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Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 46, February 2008
87.2%, 96.4%, and 99.1%, respectively. Acetonitrile, methanol, 25% B, 65% C for 15 min. Total run time was 43 min. The ELS
water, and glacial acetic acid were HPLC grade purchased from detector was adjusted to 40°C, at a gain of 11 and with a nitrogen
Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn, NJ). Plant materials studied were pressure of 2.1 bar.
from 3 different populations of M. charantia (MC-1 to MC-3)
(Voucher numbers: 2774, 2945, 3190) procured from India. Standard Preparation
Voucher specimens of all samples are deposited at the National One milligram of each standard compound was dissolved in
Center for Natural Products Research (NCNPR), The University 1.0 mL methanol (stock solution). Five additional calibration
of Mississippi, Mississippi. levels were prepared by diluting the stock solution with
methanol. Within the range of concentrations injected
Chromatographic instrument and conditions (800.0–50.0 µg/mL for compounds 1, 3, and 4, 1000–125 µg/mL
HPLC experiments were performed on a Waters 2695 Alliance for compound 2 and 500.0–30.0 µg/mL for compound 5, respec-
Separations Module (Waters, Milford, MA) connected with a tively) the detector response is a function of the mass and follows
Sedex 55 ELS detector (Sedex, Alfortville, France) using a an exponential relationship (the log of response versus log of
Gemini column (150 × 4.6 mm; 5 µm particle size) from
Precision (intra- and inter-day assay) of the
method was determined by analyzing five indi-
vidual samples of M. charantia on three consecu-
tive days. The samples were extracted and assayed
Figure 1. Structure of standard compounds (1–5). under optimized conditions (Table I).
Table I. Calibration Data, Range, LOD, LOQ for Compounds 1–5 and Content of Triterpenoids by Intra- and Inter-Day
Precision of One Sample (MC-1, M. charantia) Assayed Under Optimized Conditions*
Intra-Day (n = 5)
Regression Concentration LOD LOQ Inter-Day
Analyte Equation Range(µg/mL) r2 (µg/mL) (µg/mL) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 (n = 15)
1 Y = 1.75 e + 000X – 5.02 e-001 50–800 0.999 30 50 0.234 (2.31) 0.235 (0.63) 0.234 (2.19) 0.234 (0.93)
2 Y = 1.61 e + 000X – 5.11 e-001 125–1000 0.998 60 110 0.152 (3.73) 0.154 (3.74) 0.152 (4.40) 0.152 (0.38)
3 Y = 1.73 e + 000X – 3.14 e-001 50–800 0.999 30 50 0.085 (2.42) 0.088 (3.64) 0.086 (3.31) 0.086 (0.63)
4 Y = 1.61 e + 000X – 1.57 e-001 50–800 0.996 30 50 0.110 (2.98) 0.110 (3.96) 0.111 (4.28) 0.110 (0.68)
5 Y = 1.84 e + 000X + 1.84 e-001 30–500 0.998 10 30 0.036 (0.76) 0.033 (2.08) 0.036 (2.09) 0.035 (0.77)
* Calibration data = regression equation and correlation coefficient (r 2); Content = Values in mg/100 mg of dry plant material weight; % relative standard deviations are given in parentheses.
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 46, February 2008
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 46, February 2008
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Conclusions 5. A. Tongia, S. K. Tongia, and M. Dave. Phytochemical determination
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The HPLC–ELSD method described in this paper is the first (NIDDM). Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 48(2):
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five main triterpene and triterpenoid glycosides of M. charantia. 6. T. Miura, Y. Itoh, N. Iwamoto, M. Kato, and T. Ishida. Suppressive
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The developed method allows a reliable and accurate qualitative glucose in type 2 diabetic mice. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 27(2): 248-250