Ichca: Safe Working With Pallets
Ichca: Safe Working With Pallets
Ichca: Safe Working With Pallets
International Limited
ICHCA International has a ten person Board, two National Sections and two Regional
Chapters in various countries, together with an International Registered Office in the U.K.
The office’s primary role is to co-ordinate the activities of the organisation. It has an
International Safety Panel, an International Research and Education Panel, an International
Security Panel and an Environmental Sub Group. The Registered Office maintains a unique
and comprehensive database of cargo handling information, publishes bi-monthly electronic
newsletters, an annual hard copy report and operates a dedicated technical enquiry service,
which is available to members. It also organises a biennial Conference.
Studies are undertaken and reports are periodically issued on a wide range of subjects of
interest and concern to members and their industry.
The International Safety Panel Briefing Pamphlet series consists of the following pamphlets:
No. 1 International Labour Office (ILO) Convention No. 152 Occupational Safety and
Health in Dockwork (revised)
No. 2 Ships Lifting Plant (revised)
No. 3 The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code (revised))
No. 4 Classification Societies (Revised)
No. 5 Container Terminal Safety
No. 6 Guidance on the Preparation of Emergency Plans (revised)
No. 7 Safe Cleaning of Freight Containers (revised)
No. 8 Safe Working on Container Ships
No. 9 Safe Use of Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBCs) (revised)
No. 10 Safe Working at Ro-Ro Terminals
No. 11 The International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC) (under revision)
No. 12 Safety Audit System for Ports
No. 13 The Loading and Unloading of Solid Bulk Cargoes (under revision)
No. 14 The Role of the Independent Marine Surveyor in Assisting Claims Handling
No. 15 Substance Abuse
No. 16 Safe Use of Textile Slings
No. 17 Shore Ramps and Walkways (under revision)
No. 18 Port State Control
No. 19 Safe Handling of Interlocked Flats (under revision)
No. 20 Unseen Dangers in Containers
No. 21 Stow it right
No. 22 Suspension Trauma
No. 23 The Safe Handling of Forest Products
No. 24 Safe use of Road Vehicle Twistlocks
No. 25 An Illustrated Guide to Container Type and Size Codes
No. 26 The Safe Handling of Dangerous Bulk Liquids and Gases at the Ship/Shore
The International Safety Panel Research Paper series consists of the following research
General Series
This publication is one of a series developed by the International Safety Panel ("Safety
Panel") of ICHCA International Limited ("ICHCA"). The series is designed to inform those
involved in the cargo-handling field of various practical health and safety issues. ICHCA aims
to encourage port safety, the reduction of accidents in port work and the protection of port
workers' health.
ICHCA prepares its publications according to the information available at the time of
publication. This publication does not constitute professional advice nor is it an exhaustive
summary of the information available on the subject matter to which the
publication refers. The publication should always be read in conjunction with the
relevant national and international legislation and any applicable regulations, standards and
codes of practice. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information but neither
ICHCA nor any member of the Safety Panel is responsible for any loss, damage, costs or
expenses incurred (whether or not in negligence) arising from reliance on or interpretation of
the publication.
The comments set out in this publication are not necessarily the views of ICHCA or any
member of the Safety Panel
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied without ICHCA's
prior written permission. For information, contact ICHCA's registered office.
The International Safety Panel is composed of safety and training officers and directors,
transport consultants, representatives from leading safety and training organisations,
enforcement agencies, trade unions, insurance interests, institutions and leading authorities on
the subject area from around the world.
Mike Compton (Chairman), Circlechief AP, UK
John Alexander, UK
Meir Amar, Port of Ashdod, ISRAEL
Martin Anderson, DP World. DUBAI
Paul Auston, Checkmate UK Limited, UK
David Avery, Firefly Limited, UK
Peter Bamford, CANADA
Jan Boermans, DP World, THE NETHERLANDS
Mike Bohlman, Horizon Lines, USA (Deputy Chairman)
Roy Boneham, UK
Darryl Braganza, Mundra Port, INDIA
Bill Brassington, UK
Jim Chubb, BMT Marine & Offshore Surveys Ltd (incorporating BMT Murray Fenton Limited)
Gary Danback, IICL, USA
Rob Dieda, SSA, USA
Trevor Dixon, WNTI, UK
Steve Durham, Trinity House, UK
Patricia Esquival, OPCSA, SPAIN
Margaret Fitzgerald, IRELAND
Pamela Fry, DP World, CANADA
Fabian Guerra, Fabian Guerra Associates, EQUADOR
Harri Halme, Min. of Social Affairs & Health, Dept for Occupational Health & Safety, FINLAND
Laurence Jones, TT Club, UK
Peter van der Kluit, THE NETHERLANDS
Larry Liberatore, OSHA, USA
Catherine Linley, IMO, UK
Shimon Lior, Israel Ports, Development and Assets, ISRAEL
Richard Marks, Royal Haskoning, UK
Joachim Meifort, Hamburger Hafen-u Lagerhaus A-G, GERMANY
Marios Meletiou, ILO, SWITZERLAND
John Miller, Mersey Docks & Harbour Company, UK
Al le Monnier, ILWU, CANADA
Greg Murphy, Patrick Stevedoring. AUSTRALIA
Pedro J. Roman Nunez, Puertos del Estado, SPAIN
John Nicholls, UK
Nic Paines, Gordon, Giles & Coy Ltd, UK
Irfan Rahim, IMO, UK
Risto Repo, Accident Investigation Bureau of Finland, FINLAND
Pierre-Yves Reynaud, Port of Le Havre, FRANCE
Raymond van Rooyan, SAPO, SOUTH AFRICA
Ron Signorino, The Blueoceana Company, Inc., USA
Tom Sims, UK
Capt. Jim McNamara, National Cargo Bureau, Inc., USA
Charles Visconti, International Cargo Gear Bureau, Inc., USA
Richard Day, Transport Canada, CANADA
Samuel Ng, Maritime Department, HONG KONG
The above lists those persons who were members of the Panel when the pamphlet was
published. However, membership does change and a list of current members can always be
obtained from the ICHCA International Secretariat.
This publication reproduces, with permission from the International Labour Office,
Geneva, extracts from ILO Convention No. 152 (1979) and Safety and health in ports. ILO
code of practice (2005). Copyright © 1979 and 2005 International Labour Organization.
The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance provided on site by CERES Corporation
Operations Manager T. Genest of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; the Health and
Safety Executive of Sheffield, UK; Bongarde Holdings Inc. of Penticton, British Columbia,
Canada; and the many people who have responded with their concerns, thoughts and advice
to assist in the effort of compiling this briefing paper.
Contents Page
1. Introduction 1
2. Types of Pallet 2
6. Recommendations 5
ISBN: 978-85330-1-008-0
First published: August 2008
“They are stacked in a corner and not used except as a last resort when there are no good
ones left. Too many times we hear that a pallet has broken and the freight has fallen to the
floor. This not only causes freight damage but can also result in equipment damage--or worse
yet, in employee injury or death.”
1.1 Webster’s dictionary defines a pallet as a "support for freight." The introduction of pallet
use for the shipment of cargoes has predominately been a widely used practice for
many years throughout the world shipping communities. As a “support for freight”, it has
the potential to take a lot of abuse hence old and/or damaged pallets are often not
discarded when they should be, thereby creating the potential for accidental injury and
untoward incidents leading to damage and loss.
1.2 A pallet is “a horizontal platform of minimum height compatible with handling by pallet
trucks, and/or fork-lift trucks and other appropriate handling equipment, used as a base
for assembling, storing, handling and transporting goods and loads”; as defined in BS
6637/ISO 445.
Note: BS (British Standards) 6637 is a “Glossary of Terminology for Pallets for Materials
Handling” and as such is currently a “Withdrawn Standard” per 1985. Further, ISO/R
445:1965 the “Vocabulary of Terms relating to Pallets” was withdrawn December 01,
1984. Hence the above definition, although appropriate for the intent of this guideline,
was referenced from Standards currently in “Withdrawn” status with both the British
Standards and the International Organization for Standardization.
1.3 When it comes to cargo shipment via the use of pallets, many cargo handling manuals
offer little in the way pallet use can be safely accomplished. This holds particularly true
with respect to stevedoring operations at port facilities throughout the world. Quite often
the material handling device known as the pallet does not undergo a pre-use inspection,
handling and maintenance routine as should be listed in any Occupational Health and
Safety Standard for the Industry, thereby placing stevedore personnel and crew at risk.
It has been noted that these risks stem from a variety of causes such as; poor pallet
design and construction, unsuitable use, improper handling, using a previously
damaged pallet or use in an unsuitable environment or for an unsuitable commodity of
which the particular pallet was not designed. This pamphlet is intended to fill that gap.
2.1 ILO’s Convention 152 is concerned with dockworking and one of the lifting terms it uses
is “lifting device forming part of the load”. A load in this context is the load to be lifted
and, therefore, this includes the pallet placed underneath the cargo.
2.1.1 Such lifting devices must be of good design and construction, of adequate strength for
the purpose for which it is used, maintained in good repair and working order.
Furthermore, it should be used in a safe and proper manner and, in particular, shall not
be loaded beyond its safe working load or loads (except for testing purposes as
specified and under the direction of a competent person.
2.1.2 In a further Article, the Convention states that pallets and similar devices for supporting
loads shall be of sound construction, of adequate strength and free from patent defects
liable to affect their safe use.
2.1.3 The Convention is supplemented by a Code of Practice and that recommends that
decks should be at least 35mm thick with the space between the decks being sufficient
to allow easy access for forks or arms of other pallet lifting devices. It also gives
information on types of equipment used for lifting pallets, inspection criteria and use
advice and all of that is incorporated in this pamphlet.
2.1.4 ILO Conventions are ratified by governments and given legal force by national
legislation (see BP#1 for further information on the ILO Convention).
3.1 There are many types of pallets in use today within the shipping industry sector. The
standard wooden pallet is most common yet it is produced in a variety of sizes
(European vs. UK Standard for example) and some wooden pallets are designed for
specific cargoes.
Figure 1 Figure 2
3.2 A variation sometimes found in ports are wing pallets. They should be at least 100mm
deep and are designed to be used with pallet bars
Figure 3
3.3 Thirdly there is the pallet type used for the handling of baggage and supplies in cruise
vessel operations which are generally of a metal construction and designed for the
specific ergonomics of baggage handling and ship supply transfer tasks.
Figure 4 Figure 5
3.4 Finally, one of the more common types of pallets is made of polycarbonate or plastic
construction. These are used primarily to handle cargoes of corrosive chemicals for
example, or where wood pallets in international shipment service may require
fumigation. It should be noted that most plastic pallets have slippery surfaces and extra
effort may be required to secure the goods on the pallet for transport and/or racking or
storing of the loaded pallet. The plastic pallet handling by fork-lift truck also warrants
special attention as they are extremely slippery and could be unstable on the tines of the
Figure 6 Figure 7
3.1 Current Standards and best practices determine that all pallets, regardless of type,
should be inspected prior to each use ensuring they are in a safe condition.
3.2 Wooden/Timber
Wooden/timber pallets should be inspected before each use for broken, splintered or
missing members. Inspection should include ensuring the base is fastened at each end
with two or more nails, the boards are of sound material and construction and of equal
thickness with nails not pulled through and not projecting from the deck boards, the
boards are not split or loose and do not have extensive bark or knot inclusions, blocks
are not damaged, the surface nails are not projecting and the pallet is clean and not
contaminated by corrosive or flammable substances.
3.3 Metal
The metal pallets are more expensive, but last far longer and do not present a fire
hazard in use or storage. Metal pallets should be inspected for broken components,
extreme bends in the structural members, missing or unsecured parts and components,
corrosion and weld cracking, permanent deformation, and free from distortion caused by
mishandling or use.
3.4 Polycarbonate/Plastic
Any lack of structural integrity should be cause for rejection and the pallet should not be
used. Damaged pallets should be taken out of service and either repaired or destroyed.
All repairs should be the responsibility of the manufacturer or by the manufacturer’s
guidelines and repair procedures. In some cases depending on type of pallet, broken
pallets can be recycled into mulch by use of a bowl shredder or similar device. One
should recognize that the recycling of broken pieces as an environmental best practice
should be incorporated wherever possible.
4.1 Pallets should be suitable for the intended load and method of handling. Accidents can
occur if pallets are taken from a random selection of used pallets of unknown
specification. Most pallets are designed to lift a uniformly distributed load. Unless the
pallet has been specifically designed for point loading, the load should be distributed as
uniformly as possible.
4.3 Strapping which is securing loads to pallets should not be over-tensioned. Deck boards
can pull away from the bearers if the straps are tensioned too excessively or the load is
too small. Top boards should be used with small loads.
4.4 If pallets are to be stowed in the hold of a ship, it may be desirable for the load on a
pallet to extend a short distance beyond the edges of the pallet, as this will allow them to
be stowed compactly together, with little or no need for dunnage or inflatable cushions
to block the stow.
4.5 The height of the load on the pallet should generally not exceed the longest base
dimension of the pallet.
4.7 Dangerous goods should be stacked on a pallet with their hazard warning labels clearly
visible. Shrink wrapping should not be allowed to obscure such warning labels.
4.8 Palletised loads that are to be transported in the same condition throughout the
transport chain should be conspicuously marked with the gross combined weight of load
and pallet.
5.1 Empty pallets should be handled with care not to cause injury to personnel and to
ensure that damage will not occur due to rough handling and/or placement for storage
(see figure 8).
Figure 8
5.2.1 The safest way of lifting pallets is with pallet forks having a sliding centre of gravity. The
tines of the forks should extend at least 75 per cent of the way under the pallet and be
so spaced as to ensure that maximum support is given to the pallet when it is lifted..
These forks can be fitted with nets to prevent items falling from the pallet while in the air.
5.2.2 Other equipment includes spring-loaded pallet hoists which resemble a set of fork lift
tines hung from the crane hook. The spring-loading enables the centre of gravity of the
appliance to adjust itself and keep the forks horizontal, whether loaded or light. They
can be adjusted for varying sizes of pallet.
5.2.3 Wing pallets have a pallet bar placed under each wing and attached to a four-legged
wire rope sling (see figure 3). When the pallet is lifted, two workers should stand by and
ensure that the bars stay under the wings.
5.2.4 If factory pallets are placed on stevedore or shipping pallets for handling, precautions
must be taken to ensure that they do not slip or slide when being lifted.
5.2.5 Pallets should never be lifted by slings passed between the boards, as it is likely that
one will slip to the centre and allow the set to fall over. If the centre of gravity is too high
in the set, a slight displacement of goods will allow the set to capsize.
5.2.6 When pallets are to be handled by an overhead lifting device, such as a gantry or crane,
they should only be lifted by suitable fork attachments, spreaders etc. depending on the
type of pallet to be lifted.
5.2.6 When pallets are to be moved using a fork-lift truck the mast should be vertical when
the fork tines are entering and leaving the pallet and the mast should not be tilted
backwards until the fork tines are completely engaged within the pallet. The fork tines
should be spaced allowing for maximum support to the pallet during the lift and
Figure 9
5.2.8 The small finger wheels of pallet trucks should not be allowed to damage base boards of
5.2.9 Pallets lifted by crane should only be lifted by suitable fork attachments or, in the case of
wing pallets, by bar springs with spreaders
5.2.10 Loaded pallets which on visual examination do not meet the requirements set out
above should be secured onto pallets in good condition before being further handled.
Alternatively, the load can be removed and placed on a satisfactory pallet.
When using a manual wheeled dolly or a sack barrow pallets should not be handled by
wedging the tine of the device between the top and bottom deck boards as damage will
Figure 10
5.4 Empty pallets should be handled with care and should not be dragged or thrown down.
They should not be handled by methods liable to damage or loosen them, such as the
insertion of the platform of a sack truck between the bearers.
5.5 Pallets should never be used with a fork lift truck as an improvised access platform.
5.6 Pallets that are not in use should be kept in appropriately designated places that are
protected from the weather.
Maintaining the pallets in good condition should avoid the use of a damaged or defective
pallet which can have serious consequences. For example, it can cause a
load to shift and fall, resulting in injury. It is an important and critical task to inspect the
pallets before use. When damage affecting the structural integrity of the pallet is
discovered, the pallet should not be used. Where repairs are possible these should be
carried out by the manufacturer or specialist and only under the specifications for repair
as stipulated by the manufacturer.
• Develop a pallet inspection program. Before using a pallet, inspect it for cracks,
weaknesses and other damage. If damage is found, mark it unsafe for use until it is
either fixed or thrown away. This can prevent a lot of potential problems.
• When loading or re-loading a pallet, make sure the load is centred and not out of
• If the pallet is holding several loose items, make sure the entire load is secured
with shrink wrap or banding.
• Exercise caution when stacking several pallets high. Make sure the stack is not
leaning, because of weak or broken segments, which may cause the whole pile to
fall over.
• Always know the load limit of the pallet jack or forklift being utilized. Neither the
pallets nor mechanical lifting devices should ever be overloaded.
• Never stand on, climb on or ride upon a pallet whilst being handled by a fork-lift
truck or pallet mover.
• Always keep hands clear of hinges, latches and other pinch points when handling
pallets with collapsible sides i.e. baggage pallets.
• Be careful when handling pallets that hands are not pinched between the pallet
and another object.
• When manually loading a pallet, place heaviest loads at the lowest and centre part
of the pallet.
• When moving a loaded pallet care must be taken at all times to prevent the pallet
or load from falling. Care must also be taken when lifting or placing a loaded pallet
to ensure that the pallet is clear of all other pallets or adjacent loads to prevent an
unplanned toppling of these other pallets or adjacent loads by catching or
Remember--thinking ahead can save a lot of trouble. It is a waste of production time and effort
to reload a pallet that has fallen. But, more importantly, an effective pallet/warehouse safety
plan can prevent injuries and save lives!