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5 Spanish Grammar Lessons All Beginners Need on Their Shelf

1. Rules of Noun Genders

Okay, let’s get the ball rolling with nouns. We already know that nouns in Spanish are either feminine or masculine. We use the
article “el” for masculine nouns and “la” for feminine nouns.

So the question becomes, “How do we know if the noun staring back at us is feminine or masculine?”

Well, for living things it’s much easier because they actually have true genders. So you call a male professor “el profesor,” and a
female one, “la profesora.”
You call a male cat “el gato,” and a female one, “la gata.”
The “La” Words (Feminine)
Words that end in “a,” “d,” “z,” “ión” and “umbre” are usually feminine.
Words ending in “a“
•La manzana (apple)
•La piscina (pool)
•La cabeza (head)
[Exceptions: Some words that end in "-ma,” "-pa,” and "-ta,” like el clima, el mapa, el planeta that are Greek in origin.]
Words ending in “d” (including the “-dad,” “-tad,” “-tud” families)
•La salud (health)
•La ciudad (city)
•La libertad (freedom)
•La juventud (youth)
Words ending in “z” ( including the “-triz” and “ez” families)
•La actriz (actress)
•La vejez (old age)
•La emperatriz (empress)
Words ending in “ión” (the “-cion,” “-sión,” “-gión” families)
•La estación (station)
•La profesión (profession)
•La religión (religion)
Words ending in “umbre”
•La costumbre (custom)
•La pesadumbre (sorrow)
•La lumbre (fire)
Words that were originally feminine in form, but have been shortened over the years.
•la disco, from “la discoteca” (disco)
•la foto, from “la fotografía” (photography)
•la moto,  from “la motocicleta” (motorcycle)
•la tele, from “la televisión” (television)

The “El” Words (Masculine)

Words that end in “o,” “e,” accented vowels (á, é, í, ó, ú) and consonants (except “d,” “z” and the “ión”
family) are masculine.
Words that end in “o”
•El dormitorio (bedroom)
•El carro (car)
•El banco (bank)
Words that end in “e” (except “-umbre,” some “-ie” and “-ente”)
•El verde (green)
•El catorce (fourteen)
•El equipaje (the luggage)
Words that end with accented vowels (á, é, í, ó, ú)
•El sofá (couch)
•El café (coffee)
•El rubí (ruby)
•El champú (shampoo)
Words that end in consonants (except “d,” “z” and the “ión” family)
•El país (country)
•El amor (love)
•El exámen (test)
•El corazón (heart)
That’s it! Follow these general rules and you are well on your way to mastering the Spanish noun genders.

Remember: Resist the temptation to look for object qualities that make it feminine or masculine. Instead, look at the last letter(s)
of the word.

2. Rules of Pluralization

Wait a minute! Did you notice something in the first grammar lesson? Look at the words again.

The nouns were all in their singular form.

But what if you wanna talk about “books” and not just a “book”? What if you wanna describe many people, and not just one
“man”? What good is a noun if it doesn’t reflect the true number of objects that exist?

Let’s remedy that, shall we?

Here we’ll perform magic, and with the blink of an eye, one will turn into many, and singular nouns will be transformed into their
plural cousins.

In order to do that, you will have to change two things:

1.Change “el” → “los” or “la” → “las”

2.Change the noun into its plural form, according to the rules.

Here are the rules (Notice again that they have everything to do with the letters at the end of the word):

A. If the noun ends in a vowel, add “s.”

•El libro → los libros (books)
•El gato → los gatos (male cats)
•La casa → Las casas (houses)
•La manzana → las manzanas (apples)
B. If the noun ends in a consonant, add “es.”
•El papel → los papeles (papers)
•El rey → los reyes (kings)
•La ciudad → las ciudades (cities)
•La estación → las estaciones (stations)
C. If the noun ends in a “z,” change “z” → “c” and add “es.”
•La actriz → las actrices (actresses)
•La luz → las luces (lights)
•La vez → las veces (times)
D. If the noun ends in “-ión,” add “es” (Don’t forget to drop the written accent on the “ó”!)
•La sección → las secciones (sections)
•La televisión → las televisiones (televisions)
•La conversación → las conversaciones (conversations)
E. When the group you are referring to contains a mix of both males and females, use the masculine
plural form.
2 hermanos (brothers) + 2 hermanas (sisters) = 4 hermanos (siblings)
1 gato (male cat) + 9 gatas (female cats) =  10 gatos (cats)
Are you getting the hang of it? With these five simple rules, you can create magic with all those nouns and turn one into many.
3. Rules of Contraction and Conjunction

The Spanish are smooth talkers. No, I don’t mean that they can sweep a woman off her feet with words, (although that may very
well be the case). What I mean is that they employ techniques that make the words roll smoothly off the tongue.

That’s where contractions and conjunction changes come in. They make Spanish sound so slick, and they can also make you
sound so cool.


I bet you are.

Contractions in Spanish involve two prepositions: “a” and “de.”

a = to, at, from, by, on, for, upon
de = of, about, on, because of, by, at

Here is the one rule for contractions:

When “a” or “de” comes before the masculine article “el,” the two are contracted.
a + el = al
de + el = del
So if we want to say “John got on the train,” we have [J[Juan subió a] tr[el tren]>which together is:
Juan subió al tren.
Likewise, to say “It’s the neighbor’s car,” we’d have [Es el[Es el carro de] ve[el vecino] which together is:
Es el carro del vecino.
Rolls off the tongue better, right?
C’mon say it with me, “Contractions!”
Now let’s move to conjunctions. These are words used to link other words, phrases and clauses. Here we’re interested in the
Spanish words for “and” and “or”:
y (and)
o (or)
Here are the rules:
A. If “y” is followed by a word that begins or sounds like “i,” then “y” changes to “e.” (This is for good
reason, because “y” and “i” are so similar-sounding.)
[Padre[Padre y]jo][hijo]�is: Padre e hijo (Father and son)
[Cruel[Cruel y]nhum[inhumano]�is: Cruel e inhumano (Cruel and inhumane)
Try pronouncing them without the conjunction changes, and you’ll understand why the Spanish wisely changed the “y” to “e.”
B. If “o” is followed by a word that begins or sounds like “o,” then the conjunction becomes “u.”
[Sujet[Sujeto o]bjet[objeto]�is: Sujeto u objeto (Subject or object)
[Ayer [Ayer o]oy]<[hoy]�is: Ayer u hoy (Yesterday or today)
So you wanna sound cool? Master these contractions and conjunctions and you will be a step closer to that silky smooth
Spanish fluency.
4. Rules of Noun-adjective Pairing
Now let’s turn our attention to adjectives this time.
You remember adjectives from school, right? Words that describe things? So for example, if you wanna describe what a tennis
ball looks like, you’d use adjectives such as “small,” “round” and “green.”
Is it all coming back to you?
So let’s talk about Spanish adjectives. For this lesson, there is only one rule that governs all noun-adjective pairing, and it is this:
Adjectives must match their nouns in both number and gender.
So in order to supply the correct adjective form, you must look at two things: gender and number.
If the noun is in feminine, singular form, the adjective should be too. If it’s masculine and plural, the adjective form should be too.
They should be a solid set.
Think of adjectives as butlers who are at the beck-and-call of the nouns.
Take the adjective rojo (red) as an example and let’s apply it to nouns of varying gender and number. Notice how the adjective
changes as it follows the gender and number of its target noun.
El libro rojo (the red book) – masculine, singular
La manzana roja (the red apple) – feminine, singular
Los libros rojos (the red books) – masculine, plural
Las manzanas rojas (the red apples) – feminine, plural
Did you notice that? Did you see the four forms of rojo as it tries to pair itself with the noun? (rojo, roja, rojos, rojas)Did you also
hear how they rhyme? (That’s one cool thing about Spanish. It all starts to rhyme.)
Let’s take another example: interesante (interesting).
El chico interesante (interesting boy)
La chica interesante (interesting girl)
Los chicos interesantes (interesting boys)
Las chicas interesantes (interesting girls)
In this case, there are only two forms of adjectives (interesante and interesantes) because the form is the same for both
masculine and feminine genders.
As a tip, remember this:
Adjectives that end in “-e” and consonants have only two forms.
Adjectives that end in “-o” and “-dor” have four forms.
Always remember, adjectives must play servant to the nouns.
Okay, let’s go to the final lesson in this post; it has something to do with verbs.
5. Rules of Verb Conjugation (Present Tense)
Did you remember when you were a kid and verbs were banned from your home?
You were forbidden from all that great action because mom would always say, “Don’t jump!” or “Don’t run!”
You wanted to do all these verbs, but mom said you were too young then.
Well, you’re not too young now.
In fact, verbs are vital for your linguistic health.
You probably know by now that verbs are a challenging subject in Spanish. But don’t you worry, in this beginner lesson we’ll only
be dealing with regular (a.k.a. friendly) verbs. The irregular ones we’re gonna tackle in different posts.
Before we begin, you will have to remember the Spanish pronouns. (Get a quick review here.)
Now, let’s classify the Spanish verbs.
Basically, there are three. They are grouped according to their endings.
We have the -ar, -er and -ir verbs. Check out some verbs from each category:
-ar: hablar, preguntar, trabajar, comprar, juntar
-er: correr, comprender, responder, vender, aprender
-ir: partir, existir, vivir, permitir, decidir
All of the verbs above are in their purest state (called the “infinitive”). Infinitives in English start with the word “to” (to jump, to run,
to understand, etc.).
Remember “-ar,” “-er” and “-ir” because these are the letters that get dropped from the verb when we start conjugating.
Well, why don’t we do just that? So let’s start by going through each of the six different subjects with the following three verbs
as examples:
•hablar (to speak)
•correr (to run)
•partir (to leave)
1. Yo (I):
•AR: hablo
•ER: corro
•IR: parto
Yo hablo inglés. (I speak English)
2. Tú (you-informal):
•AR: hablas
•ER: corres
•IR: partes
¿Tú hablas inglés? (Do you speak English?)
3. Él (he), ella (she), usted (you-formal):
•AR: habla
•ER: corre
•IR: parte
Ella habla inglés. (She speaks English)
4. Nosotros/nosotras (we):
•AR: hablamos
•ER: corremos
•IR: partimos
Nosotros hablamos inglés. (We speak English.)
5. Vosotros/vosotras (you-informal, plural):
•AR: habláis
•ER: corréis
•IR: partís
Note: Be careful to remember the accents!
¿Vosotros habláis inglés? (Do you guys speak English?)
6. Ellos/ellas (they), ustedes (you-formal, plural):
•AR: hablan
•ER: corren
•IR: parten
Ellos hablan inglés. (They speak English.)
Regular present verb forms are easy to memorize. You just observe the rules and you’ll hit a home run.

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