6th GATE

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The passage discusses the history and origins of magic and the word 'Abracadabra'. It also outlines different types of magic such as white, black, ceremonial and folk magic.

The origin of the word 'Abracadabra' is unknown but it was believed to protect the wearer from illness if written on an amulet. It is possibly derived from the name of a Gnostic god or an Aramaic phrase meaning 'disappear like this word'.

Some of the types of magic discussed include black magic, white magic, gray magic, ceremonial magic, chaos magic, composite magic, high magic, folk magic, practical magic and ritual magic.

Welcome to the 6th GATE, the domain of mystical Virgo and the secret side of

Mercury. This is the astro-esoteric realm of Magick and the arcane mysteries of
nature. Is the power White exercised for the benefit of good OR Black exercised
for the abuse of power and selfish gain? You be the judge in this mercurial and
earthy world. SELECTIONS: Abracadabra , Magic and the 6th House,
Mistress Arcana, Druid Wise, There's Something about Stonehenge, Primary
History of Magic.


ABRACADABRA. You've heard the word countless times in movies, books, stage
magic, and even commercials mostly associated with magic and spells.

What exactly does it mean?

The origin of the word is unknown adding to its mystique. In ancient times
however, it was believed that if the word was engraved on an amulet, it was
supposed to protect the wearer from illness and fever. The word is considered most
powerful when it is written in the shape of an inverted triangle where one letter of
the word is dropped in each succeeding line. Evil is supposed to dissipate or fade
away just as the word does. In medieval times, ABRACADABRA was believed to
ward off the plague when it was written on a piece of paper and worn around the
neck tied with a piece of flax. It was worn for nine days and then tossed backward
over the shoulder into a stream running east.
There are several explanations regarding the source of ABRACADABRA:

 It is derived from the name of a Gnostic god, ABRAXAS, who was ruler
of the First Heaven and who held jurisdiction over the cycles of birth,
death, and resurrection. The word ABRAXAS means "harm me not." It is
also interesting to note that the symbol for ABRAXAS was adopted as a
shield sigil by the Knights Templar. As a derivation of ABRAXAS,
ABRACADABRA appears on old charms that were used as protection
against the Evil Eye. The Evil Eye is one of the most feared supernatural
powers and is believed to have roots as far back as 3000 B.C.E. It is
thought to bring about terrible disaster, illness, and even death.
 It is derived from the Aramaic phrase abhaddakedhabhra meaning
"disappear like this word."
 It is derived from the Hebrew phrase abreq ad habra meaning "hurl your
thunderbolt even unto death."
 It is a corruption of the name of a long forgotten demon.
 It was invented by a third century C.E. physician, Quintus Serenus
Sammonicus who served the Roman Emperor Severus. It was a term that
was believed to cure fever.

ABRACADABRA is a magical word belonging to the 6th astrological house, the

sign of Virgo and the planet Mercury. Esoterically speaking, the 6th house is the
house of all kinds of magic. Magic appears in many forms even in our mundane
lives influencing the course of events by putting into motion mysterious or
supernatural forces both prominent and subtle. Aren’t simple daily miracles
magical? Actual practitioners of magic (not the stage variety) know it is the second
oldest profession in the world.

What will be ‘magical’ in your life today? Don’t forget to count your blessings.

Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Magic and Alchemy. New York: Checkmark Books. 2006. 2.
Nozedar, Adele. The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols. Hammersmith London: Harpers Collins Publishers ltd. 2008. 8-9.


All of us are Magicians. We perform magic every day by the sheer will of our
intentions. What if we actually decided to dabble in the realm of real and ancient
Magick? What kind of innate abilities would we have and where would our
magickal talents lay?

The 6th House of an astrological chart is the House of Magick of all kinds. Most of
us are familiar with the 6th House as the h house of work and the house of health,
but it is also the house of arcane manipulation-both black and white. The Element
of the Sign on the 6th house cusp is a good indicator of wizardry and magickal
prowess. For reasons of simplicity, this article will address the Elements
designated by the signs on the 6th House only. There are many other factors
involved, some of which are mentioned in the last paragraph. Please consult a
professional astrologer who specializes in arcane studies for a full analysis of all of
the effects concerning the 6th House of your chart.

If there is an Earth sign on the cusp of the 6th House-Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn,
then magick involves real manifestation and prestidigitation... things can appear
and disappear! Earth magicians favor Natural Magick which makes use of herbs,
stones, crystals, the commanding of the elements, and the influences of the planets
and stars. This magick concerns the inherent magickal properties of things so it
also includes potions, powders, ointments, philters, charms, and recipes.
Sympathetic Magick which makes use of magick tools/objects to establish
connection with someone at a distance is also used by Earth Magicians. The
planetary rulers of these signs are Venus, Mercury, and Saturn. Earth is stable,
receptive, and feminine sustaining all life upon which the other three elements rely.
It represents abundance and prosperity and allows all to use creativity in a practical
and physical manner. It encompasses all of nature - mankind, animals, rocks,
crystals, trees, and vegetation. The energy of Earth houses great strength, common
sense, and practical wisdom that can be tapped for success. In magickal practices,
Earth element is the grounding force keeping the Root chakra chord connected to
Mother Earth.

The elemental spirits of Earth are the Gnomes and Dwarfs. Earth element rules the
direction of North, the time of Midnight, and the season of winter. Earth Elemental
Magick includes garden magick, image magick, stone magick, tree magick, knot
magick, and bind magick. Magickal tools include the pentacle, salt, stones, cords,
and images. All self-respecting Earth magicians carry pieces of emerald, jet,
tourmaline, quartz (rutilated and tourmalated), peridot, onyx, jasper, azurite,
amethyst, and salt in their magickal bags. When invoking Earth magick your arms
should be extended with your palms facing downward. It would also be appropriate
to wear Earth colors such as brown, green, and black/white in a check pattern. The
goddess energies corresponding to Earth are Hathor, Ceres, Cerridwyn, Demeter,
Gaia, Persephone, and Rhiannon and the god energies are Adonis, Athos, Arawyn,
Cernunnos, Dionysus, Herne, Marduk, Pan, and Tammu. These deities can be fun
folk, except for Demeter and Cernunnos who tend to be a bit bossy at times.
Revered animals under the Earth element are the ant, bear, bison, bull, cow, deer,
dog, gopher, horse, snake, stag, and wolf. Revered plants are cedar, cypress,
comfrey, honeysuckle, ivy, grain, magnolia, patchouli, all kinds of nuts, and the
mighty oak (favored by the Druids).
If there is an Air sign on the cusp of the 6th House - Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius,
then magick involves mental control and manipulation. Air magicians favor Folk
Magick which encompasses the casting of spells for healing, luck, and protection.
This magick often blends other forms of magick sometimes mixed with religious
influences. Many times remedy spells or "prescriptions" are orally handed down or
written in handbooks. Sometimes Air magicians will also engage Gray Magick
because of its subjective nature. For example, a curse might be considered Black
Magick but if a curse was expressed to stop evil, it is considered neither good nor
bad but justifiable. The planetary rulers of these signs are Mercury, Venus, and
Uranus respectively. What's that you say ... Mercury and Venus are also Earth
planets? Well that just goes to show you how well the Universe works with the
elements supporting one another!

The Air elemental produces projective energies since it is masculine. It is tied to

communication and the intellectual mind and brings clarity, discernment, Truth,
creativity, and higher consciousness to abstract thinking and the written and
spoken word. It aids the memory, governs intuition, psychic works, telepathy, and
meditation, and is connected to the Third Eye chakra. Air magick can be useful in
finding lost objects usually by employing the help of the fairies who are the
elemental spirits of Air and who probably snatched the items in the first place!

The direction connected to Air is east, the time is dawn, and the season is spring.
When invoking Air magick, your arms should be raised and your palms should be
held parallel. If you would like to dress accordingly, you may wear clothing of
light hues that reflect the colors of dawn such as lavender, white, pale yellow, light
blue, pale pink, and shades of gray. The various forms of Air elemental magick are
divination, concentrative techniques, prophecy seeking, visualization, and written
spells. The tools of Air magick are the athame, censer, incense, the quill, and the
sword. Ever hear the expression, "the Air was so thick you could cut it with a
knife" spoken with reference to a tense situation or "the pen (or in this case quill) is
mightier than the sword?" It takes proper communication and the appropriate use
of words to modify certain situations or to cut through them. When you
communicate clearly and properly, you are using Air elemental magick to its best
advantage by cutting through misunderstanding with your magickal sword of skill!
It is not likely that an Air magician would ever be misunderstood in his/her
intention! Air magicians are fond of keeping spell books where they write down
their own concoctions or recipes. It is never a good idea to poke your nose in one
of these books without permission.
The Zodiac signs of Air are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, and the coordinating
planets are Mercury, Venus, and Uranus. If you want to create an Air elemental
magick bag, be sure it contains amber, amethyst, citrine, fluorite, mica, and topaz.
The goddess energies associated with Air are Aradia, Arianrhod, Iris, Nuit, Ostara,
and Urania. By the way-If you are a writer experiencing writer's block, try calling
on Urania to help you. She is a great muse! Ancient god energies associated with
Air are Hermes, Mercury, Shu, and Thoth. Those of you who are paying attention
are saying that Mercury and Hermes are one and the same. Well, you're right, it
just depends upon whether you prefer the Greek or Roman definition. The revered
animals of Air are all birds, particularly the eagle and hawk, insects, and spiders. If
you fancy nature walks, learn how to pay attention to these animals, especially the
spider, because some like to leave silken messages in their webs for you to read.
The revered plants of Air are acacia, anise, aspen, benzoin, clover, frankincense,
lavender, lemongrass, vervain, and yarrow.

If there is a Water sign on the cusp of the 6th House - Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces
then magick involves hidden occult forces and fluidic rhythms. The planetary
rulers of these signs are the Moon, Pluto, and Neptune. Water magicians favor
Practical Magick and make good use of the psychic arts such as clairvoyance,
divination, prophecy, healing, and even astral travel. Water magicians will also
engage Transcendental Magick where rituals are divine and religious with spiritual
and moral ethics.

The Water element governs emotions and our deepest feelings. It is receptive
feminine energy and is tied to the Heart chakra. It is secondarily tied to the Third
Eye chakra so it is easy to see why the Water element is connected to love, self-
healing, sorrow, reflection, intuition, the unconscious, fertility, and regeneration.
Along with Fire that warms and Air that aerates, the Water elemental nourishes the
Earth with life giving fluids. The direction connected to Water is west, the time is
Twilight, and the season is autumn. When invoking Water magick, your arms
should be extended with your palms held in an upward position.

The spirits of Water are the undines and mermaids. Water magick is often
connected with the phases of the Moon and with the ebb and flow of the Earth's
tides. Magickal invocations are often conducted near the ocean or other bodies of
water. Ceremonies may also involve snow, ice, or rain (and make no mistake -
Water magicians are known for stirring up the weather!). If these natural settings
are not available, mirror and magnet magick may be performed. The magickal
tools of choice are a cauldron, chalice, or mirror. Magickal clothing should
represent the colors of water such as blue, blue greens, indigo, aquamarine, ‘crests
of the waves' white, and the shadowy depth hues of black and gray. The metals of
Water are mercury (quicksilver), silver and copper. A magickal bag should contain
pieces of aquamarine, amethyst, beryl, blue topaz, blue tourmaline, coral, lapis,
opal, pearl, and sodalite.

The goddess energies connected to water element are Aphrodite or Venus, Isis,
Kupala, Mari, Ran, Tiamat, and Yemaya and the god energies are Dylan, Ea,
Manannan, Neptune or Poseidon, Osiris, and Varuna. The revered animals are all
the creatures of water including fish, sea lions, sea mammals, and sea serpents
including the leviathan, shellfish, frogs, and turtles. Also included are cats,
dragons, and sea birds. Revered plants are aloe, apple, catnip, chamomile, fern,
gardenia, lemon, lettuce, lilac, lily of the valley, lotus, moss, orris, passionflower,
rose, seaweed, thyme, valerian, water lily, and the willow tree.

If there is Fire sign on the cusp of the 6th House - Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, the
magick involves the most powerful levels of conjuring and creation. Fire
magicians are High Sorcerers who have achieved a major level of initiation and
carry a strong responsibility for their actions. Often they have knowledge of the
other elemental magicks and can take everything to the next plateau. Fire
magicians favor Ritual Magick. This is the highest form of magick that requires
discipline, spiritual enlightenment, and self-mastery. Initiates must develop skills
in meditation, concentration, visualization while acquiring the ability to focus
thought, willpower, and imagination. It is also expected that initiates develop
proficiency in maintaining inter plane contact with entities that can assist with
access to and navigation of the astral plane.

Fire magick can be pretty tricky since it manifests so quickly. It is highly

masculine energy that is very projective and filled with hot primal urgency. The
Fire elemental purifies, illuminates, and grants vision and self-knowledge to those
who seek it. It amplifies one's personal Will and bestows a new sense of authority.
Fire is physical and sexual tied to the blood of life yet also strongly linked to the
Divine. It can be very healing or very destructive. Fire is connected to the Solar
Plexus Chakra, the season of summer, the time of High Noon, and the direction of
South. When invoking Fire magick, your arms should be over your head forming a
triangle. You should be dressed in the colors of Fire, which are all the colors of a
flame, reds, oranges, yellows, hot blues, and hot whites. You should also be
wearing or carrying items made of gold or brass. The Fire magick processes
include candle magick, storm magick, and time magick. The magickal tools of Fire
are the athame, candle, censer, herbs for burning, written requests on paper for
burning, and the wand.
The elemental spirit of Fire is the Salamander and a magickal bag should hold
pieces of agate, bloodstone, carnelian, garnet, quartz, red jasper, ruby, and
rhodochrosite. The Zodiac signs of Fire element are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
The planets are Mars, the Sun, and Jupiter. The goddess energies connected to the
Fire elemental are Aradia, Ameratsu, Brigit, Freya, Hestia, Lucina, Pele, Sekhmet,
and Vesta, and the god energies are Agni, Hephaestus, Horus, Ra, and Vulcan.
This is a lively bunch, especially at celebrations. Most tend to have hot tempers so
it is never boring. Vesta is the most conscientious of the group since it is her job to
keep the Eternal Flame fueled and glowing. Revered animals under the Fire
element are the bee, coyote, fox, horse, ladybug, lion, lizard, phoenix, praying
mantis, salamander, scorpion, and snake. The revered plants are allspice, basil,
cinnamon, garlic, hibiscus, juniper, lime, nettle, onion, orange, peppers, red
poppies, and thistle.

Other considerations along with the element of the sign on the 6th house cusp
would be several planets (and asteroids) all occupying the same sign. For example,
an individual with four or five planets in the sign of Scorpio wielding Fire magick
or a four or five planet Arien wielding Earth magick would be very powerful
magicians. If the planetary ruler of one's Ascendant sign happens to be placed in
the 6th house or vice versa, with planetary ruler of the 6th in the first house or
conjunct the Ascendant, this also portends great ability.

Planets or asteroids (the combinations of which are too numerous to mention here)
occupying the 6th house will modify how the magick is used. Planets in the 6th
house involved in opposition aspects to planets in the 12th house indicate past life
talent that may be relevant to how and if magick is used. Modification may be
needed if indications of magickal abuse were prevalent in the past life. Aspects
made to planets in the 4th and 8th houses also indicate different levels of prowess.
If a person has any 7th Ray influence in their Ray make-up (Soul Ray, Personality
Ray, or subrays), magick comes easily to them, but discernment may not come as
easily. 7th Ray influenced individuals often have to decide where they draw the
line when performing magick of any kind.

"Magic is the knowledge that teaches the practical application of the lowest laws of
nature to the highest laws of spirit." - Franz Bardon, Occultist

Blessed Be! AND Remember - Harm None!


A little Renaissance MAGICK anyone? Come with me as I turn back the pages of
time and reveal some of the cosmic mysteries of the ancient ones. All you need is a
bit of courage and an open mind. Please respect the terrain - after all, it is not nice
to fool with Mother Nature.

The Kamea or Magickal Squares date back thousands of years. The Ancient
Babylonians, Chinese, Mayans, North Africans, and prehistoric French were
familiar with some of these planetary number tables and used them for occult
purposes. There are seven Magickal Squares - one for each of the original known
planets: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Depicted is the square for
each planet along with the planet's seal and an explanation of the arcane power
possessed by each.

The Square of Saturn is the oldest known Magic Square. Its discovery is credited to
Emperor Yu the Great circa 3000 BCE. It is an order 3 square consisting of three
cells across and three rows down. Each horizontal, vertical, and diagonal row adds
up to the number 15. Magically, the square is tied to the comprehension of Karma
and the understanding of past experiences. It can be used to enhance the
development of personal discipline and the correct use of boundaries, limits, and

Spell work concerning this square is best used to bring a matter to its rightful
conclusion while surrounding the individual with protection and stability. The
colors of this Square are black with white writing. The elements are Earth and
Water, the tone is FA or F, the metal is lead, and the day for spell casting is
Saturday. The Seal of Saturn is believed to increase life expectancy, guard against
renal disease, and be used to see the future.


The Square of Jupiter is an order 4 square. Each row adds up to the number 34.
This square was fascinating to the artist Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) who included
it in his artwork titled Melancolia. The numbers of the Square appear in total
reverse in that work and it is believed that the bottom row contains the date 1514
(the year of the work). Oddly, Dürer was 43 at the time the reverse of which is 34
and the total of each row. The Square of Jupiter is considered fortuitous bringing
success in legal cases, partnerships, and business expansion. It is also believed to
enhance one's spirituality.

Spell work with this square should be done on a Thursday. The elements
associated with this square are Air and Fire, the tone is SOL or G, the metal is Tin,
and the colors are blue with orange/bronze. The Seal of Jupiter is thought to
increase happiness, enhance wealth, gain and honor, and bring down enemies.


The Square of Mars is a 5 order square. Each row adds up to the number 65. The
square of Mars has an association with the war god Ares and all of his martial
associations. The phrase "seeing red" is conducive to this square. The square of
Mars is a vibrant energetic square. It enhances taking action, physical strength,
personal courage, and willpower. It can be used to control one's temper and
passions. It can also be used to bless vehicles, machinery, commercial kitchens,
and cooking. Mechanical aptitude is empowered under its energy.

Spell work for this square should be done on a Tuesday. The element associated
with this square is Fire, the tone is DO or C, the metal is iron or steel, and the
colors are a bright red background with green lettering. The Seal of Mars is
believed to make an individual powerful and courageous. Physical energy and
stamina are enhanced. Spells done using magnets which are symbolic objects of
the metal iron can be used in cases where "magnetic" attraction is desired.

The Square of the Sun is a 6 order square. Each row adds up to 111. In ancient
cultures, the Sun was worshiped as both male and female entities. In either role, it
always was considered a light-bringer associated with abundance and success. The
square of the Sun enhances health and vitality, self-confidence, leadership abilities,
and perception of goals. Great powers of self-actualization inherit in this square
can lead to success in all new projects. Topics appropriate to this square are issues
concerning authority, advancement, and ambition.

Spell work for this square should be done on a Sunday. The element associated
with this square is Fire, the metal is gold, the tone is RE, or D, and the colors are a
bright yellow background with purple or magenta lettering. The seal of the Sun is
thought to make an individual invincible and able to fight off fever and plague. It
also helps banish vain delusions.


The Square of Venus is a 7 order square. Each row adds up to 175. The Venusian
influence has always been associated with beauty, harmony, and love. The ancient
Sumerian symbol for Venus was an eight pointed star or rosette. In ancient times,
this expressed the eight year cycle in which Venus drew her pentacle. The square
of Venus enhances joy, friendship, love, playfulness, and romance. The square of
Venus can be successfully used for inviting love and relationship into your life,
enhancing sensory awareness, and heightening domestic or sensual cooking.

Spell work for this square should be done on a Friday. The element associated with
this square is Earth, the metal is bronze or copper, the tone is LA or A, and the
colors are a lemon yellow background with forest green lettering. The seal of
Venus helps individuals obtain favors and kindness and gain love on all levels.


The Square of Mercury is an eight order square. Each row adds up to a total of 160.
In ancient times, Mercury was the god of thieves and trickery but when operating
positively, cleverness, caprice, and sharp skills were prominent. Mercury was also
the divine messenger who ruled travel and stood as god of the crossroads. The
square of Mercury, enhances all types of communication including divination.

Spell work should be done on a Wednesday and includes casting for eloquence,
travel protection, and business. The element associated with this square is air, the
metal is quicksilver, the tone is MI or E, and the colors are orange-bronze with sky
blue letters. The seal of Mercury grants skill for making money in business, cures
fevers, and instills genius and memory along with fine eloquence.

The Square of the Moon is a 9 order square. Each row adds up to the number 369.
In today's society, we tend to associate the moon with all things female but in
ancient times, many cultures considered the moon to be male. Much of the folklore
surrounding the Moon focuses on shape-shifting, psychism, and magic. The square
of the Moon enhances intuition, instinct, fertility, and creativity. The energy
blesses all garden and farming endeavors and safe journeys involving water.

Spell work should be done on a Monday and can be used successfully for
heightening psychic awareness. The element associated with the Moon is water,
the metal is silver, the tone is T, TI, or B, and the colors are a magenta background
with yellow lettering. The seal of the Moon can be used as a remedy for tiredness
induced by travel, for fighting disabilities in children, and for aiding in garden


According to ancient folklore, there were those who believed that a special order of
High Druids were entrusted with some of the secrets of the Universe and that they
held a magickal responsibility to keep the balance between the powers of the
Darkness and the Light.

There is very little factual information about the Druids mainly because they
engaged an Oral Tradition where nothing was written down but rather passed down
by the spoken word. For the Druids, recording via the written word corrupted and
dishonored the information while weakening the mind. Any writings that have
survived are those set down by the conquering factions of history such as is
contained in Roman accounts. It is commonly known and accepted that among the
Druidic orders were Master Astrologers who had vast knowledge not only of the
Earth but also of the motion of the Universe. According to the eminent scholar
Fergus Kelly, a Druid was, "priest, prophet, astrologer, and teacher of the sons of
nobles." Julius Caesar acknowledged, "They also have much knowledge of the
stars and their motion, of the size of the world and of the earth, of natural
philosophy, and of the powers and spheres of action of the immortal gods, which
they discuss and hand down to their young students."
Did the Druids practice magick? By all accounts, yes. How might the Druids have
practiced Magick? The waxing and waning of the Moon was certainly most
important. Throughout cultural history, the Moon has always played an integral
role in determining the course of events. According to Celtic lore, the Moon of
October, called the Blood Moon, was particularly potent. It is strongly tied in with
the element of Earth and the ideals of finishing things with practicality, paying
attention to detail, and taking protective measures to guard what has been
accomplished. Strong supernatural motivations are also connected to this Moon
and those with the ability for clairvoyant prophecy can be strongly affected. The
Druids and the ancient Celts held a special affinity for ‘triads' and the number ‘3'
since they believed only numbers that had a ‘middle' (in this case number 2; 1-2-3)
had balance. The ancient magickal number associated with the Moon is ‘369'
which consists of the number ‘3' and its derivatives ‘6' and ‘9'. On a Divine level
(but not numerological) for those of us on Earth, the Moon's influence via the
number 369 equates with commitment to the Earth as part of one's Divine purpose.

The ancient Celt word for Magick is Dra/iocht which translates literally to "what
Druids do." Druidic magick was the magick of nature. Contrary to popular opinion,
there is no evidence that the Druids engaged in human sacrifice as part of the
magickal ritual. It is believed, however, that they did engage in animal sacrifice as
part of the magickal practice. The Druids did not believe in trying to control the
great forces connected to nature but rather to work in harmony with them. There
was a spiritual connection to nature and all of the gods and goddesses they
believed were connected to nature. They sought assistance of these deities by
presenting an offering with hopes that the intention would bring about favorable

According to the ancient Celt loremasters, the Druids were capable of many
magical powers such as divination and prophesy, weather control, healing,
levitation, and shape-shifting (usually into the forms of animals or people). It is
believed that a certain class of high Druids could walk in the "Otherworlds" where
they gained information from entities on other planes of existence. Divination
skills and magical insight were required for many essential social and practical
political purposes. Druids advised tribal leaders about policy making, helped with
solutions for disputes and legal settlements, and announced the beginning of
important agricultural and hunting seasons which were basic to life. It is further
speculated that they were able to magically oppose criminal activity. Magickally
induced dreams could be performed to reveal a culprit's identity or magickal spells
could be cast that guaranteed the return of goods or livestock. During wartime, a
Druid's magical skills were needed to predict the enemy's movements in order to
disrupt its political plans. Warriors went to battle magickally empowered and aided
by environmental forces. The highly respected Druids could put an end to an unjust
war by simply walking onto a battlefield and ordering everyone to go home.

According to Celt history, the Druids held certain magickal concepts that applied
to their beliefs:

 IMMRAM - This term refers to "astral travel." It was believed that one
could journey to the realm of the gods or the "Otherworld."
 AISLING - Dreams or visions induced by altered states of consciousness.
 IMBAS - Known as "fire in the head" and referring to divinely inspired
poetry also acquired through altered states of consciousness.
 FI/RINNE - The binding force or "way of nature." This term concerns itself
with matters of Truth and Justice.
 ECHTRA - Warrior magick reserved for those who traveled on holy grounds
while traversing the wilderness.

My tool is my voice and the words pass down the wisdom.

Equal in honor do I pass it thus,
The stones speak in the face of the Sun,
And In the Eye of Light, the Truth is shown, the Light is shed upon it.
From the Great Circle of All Enclosing,
Oh Great Spirit who is infinite, Father of all creation,
I proclaim Praise to the Most High!
The time of Earth is eternal passing through fire, quake, wind, and cold.
Paternal Sun sends his star seeds to Maternal Earth,
And man becomes one with all in the sacred Space.
The time of Man is short but renewed as he balances his nature.
Through the two Great Circles of existence he passes,
each to the other, good and evil to weigh.
Then, may he drink from the fountain of knowledge,
In reward for his labors as is his destiny,
With blessings and joy, may he come forth revealing the wisdom again.


"Could it be Magick?"

Geometry is everywhere in Nature. Sacred Geometry is inherent in everything of

Nature. There have been many theories presented about the Sacred Geometry
connected to Stonehenge. If we consider the original Stonehenge to resemble the
diagram below, when all the mathematics are calculated, one of the possible
configurations is a Dodecagram or Star Polygon. The Dodecagram concerns itself
with groups of twelve.
Throughout history, the number twelve has been associated with many important
things - the twelve months to a year, the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve
Disciples of Christ, the twelve prophets, the twelve sibyls, the twelve note
chromatic scale, the twelve signs and houses of the Zodiac, the twelve days of
Christmas, the twelve labors of Hercules, the twelve inches in a foot measure, the
twelfth card of the Tarot - The Hanged Man, the 12th sign of the Zodiac, Pisces
and much, more. In metaphysics, the number twelve represents all things in their
right time which ultimately leads to maturation and finally fulfillment. In magick,
the number twelve is related to the number seven because seven consists of four
plus three and the number twelve consists of four times three. In metaphysics, the
number seven is associated with completeness and wisdom, spiritual truth, and
cosmic harmony. Traditionally seven also holds supernatural powers.

In reality, a scientifically and archeologically accepted fact is that the ground plan
and structural engineering of Stonehenge incorporated sophisticated mathematical
and geometrical knowledge by its builders. One consensus regarding Stonehenge is
that its builders used a Base Six number system rather than the Base Ten number
system used today. Bearing this in mind, it is easy to see how a Mogen David or
Star of David configuration fits easily into this system and how other harmonic
patterns emerge. Simplistically speaking, this configuration consists of two
intersected triangles - in the diagram depicted, the Star of David sits at the middle.
In metaphysics, the number six relates to balance and earthly and planetary issues.
Using this pattern as a base the Dodecagram emerges. The Dodecagram consists of
four intersected triangles (the large purple triangle) with three large triangular
intersections at different angles (blue, green, maroon) 4+3=7 creating twelve (12)

Many other possible geometric patterns emerge depending upon one's viewpoint.
Using the position of the holes of the AUBREY CIRCLE, an additional 56-sided
polygon can be added as an overlay empowering the geometry. In metaphysics, the
number 56 equates with transition and when broken down to the numerological
master number 11, an androgynous yet spiritual connection between all that exists
and ever will exist occurs. A 30-sided figure that occurs when the thirty stones of
the SARSEN CIRCLE are used as geometric points refers to path-finding with
assistance of divine beings.

According to theorist and physicist Charles Vind, some have proposed that
STONEHENGE was constructed according to the Universal geometric harmonics
of LIGHT and that the radius of the AUBREY CIRCLE (the 56 holes encircling
the center) is related directly to the SPEED of LIGHT while the radius of the
SARSEN CIRCLE (the outer circle constructed of 30 monoliths) corresponds to
the square of the reciprocal of the speed of light. It is further suggested that the
large stones are crystalline in composition and that they emit a type of
electromagnetism. The basic result of the interlocking geometrics and interlocking
energy fields is higher cosmic energy patterns.

Considering all of this information - is it possible then that Stonehenge is a

frequency generator to the outer reaches of the Universe? Did the ancients know
that by manipulating the energy fields through the multi-patterned geometrics that
an infinite range of vibrational harmonics was available? Were they aware that an
interdimensional effect might be possible allowing them to slip through time and
space? Was this some form of ancient magick?

Archeology has shown us that while the Druids did not build Stonehenge they did
use it for worship and sacred rites. If we are to take Druidic lore at face value, it
relates that the Druids were capable of astral traveling or journeying to the
"Otherworlds" to consult with inter-dimensional entities. The Druids were finely
attuned to Nature and understood much about the workings of the Universe. Who
is to say they were not capable of manipulating such forces while on site allowing
them to visit other worlds through a portal? Outrageous or fanciful speculation you
say? Well maybe...

Another concept is that the cosmic energies inherent in Stonehenge would also
lend the structure the capacity for great healing during ancient people's "magico-
religious" ceremonies. Speaking of the great stones, 13th century British poet
Layamon states:

"The stones are great

And magic power they have
Men that are sick
Fare to that stone
And they wash that stone
And with that water bathe away their sickness."

In literary lore, the legendary Merlin tells King Aurelius:

"Laugh not so lightly, King, for not lightly are these words spoken. For in these
stones is a mystery, and a healing virtue against many ailments. Giants of old did
carry them from the furthest ends of Africa and did set them up in Ireland what
time they did inhabit therein. And unto this end they did it, that they might make
them baths therein whensoever they ailed of any malady, for they did wash the
stones and pour forth the water into the baths, whereby they that were sick were
made whole. Moreover they did mix confections of herbs with the water, whereby
they that were wounded had healing, for not a stone is there that lacketh in virtue
of leechcraft."

If Stonehenge truly holds the power to all of these wondrous possibilities then the
ancients knew something that we have not been able to tap. Perhaps the real secrets
are lost forever or maybe just waiting for mankind to re-evolve with appreciation
for those possibilities in order to use them for the higher good.

That really would be magickal!


The word magic comes from one of three Greek terms, megus meaning ‘great’,
magein, which is a reference to Zoroastrianism or magoi, the name of an Irainian
Median tribe known to the Greeks and recognized for their magical prowess.
Magic can generally be described as a seeking to control events and to cause
certain things to come about. Most of us understand magic as divided into two
groups – Black and White but magic in itself is neither good nor evil except by
intent. In essence, magic is neutral.

The Ancient mindset…

Magic is as old as humanity itself. The ancients believed in both God and magic,
which they considered to have been taught to man by God. In olde magic, it was
not God that was dealt with but less important spiritual beings who were believed
to exist as helpers or assistants carrying out God’s plan. The conjurer or magician
did not “ask” for assistance of these beings but rather ordered or demanded
assistance. He did so in complete confidence that these entities could not refuse
him because he had been given power over them by God. Even though Magic
differed greatly from religious practice it had two parts much like religions – ritual
and doctrine. The ritual was the actual ceremony performed and the doctrine
contained the beliefs upon which the ritual(s) were based.

Words that constituted incantations were extremely important to the magicians of

olde. It was the base of the magician’s power in getting spiritual forces to carry out
his bidding. Armed with the special power of the right words, this special
knowledge gave the magician unlimited power.

And what of the power of words? Consider this quote from occultist Don Papon:

“In Christianity and Judaism, the name of God was kept in secret in the belief that
if you knew the name you would then have power to compel God to do your
bidding. Because of this tradition, the word Jehovah was never written out in
Jewish manuscripts. If this idea seems strange to you, call someone’s name as he
walks away from you: you will find that he stops and turns towards you. In that
very instant, you exhibited ‘power” over him, did you not?”

As all words used by a magician focused magical power there were several
stipulations when choosing the correct words:

 The “sound” of the word had to capture and encapsulate the type of magic
 When logging magical words into a personal grimoire, it was thought to be
best to encode the words by writing them backwards.
 A word used too often was believed to lose its potency and power.
 Words used by other magicians were avoided as only personal words created
a magician were powerful to that magician.
 Words had to be used in the appropriate manner such as singing, chanting,
shouting, whispering or simply spoken vehemently.

Example of a simple banishing spell (by Deborah Blake):

Banish now with spell and will

Banish now with Spirit's grace

Banish now with magick's power

All that's wrong and out of place

Banish now with water's rushing

Banish now with earth's strong might

Banish now for once and all

That which stands against the light

Banish now with fire's heat

Banish now with blowing air

Banish now with root and stone

Pain and illness and despair

Banish all that is not working

Banish all that holds me back

Banish all that seeks to harm me

As I light this candle black

The Book...

A handbook of magic that provided instructions was and still is known as a

grimoire which is French for "grammar book." Technically although any handbook
of magic could be called a grimoire, the term originally applied specifically to to
texts descended from King Solomon. Most grimoires were written in the 17th and
18th centuries and their popularity extended into the 19th century. They mainly
circulated in France and Italy. A grimoire served as a record of spells, evocations,
ritual and procurements complete with directions. The actual material was heavily
derivative of Hebrew magic and mystical lore including the names of powers,
duties of spirits both daemonic and angelic and the names of God. Some grimoires
were sourced in Hellenistic Greek and Egyptian magical texts as well as Latin lore.
Here is a list of famous grimoires:

 Key of Solomon (also called Greater Key of Solomon and the Clavicle of
 Lemegeton or Lesser Key of Solomon
 Testament of Solomon (Greek)
 Grand Grimoire (French)
 Grimorium Verum (French)
 Fourth Book (Henry Cornelius Agrippa)
 Grimoire of Honorius (16th century, first published in Rome 1629)
 Arbatel of Magic (Latin published in Switzerland 1575)
 Theosophia Pneumatica (German 1686)
 Heptameron (Peter of Abano, Italy 1316)
 Little Albert (1772)
 Enchiridion of Pope Leo
 Book of Sacred Magic of Abra-Melon the Mage (1458)
 True Black Magic (Magician Toscraec, 1600s)
 Black Pullet (Egypt 1740)
 Red Dragon (1522)
 Transcendental Magic (attributed to Eliphas Levi, published 1896)
 Book of Black Magic and Pacts (A.E. Waite, 1898)

Celestial Dialog...

Magical scripts or secret language was scribed encoded. The magical alphabets
were thought to be celestial and given as a gift to adepts.

One of the most well-known celestial alphabets in history is the 16th century
Enochian Alphabet attributed to occultist and astrologer Dr. John Dee and his
psychic associate Edward Kelly.

Dee was a respected scholar in his day but Kelley was a man of ill repute with a
well-known shady past but with equally well known genuine psychic ability. Dee
had confidence in Kelley's abilities and their association lasted for seven years.

Dee’s interest in “angelic magic” began after reading Steganographia by Abbot

Trithemius around 1553. His communication with angels began in October of
1581. These were troubled times for Dee who suffered from strange dreams. He
was also kept awake by strange knockings throughout the house. It was almost as
though certain spirits were trying to contact Dee rather than the other way around.

Dee originally worked with a medium by the name of Barnabas Saul who claimed
to see angels in a crystal ball. Dee however was neither convinced nor satisfied
with Saul’s work and dismissed him. In 1582, Dee met Edward Kelley - a strange
young man of 27 who had been a student but who never acquired a degree. Kelley
had been convicted of forgery and was known to engage in necromancy and other
magical rituals.

Dee and Kelley held hundreds of séances mainly in England and Poland. In 1583
Kelley allegedly made contact with the Angel Uriel who prophesized the attempt
of invasion of England by Spain and also the death of Mary Queen of Scots. These
prophecies came to pass in 1587 and 1588. Uriel claimed Enochian was the
language spoken in the Garden of Eden and further linguistic teaching ensued. In
April of 1587, an angel calling herself Madimi contacted Dee and Kelley with
instructions that the two should swap wives. This disturbed Dee who felt that
“devils” were impersonating angels and he was reluctant to listen. Madimi it seems
was rather persuasive and on May 22 the swap occurred. The event put a great
strain on the relationship between Dee and Kelley and they parted ways. Dee gave
up his magical practices and returned to England where he died in poverty in 1608.
Kelley died abroad under “mysterious circumstances.”

Ancient beliefs…

To the ancients, all things that existed had a spiritual and material essence.
Everything in creation was also interconnected so magic was believed to exert
forces on probabilities manifesting them into the realm of matter. To the Ancient
magicians, the only difference between a living thing and that which “appeared not
to live” was a difference in spirit. Everything had a spirit. Man was believed to
have a spirit and a soul and thus stood above and transcended all things. Man had
greater mobility and the opportunity for self-consciousness was paid homage by all
that was lesser than he yet when it came to magic man had rules. The actions of
man were governed by laws and sub-rules in magical doctrine:

The Law of Sympathy states, “A mysterious or spiritual link exists between

anything in the world and any one or more of its parts.” (Example: a tree and its

 Rule of Parts – Even though something is no longer connected to something

else, one disconnected part can still affect the other part.
 Rule of Contagion – An article that is close to a person such as a prized
personal possession forms a connection to that person and that person can be
influenced by another person who steals or becomes in possession of the
article by performing magic on it.

The Law of Imitation states, “Because there is a spiritual link between anything in
the world, one can cause spirits to imitate certain acts thereby producing certain
phenomena. (Example: pouring water over an unclothed virgin produced rain.)

 Rule of Three – Evil magic that is cast will rebound on its castor threefold.

The Circle…

On its own, the circle is a powerful symbol standing for strength, union, protection
and eternity. A Magic Circle signifies all these things and has the added benefit of
being “charged” by various rituals. With hundreds of variations and hundreds of
different purposes, it would be impossible to explore every method used in casting
the circle but, in general, to the Ancients a Magic Circle demarcated a holy space
which protected one from negative forces on the outside and it also facilitated
communion with spirits and deities. The Ancient belief that was once inside the
circle, transcendent levels of consciousness could be achieved while stepping
outside the circle during a ritual meant destruction and possible demise at the
hands of other-worldly spirits.

Size, Age and Physique counted…

In some of the older beliefs a practitioner of magic was thought to be more

powerful if the age of the magician ranged from 22-26 and then from 30-55.
Gender did not matter but fair-haired magicians were thought to be the most
powerful especially if they had full lips. A “magical name” was also important
especially for the newly initiated and it could be changed as the magician’s status
and knowledge grew more powerful.

Numbers, Seals, Signs and Seasons…

Numbers, seals, signs and seasons were important factors in harnessing power.
Magicians often relied on the Magic Squares or Kamea whose numbers were
keyed into the vibrations of the known planets Sun (animation/Sunday), Moon
(transforming/Monday), Mercury (Healing/Tuesday), Venus (affecting/Friday),
Mars (defending/Thursday), Jupiter (bringing justice/Wednesday) and Saturn
(altering time). These were often incorporated into sigils and amulets of great
power. They also might be drawn into the Magic Circle depending upon the intent
of the magician. The sigils of Fixed Zodiac signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and
Aquarius were nearly always incorporated into magical works because they were
considered the signs of power and strength (and still are considered so).

The Northern constellations, Draco, Cancer and Gemini were thought to have
useful associations with spells for protection, dissolution and communication. The
Southern constellations Capricorn, Scorpio and Centaurus were thought to have
useful associations with spells cast for healing, transformation and intellectualism.

The Cardinal Points of direction, north, south, east, west, and the elementals, Fire,
Earth, Air and Water also factored heavily. Associations to the Moon, planetary
hours and days helped the magician choose the right time to cast and conjure.
Magical objects were generally made from whatever was available usually leather,
wood, bone or horn as these could be easily engraved. Those magicians who had
the means were lucky and could procure objects cast in silver. Items of gold were
very scarce but thought to be extremely powerful due to the high vibration
attributed to gold.

Betwixt and Between…

“Magic is the knowledge that teaches the practical application of the lowest forms
of nature to the highest laws of spirit.” ~ Occultist Franz Bardon

According to paranormal and mystical author Rosemary Ellen Guiley, magical

phenomena exists in the realm of liminality which she identifies as “a blurred
borderland that is neither in the material world nor the spiritual world, but in both
simultaneously.” She further extrapolates, “Change, transition and transformation
are conditions that are conducive to psi and supernatural. Magic ritual – and ritual
in general – exposes the ordinary, predictable world to the instability of the luminal
world. Strange things happen. The luminal world is considered to be a dangerous,
unpredictable one. Individuals such as magicians thus are dangerous because they
work in this uncertain world. As adepts they are themselves the agents of change
and even chaos."

The art of magic has taken many paths throughout history. Egyptian magic, which
included spell casting, divination, Necromancy, dream sending, the making of
amulets and talismans, and medical magic has probably had the most important
effect upon the development of Western magic. Greek and Roman magic dealt
strongly with channeling and ‘sourcing’ of a variety of entities – deities, daimones,
celestial intelligences and the dead. The Greeks were especially interested in
destiny and paid great homage to oracles and to the condition of Fate as designated
by the stars in a horoscope. It was the Greeks who ‘personalized’ astrology by
applying the art to the personality of man. Jewish magic adopted and adapted the
magical practices of the Canaanites, Babylonians, Egyptians and eventually
Hellenistic/Gnostic influences. They believed magic (among other things) was
taught to humans by angels known as the Watchers who had fallen from the grace
of God. Christian magic emphasized nature such as herbal lore. It also placed
emphasis on mystical names.

There are as many different types of magic and combinations of magic as there are
magicians with different intent. Among them are Black Magic (malevolent), White
Magic (positive), Gray Magic (justified using curses), Ceremonial Magic
(ritualistic), Chaos Magic (1960s, Austin Osman Spare, ritualistic and evocative),
Liber Null (black arts and altered states of consciousness), Composite Magic
(combination of religious influences), High Magic (ceremonial aimed at spiritual
enlightenment), Folk Magic (traditional spellcasting and remedies), Practical
Magic (applied and psychic), Ritual Magic (Western occult discipline of high
ceremonial magic), Sympathetic Magic (distant through connection) and
Transcendental Magic (transcendental ritualistic).

Time marches on…

Alchemy entered the mainstream in Europe about the 12th Century. Western
alchemy is based upon Hermetic philosophy which states that cosmic forces
govern all things in creation and the material world. In essence, the microcosm
reflects the macrocosm. In medieval Europe, alchemy was part of medicine and
was used not just for curatives but also for any substances that would restore or
lengthen life. “True Alchemy” is considered a spiritual pursuit and is concerned
with human perfection through enlightenment. True Alchemy was practiced by
esoteric orders and brotherhoods such as the Rosicrucians and Freemasons and
these groups influenced the development of ritual magic.

The 17th century ushered in a new-fangled thing called “science” which explained
the events of the world by a popular new set of laws. The interest in magic waned
and by the 18th century its prominence was only seen in personal or folk practices.
The 19th century brought a revival of magic and with it an array of colorful
characters including Eliphas Levi and Gerard Encausse known as “Papus” AND
orders such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn which was founded by the
Rosicrucians and Freemasons who were familiar with Eastern philosophy as taught
by the Theosophical Society. Considerable contribution was made by the infamous
Aleister Crowley and his Thelemic Magic. Whenever the word magic is seen being
spelled as magick it is because of Aleister Crowley who preferred to spell the word
that way in order to distinguish it from the lower forms of magic such as sorcery
and spell casting. In the 20th century, magical occult teachings were carried on by
"adepts" such as Franz Bardon, William Gray and Israel Regardie. Ceremonial
magic literally went underground until the latter part of the 20th century with the
upsurge of "new religions" such as Wicca and Paganism. It now seems as though
the route of magic has come full circle within its own cycle.

Is magic actually at the root of science? Are contemporary inquiries and methods
such as alternative healing, psychical research, quantum physics and chaos theory
all based in the rudiments of magic? I’ll leave that up to you reader but it seems it
is a small world after all.

So mote it be!

THE 6th GATE, Copyright © ad continuum Starlogic Astrodynamics

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