos DVD 9780133204018 105.47
Pre-AP Resource Book 9780133202052 33.97 Video Program on DVD 9780130360373 449.47
Assessment Program 9780133202175 119.47 Videocultura on DVD 9780133694864 93.97
Realidades 3
Teacher Technology PresentationEXPRESS
Print and Digital
Software (Macintosh/Windows dual compatibility) Premium on DVD-ROM
9780133698190 156.47
Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware
License* (1-year license) 9780328944026 87.97 Interactive Teacher’s Edition with TeacherEXPRESS™
Resource Library DVD-ROM 9780133204162 299.47 on DVD-ROM 9780133698251 239.47
Student Print Ancillaries ExamView Computer Audio Program on CDs
9780130359902 359.47
Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar ExamView Computer
Test Bank CD-ROM 9780133204711 141.47
Workbook 9780133225730 20.97 Test Bank with CD-ROM
9780133694833 140.97
CommunIcation Workbook with MindPoint® Quiz Show CD-ROM
9780131660496 61.47
Audio Program on DVD-ROM 9780133204728 348.97
Test Preparation 9780133225792 20.97
Realidades para hispanohablantes Realidades B
Video Program DVD 9780133220834 435.97
Workbook 9780133225914 16.47
Lecturas 9780133610031 10.47 Teacher’s Edition
Teacher’s Edition 9780133691771 85.47
Grammar Study Guide Levels 3–4 Realidades Refresher Options
(packet of 35) 9780673584328 86.97 Activities and Tools for Interactive Student Print Ancillaries
Reading, Writing, and Speaking Whiteboards DVD-ROM Leveled Vocabulary and
Workbook, Volume 2 9780133303001 18.97 A/B/1 9780133204186 174.97 Grammar Workbook 9780133692679 16.47
Digital 2 9780133204193 174.97 Communication Workbook
Student Edition Digital Courseware 3 9780133204209 174.97 with Test Preparation 9780133692617 14.97
1-year access* 9780328922970 24.97 Videomodelos DVD Realidades para
A/B/1 9780133204018 105.47 hispanohablantes 9780130360113 16.47
Teacher’s Edition 2 9780133204018 105.47 Lecturas 9780133610017 10.47
Teacher’s Edition 9780133199536 103.97 Grammar Study Guides
3 9780133204018 105.47
Teacher Print Ancillaries Levels 1–2 (packet of 35) 9780673584311 86.97
Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook
Teacher’s Resource Package 9780133231076 327.97 A 9780133225693 20.97 Teacher Print Ancillaries
Teacher’s Resource Book B 9780133225709 20.97 Teacher’s Resource Pkg 9780133629842 337.97
Volume 1 9780133203776 99.97 1 9780133225716 20.97 Teacher’s Resource
Teacher’s Resource Book 2 9780133225723 20.97 Book Vol. B 9780133692525 102.97
Volume 2 9780133203714 99.97 Assessment Program 9780130360144 123.47
3 9780133225730 20.97
Pre-AP Resource Book 9780133202052 33.97 Alternate Assessment
CommunIcation Workbook with Test Preparation
Assessment Program 9780133225839 119.47 Program 9780131164789 123.47
A 9780133225747 20.97
Alternate Assessment TPR Stories 9780130359780 55.47
B 9780133225754 20.97
Program 9780133225884 119.47 Pre-AP Resource Book 9780131660267 34.97
1 9780133225761 20.97
Realidades para hispanohablantes Lecturas 1, 2, and 3
Teacher’s Resource Package 9780133231106 327.97 2 9780133225778 20.97
Teacher’s Guide 9780133610048 14.97
Placement Test 9780131164291 55.97 3 9780133225792 20.97
Realidades para hispanohablantes
Answer Key 9780133225983 28.97 Videos
Teacher’s Resource Pkg 9780133629774 190.97
Assessment Program 9780133225952 119.47 ¡Pura vida! on DVD 9780133712216 308.47
Workbook Answer Key 9780131164321 29.97
Teacher Technology Assessment Program 9780131164253 122.97
Software (Macintosh®/Windows® dual compatibility) Realidades ©2011 Placement Test 9780131164291 55.97
Interactive Teacher’s Edition with Realidades A Teacher Transparencies
Resource Library DVD-ROM 9780133204155 299.47 Answers on Transparencies 9780133720228 136.97
Activities and Tools for Interactive Teacher’s Edition
Teacher’s Edition 9780133691764 85.47 Fine Art Transparencies 9780130360410 204.47
Whiteboards DVD-ROM 9780133204209 180.47
PresentationEXPRESS Student Print Ancillaries Teacher Technology
Premium DVD-ROM 9780133204063 156.97 Leveled Vocabulary and Video Program on DVD 9780130360373 449.47
ExamView Computer Grammar Workbook 9780133692662 16.47 Videocultura on DVD 9780133694864 93.97
Test Bank CD-ROM 9780133204100 141.47 Communication Workbook PresentationEXPRESS
Audio with Test Preparation 9780133692600 14.97 Premium on DVD-ROM 9780133698190 156.47
Audio Program on DVD-ROM 9780133203844 348.97 Realidades para TeacherEXPRESS on DVD-ROM 9780133698251 239.47
Video hispanohablantes 9780130360113 16.47 Audio Program on CDs 9780130359902 359.47
¡Pura vida! on DVD 9780133712216 308.47 Lecturas 9780133610017 10.47 ExamView Computer
Video Program DVD 9780130360403 281.97 Grammar Study Guides Test Bank with CD-ROM 9780133694833 140.97
Videomodelos DVD 9780133204018 105.47 Levels 1–2 (packet of 35) 9780673584311 86.97 MindPoint Quiz Show CD-ROM 9780131660496 61.47
Teacher Print Ancillaries
Realidades 4 Teacher’s Resource Pkg 9780133629842 337.97
Print and Digital Teacher’s Resource
Student Edition (print) + Digital Courseware Book Vol. A 9780133692518 102.97
License* (1-year license) 9780328944040 87.97 Assessment Program 9780130360144 123.47
Student Print Ancillaries Alternate Assessment
Vocabulary, Grammar, and Program 9780131164789 123.47
Communication Workbook 9780133202106 20.97 TPR Stories 9780130359780 55.47
Grammar Study Guide Levels 3–4 Pre-AP® Resource Book 9780131660267 34.97
(packet of 35) 9780673584328 86.97 Lecturas 1, 2, and 3
Teacher’s Guide 9780133610048 14.97
* Available for PC, Mac®, iPad® tablet, and Android™ tablet (OS 3.1 or greater).
Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

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Description ISBN Price Description ISBN Price Description ISBN Price

World Languages Earlier Editions

Assessment Program 9780133692716 123.47 PresentationEXPRESS
Realidades 1 Premium on DVD-ROM 9780133698213 161.47
Alternate Assessment
Teacher’s Edition Program 9780131164802 123.47 TeacherEXPRESS on DVD-ROM 9780133698299 239.47
Teacher’s Edition 9780133691788 107.47 TPR Stories 9780130359797 55.47 Audio Program on CDs 9780130359957 359.47
Student Print Ancillaries Pre-AP Resource Book 9780131660267 34.97 ExamView Computer
Leveled Vocabulary and Lecturas 1, 2, and 3 Test Bank with CD-ROM 9780133694857 140.97
Grammar Workbook 9780133692686 18.97 Teacher’s Guide 9780133610048 14.97
Communication Workbook Realidades para hispanohablantes:
with Test Preparation 9780133692624 16.97 Teacher’s Resource Pkg 9780133629781 190.97 Earlier Editions, Upper-Level/Advanced
Realidades para Workbook Answer Key 9780131164338 29.97 Placement® Spanish
hispanohablantes 9780130360113 16.47 Assessment Program 9780131164260 123.47
Lecturas 9780133610017 10.47 Placement Test 9780131164291 55.97 Abriendo paso ©2012
Grammar Study Guides
Teacher Transparencies Temas y lecturas
Levels 1–2 (packet of 35) 9780673584311 86.97
Vocabulary and Grammar
Transparencies 9780130360298 251.47 Student Edition (Hardcover) 9780133175295 77.97
Teacher Print Ancillaries
Teacher’s Resource Pkg 9780133629811 337.97 Answers on Transparencies 9780133720242 141.47 Teacher’s Guide 9780133175301 49.47
Teacher’s Resource Fine Art Transparencies 9780130360410 204.47 Testing Program 9780133176315 55.97
Book Vol. 1 9780133692532 102.97 Teacher’s Audio CD 9780133175318 37.97
Teacher Technology
Teacher’s Resource
Video Program on DVD 9780130360380 449.47 Gramática
Book Vol. 2 9780133692549 102.97
Videocultura on DVD 9780133694864 93.97
Assessment Program 9780130360151 123.47 Student Edition
Alternate Assessment Hardcover 9780133175363 59.97
Premium on DVD-ROM 9780133698206 156.47
Program 9780131164796 123.47 Softcover 9780133175332 46.97
TeacherEXPRESS on DVD-ROM 9780133698275 239.47
TPR Stories 9780130359780 55.47 Teacher’s Resource Book 9780133181807 51.47
Audio Program on CDs 9780130359940 359.47
Pre-AP Resource Book 9780131660267 34.97 Teacher’s Audio CD 9780133175349 33.97
ExamView Computer
Lecturas 1, 2, and 3 ExamView Test Generator 9780133175356 140.97
Test Bank with CD-ROM 9780133694840 140.97
Teacher’s Guide 9780133610048 14.97
Realidades para hispanohablantes
Realidades 3
Teacher’s Resource Pkg 9780133629774 190.97 Earlier Editions, Latin
Workbook Answer Key 9780131164321 29.97 Teacher’s Edition
Assessment Program 9780131164253 122.97 Teacher’s Edition 9780133691801 107.47 Ecce Romani ©2005
Placement Test 9780131164291 55.97 Student Print Ancillaries Level I
Leveled Vocabulary and
Teacher Transparencies Grammar Workbook 9780133692709 18.97 Student Book
Vocabulary and Grammar Level I (Hardcover) 0131163701 85.97
Transparencies 9780131810785 243.97 Communication Workbook
with Test Preparation 9780133692648 16.97 Level IA (Softcover) 013116371X 36.97
Answers on Transparencies 9780133720235 141.47 Level IB (Softcover) 0131163728 36.97
Realidades para
Fine Art Transparencies 9780130360410 204.47 Language Activity
hispanohablantes 9780131164314 16.47
Teacher Technology Lecturas 9780133610031 10.47 Book IA 0801312094 12.97
Video Program on DVD 9780130360373 449.47 Grammar Study Guides Book IB 0801312108 12.97
Videocultura on DVD 9780133694864 93.97 Levels 3–4 (packet of 35) 9780673584328 86.97 Teacher’s Guide Level I 0131163752 68.97
PresentationEXPRESS™ Audio Program
Premium on DVD-ROM 9780133698190 156.47 Teacher Print Ancillaries on CDs (4) 0131163744 46.97
TeacherEXPRESS on DVD-ROM 9780133698268 239.47 Teacher’s Resource Pkg 9780133629835 297.47
Audio Program on CDs 9780130359933 359.47 Teacher’s Resource Level II
Book Vol. 1 9780133692587 102.97
ExamView ® Computer Student Book
Test Bank with CD-ROM 9780133694833 140.97 Teacher’s Resource
Level II (Hardcover) 0131163809 85.97
Book Vol. 2 9780133692594 102.97
MindPoint Quiz Show CD-ROM 9780131660496 61.47 Level IIA (Softcover) 0131163817 36.97
Assessment Program 9780130360175 123.47
Level IIB (Softcover) 0131163825 36.97
Alternate Assessment
Realidades 2 Language Activity
Program 9780131661516 123.47
Student Print Ancillaries Book IIA 0801312116 12.97
Pre-AP Resource Book 9780131660267 34.97
Leveled Vocabulary and Book IIB 0801312124 12.97
Lecturas 1, 2, and 3
Grammar Workbook 9780133692693 18.97 Teacher’s Guide 9780133610048 14.97
Communication Workbook Realidades para hispanohablantes Level III
with Test Preparation 9780133692631 16.97 Teacher’s Resource Pkg 9780133629798 217.47 Student Book Level III (Hardcover) 0131163876 70.47
Realidades para Assessment Program 9780131164284 123.47
hispanohablantes 9780131164307 16.47
Placement Test 9780131164291 55.97
Lecturas 9780133610024 10.47
Grammar Study Guides Teacher Transparencies
Levels 1–2 (packet of 35) 9780673584311 86.97 Vocabulary and Grammar
Transparencies 9780130360304 251.47
Teacher Print Ancillaries Answers on Transparencies 9780133720259 141.47
Teacher’s Resource Pkg 9780133629828 337.97
Fine Art Transparencies 9780130360410 204.47
Teacher’s Resource
Book Vol. 1 9780133692556 102.97 Teacher Technology
Teacher’s Resource Video Program on DVD 9780130360403 281.97
Book Vol. 2 9780133692563 102.97 ¡Pura vida! Video on DVD 9780133712216 308.47

Prices and availability are effective 10/01/19 and are subject to change without notice.

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