VSR-411 (1) DCGJGK

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VSR-411: General veterinary surgery, anesthesiology and

diagnostic imaging (2+2)


Introduction history classification surgical terminology and development of veterinary
surgery. Asepsis antisepsis, their application in veterinary surgery. Surgical risk and
judgment. Management of shock, haemorrhage. Principle of fluid therapy in surgical
patients. Differential diagnosis and surgical treatment of abscess, tumors cyst,
haematoma, necrosis, gangrene burn, wound, classification symptoms diagnosis and
treatment complication their treatment and prevention.

Surgical instruments and equipment. Operation theatre routines. Surgical pack:
Preparation, sterilization and handling. Familiarisation with suture materials, surgical
knots, suture patterns and their use. Familiarisation to live surgery haemostatsis.

THEORY (Region specific)
Preanaesthetic consideration and preanaesthetics. Aneasthesi, local analgesia /
anesthesia, general anesthesia, anesthestic agents (like barbiturates, dissociative
agents) inhalation anaesthesia and agents, maintenance and monitoring of general
anaesthesia, aneasthestic emergencies and their management. Only awareness of
neuroleptanalgesia, electro-anesthesia, acupuncture, hypothermia, muscle relaxants.
Post operative pain management. General principle of chemical restraint of wild / zoo
animals and aneasthesia, of lab animals.
Familiarisation with aneasthetic, apparatus, endotracheal tubes. Laryngoscope, gadgets
for monitoring pre aneasthetic preparation, induction of general aneasthesia, in small
and large animals and endotracheal intubations in dogs. Demonstration of inhalant
anaesthesia monitoring of general aneasthesia, and the management of aneasthestic
emergencies. Use of artificial / assisted respiration. Various methods of local
infiltration aneasthesia, and regional block, for surgical procedures of different regions
of body in Large and small animals. Chemical restraint of lab animals. (Visit of a wild
animals facility and audiovisual aids)

Production and properties of X-rays. Factors influencing production of X-ray. Principles
of viewing and interpreting X-ray films, classification of radiographic lesions, Contrast
radiography: classification, materials, uses, indications and contra indications.
Biological effects of radiation, radiation hazards and their prevention by adoption of
safety measures. Principles of ultrasonography and its applications in veterinary
practice. Awareness on principles of radiation therapy, Isotopes and their uses in
diagnosis and therapy; Principles and application of CT scan, MRI, echocardiography,
scintigraphy, gamma camera, xeroradiography and Doppler.

Familiarization with operation of the X-ray equipment, X-ray accessories and adoption
of safety measures in radiography. Dark room equipments, X-ray film and its processing.
Intensifying screen and its uses. Radiographic technique-positioning of small and large
animals. Handling, viewing and interpretation of X-ray films. Familiarization with film
contrasts, density and detail, common defects of X-ray films. Radiographic anatomy and
interpretation of radiographic lesions. Demonstration of contrast technique in small
animals. Familiarization with ultrasonography of small and large animals

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