Report de Poijhgv

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Project Report

Under the Course Of


Name Enrollment No.
Rathod Pranav 200420106008
Patel Shravan 200420106035
Maniya Henil D2D 7
Patel Mitul D2D 23
Jariwala Niraj D2D 21

Prof Chaitali Patel Dr Jigar Sevalia

Faculty Guide Head of the Department

Academic Year
(2021-202 2)
Place: Surat

We would like to thank our team members for their co-operation and work. We
would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our mentor Prof Chaitali Patel
our head of department Dr. Jigar Sevalia who gave us the golden opportunity to
perform this new course ‘Design Engineering’, that has helped us in doing a lot of
research and encouraged us to understand and observe the problems surrounding us
and helped us to find their creative solutions.

We would also like to thank our mentor Prof Chaitali Patel for his immense
support and assistance during the completion of the project and for allowing us to
have this great opportunity for implementing our ideas and for encouraging us to go
beyond our limits.

Lastly, we would like to thank our family, friends, and the entire supporting
faculty for their support and help in finalizing this project within the limited time frame

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Team Profile .................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Biomimicry .................................................................................................... 7
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 7
Biomimicry Examples ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Observations.................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Lemon Activity ............................................................................................ 14
2.2 AEIOU Summary Sheet ................................................................................ 22
Summary sheet ................................................................................................. 22
3. Mind Mapping ................................................................................................. 24
4. Role Play Canvas.............................................................................................. 25
5. Empathy Canvas .............................................................................................. 30
6. Ideation Canvas ............................................................................................... 32
7. Product Development Canvas ......................................................................... 33
8. Prototype ........................................................................................................ 34
9. Learnings Need Matrix (LNM).......................................................................... 35
10. Continuous Assessment Report ..................................................................... 36
Plagiarism Checker X Originality Report .............. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Design Engineering is a course initiated by the Gujarat Technological University,

Ahmedabad. It teaches the application of Design Thinking Methodology and tools
to bring in Innovation through academic projects across all the branches. The
students and faculty members explore the course, so far, the initial finding through
experience is found to be wonderful, and giving, a high hope. Certainly, an
extensive time span is needed for the course to be structured and absorbed by the
students and faculty in the fraternity at large. In this semester, we performed
various activities regarding design engineering that are as follows:

1. Lemon Activity
2. Biomimicry
3. AEIOU Observation Sheets
4. Mind Mapping
5. Empathy Canvas
6. Role Playing
7. Ideation Canvas
8. Product Development Canvas
9. Prototype
1.1 Team Profile







Biomimetic or biomimicry is the emulation of the models, systems, and elements

of nature for the purpose of solving complex human problems. It offers an
empathetic, interconnected understanding of how life works and ultimately where
we fit in. It is a practice that learns from and mimics the strategies used by species
alive today. The goal is to create products, processes, and policies — new ways of
living — that solve our greatest design challenges sustainably and in solidarity with
all life on earth. We can use biomimicry to not only learn from nature’s wisdom, but
also heal ourselves — and this planet — in the process.

Approaches to Biomimicry:

The approach to biomimicry can be done in two ways.

1. Defining a human need or design problem and looking to the ways other organisms
or ecosystems solve this, termed as design looking to biology.
2. Identifying a particular characteristics, behavior or function in an organisms or
ecosystem and translating that into human design referred to as biology
influencing design.

2. Observations

2.1 Lemon Activity

To improve Observation skills, the whole class individually exercised the lemon
activity. This exercise allows the students to keenly observe an everyday object
such as lemon & look at it from a perspective never seen before. It helps in
understanding the kinds of observation skills needed and the ways to implement
these skills to work effectively. It involves observing the lemon, writing the key
points, then exchanging the points with the partner and trying to find the partner’s
lemon among a bunch of lemons using the observations written by him/her.

• The lemon exercise is as follows:

o Choose a lemon. o Take a neat, precise, and detailed observation and note it on
paper. o Mix all the lemons. o Exchange your observations with your partners. o
Try to find your partner’s lemon using the observation paper written by him/her.
o Verify it with your partner.
• The following questions are answered while performing the exercise.
o What is the shape & color of the lemon? o Are
there any distinctive marks/spots on it?
o Is there any top point? o What is the
approximate weight of the lemon? o What is the
approximate length of the lemon? o Can you find
your lemon back among all the other lemons?
2.2 AEIOU Summary Sheet

The A E I O U framework is very useful, and the most basic sheet required for design
engineering 1 A. It is an investigative tool to help interpret observations gathered
by ethnographic practices in the field. It primary function is to develop building
blocks of models that will ultimately address the objectives and issues of a client.
A – Activity
E – Environment
I – Interaction
O – Object
U – User
AEIOU is the beginning of any project under designing. It involves observation of
the domain selected area with a group of five, each taking their individual
observations at same time.
Summary sheet
The summary sheet of AEIOU is the compact form of the observation taken by all
group members. To make sheet attractive different formatting of sheet was used.
The summary sheet covers the below given information:
3. Mind Mapping

A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual

thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze,
comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas. Just as in every great idea,
its power lies in its simplicity.
It is an exercise to bring the hidden experiences/ visualized facts in front. To
understand a reason for something happening around us, it needs to be
understood. The technique originated in the late 1960s by Tony Buzan Mind Maps
are now used by millions of people around the world.
The mind mapping concept is useful in dealing with problems. It makes it easier
to find the solutions of a specific part. After the analysis of AEIOU sheet, the work
is distributed into various categories and a sheet is prepared where all the things
related to the selected domain are to be written to identify the problems faced by
user and their activities.

4. Role Play Canvas

Role Play is a process of imaging yourself as one of the people of any domain and
write about their day so that we can understand their lifestyle and observe the
difficulties faced by them.
Role playing is the base for empathy sheets, and it helps in understanding other’s
emotions. Role play helps in empathizing with the other person’s situation.
In this activity, we imagine to be another person and understand their role in the
society, their family etc. This activity can also be completed by observing people
or interviewing them.


Role play allows us to understand different techniques of observation and also
how to observe a different action for the same activity. It forces you to focus on a
particular area allowing you the advantage of the same in the field of engineering.






5. Empathy Canvas

An empathy map is a simple, easy-to-digest visual that captures knowledge about a

user’s behavior and attitude. It helps the team members understand the users in a
better way.
The below sections are included in the empathy canvas
User: - The section where a user is selected who is to be observed.
Stakeholders: - This includes all the people related to the user.

Activities: - This section includes the activities done by the user and those that
affect him in one or another way.
Story Boarding: - This section includes two happy stories and two sad stories
narrated by the user.

6. Ideation Canvas

Ideation is the process which uses sessions like sketching, prototyping,

brainstorming, brain writing, worst possible ideas and many other ideation
techniques to generate ideas and solutions. It is the third stage in design thinking
During ideation, the aim is to generate as many ideas as possible and then filter
those ideas to come up with the best possible solution. In order to facilitate
effective, productive and innovative ideas ideation canvas was used by us
This sheet consists of the topics given below:
USER:- The people working and visiting the airport.
ACTIVITIES:- Action and activities done by the user
LOCATION:- When, how and where are these activities taking place
PROPS:- Find the problems faced by the people and then find the solution of the
same. Write the props used in the solutions.

7. Product Development Canvas

The creation of a product with new characteristics, technology and additional

benefits is facilitated using product development canvas. Product development
may involve modification of an existing product or its presentation, or formulation
of an entirely new product that satisfies a newly defined customer want or market
niche. Product development takes place, works or functions as under:

• Creation of an entirely new product or upgrading an existing product by

exploring all possibilities and outcomes.
• Innovation of a new or an existing product to deliver better and enhanced
services to end-users.
After observing and analysing our domain, we formulated an entirely new product
that satisfies a new customer want. We created the below given sheet to know if
our solution is feasible and applicable in a positive way in the society.

8. Prototype

A prototype is an sample, model, or release of a product built to test a concept or

process. A prototype is generally used to evaluate a new design to enhance
precision by system analysis and users. Prototyping serves to provide
specifications for a real, working system rather than a theoretical one. In some
design workflow modes, creating a prototype is the step between formalization
and evaluation of the idea.
Our product is a cross adjustable strap of high visibility material with FSR and
piezo buzzer to alarm the baggage handlers when passenger’s fragile luggage is at
risk. According to user feedback, we made our prototype available in three
different sizes i.e. small, medium, and large for different sizes and shapes of lug.

9. Learnings Need Matrix (LNM)

While creating a product various skill are needed to achieve the goal successfully.
These skills may be technical or non-technical. The purpose of LNM is to identify
the requirements of learning among the team members. While a new
product/process is under development based on a unique idea (to reduce the level
of difficulty faced by a user), the team members need to learn and explore a lot of
new skills and documents, methods and guidelines.
Thus, the skills required to understand the concept and design the product are
collected and written in the Learnings Need Matrix as below:

10. Continuous Assessment Report

Continuous assessment is a form of educational examination that evaluates a

student's progress throughout a prescribed course.

During the whole semester, we were required to complete continuous

assessment cards for assessing our project in a better way by receiving various
suggestions related to it. These cards include questions related to the canvases
and other work done by us throughout the course.
The continuous assessment cards written by us for our project are as given


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