Mathematics in Early Childhood: Research-Based Rationale and Practical Strategies

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Early Childhood Educ J (2011) 39:29–37

DOI 10.1007/s10643-010-0437-6

Mathematics in Early Childhood: Research-Based Rationale

and Practical Strategies
Sandra M. Linder • Beth Powers-Costello •

Dolores A. Stegelin

Published online: 7 January 2011

 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract Mathematics education is a critical part of the Introduction

curriculum for students worldwide. The foundation for
understanding mathematical concepts related to number Young children are natural learners, and they observe and
sense begins early in life, and early childhood classrooms explore mathematical dimensions in their own environ-
can provide the seeds for mathematical skills that will be ments on a daily basis (NAEYC & NCTM 2002; Clements
needed later in life. In this article, the authors make a case 2001). Early education historically emphasizes the lan-
for meaningful and developmentally appropriate mathe- guage development and pre-reading skills of young chil-
matics experiences for young children in diverse early dren, often at the expense of mathematics education. In this
learning settings. Instructional and curricular methods article, the authors make the case for rich and meaningful
inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach are described as mathematical experiences and affirm the need for high-
effective ways to teach number concepts to young children quality and challenging learning experiences that promote
from preschool through primary age. Strategies for teachers mathematics education for preschool children (NAEYC &
of young learners are presented in order to strengthen the NCTM 2002). While the call for high-quality experiences
mathematics curriculum in contemporary early learning in early childhood mathematics is not new, this article
settings. The authors’ analysis and recommendations are provides strategies for practitioners to implement best
informed by their extensive experiences including studies practices in early childhood mathematics education by
in Reggio Emilia early childhood settings (infant toddler, examining connections between the Reggio Emilia
preschool, and primary schools) and their work in early Approach and current literature on mathematics education
childhood teacher education at their respective universities. in the United States. The authors focus on one aspect of
mathematics education for early childhood, developing
Keywords Reggio Emilia  Mathematics  Number sense number sense, in an effort to provide specific examples of
meaningful experiences. However, the practices described
from the Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood
education can extend to all content areas in mathematics.
S. M. Linder
Eugene T. Moore School of Education 407F Tillman Hall,
Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0705, USA
e-mail: [email protected] The Importance of Mathematics in Early Childhood
B. Powers-Costello (&)
College of Education, University of South Carolina,
107 D Wardlaw, Columbia, SC 29205, USA Early childhood settings should provide research-based
e-mail: [email protected] curriculum and instructional practices that begin to build a
foundation for the understanding of mathematical concepts.
D. A. Stegelin (&)
According to Clements (2001), there are four reasons for
Eugene T. Moore School of Education 401A Tillman Hall,
Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0705, USA intentionally teaching mathematics to preschool children:
e-mail: [email protected] (1) current early childhood curriculum is very limited in

30 Early Childhood Educ J (2011) 39:29–37

mathematics content; (2) children from low-income homes (Hiebert et al. 1997; Baroody and Wilkins 1999). An
often struggle with mathematics in later schooling and emphasis is placed on moving from concrete to abstract
early success with mathematics can narrow the gap for representations of concepts (Van de Walle and Lovin
these children; (3) young children possess natural curiosity 2006); developing classroom discourse in mathematics
and informal mathematical abilities that should be nur- through whole group and small group discussions (NCTM
tured; and (4) preschoolers’ brains are undergoing signifi- 2000; Hiebert et al. 1997); and creating a shared sense of
cant developmental change and are stimulated by more community through the establishment of sociomathemati-
complex and engaging learning activities rather than rote cal norms that enable all students to approach mathematical
counting or drilling (p. 2). Young children are capable of tasks in a confident manner (NRC 2001). Mathematics for
learning mathematics because many of these relationships young children should involve helping them make mean-
and concepts are directly observable in the natural learning ingful connections through play, discovery, and exploration
environment. They instinctively compare quantities, in natural environments. Thus, the mathematics curriculum
observe and make patterns, navigate through different is embedded within natural learning environments both
kinds of spaces, and problem-solve in their play interac- indoors and outdoors. Likewise, the excitement and love of
tions with objects and with peers in the classroom. The mathematics comes from facilitating children’s unfolding
early childhood educator acts as a facilitator to make the of these natural and simple connections. ‘‘High-quality
child’s informal connections to mathematics more explicit. teaching in mathematics is about challenge and joy, not
The rationale for increasing the emphasis on mathe- imposition and pressure’’ (Clements 2001, p. 1), and
matics education in early childhood settings such as child quality early childhood mathematics is more than drills and
care, Head Start, and school-based pre-kindergarten pro- practice in counting and adding.
grams is compelling. Mathematics is an essential require- In order to make meaningful connections to mathemat-
ment for negotiating life’s demands, and we readily ical concepts, the early childhood classroom should embed
acknowledge the importance of mathematics in elementary learning experiences in the daily routine that engage young
and secondary education. If young children engage in children in real-life activities: estimating and finding out
meaningful and enjoyable mathematical learning experi- how many steps it is to the playground; gathering enough
ences at the preschool level, they are much more likely to cups for each child for snack time; building towers and
appreciate and continue to engage in mathematical learning buildings with blocks that represent structures in the real
experiences at the elementary, middle, secondary, and post world; and sorting the snack food into categories by self-
secondary levels (Seefeldt and Galper 2008; Van de Walle selected rules. Young children need concrete objects to
and Lovin 2006; NRC 2001). Early learning experiences explore and opportunities to represent their own thinking.
that foster positive attitudes and dispositions toward The skilled teacher will be able to articulate the connec-
mathematics are needed in American education in order to tions that children are naturally interested in and discov-
sustain children’s interest in mathematics. Young children ering. ‘‘Look, you have one cup for each child. Let’s count
in preschool and primary settings today are our future them together…1, 2, 3, 4……………10. You have 10 cups
mathematicians, engineers, and scientists. for 10 children!’’ ‘‘Tim, how many steps do you think it is
from the classroom door to the playground gate? Why
don’t you make a guess and then we’ll count the steps and
Strategies for Teaching Mathematics to Young see how many steps it is! How do you think your estimate
Learners will change if someone else is counting their steps? How
did your estimate compare to the actual number of steps?’’
Traditional mathematics instruction begins with rules and ‘‘Susan, how can you sort our snack for today into groups?
procedures and progresses to applications of those rules Tell me how you would label your sort. What else can you
and procedures (Battista 1999). Developmentally appro- tell me about your sort? How do the items in each category
priate practice in early childhood calls for a more con- differ? How are they the same?’’
structive approach for teaching mathematics to young
learners (Van de Walle and Lovin 2006). This inquiry-
based approach to early childhood mathematics engages Standards and Guidelines for Developing Number
students in the discovery of rules and procedures through Sense in Young Learners
mathematical investigations. Pedagogical practices in early
childhood mathematics education include the need for The National Council for Teachers of Mathematics
teachers to act as facilitators, asking open-ended questions (NCTM) outline standards for early childhood math from
and scaffolding for students as they work collaboratively to Pre-kindergarten through second grade (NCTM 2000).
make sense of mathematics through meaningful tasks Content and processes for early childhood mathematics

Early Childhood Educ J (2011) 39:29–37 31

include the need for young children to develop under- all items in a group have to be identical. Finally, the order
standing in algebraic thinking, geometric logic, data anal- irrelevant principle indicates that objects can be counted in
ysis, measurement benchmarks, and number concepts any order. Many times young children will view numbers
(Diaz et al. 2009). This article focuses on connections as labels, meaning that the number will belong to a certain
between the Reggio Emilia approach and building early object. For example, a teacher may be conducting a lunch
number concepts and number sense in early childhood count by grouping all of the students who want pizza. She
mathematics. Number sense in young learners encom- may call these students by a number, Gianna is one, Sophia
passes counting skills in addition to more advanced con- is two, Lucas is three, Mike is four. Mike may say to her,
cepts such as composing and decomposing sets (seven can but I am five, indicating that he is 5 years old. This child
be decomposed into five and two, nine and four can be does not yet have a concrete understanding of the order
composed into ten and three more), identifying relation- irrelevant principle or the abstraction rule. These principles
ships between numbers (six is one more than five or four of counting along with advanced concepts in number sense
less than ten), and examining patterns in numbers (com- encompass the majority of standards related to numbers
paring odd and even numbers, comparing sets when one or and operations in early childhood. Building number sense
two is added or taken away, and identifying doubles such in early childhood can seem like an easy topic to cover, but
as 6 ? 6 or benchmarks of five or ten such as 8 ? 2 or in reality, students require in-depth, meaningful tasks over
9 ? 1). Many early childhood educators view counting a long period of time to establish a sophisticated under-
skills as the ability to count forwards and backwards from standing of numbers. Counting as a group is not enough to
one to a certain benchmark such as ten, twenty, or one foster these concepts in our students. Strategies inspired
hundred. While this skill is important, it does not encom- from the Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood
pass the entire concept of counting in early childhood. education can be helpful when developing these mathe-
Prairie (2005) identifies five principles of counting that matical concepts in young children.
should be developed in young children: (1) the one-to-one
rule, (2) the stable order rule, (3) the cardinal principle, (4)
the abstraction rule, and (5) the order irrelevant principle. Reggio Inspired Strategies and Mathematics Education
One-to-one correspondence indicates the ability to count
objects individually by connecting one counting word to In this section we present applications of the Reggio Emilia
each object. For example, a student might be counting a Approach to mathematics education for young children
collection of three-dimensional shapes. If the child is able from preschool through primary grades. Key components
to point to a shape or pull it away from the collection and of the Reggio Emilia Approach that are presented within
then name the shape by a number in the sequence, that the context of developing number sense in mathematics
child is demonstrating one-to-one correspondence. The education include (1) project work; (2) documentation; (3)
stable order rule establishes the need for counting words to recycled materials; (4) integration of the arts and mathe-
be memorized in an unchanging order (Fuson and Hall matics education; and (5) integration of play and mathe-
1983). Most children progress towards this rule in stages matics education. Also presented are examples of
where they can present numbers in a stable order (1, 2, 3, 4, developmentally appropriate, Reggio-inspired tasks for
5, and 6) and then continue with unstable counting (11, 20, developing number sense in children at the Pre-Kinder-
9). Cardinality indicates the ability to name a set of objects garten, Kindergarten, and Primary levels.
by the total value rather than by counting each item indi-
vidually (Kamii 1982). Children who demonstrate cardi- Project work
nality have a more sophisticated understanding of numbers
than those who can only count a set using one-to-one A noted dimension of Reggio-inspired schools is the use of
correspondence. Teachers can assess cardinality by pre- in-depth and focused projects as an avenue for learning.
senting a set to students and asking them to tell the total Project work does not represent the whole curriculum.
amount. When students accomplish this task, the teacher Rather, project work complements and extends the class-
can reorganize the same set in a different way and ask room curriculum (Katz and Chard 1989). The Reggio
students to tell the total amount. If the students have to Emilia Approach encourages the establishment of natural
recount the set, they are not demonstrating cardinality. The learning environments that provoke young children to
abstraction rule allows dissimilar objects to be counted as a explore, ask questions, and pursue answers. By exploring
part of a whole group. For example, a blue triangle pattern familiar concepts, places, and objects; children unpack or
block can be counted as part of a set of triangles, as part of deconstruct everyday objects, which creates deeper mean-
a set of blue items, or as part of a set of shapes in general. ing and understanding of those objects. Learning is
The item can be abstracted to a variety of groups and not accomplished in a highly integrated curricular approach

32 Early Childhood Educ J (2011) 39:29–37

Fig. 1 Project work and mathematics: photograph of community vegetable market

(Katz 1994), and mathematical concepts are embedded, community garden. The children are using this picture to
studied and articulated within a holistic perspective, as are create a classroom mural, and the teachers and parents are
concepts related to science, language arts, movement, and making connections between the study of the community
creative expression. In-depth exploration of a topic selected vegetable garden and market and number sense concepts.
by the children evolves into the creative construction of a From the photograph and the classroom mural, the children
learning process known as project work. Project work in can practice one to one correspondence, sequencing, size
the Reggio schools is a collective and collaborative effort comparison, direction, predicting, and other mathematical
to make sense of the children’s most salient questions. processes. The following sample questions enable the
Project Work requires time, materials, exploration, and a teacher to elicit open-ended information about student
great deal of constructing and recording of ideas. Through thinking related to the project.
the exploration process, teachers and children engage in
dialogue that focuses on patterns, similarities and differ-
Questioning strategies to promote number sense
ences, sequential processes, and representation. For
example, in a project on Vegetable Gardens, the children
1. What is a garden? What are different kinds of gardens?
may select books to read about gardens; look at and draw
2. What can you tell me about the vegetables in this
pictures of vegetable gardens; visit a nearby farm and ask
questions of the farmer about the large vegetable garden on
3. Where do vegetable gardens grow? (different places:
the farm; create drawings, paintings, murals and other
city, farms, schools, churches, other community sites)
representations of different kinds of vegetable gardens,
4. How are these vegetables sorted or categorized?
complete with varied colors, sizes, and kinds of vegetables;
5. How many green vegetables are there? (Name differ-
construct a book about vegetable gardens; and paint, draw,
ent green vegetables and count)
or in other ways represent different kinds of vegetable
6. How do the number of green vegetables compare to the
gardens growing in different environments.
other groups of vegetables?
Project Work within the context of mathematics pro-
7. How many different shapes/colors of vegetables do
vides the time and opportunity for deeper study and
you count?
questioning and encourages children to represent their
8. What prices are listed for the vegetables? Which one
ideas in a variety of ways. Below is an example of repre-
costs the most? How do you know?
sentation from Project Work related to vegetable gardens
9. How are these vegetables similar or different?
made by a group of 4 year olds. The children created a
large mural of some vegetables from their own school This is an example of how Project Work can provide in-
garden for their classroom wall. They visited a farmer’s depth study of familiar objects in the natural environment
vegetable garden, read books and listened to stories about and how connections can be made to fundamental math
different kinds of vegetable gardens, and practiced drawing concepts for young children. The Vegetable Project could
and painting vegetable gardens. Figure 1 contains a photo take place over a period of time of a month or longer.
that their teacher took of a nearby vegetable market and Through Project Work, children are able to immerse

Early Childhood Educ J (2011) 39:29–37 33

themselves in an integrated learning experience and they sharpen their skills in observation, comparing and con-
learn counting skills and more advanced number concepts trasting, fine-motor and eye-hand coordination, and
in a natural and hands-on learning environment typified by sequencing of events. They develop an understanding of
the Reggio-Inspired classroom approach. before and after, recognize patterns and repetition, and
establish an appreciation of time for reflection, analysis, and
Documentation changing one’s perspective. In the example above, the
children carefully observed and replicated the number of
The Reggio Emilia Approach is known for the use of windows on the side of the church, measured and drew a tall
multiple forms of representation and documentation. While angular steeple on the church, and made decisions about
American schools frequently do not have the financial how to represent the church on the large mural for their own
resources to complete the level and detail of documentation classroom. All of these activities involved thinking about
observed in the Reggio schools, teachers can utilize doc- mathematical concepts and involved the children in mea-
umentation strategies and adapt them to their own settings, suring, counting, sequencing, and replicating.
resources, and budgets. Common forms of documentation
in the Reggio schools include digital photography that Recycled Materials
captures the details of the learning process in the class-
room; child-and teacher-constructed books complete with The ReMida Center in Reggio Emilia, Italy is a wonderful
drawings, photographs, other forms of representation; repository of recycled and second-hand materials that
narratives and stories to support and describe the learning support mathematics education. This center accepts dona-
process; large pictures and murals that are painted, drawn, tions from industrial production and then provides work-
or constructed by the collective group of children that shops for teachers to demonstrate how such materials can
represent a significant project, in-depth study of a topic, or be used to work with children. We can learn a great deal
meaningful event in the community. Children in a Reggio- from these educators who see and teach the value of using
Inspired preschool in southeastern United States studied materials in innovative ways. The authors have visited the
and constructed structures of their church-based site and ReMida Center several times, and each time we were
made a large painting to keep in their classroom. This impressed by the changing landscape of materials and
project took many months to complete and involved mul- ideas. Once again, American teachers can garner many
tiple forms of documentation including photographs by the useful ideas from the use of recycled materials. Examples
children, teachers, parents, and community members; of materials that we have observed and worked with at the
paintings by individual children; clay moldings of the ReMida Center are included in Table 1 below.
church structure; writing stories about the church; and
making a large collective mural of the church steeple as a Integration of the Arts and Mathematics Education
permanent artifact in their school.
Documentation takes many forms and promotes chil- The Reggio approach encourages children to express
dren’s attention to detail; careful representation of ideas, themselves and learn through multiple ways knowing
places, or people; drawing and writing; and an appreciation (Gardner 2006). Symbolic languages are used as tools in
of the symbolic value of documentation. Children who the context of project-oriented curriculum. These include
engage in multiple forms of documentation processes drawing, sculpture, painting, play, as well as written

Table 1 Recycled materials suitable for building number sense in mathematics education
Recycled material Use in mathematics education Appropriate age levels

Small dark blue cosmetic bottles in 2 Counting and sorting; composing and decomposing sets; Preschool; kindergarten primary
or 3 sizes symbolic representation
Stacks of folded newspapers bound Counting the number in each bundle; sorting the bundles by Kindergarten; primary
together, about 2400 tall self-selected rules; examining sets for patterns; decomposing
and reorganizing stacks
Strips of fabrics in 4 different lengths Classify and sort the fabrics by self-selected rules; Chart the Preschool; kindergarten; primary
and many different colors different ways the fabric strips can be used; create a 4-step
dance using the fabric strips as scarves
A display of eyeglass frames on a Organize the eyeglasses into a graphical display; Sort or Preschool; kindergarten; primary
circular cylinder that turns like a categorize the eyeglasses by a self-selected rule; classify and
mobile in the room compare the eyeglass for children, men, and women;
sequence and count the eyeglasses by size

34 Early Childhood Educ J (2011) 39:29–37

language and symbols. Graphic arts are used to foster observed these categories in action through a play episode
cognitive, social emotional, linguistic, and mathematical in a mixed age preschool class in Reggio. The children
development. The arts can foster mathematical concepts created a store where they were grouping and sorting
and number sense in particular in a number of ways. One wooden fruit by size and color (classification and magni-
key way is through playing with objects and working with tude); they had created a price list and were calling out
media. Building on the work of Piaget, Clements and prices to customers (enumeration). Likewise children
Sarama (2005) assert that for young children ‘‘playing with counted out numbers of objects to sell or buy and counted
objects before using them to solve a problem leads to wooden tokens to buy and sell food items (enumeration).
greater success’’ (p. 42).
Reggio pedagogy has specific guidelines for supporting Mathematics Tasks for Pre-K, Kindergarten,
children to explore media. First children explore what a and Primary Age Children
medium is and what they can do with a material. These
materials should be presented in an inviting and aestheti- Using the pedagogical frameworks described above, we
cally pleasing manner and should have variation in color, present examples of Reggio-inspired mathematics tasks for
texture, and tones so that children can understand simi- children at the preschool, kindergarten, and primary levels.
larities and differences. Likewise these materials should be These tasks have been selected for their capacity to pro-
revisited throughout the school year so that children can mote children’s observing and thinking; making meaning-
explore the many possibilities for that medium (Edwards ful connections from real-life experiences to number
et al. 1993). For example, drawing is a medium that concepts; and the potential for representation in creative
encourages number sense for young children. Drawing, a and integrated ways.
form of graphic symbolism, develops prior to writing
(Woleck 2001; Dyson 1983; Vygotsky 1978). Pictures Preschool Task #1
typically are used in multiple ways by children. Pictures
are used by children to support problem solving. They can Document students as they engage in free play outdoors.
be used like manipulatives to count and sort objects. They Do students collect items from the outdoor space? Capi-
can be used to represent mathematical functions such as talize on their inquisitive nature and take them on a hike
addition and subtraction or they can be used to represent around the property. Ask them to collect items that they
mathematical symbols. Moreover, drawing can facilitate find interesting. Once they have established a collection of
children’s discussion of mathematical concepts through objects, ask them to sort the objects with a rule of their
self-talk, conversations with peers, and discussions with choosing and to describe their sort to a partner. Question
adults (Woleck 2001). In one example, a child in a Reggio each pair about their sorts: ‘‘What can you tell me about
preschool was drawing his family on a large piece of paper. your sorts? How does each set compare to each other?
He explained to his teacher that there were four people in What is the total amount of objects in your collection? How
his family but that his mother, who was expecting, would did you find the total? Can you count the objects in a
soon bring a new member to the family. ‘‘That would make different way?’’
five’’ he proclaimed as he added a new person to the These questions will enable you to assess principles of
drawing. Another child was working out how many blocks counting and the overall task will encourage student to
he and his friends could have if they were to have equal decompose collections into sets and identify number pat-
amounts for their play session. terns and relationships. Once students have completed this
task, ask them to represent their collections with a drawing
Integration of Play and Mathematics Education or through another medium.

Play, a central part of Reggio curriculum, encourages Preschool Task #2

several mathematical concepts. Clements and Sarama
(2005) cite six categories of math that emerge through Look for opportunities during center time or indoor free
play: ‘‘classification (grouping and sorting), magnitude play time to explore number concepts with students. You
(describing or comparing the size of objects), dynamics may have a group of four students in the dramatic play
(putting things together and taking them apart), pattern and center who are role playing with dress up clothes. As they
shape (identifying or creating patterns or shapes, exploring play, begin to ask questions such as: ‘‘What types of jobs do
geometry concepts), spatial relations (describing or draw- we have represented in our center (police, fireman, doctor,
ing a location or direction), and enumeration (saying etc.)? How many types of jobs do we have represented in
number words, counting, recognizing a number of objects, our dramatic play center? Can you point and count the
or reading and writing numbers’’ (pp. 38–39). The authors types of jobs? What else can you tell me about the clothes

Early Childhood Educ J (2011) 39:29–37 35

in our center? As they continue to play, document their assesses their strategy for finding the answer: ‘‘How did
interactions and look for opportunities to insert questioning you decide on your estimate? Can you describe what you
about numbers. ‘‘You are cooking dinner for your family? were thinking when you chose that number?’’ These fol-
How many people will be at dinner? Show me how you can low-up questions will enable you to build an understanding
set the table for that many people. Do you think you will of student thinking and will promote student discourse in
need to use all of the pots in the center to cook your din- mathematics.
ner? How many pots do we have in our center? What will Ask students to find a way to organize the set of mate-
you make in each pot?’’ These interactions will give you an rials in a way that is easy to count. Document their strat-
opportunity to assess student understanding of counting egies for organizing the material. Do they put the buttons in
skills in the context of a meaningful activity. separate piles? In rows or columns? Do they sort the set
into groups that are easy to count such as 2, 5, or 10? Ask
Kindergarten Task #1 students to count the set and then ask them to compare the
total to their original estimate. If more than one student is
As students gather for snack time or meal time bring out a working on this task, they can work together to sort a
treat that is easy to count such as popcorn or pretzels. Put a collection or they can work individually and then compare
collection of pretzels in the middle of the table and ask each other’s method for counting the buttons. This task
each student to tell the total amount. By allowing each assesses students’ understanding of cardinality and their
student to count the same set, you are able to assess many ability to decompose and compose sets. It also enables
of the principles of counting. Do they use one to one cor- them to examine relationships within numbers.
respondence as they count? Do they always need to count
the set if they have already heard the total? Can they count Primary Task #1
the set in a different way?
After you have assessed this understanding, ask ques- Gather your students as a group and teach them a song with
tions such as the following: ‘‘How would the set change if a growing pattern such as The Deep Blue Sea. It would also
you added another pretzel? How would it change if you be beneficial to include a literature selection that relates to
had taken away a pretzel?’’ You can model these actions as the song such as The Deep Blue Sea: A Book of Colors by
you ask the questions. Repeat this process a couple of times Audrey Wood (2005). After reading and singing the song,
with a different number of pretzels each time. When stu- ask students if they notice any patterns in the book or in the
dents gather for math time, connect to this experience by song. After this discussion, ask students to define a growing
have students work in pairs to add one more to a set of pattern and write their definitions on a chart as a form of
objects and create a T-chart representing the results up to documentation. Display a growing pattern using numbers
ten. Once students have made their representations, ask such as 5, 10, 15, 20…. Ask students to find relationships
them to work together to identify patterns in the numbers. within the pattern and list their ideas on the chart. After this
Create a chart of the patterns that students identify as a process, allow students to work in small groups or pairs to
form of documentation to revisit at a later date. create their own growing patterns with numbers. Have
This task builds awareness of patterns and relationships them choose a number between 2 and 10 to create their skip
in numbers and allows students to develop strategies for counting growing pattern. Once they have completed their
basic facts in addition. This task could be extended by pattern, allow them to represent the pattern on a hundreds
having students analyze a third column on their chart chart. Ask each group to identify and write about any
labeled Two More for patterns when a set is increased by patterns or relationships that they can find on their hun-
two. These explorations can also be done with subtraction dreds chart.
and can be extended at the primary level by increasing the Once each group has completed this task, have the
numbers and examining place value. groups share their charts and findings with the group. Ask
the class to find another pattern on each group’s hundreds
Kindergarten Task #2 chart. These types of algebraic tasks continue to build
student understanding of patterns and relationships within
Create a center with an assortment of recycled materials numbers. Continuous experiences such as these will help
such as buttons or wallpaper tiles. Allow students to students as they explore number properties and operations.
interact with the materials and document these interactions.
If they are working with a small item, like buttons, put the Primary Task #2
whole collection in a pile and ask students to guess or
estimate how many buttons are in the pile. Be sure to Consider the work students have accomplished as part of a
always follow up these questions with a question that current project your class has begun, such as the garden

36 Early Childhood Educ J (2011) 39:29–37

project described previously. Document students as they natural and recycled materials, and integration of the arts.
engage in activities and look for opportunities to create By applying these strategies to mathematics instruction in
number-focused word problems around their tasks. early childhood settings, teachers can foster higher levels
During math time, present one of these word problems of student motivation and understanding of concepts rela-
and ask students to work in pairs to solve the problem and ted to number sense.
represent their strategies for solving in numbers, pictures,
and in words. Multiple forms of representation will
encourage students to metacognitively examine their steps
for solving and will provide more documentation for you to References
assess understanding. Discuss each group’s strategy for
Baroody, A., & Wilkins, J. L. M. (1999). The development of
solving the word problem: ‘‘How are the strategies simi- informal counting, number, and arithmetic skills and concepts. In
lar? How are they different? Are there any strategies that J. V. Copley (Ed.), Mathematics in the early years (pp. 48–65).
are confusing to you? Do you have any questions for each Reston, VA: NCTM.
other?’’ Battista, M. T. (1999). The mathematical miseducation of America’s
youth: Ignoring research and scientific study in education. Phi
Following this discussion, present a second word prob- Delta Kappan, 80, 424–433.
lem to students and ask them to work in their groups to Clements, D. (2001). Mathematics in the preschool. Teaching
solve the problem using a different strategy than what they Children Mathematics, 270–275.
had used previously. Have a discussion with each group Clements, D., & Sarama, J. (2005). Math play: When children count
blocks they pick up. Scholastic Parent & Child, 36–44.
about the strategy they used: ‘‘How was it different or Diaz, D. P., Gunderson, D. J., King, P. P., Lashley, E. L., Linder, S. M.,
similar to what you did before? Which strategy did you find Moss, D. A., Moss, W. F., & Schumpert, J. (2009). Math out of the
most useful? Why? Tell me about your representations. Is box, developing number concepts: Grade K: Kit A. Burlington,
there anything you want to add to your representations?’’ NC: Carolina Biological Supply.
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