HRM Thesis

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A Thesis Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion

Roxas City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management




Ariel B. Mostrero

Mark Anthony A. Adoyogan

Glory Din M. Valenzuela

Bernard Mari A. Blances

Justine B. Regala
June 2022
Chapter I


This chapter describes the background of the study, statement of the problem, the

theoretical and conceptual framework, significance of the study, scope and delimitations

of the study and definition of terms.

Background and Rationale of the Study

Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), “lateness” can be defined as the “situation where

an individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time (Oxford Advance Learners’

Dictionary, 5th ed., 1995), Lauby (2009) puts it as a term used to describe “people not

Showing up on time” and Breeze et al. (2010) contributed by saying that, lateness is

synonymous with “tardiness”, which implies being slow to act or slow to respond, thus

not meeting up with proper or usual timing. Lastly, Weade (2004) defined tardiness as

“being late for any measurable length of time past the stated or scheduled start time for

work or school.

Due to the pandemic, the schools have adapted a new normal type of learning,

which could be online, modular or mixed wherein it becomes a challenge for the students

to become more productive by staying alert and active during their class hours. Other

students have also problem on overcoming it because of tardiness. Tardiness refers to the

habit of being late or delaying arrival which is considered as a form of misconduct and

could be formally punishable in various arrangements in workplace, school, etc. It is an

opposite personality trait of being punctual.

Tardiness is not a new phenomenon, nor is it a problem confined to students in

schools. Being late or late for school is considered a face of undisciplined behavior

related to maturity or motivation (Edralin, 2019). On the other hand, the use of flexible

working hours has become more common and this opportunity for students and

employees appears to reduce lag behavior. Furthermore, Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011)

argue that lateness ultimately leads to absenteeism. Students who are late "feel the extent

of their tardiness and very often decide not to attend their class but do not attend". School

as an institution also suffered greatly. Since then, they are tasked with providing quality

education to students and ensuring that students have full access to it, especially during

these times. But students cannot fully experience this education when they are late and

absent. Lagging is a common problem in many schools. This can be understood as an

individual's risk for future problematic behavior leading to absenteeism, dropouts,

ostracism, and even subsequent health problems. Tardiness can also be examined in

relation to a broader social ecological perspective on health. The aim of this study was to

analyze students`, the school staff`s and parents` views on student tardiness during these


The group of researchers conducted this study in order to know the usual reasons

of the Hospitality Management students who cannot attend their virtual classes on time.

Also enlighten to the factors on why they cannot attend their classes in this new normal

setting. This study can be helpful to better understand factors of tardiness among students

and the importance of punctuality to themselves. With that, this research aims to identify

the factors of tardiness among students in this new normal and come up to possible

solution in order to overcome it tardiness.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the factors of tardiness among Bachelor of

Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM) students of Colegio de la Purisima

Concepcion in the new normal.

Specifically, the study intended to find answers to the following questions:

1. What are the factors of tardiness among the Bachelor of Science in Hospitality

Management students in terms of device and connectivity, family responsibilities and


2. Is there a significant difference in the factors of tardiness in terms of device and

connectivity, family responsibilities and location when respondents were grouped

according to its socio-demographic profile?

Theoretical Framework
This study was anchored on the theory of Behaviorism developed by John B.

Watson (year). Behaviorism and behaviorist theories basically revolve around the

principle that human behavior is but a response to external stimuli. Behaviorism helps us

understand and explain the nature of any human behavior. It is rooted on what the

developers of this movement call as the “stimulus-response model”.

Concepts of Behaviorism can be applied to the thought that a student’s tardiness

is always just a response to an external factor. As stated by John B. Watson, in his

development of Behaviorism, any human act or behavior can be explained without

having to study internal and mental processes and consciousness. All human behavior are

caused by external stimuli. Likewise, Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion Hospitality

Management students tardiness also have underlying reasons and factors that influence

them to exhibit such behavior.

Therefore the study variables - Hospitality Management student’s tardiness and

their reasons / factors - correspond to the concept of "stimuli-response model" of

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Socio-Demographic Factors of tardiness in terms of:

 Device and
 Sex
 Age
 Family responsibilities
 Location of Residence
 Location
 Family Monthly Income

Significance of the Study

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram showing the Independent and Dependent Variables.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study were seen beneficial to the following:

Hospitality Management Students. The results of this research may also help

them understand their usual reasons for tardiness and hopefully help and motivate them

to adjust their habits and become more responsible to attend on their virtual classes on


Teachers. They may find the need to modify their personal and teaching habits

and fully serve as role model to students both in terms of punctuality and education.

Guidance Counselors. The guidance Counselors will help and assess students ‘to

improve their attitude on tardiness.

School Administrators. The results of this research may help the administrators

see if the students are becoming too tardy that it may be a threat to the quality and

competency level of the school in this time of pandemic. In addition, other schools can

adapt as reference the result of the study as basis for improving the current policy of the

school on tardiness in the new normal.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The purpose of the study is to determine the factors of tardiness among

Hospitality Management students of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion in terms of

device and connectivity, family responsibilities and location for Academic Year 2021-


The independent variable consists of the socio-demographic characteristics in

terms of sex, gender, location of residence and family monthly income. The dependent

variable are the factors of tardiness among Hospitality Management students.

The study used the descriptive research design. The respondents were sixty (60)

BSHM students. This study is limited hospitality management students of Colegio de la

Purisima Concepcion.

The Data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire through online survey

using verified Google form.

Definition of Terms

The terms in this study are to assist the readers to develop a clearer understanding

of the concepts.
Connectivity. The quality, state, or capability of being connective or connected.

(Oxford English Dictionary)

In this study, connectivity refers to the capabilities of Hospitality Management

students to be connected or connective in attending their virtual classes.

Device. A piece of equipment or a mechanism designed to serve a special purpose

or perform a special function such as smartphones and other electronic devices. (Oxford

English Dictionary)

In this study, device refers to equipment or a mechanism to be used by the

Hospitality Management student in order to attend their classes online.

Family Responsibilities. Family responsibilities can include caring for a spouse,

child, parent, disabled child, and sibling or caring for an aging parent. (Oxford English


In this study, it refers to the state of being potential contributor to the support of a

person or persons in a dependent relationship.

Location. Refers to the residence or the place where one actually lives as

distinguished from one's domicile or a place of temporary stay (Mich et al., 2001).

In this study, location is refer to one of the factors that causes tardiness in the new


Tardiness. The quality or fact of being late; lateness (Oxford Dictionary 2017).

In this study, tardiness refers to students who arrive late in their virtual classes

and the factor among them to be tardy.

Chapter II


According to CAESC (2007) and Zeiger (2010) the most essential time of the day

for the students lies in the morning, specially between 8:00 to 9:00 am. Its because the

student are most important lessons and subject matters are discussed during this time. So

when students are late or not presented during this time of the day, they in effect, miss

out most of the important lesson to be noted and learned.


Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) emphasized that lateness or tardiness is not just

the problem of the late students but it affects the surrounding people. A student coming

late in class distract the rest of the students and disrupts the flow of the teachers

discussion. It is even a burden to the students whom the late students ask for what to
catch up with. The distance between the students home and school or solely the school's

location is also considered by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor as a possible factors among

students tardiness. Parents ultimately tasks and commands are also reasons that students

come late to school. Habitual tardiness can also be learned from other members of the

family, especially from older ones.

Santillano (2010) stated that psychological theorist considered some "personality traits",

including low self-esteem and anxiety as triggering factor of tardiness. She also

mentioned that while some theorists considered tardiness as an " inborn quality " since

our being early or late is "partially biologically determined " , which she also agreed,

other expert also believed that some people are "chronically tardy" , for the reason that

they consciously and unconsciously get good things from it. This study is adopted by

some because it reasons out factors of tardiness among students. There are sometimes

good things you can get from tardiness. Just like finishing your project or homework first

before attending to your classes. But contrary to this , attending late makes you deal with

missed lesson in your classes.

Bataineh (2014) He went on to discover several factors associated with causes of

a student lateness behavior. Some of these factors centered around economic influences

such as students who live in poverty, single - parent homes, or have high mobility rates.

More factors revealed by Bataineh's (2014) study were associated with a students

personal characteristics, such as being poorly organized, going to bed late, lack of

routine, or maturity level. Bataineh (2014) relayed that some students may simply find it
difficult to make it from one class to another due to physical distance. Lastly Bataineh

(2014) determined that family background and cultural can be factors causing tardiness.

Marwan (2014) There are many factors that could make a student get late or

develop the habit of getting late to school. This could range from sleeping late, poor

preparation for school, school factors, illness, economic influence and family background

among others, films at night, engagement into many house chores, lack of motivation for

school, lack of stringent rules on school against lateness etc.

Local Studies

Pimentel and Quijada (2011) generally, the result showed that the respondent are

seldom late in class because of late night use of the social networking site. Ledoux, as

cited by Pimentel and Quijada said, that lack of sleep causes neural malfunctions and

further affect a person behavior. In the study case, it is a student punctuality that is

affected. Another factor that could affect the punctuality of the student is the response of

the teachers to tardy students. This variation could lead the students to confusion as to

how important it is to be on time in attending classes. Another reason is lack of

motivation, students who attended on time are not given incentives or rewards.

According to Mico's blog (2016) "Filipino Time" is the coined phrase for

embarrassing affliction of tardiness among Filipino's. It is curious and mind boggling

how the general population of a certain nation could possibly be chronically late. And

yet, it has been tried and tested to be true to this very day. Filipino time is such a

phenomenon that made enough of an impression. This real situation proved that first

impression last. Only some people are late comers in their job or school but it is taken as
a whole. It is because, it is what they see and heard before. But in reality, it is happening

around. Knowing the certain event start at that time and just preparing for the last minute

scenario. This is the culture we have grown up. But it's still us, who decided if we want

the always rushing type of person or the person that punctual in time.

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