8 Steps - Control of Heating Systems
8 Steps - Control of Heating Systems
8 Steps - Control of Heating Systems
District heating
District heating is a system which provides a number of buildings with
heat from a central boiler plant through pre-insulated pipes.
(Pre-insulated pipes are in fact a modern kind of heat culvert or district
heating duct, but since these systems nowadays are pre-manufactured,
they will from here on be referred to as pre-insulated pipes.)
The smallest systems cover 200-300 houses or a block.
The connection to the secondary heating system can be direct or indi-
rect, i.e. with or without a heat exchanger. Domestic hot water is also
produced with the help of district heating. As a result, the heating plants
are also in operation during non-heating seasons.
There is a difference between heating plants, pure heat producers and
combined heat and power plants. The main purpose of the last-named
is to produce electricity through a steam turbine. The connected buil-
dings are used to cool down the condensate to such a low temperature as
possible in order to increase the capacity of the steam turbine.
The efficiency for coal-fired power plants is low, 30-40 %. By combining
the power production with the heat delivery, the efficiency has increased
right up to 90 %, which corresponds to the efficiency of well-kept dis- Combined heating and power plant.
Fig. 1:1
trict heating plants.
A district heating plant, (the primary circuit), can be divided into three
• Production (central boiler plant)
• Distribution (pre-insulated pipes)
• Consumption (sub-station)
Indirect connection
Fig. 1:4
In district heating systems and heating systems, you make a distinction
between static and dynamic pressure. In an open system, the static pres-
sure is equal to the weight of the water column. The word static repre-
sents something stationary. The dynamic pressure appears when the
water begins to circulate and a circulating resistance is formed . The word
dynamic means that something is in motion.
Static pressure
The static pressure has two functions in a distric heating system. It has H
to ensure that all parts of the system are filled with water (level pressure)
and that the water does not begin to boil (steam pressure).
Level pressure
All the parts of a system are filled with water if the static pressure, cal-
culated in meter water gauge, is equal to the level of the system, at its
meter. 10m WG = 1 bar = 100 kPa, providing the circulation pump is not
in operation. If the circulation pump is placed in the flow line, which is Height in meter is equal to static pressure.
usually the case with the district heating systems of today, the pump will Fig. 1:6
provide a higher total pressure (static + dynamic pressure) in the flow
line, when in operation.
Correspondingly, the total pressure is lower in the return line, and lowest
at the return connection to the pump. By placing the pump in the flow, Dynamic pressure
Differential pressure
you will have an additional guarantee that there is water in all parts of the
If the pump is placed in the return line, the case will be the opposite, and Steam generating
the static pressure must be increased by 60-70 % of the pressure increase pressure
across the pump in order to get all parts filled with water.
Total pressure
The boiling point of the water is depending on the current pressure. is determined by
A low pressure decreases the boiling point and a high pressure increases difference in altitude
between heating plant
it. At sea level the water boils at 100°C in an open vessel, and already at and highest situated
120°C, an over-pressure (the pressure shown on the pressure gauge) of sub-station
approximately 1 bar, 100 kPa, is required to avoid boiling. An over-pres-
sure of 2 bar, 200 kPa, corresponds to approximately 130°C.
In order to avoid boiling, the over-pressure required must be available in
each unit of the system.
Definition of pressure in district heating systems.
Fig. 1:7
The production takes place in a plant in which the energy of the fuel in
question is converted into heat through combustion and then transferred
to the water of the distribution network.
1. Environmental requirements
The environmental requirements on fuel are made more and more
stringent. The contents of environmentally hazardous substances in coal
and oil have diminished considerably during the past ten years. There are
also requirements on the volume of dust discharges of the ashes after
good combustion. In cases where the requirements made on the fuel
cannot be fulfilled, a penalty tax is imposed, and/or a plant reducing the
environmental influence to the established level is requested.
Smoke gets in your eyes wherevere you are.
The pollutants, set free by the combustion, are spread with the winds Fig. 2:1
covering very large areas. It is not sufficient only to limit the discharges
locally, but the same requirements are necessary all over Europe. Certain
values have been established and a tightening-up of the requirements will Allowed discharges according to IEA Coal
Research air pollutant emission standards for
be carried out, as people in many countries find the values too high. coal-fired plants database, 1991.
Sulphur causes acidification of the ground which kills both plants and Particles mg/m3 SO2 mg/m3 NOx mg/m3
animals. Nitrogen also causes acidification and have negative effects on EC 50 – 100 400 – 2.000 650 – 1.300
the ozone layer. Both these substances travel great distances and measu- Minimum 40 160 - 270 80 - 540
res must be taken right at the source. The values relate to new plants. The first value
is for big plants and the second value for small
Opposite, see tabel, are allowed discharges according to IEA Coal Research
air pollutant emission standards for coal-fired plants database, 1991.
The resistant ashes are to be brought back to the specific site from where
the fuel has been collected. Purification of the gas fumes is required.
When using biofuel, it is essential from an economic as well as environ-
mental point of view, that the combustion plant is located close to the
area from where the fuel is collected. The biofuel is transported by lorry.
Waste heat or surplus heat from an industrial process, e.g. cooling water
with a high temperature can be used in the district heating network.
Classic examples of such processes are the manufacturing of glass and the
refining of oil.
Dilution air
Air pre-
4. Water quality
The water quality is of great importance and effects the whole system’s
requirements for maintenance and durability.
When installing boilers, complete with equipment, welding and laying of
pre-insulated pipes, and also when installing heat exchangers in the sub-
station, a lot of strange impurities end up in the district heating system.
They can be anything from welding sparks and iron oxides to sand and
gravel. If these impurities remain in the system during operation, they
will damage valves, pumps and other components, and also some block
parts and form layers reducing the heat transfer. To prevent this, all parts
of the system must be carefully flushed before filling it with water, and
strainers installed upstreams of sensitive equipment, such as regulating
valves and flow meters.
Leakage threatens the operation safety, and that is why all welded joints
are X-ray tested.
The temperature, and pressures in the systems are so high that pipes and
components are classified as pressure vessels. After the pressure test of
the plant has been made, it still remains to protect it against corrosion.
Corrosion may occur on the inside or on the outside. External corrosion
can be avoided by securing a dry environment. To prevent internal cor-
rosion, a water quality that does not cause corrosion is required.
Oxygen causes corrosion and ordinary water contains oxygen. Water,
with a temperature of 10 ºC, may contain 11,25 mg oxygen per kg at a
pressure of 0,1 Mpa (1 bar).
Once the water has been heated to 100 ºC, it cannot contain any oxygen.
Each mg oxygen supplied to a district heating system uses about three
times as much iron. Consequently, the water is pretreated by, for instance,
heating it to about 100 ºC before using it in the system.
Standard values applied in Europe for the
water quality in district heating and large Water contains other “pollutants“ which may cause problems in heating
heating systems, are stated below: systems, for example lime, sludge, chloride and sulphate.
Circulating water Water for re-filling When calcareous water is heated in the boiler or in the heat exchanger,
Conductivity <10 µS/cm <10 µS/cm calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or limestone is formed on the heat transfer-
PH-value 9,5 – 10 9,5 – 10 ring surfaces. A layer of 1 mm thickness increases the heat consumption
Hardness 0,1 tHº <0,5 by 10%, a layer of 2 mm thickness increases the heat consumption by
Appearance clear and clear and 18% and a layer of 10 mm increases the heat consumption by 50%.
mud free mud free The problem with limestone is solved by using a wet filter, which
O2 0,0 mg/l 0,02 mgl exchanges the lime and the magnesium salts in the water for sodium
There may be sludge or mud in the water used for re-filling, but mud can
also be formed in a chemical reaction between the water and the compo-
nents being part of the system. The result could be calcium carbonate,
iron and copper oxides, copper sulphides (providing the water pipes are
made of copper) and calcium phosphate. The sludge sinks and ends up
in places where the water speed is low, for example at the bottom of radi-
ators. Pitting (corrosion), which may rapidly lead to leakage, especially in
radiators of sheet metal, is easily formed under these situations.
A mechanical filter is used to remove mud from the water.
Large contents of chloride and sulphate in the water result in high con-
ductivity, which may lead to corrosion. These salts are removed through
reverse osmosis.
The water that is used for re-filling, after the first filling, is treated in the
same way before re-filling. There is no leakage in modern pre-insulated
piping systems. The re-filling of water is to compensate for the water that
has been let out as a result of coupling up of new parts of pre-insulated
pipes or sub-stations. Various chemicals are added to the systems in order
to reduce the risk of corrosion, and checks are made regularily in order to
ensure the quality of the water.
As the district heating systems are also responsible for the production of Flow temperature ºC
domestic hot water, they have to be in operation throughout the year. A 120
common way to deal with this is to have the flow temperature at a con-
stant level during the summer months, 60-70 ºC, which is enough for
producing hot water. When the local heating system requires a higher 100
temperature, in order to keep desired room temperature, the primary 90
flow temperature is raised up to the maximum value, according to the 80
outdoor temperature. 70
The outgoing temperature on domestic water is to be kept as low as pos- 60
-20 -10 0 10 20
sible, preferably below 65 ºC. Higher temperatures cause scalding or skin
Outdoor temperature ºC
Primary flow temperature when producing
The legionella bacteria, a malicious bacteria that may cause Legionairés domestic hot water.
Disease, sets a lower limit to the temperature on the domestic hot water, Fig 2:8
55-60 ºC.
Larger systems of domestic water are equipped with circulation so that
hot water is available without any uneccesary delay. In these systems,
with the help of an automatic control, there is the facilit to run higher
temperatures at regular intervals through the system in order to prevent
the germ growth.
Primary return temperatures of 60 ºC or lower, are desirable whether it is
a matter of pure heat production or combined power and heat produc-
tion. In the first case there is an exhaust gas condenser; economizer,
which requires low return temperatures to perform well, and in the
second case the condensate has to be cooled down to improve the power
production. A large temperature drop also reduces the amount of water
circulating in the system, and it also reduces the operation costs for the
circulation pump.
Air vent
6. Expansion systems Overflow pipe
The purpose of the expansion system is to manage the volume change of
the system water at varying temperatures and to sustain the static pres-
In precious years, most of the systems were open, but gradually there has
Expansion tank been a change-over to select closed systems. The closed systems can be
more easily adapted to changes in the district heating network. Large
water level differences in the elevation within the networks have made it more
By-pass for difficult to work with open systems, as they require sufficient head of
circulation Reversible
pump water above the production unit.
The distribution part consists of circulation pumps and preinsulated
1. Preinsulated pipes.
A preinsulated pipe consists of water-bearing pipes, insulation and a con-
struction preventing the ground water from getting in contact with insu-
lation and pipes.
2. Construction, material.
Heat culvert produced on site.
The water-bearing pipe is, as a rule, made of steel. For smaller dimen- Fig 2:13
sions, used when connecting to small units, detached houses and so on,
copper pipes or pipes made of heat resistant plastic are also used, for
example in direct connected systems with lower temperatures.
The greatest risk, as far as the preinsulated pipes are concerned, is exter-
nal corrotion since there is treated system water in the pipes.
In earlier years the whole heat culvert was built on site. A concrete struc-
ture, open upwards, was built in a well drained excavation. The steel
pipes, insulated after pressure test, were installed in the structure and
then a concrete cover was placed on top. Manholes were placed at regular
intervals. The big problem with this type of heat culvert is making the
concrete structure leakproof.
The heat culverts of today (preinsulated pipes) are manufactured in a
factory with water-bearing pipes of steel, insulation of expanded polyu-
rethane and waterproof pipes of polyethylene. The insulation is foamed
Steelpipes, insulation of expanded polyuret-
between the steelpipe and the polyethylene pipe. hane and waterproof pipes of polyethylene.
The steel pipes are jointed through welding, and the polyethylene pipes Fig 2:14
are equipped with divided muffs of plastic-coated plating, fastened with
bolts. The muffs are filled with polyurethane foam. Branchings are made
in the same way and there is no need for manholes.
3. Heat losses.
100 mm The heat losses from a heat culvert can be considerable if the pipes are
100 °C not well insulated. The pre-insulated pipes with polyurethane foam as
insulation show small losses particularly where there are several insula-
23,8 W/m
tion thicknesses.
28,4 W/m
62,3 W
/m A pre-insulated pipe with a nominal diameter of 100 mm (DN), with an
m insulation of 35 mm and a water temperature of 100 ºC emits 28,4 W/m
under given circumstances. The same pipe with a thicker insulation of 45
Heat losses from preinsulated pipes. mm, emits 23,8 W/m under the same circumstances. The corresponding
Fig 2:15 values for a pipe with the DN of 400 mm and an insulation thickness of
45 and 65 mm respectively is 62,3 and 49 W/m respectively. The same
pipe without insulation emits 168 and 203 W/m respectively.
The heat losses are as much as 30% in old heat culvert systems. In pre-
insulated pipes the losses are reduced to less than 3%.
5. Design.
To design the pre-insulated pipes means an optimization of the pipe
costs and the operation cost for the circulation pump. A low water rate
gives large pipe dimensions and a low pressure increase across the pump,
a high water rate has the opposite effect.
There should be turbulent flow.
6. Flow.
The adjustment of the heat supply, applied with two-way valves, results
in a varying flow in the pre-insulated piping, which in turn results in a
varying flow resistance. The resistance varies by the square of the flow
change. If the flow is halved, Q = 0,5, the resistance is reduced to a
quarter, 0,52 = 0,25.
m3/h l/s
10 3
7 2
3 2 0,7
2 0,5
0,5 0,1
0,3 ,07
0,2 ,05
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 40 60 100 kPa
∆p 0,1 0,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 mvp
0,01 ,02 ,04 ,06 0,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1,0 Bar
Reducing the flow 5 m3/h, 1 , to 2,5 m3 /h will reduce the resistance from
60 kPa to 15 kPa, 2 . 0,52 x 60 = 15 kPa.
A reduction to 25%, 3 , gives the new resistance 0,252 x 60 = 3,75 kPa
Fig 2:17
7. Pumps.
Centrifugal pumps are used in the district heating systems. They are run
by electric motors and the sealing around the shaft into the pump
housing is a mechanical sealing, which prevents leakage.
8. Pressure control.
The heat supplier signs a contract to supply a certain amount of heat. To
be able to fulfil this contract, a lowest available pressure of 100-150 kPa
is required at each sub-station.
The available pressure at the sub-station situated farthest away is kept
constant with a pressure control, which controls the rotation speed of the
pump via a pump control, a frequency converter.
The available pressure is, in spite of the pump control, different at full
Pump for district heating. flow, depending on where the sub-station is connected in the system. The
Fig 2:18
closer to the production unit the higher available pressure. At minimum
flow the differences in available pressure are small between the first and
the last connected station. The control valves must be sized for this low
pressure, and therefore, they are too large at full flow in the system, which
may cause problems with a poor control, a high return temperature and
a pendulum effect throughout the whole system.
∆psystem ∆pmin
Flow %
150 0
Min ∆p = 150 kPa
Pressure control, with the sensor at the end of the system, guarantees a minimum available pressure in the
system. There will still be big differences in available pressure at different flow.
Fig 2:19
The consumption part consists of heat exchangers for heat and domestic
water, with relevant control equipment and heat meters. The coil unit in a jacket and coil heat exchanger.
Fig 2:20
1. Heat exchangers.
There are two kinds of heat exchangers:
• coil units
• plate heat exchangers
Coil units consist of flat or profiled copper pipes, wound to a compact
unit and is surrounded by a jacket through which the primary medium
flows. The secondary medium is connected to the copper pipes.
The plate heat exchanger consists of profiled plates, which are placed
against each other so that a space is formed, in which the water is able to
flow. Every second space contains primary water and every second one
contains secondary water.
Plate heat exchanger.
The heat exchangers are externally insulated. Fig 2:21
The pollutants in the primary and secondary water are deposited in
layers in the heat exchangers, due to the rather large temperature diffe-
rences on the surfaces. Even a very thin layer reduces the heat transfer
considerably. Pure water and a high water rate neutralizes the deposit.
2. Connection design
There are many different ways for connecting the various systems to
buildings. In principle there are three types:
Primary circuit
• direct connection
• one heat exchanger and with a secondary division to the various
• a separate heat exchanger for each part of the system
Secondary circuit
From a safety point of view, direct connection is used only when the flow
Direct connection.
Fig 2:23 temperature to the radiators is well below 100 ºC.
One heat exchanger for all the systems in the building provides great
flexibility and excellent possibilities for low return temperatures. Shunt
groups with circulation pumps are then installed for radiator-, floor
heating- and ventilating circuits. The domestic water is heated in a sepa-
rate heat exchanger
When using a separate heat exchanger for each system part, the exchang-
ers can be connected in parallel or the domestic hot water can be heated
in two stages. At first the domestic water is heated by the return water
from the radiator circuit, and if that is not sufficient, a re-heating takes
place by supplying the re-heater with primary system water.
4. Self-acting controls.
Self-acting controls have a sensor filled with a substance which changes
its volume as the temperature changes. The volume change is transmit-
ted through a capillary tube to an adjusting device placed on a control
valve. The adjusting device contains a bellows, and when the bellows Self-acting control.
changes in volume - expands or contracts - this motion is transferred to Fig 2:27
the cone in the valve. Self-acting controls can only keep the set tempe-
rature constant, and they are therefore not suitable for the control of the
variable flow temperature to a radiator system. They are, however, well
suited to keep the flow temperature of the domestic hot water or the ven-
tilating air at a constant level.
∆p-control Sensor
pump Shunt pipe
5. Control valves
The valve capacity is stated as a kvs –value, fully open valve.
The kv –value states the actual flow, Q, in m3/h at a pressure drop across
the valve, ∆pv, at 1 bar (100 kPa).
Two-way valves are always used in district heating system to prevent
more water than necessary from circulating. This means that the flow
and the available pressure will vary considerably under varying operating
conditions. The variations become more significant the closer the sub-
station is to the circulation pump, even if the pump is pressure control-
Cut away of a two way valve. The valve must be sized for the lowest available pressure existing, 100-
Fig 2:30 150 kPa, minus the resistance across the heat exchanger. If there is too
great a difference between the lowest and the highest available pressure,
the valve could start to hunt. The valve is too big when the available pres-
sure is higher than the one for which it has been sized.
7 4,0
5 2,5 1 1,0
3 1,6 0,7
2 0,5
1,0 ,63 0,3
0,7 0,2
0,2 ,05
0,1 ,03
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 40 60 100 150 200 400 600 1000 kPa
∆p controlled
stant differential pressure by activating a diaphragm and a cone in the
valve housing. circuit
If a differential pressure valve is placed in the flow direction after the
control valve, with one impulse tube connected before and one after the
control valve, the differential pressure across the control valve will be
constant, independent of the volume of the flow. Variations in the avai- Built-in impulse
lable pressure, that may occur, will not influence the control valve, even Impulse tube
if they are substantial.
A differential pressure controller can serve several control valves, but only ∆p control and controlled circuits.
one of the valves can then reach optimum conditions. Fig 2:32
7. Flow limitation
When a house owner buys heat, he is also contracting for a maximum
effect. The heat supplier too wants to make sure that the client cannot
consume more. This limitation of the flow is important to the supplier,
bearing in mind that he has to be able to deliver to all his clients at the
same time.
Flow control
∆p control
Flow limiter. ΣQ
Fig 2:35 Q Q
Fig 2:38
60 80 Max flow
40 100 nce
Constant ∆p
20 120
0 140
8. Energy metering.
The energy supplied to a building is measured by metering the flow and
by registering the temperature difference across the heat exchanger.
The flow meters can be mechanical or electronic, working with ultra-
sound. Flow and temperature drop readings are accumulated in a comp-
uterized unit where the consumption can be read straight away or by
using a small computer. The information can also be transmitted through
a cable or a modem to a central unit.
Tests have to be made on how to read the consumption in smaller units,
in each apartment of a larger building for instance, but this is difficult
because heat is transferred between the apartments. (An apartment,
located in the centre of the building, with the heat completely turned off,
only recieves about 2 ºC lower room temperature than the surrounding Ultrasonic flowmeter.
apartments.) Fig 2:40
In order to keep down the costs for the metering equipment, flow meters
are used for the distribution of the total consumption between the diffe-
rent apartments, provided that all the apartments have access to water,
holding the same temperature.
Secondary systems are the parts of the heating systems with a lower
pressure and temperature level, installed in buildings. A lower pressure
and a lower temperature can be obtained with a shunt connection and a
differential pressure control, (direct connected systems). The most com-
monly used system is, however, the connection through a heat exchanger,
completely separating the two systems from each other, (indirect con-
nected systems).
The secondary systems consist of three parts:
• production, boiler or heat exchanger
• distribution
• consumption
When speaking of district heating, the production unit is in fact only a
transformation from one temperature- and pressure level to another, but
regarding function, it is a production unit.
18 The purpose of the heating system is to create environmental conditions
in the building, comfortable for people to live in.
Generally an air temperature of 20-23 ºC is considered acceptable, but
15 17 20 there are also other factors influencing the comfort:
• the temperature of surrounding surfaces
• air movements, convection
• activity level
• clothing
Heat radiates to surfaces with lower temperatures.
Fig. 3:1 The heat transfers which we can influence, towards and from a person in
a room, are from radiation, convection and/or conduction. A minor share
comes from breathing.
Air velocity m/s Heat transfer by radiation has the biggest influence. We are receiving
0,5 heat from surfaces with a higher temperature than our skin, and we are
30 emitting heat to surfaces with a lower temperature. The greater diffe-
20 rence the larger the heat transfer.
15 Air with a lower temperature that flows over a surface removes heat from
0,2 the surface. The higher velocity of the air-flow the more heat is removed.
0,1 5 The greater the temperature difference the larger the heat flow.
0 Heat conduction requires direct contact, for instance when you are sitting
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 on a cold chair, but it is normally short-lived as the chair is quickly
Percent of unsatisfied persons as result of air tempe- warmed up by your body heat.
rature and air velocity. The result of the factors mentioned above and the temperature of the
Fig. 3:2
room air at a given point in a room, can be calculated. It is thus possible
to determine in advance if a heating system will provide an acceptable
comfort in a given room. Surface temperatures close to 20 ºC on all sur-
faces in a room and air-flow velocities lower than 20 cm/s provides very
good comfort.
Our activity level is also of great importance for how we are experiencing
comfort. The temperature can be kept several degrees lower in a sports
centre than in a living room.
We adapt to present conditions with our clothing.
Heat requirements.
The heat requirements in a building consist of:
Actual value
• transmission requirements
• ventilation Drying period
• domestic water Calculated value
Outdoor temperature
-200C - -300C
Indoor temperature
The purpose of ventilation is to remove pollutants (water vapour, odour,
dust etc.). The air removed from a building must be replaced by cold
outdoor air, heated to room temperature. Ventilation also requires heat
and the colder the outdoor temperature, the more heat is required. In
order to lower the heat consumption, the buildings are constructed as
+ +18 tightly sealed as possible in cold areas, and the ventilation is carried out
so that the lowest air change is maintained, 0,5 change per hour. The
+20 °C
warm air which is exhausted from a building contains much heat. Diffe-
rent devices are used to recover this heat, for example heat pumps and
heat exchangers. It has turned out that a too few air change and too
tightly sealed houses are causing problems with damp, condensation and
Ventilation system mould.
Fig. 3:6
Wind influence.
The wind has a great influence on the air changes and thus the heat con-
-12 oC +22 oC
sumption, in very tightly sealed houses. In many parts of Europe the
5 +o C
+22 oC
wind is blowing more and stronger in the temperature range around 0 ºC
than at other temperatures when heat is required. Even moderate wind
-12 C
velocities of 10 m/s can double or treble the air changes, depending on
+8 how tightly sealed the house is built. As regards the heating system, the
flow temperature must be raised considerably in order to keep the room
+5 oC +8 oC
temperature at the desired level.
Systems for recovering heat
Fig. 3:7
Incidental heat gain from heat sources other than the heating system.
The irregular incidental heat gain from, people, the sun, cooking and
electrical appliances is so great that ,it will cause over temperatures if no
measures are taken. This is to much so that it is definitely profitable to
equip, for example radiators with thermostatic valves in order to adjust
the heat supply to present requirements. Furthermore the comfort level will
increase owing to the more even temperature from the thermostatic
The production unit is the part of the system in which energy is trans-
formed into heat (separate houses), or in which heat is transferred to the
system (buildings connected to district heating)
There exist a lot of heat sources, for example:
• oil
• gas
• coal
• biodynamic fuels, wood, straw etc.
• solar heat
• heat pumps
• district heating
The three first-mentioned are the prevailing sources, while biodynamic
fuels and heat pumps are continually increasing. Solar heat is marginal.
From now on we are going to deal only with systems connected
to district heating, in which the four first mentioned heat sources are
1. Control
The control is to guarantee that the required heat volume is available in
the building and that the return temperature does not become too high.
2. Control valves
Only two-way valves are used on the primary side, and this generally
applies to the secondary side as well. Three-way valves may be used if
they are connected in a way that the flow towards the exchanger varies.
Control valves are sized according to the current flow and to the avail-
able pressure, independent of the pipe dimension in question.
115 °C 115 85
85 65 60
115 °C 85
65 60
Use two-way valves in district heating systems. In secondary systems use three-way
valves only when there is no pump in the circuit from the heat exchanger.
Fig 3:10
3. Temperature controller
The flow temperature to the radiators is controlled by a temperature con-
troller according to the outdoor temperature. There is also a control pos-
sibility in the return temperature of the domestic hot water in most of the
weather compensators.
Should the domestic hot water be produced in a secondary connected
water heater, the control of the temperature coming from the main heat
exchanger will be made at the secondary connected water heater, at least
when domestic hot water is produced.
Self-acting controls.
There are also self-acting controls for the control of the domestic water
5. Expansion systems
Secondary systems, directly connected to a district heating network, do
not need to be equipped with their own expansion system, if there is one
in the network.
Other secondary systems are equipped with expansion systems. The con-
ditions are the same as for the primary circuit.
6. Closed systems
Closed systems are for practical reasons the most commonly used.
The pump is mounted in the flow pipe, and the static pressure has to
Closed expansion system correspond to the height of the pipe system.
Fig. 3:13
7. Open systems
Open systems are less and less used even in smaller systems. The reason
for this is problems with corrosion at the connection to the expansion
tank, and to some extent the risk of freezing.
8. High-rise buildings
The heating system is divided vertically in high-rise buildings in order to
prevent the static pressure from becoming higher than the maximum
working pressure of any of the components, usually of the radiators. Note
that this is working pressure, not test pressure.
In order to avoid the exposure of heat exchangers, expansion tanks,
pumps, control valves etc. to high static pressures, a sub-station is placed
on ground level for, let us say, the first 15 floors.
The sub-station for the floors 16-30 is placed on the 16th floor.
The distribution unit consists of circulation pumps, horizontal distribu-
tion pipes and risers.
1. Definitions
Horizontal distribution pipes distribute the water from the sub-station
to other buildings and/or risers. Distribution pipes can be pre-insulated
pipes or steel pipes lying in a passage in the cellar of the building.
The risers are vertical distribution pipes, distributing the water to the
Shut-off and differential pressure radiators on each floor.
A radiator circuit consists of pipes distributing the water from the riser
Drain valve
to each radiator. The radiator circuit can be made for one or two-pipe
Horizontal distribution pipe from ceiling in passage
and branchings with valves.
Fig. 3:15
placed Radiator
riser circuit
Horizontal dis-
tribution pipes
Fig. 3:15
2. Pipe material
Standard steel pipes are used for larger pipe dimensions, joined together
through welding.
The connection to bigger valves and devices are made with flanges.
Smaller pipes are of threaded steel pipes with its dimensions adapted to
standardized pipe threads.
Soft pipes delivered in coils of steel, copper or heat resisting plastic with
a diffusion barrier, are used for the connection between riser and radia-
tors. The joint is made with compression fittings of various types.
3. Piping
The distribution pipes can be laid as pre-insulated pipes, in the ground
or under a building, or be hung from the ceiling in the cellar of the
Soft pipes of steel, copper or plastic are, of smaller
The risers are placed centrally, in shafts in the building, or at an outer dimensions, used in heating systems.
wall, exposed or in shafts. Fig. 3:17
Soft pipes are laid insulated on the load-bearing system of joists and are
covered with a layer of concrete.
Insulated pipe.
Fig. 3:20
7. Pumps
The pumps on the secondary side are of two kinds:
• pumps with a dry motor
• pumps with a wet motor
In a pump with a dry motor, the motor and pump housing situated some
distance from each other. The shaft connecting the motor and impeller
is visible, and there is a sealing joint where the shaft enters the pump
housing. The sealings, mechanical flat sealings, are nowadays very safe
and tight, requiring practically no maintenance.
In a pump with a wet motor, the pump housing and motor are built
together as one unit. The rotor of the motor is located in the system
Pumps with dry motors.
water, and a thin wall made of non metallic material separates the stator Fig. 3:21
from the system water.
8. Pump control
The varying flow in the secondary system makes it beneficial to control
the pump according to its pressure and varying flows.
The control can be made in accordance to several principles of function:
• constant pressure at the pump
• constant pressure at the last valve at the end of the system
• proportional pressure Pump with wet motor
• pressure control parallel to the pipe resistance Fig. 3:22
Constant pressure means that the pressure is not increasing when the % ∆p, P
flow is decreasing. 100
Proportional pressure means that the pressure decreases at decreasing
flow along a straight line which, at the flow 0, is equal to half of the
pressure at calculated flow.
Pressure control parallel to the pipe resistance means that the pump
pressure follows in accordance with the graph for the pipe resistance at 50
decreasing flow, but only down to half of the calculated pressure. ∆pn=∆Q x∆p0
The units emitting heat to the rooms are the heat consumers. They may
be called heaters from the aspect of the rooms.
The most commonly used type of heaters are the radiators of pressed and
welded steel. There are also radiators of cast iron, but they are seldom
used, and finally there are convectors and convection radiators in
different models.
Floor heating based on heat resistant plastic pipes has been used to a
great extent during the past twenty years.
60 52 47
One-pipe system with temperature drop.
Fig. 3:25
The one-pipe systems can for instance comprise one apartment. The
heaters are equipped with special valves in which the distribution of the
flow between heater and heating coil takes place. According to the
requirement the flow to the heater is controlled with a thermostatic
valve. The flow in the circuit is always constant and the circuit must be
Unit with thermostatic valve for connecting radiator thoroughly insulated to prevent heat from being supplied to the room
to a one-pipe system. when there is no need. Soft copper pipes are the most commonly used
Fig. 3:24 pipe material, but soft thin-walled steel pipes and pipes of heat resisting
plastic with a diffusion barrier are also being used. As a rule the pipes are
fixed directly onto the insulation and embedded in concrete. The
60 60
40 40
Fig. 3:28
Risers on the outside walls. Separate flow and return pipe to each radiator.
Fig. 3:30 Fig. 3:29
2. Pressure distribution
Two-pipe systems cause different available pressures in various units of
the system. The risers and the distribution pipes to which horizontal
one-pipe systems are connected are also two-pipe systems and each one-
pipe circuit has its own available pressure.
One-pipe systems have a constant flow, and a distribution of pressure and
flow can therefore be made with manually adjustable valves, and a
Required pressure hydraulic balance can be obtained.
Excessive pressure In two-pipe systems, with a control of the temperature in each room, the
flow will vary and thereby also the available pressure, which in turn
Pressure distribution in a two-pipe radiator circuit.
Fig. 3:31 means that a pre-set adjustment will only function at full flow. At a
decreasing flow the resistance reduces by the square of the flow change
across the adjustment, and the exceeding differential pressure must be
handled by the thermostatic valve or by the floor heating valve. Imbalance
and disturbing noises may arise. Thermostatic valves should not have a
higher differential pressure than 25 kPa.
∆p for pipes
Available ∆p ∆p for risers
20 2
The mounting of differential pressure controls at the bottom of each riser
19 Correct 3 and a control, if necessary an adjustment, of the available pressure at the
flow tem- riser located farthest away can manage the first item.
18 perature 4
The available heat volume is adjusted by the flow temperature. If the flow
75 80 85 90 temperature is raised, more heat is emitted from the heater, the room
tflow0C temperature increases a little, the thermostat reduces the flow and there
The flow temperature is important for the will be a larger temperature difference and a larger amount of heat is
functioning of the thermostat
Fig. 3:37 available. The room control should have heat authority.
A higher flow temperature reduces the p-band for a thermostatic valve.
troom0C Recommended Closed valve The p-band is the temperature increase by the sensor, required to make
22 0 the thermostatic valve pass from a nominal position to a closed valve.
21 1 Thermostatic valves are tested at 2ºC p-band, but in practice the p-band
is less than 1ºC and the thermostatic valve therefore reacts efficiently
p-band 0C
20 2
even to small temperature changes in the room.
19 3 At a too low flow temperature, the heater does not emit sufficient
18 4 amount of heat. In these cases the thermostat opens the valve completely
and the whole system gets unbalanced, unless a rough pre setting of the
75 80 85 90 flow has been made.
No heat authority Good heat authority
Pipes Pipes
Concrete Concrete
Transformer 7. Control
The control of the room temperature is made with an electric thermostat,
opening and closing a control valve via a thermo-hydraulic motor. The
electric thermostat contains an electric resistance, which is activated
when the thermostat opens the control valve. The resistance emits heat
in the thermostat, which after a while, believes that the room tempera-
ture has increased and closes the control valve. This type of on-off
Room thermostat
control has proved to be very efficient in the use with floor heating. The
type of circuit layout chosen is of little or no significance.
Room temperature will be controlled for every room.
Fig. 3:42 8. Ventilation
In the colder parts of Europe, mechanical exhaust air systems (a fan
Ventilation unit
constant temperature
and exhaust air are mechanized. The supply air volumes in these systems
Control valve are also considerably larger and require a pre-heating of the supply air to
obtain an acceptable comfort.
Shunt for ventilation unit with ∆p-control. The supply air is treated in special units before being distributed to the
Fig 3:43 different rooms through a ducted system. Special inlet terminal devices
are used to diffuse the supply air into the rooms without creating draught
Ventilation unit
or noise.
constant temperature
The supply air devices consist of a filter unit for cleaning the air. There-
flow after the air is heated to a little below the room air temperature and then
Variable flow
it passes the exhaust fan of the unit. Beside these functions, the devices
Control valve
can be used to cool or humidify the air.
The control of the temperature of the supply air is made by a shunt
∆p-control. Sensor circuit, containing a control valve and a circulation pump. The control
valve supplies the required heat and a control station with a sensor in the
Shunt for ventilation unit with ∆p-control and self-
acting control valves supply air duct ensures that the correct temperature is obtained. The
Fig. 3:44 control can also be made by self-acting controls.
Air has a low heat capacity. You can change its temperature rapidly, and
Air damper
that is why the control must be stable. Oscillations in the control systems
Filter are devastating. The distance between battery and shunt circuit should be
Heat exchanger the shortest possible. A change of the temperature in the air supply duct
Heater must result in a changed temperature of the radiator as quickly as possible.
For the same reasons, differential pressure controls are mounted to keep
Fan a constant pressure across the control valves.
The flow in the battery circuit should be constant, which can be accom-
Principle for supply air unit. plished by adjustment of a valve or with a pressure controlled circulation
Fig. 3:45 pump.
Evaluation of systems
and products.
The evaluation is based on experiences from systems used in Europe and
the systems currently used in China.The results are described in the
chapters ”Design instructions” as proposals for ready systems. However,
a rapid development continues within all fields and new evaluations
ought to be made at regular, not too long, intervals
Combined heating and power plant Local central boiler plant Sub-station
Fig. 4:1
District heating
District heating means that the combustion, the central boiler plant,
including all the required transports, are located at one site, serving a
large area. This location should be chosen so that the disturbances of the
residents is kept at a minimum, as regards noise, pollutants and trans-
ports. District heating systems can be designed for direct or indirect con-
nection. Direct connection is cheaper in the construction process of the Direct connection.
system, but in the long run, the whole system becomes more sensitive. A Fig. 4:2
leakage in an installation can even empty the pre-insulated pipes and the
central boiler plant of water. The static pressure for the central boiler
plant also prevails in the radiators of the apartments.Indirect connection
means that the installations of the building form a system completely
separated from the pre-insulated piping network by a heat exchanger. In
the same way, the pre-insulated piping network is separated from the
boiler by a heat exchanger. Each part of the system can therefore work at
its own temperature and its own static pressure.
Recommendation: District heating with indirect connection should be
used. Indirect connection.
Fig. 4:3
Local central boiler plants connected to a combined heating and power plant.
Fig. 4:4
With modern techniques, it does not matter what sort of fuel you are
using since the exhaust gases can always be purified. But a fuel containing
less pollutants also emits less pollutants and therefore requires less
purification of the flue gases. Coal is a domestic fuel and will therefore
be used for the a foreseeable future. The local heating plants should be
using as pure coal as possible even before renovation or rebuilding. After
rebuilding of boilers with a fluidized bed, coal of the best quality should
still be used. Coal of a lower quality can be used in the combined district
heating and power plants, which have been provided with large scale
purification equipment. The quality of the coal should be improved as
much as possible before delivery. A reduction of the ash content can be
made by washing the coal. This in turn has a great influence on combus-
tion, efficiency and discharges.
Recommendations: All the coal for local heating plants should be of a
high quality with low content of sulphur and ash.
Presently, the most efficient method for combustion of coal is the fluidized
bed. Combustion can occur at atmospheric pressure or at overpressure.
Coal, ground to pieces 6 mm or smaller, is mixed with water or air and
then sprayed into the fire, where a glowing and whirling mass is formed,
emitting heat to the tubes of the boiler. The temperature in the fire is
kept at a constant and relatively low level, about 850 – 870ºC by
controlling the supplied fuel amount and the percolation through the
tubes. The low combustion temperature results in a decrease of the
discharges of SOx to about 400 mg/nm3, about 75% purification. The
discharges of NOx are less than 500 mg/nm3.
Recommendations: Small central boiler plants, up to about 40 MW,
should be removed, and the pre-insulated pipes should be connected to a
larger local district heating network. The boilers in local heating plants
requiring a thorough renovation, should instead be replaced by modern
boilers with a fluidized bed or gas boilers. New plants are only built with
these modern boilers. Smallest size 50 MW.
Air and lime Coal
Air and lime
The flow temperature of the water, through which heat exchangers trans-
fer heat to the local pre-insulated piping network, should be 130ºC, and
the return temperature about 70ºC. These temperatures are chosen so
that existing systems can be operated under these circumstances.
Recommendations: The flow temperature of the boiler circuit should be
130ºC and the return temperature 70ºC.
130 0C
Static pressure.
The constant pressure of the boiler circuit is determined by the present
steam pressure and the highest point of the boiler circuit. The steam pres-
sure must be available also at the highest point in the system. At 130ºC,
at maximum boiler temperature, the steam pressure is 200 kPa (2 bar)
and to that must be added the height of the system converted into kPa.
Recommendations: The static pressure should not be higher than that
which is technically justified.
0 30
20 0
130 °C
15 m
0 0 0
kPa 5
Expansion systems.
An open expansion system requires that the tank be placed with its lower
edge 20 meters over the highest point of the boiler circuit. Such a
placement is difficult to accomplish without having to take expensive Boiler
20 m
measures. In any case, there will be difficulties in accomplishing service
and maintenance. A closed expansion system can be placed at any level 130 °C
within the central boiler plant. The only disadvantage is the required
15 m
supervision and control of the safety valves, and that there is qualified
personnel in the central boiler plant, capable of handling the safety kPa
Recommendations: Closed expansion systems should be used where A closed expansion system is most preferable.
technically qualified personnel are available for supervision and Fig. 4:10
Distribution Consumption
2. Temperature.
The flow and return temperatures in the local district heating network
Safety valve Expansion volume
should be at 120ºC and 65ºC respectively. The temperatures are based
upon current values for existing systems. The flow temperature can be
adjusted according to the outdoor temperature, down to about 70ºC
when producing domestic hot water, otherwise down to 30 – 40ºC,
which leads to reduced losses from the pre-insulated pipes.
120-70 °C
Recommendations: Flow temperature of 120ºC, return temperature of
65ºC. The flow temperature should be adjusted according to the outdoor Accumulator
temperature, but all the sub-stations must have access to at least the Temperatures for the primary system.
required heat amount. Fig. 4:12
3. Static pressure.
The temperature of 120ºC requires a steam pressure of 100 kPa (1 bar)
in the highest located part of the system. The static pressure makes the
level difference, converted into kPa, from the pressure gauge to the
highest point plus the steam pressure 100 kPa. The same problem applies
with the placing of an open expansion tank as for the local boiler. The
accumulator functions well as a closed expansion tank.
Recommendations: The static pressure should not be higher than that
which is technically justified. A closed expansion tank should be used. An elevated sub-station influences the
static pressure.
Fig. 4:13
4. Pre-insulated pipes.
For systems with working temperatures over 100ºC, there are today only
pre-insulated pipes available, consisting of steel pipe, polyurethane foam
and a mantle of HD polyethylene.The systems are highly developed and
there are pipes in all required dimensions. Laying and mounting is safe
and relatively straightforward. The heat losses in the pre-insulated piping
network should be as small as possible.
Recommendations: Pre-insulated pipes should be used. Check all the
welding with X-rays, they are pressure vessels. All the systems should be
pressure tested with a pressure of 1,3 times the maximum working pres- Pre-insulated pipe.
sure. A leakage alarm should be installed. Fig. 4:14
5. Flow.
The type of flow in the pre-insulated piping network, varying or
constant, is determined by the way the joint is made where the heat
exchangers are connected. A well functioning district heating system
implies low return temperatures, which can only be obtained with a
varying flow. A two-way valve, increasing or decreasing the flow through
the heat exchanger according to needs, provides a low return temperature
and varying flow.
Control valves.
There are two and three-way seat valves. The seat valves have a cone
working towards a seat. The cone is shaped differently depending on the
field of application. We usually speak of the characteristics of the cone,
which describes the ratio between the lift height of the cone and the flow
change which is the result thereof. In order to obtain a satisfactory func-
Two and three-way valves. tioning in a radiator system, it is a good thing if a certain change of the
Fig. 4:15 lift height of the cone in the primary control valve results in the corres-
ponding change of the heat emission from the radiators. For this purpose
a cone with a logarithmic characteristic is required. Other characteristics
are linear ones, for instance in thermostatic valves, and also exponential
s% Valve authority.
100 The valve authority or the pressure authority of the valve states the valves
share of the resistance in the circuit where it is placed, 30% for three-way
valves and 50% or more for two-way valves. These values are only appli-
cable to the sizing circuit. With regard to other valves the available dif-
ferential pressure has to be calculated, and the valve should preferably use
1 2 3 the whole pressure available to the valve.
0 50 100
Linear 1 , quadratical 2 , and logarithmic 3 ,
characteristics for valves. The lift range for the cone,
s, shown in %.
Fig. 4:16
Two-way valves.
A two-way valve has one inlet and one outlet, and the cone and the seat
are placed in between, making it possible to control the flow through the
The design of the connection determines its function.
The simplest connection design is when a pump is feeding water to the
valve which increases or decreases the flow as required. When the water
has passed the consumer unit, a heat exchanger for example, it returns to
the pump. The flow in the circuit will vary. Two circuits are obtained if a More or less flow in the primary circuit controls the
shunt is placed after the control valve, between flow and return, and after temperature in the secondary circuit.
that a circulation pump. The circuit before the shunt will give a varying Fig. 4:17
flow, when the control valve is adjusting the flow as required, and the
circuit after the shunt will have a constant flow with varying temperatures.
Whether the control valve is placed in the flow or in the return pipe is of
no significance as far as control is concerned, but if the shunt is placed
high up in the system, the best situation is to have the valve in the return
pipe, which will reduce the risk of air entering the consumer units. A
shunt for a ventilation device should be placed as close to the radiator as
possible to avoid temperature oscillations. A two-way valve may be used
to provide a constant flow in the supply circuit, but in that case a shunt
is required before the control valve, in which the resistance is as large as
the resistance through the control valve in nominal position. (Since
three-way valves already have an automatic shunt in the control valve, Shunt for control of the temperature in secondary
they would be the natural choice). circuit.
Fig. 4:18
The above shunts with three or two-way valves with no pump in the main circuit
give the same result. A pre-setting valve in the by-pass is required when using two-
way valve. The resistance in the by-pass should be equal to that of the two-way
Fig. 4:19
The differential pressure control can be mounted before or after the part
of the system over which it is to control, the controlled circuit. One
impulse tube is connected before the controlled circuit and on the posi-
tive side of the diaphragm. The other one is connected after the control-
led circuit and on the negative side of the diaphragm. Differential pres-
sure controls with a built-in impulse tube are made to be mounted either
before or after the controlled circuit.
Setting handle
Diaphragm house
This combination provides the control
valve with the same available pressure
Differential pressure control. when the flow fluctuates.
Fig. 4:21 Fig. 4:22
Flow limitation.
In large systems, there may be requirements for limiting the flow to the
connected units, so that none of them can take any flow away from the
The principle is: The flow is limited by keeping a constant differential
pressure over a resistance.
The differential pressure is kept constant with a differential pressure Flow control
control. The resistance can be a throttle orifice, a fully open control valve
or an adjusting valve. There are also complete flow controllers, in which
a differential pressure valve and an adjusting valve are built together as
one unit.
Constant ∆p
Max flow
Constant ∆p
∆p control
Flow control can be arranged with a flow controller
with built in resistance or with a ∆p controller and
the fully open control valve as resistance.
Fig. 4:24
Limitation of flow requires constant ∆p and some kind of resistance.
Fig. 4:23
6. Heat exchangers.
Modern district heating systems, with requirements of low return
temperatures, work well together with heat exchangers with a small
water content.
There are in principle two kinds of heat exchangers:
• plate heat exchangers
• coil units
Both types provide a comparatively small resistance in spite of a high
water rate. High water rate is good, because it leaves less depositions in
the exchanger.
Recommendations: Plate heat exchangers or coil units should be used.
Heat exchangers.
Fig. 4:25
7. Pump.
Circulation pumps used in district heating systems give a larger pressure
increase at lower flows. At the same time, the requirement for pressure is
less as the resistance decreases by the square of the flow change. The high
differential pressure causes problems at the control valves in the form of
noise, poor control and hunting, but it also involves unnecessary electric
consumption for operation of the pumps. While the resistance alters by
the square of the flow change, the electric consumption alters by the cube
of the flow change. Consequently here is money to be saved.
∆psystem ∆pmin
Flow %
150 0
Min ∆p = 150kPa
Pressure control, with the sensor at the end of the system, guarantees a minimum available pressure in the system.
There will still be big differences in available pressure at different flows.
Fig. 4:26
8. Metering.
Heat meters are used in district heating networks to distribute the costs
according to consumption, which is an efficient way of lowering the heat
Metering can be made centrally for the whole building, and then the
costs are distributed according to apartment area.
Heat meter
Heat meter
Heat meter
Heat meters register consumption and heat losses from the pipe network.
Fig. 4:29
Heat meters for district heating consist of:
• flow meter
• temperature sensor
• counter
Flow meter
Temperature sensor
Heat meter.
Fig. 4:30
Heating systems.
Heating systems is the comprehensive term for all the installations for
the heating in a building i.e. the production, the distribution and the
consumption unit.
Q=n% Q=P/∆t
Q=100-n% ∆t 250C
1. One-pipe systems.
The gradually lower flow temperature in one-pipe systems is compensa-
ted by the increase of the radiator surface. The surface increases the lower
the flow temperature becomes. If the flow temperature decreases below
the required value, i.e the available heat amount is too small, it becomes
impossible to compensate by an increased flow.
The heat emission from the pipes in a one-pipe circuit cannot be con-
trolled, and the emission can be substantial especially from uninsulated
pipes. If one or several thermostatic valves have closed the flow to respec-
tive radiators, the flow in the circuit continues with a higher temperature
and the heat emission from the pipes increases. The gravity forces,
especially in high-rise buildings, increase the circulation in the circuit
considerably. The flow in the one-pipe systems is constant and has to be
adjusted for each circuit.
W/m pipe Pipe size
80/89 65/76
ca 3 m
ca 1,5 m
ca 0,6 m
25 200 25
Room temperature: 20 0C
Flow temperature: 90 0C 10
100 1
Vertical pipe DN 25
Heat losses : 105 W/m x 0,8 = 84 x 3 = 252 W
Horizontal pipe DN 25
Heat losses : 105 x 3 = 315 W
Sum: 567 W 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
matic flow control is required on each one-pipe circuit in order to distri-
bute the flow properly.
54 m
Heat emission from radiators.
The heat supply to a radiator is controlled by the flow temperature, the
temperature drop and the flow amount.
The heat emission from a radiator is controlled by the difference in tem-
perature between the radiator surface and the air temperature of the
If we increase the flow through a radiator from zero, at a constant flow
70 °C
95 °C
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 50 100
Q% Q%
Heat emission from radiator with 900C flow temperature at 30% to radiator. Heat emission from radiator with 900C flow
Small temperature drop means that the flow must be reduced with some temperature at 10% to radiator. Small changes
70-80% before there will be a significant change in heat emission from the in flow will have a larger influence on the heat
radiator. emission from the radiator.
Fig. 4:37 Fig. 4:38
The reason for this is that when the surface temperature of the radiator
is almost the same across the whole surface, the heat emission cannot
become any larger. It is the difference in temperature between the surface
of the radiator and the room air which determines the heat emission. The
heat emission will not change if the difference in temperature isn’t
A small flow through a radiator provides a large temperature drop. A
A by-pass is required when using thermostatic large flow results in the opposite. It is first at a temperature drop of 15-
two-way valves.
Fig 20ºC that a flow change really affects the heat emission.
The temperature drop has to be relatively large, more than 15ºC if you
want to be able to control the heat emission from the radiators in a one-
RTD-G 15, 20 and 25 pipe system.
l/h l/s
1000 ,3
700 ,2 Flow distribution to the radiators
1 ,1 A flow distribution to the radiators requires a by-pass pipe through
200 25 20 ,05 where the remaining flow can pass.
2 15 ,03
100 It is the difference in resistance between the radiators that determines the
70 ,02
50 flow distribution. A large flow through a radiator requires a large
,01 resistance in the by-pass. In cases where the radiators and the by-pass
0,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1,0 2 3 kPa
pipes are serially connected in a one-pipe system, the resistance in all the
0,01 ,02 ,03 ,05 ,07 ,1 ,2 ,3 mWG
,001 ,002 ,004,006 0,01 ,02 ,03 Bar
radiators and by-pass pipes are added to the resistance in the one-pipe
A comparison of the resistance in the by-pass and circuit. The available differential pressure is the same for both radiator
the radiator circuit at 30 and 10% flow respectively circuit as well as by-pass, so the difference in resistance across the circuits
through the radiator circuit shows that the 10% respectively is determined by the ratio between the two different flows.
flow is preferable. This means that the resistance in the by-pass pipes should, at a 30% flow
The resistance through a thermostatic valve and a
radiator is only slightly larger than the resistance through the radiator circuit, be 0,3/0,7=0,45 of the resistance in the
through the valve only. A flow chart for thermostatic radiator circuit.
valves can therefor be used to illustrate the
difference in increased resistance at 30 and 10% At a 10% flow through the radiator, the resistance in the by-pass pipes
respectively through the radiator circuit. The resis- should be 0,11 of the resistance in the radiator circuit.
tance in the radiator circuit is at 30% three times
as large as the square of the change in flow, 32= 9. How does the temperature drop across the radiator affect the
Example: temperature drop across the circuit?
1 Q = 300, ∆p = 1,7 kPa. Ten equally large radia-
tors in a one-pipe circuit requires 10 x 1,7 = 17 kPa The temperature drop across the radiator does not affect the temperature
in Higher ∆p. drop across the circuit. The emitted heat amount however, affects the
2 Q = 100, ∆p = 0,19 Kpa ( 1,7/9 = 0,19 ). Ten temperature drop across the circuit.
equally large radiators in a one-pipe circuit only
requires 10 x 0,19 = 1,9 kPa in higher ∆p. If a thermostatic valve should reduce the flow through the radiator, to
reduce the heat emission, the result would be a larger temperature drop
across the radiator. But the water temperature in the circuit after the
radiator will have a somewhat higher temperature because less heat has
been taken from the water.
2. Two-pipe systems.
troom oC Closed valve
For two-pipe systems, nominal size is applicable as well as the same tem-
22 0 perature drop for all the radiators. The thermostatic valves are chosen
21 1 according to the current flow and the flow temperature determines how
large the p-band will be. The resistance across a two-pipe valve and a
20 2
p-band oC
radiator is normally so large, 5 kPa, that the gravity forces are insignifi-
19 3
An increased flow temperature in a two-pipe system means that the ther-
18 4 mostatic valves will decrease the flow through the radiators, and the
temperature drop becomes larger throughout the whole system. At the
75 80 85 90 same time, the p-band of the valves decreases, which makes the thermo-
tflow 0C
static valves more efficient. They are, in other words, saving more heat.
A higher tflow 86 instead of 820C, gives a reduction The thermostatic valves are maintaining the hydraulic balance in the
of the p-band from 1,5 to 0,40C. That means the
thermostat will use more of the incidental heat gain,
two-pipe systems as long as they have good heat authority. The available
it will be more effective. heat amount should be sufficient to keep at least the set temperature. If
Fig. 4:42 the flow temperature is decreasing during a twenty-four hour period or
more, so that the heat authority becomes less than 1,0, the room tempe-
rature will decrease after a while and the thermostatic valves open com-
troom oC Closed valve
pletely. An adjustment of the flow to each radiator is under these cir-
22 0
cumstances required to maintain the hydraulic balance.
21 1 Two-pipe systems are superior to one-pipe systems. Some advantages are:
Good heat authority
p-band oC
∆p = 54 × 15,6 x 9,81 50%, the temperature drop is 12,5ºC and the flow temperature 55ºC,
= 8.264 Pa = 8,3 kPa. which gives gravity forces of 3,1 kPa (approximate values).
Total ∆p at 95 oC
54 m
= 16,2 + 8,3 = 24,5 kPa The pressure conditions in the systems are affected equally, whether it is
Flow at 95oC: a question of one or two-pipe systems, or vertical or horizontal ones.
The resistance varies by the Regarding the one-pipe systems with thermostatic valves, the flow will
square of the flow change.
∆Q2 × ∆p1 = ∆p2; increase in the one-pipe circuits. The thermostatic valves close a little to
∆Q2 × 16,2 = 24,5; preserve the set room temperature, but the flow in the circuit increases
24,5 ; and the return temperature becomes higher. The solution to this problem
∆Q =
16,2 is to install a flow limiter on each one-pipe circuit. Then the flow will
∆Q = 1,23; remain the same, independent of the variation of the gravity forces in
70 °C
95 °C
The flow will increase with flow temperature and temperature drop. Note that a stationary adjust-
23% ment does not work because of the varying available differential pressure.
Flow limiter
Two-pipe system
Two-pipe systems with thermostatic valves on all the radiators will also
Fig. 4:47 Circuit resistance: adapt themselves to the new pressure conditions so that the heat supply
2 × 54=111 m is preserved. The size of the flow will be the same, as well as the return
111 × 0,1 = 11,1 kPa temperature. You may have a problem with noise disturbance, if the total
Thermostatic valve incl available differential pressure at the thermostatic valves becomes too
radiators = 5 kPa
Total ∆p = 16,1 kPa
high, more than 25 kPa. Thermostatic valves for two-pipe systems can
manage a differential pressure of 80 kPa, as far as controlling is
Gravity forces: 8,3 kPa
Total ∆p at 95oC = 16,1 + concerned. The same conditions are guaranteed, independent of the size
8,3 = 24,4 kPa of the gravity forces, if differential pressure controls, with a stationary
value of 10 kPa, are installed at the bottom of the risers up to the 6th
The increase in flow will floor, or for the apartments of each floor.
be very small due to the
thermostatic valves. Recommendations: Centrally placed risers, differential pressure control
and horizontal two-pipe radiator circuits provide the best conditions to
obtain a well functioning system with good possibilities of metering and
reducing the heat consumption, as well as cutting operational costs for a
pressure controlled circulation pump. This solution can also manage large
∆p control on each riser gravity forces as well as other variations of the differential pressure.
will secure the same ∆p
even when the gravity
∆p control
forces are large.
0 50 100
Lift range %
Thermostatic valve
Fig. 4:49
Valve body.
There are several kinds of valve bodies, straight and elbow and also
different sizes. The sealing around the spindle affecting the cone, is
constructed as one unit making it, easy to exchange during operation.
Control unit.
There are several kinds of control units. The most common ones are:
• control unit with a built-in thermostat sensor
• control unit with a separate sensor, connected with a capillary tube
4. Weather compensation.
In a heating system with manually controlled valves, it is obvious that the
flow temperature must be adjusted according to the outdoor tempera-
ture, (the requirement) so that the approximate desired room tempera-
ture is obtained.
A weather compensator consists of:
• control unit
• control motor, control valve
• sensor for outdoor temperature Weather compensator.
Fig. 4:53
• sensor for flow temperature
• sensor for return temperature, optional
• timer, optional
ding to requirements.
No heat authority
p-band oC
20 2
The setting of the curve in the control station can be made quite
19 3 theoretically, but it is better to set it at some degrees below zero and to
base the flow temperature upon the actual requirement.
18 4
Read the flow temperature, the temperature drop and the room tempe-
75 80 85 90
rature at the worst located radiator. Has the desired room temperature
0ne-pipe system been obtained and is the temperature drop sufficiently large?
tflow oC
Two-pipe system
Periodic setting-back of the flow temperature. troom oC with night set back
A setting-back of the flow temperature during a shorter or a longer troom oC Mean temperature
period of time is made to reduce the heat consumption. A condition for 20
making a saving is a decrease of the room temperature and that it doesn’t 19
take as much heat consumption when resetting the room temperature 18
after a set-back period as it would have, had the system been run without 17
the set-back period.
Buildings accumulate much heat, heavy buildings more than light ones. 15
The accumulation means that it takes a long time before the room tem- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
perature drops when the heat has been completely or partly turned off. If Time
a decreased room temperature is obtained, it also means that the tempe- Night set back with no time constant gives a small
rature of the building body has dropped and that the same heat amount reduction of heat comsumption:
must also be supplied before the room temperature comes up to normal 1,3°C × 5 %=6,5 %.
Fig. 4:57
A simple calculation shows that there is almost no saving to be made in
a short temperature set back period over one night. We could for instance troom oC with night set back
assume a building with no accumulation, where the room temperature troom oC
Mean temperature
can be lowered from 20ºC to 16ºC and raised from 16ºC to 20ºC
without any time consumption. If this set back is made for one night, 20
eight hours in such a building, the mean temperature over twenty-four
hours will be: 19,5
5. Flow.
3 1 2 Thermostatic valves in two-pipe systems give a varying flow, provided
Tflow oC
∆t °C
40 30 25 20 16 that they have heat authority. It is true that the weather compensator
adjusts the temperature according to the requirements, but the inciden-
1,2 95 tal heat gains from people, electricity, cooking and the sun are substan-
1,1 90 10
tial. Besides, there is a certain decrease of the flow temperature between
0,9 80 8 the first and the last connected radiator, despite well insulated pipes. As
0,7 70 6 the last radiator is supposed to have access to the required heat amount,
0,6 5 this means that the first radiator has access to much more heat, which is
0,5 60 4
0,4 50 throttled by the thermostatic valve. The thermostatic valve keeps the set
0,2 temperature, and this fact in addition to all the incidental heat gains gives
0 variations in the flow, in spite of the set flow temperature.
0 1,0 2,0 Q
tflow for the last radiator in a circuit is 90 oC Differential pressure control.
1 ∆t is 25oC. There are large variations in the available differential pressure in systems
2 tflow for the first radiator is 95 C which will with varying flows, which means that thermostatic valves sized according
give 5% more heat.
to the lowest available differential pressure, are forced to work with many
The thermostatic valve will reduce the flow by times greater pressure. The valves are too large at these high pressures,
3 9% to give the same room temperature and
∆t will be 28oC. and oscillations easily arise, a fact which, except for unnecessary wear,
gives higher return temperatures and affects the other valves in the
Fig. 4:59
system. The differential pressure controls keep the pressure constant even
at varying flows.
5 kPa
∆p radiator circuit ∆p radiator
∆p riser
1st floor
There are specially designed differential pressure controls for heating
systems. One type with a constant differential pressure of 10 kPa and one
type with an adjustable differential pressure of between 5 and 25 kPa.
A differential pressure control consists of:
• valve body
• control unit ∆p controls with fixed and adjustable
The valve body contains a cone and a seat. differential pressure respectively.
Differental pressure controls provide every floor with the same available pressure
on every floor
Fig. 4:62
Flow limitation.
The thermostatic valves in two-pipe systems are responsible for the flow
limitation as long as they have heat authority. It is, should the available
heat amount become too small, sufficient to make a rough pre-setting to
manage the flow distribution, thanks to the constant differential pressure
kept by the differential pressure control.
One-pipe systems have, as a rule, a constant flow and the current flow
must be set separately for each circuit which theoretically can be made
with a pre-set adjustment valve. As shown above, the gravity forces are
large in high-rise buildings and they also vary with the flow temperature
and the temperature drop. A manually adjusted valve will therefore in
these cases not work, but an automatic flow limiter is required here.
m3/h l/s
10 3
7 2
3 0,7
2 0,5
1,0 0,3
0,7 0,2
0,5 1
0,2 ,05
0,1 ,03
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 40 60 100 kPa
∆p 0,1 0,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 mWG
0,01 ,02 ,04 ,06 0,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1,0 Bar
The flow through a fixed adjustment will vary when the differential pressure
1 ∆p 16 kPa, Q 600 l/h 2 ∆p 25 kPa, Q 740 l/h
Fig. 4:63
Shut off screw
The principle is: The flow is limited by keeping a constant differential
pressure over a resistance.
Drain valve Flow limiters for heating systems consists of:
• valve body
Setting • control and setting unit
handle Valve body
The valve body contains a cone, a seat and a drain valve.
Flow control valve The control and setting unit consists of a diaphragm, a spring pack and
Fig. 4:64 a handle for the setting.
The flow limiter is mounted in the return pipe and the built-in dia-
phragm keeps the differential pressure constant at 15 kPa across the cone
and the seat. The setting of the flow is made by altering the resistance
over the cone and the seat. The valve also has a shut-off function.
m3/h l/s
10 3
7 1 2
5 2
3 2 0,7
2 0,5
1,0 0,3
0,7 0,2
0,5 2
0,2 ,05
0,1 ,03
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 40 60 100 kPa
∆p 0,1 0,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 mWG
0,01 ,02 ,04 ,06 0,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1,0 Bar
6. Static pressure.
At maximum temperatures below 100ºC, there is no requirement for a
steam pressure. Only the height of the building/system determines the
static pressure.
Expansion systems.
Closed expansion systems with safety valves require regular supervision
and control.
They are therefore not suitable since you cannot have qualified person-
nel available in all the buildings all the time.
Open expansion systems do not require as much supervision and
no service, providing they are made of the proper materials. All the
expansion systems must always be in open connection with the part of
the system from where the heat is supplied.
Static pressure. If the pump is placed in the return pipe, the available pressure, i.e the
Fig. 4:66 static and dynamic pressure put together (the pressure which can be read
from the water guage) will increase at the connection of the expansion
pipe to the system. The present total pressure for the expansion system,
pE, can be calculated. Then, from the water guage after the pump, read
pressure, p1, reduced by the resistance in the pipe, appliances if there are
any, and the level difference up to the connection of the expansion pipe
gives pE. pE converted to meter is equal to the difference in level between
pE and the highest point of the expansion pipe, i.e. at the bottom of the
expansion tank. Experience shows that the static pressure should be equal
to the highest point in the system plus 65% of the pump head converted
into meters. The bottom of the expansion tank should be located at this
If the pump is placed in the flow, the available pressure will be lower at
the beginning of the expansion pipe, i.e. the water level in the expansion
pipe sinks when the pump is in operation.
Necessary static pressure depending on whether the circulation pump is in the return or the flow pipe.
pE pE
ppump =p1 - p2 p1 p2 p1
pE p2 p1 p2
pE The pump in the flow
pipe will give the oppo-
pE site result to the pump in
the return pipe and there
ppump =p1 - p2 is no risk of air entering
the heating circuit.
7. Pump.
∆p kPa ∆p kPa
100 100
90 ∆pp
um p
80 80 Q 50
70 70
60 60
50 50 Q 10
0 ∆p
40 e 40 d
al pip im
30 rizont 30
20 ∆p 20
10 10
0 0
Q 0 50 100 % ∆p available for each riser at 50 and 100% flow.
Fig. 4:71 Without pressure control.
∆p kPa ∆p kPa
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 ∆ppump 70
Q 50
60 60
50 50 Q 10
0 ∆p
40 40 d im
30 ntal p 30
20 p hor 20
10 10
0 0
Q 0 50 100 % ∆p available for each riser at 50 and 100% flow.
Fig. 4:72 Constant pressure control.
∆p kPa ∆p kPa
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60 Q 10
∆p pum
p 0
50 50 Q 50
40 ipe 40
ntal p ∆pdim
30 izo 30
p hor
20 ∆ 20
10 10
0 0
Q 0 50 100 % ∆p available for each riser at 50 and 100% flow.
Fig. 4:74 Proportional pressure control.
∆p kPa ∆p kPa
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50 Q 10
40 ∆ppump pe 40 Q 50
tal pi ∆pdim
30 n 30
20 p hor 20
10 10
0 0
Q 0 50 100 % ∆p available for each riser at 50 and 100% flow.
Fig 4:75 Parallel pressure control.
8. Metering.
Metering of the heat volume per apartment implies a more personal
responsibility for the heat costs but is not as accurate. Someone living in
the centre of the building may turn off the heat completely without
receiving much lower temperature than his neighbours, while someone
having a gable apartment, highest up in the building, will get considerably
higher heat costs for the same apartment area. A conversion factor can be
calculated, based upon the theoretical heat requirement for apartments
with a gable wall and/or roof surfaces, compared to the corresponding
apartments without these surfaces.
A gable apartment on the top floor requires more Flow metering per apartment.
heat than an equally large apartment in the centre In buildings with insulated, centrally placed risers, and a two-pipe
of the building. radiator circuit per apartment, the heat consumption can be metered for
Fig. 4:77
each apartment with a flow meter, preferably an ultrasonic one, bearing
service and precision in mind. The flow meter is placed in an easily
accessible position, in the stairwell. It can be equipped with a remote
control for metering. An adjustment of the consumption for gable
apartments and apartments with a roof should be made.
Most of what we are doing in our ordinary lives affects the environment
in one way or the other. Some things are clear to the naked eye: the
smoke and the soot when we are lighting a fire, for instance. Other things
can be more difficult to detect: as how much more smoke and soot that
is formed if we do not efficiently utilize the heat we are producing. Or: a
unit in a central boiler plant must be exchanged after five years instead
of 20 years, due to inefficient operation.
The consumption of coal has negative effects on the environment in the
central boiler plant and its closest surroundings, but the area from where
the coal is collected is also indirectly affected. The transport to and from
the central boiler plant also has negative effects on the environment
through its consumption of energy. The most efficient way of reducing
the negative effects on the environment is to reduce the consumption of
Efficient systems reduce the negativ effects on the coal through a more effective use.
Fig. 5:2 1. Durability.
There are two reasons for exchanging components in a district heating
• the component is worn out, for example a bearing in a pump
• a new product provides a better efficiency
Components with no moving parts do not wear out, and their technical
life is calculated to 50 years. Boilers of a good quality can last for about
30 years with a proper maintainance.
2. Production.
In the production plant the temperatures are high and the wear is
extreme. An efficient operation process, a reduced consumption of fuel,
a large reduction of discharges and an increased durability of the
components are measures that have to be considered. Small central boiler
Worn out components should be exchanged. plants, up to 30 MW, should be replaced by connection to district
Fig. 5:3
heating networks, with larger boilers combusting more efficiently with
fluidised beds.
3. Fuel.
The fuel in the district heating Main Power Stations will in general
during a foreseeable future be coal and gas (only within certain areas).
Irrespective of fuel type, impurities in the fuel has to be kept as low as
possible. International standards apply.
A decrease of the ash content in coal causes an immediate increase of the
efficiency and reduces the discharges radically. This decrease can be
accomplished by washing the coal, and this should be made without
delay, even for existing boilers.
Crushing and washing of coal should not be made at the district heating
Power Station but rather in connection with the mining process. Particles mg/m3 SOx mg/m3 NOx mg/m3
EC 50-100 400 - 2.000 650 - 1.300
By choosing coal containing small quantities of sulphur, the discharge of Mininmum 40 160 - 270 80 - 540
sulphur decreases in the combustion process. Internationally there is only Allowed discharges according to IEA Coal Rese-
coal with less than 1% sulphur for sale. arch air pollutant emission standards for coal-
fired plants database, 1991.
The use of better coal in all the boilers results immediately in smaller The values regard new plants. The first value is for
discharges and ought to be used as soon as possible. Coal of high quality large plants and the second value for small ones.
should, in the long run, be used in the local heating plants, while coal
with a lower quality is to be used in the combined heating and power
plants where an efficient purification of the flue gases takes place.
4. Combustion.
The combustion has to be efficient, as it reduces the impurities in the flue
gases and utilizes the heat contents of the coal.
Combustion of coal, based upon pulverised coal and burned with a
fluidised bed, has proved to be the best combustion technique at present.
The impurity content in the flue gases is already low without the Boilers with fluidised bed combustion are very effec-
tive even from the environmental point of view.
purification. This combustion technique should be used in new plant and
when replacing old boilers, both local and in combined heating and
power plants. Combustion that is efficient and durable for a long time, Air
requires automatic operation and sound operating conditions.
should be equipped with bag filters. Electric filters may be more efficient
when it comes to combined heating and power plants.
The discharges of SOx and NOx should be reduced to international
levels, in the CHP plant 1998 =25 mg/MJ, but it is not possible to
introduce such an efficient reduction of SOx and NOx into the local
heating plants for economic reasons as they are only allowed to be used
at peak load. Boilers with a fluidised bed emits small quantities of SOx
and NOx. Local heating plants do not, for that reason, have to be
equipped with further purification of the flue gases, as they are only in
operation for a short time, after having been connected to combined
heating and power plants.
The combined heating and power plants should be equipped with puri-
fication of SOx and NOx.
6. Handling of ashes.
The ash quantity is dependent on the quality of the coal. The washing of
coal reduces the ash contents and the better washing the less ashes.
The handling of ashes is important regarding the environment and
should be carried in closed vehicles. The large volume of ash also involves
consideration for it’s long term use.
The transport of ashes should be made in tight vehicles or containers so
that the surrounding environment is not affected.
7. Handling of coal.
Coal which is stored or moved openly should be handled in a way that
the wind cannot carry away dust. Spraying with water or chemicals are
tested methods.
Transport of coal and ashes can effect the environ- Unloading, tipping, crushing or grinding of coal should be made in such
ment in more than one way. a way that the surroundings are not disturbed by noise, or dust.
Fig. 5:5
8. Water quality.
The water in the primary system should be of such a quality that there is
no risk of corrosion or coatings. All the water brought to the system
should be within the following requirements:
Conductivity max 10 µS/cm
pH-value 9-10
Hardness 0,1 tHº
Appearance clear and sediment free
O2 0,02 mg/litre
Leakage is not acceptable. The material and the construction of shaft-
and spindle inlets should be made so there can be no leakage.
The water for refilling should be treated in the same way.
The systems should not be emptied of water, even though they are not in
Heat exchanger
Ion reduction
Dosage of Particle
Water treatment chemicals filter
Fig. 5:6
2. Existing boilers.
Existing boilers, of 40-60 MW, in good condition that do not need to be
exchanged within a reasonable time, should use coal with a low content
of ashes, the combustion should be made with a high efficiency. Flue gas
coolers should be installed to raise the effictively and then the
condensate, SOx must be taken care of effectivly. The boilers should be
in operation night and day and turned off only for cleaning.
A simple but effective
purification of the Flue gas
exhaust gases can be cooler
done with bag filters Bag filter
and cooling the gases
will raise the
Flue gas purification with bag filter should be installed, and as mainte-
nance work is required, other measures should be taken for a change-over
to the supply from a combined heating and power plant.
In principle, the same procedure applies on both smaller and larger
boilers, but the smaller ones should be removed as soon as possible, and
their system is to be connected to larger plants with flue gas purification.
3. New boilers.
When new boilers are installed, either in new or existing district heating
networks, the out put should be of about 40-60 MW, the combustion
should be made with a fluidised bed.
The coal quality has to be good, i.e. low contents of sulphur and ashes,
and the combustion should be done continuously as long as there is any
need of it.
Two or more local heating plants of this size can at an early stage be
connected to preinsulated pipes. It is better to have one heating plant
with a capacity of 100% in operation, than to have three with a capacity
of 33% each.
The discharges of SOx and NOx stays at an acceptable level with this Connecting two or more district heating networks
combustion technique, even without purification. When the local will rise the efficiency and the reliability.
heating plants are later connected to the combined heating and power
plant, the operation times will be reduced to perhaps 15-20% per year,
the SOx -and NOx levels are then acceptable. The discharges of particles
must be limited. This is done by using bag filters.
4. Accumulator.
The accumulator has two purposes:
• to level off the differences between production and consumption
• to be an expansion system for the distribution unit
The accumulator should have volume enough to manage a heat require-
ment of 12 hours.
coating The accumulator is made of steel with the same pressure class as the rest
Rustproof steel of the distribution network. It is anti-corrosively treated on the outside
as well as on the inside and is equipped with outside insulation, for
Insulation example extruded polyurethane, and a tight surface layer.
In order to be able to pick up the water volume change, the required
expansion volume plus 20 % is added to the volume of the system. The
expansion volume is filled with nitrogen gas and the pressure is raised to
An accumulator must be protected from corrosion
both on the outside as well as on the inside and the required level.
also be well insulated.
Fig. 5:9 Safety valves with the required capacity, opening at a maximum working
pressure, should be installed. They have to be easily accessible for service
and testing.
Heat exchangers.
Heat exchangers for transfer of heat from the local boiler as well as from
combined heating and power plant are connected to the accumulator.
The exchangers are installed outside the accumulator, a charging pump,
transfers the heat into the accumulator. An additional pump or valve
system is required, to allow the stored heat in the accumulator to be used
in the district heating on demand.
The local boilers are detached from the distribution network with a heat
exchanger before installing the accumulator. The boiler circuit can be run
with the optimum conditions for the fuel consumption, temperatures and
5. Expansion systems.
Closed expansion systems should be used. It is easier to adjust them to
possible changes in systems or in operating conditions. It is also easy to
increase the static pressure, should, for example, a cavitation arise.
Closed expansion vessel with inert gas for the keeping pressure.
Closed expansion vessels are exposed to the same pressure as the rest of
the system and must therefore be constructed as pressure vessels.
Closed systems must be equipped with safety valves, opening and
letting excessive pressure out if boiling should occur. The opening pres-
sure is equal to the maximum working pressure of the plant. The safety
valves require a permanent control.
Primary Secondary
side side
6. Circulation pumps.
When considering the required static pressure, the circulation pumps
should be placed in the flow.
The pumps in the boiler circuit and the charging pumps for the accu-
mulator should be sized to be able to manage the resistance in the current
circuits, including heat exchanger and control valves, if there should be
Dynamic pressure.
With regard to the local distribution systems, the lowest obtainable
differential pressure of 150 kPa has to be available in all the sub-stations,
and the stated maximum water rates should be strived for in the pre-
insulated piping network.
The same conditions also apply to the central distribution network.
Flow %
400 50
Dynamic pressure 200
Fig. 5:12
The flow is determined on the basis of heat requirements and tempera-
The specific heat amount of water is based on 1 ture drop. The theoretically calculated heat requirements are usually
kg at 15oC. Calculations for heating systems are higher than the real ones, and therefore an exact calculation of the flow
normally made with 1 kg water equal to 1 litre
and that is not physically correct because the is not necessary.
volume and the specific heat will change with the When the system has been commerioned, a measurement of the real
temperature. This deviation is still small compared
to the differences between calculated and real
values is important, in order to run the plant in the best way possible.
7. Pre-insulated pipes.
Pre-insulated pipes with a high-quality insulation and a safe waterproof
protective cover should be used for all the heating distribution systems.
They should be constructed and installed in such a way as they last as
long as possible.
Stated maximum water rates should be strived for which will give a
smaller external diameter and therefore a smaller heat emitting surface.
The standard insulating thickness should be used.
Pre-insulated pipes consist of an internal steel pipe. On the outside there
is foam insulation and the waterproof external layer consists of a poly-
ethylene pipe. The insulation is foam with the steel pipe as an internal Pre-insulated pipe.
and the polyethylene pipe as an external mould. The construction Fig. 5:13
function as one unit from an expansion point of view. There are preinsu-
lated pipes in dimensions from the smallest to the largest, dout 27 – 1.220
Sizing of pipes.
A high water rate in pre-insulated pipes is important from several
aspects. It results in smaller pipes which have the advantage of being
cheaper and causes smaller heat losses. The temperature drop across a
certain distance becomes twice as large at the same temperatures if the
flow is halved. At the same time, the resistance in the circuit is reduced
to a quarter, and the operational cost of the pump will only be an eighth.
8. Heat exchangers.
A sub-station is situated in each building, maybe several in long, high-
rise buildings. It is cheaper to distribute heat in a primary distribution
system than to construct up a secondary one.
Coil units or plate heat exchangers can be used for hot water as well as
for domestic water systems. Both these types contain very small water
quantities, and therefore an increased consumption requires that the
whole primary system reacts quickly.
The water flow rate in heat exchangers ought to be high, so that the
deposits do not remain in them.
The flow resistance across an exchanger is usually 20-50 kPa.
Operating conditions.
1. Temperature levels.
The boilers in the combined heating and power plant with an electrical
production will work with steam, but a temperature of 130ºC ought to
be chosen for the distribution out to the local district heating networks.
The same temperature should also be applied to the boilers in the local
district heating systems.
Maximum temperature in the local distribution unit is 120ºC.
2. Return temperatures.
Low return temperatures should be strived for, partly because the flue gas
coolers, if any, require it, partly because a low return temperature means
a large temperature drop, i.e. the flow pumped around in the district
heating network is low.
The return temperature should be around 70ºC.
130 oC 120 oC
70 oC 70 oC
Temperatures in a local district heating system.
Fig. 5:1
4. Static pressure.
The static pressure is determined by the maximum The local distribution unit will be working with a static pressure, which
water temperature and the height of the highest is the sum of the steam pressure (100 kPa at 120 ºC) and the difference
part of of the system. To avoid boiling, a pressure
that is higher than the steam pressure at the in height between the pressure gauge in the production unit and the
temperature in question is required at the highest highest located sub-station. The pump should be placed in the flow.
point of the system.
The static pressure of the local boilers depends on their maximum
Water temperature ºC Steam pressure
kPa/bar working temperature. The steam pressure is 200 kPa at 130 ºC and that
(gauge pressure) pressure is to be added to the height of the boiler converted into kPa.
110 47/0,5
120 99/1 If the circulation pump is placed in the flow pipe, it is enough with an
130 193/2 addition of 10-20 kPa (as a safety margin) to the static pressure to get all
140 262/2,6 the parts of the system water filled at operation.
160 518/5,2
36 m
12 m
14 m
Static pressure, boiler 130 oC. Static pressure, district heating network 120 oC.
Steam pressure = 200 kPa Steam pressure = 100 kPa
Level pressure = 120 kPa Level pressure = 360 kPa
Total = 320 kPa Total = 360 kPa
All the components included must be officially approved for the current p1
working pressure. p2
Valve min
5. Available differential pressure. Steam
The available differential pressure in the primary distribution system will
When water passes through a valve the speed will
vary with the flow in the system. The pump keep the differential pressure increase over the seat and cone and then decrease.
in the last sub-station constant at 150 kPa, at all flows. The differential The increase in speed will use up some pressure.
pressure will vary for the rest of the connected sub-stations, from the The result is ∆pvalve min.some of that pressure
returns when the speed decreases and the
maximum at 100% flow to approximately 150 kPa at a minimum flow.
result is p2.
The control valves should be sized for the lowest possible available diffe- If the ∆pvalve min becomes lower than the steam
rential pressure, 150 kPa, minus the resistance in the heat exchanger in pressure, cavitation occurs and the water will boil
question. and bubbles of steam will form. When the speed
decreases, the pressure will rise and the bubbles
implode. This causes a loud noise and the large
forces could damage surfaces of the valve.
Fig. 5:17
% ∆p, P
0 50 100% Q
The resistance changes by the square of the flow change and the effect for the
pump by the cube.
Fig. 5:18
6. Water quality.
The water quality is very important as regards to the durability of all the
components included in the primary system. A plant can provide the
production as well as the distribution units with water. The plant for
water treatment should be designed so that it can also manage the refil-
ling of the secondary systems. Refilling pipes to the various systems
should be equipped with meters to obtain control over the refilled
volumes. With regard to systems with mixed new and old constructions,
a water change of 0,5 times per year is taken into account. The new pre-
insulated pipes are only refilled when considering new systems and
Feed water Flow meter
sub-stations and a possible filling of the secondary systems.
The following values apply of the water after purification.
A flow meter register the amount of water feeded.
Fig. 5:19
Conductivity max 10µS/cm
pH-value 9-10
Hardness 0,1 tHº
Appearance clear and sediment free
O2 0,02 mg/l
7. Pressure testing.
Before a system or parts of it are commissioned it has to be pressure
tested. The system in question is filled with treated water and all the air
is purged. After that, the pressure is increased, with a pump, to at least
1,3 times the maximum working pressure. The pressure should be
constant for at least 60 minutes, without dropping. Joints, connections
and components should be visually checked during the pressure testing,
to make sure that there is no leakage. The supervisor in charge should
keep records of the pressure tests. The records should contain information
on time, place, scope, current pressures at the beginning and the end of
the test, and also leakages attended to. The records are then to be signed
by the supervisor in charge.
8. Operating times.
The local central boiler plants must be in operation until they are
connected to an accumulator, another district heating network or a
combined heating and power plant. If domestic hot water is to be
produced as well, this applies all year round.
When several local central boiler plants have been connected, just as
many boilers are used as necessary to obtain the required effect. After
being connected to a combined heating and power plant, they only
respond to the peak loads.
Combined heating and power plants producing electricity are to be in
operation all year round. During the non-heating seasons, the combined
heating and power plants should use the requirement of domestic hot
water in the buildings for cooling, as far as possible. If there is require-
ment for air conditioning the heat can be used to run a cooling process.
4. Flow limitation.
In cases where there is a rapidly increasing heat requirement, or when the
production unit hasn´t got enough energy, the solution would be to limit
the flow to each heat exchanger. Flow limitation means that an
exchanger does not receive a higher flow than it is set for. One exchanger
cannot steal heat from the others.
The most simple flow limitation consists of a control valve and a
differential pressure control. The differential pressure control keeps the
differential pressure across the control valve constant. The current
differential pressure is the one required in order to assure a fully open
control valve to provide the maximum required flow.
With such equipment at each heat exchanger there will only be a
maximum flow at each exchanger, even if the heat amount is not suffici-
ent. When the flow temperature then increases, all the exchangers are
receiving the same heat, until sufficient heat volume is available and the
control valves begin to close up.
∆p Flow %
200 100
100 Flow pipe
0 0
0 0
100 Return pipe
200 Min ∆p = 150 kPa 100
With a Tichelmann laying of the distribution pipes the same ∆p is always available in all sub-stations.
The differences in ∆p depending on various flows will however be the same as with conventional two-pipe
Fig. 5:27
7. Heat metering.
The only way of establishing what has been produced and what has been
delivered is by metering the heat volume. The metering also makes it
possible to estimate the efficiency of different units. The deliveries con-
stitute a basis for invoicing.
The modern heat meters based upon ultrasound are very efficient and
safe in operation and they are available in all required sizes.
A heat meter is used to register the outgoing heat from the combined
heating and power plant. The obtained heat volume and the outgoing
delivery to the sub-stations is registered at each local production unit.
The production in the local boiler should be registered as well. Finally,
the heat volumen obtained in each sub-station should be registered.
The records made with values from these meters can reveal possible
defects in pre-insulated pipe construction or in the control of certain
Powerplant Boilerplant
Boilerplant Sub-stations
The operations and maintenance are assisted and made more efficient via
central data control and supervision.
Fig. 5:29
The purpose when building houses and to supply them with heating and
domestic hot water is to create better conditions for the residents.
Comfort here is a question of creating conditions so that an apartment
will be comfortable to live in.
1. Room temperature.
Metering the room temperature with a thermometer is not a very good
20oC measure of comfort, but it is the simplest method of measuring we have.
16oC Heating systems are usually designed for a room temperature of 18-20 ºC,
and that is for most cases sufficient. Elderly or sick persons may need a
higher temperature to experience the same comfort as younger and
healthy ones.
18 oC
The temperature difference vertically in a room should not be too great
either. It is not nice if the feet are cold, while it is too warm in the area
16 oC round the head.
Measured air temperature is not a measure of
comfort. 2. Temperatures on the surfaces of the room.
Fig. 6:1 The heat transfers from warm to cold surfaces.
A person sitting close to a cold window emits heat to the window, and
after a while he/she will experience unpleasedt conditions. All surfaces
with a lower temperature than the skin receives radiant heat from the
person. How much is depends on the difference in temperature.
∆t K
12 ,0
10 U=2,0
-20 -15 -10 -5 ±0
Outdoor temperature oC
Difference in temperature between room, 20°C, and window of different window
constructions. Window temperatures below +12°C can cause radiant cooling.
Window with sealed double glazing give a U = 3.0.
Fig. 6:2
A room with many cold surfaces (a corner room with a roof ) provides a
lower level of comfort than a room with few cold surfaces (a room with
only one exterior wall), due to the radiant heat.
To increase the comfort, the temperature of the cold surfaces must be
raised, which can be done in two ways; either by raising the room
temperature or improving the insulation.
A better level of insulation with regard to windows means having sealed
double glazed units.
Roofs should be better insulated, and a heat transmission coefficient of
0,3 W/m2K, about 100 mm mineral wool, is a minimum requirement.
Gable walls should be insulated in the same way as roofs.
3. Downdraught
Downdraught is a reverse convection. Air coming into contact with a
surface that holds a lower temperature, cools down, becomes heavier and
Downdraught occurs mostly in the window areas, as the window has the
lowest temperature in a room, but all the surfaces with a lower temperature
than the room air causes downdraught. How much will depend on the
difference in temperature.
The cold air descends to the floor where it stays. Radiators below the
windows can remove the downdraught providing they cover the whole The down draught from the window can be
width of the window. prevented by the heat from the radiator if the
window bay and the windowledge are designed
Heat emission through radiation to a cold surface, cold radiation, is often properly.
mistaken for down draught. The same measures apply on both down Fig. 6:3
draught as well as cold radiation. To counter balance this, raise the tem-
perature of the cold surfaces!
4. Ventilation.
Ventilation removes impurities, such as small particles, odour and mois-
ture, from the rooms. Odour and moisture are secreted from the human
body, but they are also produced by cooking. The introduction of showers
in the apartments increases the moisture production greatly, and a brief
and effective ventilation is required. A brief cross draught is cheap and efficient.
Fig. 6:4
An easy way to ventilate is to simply open a window. If this is done
briefly with a fully open window or even with cross draught, it is both
efficient and cheap. If no extra measures are taken to insulate round the
windows, these leaks are sufficient during the winter months, together
with an efficient airing, to remove the odour and moisture.
5. Wind influences.
The air changes in the building increases when it is windy, and if one
wants to preserve the room temperature at the set level, a higher flow
temperature to the radiators is required.
The room temperature must be somewhat higher in rooms with more cold surfaces
to keep the same comfort.
Fig. 6:5
1. Heat requirement.
The heat losses in a building consist of:
• transmission
• ventilation
• domestic water
∆t oC 40 30 25 20 16
tflow oC
1,2 100 12
1,1 95
1 90
1,0 10
0,8 2 80 8
0,7 70
0,6 6
0,5 60 5
0,4 4
0,3 50
0 1,0 2,0 Q
tflow treturn ∆t Q Required heat
1. Calculated 95 70 25 1 1,0
2. Measured 75 66 9 2 0,74
3. Ventilation.
It is rather easy in buildings with mechanical supply and exhaust air, to
calculate the heat requirement for the ventilating air. The size of the air
flow and the specific heat content of the air are known as well as the
required temperature rise. These factors are multiplied and the heat
requirement for ventilation is determined.
A fan exhausting air from an apartment, a kitchen fan for instance, takes
in air through leaks in the building, and that air is warmed up by the
radiators in the rooms.
It is difficult to determine the size of the air flow at self draught or at
airing through leaks. A lowest standard value is 0,5 air change per hour.
However, the cold incoming air is to be warmed up by the radiators.
Large forces arise in high-rise buildings due to differences in tempera-
ture between the air outside and the air inside the building, so called self
draught forces. The stair-well in a high-rise building becomes a
ventilating duct, removing large amount of heat from the building,
especially if the outer door on the ground floor is open. Keep the outer
door closed and put another door a few meters inside the outer door, a so
called airlock !
Heating systems.
The heating system should be constructed and operated in a way that the
stated requirements can be reached with regard to environment, comfort,
operating economy and a low return temperature.
Before a system or part of it is taken into operation it have to be pressure
tested. The system in question is filled with treated water and all the air
is let out. After that, the pressure is increased with a pump, up to at least
1,3 times the maximum working pressure. The pressure should be kept
constant for at least 60 minutes, without dropping. Joints, connections
and equipment should be checked visually during the pressure testing to
make sure that there is no leakage. The supervisor in charge should keep
records, of the pressure tests. The records should contain information on
time, place, scope, current pressures at the beginning and the end of the
test, and also possible leakages attended to. The records are then to be
signed by the supervisor in charge.
1. Heat exchangers.
Each building ought to be equipped with its own sub-station. It is appro-
priate in long buildings to have several sub-stations. The same applies to
high-rise buildings, of more than 18 floors. These are however divided
In the sub-station, the high temperatures in the primary system are con-
verted to the level required by the system in the building. The systems are
completely separated from each other, a fact which requires an expansion
system and a circulation pump to make the secondary system work.
Circuit diagram.
If there is only one heat exchanger in the sub-station, there are no pro-
Two parallel connected heat exchangers.
blems in connecting it, but a parallel connection of the exchangers is
Fig. 6:9
recommended when it is a case of several exchangers. Then each system
will have its own control equipment and expansion vessel, as well as
circulation pump.
2. Expansion system.
Expansion system.
Expansion tank
An open expansion system, with the circulation pump installed in the
flow pipe, is a simple and practical solution.
There has to be room around the vessel for inspection and repair work.
Expansion pipe
The connection of the expansion pipe to the heat exchanger must not be
equipped with a shut-off device.
The design circuit is the pipes from the heat exchanger to the radiator located
farthest away. The resistance in this circuit is equal to the pump head.
Fig. 6:11
3. Circulation pump.
Circulation pumps should be installed in the flow, which will guarantee
that there is water in all the radiators when the pump is in operation. The
pumps should be reliable and equipped with a tight sealing shaft that
requires no maintenance. It is advisable to place a unit for sludge separa-
tion after the pump, a filter for instance. The filter unit is constructed
with shut-off devices so that it can easily be emptied of sludge.
The flow is determined from the calculated heat requirements and the
temperature drop. The pressure increase over the pumps is obtained from
the pipe calculation. There is no reason for making any increases in these
values. The pumps are already oversize with the increases made when
calculating the heat requirements for the building. A too high differential
pressure can cause flow noise in valves and radiators.
The horizontal distribution pipes distributes the water from the sub-
station to other buildings and/or risers.
Pipe material.
Standard pipes joined together by welding are used for the larger units.
The connection of valves and devices is made with flanges.
Smaller pipe installations are of threaded steel pipe and the sizes are
adapted to standardized pipe threads.
The distribution pipes can be laid as pre-insulated pipes, in the ground,
under a building or hung from the roof in the basement of the building,
depending on how the building is constructed.
Horizontal distribution pipes.
Compensation of the linear expansion due to variations in temperature.
Fig. 6:12
The linear expansion for steel pipes is 0,12 mm per meter of pipe and a
temperature change of 10ºC. The temperature change 10-95ºC gives 85 ºC,
i.e. 8,5×0,12 mm =1,02 mm/m. Measures must be taken with regard to
long pipework seetions.
The linear expansion is absorbed up by expansion loops on the pipework
or by shifting the pipe course sideways to create an expansion loop. It is
important that the pipes can move towards the device picking up the
expansion and that the branches are of such length, up to a passage
Length of expansion loops.
through a wall or a vault, that they can pick up the expansion without Fig. 6:13
The distribution pipes are insulated in such a way that the heat losses to
the consumers are as small as possible. When the piping is visible, the
insulation is provided with a protective surface layer.
It is important for the functioning of the system that the flow tempera-
ture is the same for each connected riser.
5. Risers.
Risers are the vertical pipes emanating from the horizontal distribution
pipes up through the building.
Each riser is equipped with shut-off and draining valves and possibly a
differential pressure valve.
Pipe material.
Standard pipes joined together through welding are used for the larger
The risers are placed in central shafts with branches on each floor. The
branches are equipped with shut-off valves.
The risers are insulated in a way that the heat losses to the consumers are
as small as possible. When the piping is visible, the insulation is provided
with a protective surface layer.
It is important for the functioning of the system that the flow
temperature is the same at the branches on each floor.
6. High-rise buildings.
The equipment included in a heating system, radiators, pumps, valves
etc., are designed to the highest working pressure, usually 600 kPa
28th floor
(6 bar). Each meter vertically corresponds to about 10 kPa. With an
apartment height of three meters and an open expansion vessel placed at
the roof on the top floor, it is possible to accommodate 19 floors
((600-30)/30=19 floors), but then there are no margins. A maximum of
18 floors would be more realistic.
In buildings with more than 18 floors, the heat installation ought to be
vertically divided. A building with 28 floors receives two heating systems,
managing 14 floors each. There are two options for the upper floors. The
heat exchanger can either be placed in the sub-station on the ground
floor (A), or a separate sub-station is set up on the 15th floor (B). The
sub-station on the 15th floor might also serve the 14 first floors, but in
that case with a separate heat exchanger. (D)
If the sub-station of both the heating systems is placed on the ground
floor (A, C), the equipment installed for the highest located heating
system (C) have to manage the higher static pressure occurring, more B 15th floor D
than 600 kPa. 14th floor
If the sub-station is placed on a floor halfway up the building, it will
provide a correspondingly higher static pressure for the primary system,
(steam pressure at 120ºC 100 kPa, height to the sub-station placed on
the 18th floor 300 kPa, plus the possible difference in level between the
floor in the production unit and the floor on the 1st floor of the connec-
ted building, sum = at least 400 kPa). The material on the primary side
usually manages these pressures if the boilers are separated with heat
1st floor A C
Sub-station in high-rise buildings.
A or D for the lower part of the building
B or C for the upper part of the building
The thermostatic valves in a two-pipe system provide a varying flow and
Insulated pipes for the radiator circuit embedded a varying differential pressure. A pre-set adjustment will only function at
into the floor. a maximum flow, when the flow decreases, the resistance over the adjust-
Fig. 6:17
ment changes by the square of the flow change.
∆p 5 kPa
∆p radiator circuit ∆p radiator
∆p riser
A simple and safe method for the balancing of two-pipe systems with a
varying flow is based upon differential pressure controls at the bottom of
each riser or for each radiator circuit/floor. The differential pressure
control keeps the differential pressure constant independent of the
changes in flow. Maximum differential pressure across the thermostatic
valves is 25 kPa to prevent excessive noise.
∆p radiator circuit
∆p radiator
Differential pressure control gives the same available pressure on each floor.
8. Radiators – convectors.
There are three types:
• radiators
• convectors
• convection radiators, convector with a front plate giving radiated heat.
Radiators emit heat through radiation but not through convection, or air
movement, until higher temperatures are reached – above 40ºC surface
temperature at 20ºC room temperature.
Section radiator. Panel Convector
radiator Convectors emit heat through convection.
Fig. 6:20 Convection radiators emit a smaller part of heat through radiation.
Approximate distribution among radiation and convection for different
Radiation % Convection %
Section radiators 15 85
Panel radiators, single 32 68
Convectors – 100
Convection radiators 10 90
As systems they are pretty much equal but they should not be mixed in
the same system, and from now on they will all be treated as radiators.
Radiator size.
The radiators are sized for a nominal heat requirement, and the flow will
vary when the thermostatic valves adjust the heat supply to the current
requirement. The best effect is reached if the connection with the flow is
made to the upper tap-in, and the return to the lower tap-in on the same
side of the radiator.
In order to prevent downdraught, the warm air from the radiators must
be able to rise and meet the cold glass in the windows. Window ledges,
if any, should be constructed so there is a gap along the whole window.
The gap should be at least 30 mm wide, as close as possible to the
a+40 Alternative
a openings
Operating conditions.
1. Temperature levels.
A flow temperature of 95ºC and a temperature drop of 20-25ºC have
been referred to as the calculated values. If the radiators are sized cor-
rectly, a flow temperature of 95ºC is required for the last radiator. The
temperature drop from the sub-station to the last radiator is about 5ºC
in larger systems. Consequently the outgoing temperature from the sub-
station should be 100ºC and that is not possible.
90ºC is the highest temperature at which a radiator system can be ope-
∆t °C 40 30 25 20 16 rated under these circumstances, which means an outgoing temperature
of about 95ºC from the sub-station. The adjoining heat emission curve
1 2
100 for radiators is therefore made for a flow temperature of 90ºC.
1,2 3 12
1,1 90 A lower flow temperature or a smaller temperature drop requires larger
1,0 10
0,9 4 80 radiators. The lower flow temperature should be used if it turns out that
0,8 8 a lower flow temperature can be used without influencing the desired
0,7 70
0,6 6 room temperature, (the heat authority of the thermostatic valves or a low
0,5 60 5
return temperature). A lower flow temperature provides improved
0,4 50 4
0,3 comfort by reducing the difference in surface temperature between
0,1 different surfaces in the rooms.
0 1,0 2,0 Q A two-pipe radiator system requires that the flow temperature to all the
radiators is pretty much the same if the system is going to function well.
1 first radiator in circuit, tflow 95oC, Q = 1,0
By metering the temperature drop across a radiator and then reading the
2 last radiator in circuit, tflow 90oC, Q = 1,0
room and the outdoor temperatures, it is possible to get an idea of how
If Q = 2,0 the temperature drop across radiator will large the system in question is, compared to the actual requirement. The
be 50% lower. The flow temperature can be reduced
while the heat emission remain the same. flow temperature is set at a level providing good heat authority for the
3 first radiator in circuit, tflow 87,5oC, Q = 1,0 last thermostatic valve of the design circuit. The calculated temperature
drop across radiator or radiator circuit should be strived for.
4 last radiator in circuit, tflow 85oC, Q = 1,0
2. Return temperature.
The return temperature from the radiators should be at least as low as the
required primary return temperature. 70ºC is the calculated value, but a
lower temperature is preferable and should be strived for.
A two-pipe system is the only solution that can guarantee a low return
temperature at the right conditions.
4. Static pressure.
At temperatures below 100ºC, the static pressure is equal to the height Expansion tank
converted into kPa from the pressure gauge in the sub-station to the
highest point of the system. The pumps should be installed in the flow. 0,5 - 1 m
The static pressure is to ensure that all the parts of the system are filled Expansion pipe
with water, whether the circulation pump is in operation or not.
5. Expansion vessels.
The expansion vessel should be placed on the roof on the top floor. The
bottom of the vessel should be at the level for the static pressure, 0,5-1
meter above the highest point of the system. The space is warm, thus
there is no risk of freezing, and it can be equipped with a floor drain so
that a possible overflow does not cause any water damage.
The lower edge of the expansion tank should be
6. Available differential pressure. placed above the highest point of the system.
The available differential pressure must not be so high that it causes dis- Fig. 6:23
turbing noise. With regard to thermostatic valves, 25 kPa is applied
today, as a maximum for the highest quality thermostatic valves.
Differential pressure controls with a set constant differential pressure of
10 kPa guarantees quiet and well-controlled thermostatic valves.
The differential pressure controls give the same available differential pressure to
each radiator circuit.
Fig. 6:24
7. Water quality.
The requirements of the water used for filling the primary system also
applies to the secondary system.
The system must never be emptied of water, not even during longer
breaks in operation. As regards possible repairs, only the parts of the
system directly affected should be emptied.
Leakages should be attended to immediately.
Feeding Flow Water for filling the system is taken from the primary system. The
pipe meter refilling pipe should be equipped with a flow meter so you can register
the quantity of the refill in order to control the losses.
The secondary system can be filled up with treated
water from the district heating system but
8. Heat losses in the sub-station.
controlled. The amount of water fed into system
is to be measured and leakages are not acceptable. There are many surfaces with high temperatures emitting a lot of heat in
Fig. 6:25 the production units.
All warm surfaces should be well insulated in order to increase the effi-
ciency of the plant.
A high room temperature, which is a result of a bad insulation or none,
is shortening the life of the equipment required in a modern plant of this
type, not to mention the electronic controls. Furthermore, people have to
be able to work efficiently within the plant.
Ventilation assisted by of a thermostatically controlled fan reduces the
over-temperatures which arise.
Good insulation increases the efficency and lower the temperature in the
Fig. 6:26
It is in the apartments that the actual consumption occurs. Hot water
emits heat to a room and comfort is created with the right heat supply.
Comfort requires a control of the heat supply, that is, it must not be too
warm or too cold.
Comfortable environment and living conditions require efficient systems
with control over heat supply and heat emission.
Control valves.
Two-way valves should be used on the primary side, which means that Control and supervision will be efficient when
no more water than required is circulating in the system and that a large computerized.
temperature drop can be maintained. Fig. 6:27
Each heat exchanger should have its own control valve, which should be
sized according to the current flow and the lowest available differential
pressure. Avoid too large valves!
The valve capacity is stated with a kv-value. The flow through the valve
in m3/h, Q, at a differential pressure across the valve, ∆pv, on 1 bar (100
kPa). The kvs-value states the flow at a fully open valve.
∆p kPa ∆p
∆p kPa ∆p
Available differential pressure for a circuit close to the sub-station but with ∆p Available differential pressure for a circuit close to
control for the circuit. The pump has proportional pressure control. the sub-station. The pump has proportional pressure
Fig. 6:30 control.
Fig. 6:31
∆p kPa
8 ≈ 17 m 55,5 ∆p 10 kPa 50 m
9 49,5
9,5 50
Each apartment is equipped with a flow meter for the distribution of the
heating costs. The flow meter should be accessible for reading from the
stair-well, and possibly connected with the control and supervision
system of the building.
Requirement 5.600 W. With regard to gable apartments and apartments with a roof, a
Correction factor=0. compensating factor is calculated on the basis of heat requirement
Requirement 5.600+1.700=7.300 W. calculations made for a similar apartment in the centre of the building.
Correction factor=5.600/7.300=0.77.
The heat comsumption, for apartments of the same Domestic water system.
size, will vary depending on how many outer wall Domestic hot water is produced in a heat exchanger of the percolation
and roof surfaces there are. A correction factor can type in the sub-station.
be calculated based on the heat requirement per
apartment or per square meter. A distribution pipe is laid in the ground floor of the building, from which
Fig. 6:34 risers are drawn up centrally through the building. Each riser is equipped
with shut-off and draining valves.
The branches on each floor are equipped with shut-off valves.
Distribution pipes and risers should be made of a non-corrosive material
and well insulated.
A gravity pipe for the of hot water should be laid parallel to the tap water
The circulation pipe should be laid uninsulated in the riser, and at the
connection with the horizontal circulation pipe be equipped with an
adjustment valve.
Flow meters for domestic hot water should be installed in the stair-well,
Principles for domestic hot water in installation with one for each apartment.
circulation pipe, shut-off and adjustment valves.
Fig. 6:35
8. Control of domestic water in an apartment. Control of flow temperature for domestic hot water.
Maximum and minimum temperatures are impor-
The taps for personal hygiene, shower and wash-basin should be tant.
designed so that hot and cold water can be mixed to a suitable temperature. FIG. 6:36
Max flow in the shower, 0,2 l/s.
Max flow in the wash-basin, 0,1 l/s.
Max flow in the kitchen, 0,2 l/s
The flow is calculated from the heat requirement in watts, W, and the
temperature drop across the radiator in Kelvin, K. The valve size can then
either be determined from a selection flow chart or be calculated.
Valve size.
The last valve in the design circuit, (which determines the pump head
throughout the entire system) ought to have a resistance of about 5 kPa.
The other valves should be sized according to the differential pressure
available for them, i.e. the penultimate valve in the design circuit has an
available pressure equal to the resistance across the last valve plus the
resistance in the pipes between the two valves.
∆p 5 kPa
∆p 80 kPa
140 133 125 7
∆p 72 kPa ∆p 9 kPa
RTD-N 15
l/h kvs -value Pre-set value l/s
300 N ,07
200 7 6 ,05
1 7
100 5 ,03
70 0,60 0,45 ,02
50 3
0,36 0,27 2 ,01
kv 30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N 0,20 0,12 ,007
20 ,005
RTD-N 15 0,04 0,08 0,12 0,20 0,27 0,36 0,45 0,60 1
RTD-N 20 0,10 0,15 0,17 0,25 0,32 0,41 0,62 0,83
RTD-N 25 0,10 0,15 0,17 0,25 0,32 0,41 0,62 0,83 10 0,08 ,003
7 0,04 ,002
Radiator l/h ∆p kPa Pre-set ,001
1 140 5 N 3
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 kPa
7 140 9 7
0,1 0,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1 2 3 mWG
125 140 72* 3,5
0,01 ,02 ,04 ,06 0,1 ,2 ,3 Bar
140 140 80* 3,5
*too high ∆p, will create a problem with noise. Finding the pre-set values for the thermostatic valves in the above heating system.
Fig. 7:3
Adjusting a valve implies a calculation of the difference between the
available and the required pressure for the valve. The resistance across the
valve should then be increased, through adjustment, so that all the
available pressure is utilized. The setting values providing the required
resistance can be read from the selection flow charts.The values for each
valve should be stated on the drawing so that the setting can be made in
connection with the installation.
The control unit has to sense the room temperature to be able to control it.
Fig. 7:4
Control valves.
Primary systems.
Two-way valves and consequently varying flow are recommended for the
primary systems.
∆p ∆psystem
600 Min ∆p = 150 kPa 100
Flow %
400 50
If the pump is equipped with pressure control the valves must be calculated for the
lowest available ∆p. In this case 150 kPa, 1,5 bar, minus the resistance in the heat
Fig. 7:5
Valve size.
Enter information of flow and available differential pressure into the
valve selection flow chart and then select the valve size! The dimension
of the pipe in which the control valve is to be installed has no influence
on the required valve size.
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 15 20 mWG
0,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1,0 1,5 2 Bar
Secondary systems.
Two-way valves should also be used in the secondary systems, with a
main pump supplying the water out to each mixing loop or shunt.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
∆psystem < 15 kPa
50 ∆p at 0% flow
40 with max ∆p
20 with proportional ∆p
With proportional or parallel pump control
This combination provides the control valve with the • a constant ∆p at control valve located the farthest away gives design
same available pressure when the flow fluctuates. values for all the control valves equal to the lowest set differential pres-
Fig 7:8 sure
Valve size.
Enter information of flow and available differential pressure into the
valve selection flow chart and then select valve size! The dimensions of
the pipe in which the control valve is to be installed has no influence on
the required valve size.
0,1 ,03
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 40 60 100 150 200 kPa
Sizing valves from a diagram will not give the same mathematical accuracy
as a calculation, but it is good enough when considering the inaccuracy of the
underlying calculations.
Fig 7:9
Valve size.
Divide ∆pv2 by two and choose a control valve from the valve selection
flow chart according to the ∆p and the flow in question. The remaining
∆p, i.e.120 kPa minus ∆pv is the available differential pressure for the
differential pressure control. Enter the differential pressure and the flow
for the differential pressure control into the selection flow chart and
then select size!
∆psystem ∆pmin
600 Flow % 100
400 50
Min ∆p = 150 kPa
If the pump is equiped with pressure control, the valves must be calculated for the
lowest available ∆p. In this case 150 kPa, 1,5 bar, minus resistance in the heat
exchanger. All valves for which the available ∆p will exceed the design ∆p with
more than 50% require a ∆p control.
Fig, 7:12
Example, control valve and differential pressure control:
∆t = 50 oC
m3/h Valve kvs - value l/s
1 P = 1.500 kW; Q = 1.500 × 0,86 / 50 = 25.800 l/h.
50 15 ∆p available = 1,5 bar. ∆p heat exchanger = 0,3 bar.
0 ∆p = 1,5 - 0,3 = 1,2 bar.
30 1 3 2 4 4 25 10
20 16 5 2 ∆p available for ∆p valve = 1,2/2 = 0,6 bar;
10 3 Values for ∆p - valve from diagram: kvs = 40 m3/h;
7 6,3 2
3 ∆pv = 0,41 bar
5 4,0
3 2,5 0,7 4 ∆p available for control valve = 1,2-0,41 = 0,79
2 1,6 0,5 bar
1,0 1,0 0,3 kvs = 40 m3/h; ∆pv = 0,41 bar;
0,7 ,63 0,2 Pre-set value for the ∆p control = 0,41 bar;
0,5 ,4
0,3 0,1
0,1 ,03
10 20 30 40 60 100 150 kPa
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 15 20 mWG
Setting value.
A differential pressure control keeps the differential pressure constant
across a circuit. The setting value for the differential pressure control is
equal to the resistance in that particular circuit.
Secondary systems.
In the secondary systems differential pressure controls are used to keep
the differential pressure constant across a control valve or a part of the
system, for example a riser or a two-pipe radiator circuit containing
several thermostatic valves.
Valve size.
Differential pressure control across a control valve.
In the designed circuit first of all check if the differential pressure control
requires a minimum differential pressure. Is this the case, select a size of
control which requires at least this pressure. Even if the resistance across
the smallest valve is not large enough make sure that at least the
minimum differential pressure is available. Select accordingly the size of
the control valve.
The available pressure in the other circuits is divided by two. The control
valve is selected first and the remaining differential pressure is used for
selection of the differential pressure controller.
< 15 kPa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
∆psystem ∆p 100%
∆p Pa ∆p at 0% Q = 3m2/h
With max ∆p ∆ppump = constant
40 With proportional ∆p ∆pavailable = from the calculation of the design
circuit, including valve no 9.
∆pvalves no
10 Here: from the above diagram ∆p valve 9.
Excessive ∆p ∆pexc. = ∆pavailable - ∆pvalve
Design ∆p ∆ppump = ∆psytem + ∆p control and differential
Available ∆p with or without Without pump control or with constant ∆p pressure valves no 9.
pump control at different flow With proportional or parallel pump contol ∆psystem = 60 kpa.
Fig. 7:14 Sizing of the control and differential pressure
control valves no 9.
Sizing of the control valves and differential pressure control valves in the above See flow chart: 9. 3m3/h ∆p control valve <15 kPa.
heating circuit.
∆p valve no 9 kvs 10, ∆p = 9 kPa.
The ∆p control valve will be the same size
m3/h Valve kvs-value m3/h l/s and ∆p ∆pvalves = 18 kPa.
200 50 ∆ppump = 60 + 9 + 9 = 78 kPa.
145 Selecting valve size from flow chart:
100 30
100 Divide the total available ∆p by 2.
63 20
Find in flow chart the cutting point between flow,
50 40
3 m3/h, and the ∆p available for the valve.
30 25 Choose the first valve size which is big enough.
20 16 5 Find ∆p across the chosen valve, that is the set pressure
10 for the differential pressure control.
10 3
42 The two valves will have the same size.
7 7 6,3 2
5 Valve ∆pavailable kvs ∆pvalve ∆pvalves
9 8 6 3 1 4,0
5 1,0
3 2,5 0,7
Total 1 valve
2 1,6 0,5 1 53+18=71 35 6,3 23 46
2 44+18=6 31 6,3 23 46
1,0 1,0 0,3 3 39+18=57 28 6,3 23 46
0,7 ,63 0,2 4 34+18=52 26 6,3 23 46
0,5 5 29+18=47 23 6,3 23 46
,4 6 24+18=42 21 10 9 18
0,3 0,1
,07 7 19+18=37 18 10 9 18
0,2 8 12+18=30 15 10 9 18
,03 Calculation of valve no 9.
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 40 60 100 150 200 kPa 3
kv = ; kv = 7,8; => valve with kv 10,0;
∆p 5 kPa 1
∆p 9 6
∆p 9
∆p 80 kPa 140 133 125 ∆p 9 kPa 7
∆p 72 kPa
Setting value.
A differential pressure control keeps the differential pressure constant
across a circuit. The setting value for the differential pressure control is
equal to the resistance in that particular circuit.
∆p 5 kPa 1
∆p 9 6
∆p 9
140 133 126 ∆p 9 kPa 7
20 19 18 2 1
∆p kPa 89 85 81 22 18
,7 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 mWG
20 980 89 10 79 1,6 37
,06 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,1 1
Flow limitation.
Flow limitation is required in both primary and secondary systems.
Primary systems.
In a primary system, it is the flow to a whole sub-station or to the applied
heat exchangers that should be limited.
The heat supply is controlled by a control valve and if the differential
pressure across this valve is kept constant with a differential pressure
control the sub-station contains the required components to limit the
Calculate the differential pressure that is necessary across the fully open
valve to obtain required flow. Set the differential pressure control so that
it will provide the differential pressure and the maximun flow is limited.
Combined flow limiters consisting of a differential pressure control and
k vs 4,0 a setting valve are available. The differential pressure control keeps a
constant differential pressure across the integrated pre-set valve. The size
∆pvalve kPa of the flow is determined by changing the resistance across the setting
valve. When large sizes are required a flow limitation is obtained as a
differential pressure control can keep a constant differential pressure
across a integrated pre-set valve. The valve size is determined in a
Example, limiting the flow in a primary circuit.
selection flow chart on basis of the available differential pressure and the
Control valve kvs 4,0
Ex. no Q m3/h ∆pvalve. ∆pvp-set m3/h kvs-value l/s
10 3
1. 3 55 55 7 2
2. 4 100 100 5
1 2 1,0
3. 1 6,3 6,3 3
2 4 0,5
The ∆p necessary for a specific flow through a fully
open control valve is equal to the setting ∆p for the 1,0 0,3
differential pressure control. 0,7 0,2
Calculation 0,5
1 ∆pv = ( 43 ) ; ∆pv = 0,56 bar => 56 kPa;
0,2 ,05
∆pv = ( 44 ) ; ∆pv = 1 bar => 100 kPa;
0,1 ,03
∆pv = ( 1 ) ; ∆pv = 0,0625 bar => 6,3 kPa;
2 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 40 60 100 kPa
∆p 0,1 0,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 mWG
Fig. 7:20 0,01 ,02 ,04 ,06 0,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1,0 Bar
Limiting the flow in a sub - station equiped with ∆p control valve
Fig. 7:21
Secondary systems.
In secondary systems the limitation of the flow could come into
question to a shunt coupling, a riser or a one-pipe circuit.
If there already is a control valve and a differential pressure control in a
shunt coupling, use these for the flow limitation too! Calculate the resis-
tance across a fully open control valve at the maximum required flow and
set the differential pressure control on this differential pressure!
In other cases there are flow limiters keeping the differential pressure
constant across a built-in adjustment valve. They are often sized
according to the available differential pressure and the required flow.
Setting value is read in the selection flow chart.
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 40 60 100 kPa
∆pv = ( 1,6 ) ; ∆pv = 0,25 bar => 25 kPa;
0,8 2
∆p 0,1 0,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 mWG 2
Fig. 7:23
Limiting the flow for a control valve in a secondary circuit with ∆p control.
Fig. 7:22
Example, ASV-Q
ASV-Q Capacity l/h Setting value
15 100-800 1-8
20 200-1400 2-14
25 400-1600 4-16
32 500-2500 5-3
Q = 1100 l/h
Choose ASV-Q 20
(always choose the smallest possible valve)
Setting value = 11
∆p one-pipe circuit
∆p available
Control equipment.
Different control equipment is required for different purposes. The
control of the flow temperature to radiators requires one type of control,
hot water heating requires another, and ventilation devices require a third
type. For the last two cases there is also a choice between electronic and
self-acting control.
Radiator systems.
The flow temperature in radiator systems is controlled according to the
outdoor temperature by a weather compensator.
The electronic central control can be equipped with timers with twenty-
four hours or weekly functions. This is however only the case if the heat
supply is set back during a period of several days and nights and if the
system is not connected to a computer.
A pump stop is an optional function which shuts off the circulation
pump when the outdoor temperature is so high that the building requires
no heating.
The limitation of the return temperature is usually not required in the
two-pipe systems with thermostatic valves.
A computerized supervision and control system is a labour-saving and
efficient way of controlling large systems with many sub-stations.
Weather compensator
Flow compensated thermostatic valve for control of domestic hot water tempera-
Fig. 7:26
Heat exchangers.
Modern heat exchangers, plate and coil units, contain small quantities of
water and the flow channels are narrow. By making them short and by
Domestic hot water, Q l/s Effect, P kW laying a large number of them parallel, the flow resistance is kept at a low
level in spite of a relatively high water rate.
2,0 350
300 The high water rate is necessary to prevent deposits from settling on the
heat transferring surfaces.
0,5 100 The resistance across the coil unit is in the range of 20-30 kPa and for
the plate heat exchanger the resistance is up to 50 kPa. The choice of size
1 10 50 100 150 200 250 is made according to the instructions from the manufacturer. There are
Number of apartments
domestic water selection flow charts, based on empirical values, giving
Maximum required flow according to the Swedish the total consumption for various number of apartments.
Board for District Heating
Fig. 7:27
Heat meters.
Heat meters register the delivery to each building/apartment, but they
also indicate if anything goes wrong in the system. As there are large
variations in the flow, a flow meter must also be able to measure low flows Accumulator
with great accuracy. Heat meter
% ∆p, P
50 2
∆p n =∆Q x p 0
P n =∆Q 0 xP 0
Q 0 50 100%
The resistance varies by the square of the flow change and the effect of the pump
by the cubic
Fig. 7:30
Diagram for heating and domestic hot and cold water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163
Flow chart for thermostatic radiator valves in two pipe system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171
Diagram for local district heating plants connected to a heating and power plant.
Flue gas
cooler Safety
Safety 130 °C
valve 70 °C
130 °C
70 °C
Exp. tank Heat meter
Heat exchanger
Flue gas
cooler Safety
Safety 130 °C
valve 70 °C
130 °C
70 °C
Exp. tank Heat meter
Heat exchanger
130 °C
Flue gas
70 °C Safety
Heating and Safety 130 °C
power plant valve 70 °C
130 °C
70 °C
Exp. tank Heat meter
Heat exchanger
Flow meter
∆t oC 40 30 25 20 16
Two-pipe system with thermostatic
valves. 12
Measured 1 : tflow 75 oC, ∆t 8 oC
Heat requirement : 0,83, Q = 2,47 1,2
4 90
tflow 80 oC : 2 ∆t 16 oC, Q = 1,23 1,1 10
Every point along the horizontal line 1,0
0,83 gives the same heat emission. 5 3 80
0,9 1 8
0,8 6 2 70
60 5
0,4 4
0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 QQ
The influence of gravity forces on heat emission from a radiator in a two-
pipe system
For a correctly sized radiator 3 ( with manual radiator valve in a two-pipe
system ) the heat emission will increases only by 5% when the flow
increases by 23%, 4 , depending on gravity forces. The temperature drop
across the radiator however will decrease by 5 oC and that is significant,
because it reduces the capacity of the whole system all the way down to
the heating and power plant.
Resuls ∆t for one- and two - pipe circuits, and required pump capacity
when thermostatic valves utilize internal and external heat gains.
Two-pipe circuit One-pipe circuit
Point Heat Flow ∆t Circuit resi- Pump ca- Flow ∆t Pump ca-
gain % % oC stance % pacity % % oC pacity %
Fc tflow oC
60 65
1,5 80
1,3 85
1 90
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
∆t oC
Calculated heat requirement: 1.230 W.
tflow : 82 oC, ∆t: 15 oC, 1
Fc = 1,16 2
Converted heat requirement: 1.230 x 1,16 = 1.427 W.
Formula for calculating Fc:
t1 - tr
( ) n n
[ 49,33 x ln
t1 - t2
t2 - tr
] Panel radiator
Section radiator
1,3 - 1,33
Alternative a+40
10 - 100 mm 30 - 100 mm openings
> 100 mm
No enclosure Shelf with Shelf close to Open fronted Encased with Encased with Acceptable
0% opening the wall recess with a grille in front small grille in cabinet.
0% 10 -2% shelf > -15% front. Not ≈ -8 - 10%
12 -6% recommended.
> -30%
The control unit has to sense the room temperature to be able to control it.
Heat emission
W/m pipe DN/0 80/89 65/76
200 25
20 40 60 80 100 120
m3/h DN mm l/s
200 50
150 3,0 40
150 30
70 125 20
50 15
40 10
30 2,0
20 80
15 4
10 3
7 50 2
5 1,5
4 1
2 kPa/m 1,0 ,5
1,5 ,4
l/h 1000 25 ,3
700 ,2
20 ,15
400 ,1
15 ,07
200 ,05
10 0,5 ,04
0,4 ,03
70 ,02
50 m/s ,015
40 ,01
,05 ,07 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
5 7 10 15 20 30 40 50 mmWG/m
k = 0,00003 m
Density = 1.000 kg/m3
Bend 1
m/s ζ value
24 3
0,3 6
,01 ,02 ,03 ,05 0,1 ,2 ,3 ,5 1 2 3 4 5 7 10
∆p kPa
Sizes of steel pipes for heating systems. Working pressure 1,0 MPa (10 bar)
Nominal diameter External diameter Wall thickness Internal diameter
mm inch mm mm mm
8 1/4 13,50 2,25 9
10 3/8 17,00 2,25 12,5
15 1/2 21,25 2,75 15,75
20 3/4 26,75 2,75 21,25
25 1 33,50 3,25 27,00
32 1 1/4 42,25 3,25 35,75
40 1 1/2 48,00 3,50 41,00
50 2 60,00 3,50 53,00
65 2 1/2 75,50 3,75 68,00
80 3 88,50 4,00 80,50
100 4 114,00 4,00 106,00
125 5 140,00 4,50 131,00
150 6 165,00 4,50 156,00
Pre-set value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N
kv values 0,04 0,08 0,12 0,20 0,27 0,36 0,45 0,60
RTD - N 20 - 25
Pre-set value l/s
N ,1
7 ,07
200 6 ,05
5 4
100 ,03
70 3 2 ,02
30 ,01
10 ,003
7 ,002
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 kPa
Pre-set value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N
kv values 0,10 0,15 0,17 0,25 0,32 0,41 0,62 0,83
Flow chart for ∆p control valves for riser or circuit in heating systems.
Working range:
ASV-P 10 kPa
ASV-PV 5 - 25 kPa.
Minimum available ∆p for good functioning: 8 kPa.
Q: 300 l/h. ∆p riser: 7kPa. ∆p radiator including valve: 5 kPa.
∆p-control kv 1,6. ∆pvp = 3,4 kPa, 1
Necessary ∆p = 7+5+8 = 20 kPa.
Formulas. Q
Q 2
∆p : bar. Q: m3/h. kv =
; ∆p = ( )
; Q = kv √ ∆p ;
Q 2
; Q = 100x kv √ ∆p ;
∆p : kPa. Q: l/h. kv = 0,01
; ∆p = 0,01 (
kv )
Q 2 kv
√∆p ; ∆p = 36 kv ; Q = 36 √ ∆p ;
∆p : kPa. Q: l/s. kv = 36 ( )
0,1 ,03
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 40 60 100 150 200 kPa
0,1 0,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 15 20 mWG
0,01 ,02 ,04 ,06 0,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7 1,0 1,5 2 Bar
AVP 15 - 32
m3/h kvs-value l/s
20 5
10 3
7 2
5 10
3 6,3 0,7
2 4,0 0,5
2,5 0,3
0,7 1,6 0,2
1 0,1
0,2 ,05
0,1 ,03
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 40 60 80 kPa
Heat requirement for hot water according to the Swedish Board of District Heating
3 Set values
m /h ∆p v kPa
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
1,0 8
0,8 6,5
0,6 5
0,5 4
ASV-Q Capacity l/h Set value ∆
15 100 - 800 1-8
20 200 - 1400 2 - 14 0,2
25 400 - 1600 4 - 16
32 500 - 2500 5 - 30 0,15
0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8
p v Bar
Set values
∆p v kPa
m /h
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
1,5 12
1,0 8
0,7 6
0,5 4
Set values
∆p v kPa
m /h
30 40 50 60 70 80
1,7 14
1,5 12
1,2 10
1,0 8
0,8 ∆
0,7 6
∆p v kPa
m /h Set values
30 40 50 60 70 80
3,0 25
1,2 ∆ 10
0,6 5
0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8
p v Bar
5 4 3 2 1,5 m
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
10 m 6m 6m 6m 6m 6m 6m 6m
10 9 31 m 8 7 5 4 3 2
5 4 3 2 1
1000 1000 1000 1000 6 1000 1000 1000 1000
31 m 3m 6m 6m 6m
Effect, P. Pressure, p.
W kcal/h Pa kPa bar mWG
1 0,85985 1 0,001 0,00001 0,0001
1,163 1 1.000 1 0,01 0,1
100.000 100 1 10
10.000 10 0,1 1
Greek alphabet.
Αα Ββ Γγ ∆δ Εε Ζζ Ηη Θθ Ιτ
alfa beta gamma delta epsilon seta eta theta iota
Κκ Λλ Μµ Νν Ξξ Οο Ππ Ρρ Σσ
kappa lamda my ny xi omikron pi ro sigma
Ττ Υυ ϑϕ Χχ Ψψ Ωω
tau ypsilon phi chi psi omega