Evaluación 3ro Momento 2 Clase 2

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Unidad Educativa Colegio Armando Reverón

Segunda Evaluación (35%): Guía de Desarrollo

Nombres: Tercer Año
Sección ☐ P ☐ D ☐ V
Asignatura: Ingles
C.I. N°Lista Prof: Luz M. Contreras

Lee la siguiente historia:

Who is she? What has she done? What has happened?

Recently, it has snowed in Maria's town. In the last week, it has snowed three times. Maria has
always loved the snow. She has played in the snow many times before.
Maria's dog, Sparky, has never played in the snow. This is Sparky's first snow. He has not felt the
cold yet.
Maria has just received a new sled for Christmas. She puts on her warm clothes and snow boots.
She pulls the sled up the hill. Sparky has run outside with Maria. Sparky has followed Maria up the
hill. He feels good!
Maria has finally reached the top. She sits on her sled. She rides down the hill. Sparky runs beside
the sled. They have finally reached the bottom. Sparky has followed Maria all the way down the
hill. Sparky has decided that he likes the snow too!
Part I: Realiza la traducción al español de la historia aquí (4pts):

Part II: De acuerdo a la lectura responde las siguientes preguntas usando el Present Perfect
tense. (1pto cada una)

1) Recently, where has it snowed? How many times has it snowed there in the last week?

2) Has Sparky ever played in the snow before today? What has Maria received for Christmas?

3) Where has Maria taken her sled? Who has followed her?

Part III: Realiza las siguientes oraciones en presente perfecto en forma negative y en forma
interrogativa .Mira el ejemplo.(1 punto cada una)

Examples for the sentence “Nick has broken the glass.”

Negative: Nick has not broken the glass.
1) Maria has always loved the snow.



2) Maria has just received a new sled for Christmas



3) Sparky has followed Maria all the way down the hill.



Part IV: Completa la historia en los espacios en blanco usando las palabras que están en el
recuadro. (1 punto cada una)

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Recently, it has in Maria's town. In the last week, it has snowed

three times. Maria has loved the snow. She has
played in the snow many times before.

Maria's , Sparky, has never played in the snow. This is Sparky's

first snow. He not felt the cold yet.

Maria has just received a new sled for . She puts on her warm clothes

and snow boots. She the sled up the hill. Sparky has run outside with

Maria. Sparky has Maria up the hill. He feels good!

Maria has finally reached the . She sits on her sled. She rides down

the hill. Sparky runs the sled. They have finally reached the bottom.
Sparky has followed Maria all the way down the hill. Sparky has decided that he

the snow too!

With love and patience, nothing is impossible!

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