Facts About Dredging and Safety

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Facts About

Dredging & Safety

An Information Update from the IADC Number 2 2012
Is Safety during dredging operations

What is the role of the International

Maritime Organization?

Safety at sea applies to all vessels and personnel working in

the maritime sector. Safety also extends to the protection of
the marine environment, waterborne global trade and
consequently in all these aspects to the dredging industry.
Safety on dredging vessels and during dredging operations
embraces an overall approach towards ensuring the safety
and health of personnel, the safety of the ships and the
quality of the environment.
This attention to safety means that international
dredging contractors adhere to applicable maritime
regulations and participate in regular audits conducted by
trained company employees, as well as external audits by
certifying authorities throughout the world. Safety standards
are applied during every phase of a dredging project, paying
close attention to the safety of ships, crews and all other
personnel as well as marine life. Ships, operations and offices
must comply with the strictest of international standards
regarding Quality, Health, Safety and Environment
(QHSE), such as ISO 9001:2008 for the execution of quality
assurance; ISO 14001:2004 for the execution of
environmental protection; SCC and OHSAS 18001:2007
for the execution of occupational health and safety; ISM for
the execution of safety at sea and marine-environmental
protection; and ISPS for the execution of security on vessels.

In 1959 when the International Maritime Organization

(IMO) came into existence it immediately adopted a new
version of the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea (SOLAS). Thereafter the IMO developed and
adopted international collision regulations and global
standards for seafarers (COLREG), as well as international
conventions and codes relating to search and rescue,
the facilitation of international maritime traffic, load lines,
the carriage of dangerous goods and tonnage measurement.
Another convention under the IMO is MARPOL 73/78,
the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution
from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978.
(MARPOL 73/78 is an abbreviation for marine pollution
and 73/78 for the years 1973 and 1978.) MARPOL is the
main international convention covering prevention of
pollution of the marine environment by ships from routine
operations or accidental causes and has been updated by several
amendments over the course of time, most recently in 2005.

How did Safety Standards become

Since the maritime sector has always been an international
industry, it has always drawn cross-border attention. The
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
(SOLAS) is an international maritime safety treaty. The
SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally
regarded as the most important of all international treaties
concerning the safety of merchant ships. The first version of
the treaty was passed in 1914 in response to the sinking of
the RMS Titanic. It prescribed the numbers of lifeboats and
other emergency equipment along with safety procedures,
including continuous radio watches. Today, most nations
realise that the best way of improving safety is to develop
international regulations to which all seafaring nations agree.

What are some of the national and

international safety regulatory
The standards of quality, safety and environmental awareness
are often defined by the list of ISO/SCC/OHSAS/ISM and
ISPS certificates for which a company has been certified.
ISO codes originate from the International Organization for
Standards which provides a wide range of certification for
safety and quality. For instance, ISO 9001:2008 covers issues
such as the execution of Quality Assurance, Quality
Management Systems and Requirements. ISO 14001:2004
regulates the execution of Environmental Protection,
Environmental Management Systems and Requirements
with guidance for use.

What is the SCC?

SCC (Safety Checklist Contractors) is an organisation,
which created a Safety Checklist for Contractors and
verifies that companies and their employees have
implemented a safety management system. The SCC
certification process has similarities to the ISO 9000:2008

systems and audits. SCC also supports management systems

and audits, such as ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007.

What is the ISPS Code?

The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS)
Code is an amendment to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
Convention (1974/1988) on minimum security arrangements
for ships, ports and government agencies. It came into force
in 2004, and prescribes responsibilities to governments, shipping
companies, shipboard personnel, and port/facility personnel to
detect security threats and take preventative measures against
security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in
international trade covers the execution of security on vessels.

What is the role of the International

Organization for Standardization?
ISO standards are developed according to the principles of
voluntary, industry-wide consensus. The views of all interest
groups are taken into account: manufacturers, vendors and
users, consumer groups, testing laboratories, governments,
engineering professions and research organisations with the
aim to find global solutions which satisfy industries and
customers worldwide. International standardisation is thus
market driven and based on voluntary involvement of all
interests in the market-place.
In a practical sense, the need for a standard is usually
voiced by an industry sector, which communicates this need to
a national member body. This member body then proposes the
new work item to ISO as a whole. Once the need for an
International Standard has been recognised and formally
agreed, the first phase involves definition of the technical
scope of the future standard. This phase is usually carried out
in working groups which comprise technical experts from
countries interested in the subject matter. Once agreement has
been reached on which technical aspects are to be covered in
the standard, a second phase is entered during which countries
negotiate the detailed specifications within the standard.
The final phase consists of the formal approval of the
resulting draft International Standard (the acceptance
criteria stipulate approval by two-thirds of the ISO members
that have participated actively in the standards development
process and approval by 75% of all members that vote),
following which the agreed text is published as an ISO
International Standard.

How was OHSAS created?

OHSAS 18001:2007 was created through a concerted effort
from a number of the worlds leading national standards
bodies, certification bodies, and specialist consultancies.
A main driver for this was to try to remove confusion in the

workplace from the proliferation of certifiable OH&S

specifications. The participants ranged from organisations
from Ireland, Australia, South Africa, the U.S., U.K., Spain,
Malaysia and many other respected international groups.
OHSAS 18001:2007 helps an organisation systematically
minimise the risk of incidents and work-related illnesses
through a planning and managing program known as
Occupational Health and Safety Management System
(OHSMS). The internationally recognised standard OHSAS
18001:2007 works within an organisations existing
management system to introduce a systematic approach to
occupational health and safety, assessing workplace hazards
and implementing preventative measures as part of daily
operations. Certification to OHSAS 18001:2007 can help an
organisation more easily achieve compliance with both current
and future occupational health and safety laws. OHSAS
18001:2007 can also help an organisation systematically
minimise the risk of accidents and work-related illnesses.
Through OHSAS 18001:2007, Occupational Health and
Safety Management Systems requirements have been
developed to be compatible with the ISO 9001:2008 (Quality)
and ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental) management systems
standards, in order to facilitate the integration of quality,
environmental and occupational health and safety management
systems by organisations. The (OHSAS) specification gives
requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S)
management system, to enable an organisation to control its
OH&S risks and improve its performance. It does not state
specific OH&S performance criteria, nor does it give detailed
specifications for the design of a management system.

What is the ISM code?

After some very serious incidents occurred in the late 1980s,
in which human error including management faults were
identified as contributing factors, the IMO adopted
Guidelines on Management for the Safe Operation of Ships
and for Pollution Prevention. In 1995 the Guidelines on
implementation of the International Safety Management
(ISM) Code by Administrations were adopted by the IMO.
The Guidelines have regularly been revised (2001/2009).
The Guidelines recognise the existing international
instruments as the most important means of preventing
maritime casualties and pollution of the sea and include
sections on management as well as safety and environment.
The ISM Code was made mandatory in 1998 through the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
(SOLAS). The ISM Code establishes an international
standard for the safe management and operation of ships and
for the implementation of a safety management system
(SMS). Effective implementation of the ISM Code aims to

Lifeboat training exercises

on board a dredging ship.
All crew are wearing PPE
(Personal Protective Equipment). These are some of
the many safety measures
which aim to prepare a crew
for emergencies, reduce
incidents and limit employee
exposure to hazards.

stimulate pro-active and conscious compliance with external

rules to create a self-regulation of safety and the development
of a safety culture. A safety culture should involve each and
every employee, from top management to workers, on board
ships and on shore, to feel responsible for safety and
performance and to take actions that manifest this. Every
company is expected to designate a person or persons ashore
having direct access to the highest level of management.

How do dredging contractors

approach the issue of Safety?
Generally, Safety policies are divided into four categories:
health and human resources, quality assessment, environment
and security of vessels. All major international dredging
contractors abide by the recognised standard international
codes and have established systems for avoiding unnecessary
risk and limiting the number of injuries and incidents. These
programmes require a major effort from management and staff
as well as a commitment to investments in training and
workshops in order to bring complete awareness to both
management and the work floor. The aim is to reduce lost-time
incidents and to limit the frequency of accidents, which leads
to a more efficient operation and lower risks for employees.

How important are training

programmes at dredging companies?
Very important. Rules and regulations mean nothing if
workers and management are not on the same page about
carefulness, expertise and attention to detail. Contractors
provide intensive safety training, coaching and leadership
programmes for all personnel including management. These
can be both seminars and workshops as well as Toolbox
talks which are meetings or presentations organised on the
job, just before work begins, that is, close to the toolbox.

They usually focus on a specific working method, safety rule

or job planning. Toolbox talks may be organised when new
activities are being undertaken on projects or when working
methods have been adapted or altered. However, such talks
are best held more often, even without changes to working
methods or activities. Issues that may arise regularly at
Toolbox talks are PPE, working with pipelines, chemicals,
lifeboats, excavations, mooring lines and just about every
aspect of a dredging operation.

What is PPE?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a crucial part of
worker safety and can include face shields, safety glasses,
hard hats, and safety shoes. Additional PPE may also
include high-visibility vests, high-visibility fleeces, and
raincoats and trousers. This type of equipment has become
standard for the dredging industry and has accounted for a
significant reduction in accidents and incidents that could
endanger a worker. In each case the type of PPE to be used
is determined through a risk assessment.

How do dredging contractors ensure

compliance with Safety regulations?
Ongoing efforts are being examined all the time as dredging
companies are always seeking better working methods and
increased teamwork, also between client and (sub)contractors.
Compliance audits are one method. Depending on the
particular operation a dredging project can expect to be
audited by an external entity usually appointed by the
client. For instance, an Occupational Safety and Health
Suitability Audit, Occupational Safety and Health
Compliance Audit and /or a Site Safety Survey Report
might take place. Also ISM / ISPS audits may be undertaken.
In addition, depending on the size of the operation, a QHSE

International Association of Dredging Companies, PO Box 80521, 2508 GM The Hague, The Netherlands
tel. +31 070 352 3334, fax +31 070 351 2654, e-mail: [email protected], www.iadc-dredging.com
staff member may conduct several hundred project
inductions, hundreds of pre-start meetings at the start of
new shifts; and regularly scheduled toolbox meetings which
address a particular topic or a topic related to an incident
that may have just taken place. Standard training as well as
external trainings for First Responders and drills as per ISM
requirements may be performed.
If appropriate, Hazard Identification (HAZID) meetings
may be held. HAZID is a formal and systematic examination
of the planned work activities and the HAZID technique
is used to identify the potential occurrence of hazardous
events and their impact on people, property or the
environment, or operational challenges and their impact
on process efficiency or productivity. The technique is
based on the premise that a hazard will not be realised if
the process is always operated within its design and
planned intent. HAZID may identify controls to reduce
potential risks and hazards such as interference with third
parties, onshore and marine; neighbouring blasting
operations; and manoeuvring with floating equipment.

implementing safety measures is an ongoing activity. The

application of thorough training, compliance with
internationally recognised standards and constant vigilance
regarding Quality Assurance and Health, Safety and
Environment (QA-HSE) has resulted in less downtime,
fewer accidents, healthier employees, improved performance
and the delivery of quality projects. A win-win for client
and contractors, employers and employees.

What are the main challenges about

Safety facing dredging contractors?

IMO/WODA/CEDA (2012). Waste Assessment Guidelines

Training Set Extension for the Application of Low-technology
Techniques for Assessing Dredged Material. www.dredging.org.

For many industries where heavy machinery is being used,

safety, health and environment have steadily gained more
attention. Often jobs are undertaken with many subcontractors
with their specialised areas of expertise. Ensuring that all
personnel working on a job, from both the contractor and
subcontractors, are well trained and informed has become a
crucial challenge in the safe execution of a project.
To maintain and continually improve levels of quality
assurance, safety, health and environment, modern dredging
companies have implemented training programmes aimed at
teamwork and communication. These safety programmes try to
ensure that workers are aware of how to avoid risky situations and
how to protect themselves and their co-workers. On-the-job
safety demands constant training and coaching of all personnel
to improve risk awareness. The ultimate goal of contractors
is to eliminate, or at least limit, incidents and accidents.

Why does Safety remain such an urgent

and important issue?
With every new job and every new set of employees, the
safety situation needs to be re-assessed and thus

For fur t he r r e a ding a nd inform a ti o n

Bardelmeijer, Wilko (2010). The Road Show SHE-Q Bus:

Safety is as Important as Operations. Terra et Aqua 118, March.
Bray, R.N., Bates, A.D. and Land, J.M. (1997). Dredging: A
Handbook for Engineers. 2nd Edition. Arnold Publishers, London, UK.
Council for Dredging and Marine Construction Safety.
Creating a Culture of Safety: The 2008 IADC Safety Award
(2008). Terra et Aqua 112, September.
IADC Annual Safety Award: Work Safe - An Innovative System
of Safe Work Practices (2011). Terra et Aqua 125, December.
IMO ( 2001). Waste Assessment Guidance (WAG) Training Set.
Part 3, Waste Specific Guidelines.

Ogbo, J. (2008). The Hansje Brinker Safety Award.

Terra et Aqua 110, March.
OSHA. U.S. Department of Labors Occupational Safety and
Health Administration. www.osha.gov.
Safety First: The IADC Safety Award (2007). Terra et Aqua 109,
Simonelli, David (2009). An Incident and Injury Free Culture:
Changing the Face of Project Operations. Terra et Aqua 117,
T hi s br ochu r e i s pr es en t ed by t he I n t er n at i on al A s s oci ati on of
D r edgi n g C om pan i es w hos e m em ber s of f er t he hi ghes t qual i ty
an d pr of es s i on al i s m i n dr edgi n g an d m ar i t i m e con s t r u c ti on.
T he i n f or m at i on pr es en t ed her e i s par t of an on - goi n g e ffor t
t o s u ppor t cl i en t s an d ot her s i n
understanding the fundamental
pr i n ci pl es of dr edgi n g an d m ar i t i m e con s t r u ct i on .

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