Yoga For Posture - Introtalk
Yoga For Posture - Introtalk
Yoga For Posture - Introtalk
Particularly useful for improving posture are yoga poses that target the muscles and joints most affected
by bad posture, including shoulders, spinal erectors, abdominals, and neck. As part of the Healthy
Posture, Healthy Body program, we have created a series of yoga practices, which help restore strength
and fluidity to the spine, while opening the chest area and reversing or improving bad posture.
Feel Better. People with a good posture and healthy, strong back are generally happier, more confident,
and have more energy; they may even be less prone to worry, depression, and anxiety.
Prevent Chronic Pain. Keeping your back flexible and correcting posture imbalances can be more
effective prevention and treatment for back pain
Live Longer. People with deteriorated, hunched posture (hyper kyphosis or dowager’s hump) are more
prone to fractures and more likely to lose balance and function as they age. A chronic, hunched posture
restricts breathing, creating shortness of breath. In the elderly, this is associated with increased anxiety
and depression, and is considered a main factor of general health deterioration in elderly. Older men
and women with a forward hunched posture have higher death rates; as much as 44% higher
Common Postural Problems
Slouching in a chair
Sticking your bottom out
Standing with a flat back
Leaning on 1 leg
Hunched back and 'text neck'
Poking your chin
Cradling your phone
Rounded shoulders
As part of Sri Sri Yoga Level 1 program over 5 days, one will work with all the muscle groups of your body
and become aware of these postures and issues associated your body’s alignments. This program gives
you tools and tips that can help you to feel strong and confident.
Gurudev, Sri Sri Ravishankar Says “A strong body can carry the weak mind but a week mind cannot carry
strong body”, The Sri Sri yoga level 1 program addresses both the problems – Asanas for the body and
Pranayam and meditations for mind and beyond.
Every successful personality in the world has one common factor, that is they have learnt the trick to
manage and sustain high energy. This program also addresses the key issue of accessing higher energy
in body and mind. Also, understanding the sources of energy and harnessing the best out of them.
An anterior pelvic tilt is when your pelvis is rotated forward, which forces your spine to curve. It’s often
caused by excessive sitting without enough exercise and stretching to counteract the effects of sitting all
day. If you have an anterior pelvic tilt you may notice that the muscles in the front of your pelvis and
thighs are tight, while the ones in the back are weak. Your gluteus and abdominal muscles may also be
weak. All of this can cause:
This occurs due to a muscle imbalance in the lower half of the body. A combination of weak and tight
muscles pulls the pelvis forward.
Doorway Stretch
Wall corner Chest Stretch
Shoulder Stretch & “Lat Pulldown” with Yoga Strap
Eagle Arms
Puppy Pose
Side plank
Posture Problem #5: Forward Head Posture - The Battle Against Gravity