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These is a program abaut the COVID- naigting pandemic of twenty twenty. Twenty twenty was

This is a program about the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. 2020 was

Onlaik any other yer. A new coronavairus named SORS- COVID two spred
unlike any other year. A new coronavirus named SARS-COV-2 spread
truo tho whole werld. It let to the disis COVID- naigting. End it cheinch
through the whole world. It led to the disease COVID-19. And it changed
everiguans laivs. Countris shat dawn. Pipol had to make beg chenlles
everyone’s lives. Countries shut down. People had to make big changes
to tho way they workt, shapt and had releishonships. When the
to the way they worked, shopped, and had relationships. When the
pendemic bigen, this chenlles seemt streinch. Bat suun the
pandemic began, these changes seemed strange. But soon, the
restrecshions seemt normal. Tudays spotlaigt is an the coronavairus
restrictions seemed normal. Today’s Spotlight is on the coronavirus
pandemict. It is abaut haw that ferst yer falt. We tall storis from diferent
pandemic. It is about how that first year felt. We tell stories from different
pipol araund de wərld. We lok at ter expiriences douring the first
people around the world. We look at their experiences during the first
yer of the COVID- naigting pandemic.
year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meny pipols ferst expiriens was not with the vairus itself. They ferst
Many people’s first experience was not with the virus itself. They first
Expirienst meshors disaing to privent the vairosis sprent. Shiian
experienced measures designed to prevent the virus’ spread. Xiang
Chauo is o risirchi from Oustria Bat he is orillinally from Chaina.
Zhao is a researcher from Austria. But he is originally from China. He
Femely COVID- naigting bigen to spred. Chauo wrout
was visiting his family when COVID-19 began to spread. Zhao wrote
abaut expirieneces jurnal helf comiuniceishon He wrout
about his experiences in the journal Health Communication. He wrote,

Voice 3
sevərəl apartments wit infecshons were blokt THik medl bar
“Several apartments with infections were blocked by a thick metal bar
Dor. əˈtem(p)t vairus spreding
on the door. This was an attempt to stop the virus from spreading. One
ai wokt an a brich Ai soo the new moll Ai hed
night, I walked on a big bridge. I saw the new shopping mall I had not
visited Ai so ai hed nodols yer. Ai so
visited yet. I saw the restaurant where I had rice noodles last year. I saw
Ai globf modol chaild. Oll Of this
the shop where I got a globe model when I was a child. All of these
memoris rash het biurifult bat empty naigt viu
memories rushed into my head with the beautiful, but empty night view.
Sens of aisoleishon qem over mi. extrimly alon
A strong sense of isolation came over me. I felt extremely alone. I have
Priviuos expiriens sanch en out breik hai scol
no previous experience with such an outbreak. I was only a high school
studet hapent laiv mach
student when SARS happened. It did not affect my life very much.”

Voice 1
Lonleliness e coment expiriens penˈdemik. Meny pipol
Loneliness was a common experience with the pandemic. Many people
Olso expiriens haw teribol Lonleliness cult jun livs
also experienced how terrible the loneliness could be. June Perry lives
yunairet steis lift medicol
in the United States. Her father lived in a nursing home, where medical
profeshionals weld COVID- naigting espashially
professionals would take care of him. COVID-19 was especially
denllerus cat
dangerous for older people. Someone in this nursing home caught
COVID- naigting dises
COVID-19. The disease spread like a fire in a dry forest. And June was
Eibol en pi ar
not able to see her father. She told NPR:

Voice 4
soo truu
“We saw my father through the window. It was very, very sad. He had
Sains dimenshia
signs of dementia before he went to the nursing home. He did not know
that people were dying around him. He did not know that three people
dayd coved dayd
near him had died of COVID. Six months after lockdown, he died alone,
with nobody beside him.”

Voice 1
Thi aisoleishon afectid oll pipol greit ly
The isolation affected all people greatly. Most did not go out to work.
Frends femely
They did not see their friends or family. It was like everything in the world
Stopt sayentist stadid
had stopped. Several Italian scientists studied this feeling for the journal
frontirs saicololly tri thousand stiudents
Frontiers in Psychology. They asked almost 3,000 students about their
Expiriences sixtin sayentist
experiences. One, a 16-year-old, told the scientists:

Voice 5
Nowing quenot econplish
“It is bad to wake up in the morning knowing that you cannot accomplish
Laif quenot
anything with your life. You cannot do anything. I look out the window,
oll diserted sauns bases
and it is all deserted. There are no more sounds of cars, buses, or people
thoking cheinch bing
talking. It is like a changed world, like being in prison for something that
you did not do. All I can do is wait and stay at home.”

Voice 1
Cout COVID- naigting
When people caught COVID-19, they were not just afraid for
themselves. Being infected meant people close to them could also be
coronavairus nuu vairus sayentist
infected. This Coronavirus was a very new virus. Scientists did not know
very much about it. People did not know how it would affect their loved
enllela brengacho
ones. Angela Brangaccio had just given birth. Then doctors told her she
COVID- naigting
was positive for COVID-19. She was afraid for herself, but she was also
en pi ar
afraid for her child. She told to NPR,

Voice 6
Oll ai niu beibi skerd
“All I knew was that I had this three-month-old baby. I was so scared of
anything happening to her. I felt so sick. I could not think how this virus
bady pein teht
would feel in a three-month-old body. The pain that you feel when you
kəˈnät disaided
are sick: If my baby feels like this, I cannot go on. In the end, I decided
I would move into a different room. I did not spend much time with my
baby. I could not kiss her. I kept my mask on all the time. It was so hard.
Fortyng laift
I am not joking when I say it was the worst 14 days of my life.”

Voice 1
Thi twenty twenty semm covi two
By the end of 2020, there seemed to be some hope. SARS-COV 2 had
Destroy laivs vac sins
destroyed many lives. But countries were also developing vaccines for
vairus ˈsirēəs lē
the virus. The vaccines would protect most people from getting seriously
seck onfacted sayentist ivin bilif maigt olso
sick if they were infected. Scientists even believed that they might also
twenty twenty one vaccineired
prevent infection. By early 2021, some countries had vaccinated some
of their population.
Meny pleices COVID- naigting queises bigen to foll.
In many places COVID-19 cases began to fall. But there was still a lot
Vac sins
to do to beat COVID. Many people still could not get the vaccines. But
bigen maigt laif beyan lokdawn
people began to think that there might be a life beyond the lockdown.
Bigen imallin fiutur
They began to imagine a future where everyone could be safe again.
COVID- naigting
How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect you? Do you remember when
COVID- naigting expiriens
you first heard of COVID-19? What was your experience like? Tell us
imeil contact at spot laigtinglish dad com
your story. You can email us at [email protected]. You can
olso faind us yutub feisbok tuider
also find us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
The writer of this program was Dan Christmann. The producer was Liz
yunairet steis Oll
Waid. The voices you heard were from the United States. All quotes
were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen
agan end rid
to this program again, and read it, on the internet at
dabliu dabliu dabliu dat spolaig inglish dad com coll
www.spotlightenglish.com. This program is called, ‘Life and Loneliness
COVID- naigting
During COVID-19’.
Down lowd Ofishal edroyd apol
Visit our website to download our free official app for Android and Apple
devices. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program.

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