Clinico-Radiological Profile in Covid - 19 Patients
Clinico-Radiological Profile in Covid - 19 Patients
Clinico-Radiological Profile in Covid - 19 Patients
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The coronavirus-2 positive cases were paracetamol medication. Infection by the virus ranges from
enrolled retrospectively and specific data were collected asymptomatic to severe life-threatening course or eventually
on CT and imaging features. On admission, 45 patients death.
out of 50, were symptomatic and 5 were asymptomatic.
On admission, abnormalities in CT images were detected The severity of illness of COVID-19 patients varies
in 24 patients. The typical findings of chest CT images from asymptomatic, to mild, moderate, severe and critical.
were ground glass opacities with bilateral, multifocal, 1. Asymptomatic infection- Absence of clinical sign and
patchy peridermal lessions. Fever was the most common symptom of disease and normal chest x-ray or CT scan
complaint present in 74% patients. Based on COVID-19 associated with positive test for SARS-CoV-2.
severity illness grading, the patients were grouped as 2. Mild infection- Upper airway symptoms include fever,
asymptomatic, mild, moderate, severe or critical. fatigue, myalgia, cough, sore throat, sneezing, and
running nose. Some cases may not have fever and others
Keywords:- RT-PCR; CT Imaging; Classification. may show gastrointestinal (GIT) symptoms (e.g.,
nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea).
I. INTRODUCTION 3. Moderate infection- Clinical signs of pneumonia with
persistent fever, initially dry cough, which becomes
The coronavirus disease-2019 was first reported from productive, may have wheezing or crackles on
Wuhan, China. The rapid spread of the infection in different pulmonary auscultation but show no respiratory distress.
parts of the world resulted in an epidemic (1). World Health Some individual may not have any symptom or clinical
Organisation (WHO) declared the disease as an international sign but CT scan reveal typical pulmonary lesion.
public health emergency. The causal organism of the 4. Severe infection- Initial respiratory symptoms may be
disease is a corona virus named as severe acute respiratory associated with gastrointestinal complaints (GIS) such as
syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). The virus is now diarrhea. The clinical deterioration usually occurs in a
referred to as 2019-nCoV (2). week with development of dyspnea and hypoxemia
(blood oxygen saturation <94%).
Corona viruses belong to family Coronaviridae and are 5. Critical infection- There is fast deterioration of patients
grouped under the category of non-segmented positive sense leading to deterio to acute respiratory distress syndrome
RNA viruses (3). Although most human corona virus or respiratory failure. These may be present with shock,
infections are mild in nature but some viruses like Middle encephalopathy, myocardial injury or heart failure. In
East Respiratory Syndrome corona virus (MERS-CoV) are some critical pateints coagulopathy, acute kidney injury
considered virulent (4-9). The transmission of virus in and multiple organ dysfunction have also been observed.
human takes place either through droplets or contact with
fomites which is one of the major routes of the virus spread. The diagnostic criteria of COVID-19 is inclusive of
The virus causes mild infection in many patients but may history of exposure, clinical features and RT-PCR from
also cause serious illness leading to hospitalization and even specimens obtained by oro-pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal
death in elderly patients or those with comorbid conditions swab, assisted with work-up of ultrasound (US), digital
(10). Chest X-Ray (CXR) and (CT).
In India, the first COVID-19 positive patient was
diagnosed in Kerala on January 30, 2020. In Haryana, the II. METHODS
first COVID-19 positive case was diagnosed in on March 4,
2020 and subsequently the first positive case in Gurugram Present study was conducted on the patients admitted
was reported on March 16, 2020 (11). in the SGT Medical College, Hospital and Research
Institute, Gurugram, Haryana. It is a retrospective
The clinical symptoms of COVID-19 disease begins observational case series of demographic features and clinic
from mild to moderate fever, dry cough associated with radiological manifestations in patients suffering from
shortness of breath, sore throat, anosmia and loss of taste COVID-19. A total of 50 COVID-19 positive patients were
sensation with generalized weakness, later involvement of admitted in the hospital between May 2020 to September
gastrointestinal symptoms were reported in few positive 2020 during the outbreak of COVID-19 disease.
cases which included acute abdominal pain, nausea,
vomiting and diarrhea (12-14). Depending on the exposure Upon arrival, the suspected patients were isolated and
to viral load and immunity of individual, the symptoms admitted in isolation ward. The isolation facility was
varies from mild fever with malaise to breathlessness with established according to the standardized checklist
chest pain, high grade fever which is refractory to published by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Asymptomatic Symptomatic
05 45
Health Care Workers Non-Health Care Workers SHOWING BILATERAL LUNG OPACITIES
04 46
Subsequent Symptoms:
Symptoms Male Female
Fever 27 (54%) 10 (20%)
Cough 15 (30%) 04 (8%)
Sore throat 05 (10%) 02 (4%)
Shortness of breath 11 (22%) 05 (10%)
Generalized 03 (6%) 03 (6%)
Loose stools 01 (2%) 01 (2%)
Co morbid Illness:
Male Female
Diabetes 03 (6%) 02 (4%)
Hypertension 01 (2%) 01 (2%)
Male Female
0 0
Types of Lung opacities on Chest CT: Figure. 2. A. Areas of consolidation in right lung field. B.
Lung opacity Number of patients (%) Diffuse ground glass opacities in bilateral lower lobes. C.
Multifocal ground glass opacities in bilateral lower lobes in
Ground glass opacity 20 (40%)
peripheral and subpleural region. D. Diffuse areas of ground
Pure consolidation 2 (4%) glass opacities in bilateral lower lobes in peripheral region.
Mixed pattern 2 (4%) E. Diffuse area of ground glass opacities in bilateral lung