Satellite Link Budget Calculator by Usin
Satellite Link Budget Calculator by Usin
Satellite Link Budget Calculator by Usin
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Ghassan A. QasMarrogy
Communication and Computer Eng. Dept.,
College of Engineering, Cihan University-Erbil,
Erbil, Iraq
[email protected]
In this paper, a satellite link budget calculator was done by using MATLAB –
GUI program, the link budget is represented in one active screen, and it is designed to
show the parameters that affects the RF signal when it is passing through the three main
parts of the satellite communication system and regardless of the input signal power
level. The results of the link budget program with the effects of changing the parameters
will be shown inside the same active screen, which makes the users (students and
trainers) analyze the reason that causes the weak signal when it reaches the satellite
Keywords: Satellite link budget, GUI. Simulation, gain margin, satellite link
Nowadays, satellite communication systems are evaluated and tested by using
simulation programs which adds the environmental factors that affects the signals and
observes the performance of the satellite link. A RF satellite link consists of an uplink
(transmit earth station to satellite) and a downlink (satellite to the receiver earth station).
The signal power and quality over the uplink depends on how strong the signal is when it
DOI: 10.24086/
Cihan University-Erbil Scientific Journal Special Issue No.1, July 2017
leaves the source (earth station) and how the satellite receives it. While, on the downlink
side, it depends on how strongly the satellite can retransmit the signal and how the
ground station receives it. The signal from the source in the ground station will processes
the signal to reach the satellite. The sending process contains modulation, frequency
conversion and amplification, then it will transmit the signal to the satellite by a narrow
beam antenna. Through the free space attenuation and massive loss appeared effect on
the signal, so a weak signal will be received by the satellite. Signal amplification and
some processing is needed to convert the signal from uplink frequency to down link
frequency. Many studies were done with different methods such as RF link budget -
Simulink -MATLAB, which shows the effects of the power level, antenna gain and S/N
ratio only [1]. RF- café offers a program named RF calculator workbook by excel, and it
deals with main factors of the link budget and calculates the power received [2].
In this paper, the net power transmit from the earth station will be calculated in
consideration with the main factors which makes the loss and attenuation in the path for
the signal before transmitting on the free space channel. This paper shows all the factors
affecting the signal on the receiver side, and the factors that gives the again and loss on
the signal. Finally the results will show the effects of all factors and calculates the status
of the satellite link.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows, section 2 explains the RF satellite
link budget program, section 3 demonstrates the sending signal and what follows, section
4 shows the analysis and the result of the program, and finally section 5 concludes the
A Special Issue for 2nd International Conference of Cihan University-Erbil
Erbil on Communication
Engineering & Computer Sciences (CIC-COCOS’17),
(CIC March 29-30,
30, 2017
Fig. (1) shows the main parts of a satellite communication system (uplink), where
each part contains
ins a block can be represented as mathematical model by simplifying their
function or the process needed on the transmitted signal.
The link budget calculation are usually made using decibel (dB and dBm), the
transceiver designer’s objective is to close the link for the specified
specified distance and required
availability as efficiently as possible, whereas the link designer’s task is to use an
existing transceiver to satisfy a specific
specific communication requirement. The link designer
may then trade off availability for link distance.
Transmitter Station
The discussion in this section is about the ground station, the main process on the
signal will be to modulate the signal or change the form of the signal then it is to convert
the band of the signal from intermediate frequency band L- L band to C, X or Ku band,
then amplifying the signal by power amplifier to increase its amplitude and its power.
er that the signal is directed to the satellite by a reflector antenna, which gives the
signal extra gain with respect to isotropic radiation, that signal called (power flux
density), which radiates in a given direction by any antenna that have gain GT, the th
equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is:
EIRP = PT GT in(watt)
or .. (1)
ERIP = PT (dB) + GT (dB) in (dB)
Cihan University-Erbil Scientific Journal Special Issue No.1, July 2017
Where ƞ is the aperture efficiency which has a value (0.5 to 0.65), F is the carrier
frequency in (GHz), and D is the reflected antenna diameter in (m), or by using the
equation (4) to calculate GT or GR, along with the carrier frequency in (MHz).
Adding to that, some kind of loss must be consecrate in this stage like modulation
process loss, connection and cable loss,
Free space loss (FSL) have two important factors which are frequency F and the
range R or distance between earth station and the satellite, so that, it can be calculated by
the following equation:
The other losses also must be considered for final calculation, and these are
simply added to FSL. The losses for clear –sky condition is
A Special Issue for 2nd International Conference of Cihan University-Erbil on Communication
Engineering & Computer Sciences (CIC-COCOS’17), March 29-30, 2017
Where TRF is the temperature on the front end of RF part in the receiver, Tin is
the input temperature to the receiver, Tm is the frequency convertor unit or the mixer
temperature, all in Kelvin (K), and Gr antenna gain. An alternative way of representing
amplifier noise is by means of its noise factor, F. In defining the noise factor of an
amplifier, the source is taken to be at room temperature, denoted by T0, usually taken as
290 K. the noise figure can be calculate by this equation
F = TS/T0 + 1 (9)
Noise power depend on the bandwidth of the receiver (B) and noise figure (F) so
the noise power is given by
N= k T0 B F in(watt).. (11)
Cihan University-Erbil Scientific Journal Special Issue No.1, July 2017
That power must be greater than minimum signal power requires (C min) to the
C/N dB = PR - N (18)
The Link Margin obtain which tells how tight we are in closing the link:
The allowed margin depends on the required reliability (egg link maintained for
(99.99%) of time, averaged over one year) and the range of climatic conditions which are
predicted along the link. Typical margin values are 2dB (C band) and 8dB (Ku band) [6].
The link status depends on the value of link margin, which will be close for positive
value, that means the system is working well, and if the negative value for the margin is
open, it is means that the system is not working.
A Special Issue for 2nd International Conference of Cihan University-Erbil on Communication
Engineering & Computer Sciences (CIC-COCOS’17), March 29-30, 2017
Then the program is going to calculate the require parameters which are shown in
the Table II.
After entering the parameters, the program decides if the link is closed or not.
Depending on the condition that if PR is greater than the threshold level the link is
closed, and if PR is less than threshold level the link is open. [7] .The link status depends
on the value of link margin, it will be closed for positive value, that means the system is
working well, and negative value for the margin is open and it is means the system is not
working. By using GUI/ MATLAB program to design the simulation, the graphical user
interface (GUI) is a graphical display in one or more windows containing controls, called
components that enables the user to perform interactive tasks. The user of the GUI does
not have to create a script or type commands at the command line to accomplish the
tasks. Unlike coding programs to accomplish tasks, the user of a GUI needs not to
understand the details of how the tasks are performed.
The Fig. (2) shows the final active screen of satellite link budget simulation, the
white color fields for the input parameters and blue sky color for useful output
parameters which are using in link budget equations.
Cihan University-Erbil Scientific Journal Special Issue No.1, July 2017
Fig. 2. shows the final active screen of satellite link budget simulation
Research Methodology
The following steps shows the procedure for the analysis of a satellite link:
(1) Run the MATLAB program. (2) Call GUI file then open it (our
simulation file). (3) Write the value of the uplink carrier frequency.
(4) Select the transmission powers. (5) Choose any value for antenna
diameter. (6) Estimate the loss in transmitter such as cable loss and
connectors. (7) Estimate the loss for modulation. Write the range of
the satellite. (8) Give a value for antenna misalignment loss. (9) Give
a value for polarization loss. (10) Estimate the loss in free space or
atmosphere loss such as (rain, gas and foggy). (11) Give a value for
A Special Issue for 2nd International Conference of Cihan University-Erbil
Erbil on Communication
Engineering & Computer Sciences (CIC-COCOS’17),
(CIC March 29-30,
30, 2017
minimum signal required to the receiver. (12) Chose the diameters for
the satellite antenna. (13) Give a value for receiver loss. (14) Write
the reference temperature. (15) Write a value system temperature (of
the noise
se temperature) then Click on calculate key. The Fig. (3) has
shown the active screen after feed all input parameters.
The Results
The results shown in the Fig. (3) shows how the program calculates the
parameters which are shown in the Table (2), the results with all input parameters will
show in the active screen. As shown in Fig. (4). On the same screen. The value of any
parameters can be changed then click on (calculate key), the results will change
according to the new value, for example, the AML Loss is changed from 1 to 2 the result
also change as shown in Fig. (5), same thing if AA change from 0.5 to 4 such as a heavy
rain. the Fig. (6) shown the results ware
w change. And so on.
Fig. (5) on the same screen and only change one parameter such as AML is
change from 1 to 2 and the result shown changes on the outputs.
Cihan University-Erbil
Erbil Scientific Journal Special Issue No.1, July 2017
Fig. 4. Active
ctive screen shown the results after click on calculate bottom
Fig. 5.
Fig. 6. Onn the same screen, change the value of AA loss such as heavy rain
A Special Issue for 2nd International Conference of Cihan University-Erbil on Communication
Engineering & Computer Sciences (CIC-COCOS’17), March 29-30, 2017
This simulation system provides a nice way for users to examine the effects of all
the parameters on the system. Students and trainers can change all the parameters of the
system and see the effects at the same time. The screen shows the three basic units of
communication and their parameters. The dynamic of change can trace the effect. It is
easy to use and to calculate. The program can be developed and modified for new ideas.
The program can be used in a satellite lab, for antenna gain measurement, free space loss
calculation, noise Fig. measurement, Fig. of mired measurement, and link budget design,
so the students can perform experiments.
The program covers the requirements of the satellite laboratory for experiments
of the design and analysis of the RF link budget for overall system which it can show the
effects of all input parameters on the output results. The simulation of the satellite link
budget by using MATLAB/GUI, gives us some extra flexibility to prove and sense the
relationship between some parameters in the link budget calculation. Unlike the RF
Satellite Link example in MATLAB that have two variables SNR and Adaptive Noise,
our program have thirteen variables and it will show the changes in all the important
parameter when changing any variables. The simulation is open source available for
other users to add or modify the system for any development in the future.
The final results were evaluated with a referenced with results from an
international company web site which is used to examine their product in the same field
[1] Nadeem, Farukh, et al. "Weather effects on hybrid FSO/RF communication
link." IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 27.9 (2009).
[3] Tranter, William H., et al. Principles of communication systems simulation with
wireless applications. Vol. 1. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2004.
Cihan University-Erbil Scientific Journal Special Issue No.1, July 2017
[6] Silver, J. P. "Satellite Communications Tutorial." Space Research 713 (2012): 798.