Option Pit Boot Camp The Option Pit Method For Trading Options
Option Pit Boot Camp The Option Pit Method For Trading Options
Option Pit Boot Camp The Option Pit Method For Trading Options
Option Pit
Option Boot Camp- The Option Pit Method
Cost of Carry
Time to
Price Theoretical
What is a Normal Distribution
• Assumes stocks have an equal chance of
moving up or down at any given time
• When a distribution moves within a normal
range, it is called a variance
• A variance represents how much we would
expect the data set to vary most of the time
• We use variances all the time as traders
What is Volatility
• Volatility is another word for the statistical
term variance over a specific range of time
– Represents an expected range for a stock or index
on an annualized basis regardless of direction
• A 75 dollar stock that has a volatility of 20%
– In a given year, the stock is expected to move 15
dollars OR LESS about 2/3 of the time.
– In a given year, the stock expected to move 30
dollars OR LESS 95/100 of the time
Standard Deviation
• Standard Deviation: annualized volatility over
a non-annual period of time
• volatility*sqrt(days/year)
– So .1502 x (31/365)sq rt =
– 2079 x .043= $91 for roughly 2/3 of the time
What is Volatility
• There are 3 kinds of volatility we will talk
– Historical Volatility
– Forward Volatility
– Implied Volatility
Forward Volatility
• How much is a stock moving from RIGHT NOW
– Impossible to gauge
• We are trying to be fortune tellers
– Can use estimates like volatility charts
• Involves overnight risk
• Weekend risk
• Intraday risk
Historical Volatility
• How much has the stock moved over the last
time period
– High-Low Volatility
– Intraday Range
– Close Close
– Open Open
• 10 day, 20 day, 30 Day, 90 day, 180 day
– I like 20 day because it is has some noise
– Tracks 30 day IV
Implied Volatility
• We will dig into this more, but:
– Implied Volatility is actually an OUTPUT
• Because it is an OUTPUT, and we do not know
what the stock's volatility is, Implied Vol is
actually an output
• Garbage in, Garbage out
Implied Volatility
• Issues with implied volatility:
– Because of market fear of a major increase in
forward volatility, option implied volatility is often
too high relative to what ends up being the
calculated forward volatility (we will see this in the
term structure)
– Typically believed to be about 3-4% too high
– Because an instrument may have many strike
prices, hedges or speculations can still be wrong
– The BID-ASK spread in options can throw off IV
• In any given year, an event can cause a security to
have an “outlier” volatility
• But, over time, volatility of any asset will tend to
mean revert
– This means that it will hover around its average
– This applies to all types of volatility that can be
• HV will revert to its mean
• IV will revert to its mean
• FV will overtime BE the mean
Understanding risk in terms of inputs
• The GREEKS ARE AN OUTPUT of a pricing
model not an input
• As the 5 factors change, so do the Greeks
• The Big Greeks Are:
– Delta
– Gamma
– Vega
– Theta
Easy Greeks
Using the Greeks as a Risk Management Tool
How to get to P/L