Will Wireline Formation Tests Replace Well Tests
Will Wireline Formation Tests Replace Well Tests
Will Wireline Formation Tests Replace Well Tests
28 866
3 authors, including:
Alain Gringarten
Imperial College London
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Well Testing
Even in the current U.S. $30/bbl environment, cost reduction and maxi- Additional
mizing efficiencies continue to be a subject of focus within our industry.
Further, on the revenue side of the equation, activities that reduce or
Well Testing
upset the income stream receive their proportionate share of scrutiny. Technical Papers
Well tests continue to be standard procedure for petroleum engineers to
increase their understanding of reservoir characteristics in a given field. Available at the SPE eLibrary:
Stratton Consequently, techniques and tools that lower intervention costs, www.spe.org
enhance the value of existing data, and reduce the downtime associated
with well-testing operations are of great interest. • SPE 84087
Formation Testing While
Technology has a positive effect on our ability to gather the critical reservoir information, Drilling: a New Era in
sometimes even before drilling is complete. Improvements to existing formation-testing Formation Testing
tools widen their use as a replacement of standard well tests. Adapting this same technol-
ogy to logging-while-drilling tools offers some of the same information previously avail- • SPE 84475
able only from wireline-deployed tools. Further enhancements to these tools in the years Integrating Short-Term
to come likely will mitigate their existing shortcomings and widen their appeal, particu- Pressure-Buildup Testing and
larly in extended-reach horizontal drilling. Long-Term Production-Data
Analysis to Evaluate
Well-test-analysis techniques continue to advance with headway being made on the Hydraulically Fractured Gas-
analysis challenges of gas/condensate wells and interference testing in complicated reser- Well Performance
voirs. More marginal properties will benefit from new approaches to well-test analysis
with the use of short buildup tests and decline-curve analysis. Advances in applying pres- • SPE 84290
sure/rate deconvolution to real data may someday result in commercial software packages Practical Application of
offering these analysis capabilities. Combining this analysis with permanent-gauge data Pressure/Rate Deconvolution
can reduce or eliminate effects on production. That is something positive we can all agree to Analysis of Real Well Tests
on. The following pages describe and reference many of these advances in well-test tech-
nology and analysis. JPT
Jay Stratton, SPE, is the Petroleum Engineering Team Lead for Anadarko's Groupement
Berkine partnership with Sonatrach Inc. in Hassi Messaoud, Algeria. His responsibility is
in the area of new well completions, stimulations, testing, and production surveillance.
Previously, he was with Occidental Petroleum of Qatar as Operations Engineering Advisor
in the areas of horizontal multilateral technology, innovative ESP completions, polymer
water-control treatments, and optimization of offshore well interventions. While at Arco
Alaska as a Senior Production Engineer, he was involved in drillsite development,
hydraulic-fracturing technology, and well services. In his 16-year career, Stratton has
worked in the Arctic, North Africa, Middle East, FSU, Pakistan, and West Texas. Stratton
has authored technical papers on application of multilateral completions and polymer
water-control technology. He serves on the JPT Editorial Committee and holds a BS degree
in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M U.
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mobility from each method, indicating that Only one of either the bed thickness or assumed that the reservoir interval could be
FRA takes into account the nonspherical the permeability anisotropy can be evaluat- described as a sequence of homogeneous
flow geometry resulting from the presence ed from a single-probe-type data analysis. (but possibly anisotropic) layers. Then, the
of the wellbore. Numerical studies that con- Assuming that one of these parameters is average permeability-thickness product of
sider both probe geometry and the wellbore available from other sources of data (usual- such a multilayered reservoir could be calcu-
confirmed that the spherical-source model ly the thickness from logs, cores, or images), lated from the individual-layer properties.
matches the numerically modeled transients then the other (permeability anisotropy) Assuming that the result of a wireline-for-
with errors no greater than 13% when the can be estimated from the analysis. mation-test analysis is a description of
appropriate skin factor is used. spherical permeability for each layer, the
Field Example 1. Fig. 2 shows the meas- Dual Snorkel. In this study, a simplified additional information required to calculate
ured pressure and rate response recorded approach appears to yield adequate results. the average permeability thickness is the
during a wireline formation test. The figure The source probe is considered a spherical permeability anisotropy and the thickness
also includes a match of the spherical- source, and the observation probe measures of each layer. Permeability anisotropy may
source model to the data using the input the pressure at some distance above or be obtained from a wireline-formation-test
data and match parameters. The FRA yields below the producing-source probe. To vali- analysis, but the thickness of each layer is
a higher mobility than that derived from date the model, the response of the obser- obtained from other sources (usually logs,
transient analysis, which also predicts a vation probe, under different anisotropy but at the smaller scale, images may be use-
lower-than-expected skin because of perme- conditions, was compared with that of a ful). It also must be assumed that the spher-
ability anisotropy. Normally, FRA mobility previously published prediction using the ical permeability derived from the forma-
approximates spherical mobility, but it is same set of data. The comparison graph tion-test analysis relates to a single layer and
affected by anisotropy. The transient analy- showed good agreement between the two. is not influenced by adjacent layers.
sis should always predict spherical mobility Otherwise (for example, when the probe is
regardless of anisotropy, although the skin Straddle Packer. The model used to close to a layer boundary), FRA may pro-
will change accordingly. describe the pressure-transient response of a vide a better esimate of permeability.
In this example, the calculated radius of wireline formation test using inflatable Permeability anisotropy may be derived
investigation (120 cm), based on the entire straddle packers is identical to that for a par- from resistivity logs as well as from cores.
shut-in period (204 seconds), is probably tially completed well. In ideal conditions, Having estimated permeability thickness,
realistic. However, in higher permeabilities, such a test can quantify horizontal and ver- the prediction of well productivity can be cal-
the pressure-gauge resolution limit will be tical permeability. culated. For example, the simplest expres-
reached much earlier, after which no mean- Field Example 3: Straddle-Packer Pump- sion for the productivity index assumes pseu-
ingful transients are recorded and the ing Test. The derivative response showed a dosteady-state flow to a fully completed ver-
radius of investigation is reduced. In the negative half slope indicative of spherical tical well in a circular drainage area.
absence of measurable pressure transients, flow. However, radial flow had not devel-
the FRA method becomes the only means oped, and, therefore, the estimate of hori- Conclusions
to estimate mobility. zontal permeability thickness represents a In lower-permeability reservoirs (mobilities
Field Example 2: Application to Thin minimum value because any higher value less than 100 md/cp), the quality of data
Beds. This example includes a repeat test to could result in an equally good match. recorded by wireline-formation-test tools is
validate pressures recorded during the ini- Because the rates are much higher during suitable for pressure-transient interpreta-
tial test and demonstrates the high quality pumping with straddle packers, the transient tion. In higher-permeability reservoirs, the
and repeatability of data that can be response is much better than that obtained resolution of the pressure gauge limits the
acquired during such tests. The inclusion of with a probe-type pressure test. Compared quality of the data, often precluding tran-
upper and lower boundaries to simulate with a well test, these rates are still quite low sient analysis. In this case, the FRA method
thin beds, which is suggested by the stabi- and, in high-permeability zones, gauge reso- provides the best estimate of mobility.
lization in the derivative response, necessi- lution will limit the quality of pressure tran- In general, pressure-transient analysis of
tates introducing permeability anisotropy sients. In open hole, there also is a time limit wireline formation tests provides estimates
into the model. The FRA and spherical on how long the straddle packers can remain of spherical permeability. In thin beds of
mobilities are very similar, which suggests in place safely. This limit may reduce the known thickness or in cases in which an
that the formation permeability is isotropic. available pressure-transient data and could observation gauge is used to measure verti-
compromise the analysis. cal interference, the possibility to evaluate
permeability anisotropy also exists. Scaling
Scaling Up up the permeabilities derived from wireline
After several formation tests were formation tests to a prediction of the perfor-
conducted on a well in a potential mance of a fully completed well is possible
producing interval, the challenge was if several assumptions are made. In particu-
to scale up the interpreted permeabil- lar, the permeability anisotropy must be
ity values of each test to a single per- known or estimated. JPT
meability thickness for the entire
interval in an attempt to predict the For a limited time, the full-length paper
well’s production performance. This is available free to SPE members at
process could be done only with www.spe.org/jpt. The paper has not
Fig. 2—Single-snorkel formation test.
information from other sources (e.g., been peer reviewed.
logs, cores, and images). First, it is
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wells showed no specific pattern. The key range was used in which the
point is that very few curve characteristics influence of the boundaries was
suggest that the wells are responding to a negligibly small.
nonhomogeneous reservoir. In fact, each To understand the results, it is
response may be readily matched to the line- useful to review the conse-
source solution. quences of using a coarse-scale
model. Those involved in scaleup
Aggregation and Scaleup. An appropriate are primarily concerned with two
model must be selected to analyze pressure issues: ensuring that the pres-
tests. Often, a very-low resolution in the sure/flow relationship is main-
vertical scale and work with single-layer tained at the fine- and coarse-
models is accepted. Because pressure scale levels and ensuring that
responses were considered at a fine scale, it breakthrough characteristics of
is possible to illustrate the consequences of all reservoir fluids are preserved
using a low-resolution model. In practice, at both scales. Because single-
any fine-scale model developed with geo- phase flow is considered, only the
logical and geophysical techniques must be first criterion is of immediate
coarsened to facilitate computations. The interest. The principal conse- Fig. 3—Influence of aggregation on the
authors used flow-based techniques. quence of aggregation is that the response at observation Well 2.
Fig. 3 shows the influence of aggregation interconnectedness within the
in the vertical scale at Well 2. The top curve reservoir is modified. If observations are tical variance is introduced (e.g., fractal
is the fine-scale response, and the other restricted to the consequences of aggregation models), the geological issues underlying
curves are responses for the four coarse in the vertical direction, then the degree of the use of such models are rarely considered.
models. The 5- and 17-layer responses interconnectedness in the horizontal direc- For example, it may be worthwhile to
assume uniform aggregation; in the other tions is increased and that in the vertical explore whether fractal behavior implies a
two models, the aggregation is nonuniform direction is reduced. Because the arrival of hierarchy of scales. The authors’ experience
and formed on the basis of velocity profiles. pressure fronts is dictated by local values of with systems of complex geology suggests
As the system is coarsened, the responses porosity and permeability, the local values of that it is no longer enough to infer estimates
deviate from the fine-scale response. The permeability must be reduced, assuming of permeability or porosity, and it is essential
magnitude of deviation from the fine-scale that the geological description is accurate. to discern factors that influence these esti-
response for a specific system depends on The scaleup process, by definition, pre- mates. The issue of the interconnectedness
the distance between the pulsing and serves pore volume. However, any change to of the reservoir or the interconnectedness of
responding wells. The degree of coarsening porosity affects the value of the resource sig- a network of wells to the reservoir must be a
of the porosity cube to analyze tests will nificantly. One measure of the appropriate- matter of concern in well testing.
affect the results of the analysis. In systems ness of the coarse model to analyze pressure
with complex geology, many layers are tests is that changes in porosity be negligibly Conclusions
needed. In this case, as many as 30 layers are small. Therefore, the degree of coarsening is A significantly large number of layers will be
required to preserve the internal intercon- of concern, and consideration of this aspect required to adequately evaluate spatial and
nectedness of the reservoir. Therefore, the requires considerable care. This observation petrophysical relationships by interference
permitted degree of coarsening appears to also applies to situations in which a distance or pulse tests in reservoirs with complex
be much less than that which is possible in variable must be estimated, such as the dis- geology. Aggregation and scaleup schemes
conventional-model studies. Simply using tance to a fault or the width of a channel. to evaluate pressure tests in complex reser-
scaleup criteria, based on steady-state pro- It is possible to evaluate properties with- voirs need to ensure that the connectivity
cedures, may be inadequate to capture out including porosity as a regression vari- within the reservoir is not compromised. A
responses of interest in transient behavior. able. If this option were pursued, adjust- scale that requires minimal adjustments to
ments to vertical permeability would be sig- porosity provides for an appropriate meas-
Low-Resolution Models. It is possible to nificant—reductions of approximately three ure to test the adequacy of a coarse-scale
use the results in a slightly different way. It orders of magnitude are needed. Fluid flow model. A strategy to evaluate pressure
may be assumed that the fine-scale results in such a model would be very different, responses with 3D geological models in
are the “truth” case and evaluate the conse- and differences in breakthrough times reservoirs with high permeability contrasts
quences of working at low resolution. A five- should be significant. This result points to and highly complex paths was proposed.
layer model was used, and its properties the need to choose the level of aggregation Models that use a very low resolution in the
were adjusted to match those of the porosity carefully because it modifies the geological vertical scale to match interference-test
cube. In this exercise, responses at all wells setting significantly. responses would, in all probability, result in
were analyzed simultaneously by standard a significant underestimate of formation
inversion techniques. It was observed in this Discussion flow capacity and storativity. JPT
case that it is best to adjust the permeability It is claimed that well testing plays a central
(in the three directions) and the porosity in role in reservoir-description methods. For a limited time, the full-length paper
each cell by multiplying them by a constant However, the assumption of homogeneity, is available free to SPE members at
value during the inversion process. The con- which implies a particular scale, is invariably www.spe.org/jpt. The paper has not
stant for each variable to be adjusted, of invoked in most analyses. Even in situations been peer reviewed.
course, is different. For simplicity, a time in which some complexity in terms of statis-
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obtained, provided the pseudopressure sure of 9,100 psi was used, 104 psi greater from the Santa Barbara full-field-simulation
function has been estimated accurately. than the dewpoint pressure. The simula- model and were scaled manually using the
The skin factor estimated by the two- tion consisted of reproducing a well test in same endpoints as those established in the
phase analog would have an error of up to which the well was flowed for a consider- Santa Barbara input data file.
two units (i.e., the maximum error in the able period of time (drawdown), then The scaling process was used to be cer-
calculated skin value will be −2). This closed for 4 days for a pressure-restoration tain that the relative permeability curves
overcorrection will depend on the real period (buildup). used in the well model to generate the
mechanical-skin value. Simulations varying pseudopressure function were the same set
the mechanical skin from negative values PVT Modeling. Original compositions of relative permeability curves used in the
(wells with fractures) to positive values from two different condensate reservoirs simulation model. Six additional relative
(wells with formation damage) were per- were used as the condensate mixture. permeability curves were used to investi-
formed. A correlation between the skin val- These compositions made it possible to gate the effect on the extent of the conden-
ues obtained from the two-phase pseudo- incorporate all the features associated with sate bank formed near the wellbore region
pressure analysis and the mechanical skin the phase behavior relevant to the problem in a condensate reservoir after the bottom-
was derived. (well productivity, deliverability, prediction, hole flowing pressure decreased to less than
The skin factor estimated with the single- and well-test analysis). the dewpoint pressure.
phase analog may contain contributions
from the mechanical skin as well as the liq- Relative Permeability Model. A key para- Conclusions
uid-dropout effects. Therefore, taking the meter in determining well-deliverability A 1D radial compositional-simulation
difference between the two estimates and loss is the relative permeability. Therefore, model was used to simulate a gas/conden-
applying the skin correction yields a very it is very important that the experiments sate well-test response under multiphase
close approximation of the skin value used to measure relative permeability data conditions. A range of sensitivity studies
caused by the liquid-dropout effect. This consider the process that occurs in these illustrated the most important features
procedure can help discriminate between reservoirs. Conventional gas/oil drainage occurring in a gas/condensate reservoir
mechanical skin and liquid-dropout skin relative permeability data are derived from under depletion conditions. Thereafter, a
and enable correct decisions regarding steady-state- or unsteady-state-flow labora- method using steady-state two-phase
required remedial well treatments (e.g., tory experiments usually conducted to pseudopressure function was established to
stimulations or hydraulic fractures) neces- measure gas relative permeability in the obtain the most realistic results from a
sary to optimize well production. presence of oil or condensate. The typical gas/condensate well-test analysis. This
drainage relative permeability data do not method assumed that the available relative
Compositional Simulation apply to this situation. permeability and fluid-property data were
Compositional simulation is required to Condensate and gas relative permeability correct. The full-length paper details the
model reservoir production processes, such will increase with increasing velocity when following findings.
as depletion of volatile-oil and gas/conden- measuring relative permeability using con- • If a condensate bank formed in the
sate reservoirs, miscible flooding, and gas densing fluids in long cores. This phenom- near-wellbore area when the bottomhole
cycling. Such simulation models assume enon is called the “positive-coupling pressure was less than the dewpoint pres-
that reservoir-fluid properties depend on effect.” These results point out the need to sure, a radial composite model was
the reservoir temperature and pressure as use an appropriate experimental technique observed in the pressure derivative when
well as on the changing composition of the in which the phase distributions represent using single-phase pseudopressure analysis.
reservoir fluid during production. those in gas/condensate reservoirs. • If the reservoir pressure was greater
In gas/condensate reservoirs, the effect In the reservoir, gravity and capillary than the dewpoint pressure, then formation
of relative permeability changes and non- forces are the main controls of the conden- transmissibility, reservoir pressure, and
Darcy flow vary significantly across rela- sate mobility. However, close to the well, total skin factor can be estimated accurate-
tively short distances. Also, complex the viscous and capillary forces dominate ly by use of a single-phase pseudopressure
phase-behavior effects, such as condensa- flow. Within this regime, relative perme- analog.
tion and revaporization in the near-well- ability is affected most by fluid velocity, • The length of the condensate bank esti-
bore region, require the use of a properly which is contrary to the conventional non- mated with this single-phase analysis was
tuned EOS. Hence, accurate simulation of Darcy flow in which the permeability shown to equal a length corresponding to
near-wellbore phenomena requires the use decreases with increasing velocity in iner- an averaged oil-saturation value and not
of compositional-simulation models with a tial flow. Core tests were modeled in the equal to the total extension of length of the
very fine grid definition near the produc- near-wellbore flow regime by rotating the condensate bank.
tion well. core to minimize gravitational forces. • The two-phase pseudopressure func-
This study assumed the reservoir to be a In this study, a compositional-simulation tion, which incorporated the influence of
homogeneous porous medium of uniform model was used to evaluate the effect of changes in relative permeability and fluid
thickness in which gravity and capillary fluid velocity on the well-productivity loss properties, could be used to estimate both
pressure effects are negligible. Therefore, and condensate-banking extension on the absolute permeability and mechanical-
the porosity and permeability data for each basis of the correlation between relative skin factor. The latter has an error of
gridblock are assumed to be the same, with permeability and the capillary number. The −2 units.
values of 8.5% and 50 md, respectively. imbibition relative permeability curves • A correlation was derived to estimate
The original pressure of the Santa from a Santa Barbara condensate reservoir the mechanical-skin effect from the
Barbara reservoir was 11,900 psi. However, were used as a base case to perform all the pseudopressure-skin value for the cases in
to save computational time, an initial pres- sensitivity cases. These curves were taken which the mechanical skin was not zero.
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