Applications: Called The Follower. The Follower Executes Movement in A Pre-Specified

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Cams are machine elements for converting rotary motion into linear
orswinging motion. In its simplest form, a cam is a rotating disc with variable
radi. As the disc rotates, its edge pushes against its mating component
called the follower. The follower executes movement in a pre-specified
manner depending on the desired contour of cam. The motion of the follower
may or may not be as per some law of motion. A cam, when appropriately
profiled, will impart any desired cyclic pattern of linear motion to the follower.
Usually the cam rotates at a constant angular velocity while the follower
moves up and down as determined by the cam shape. To ensure contact
between the cam and the follower, some form of spring action is usually
resorted to. Apart from a rotary type of cam, some cams also oscillate
back and forth, depending on the ultimate movement of the follower. Cams
are extensively used in different types of modern machines and equipments
to produce mechanical movements, which are not readily obtained by other
types of mechanism. Typical include I.C. engines, machine
tools, computers and various instruments.
The body of the cam may be in the form of a plate will ts edge having
the desired contour, or it may be cylinderical in shape, having a groove cut
direct the movement of the follower, which
along the cylinderical surface to various other forms are also used
is in contact with the groove. Altnougn
the above two types are
common ones. In general engineering
cam Is most Commonly used. The portion of the
practice, the plate-type
follower which contacts
contour may be knife-edged, flat faced or
the end,is the most common type.
it may carry a roller at

Theworking contour
of a cam
is laid Out in accordance with the ultimate
1anical motion of the follower. Hence the design or determination of
mecna curveve is effected by the resultant pre-specified
is effe movement of other
the For that purpose, a lacement diagram is first laid out. In
constructing a displacement iagram, the successive angular cam positions

follower displacements as
abscissas with corresponding
laid out as shows the rise or fall of the
ordinates. In effect, the displacement diagram the cam, The base line or
to the angular posiions of
follower with respect one nalr (180) revolution of the cam
abscissa represents into
one full (360or
convenience. Cams can be
divided equal parts as per
shaft, and is any variety of movement,
from the simplest
designed to produce ones
to the most
and terms which are relevant to cams are
Certain nomenclatures
discussed below

Direction of motion

pressure Normal Follower
Pitch point Trace point
ot moton

1 a n g e n

Pitch Circie

Cam profile

Prime circle-

Pitch curne

Base Circle

Cam nomenclature

Fig. 10.1
1. Trace Point: This is a reference point on the follower, which Is
Used in laying out the
theoretical curve or pitch curve. It is the knife-edge
in case of a knife edge type of follower and the centre of the roller in case
of a roller type of
2. Pitch Curve or Theoretical Curve: This curve is defined as the
nath traced by the trace point if the follower is moved round the cam,
the cam stationary. In other words, it is the curve which always
nasses through the trace point as the cam rotates about its centre.
3. Cam Profile: Cam profile or the working curve is the actual contour
of the cam surface and is the outine of the plate cam. In case of knife-

edge follower, the pitch Curve and the cam profile are the same.
4. Base Circle : It is a circle havingits centre at the centre of the cam
the radius equal to the distance between this centre and the nearest
noint on the pitch curve. That is, it is the smallest circle which can be
drawn whose circumference touches the pitch curve at a point nearest to
the cam centre
5. Stroke: Also known as the rise or lift or throw of the follawer, this
is the maximum movement of the folower away from the cam-shaft from
its initial position.
6. Cam Angle: The cam angle is the angle through which the cam
turns corresponding to the follower displacement. Total cam angle
corresponds to the entire stroke length of the follower.

7.Pressure Angle: This angle is defined as the angle between the

follower and the common normal of the
line of motion of the cam
determines the magnitude of
and roller at the point of contact. This angle
cam rotates about its axis.
the side thrust which varies at each point as the
of travel of the follower and the common normal
At a point where the line
is no thrust. Since the
coincide, the pressure angle is zero and hence there
side thrust does no useful work and can become excessive, particularly
to the cam contour, so
high speeds, the designer should endeavour shapeto around 30°. As the
that the maximum value of pressure angle is limited
pressure increases at different points during rotation, the ensuring
thrust becomes more and more pronounced and detrimental to the system.


In mechanisms
Cams often fail due to wear or surface fatigue action.
where the mating action of machine elements are characterised by rolling
failure by pitting Occurs after
or sliding, or a combination of both, fatigue
the system undergoes a number, of cycles of operational life. Examples
The force
such mechanisms aregearing system, cam and follower etc.
acting between the mating members gives rise to contact pressure.
the follower
stresses developed in the zone of contact between the cam and
can be calculated and then compared with the corresponding permissible
in order to arrive at the
values for the materials used for the components,
optimum design criteria.

10.4. MOTION
the cam rotates with uniform angular speed
In a cam-follower system,
intervals of time. The
Thus equal angular displacement occurs in equal
follower on the other hand,
starts rest and comes to rest at the beginning
stroke respectively. In normal practice, the follower is
and the end of each
designed execute one of the following motions during its travel.

(a) Uniform velocity (straight line motion)

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
Uniform acceleration and retardation (parabolic)
(d) Cycloidal motion.

10.4.1. Types of Cams

1. Radial or Disc Cam: The follower moves or oscillates in a
reciprocating motion vertically with respect to the axis of the cam. In Fig.
10.2 (a) and (b) the follower make reciprocating motion and in 10.2 (c) and
(d) it makes oscillatory motion.

NS. Follower

Cam Cam

(a) (b) (c)

Follower N


mim - Flank

(d) (e)
Fig. 10.2
2.Tangent Cam: Here
the cam is in 33
on its axis
result the follower
an as a the form of a
disc and rotates
the cam, reciprocates. See Fig. 10.2 whose roller nose is in
(e) contact with

(e) Reciprocating follower

(0 Oscillating follower
Fig. 10.2
3. Circular Cam: Such cams are
cylinderical and there is a groove
profile cut on the cylinder in which the follower
(0) or oscillates (see Fig. 10.2 (g) reciprocates [see Fig. 10.2
Follower Surface Cam surface
Pure Rolling
Material Material Allowable compressive
stress (kg/cm)
Hardened and ground Grey C 3865
steel (Rockwell C50)

Chilled Cl 13358
SAE 2515 17575
(ground and lapped, case
hardened 1mm depth)
1.05% carbon tool Low carbon free machine 17575
steel (Rock C60-63) steel, case hardened
(Rock C56-60)
Hardened and ground Tungesten carbide or 20400
steel stellite
Plastic-Nylon Hardened and ground 17575

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