Floating Production Systems
Floating Production Systems
Floating Production Systems
Concern for the design of floating production systems. Specific emphasis shall be
given to semi-submersible, TLP and spar-type hulls and recent industry experience (e.g.
Gulf of Mexico 2004 and 2005 hurricanes and model tests) that influences their design
methodology. Consideration shall be given to identification of uncertainties in
response prediction.
Chairman: W. de Boom
I. Chatjigeorgiou
J. Halkyard
B. Leira
N. Ma
S. Du
O. Valle
P. M. Videiro
W. C. Ming
W. Younsang
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 75
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 77
2. ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................. 78
2.1 HURRICANE CONDITIONS IN GULF OF MEXICO ................................................ 78
2.1.1 Overview.................................................................................................. 78
2.1.2 Analysis of Gulf of Mexico Data ............................................................ 81
2.1.3 Hind casts................................................................................................. 82
2.1.4 Wind Gusts and Spectra .......................................................................... 83
2.2 PREDICTION OF LARGE WAVES ........................................................................ 83
2.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 83
2.2.2 Stochastic models .................................................................................... 83
2.2.3 Spatial effects........................................................................................... 84
2.3 DAMAGE CAUSED BY EXTREME CREST ELEVATIONS ....................................... 85
2.4 UPDATE OF DNV CN30.5 ................................................................................. 85
2.5 EUROPEAN STORM STATISTICS......................................................................... 85
2.5.1 MARSTRUCT......................................................................................... 85
2.5.2 Hind cast of Dynamic Processes of Ocean and Coastal Areas of Europe .
.................................................................................................................. 86
2.6 ASIAN ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................. 86
3.1 FACTORS INFLUENCING STRUCTURAL DESIGN ................................................ 87
3.2 SPAR .................................................................................................................. 94
3.3 FPSO ................................................................................................................. 94
3.4 SEMISUBMERSIBLE AND TLP .......................................................................... 101
3.5 HULL SHAPE OPTIMIZATION ............................................................................ 104
4. MOORING LINES AND RISERS ..................................................................... 105
4.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................... 105
4.2 MOORING LINES .............................................................................................. 106
4.3 RISERS ............................................................................................................. 108
4.4 VORTEX INDUCED VIBRATION (VIV) ............................................................. 110
4.5 ANCHORING POINTS FOR MOORING LINES..................................................... 112
5. CONSTRUCTION, ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION .............................. 115
5.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................... 115
5.2 CONSTRUCTION AND ASSEMBLY .................................................................... 115
5.2.1 Improved Construction Method for Modern Drill Ships...................... 115
5.2.2 Jack-Deck for FPSO Module Installation ............................................. 116
5.3 OFFSHORE FLOAT-OVER AND LIFT INSTALLATIONS ...................................... 117
5.3.1 Float-Over of Integrated Deck on Jacket structure ............................... 117
5.3.2 Mating of Topsides onto the Lower Hull - P52 Semi-Submersible ..... 119
76 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
The Special Committee V.2 "Floating Production Systems" has to cover a very wide
field of interest. The report therefore risks to become superficial if it would give a
comprehensive overview of the research related to FPS's. On the other hand, an in-
depth discussion of certain topics would automatically mean that the report cannot be
complete, due to the limited volume of the report. The Committee has made an attempt
to "steer clear of these rocks", guided by the Mandate and the specialism of its
In accordance with the Mandate for Committee V.2, the current report addresses
extensively the consequences of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico area. Both the
description of the environmental conditions as well as the consequences for offshore
facilities are being discussed.
The 2006 Report focussed on FPSO's. Guided by the Committee Mandate, this sequel
report covers spars, semi-submersibles and TLP's as well. Nevertheless, the FPSO
concept, primarily based on converted trading tankers, attracts substantial attention
from the research community, because of the required further refined description of
fatigue of FPSO's with a trading history. Moreover, the FPSO concept remains by far
the most commonly used for floating production.
Another reason for interest in the fatigue life prediction of FPS's, including ship-shaped
FPSO's, is the issue of life time extension of these units. Tie-in of nearby fields through
sub-sea completions require the platforms to stay on station for a longer period than
originally anticipated.
The offshore community is already for some time in anticipation of the introduction of
the FPSO concept in the Gulf of Mexico. In this report no specific information is
comprised about research on this subject. However, in view of the new information
regarding environmental design conditions for the US Gulf, it will be interesting to see,
in the upcoming reporting period, if these would affect the opinion about optimum
mooring and riser concepts for this application.
LNG production on Floating Production Systems also has attracted the interest of
researchers in previous reporting periods. The lack of actual projects comprising
offshore LNG production may be the reason for relatively few new publications on this
subject in the reporting period for this 2009 Report. Moreover, some of the research on
this subject has a pre-competitive, confidential nature, and is therefore not available in
the public domain. However, related subjects remain of interest, such as loads due to
sloshing in partially filled storage tanks. They are being covered under CFD
developments. It may be expected that the focus on LNG will be intensified as soon as
78 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
In this report relatively little reference is made to the influence of arctic conditions on
the design of FPS structures. Only the paper of Nyseth and Holtsmark (2006) about the
behaviour of plate structures under ice loading can be mentioned in this respect.
However, the Committee is of the opinion that, in the near future the consequences of
arctic design conditions may become an important research topic. This opinion is in
line with the decision of the ISSC Standing Committee to propose a new Committee
focussing on Arctic Technology for the reporting period to come.
2.1.1 Overview
Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico experienced three hurricanes exceeding the nominal
“100-yr Storm” condition in the course of about one year: Hurricanes Ivan (2004),
Katrina (2005) and Rita (2005). Figure 2.1 shows the tracks of these intense storms in
Figure 2.1: Tracks for Ivan, Dennis, Katrina and Rita (Cooper and Stear, 2006)
Hurricane Ivan generated the highest waves ever measured or hind cast in the Gulf of
Mexico (Cooper et al., 2005). During the peak of Hurricane Ivan, the following
conditions were measured at the Marlin TLP: Hs = 15.5 m, Hmax = 26 m and Crest
Elevation = 16 m. Hmax of 26 m compares to the maximum wave height recommended
by API RP 2A (2005a) of 21.5 m (70.5 ft). API RP2A does not specify a value for Hs.
These events caused a re-evaluation of the historical data and conclusions that had
previously been used in recommending design waves in API RP2A. This re-evaluation
resulted in three interim guidelines: Selection of Hurricane Parameters (API, 2007a),
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 79
The main changes in the criteria focused on the central region of the Gulf of Mexico,
between 89.5o W and 86.5o W (Figure 2.2). In particular, this region was found to be
subjected to higher winds and wave heights (statistically) than other areas of the Gulf
of Mexico (Berek et al., 2007).
Figure 2.2: Gulf of Mexico regions for specifying hurricane wave conditions (API,
New recommended criteria for four regions in the Gulf were proposed as opposed to
the single criteria for the entire Gulf reflected in the 21st edition of RP 2A (API, 2005).
A summary of these new criteria compared to the old criteria is given in Table 2.1.
A comparison between the proposed ISO criteria and RP 2A (API, 2005) is shown in
Table 2.2.
Table 2.1
Parameters in API RP2A and DNV OS E301 compared to new parameters
Hmax Hs Amax crest Uw, 1-hr Uc, surface Surge
m m m m/sec m/sec m
21.5 14.8 41.1 1.1 1
11.9 44.1
Central 27.9 15.8 18.6 48.0 2.40 1.22
West Central 21.7 12.3 14.5 38.1 1.91 1.08
West 23.1 13.1 15.2 39.9 2.00 1.02
East 21.6 12.2 14.5 38.4 1.92 0.95
80 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
Table 2.2
Comparison of ISO and API criteria (Ghoneim and Colby, 2005)
GoM Design Criteria
Wind (in mph) 10-min average One-hour average
API RP 2A (2005) 101 92
ISO 19901-1 (2005)* 103 94
Waves Hmax (in m) Period (in s)
API RP 2A (2005) 21.5 13.0 (Tm)
ISO 19901-1 (2005)* 25.8 14.9 (Tp)
*Note: ISO includes IVAN
The API Committee on Offshore Structures (SC2) recently decided to consolidate all
environmental conditions related to the Gulf of Mexico (including waves, winds,
surface and subsurface currents) into a single Recommended Practice (2MET) to which
all other Recommended Practices will refer (Stear, 2008). Following the strategy of
“align and merge” for reconciliation between API and ISO standards, the new RP
2MET is essentially a copy of ISO 19901-1 (International Standards Organization,
2005), with changes and updates made to various sections, in particular the ISO Gulf of
Mexico Annex.
The work reported by Berek et al (2007), of which the environmental parameters are
presented in summary in Table 2.1, will be used by API. More comprehensive data
from this publication, applicable to the governing region "Central", is presented in
Table 2.3.
Table 2.3
Extreme values for tropical cyclone winds, waves, currents and surge for central Gulf
of Mexico (Berek et al., 2007)
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 81
The hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005 sparked a wave of re-analysis of hurricane
hind cast information. This triggered a number of papers in the Offshore Technology
Conference and it was featured as a main topic at the 10th International Wind and
Wave Workshop in November 2007 (see e.g. Cardone et al., 2007, Westerink et al.,
2007, and Dietrich et al., 2007).
Re-Analysis of Gulf of Mexico data (Cooper and Stear, 2006) indicated that there was
not a single storm of sub-930 mb intensity prior to 1965. The authors considered four
possible explanations for the apparently abnormal number and strength of hurricanes in
the 2004-2005 seasons:
a) Global warming
b) Natural long-term climate variability
c) “Chance”
d) Bias in the data
Global Warming
Emanuel (2005a and 2005b) and Webster et al. (2005) have noted an increase in the
number of intense storms in the past 40-odd years, and attempted to find a correlation
with the increased sea surface temperature due to global warming. However, it was
suggested that the data on this research is inconclusive (Klotzbach, 2006). The analysis
by Cooper and Stear (2006) of Gulf of Mexico temperature rise failed to show any
trends. Overall, Cooper and Stear (2006) could not find a strong case for the recent
hurricanes being a result of increasing oceanic temperatures.
Cooper and Stear (2006) examined a number of random events to see if the 2004-2005
hurricanes could simply be a result of “chance”. They gave the probability of an intense
hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico to be the result of the joint probability of four
independent events:
The authors also unveiled their ongoing work on establishing probability distributions
for these variables and propose to apply Monte Carlo simulations for establishing the
82 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
conclusion that the 2004-2005 seasons could be explained on the argument of “chance”
alone (i.e. presumably whether the chance of this occurrence would be finite). The
authors state that this work is ongoing.
Data Bias
Cooper and Stear’s (2006) analysis indicated that a bias was introduced into the
evaluation of hurricane data by including storms prior to 1950. From the work of
Graham and Hudson (1960), Cooper and Stear observed that estimates of offshore
intensity (central pressure index) of storms prior to 1950 relied heavily on extrapolation
of coastal measurements to offshore locations as straight lines, i.e. no weakening near
shore was assumed. Cooper and Stear found that when the pre-1950 storms are
removed from the database, the 2004-2005 seasons do not look quite so unusual.
Current criteria for the Gulf of Mexico are based on the GOMOS USA (Gulf of Mexico
Oceanographic Study) conducted in-house by Oceanweather, Inc. (Stiff et al., 2006).
This is an update of three previous Joint Industry Projects, and is available for licensing
from Oceanweather. GOMOS comprises three parts: tropical cyclone hind casts (all
GoM storms 1900 – 2005), extra-tropical cyclone hind casts (70 winter storms), and a
13-year continuous hind cast (1990 – 2003) for operability studies. These hind casts
were all made on a fine grid with spacing of 1/8th of a degree, as shown in Figure 2.3.
The evolution (time series) of winds, waves, surges and 2D currents were generated for
each grid point. This database presents a rich source for further study. Stiff et al.(2006)
used the database to demonstrate a methodology to determine if a jack-up rig
(operating in shallow water) could be safely operated, and successfully abandoned,
prior to the arrival of a damaging tropical event. The API and MODU Groups (Berek et
al., 2007) used the GOMOS database to establish new criteria for the Gulf of Mexico
as described in Section 2.1.1. Their methodology is a result of selecting five points in
each region using the principles of grid point “pooling” introduced by Haring and
Heideman (1978) and Heideman and Mitchell (2007). The pooling method assumes
that the winds and waves experienced by J grid points in a homogeneous area over Y
years is equivalent to the hind cast values that would be experienced by a single
random point over a period of J x Y years. This requires that the data points used are
affected by different storms (i.e. the same storm does not affect two points). Toro et
al.(2004) compared this method with other methods for estimating extreme values and
concluded that the pooling method works well for return periods of several hundred
years or less.
The API group treated each of the regions shown in Figure 2.3 as “homogeneous” and
negotiated for GOMOS hind cast data at five select points in each region. Their N-year
results for the Central Gulf are shown in Table 2.3.
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 83
Cooper et al. (2005) compared two one-hour segments of the wind record measured at
the Marlin TLP during hurricane Ivan on September 15, 2004. They compared gust
factors and wind spectra with used in API R2A. Their conclusions are that the
NTS/API wind gust factors and spectra currently used in API RP2A are in reasonable
agreement with the measurements.
2.2.1 Introduction
Rogue waves are extreme events with potentially devastating effects on offshore
structures and ships. A rogue wave, observed at the Draupner platform in the North Sea
during a storm in January 1995, provides evidence that such waves can occur in the
open ocean.
Research has focussed on the mathematical description of the sea surface and the
preparation of stochastic models for the prediction of large waves, as well as on the
spatial effect of wave grouping and multi-directional wave fields.
When second-order nonlinearities are dominant, the sea surface displays sharper
narrower crests and shallower more rounded troughs. As a result, the skewness of
84 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
surface elevations is positive, and wave crests are distributed according to the Tayfun
model (Tayfun, 2006) or the Forristall distribution (Forristall, 2000).
The Tayfun model originates from the second order narrow-band model of Stokes
waves. Recently Fedele (2008), Tayfun and Fedele (2007), Fedele and Tayfun (2008)
proved that the Tayfun model can also be applied to large second order waves,
irrespective of the spectral bandwidth.
The prediction of large waves is traditionally based on the statistical analysis of time
series of the wave surface displacement retrieved from wave measurement devices at a
stationary location.
The probability that such a stationary device picks up the largest crest height which
could occur as the result of the dynamical effects of a group, or which could be caused
by the interference between wave fields having various directions, is very limited.
Therefore spatial effects have to be observed and analysed.
Fedele et al. (2008) and Gallego et al. (2008) proposed a video observational
technology that is able to provide a multi-dimensional image of the oceanic state.
Specifically, they proposed a novel Wave Acquisition Stereo System (WASS) for the
reconstruction of the water surface of oceanic sea states (Benetazzo, 2006). The rich
informative content of the acquired three-dimensional video data measured by WASS
was then exploited to compute reliable estimates of both the directional wave spectrum
and the expected global maximum (largest crest height) over an area using the Euler
Characteristic of random excursion sets (Adler, 1981; Adler and Taylor, 2007).
Other studies focussing on the prediction of height and probability of extreme waves
were reported by Holliday et al. (2006), Guedes Soares et al. (2006), Dankert and
Rosenthal (2004), Krogstad et al. (2004), Guedes Soares et al. (2003). Results obtained
from the European Project MAXWAVE, which dealt with both theoretical aspects of
extreme waves and new techniques to observe extreme waves using different remote
sensing techniques, were described by Lehner and Rosenthal (2006).
The expected highest wave height over an area is of relevant significance in the
offshore industry for a proper design of the air gap under the deck of offshore structures,
with the aim to avoid localized damages. The expected highest wave height over an
area can be obtained via application of Piterbarg’s results on global maxima of
Gaussian fields (Piterbarg, 1995), or by the aforementioned Euler characteristics of
excursion sets. Forristall (2006, 2007) applied Piterbarg's theorem to the air gap
problem, and showed that this approach can explain observed damages during
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 85
While the information in Section 2.2 suggests that crest elevations may be higher than
previously predicted, recent studies on wave-in-deck forces clearly indicated that
damage from extreme crests is localized, probably due to the short crested nature of
confused seas (Qian and Marshall, 2007). This fact mitigates the global loads on the
structure at the expense of higher local loads. Van Raaij and Gudmestad (2007) derived
an empirical formula for predicting global wave-in-deck loads.
It has long been a practice to extract wave spectra from buoy measurements, however
the distribution of buoys is limited. To overcome this problem, one of the goals of the
aforementioned research was the evaluation of procedures for extracting ocean wave
spectra from ship motions. Pascoal et al (2005) evaluated parametric (based on a
JONSWAP spectral shape) and non-parametric approaches to this problem, and found
that the parametric representation is inherently smooth and easier to read than a non-
parametric, but that this is probably the only advantage. The non-parametric
representation converged in two minutes on average, for any type of generated spectra,
while the parametric representation took three minutes for a single peak and failed to
converge for poor search basins. In the parametric formulation, a genetic algorithm has
shown a good candidate to provide the initial search basis for a gradient search
86 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
Both approaches were applied to 10-year wave data and it was verified that information
about intensity, duration and storm frequency is possible to obtain from both. However,
these parameters have different meanings in the Eulerian and in the Lagrangian
approach. Despite the different meaning of these parameters in both approaches, the
relation between storm duration and storm intensity are similar in shape and the storm
duration can be fitted by a two-parameter Weibull distribution. In the Lagrangian
approach, more storm characteristics are possible to obtain, such as storm area, times of
rise and decay, storm direction and even the coordinates of the storm path.
2.5.2 Hind cast of Dynamic Processes of Ocean and Coastal Areas of Europe
A 40-year wave hind cast for the Northeast Atlantic was provided by the project
WASA (Günther et al., 1998). The WASA data set has proved to be very useful, but it
did not provide a long term, fine scale homogeneous marine and atmospheric data set,
including currents, specifically designed for coastal applications. As a result, the
European Union funded project HIPOCAS—Hind cast of Dynamic Processes of the
Ocean and Coastal Areas of Europe (Guedes Soares, 2008). HIPOCAS provided an
improved quality of the wind fields close to the coast of Europe, by applying a
technique to obtain small-scale analyses from the global re-analyses.
A special issue of the Journal of Coastal Engineering is being devoted to the results of
HIPOCAS (see e.g. Musič and Nickovic 2008, Sotillo et al. 2008, Sebastião et al, 2008,
Rusu et al. 2008, Ratsimandresy et al. 2008, Ponce de Leon and Guedes Soares 2008,
Pilar et al. 2008, Cherneva et al. 2008).
There was little literature found on Asian environmental conditions (at least in English)
compared to the Gulf of Mexico or Europe. Dong et al. ( 2008) analyzed 29 years of
wind and wave data collected at the Weizhoudao Observation Station in the northern
South China Sea. Simulations of the design base shears of a jacket platform were
performed by using three distribution models. The results showed that the design base
shears obtained from a bi-variable Pearson-III distribution model were considerably
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 87
less than those resulting from the conditional distribution model, and significantly less
than those derived from the independent distribution model. This suggests that in
determining design loads of marine structures, it is important to consider the joint
probabilities of extreme environmental conditions, since such a consideration would
reasonably reduce the design load. The recommendation was made to apply the bi-
variable Pearson-III distribution model (Pearson, 1895) to determine design
environmental conditions for marine structures.
Before entering into particular items for each of the different categories of floating
production systems (i.e. FPSOs, semi-submersibles, spars and TLPs), factors of a
general nature that influence the structural design procedures are addressed. The factors
considered are:
• Hurricanes
• Extreme events, other than hurricanes (e.g. abnormal waves and squals)
• Application of model tests for design purposes
In Section 2.1 publications have been cited, which deal with the description of
hurricane conditions. Further knowledge is required to evaluate the effect of hurricanes
on the design of FPS's.
Full-scale measurements were obtained from other platforms during the hurricanes,
such as the Marco Polo Tension Leg Platform (Van Dijk et al. 2007, Mitchell et al.
88 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
2006), and the Horn Mountain Spar (Xu et al. 2007) for hurricane Ivan, and Tahar et al.
(2006), Halkyard et al. (2004) and Tahar et. al. (2005) for hurricane Isodore.
The monitoring system installed on the Marco Polo Tension Leg Platform, was in
operation during the passage of hurricanes Ivan, Katrina and Rita. Although Marco
Polo was extremely close to the centre of these severe hurricanes, no significant
damage was inflicted to the platform, even though wind speeds in excess of 62 m/s and
maximum wave heights over 28 m were measured. However, very valuable data were
collected on the wave, wind, current, as well as on the response of the TLP during the
Hurricane conditions.
As part of a Joint Industry Project measurements on board of the Marco Polo TLP have
been ongoing for nearly three years without interruptions. Although the motions of the
platform have some effect on the measured wave elevation, in general these effects are
small. For detailed analysis of extreme waves these factors can be taken into account.
The three major hurricanes all passed Marco Polo at close distance. The measured
extreme wave heights exceeded the expected extreme values. In hurricane Rita a
maximum wave height of 26.9 m was observed (including the correction for platform
motions) with an associated crest height of 17.4 m. Using the data of all three wave
radars the wave spreading during the three hurricanes has been assessed. Significant
differences in wave spreading have been observed between hurricanes Ivan and Katrina
(with Marco Polo on left side of track) and Rita (with Marco Polo on right side of
track). In some of the extreme waves that were observed on Marco Polo high frequency
vibrations were observed on the topsides, which indicate impact loads of these extreme
waves on the columns, although no structural damage was observed.
The system layout for the Horn Mountain Spar is illustrated in Figs. 3.1, and 3.2. This
spar experienced the full strength of Hurricane Ivan, a virtually 2500-yr wave and 600-
yr wind in the Gulf of Mexico in 2004. The measured and hindcast sea state reached a
16 m significant wave height and 45 m/s wind speed (1-hr average at 10m elevation),
which is significantly higher than the spar’s maximum design criteria of 12.7 m wave
height and 40.2 m/s wind speed. Both the environment and spar responses in the
hurricane were measured. However, 6 hours prior to the peak of the storm, the
generator which powered the instrumentation stopped, preventing further
measurements. In order to estimate the spar's actual responses at the peak of the storm
and to evaluate the accuracy of the existing spar motion analysis tools, a blind analysis
test was performed using the measured and hindcast environmental conditions as input.
The analysis results were then compared to the last available measurements of the spar
responses in the hurricane. Since the analysis from the design phase was known to be
conservative, a fully coupled spar motion analysis model was used in this blind analysis
test in order to achieve a higher level of accuracy. The environmental condition was
also modelled to a higher level of detail than in the design phase, including wave
spreading, dual-peak and wave spectrum. Some minor adjustments to the fully coupled
model were necessary to achieve the desired accuracy.
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 89
From the blind test and the subsequent motion analysis for the peak of the storm, the
following conclusions could be drawn: (1) The result from the fully coupled analysis
model generally agrees very well with the measured spar motion responses early in the
storm when measurements were still available and (2) The spar's pitch, roll and heave
responses were estimated to be within the design limit even though the environment
measured at a nearby platform significantly exceeded the maximum design condition at
the peak of the storm
The calculated Line-6 tension was found to be significantly higher than the design
criteria, even though the current velocity was smaller than the design value. The
tensions at the wire rope top and anchor were also significantly higher than the design
allowable. An underwater inspection of all mooring lines was performed in October
2004 and an underwater survey of all mooring line catenaries was performed in
September 2006. Neither the inspection nor the survey revealed any damage to Line-6.
Halkyard et al. (2004) and Tahar et al. (2005) have compared measured spar responses
such as motion and mooring line tensions with numerical predictions. In Halkyard et al.
(2006), this work was extended based on comparison of the full scale data during
hurricane Isidore. Results of time domain and frequency domain simulations were
compared with field measurements. Particular attention was paid to the importance of
the phase relationship between motion and excitation force. The time domain analysis
showed better agreement with the field data than the frequency domain. Overall,
however, the frequency domain method is still promising for a quick assessment of
relevant statistics, and therefore suitable for a pre-design evaluation.
Abnormal waves
In Fonseca et al. (2007, 2006a, 2006b, 2005) and Guedes Soares et al. (2006a, 2006b)
structural response to abnormal waves was considered. In the first of these papers, an
advanced time domain method was applied to calculate the responses of an FPSO in
deterministic wave traces comprising abnormal waves. The analysis focussed upon
90 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
The authors concluded that the abnormal waves do not induce abnormal vertical
bending moments, meaning that while the probability of occurrence of the abnormal
waves is very low, the magnitude of the moments induced by these waves are not
extreme to the same extent. Some of the largest measured abnormal waves were
characterized by an extremely high crest compared to the trough. These type of waves
appeared not critical in terms of global bending moments. The 3-hour simulations in
the storms in which the abnormal waves were detected, comprised of several other
wave sequences that induced moments larger than those due to the “abnormal wave
events”. These wave sequences were characterized by groups of 3 or 4 nearly regular
waves with a period that maximizes the vertical bending moment response. A method
based on the Hilbert Huang transform was tested. The objective was to correlate the
amplification of the vertical bending moment responses with the dominant frequency
content of the irregular wave encountering the platform, and this was found to be a
satisfactory approach.
Clauss et al. (2007) and Jacobsen and Clauss (2006) presented a segmented FPSO
model with amidships force transducers at two levels, which was investigated in
various deterministic wave sequences to identify the vertical bending moment and its
associated neutral axis, in combination with the simultaneous longitudinal forces. It
was shown that the neutral axis of the vertical bending moment is far below the water
line level, with the consequence that the highest cyclic loads would be expected at deck
level. However, since the simultaneous longitudinal forces - even if significant – appear
to generate a counteracting moment, this effect is largely compensated. Both,
frequency- and time-domain results are presented. The frequency-domain analysis
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 91
provided the basic data for the standard assessment of structures, concerning sea
keeping behaviour, operational limitations and fatigue. The time-domain analyses in
real rogue waves gave indispensable data on extremes, both for motions and structural
forces. In the numerical simulations as well as in the sea keeping model tests, it was
assessed that even loads due to freak waves are still covered by IACS-rules.
Squalls have been present in the environmental specifications for floating units in West
Africa for the last couple of years. It appears that such phenomena tend to be the
designing factor for mooring systems of deepwater FPSO’s (in spread or turret moored
configuration) and offloading buoys, as highlighted by Legerstee et al. (2006). At the
design stage, due to the lack of proper modelling/characterisation, squalls tend to be
represented for design purposes by on-site recorded time series of varying wind
velocity and associated relative headings applied from any direction. This leads to rapid
changes in offsets and loads in the mooring lines induced by the transient response of
the vessel to sudden load increase which is generated by such a representation of the
squall (see Fig.3.4). Through diverse simplified example calculations, the paper
illustrated the influence of the consideration of squalls in the design process. Present
shortcomings in the modelling process, either in terms of extreme conditions, or in
terms of operating conditions are addressed, knowing that such events are difficult to
be forecasted. In addition the effect of tugs, and associated operational limitations were
also discussed as well as areas needing further investigation. Dedicated instrumentation,
sharing of collected data and statistical processing are listed as important issues.
Spar production systems are subject to Vortex Induced Motions (VIM) which may
92 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
impact mooring and riser design. Helical strakes are employed to mitigate VIM. Model
tests are typically required to validate the performance of the strakes. Halkyard et al.
(2005) and (2006), and Atluri et al. (2006) discussed the comparison of computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) results with model tests, based on benchmarking studies that
have been conducted over the past few years,. "best practices" for the use of CFD for
these types of problems and issues related to turbulence modelling and meshing of
problems at large Reynolds numbers.
These studies as well as other studies indicated that CFD may be used to successfully to
predict the occurrence of VIM. In particular, the “hot spots” for a particular spar
configurations are identified and the amplitudes are conservatively estimated. Evidence
is provided that the amplitudes may be more accurately predicted when refining the
mesh, particularly in the area of the boundary layer. Run times remain practical for
engineering purposes. Consequently, in the early design stages, CFD seems practical
for looking into sensitivities, such as the relative affect of strake height and pitch and
the impact of appurtenances. There is still not enough benchmarking work done to
recommend that CFD should replace experiments for obtaining final design values, but
as more studies are performed it is believed that this is a reasonable goal.
Similar to SPAR platforms, it was also assumed that mono-column floaters (see Fig.
3.5), can exhibit VIM behaviour. Hence, an experimental investigation was started in a
towing tank, which focused on VIM responses of small-scale mono-column floaters.
Cueva et al. (2006) presented a set of preliminary results, considering environmental
conditions for the Campos Basin and GoM. In accordance with other VIM studies, a
strong effect of the heading on VIM was confirmed. The maximum cross flow
amplitude varied from 0.8D to 1.2D, for different headings. The need of experiments in
a wider range of headings was illustrated accordingly. An assessment is also given of
the impact of VIM of mono-column floaters on the mooring line design and riser
Application of model test data in global design of TLPs was addressed by Phadke et al.
(2006). Rapid advances in computer technology have made it possible to employ
sophisticated time-domain techniques as primary tools for the global performance
analysis of TLP systems. However, response characteristics such as higher-order
tendon response, wave runup and air gap can still not accurately be predicted using the
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 93
available numerical tools. Wave basin model tests, therefore, are indispensable to
designers for estimating responses that cannot be reliably predicted. At the same time,
using model tests alone as an analysis tool is not practical due to large number of
design cases typically defined in global performance analysis. It is necessary to verify
and calibrate numerical tools using model test data prior to their application in global
performance analysis. The paper described a methodology for calibrating and
correlating predicted response from time-domain software tools against wave basin
model tests. The application of correlation data in conjunction with predicted response
to obtain various design quantities of interest was investigated. Discussion for
determination of model test correlated design maximum/minimum tendon tension,
higher-order tendon tension response, and incorporation of vortex induced motion was
presented. A simple technique for incorporating VIM response, measured in model
tests, into time-domain analysis tools was also described. These methodologies have
been used in the design of deepwater TLP systems in GoM and elsewhere.
Baarholm et al. (2006), Fylling and Stansberg (2005) and Stansberg et al. (2002)
addressed model tests for global design verification of floating production systems in
depths beyond 1000m to 1500m, which cannot be made directly at reasonable scales.
Truncation of mooring line and riser models, software calibration, as well as
extrapolation and transformation to full depth and full scale are required. The paper
discussed that the choice of proper procedures for the set-up and the interpretation of
tests, and consistent and well documented methods, are essential. A case study with a
deep-water semisubmersible was presented (see Fig. 3.6). In general, good agreement
between results obtained from model tests and numerical calculations based on time-
domain coupled analysis of the floater system responses was achieved.
3.2 Spar
A sequence of truss spars have been successfully installed in deep water fields since
late 2001. One of the aspects of a truss spar is that it exhibits both high-frequency and
low-frequency motion responses. The high-frequency motions, or wave frequency
motions, are peaked around the wave spectral energy, while the low-frequency motions
correspond to the natural periods of the spar’s rigid-body motions. Accurate structural
design should include loads due to both wave and low frequency motions. Resource-
demanding time domain analyses were previously employed for design of the truss and
a combination of time and frequency domain analyses was applied to design the other
structural components. The procedure proved to be time consuming and inefficient,
requiring extensive engineering hours.
An enhanced hull design procedure was presented by Luo et al. (2007) and Wang et al.
(2002). The procedure is based on developing an integrated structural analysis
methodology. It was found that efficient use of personnel for the labour-intensive
structural modelling tasks was achieved. Use of this methodology in two spar projects
was found to be of benefit. The procedure is also applicable to a range of floating
platforms such as Technip’s extended draft platform (EDP) and other deep draft
floating platforms. Key features of the integrated structural analysis methodology for
both strength and fatigue analysis of the truss spar were discussed in the papers.
Structural loads determined from the integrated methodology were compared with
those from a complete time-domain analysis of the truss spar.
The collision mechanisms of spar platforms have not received so much attention as that
for ships, and this type of collision accident has not been reported. However, this does
not guarantee that such events will not occur in the future. Investigation of both the
“external” mechanism and the “internal” mechanism for a ship colliding with a spar
platform was performed by Hu et al. (2007). A model test was designed to study the
external mechanism. The collision scenario corresponds to a ship striking a spar
platform which is moored in 1500 meter water depth. It was found that the maximal
displacements and the maximal pitch angles of the spar platform, and the maximal
tension forces of mooring lines are basically all linearly proportional to the initial
velocity of the striking ship. The internal mechanism of the ship colliding with the spar
platform was simulated numerically by means of a non-linear finite element analysis. A
Truss-Spar was considered with a double hull structural design for the part of the hard
tank which is located near the water surface. The crashworthiness of the double hull
design was verified for the particular striking ship considered by means of results from
the numerical simulations. The maximal tension forces of the mooring lines are also
less than their breaking strength.
3.3 FPSO
There appear to be two main design issues which are extensively addressed by recent
research activities. These are:
• Efficient and accurate methods and procedures related to the ultimate limit
state. This includes ensuring residual strength associated with damage, e.g.
due to collision
• Fatigue capacity
In addition, the effect of corrosion on the hull strength was also addressed in a number
of studies.
Full-scale measurements obtained from the Triton FPSO (a turret moored FPSO in the
central North Sea) were reported in Lawford et al. (2008). It was considered that a full
characterisation of the individual components of a sea-state is key to enable the
response of an offshore structure to be accurately calculated. The partitioning of a time
series of directional wave spectra into wind-sea and swell components with distinct
frequency and direction characteristics was addressed
Huang et al. (2005) and (2006) presented the new probabilistic models for still-water
loads and the combined still-water and wave load effects of FPSOs. A procedure for
determining load combination factors, which is suitable for semi-probabilistic and
probabilistic design of FPSOs, was established. The most relevant load combination
factors in harsh and benign conditions were derived. In general, combination factors
depend on the parent distribution, time variation and relative magnitude of individual
It was shown that the extreme values of still-water and combined loads can be greatly
overestimated if operational control is not accounted for. On the other hand, the control
is unlikely to be perfect. Hence, the partially truncated model is recommended to
account for control of the still-water bending moments. A truncation factor should be
determined from actual operational data; however, available operational data for
FPSOs are insufficient to reliably determine this truncation factor. Therefore, it is
recommended to, conservatively, base it on the operational experience of trading
vessels, such as tankers, and use a truncation factor of 0.5.
In the harsh condition of the North Sea, in which wave induced load is dominant, and
for FPSOs mainly operating in sagging conditions, the relevant combination factors of
the sagging still-water bending moment with a truncation factor of 0.5 are about 0.80,
0.75 and 0.70 for return periods of 1, 20 and 100 years, respectively. For FPSOs
operating in hogging conditions, the respective relevant hogging combination factors
are about 0.8, 0.65 and 0.60. In the benign conditions of West Africa, in which still-
water load is dominant, based on a particular FPSO working mainly in hogging
conditions, the relevant combination factors for the hogging wave-induced bending
moment are about 0.85, 0.70 and 0.65 for return periods of 1, 20 and 100 years,
96 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
Risk assessment of ship-FPSO collision was considered by Wang and Pederson (2007),
Wang et al. (2003) and Pedersen (2002). The following topics were addressed: existing
criteria, FPSO collision accident, design scenarios for FPSO collision, mechanics of
collision incidents, consequences and acceptance criteria. The research achievements in
relation to ships’ collision and grounding since the 1990s were summarized. Issues
specific to ship-FPSO collisions that deserve further development were addressed. The
content of the first mentioned paper (Wang and Pedersen, 2007) was mainly drawn
from the ISSC 2006 Specialist Committee V.1 on Collision and Grounding.
The paper also listed the conclusions and recommendations of ISSC 2006 V.1 that are
relevant to ship-FPSO collision risk assessment. The recommendations apply to five
different areas. In relation to Structural Crashworthiness, the committee advocated
more application and recommends refinement of analysis approaches. For assessment
of Probability of Collisions, it was recommended that future research should focus on
developing risk-based software. The calculated cost of risk reducing measures can
then be compared with savings from calculated reductions in expenses. Regarding Risk
assessment, the committee recommended focusing on integrating predictive calculation
tools, including the development of streamlined software/programs. In connection with
Rules and Regulations Development it was found that future rules and regulations need
to address design incident/accident scenarios, responses (of ships, offshore installations,
bridges, etc) to an incident/accident, consequences, and acceptance criteria. When it
comes to Predictive calculation approaches it was recommended that topics that will
further refine these methods include rupture strain and post-accident loads (both still-
water and dynamic loads).
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 97
Schmidt et al. (2008) evaluated the effect of random wave slamming for a stiffened
panel which was located in the fairlead support structure of an FPSO, see Figs. 3.7 and
3.8. The fatigue lifespan was estimated in a complete stochastic analysis, considering
all possible sea states during the lifetime of the offshore structure as well as each
associated probability of occurrence.
Figure 3.7: Fairlead support structure Figure 3.8: Location of sub model
For the particular case studied, the peak pressure for each discrete slam was assumed to
98 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
generate one stress cycle and for each stress cycle the damage is estimate through the
use of the S-N fatigue approach. The stresses on selected critical details are assumed to
be linearly proportional to the peak pressure.
Lotsberg (2006) reported on fatigue data related to fillet welds. The objective of that
work was to develop a suitable methodology for the fatigue assessment of fillet welds
relevant to FPSO details from the view point of the weld throat. In order to examine the
validity of the recommendations and to supplement the fatigue test data base, a test
matrix with 33 specimens was developed. This included 8 simple fillet welded
cruciform joints that were subjected to axial loading and 25 fillet welded tubular
specimens that were subjected to axial load and/or torsion for simulation of a combined
stress condition in the fillet weld. The test data were presented and also compared with
the design guidance from IIW (1996), Eurocode 3 (1993) and DNV-RP-C203 (2005).
Based on this work, the following conclusions were drawn (I) There was no evidence
from the fatigue test results to indicate that there is a thickness effect related to the size
of the fillet weld or the main plate thickness. (II) The equation for the stress
concentration factor at the roots of fillet welds in cruciform joints to allow for
misalignment-induced bending developed by Andrews was found to be reasonable.
(III) The test data with pure parallel shear in the fillet weld indicated that IIW and
Eurocode are conservative by a factor of 10 on life for this loading condition. However,
they were in reasonable agreement with the mean line of DNV-RP-C203. (IV) The
mean S-N curve fitted to the results for pure parallel shear in the fillet weld had a slope
in between those of the IIW/Eurocode and DNV-RP-C203 (IV) The R-ratio (R =
σmin/σmax) with respect to parallel shear stress does not seem to have a significant
effect on the fatigue life (V) Based on a comparison with the test results obtained for
combined stresses in the fillet weld, the design procedure in IIW and Eurocode was
found to be on the safe side, while the design procedure in DNV-RP-C203 appeared
marginally on the safe side for the endurances considered. The approach in DNV-RP-
C203 for combined stresses becomes more conservative relative to that of IIW and
Eurocode with increasing number of fatigue cycles.
Lotsberg (2008) addressed the calculation of fatigue damage at weld toes based on S-N
data when the principal stress direction is different from that of the normal direction to
the weld toe, see Fig. 3.9. Different design criteria were presented together with
recommendations on analysis procedure.
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 99
Maddox (2006) presented a critical review of current design methods, including their
background and relevant experimental data, for assessing the fatigue performance of
steel fillet welds with respect to failure in the weld throat. The main focus was on fillet
or partial penetration welds in cruciform, T or lap joints under transverse loading
failing by fatigue crack growth across the weld throat under normal stresses. Also
considered were the cases of fillet welds failing in shear or combined normal and shear
Lotsberg et.al. (2006), Lotsberg (2005), Bergan and Lotsberg (2004), Bergan et al.
(2002) presented the new DNV Recommended Practice for Fatigue Analysis of
Offshore Ships (DNV-RP-C206). This document is intended for fatigue design of
floating production, storage and offloading units.
Rodriguez-Sanchez et al. (2005, 2007) addressed the application of controlled weld toe
profiles as an option to extend the fatigue life of welded connections when existing
tankers are converted into offshore ships (FPSOs and FSOs). It will be difficult to
implement such fatigue improvement when these vessels are in service, since a
converted ship is designed to be inspected, maintained and repaired in situ and not in
dry dock. Codes recognize fatigue life extension by means of a controlled weld toe
profile. The papers document that application of a controlled weld toe profile during
conversion, in selected areas previously identified by stress analysis of the hull
structure, indeed can extend the fatigue life expectation of the converted vessel.
Comparisons between spectral fatigue analysis using both the surface extrapolation and
Battelle structural stress methodologies, see Bureau Veritas (2007), were made by
Healy (2004) and Rucho (2007). A side shell connection detail typical of a
representative FPSO was considered. Fatigue damage at the toe along a number of weld
lines was computed for a variety of surface extrapolation strategies and Battelle method
100 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
Fatigue assessment was performed for the Agbami FPSO at OPL 216/217 offshore
Nigeria by Hwang et al. (2007), see Figure 3.10. The FPSO is positioned with spread
moorings at a water depth of about 1500 m for a service life of 20 years. As per the
design requirement, the hull of FPSO was to be designed to meet ABS’s SFA (Spectral
Fatigue Analysis) notation and the seagoing condition. This Seagoing condition is an
additional requirement assuming that the FPSO is equivalent to a typical tanker
navigating in the North Atlantic. For the spectral fatigue analysis, a Jonswap spectrum
was applied for wind wave and Gaussian spectra were applied for swells. The results
from the analyses demonstrated that the seagoing condition leads to more critical
fatigue damage for most of the hull components than the onsite condition would do,
since this comprises of more moderate sea states.
Zhang et al. (2006) addressed the effect of mean stress on the fatigue life of welded
joints in FPSOs. Fatigue life decreases when tensile mean stresses increase, while the
compressive mean stresses have a favourable effect on fatigue life. The paper compared
different fatigue analysis procedures, i.e. JBP, JTP, DNV CN30.7 and IIW procedures,
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 101
and a new procedure which explicitly considers the effect of mean stress, with the
fatigue test data of different specimens representing various typical welded connections
in ship-shaped hulls.
The effect of shake-down of residual stress was investigated by Li et al. (2007). Some
typical welded connections in ship shaped structures were investigated with 3-D
elastic-plastic finite element analysis. It was found that the combined effect of both
applied stress and high initial residual stress may be assumed to cause shakedown of
the residual stresses.
There seems to be renewed interest in the application of concrete for hull construction
driven in part by steel construction prices, the sizeable order books of shipyards
worldwide, the growing dimensions of newbuild FPSOs and in particular LNG FPSO
concepts. The use of concrete materials for hull construction is not novel. In 1975 the
Ardjuna LPG FPSO was installed offshore Indonesia, based on a concrete barge. In
Lanquetin (2006) and Lanquetin et al. (2007) integrity management for the NKossa
FPU is addressed, see Fig. 3.11. This facility is the largest prestressed concrete FPU
that has been installed, and has now been in operation for 10 years. A tailor-made
methodology to ascertain the structural integrity of floating units was developed in
2004. The approach is based on continuous monitoring and analysis of the condition of
the units. For the NKossa FPU, the methodology makes use of a full non-linear Finite
Element Model of the concrete hull. After 10 years in operation without significant
maintenance the concrete FPU is found to remain in good shape.
In addition to materials, new floater shapes are explored. In the Far East a series of
cylindrically shaped FPS hulls is being built, with an oil storage capacity of 300,000
bbls. Application is envisaged in Brazil and in the UK sector of the North Sea.
Figure 3.11: NKOSSA concrete FPU Fig. 3.12: Hull structure of the new
generation of floating platforms
Estefen et al. (2006) and (2007) focussed on the design of the new generation of semi-
102 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
submersible platforms for oil and gas production offshore that is based on column
square cross-sectional area, see Fig.3.12. The platform column is based on an
arrangement of stiffened flat panels having their ultimate strength characterized by
buckling under in-plane compressive loading. Distortions induced by fabrication have
considerable influence on the buckling behaviour and were discussed in order to
provide design recommendations. To analyze the failure behaviour of the stiffened
panels, a segment of the column structural arrangement between robust transverse
frames was studied. Numerical and experimental simulations were carried out for small
scale isolated panels in order to perform a correlation study to adjust the numerical
model for further use in more complex numerical simulations of the structural failure of
the column arrangement.
The paper also studied the influence of different geometric imperfection distributions
on the buckling behaviour of this column segment, based on nonlinear finite element
analyses. The magnitude of the initial geometric imperfections was confirmed to be a
factor determining the allowable axial buckling load. However, the greatest influence
on the ultimate strength and on the failure sequence of the plates was found to be the
initial imperfection mode. An initial distortion mode which coincides with the natural
buckling mode of a particular plate generates a lower bound buckling load. On the
other hand, some imperfection modes can counteract the buckling failure, hence
generating upper bound values for the respective buckling loads. The rounded corners
were the last regions to collapse in all analyzed models, except for the model with the
geometric imperfection mode coincident with the natural buckling mode. For this
model the curved plates were the first to collapse, which indicated the importance of
these curved regions on the buckling initiation and the progressive failure of the
The same structural concept was also considered in relation to supply vessel collision
and the associated residual strength by Estefen et al. (2006) and Amante et al. (2008).
Normally, damage from such events is in the form of local dents. The ultimate buckling
residual strength of a typical column after initiation of such a damage was evaluated.
The buckling analysis was validated using a finite element model considering
geometric and material nonlinearities. Residual strength results from the damaged
column were compared with the ultimate strength of equivalent intact column to
estimate the safety margin associated with the column structural capability after supply
vessel collision.
For the structure and the collision under consideration, the residual strength appeared
9 % less than the intact buckling strength of the column. This reduction may be
considered small, so that the platform studied exhibits a large safety margin for the in-
plane compressive load.
However, the authors state that the result of such analysis of residual strength will
depend on the collision scenario/energy and the structural arrangement of the column in
the region prone to collision. More thorough analyses of possible structural failure after
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 103
collision should therefore be performed in the design stage. The results can be used as
an indicator of the severity of offshore collision and provide insight to lower bound
safety factor to deal with such accidents, which are rather common. Moreover, the
comparison of various structural arrangements for the column members close to the
splash zone could contribute to the prevention of serious loss of structural integrity, in
case of collision.
In Ren et al. (2008), fatigue damage for a semisubmersible platform was calculated
based on a global finite element model. Three-dimensional source distribution theory in
the frequency domain was used to calculate the loading due to regular waves. The hot
spot stress in the welded knuckles was calculated on the basis of a local and detailed
finite element model. The effect of ageing (in particular corrosion) was also taken into
Rinehart and Buitrago (2006) addressed future TLP designs and the maximum depth in
which tendons can be installed while still maintaining adequate and consistent
reliability. To establish a basis for a hydrostatic collapse safety factor, an independent
reliability study was performed in order to arrive at a safety factor consistent with the
new interaction equation accuracy and current fabrication and design tendon practices.
The paper presented the data gathering, analysis procedure, and interpretation of results
leading to a safety factor that is consistent with standard practices. The analyses were
104 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
conducted via Monte Carlo simulations for a number of design cases across a range of
safety factors. Results indicate that a collapse safety factor of 1.67 (which seems to
correspond to a reliability index of around 3.0 within the context of the analysis). This
applies to the Category A operational load case that controls tendon design in deep
water, and yields levels of reliability consistent with those historically sought by design
codes such as AISC and API.
In Cicilia (2004) and Cicilia et al. (2006) a Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
criterion was applied to the design of Tension Leg Platform (TLP) tendons in their
intact condition. The design criterion considers the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) of any
tendon section along its whole length taking into account both dynamic interactions of
load effects and the statistics of its associated extreme response. The partial safety
factors were calibrated through a long-term reliability-based methodology for the storm
environmental conditions, like hurricanes and winter storms, in deep waters of the
Campeche Bay, Mexico. In the reliability analysis, the uncertainties in the definition of
load effects and analytic limit state models for calculation of tendon strength and
randomness of material properties were included. It was found that the partial safety
factors reflect both uncertainty content and the importance of the random variables in
structural reliability analysis. When tendons are designed according to the developed
LRFD criterion, a less scattered variation of reliability indexes is obtained for different
tendon sections across a single or various TLP designs. (A target reliability index of
3.75 was applied, and a scatter of less than 2% was achieved). However, it was
emphasized that the derived partial coefficients need to be adjusted taking into account
a greater number of TLP models with variations in geometric and material
characteristics, hull size, etc. Besides, updated environmental data and their joint
probabilistic description need to be considered.
Jayalekshmi et al. (2007) considered the hull-tether coupled dynamics for TLP’s in
very deep water. This effect cannot be accurately studied through model tests due to
depth limitations of the existing model testing facilities and possible scale effects (in
the case of ultra-small scale models). An experimental methodology was presented for
physically simulating such coupled behaviour for a single column TLP in a wave basin
having dimensions 30m x 30m x 3m. The experimental results were presented for hull
motions, tether displacements and dynamic tether tension. Combination of model tests
and numerical analysis were carried out. Results revealed that significant dynamic
amplification could occur as a result of hull-tether coupling, thus highlighting the
importance of coupled dynamics for deepwater compliant platforms.
In traditional hull designs, hull shapes are often generated by modifying existing parent
design models. In contrast, the modern hull designs tap on optimization techniques to
seek the optimal topology of hull shapes based on specified objective functions such as
minimum down time due to heave motion and maximum fatigue life. Hull shape
optimization for a semi-submersible structure was studied by Lee and Clauss (2007).
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 105
Birk and Clauss (2008) and Birk (2007) illustrated the application of constrained multi-
objective optimization algorithm for spar hull (see Fig.3.13) and semi-submersible hull
designs. Lee and Lim (2008) and Lee et al. (2007) presented optimal hull shapes of
TLP based on coupled analysis.
Fig.3.13: Example of spar hull optimization results, using various criteria (Birk and
Clauss 2008).
Oliveira (2008) used the design optimization process for semi-submersible hull shapes,
considering deck area requirements, deck weight, subsea systems interface, stability
issues and motions in waves.
4.1 General
This section presents the recent developments on risers and mooring lines which are an
inextricable part of Floating Production Systems. During the reporting period, riser
systems appear to attract more attention than mooring systems from the global research
and industrial communities. This is probably due to a focus on mooring, cable and
anchoring systems over the preceding years. In addition, several problems related to
risers arose and they are both of academic and practical interest. The latter include, but
are not limited to, the compression loading when the dynamic tension exceeds the static
tension, possible collision of riser systems, Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) and VIV
induced riser fatigue. With regard to the developments on mooring systems, there
appears a particular interest in specific aspects related to the application of mooring
systems, such as the proper evaluation of mooring line damping in conjunction with the
use of mooring lines in Wave Energy Converters (WEC) and issues related to the
optimum design of moorings.
106 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
There are also examples of studies that try to advance the existing analysis techniques
in order to improve the efficacy of the numerical solver. Possible causes of instabilities
are still important for researchers. Chakrabarti (2008) investigated the instability of an
upright tower subjected to surface waves. He considered the Duffing’s equation and
Mathieu type instability in the analysis of moored floating structures. In the paper, it
was concluded that the frequency domain analysis applicable for upright articulated
towers, is generally not applicable for Single Leg Inclined Moorings (SLIM). Matulea
et al. (2008) introduced a mathematical model and a matching numerical method based
on the finite difference approach, in order to predict the static configuration of mooring
or towing compound cables. The model was also applied to analyze a lazy-S riser
Johanning et al. (2006) and (2007a) investigated the design and operational aspects of a
chain mooring for a WEC by conducting experimental measurements of the mooring
line damping at a scale of 1:10. The measurements were conducted on a single mooring
line for surge motions and include the study of axial stretching and high top-end
dynamics. According to the authors, the experimental findings for WEC devices
support the conclusion that dynamic mooring line motion is an important variable, and
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 107
Finally, Fitzgerald and Bergdahl (2008) developed a method to include the influence of
mooring cables in the frequency domain analysis of WECs. Their method can be
described as follows: through the application of a non-linear time domain simulation
for each individual mooring line, for the average position of the top connection to the
WEC and for representative top motions, the amplitude and the phase of the resulting
line tension is recorded. Considering the attachment point and orientation of the
mooring cables in a suitable equilibrium condition of the device, the linearized
contribution of each mooring cable is resolved to the global co-ordinates of the device
and added to the frequency domain equation of motion.
Shafieefar and Rezvani (2007) presented a procedure for the optimization of the
mooring design of floating platforms, in which an automatic design sequence is also
established. Regarding the optimization philosophy, they dealt with the following
aspects: (i) The optimization of the platform heading and its mooring pattern, taking
into account the directionality of the environmental conditions and (ii) the optimum
line length or line tension for each mooring line, associated with the optimization of the
mooring line materials and sizes.
Nakamura et al. (2007) designed an automatic mooring system for a ship in order to
reduce the labour load of standby operations in domestic shipping. They built a
simulator to calculate the mooring tensions and ship motions . They also performed
model experiments to validate the numerical predictions. Finally, Guarize et al. (2007)
presented a hybrid Artificial Neural Network (ANN)–Finite Element Method (FEM) to
perform a nonlinear mapping of the current and past system excitations (inputs) to
108 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
produce subsequent system response (output) for the random dynamic analysis of
mooring lines and risers. Their method first generates a short FEM-based time-domain
response simulation. Next, an ANN is used to predict the remaining structural response
time-history simulation. The authors claim that the hybrid ANN–FEM approach can be
very efficient for predicting long time-histories.
4.3 Risers
The dynamics of risers are admittedly, more complex than the dynamics of mooring
lines. This is caused by the stiffness characteristics of risers, with their own associated
dynamics, which are not present with mooring lines. As a consequence, analysis tools
capable to analyse the dynamic behaviour of risers can also be applied to mooring lines,
but not vice versa. In addition, there are several phenomena pertaining to riser
dynamics that are not yet fully understood. Research issues keep surfacing from the
installation of risers in deep waters. Nowadays, there are several respected numerical
codes for the analysis and design of riser systems, which are used broadly within the
industry as well as academic and research institutions. Relevant examples are the
commercially available computer codes, such as Deeplines (Principia web:
www.principia.fr), Flexcom (MCS web: www.mcs.com), Riflex (Sintef web:
www.sintef.no) and OrcaFlex (Orcina web: www.orcina.com), which are all based on
the FE approximation. Nevertheless, the literature survey in the reporting period shows
that the global research community still devotes significant effort to fully understand
the details of the dynamics of risers. Amongst these riser studies, analyses of steel
catenary risers (SCRs) have a prominent place. Their low cost makes this kind of risers
very attractive. Relevant issues include, amongst others, the development of new
methods for riser modal analysis, which is also important for predicting possible VIV
phenomena, the dynamics close to the touch down region, compression loading in the
same area, effects that resemble buckling in straight bars, and the stimulation of
instabilities. It is also broadly acknowledged that VIV is a very interesting and relevant
topic related to riser dynamics, because of relative motions between risers, apparent
current drag, and most of all, fatigue related design particulars.. Therefore, a separate
section is provided on this topic.
The proper modal analysis is very important for predicting the details of riser dynamics,
without actually solving the complete dynamic problem. It is also the base for
developing alternative solution methodologies, such as semi-analytical formulations,
which can be used for complicated geometries like catenary configurations. In this
context, Sanches et al. (2007) applied a modal analysis to structural dynamics of a
marine riser by focusing on the evaluation of non-linear normal modes. The method
was applied to both vertical and free-hanging catenary risers. Chatjigeorgiou (2006)
and (2008a) treated the problem of the eigenfrequencies and the natural modes of
vertical riser type slender structures by applying a perturbation technique and solving
the associated boundary layer problems at the riser’s ends to obtain the asymptotic
approximations to the shape of the vibrating riser-type structure. Xiros and
Chatjigeorgiou (2007) calculated the modes of motion of a vertical riser by employing
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 109
a Galerkin-type semi-analytical formulation. The time histories of the response are then
used by a Volterra expansion technique to systematically determine the dominant
modes of motion. The resulting models provided by the authors constitute an explicit
input-output relationship between the imposed motions and the modes of the structure.
Finally, Chatjigeorgiou (2008b) used the so-called WKB (Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin)
approximation to provide analytical forms for the calculation of the eigenfrequencies
and the mode shapes of catenary risers. The mathematical formulation of riser
dynamics, for which the WKB method was applied, included the variation of tension,
the angle and the curvature along the static configuration of the riser. The author
considered both in-plane and out-of-plane vibrations and validated his results with
those obtained by numerical methods.
The details of the dynamic behaviour of a SCR close to the touch down zone have been
established to be a very important topic, mainly because of the risk for compressive
loading caused by the axial component of the excitation. The static tension reaches its
maximum very close to the point of the limiting lift. Apparently, this value is amplified
during the dynamic response and the dynamic amplification becomes very important
when the structure is subjected to negative total tension, the so-called compression
loading. It is evident that such conditions are critical for fatigue. The compression
loading, including matters pertaining to riser soil interaction have been addressed by
several researchers in the last few years. Examples are found in the work of Clukey et
al. (2007), Cheng et al. (2007), Chatjigeorgiou et al. (2007), Passano and Larsen
(2006) and (2007). More specifically, Clukey et al. (2007) examined in detail the
impact of soil stiffness modelling, trench depth and soil non-linearity on the overall
SCR response. They identified an important aspect in the touch down point response
following from the degradation of the soil stiffness due to cyclic loading of the soil.
Cheng et al. (2007) dealt with the problem of compression loading at the touch down
zone of steel catenary risers. They investigated the compression that could be
experienced by deepwater SCRs, including methodology, failure modes considered,
acceptance criteria, computer modelling, and described the steps necessary for
assessing the compression forces. Chatjigeorgiou et al. (2007) analysed the extreme
bending moments, which are developed at the touch down area of steel catenary risers
mainly due to heave excitation. The authors applied numerical (FD and FE) as well as
semi-analytical methods, based on the WKB approximation, for calculating the
eigenfrequencies and the corresponding mode shapes. Finally, Passano and Larsen
(2006) and (2007) focussed on understanding the riser behaviour in extreme, low-
tension response. They tried to establish suitable strategies to concentrate nonlinear
simulations to circumstances where they are most useful.
the catenary riser dynamic problem. The method applied an efficient finite difference
numerical scheme, known as the Keller Box approximation. Both the linear and the
nonlinear riser dynamics were considered and the comparisons between the two
techniques highlighted the impact of the geometrical nonlinearities. The method was
validated against the numerical code Riflex, in which both the effect of extreme
heaving motions applied at the top and the effect of the compression loading near the
touch down region were included. Low and Langley (2006b) investigated the dynamics
of flexible risers in the time and frequency domains using lumped mass discretization,
where tension and bending were modelled with extensional and rotational springs
respectively. For the time domain analysis, the integration was carried out using the
Wilsontheta implicit scheme, which according to the authors allows the use of
relatively large time steps without compromising stability.
Also, Santilan et al. (2007) modelled flexible risers and pipelines as slender elastic
structures. Their theoretical formulation led to a type of nonlinear boundary value
problem, that can be solved numerically given appropriate boundary conditions. The
offsetting effects of gravity and buoyancy were included in the analysis. The authors
focus on the fact that the gravity and buoyancy forces can provide considerable axial
loading (as can thermal changes) and hence stability (buckling) is a major concern.
Tanaka and Martins (2007) used an optimization technique through Generic
Algorithms for the design of a steel riser, with the maximum dynamic stress amplitude
along the riser span as objective function. The authors applied the optimization tool
they developed, to study the feasibility of using a steel riser in an FPSO turret,
subjected to a 100-year wave condition. Roitman et al. (2006) conducted a structural
damping test on a representative model of steel riser in air with a damper mechanism
application. This was done in an attempt to quantify and evaluate the damping
coefficients. The researchers performed 100 tests, which showed that damping
coefficients can be 16 times higher than assumed. Smith et al. (2007) described the
background of hysteresis in relation to non-bonded flexible pipes and outlined the
methodology of riser motions software that incorporates bending stiffness with
hysteresis. Finally, Fernandes et al. (2008) performed experiments for investigating the
clashing of flexible jumpers caused by the wake interference. They presented a
comparison of experimental results with a numerical code that applies automatically the
Huse’s formula for the drag coefficients, in order to provide guidance on the required
minimum distance between the jumpers.
VIV effects on risers will continue to attract the attention of researchers for many years
to come, since the current computational capabilities to test dense grids in deep water
applications, to include elasticity in the existing numerical models, and in particular to
apply high Reynolds numbers, are rather limited. An alternative procedure for
understanding the particulars of VIV behaviour of risers is to perform experiments.
Several researchers in the field propose semi-empirical models for predicting the VIV
effects on risers. Usually these models are based on huge data bases of experimental
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 111
The work published in the reporting period, can be categorized either of numerical or
experimental nature. Some of the papers presenting numerical work, address VIV from
a purely theoretical viewpoint. The publications referenced in this report focus more on
practical applications like riser installations.
At first, experimental studies into VIV effects on risers are discussed. Lubbad et al.
(2007) tried to verify the efficiency of round-sectioned helical strakes in suppressing
VIV. To this end, they performed experiments with 28 configurations of round-
sectioned helical strakes, aiming to find an optimal strake configuration. In comparison
with the behaviour of a smooth cylinder, their optimum configuration of strakes
reduced the amplitude of riser oscillation by 95.6 % in the cross-flow direction, and by
96.9 % in the inline direction. Iranpour et al. (2008) conducted a series of experimental
tests for the fatigue life estimation of risers. They also investigated the influence of load
interaction effects. The authors concluded from the measurements that higher
harmonics cause significant fatigue damage and cannot be ignored. The work of
Jaiswal and Vandiver (2007) aimed at describing the VIV response of long cylinders
equipped with strakes. They also provided damping measurements from Gulf Stream
experiments. The measured response showed the characteristic of travelling waves.
Finally, Xu et al. (2008) presented measurements of the wake field behind three riser
models obtained by using a Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (DPIV). The range of
tested Reynolds numbers was from 3×104 to 2.5×105 based on the diameter of the
cylinder. The measurement results showed that the transverse vibration amplitudes for
both the faired and straked cylinder were far less than those for the bare cylinder.
For numerical analysis of riser dynamics, the CFD RANS (Computational Fluid
Dynamics - Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes) method appears most commonly
adopted by researchers. With regard to the wake-oscillator model, the van der Pol
oscillator is the prevailing model. In line with these observations, Pinto et al. (2006)
aimed to optimise and calibrate a numerical code providing reliable results within a
reasonable analysis timeframe and without, or with very limited, need of experimental
verification. They used the aforementioned unsteady RANS code to solve a typical
riser VIV problem and compute the three-dimensional riser-fluid dynamics interaction.
Constantinides et al. (2006) used CFD to model a full scale truss spar with vertical
risers. They found that the presence of the spar hard tank causes flow speed increase in
the array below the spar of about 30%. They also noticed that the truss members create
a significant wake field causing channelling and speedup the flow and also affected the
hydrodynamics of the tubes. Wanderley et al. (2008) conducted a two-dimensional
numerical investigation in an effort to predict correct amplitudes of the VIV
oscillations. They used the Roe–Sweby scheme to solve the slightly compressible
RANS equations, written in general curvilinear coordinates. Silveira et al. (2007)
investigated the effect of vertical motion of the floating unit (or equivalently the effect
of variable tension) on the vortex-induced vibrations of vertical risers. The authors used
a numerical procedure, based on modelling assumptions, which, though simple,
112 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
succeeded in describing some expected dynamic behaviours. The model simulated the
riser dynamics using a finite element model coupled to a wake-oscillator model, of the
van der Pol type, used to emulate the fluid dynamics.
Fortaleza et al. (2008) presented a first control strategy to reduce the VIV of risers.
According to the authors the advantage of their strategy is the small external force
which is required to reduce VIV and the fact that no structural change is required along
the structure’s submerged part. Lie et al. (2008) presented the preliminaries of a new
model for prediction of fatigue damage from VIV in risers. The paper presented the
background of the model, the basic assumption of the new model and a comparison
between results obtained from a preliminary code and model test results. The cases
included both 2D uniform current conditions and 3D (non-uniform) current conditions.
Finally, Violette et al. (2007) considered the dynamics of flexible slender systems
undergoing VIV. The wake dynamics were represented using a distributed wake
oscillator coupled to the dynamics of the slender structure, such as a cable or a
tensioned beam. Based on comparative calculations, the authors claim that the
proposed method can be used as a simple computational tool in the prediction of
relevant aspects of VIV of long flexible structures.
Randolph et al. (2005) presented recent developments on fixed point for mooring lines
in anchoring system of floating units for production and exploration in deep waters. At
the same time, research studies to define precise soil data and calculation methodology
have been performed to validate the anchor solutions. Design guidelines have been
developed by API and ISO. Validations of new design by regulatory bodies, ABS,
DNV and Lloyds Register have been supported by research findings and helpings.
Nowadays, there are several options of fixed points to anchor floating units, such
suction anchors, drag embedment vertically load anchor (VLA), suction embedment
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 113
plate anchor and, the newest ones, torpedoes piles. Figure 4.1. shows some different
anchor or pile types.
Related to design soil parameters (refer to Table 4.1), the great challenge is to define
the undrained shear strength, which is the main information relevant for anchor design.
The piezocone penetrometer test (PCPT) is the most commonly used in situ test to
define point and friction resistance and pore-pressure measured along the soil depth.
The problem is to calibrate the undrained shear strength for design. Laboratory tests are
necessary to obtain the resistance data, using soil samples acquired in situ.
Table 4.1
Basic Soil parameters required
Basic Soil Parameters Required
Clay Sand
Grain size Grain Size
Atterberg(plastic/liquid) limits Relative Density
Water content Max / Min Density
Total unit weight Total Unit Weight
Undrained shear strength Friction Angle
Remoulded Shear Strength
Elastic modulus Elastic modulus
Soil samples can be taken either from some depth below the seabed (downhole mode)
or from the seabed (seabed mode). Boreholes (downhole mode) will normally be drilled
from a dedicated geotechnical drilling vessel, using heave-compensated rotary
techniques. Sampling and in-situ testing will be performed by means of downhole tools,
operating through an open drilling bit. The “primary” methods of acquiring shallow
seabed soil data for marine projects have traditionally involved relatively simple coring
and sampling equipment such as (a) vibrocorer, (b) gravity corer, (c) grab sampler and
in-situ testing by means of the (d) cone, or piezocone, penetration test (CPT/PCPT or
CPTU). As disturbances from drilling may affect soil properties up to 40 to 80 cm
114 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
below the drill base, PCPT results have to be discarded. Although the seabed coring
mode is more limited in depth, sample quality is better to ensure good results from
resistance laboratory tests.
The very high cost of vessels suitable for carrying out soil investigations, both for
mobilization and in daily rates, is a key point for the geotechnical investigation. Site
investigations are generally delayed until the project is fully approved, so that much of
the early concept development studies have to be undertaken with little or no detailed
knowledge of soil conditions. Anticipation of researches about soil data with simpler
methods to define soil parameters for design has to be carried out. Thus, another
challenge for future years is the development of suitable methods to speed up site
investigations and to foresee soil resistances in early design stage of floating units.
Subsea arrangement congestion and geological problems, such, steep slopes, in general
lead to small anchorage radius and the requirement of fixed point with large load
capacity. This problem can be worsened when associated with poor soil resistances.
Thus, fixed points with very high capacities are the most recent challenge in ultra-deep
waters, mainly regarding installation procedures and cost.
In the case of torpedo pile or another anchor device, for which the connection point to
the mooring line exceeds 10 meters inside the marine soil, reliable approaches to define
the effective load acting on the connection point with the anchor shall be developed.
Nowadays, the extreme value of the mooring line tension is used to design the torpedo
pile or the anchor, without any consideration of soil damping, due to lack of reliable
data and knowledge of actual behavior of the interaction of soil and embedded mooring
Complex 3D finite element models (FEM), to represent the soil/anchor interaction, are
used to determine the holding capacity of the foundation and verify the distribution of
tension in the structure. In these cases, it is very difficult to determine the soil rupture.
Tests with soil models and in situ tests with prototype anchor point models have to be
used to develop new methodologies and simpler calculations.
eventually, of the anchor. Large deformations may also be accounted for. Soil-anchor
interaction is ensured by surface to surface contact elements placed on the external
surface of the anchor and the surrounding soil. This approach has been successfully
used to design torpedo piles for a floating production unit in Brazilian deepwater.
5.1 General
The growing numbers of Floating Production Systems (FPS's) and their increased
complexity and harsher working environment, have pushed oil companies, exploration
companies, fabricators and all related industry players to refine their construction and
assembly methods and to improve their installation techniques.
With the increasing demand for energy, explorations and drilling in deeper water and
harsher environment have been intensified. Owing to this, and coupled with the
advancement in drilling technology, operators and owners are requesting more
sophisticated equipment to be installed on their vessels.
You et al. (2008) presented improved construction methods for modern drill ships. The
paper describes the adoption of zone wise mapping for modular construction of the
Dual Hoisting Tower (DHT) and Drill floor of the drill ship, modular erection of the
drill floor, dimension control for the construction of drill floor and the DHT. It
describes the benefits, in terms of time saving, of the improved installation sequence of
the DHT (see Fig. 5.1), the improved construction method of the Sub Sea module and
the Hydraracker.
116 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
The paper also addresses the major challenges during construction, namely, in the
design phase, interfacing process, erection and the integration and hookup phase of a
drill ship project. Areas of further improvement are also mentioned, focusing on the
delivery of the equipment, mechanical completion and punch control and
commissioning system.
The assembly of FPSO systems, comprises the integration of oil production modules on
the deck of either converted tankers or specific new build hull structures. The size of
the individual modules is limited by available lifting capacity in the yard, where the
assembly is taking place.
the time associated with the integration, pre-commissioning and commissioning work
at the yard.
The installation phase for an integrated production deck (topside) has always been one
of the most challenging and critical parts of an offshore installation project.
Understanding the limited availability of heavy lift vessels, and the significant costs
related to the mobilization of such vessels, many projects have been based on float-over
installation as a commercially viable solution compared to lifting.
Concerning this subject , Kocaman and Kim (2008) presented a paper on the float-over
for Arthit PP Deck (see Fig. 5.3) offshore Thailand. The paper explained the various
steps of the installation process. The float-over procedures cover from load-out using
strand jacks of 900 tons of pull, transportation using their Intermac 650 barge, to the
mooring and loose slot method. The paper also contains explanation on the computer
modeling carried out for the floatover, and the model testing done with the weather
data and workability information gathered.
118 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
Figure 5.3: Arthit Deck – as the barge enters the jacket slot
The paper described the necessary parameters, such as axial stroke, axial loads, relative
motion at the sliding surface, rotation requirement - gimbal, and uplift during tow, that
govern the design of the DSU . Other considerations like potential uplift during tow,
safety, and fabrication of the DSU's were also highlighted. Furthermore the design
parameters for the LMUs and Receptor/ Sandcan, including axial stroke, axial loads,
lateral loads, lateral leg tip motions (surge/sway) and clearance between topsides leg tip
and pile top evaluation were addressed in the paper.
Hamilton et al. (2008) stressed the necessity for a thorough understanding of the
system dynamics and environmental site data to allow the assessment of reliable loads
for deck on jacket float-overs. The paper also describes the structural flexibility and the
size of the gap between the barge and jacket. Jacket flexibility modeling was included
in a finite element (FE) model for the dynamic simulation and was demonstrated to be
relevant by means of eigenmodes analysis. Based on significant shorter natural periods
of the topside, topside flexibility is modeled purely as an additional component in the
vertical connection spring, used to model the dynamic motion response. In addition,
modeling of jacket/ barge interaction and the importance of small fender gaps to
prevent significant kinetic energy built-up in the barge's inertia was covered. The paper
also presented the study of the characteristics of the deck mating receptacle, the pullout
block system, the floatover analyses and the use of weather windows.
In their paper, Emery et al. (2008) presented the overall process and operation of the
mating of topside onto the lower hull of P52 semi-submersible, using Technip's
UNIDECK installation technique. The paper described the activities carried out in the
detailed engineering stage of the mating operation, i.e. the calculation of expected
deflections during the de-ballasting sequences to control the applied loads during
weight transfer (see Figs. 5.5 and 5.6).
Figure 5.5: Deck box hogging when Figure 5.6: Deck box sagging when
resting on barge resting on mating stools
Preparation for the lower hull, the barge for sail-away, procedures for the lower hull
120 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
mooring and ballasting to mating draft and the complete mating operation are also
presented in the paper.
Also for the spar FPS concept, the integrated deck installation method of float-over is
applied. Edelson et al. (2008) presented an overall description of the floatover
operation for the Kikeh Spar, the first spar deck installation outside the Gulf of Mexico,
covering all aspects including topside load out and transportation using a single barge,
transfer from the transportation barge to the catamaran barge configuration, catamaran
open water tow and floatover to the Spar at the Kikeh location (see Fig. 5.7).
This paper also clearly described the various issues considered when making the
decision of using float-over installation rather than heavy lift operation for the Kikeh
topside and the description of the Kikeh Spar and topside installation in terms of the
approach, field layout, spar outfitting, topside outfitting, transportation barge selection
and outfitting, and other important parts of the operation.
Structural design and analyses to support the floatover and mating operation, such as
the design of the fender system, design of stabbing pin and shock cell, impact load
calculation between barges and fenders on the spar hull and impact load on shock cell,
legs and grillages were also covered by the paper.
While the installation procedures described sofar have been developed as specific, one-
off , installations, research has also been presented associated with the development of
several different concepts for the execution of multiple integrated deck installation
and/or decommissioning (i.e. reverse installation) operations.
Cholley et al. (2008) presented a new design of a linked catamaran shaped vessel with
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 121
dimensions that permit it to go around the floater hull or jacket so that the deck can be
lowered and stabbed. Additionally the vessel is designed for the removal of existing
decks from platforms at the end of their operational life, hence the designation as a
"Deck Salvage and Installation Vessel" (DSIV) (see Fig. 5.8). The paper describes the
installation method adopted by the vessel. The paper also presents the system
description of the vessel, its load-out operation (see Figs. 5.9 and 5.10), its transport
and installation capabilities, its impact analysis and the basin test performed for the
Two gas modules have been installed at the Njord FPU by Saipem's semi-submersible
crane vessel S7000. Weight of the modules was 100 and 200 tonnes. Before the actual
installation was performed, a study was carried out to simulate the operation so as to
ensure a smooth and safe installation of the modules. The actual results of the operation
were then used as a reference on how to monitor the accuracy of the model tests results.
In their paper, Van der Wal et al. (2008) described the model tests performed by using
an existing model of S7000, which was provided by owner Saipem UK to the test
facilities of MARIN. Further preparation of the model and the provision of data
acquisition and measuring equipment was by MARIN.
The design environmental conditions for the operation were modelled in the test basin.
The model of the crane vessel was kept on station by a functional real time DP system.
The paper also describes how the hoisting arrangements are simulated. The mooring
system and risers of the FPUare simulated by means of four mooring chains. As the
most complex part of the model test, the guiding system was represented by an accurate
modeling of the stiffness and deformations of the guiding system.
With the strong demand for heavy-lift transport ships due to the boom of the oil and gas
market and after a relative long period of status quo, the heavy lift transport vessel fleet
is undergoing a significant expansion phase (see Fig. 5.11 for an example of a
jumboised vessel).
Van Hoorn (2008) gave a brief history of heavy-lift vessels and some of results of the
mergers and acquisition of heavy-lift companies, which resulted in the expansion of
their fleet of heavy-lift vessels As the marine heavy-lift industry is going through the
expansion phase, the current vessels are also upgraded in terms of crane lifting capacity
and DP capabilities. As a whole, this paper gives an overview of the heavy-lift industry
and a useful overview of the existing heavy-lift fleet and its future developments.
This section suggests technical subjects for which future research would be beneficial
in reducing uncertainty in the design, construction, installation and operation of
floating production systems.
The Committee has observed substantial research has been reported in the field of
description of hurricane conditions, and other extreme environmental conditions. The
occurrence of several severe hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico has stimulated this
research. The work as reported, has gained importance by the fact that traditional
environmental design criteria appeared to underpredict the conditions as they were
actually observed in the hurricanes. Based on the knowledge gathered, more design
work is anticipated to adapt FPS configurations to meet the updated criteria for extreme
environmental conditions.
The knowledge about fatigue behaviour of steel hull structures needs continuous
attention, because of their relevance for the safe operation of offshore structures.
Offshore structure tend to be of use for a longer duration than their original design life.
This makes a proper understanding of fatigue, and a better quality of fatigue life
predictions, even more important.
Riser systems for very large water depths, including validation of flexible risers at
larger diameters, will need to acquire continuous interest.
124 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
Although the description of VIV behaviour of individual risers, complete riser systems
and spar type structures attracts continuous interest of the research community, further
research remains valuable, to support the control of fatigue and vibration problems of
these slender structures.
Computer aided optimization of hull shapes for various column stabilized units is an
interesting development, which deserves further support.
Research shall be improved to define reliable soil mechanic parameters, such as soil
elastic module, α factors, dilatance angle and thixotropy strength, for application in
numerical analyses, which are required to support further developments of anchor
Construction of large and complex FPS systems has led to construction of several
elements at different locations. Mating of the elements to one integrated structure
requires further attention, and mechanical compensation systems to reduce contact
pressures during mating, should be further investigated.
Finally, it can be stated that our offshore industry still bears on the traditional 'storm-
level' based design methods, applying the working stress design (WSD) approach for
the verification of structural integrity. In previous reports of the ISSC FPS committee,
development of response-based design methods have been encouraged. Here the
objective is to obtain a target level of reliability, operability and availability. In
conjunction with such an approach, the use of the LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor
Design) methodology to verify structural integrity, becomes more logical.
Classification rules and guidelines have been developed for application of the LRFD
method, but as yet, industry is hesitant to use these. Research which provides some
benchmarking results of one methodology against the other, for realistic design cases,
may accelerate the introduction of response based design and the LRFD approach,
which are believed to have high potential.
The Committee is grateful to the following people for their valuable contributions to
the Report:
Francesco Fedele, Lee June Young and Elisabeth Porto.
ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 125
The following abbreviations have been used: OMAE - Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
Engineering, OTC - Offshore Technology Conference, ISOPE – The International
Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, MOSS - Marine Operations Specialty
Symposium, API – American Petroleum Institute.
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API (2001). Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing
Floating Production Systems, RP 2FPS 1st edition, March.
API (2005). Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed
Offshore Platforms – Working Stress Design, RP 2A-WSD 21st edition with
errata and Supplements 1 and 2, October.
API (2007). Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed
Offshore Platforms – Load and Resistance Factor Design, RP 2A-LRFD 1st
edition July 1993, Reaffirmed May 2003 with errata and Supplement 1, February
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Bulletin 2INT-MET
API (2007b). Interim Guidance on Design of Offshore Structures for Hurricane
Conditions, API Bulletin 2INT-DG
API (2007c). Interim Guidance on Assessment of Existing Structures for Hurricane
Conditions, API Bulletin 2INT-EX
API (2007d). Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing
Tension Leg Platforms, RP 2T 3rd edition, November.
Atluri, S. et al (2006). “CFD Simulation of Truss Spar Vortex-Induced Motion”,
OMAE 2006-92400.
Baarholm, R., Fylling, I., Stansberg, C.T. and Oritsland, O. (2006). “Model testing of
ultra-deepwater floater systems: truncation and software verification
methodology” OMAE 2006-92492.
Benetazzo, A. (2006). ”Measurements of short water waves using stereo matched
image sequences,” Coastal Engineering, 53, 1013-1032.
Berek, E.P., Cooper, C. K., Driver, D.B., Heideman, J. C., Mitchell, D.A., Stear, J.D.
and Vogel, M.J. (2007). ”Development of revised Gulf of Mexico metocean
conditions for reference by API Recommended Practices,” OTC Paper 18903,
Houston, Texas.
126 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
Bergan, P. G., Lotsberg, I., Fricke, W., Francois, M. and Pisarski, H. (2002), “Ove
rview of Phase II of the FPSO Fatigue Capacity JIP”. OMAE2002-28538, Oslo,
Bergan, P. G. and Lotsberg, I. (2004). “Advances in Fatigue Assessment of FPSOs,”
OMAE-FPSO 2004-0012, Houston, USA.
Bernardino, M., Boukhanovsky, Al. and Guedes Soares, C. (2008) Alternate
Approaches to Storm Statistics in the Ocean, OMAE2008-58053.
Bhattachary, B., Oxford, U., Carrigton, T.M. and Aldridge, T.R. (2006), “Design of
FPSO piles against storm loading”, OTC Paper 17861.
Birk, L. and Clauss, G.F. (2008). "Optimization of offshore structures based on linear
analysis of wave-body interaction," OMAE 2008-57631, Estoril, Portugal.
Birk, L. (2007). "Application of constraint multi-objective optimization to the design of
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Lie, H., Gao, Z. and Moan, T. (2007). ”Mooring line damping estimation by a
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Lie, H., Larsen, C.M. and Kaasen, K.E. (2008). ”Frequency domain model for
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134 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems
Riveros, C.A., Utsunomiya, T., Maeda, K. and Itoh, K. (2007). ”Dynamic response of
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Lisbon, Portugal, 820-826.
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Schmidt, D., Bardanachvili, C.A. and Videiro, P.M. (2008). “Full stochastic fatigue
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ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems 135
Sun, H H and Wang, X (2005), “Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment of FPSO
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Tahar, A., Halkyard, J. and Irani, M. (2006). “Comparison of time and frequency
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136 ISSC Committee V.2: Floating Production Systems