DVB-S2 Extension: End-to-End Impact of Sharper Roll-Off Factor Over Satellite Link

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SPACOMM 2014 : The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications

DVB-S2 Extension : End-to-End Impact of

Sharper Roll-Off Factor Over Satellite Link

Antoine Bonnaud and Eros Feltrin Luca Barbiero

Multimedia and Added Value Services Department Department of Information Engineering
Eutelsat SA University of Padua
Paris, France Italy
e-mail: {abonnaud, efeltrin}@eutelsat.fr e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract—The world of the geo-synchronous satellite environment the pros and cons of reducing the ROF in
communications is witnessing, for several months now, a satellite transmission.
strong discussion, if not a dispute, between some systems This study is based on measurements obtained with
manufacturers about the opportunity of increasing the different professional devices and the close collaboration
efficiency of the coding schemes proposed by the second with key manufacturers in satellite communication industry.
generation of the Digital Video Broadcasting standard by The devices under test are commercial products; the reported
introducing some extensions. Even if the debate rises the tests are performed over a reference DVB-S2 test bed [3].
interest of operators and manufacturers, its conclusions are far The paper is organized as follows: Section II provides
from being unanimously accepted. This paper concentrates
some backgrounds including the satellite channel
mainly on the sharper low roll-off factor shaping filters
proposed among the extensions. Their effects on the satellite
description, the transmission techniques, their extensions and
channel are presented in a comparative analysis supported by emission constraints. Section III is dedicated to a preliminary
measurements performed on commercial devices. The analysis of two operational scenarios. The validation
operational impacts are observed from the point of view of one equipment and methodology is described in Section IV,
of the main European satellite operators: Eutelsat. whereas the results are discussed in the Section V.

Keywords-DVB; satellite transponder; amplifier saturation II. BACKGROUND

A. The Satellite Link
This paper considers operations over transparent
In 2011, different manufacturers started to release new geostationary satellites. To maximize their efficiency, the on-
modulation and coding architectures for satellite board amplifiers are operated as close as possible to the
communications, claiming to achieve significant saturation point. This imposes a trade-off between power
performance improvements (higher than 15%) over their efficiency and signal distortion.
competitors and over the existing Second Generation of the Further impairments onto the signal quality come from
Digital Video Broadcasting over Satellite (DVB-S2) the Input Multiplexer (IMUX) before, and Output
standard [1]. The new features encompass, among others, Multiplexer (OMUX) after the satellite Travelling Wave
sharp roll-off factors (ROF) for the shaping filters as well as Tube Amplifier (TWTA) [4]. They aim at limiting
proprietary pre-distortion and equalization techniques interferences between adjacent transponders.
mitigating the non-linearity of the active components On the ground, the uplink earth station high power
(mainly high power amplifiers). amplifier (HPA) output is not filtered. So proper back-off
These novelties arose the interest of the entire satellite setting is of paramount importance to limit in-band and out-
communications world, including standardization of-band distortion.
committees, such as the current DVB-Technical Module, that On the whole, satellite transmission is impacted by
are evaluating the insertion of these new features in the amplitude and phase distortions mainly due to amplifiers
DVB-S2 standard [2]. working in the saturation point, group delay, phase and
Confronted with this innovation and the increasing frequency errors, Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)
requests for high efficiency in the capacity usage, Eutelsat, and phase noise. This paper will consider the effect of
as one of the leading worldwide satellite operators, has to amplifiers and AWGN only.
assume the role of customers guide in order to warrantee a Studies on the non-linear degradation of end-to-end
high quality of service by using the very latest standard system performance exist in the literature and are here
transmission techniques in the most correct way. referred. These are simulations [5], extensive testing over
One of the most frequently asked questions concerns the emulator or satellite [6] and results obtained by the
real performance of ROF reduction over a satellite link in International Telecommunication Union Radio-
particular referring to the existing DVB-S2. The objective of communication Sector (ITU-R) [7].
the work presented in this paper is to assess by reliable and
reproducible measurements in controlled laboratory

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SPACOMM 2014 : The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications

B. Baseline Transmission Standard and Filtering with other customers using the same Eutelsat satellite as well
DVB-S2 [1] specifies the format of the digital signal to as with adjacent satellites.
be transmitted over a satellite channel. It is used by the At the receiver, the error performance over a non-linear
manufacturers as a reference document in the channel should be known to ensure correct link closure, as
implementation of transmitters (or modulators) for well as the robustness against inter-channel interference
broadcasting, interactive services, news gathering, and (ICI). The two measurement points can be found at the HPA
broadband applications that will be compatible with any output and at the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) input in
receiver. The receiver design is not described in the DVB-S2 Fig. 1.
DVB-S2 introduces new modulation and coding
(modcod) schemes with respect to the previous DVB-S. A. Definitions
Three higher order modulation schemes, 8PSK, 16 and This section and the remaining part of the paper,
32APSK. In particular, the last two suffer from non-linear considers the resources of satellite transponders, or capacity,
distortions and their activation leads to a trade-off between in terms of bandwidth and power. As all natural resources,
power efficiency and signal degradation. also the transponder bandwidth and power are limited:
In DVB-S2, a conventional square-root raised cosine Eutelsat’s satellites provide transponders with bandwidth of
(RRC) shaping filter is defined at the transmitter. The 35% 33, 36, 72, 115 and 237.5 MHz whereas the power received
ROF is inherited from DVB-S whereas new values of 25% on ground depends on the footprint extension.
and 20% have been added. Today’s industry manufacturers In order to dissociate the power and the frequency, the
aim at extending the portfolio of their products by further power spectral density (PSD), or power per frequency unit
deploying new modcods and new ROF. (in dBW/Hz) is introduced. For linear modulation, the PSD
C. Extension Towards New Features and Sharper Filters is proportional, if not equivalent, to the symbol energy
Sharpening the roll-off of the filters changes the ES which is representative of the quality of the received
characteristics of the modulated signal. The impact onto the signal through the ration E S N 0 with N 0 the thermal noise
entire transmission chain should be identified to derive the energy.
new operational parameters to be used, for ground and space From these definitions, it follows that a carrier modulated
segments, from consolidated experience. on a bandwidth B has a power C (in dBW) that is the
The analysis and measurements performed by Eutelsat mathematical integral of the signal PSD calculated over the
onto professional equipment is based on the following bandwidth B at the receiver. Assuming an AWGN channel
assumptions. The reference waveform is DVB-S2 with roll- the noise power is given by N = N 0 B . The ratio C N is
off 35%. Competitive waveforms operate at sharper roll-off
of 5% and 10%. The impact of compensation techniques also representative of the received signal quality and we can
(i.e., pre-distortion and equalization) is assessed but these use the approximation
additional techniques are considered as non-standard [1]. = ≅ S (1)
N N0 ⋅ B N0
D. Eutelsat’s Emission Constraints
The expression (1) is already indicative of the fact that if
Eutelsat aims at maintaining a high level of services and we need to improve the performance of the received signal,
is mainly concerned about the amount of out-of-band the symbol energy must be increased. But, since the
emissions and the in-band distortion. That is why the available power on board the satellite is limited to C, the
European operator has published a standard, commonly only way is reducing the bandwidth B and increasing the
known as EESS 502 [8], giving the basic requirements for PSD.
the earth stations (E/S) and the spectrum utilization.
At the uplink E/S, the HPA sizing and linear operation B. Two Reference Scenarios
has to be verified in order to reduce the risk of interference The DVB-S2 (or related extensions) carriers can be used
with two configurations: single and multiple carriers per
The first configuration is typical of consumer services
like TV broadcasting and the forward channel in interactive
networks (as it is described in the DVB-RCS standard [9]:

Figure 1. Emulated satellite chain and critical measurement: the IMUX

and OMUX effects have not been investigated during the tests
Figure 2. Multi-carriers per transponder configuration

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SPACOMM 2014 : The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications

one carrier exploits all the power available in a single modcod and the expected gain of 4.3 Msym/s would be
transponder, also working close to the saturation point of the hardly applicable to real cases. Certainly, this scenario would
TWTA on board, and the signal coming from the satellite benefit from the introduction of new modcods but only
can be easily received also by small and cheap end user satellite links with large link margin would take a real
antennas. advantage by the small ROF. In any case, this analysis does
With the same issue of exploiting the resources of a not take into account the distortion induced by the filters on
transponder, the configuration with only one carrier per both sides of the transponder: measurements are a helpful
transponder is used for the implementation of wideband data tool to study these effects, which could require a fine-tuning
links, in which case the ground segment is represented by of the satellite link.
very large satellite dishes (typically over 3.2 m antennas). A similar analysis can be performed in the case of multi
The entire transponder’s power is required in order to reach carriers per transponder where the impairment due to the ICI
the highest throughput by introducing high efficiency must be considered. As better shown in the following of this
modcods. paper, the TWTA saturation generates a spectrum regrowth
The second configuration, i.e., multiple carriers per at the frequencies adjacent the signal band. Such a regrowth
transponder (see Fig. 2) is typical for the single channel per is more pronounced for small ROFs (see in particular Fig. 5)
carrier (SCPC) adopted for relatively small data links based leading to increased ICI in a multi-carriers configuration. So,
on Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs), video on one hand a small ROF would allow the reduction of the
contributions and all inbound carriers of interactive systems. distance between the carriers, or carriers spacing, on the
The usage of the extended DVB-S2 features would bring other hand this would also drive the transponders close to
important advantages to both these scenarios, but from the saturation, which would increase the interference.
point of view of an operator there are also some counterparts Measurement results reported below in this paper will
to be taken into account. clarify this point and will permit to add further conclusions.
C. Sharpening the Shaping Filters: Spectrum Analysis D. Low ROF Effects on the Constellations
First immediate advantage would come from reducing One of the effects of sharpening the shaping filters
the ROF down to very low values. In a configuration with appears in the plot of the transitions from one symbol to
single carrier per transponder, this would permit to reduce another within a constellation. These transitions generate a
the bandwidth occupied by the signal and increase the signal envelope variation over the maximum symbol energy
symbol rate and therefore the overall throughput. which extent depends on the ROF: as smaller the ROF is as
For example, in a 36 MHz transponder, the maximum important is this envelope variation.
symbol rate reachable with a 20% ROF is Fig. 3 shows the envelope variation at ROF 35% (black
RS = B (1 + ROF ) = 30 Msym/s, whereas with 5% ROF it lines) and 5% (red) for two QPSK signals measured at the
would be 34.3 Msym/s. But also we have to maintain a output of a modulator.
constant value of the signal power because of the This behaviour has an immediate impact on the distortion
transponder limitation: decreasing the ROF means that the and the Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) when the amplifiers
PSD must be reduced of the ratio are driven close to the saturation: as indicated in [5] pre-
(1 + 20%) (1 + 5%) =1.14=0.6 dB. The link budget would distortion techniques can be applied in order to mitigate this
effect, even if they are less effective for high order
suffer from 0.6 dB reduction and, depending on the link constellations (APSK) than for QPSK and 8PSK. Small ROF
margin assumed, this could impose to choose a less efficient would further reduce the pre-distortion performances. Also,

Roll-off 35%
1.5 Roll-off 5%






-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

Figure 3. Plots of the QPSK constellation and transition between Figure 4. Sharper roll-off signal characterization: frequency response
two symbols

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SPACOMM 2014 : The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications

this argumentation has been subject of some measurements characteristics (in the spacecraft, low-noise block down-
described here below. converter, and tuner oscillators). At high RS BT ratio (with
IV. THE MEASUREMENTS: THE TESTBED DESCRIPTION RS symbol rate, and BT the satellite transponder bandwidth),
a major impact is due to IMUX and OMUX filtering. In fact,
A. The Channel Emulator since the signal works close to the transponder boundaries
Eutelsat’s validation equipment mainly consists of a defined by these filters, a severe group delay affects the
reference satellite channel emulator [3] and state-of-the-art carrier: this aspect is not investigated hereafter.
professional DVB-S2 transmitter and receiver. The entire Multiple carriers per transponder configuration consist in
DVB-S2 testbed also includes traffic generators and setting several carriers side by side, and insuring a limited
recipients, spectrum analyzers, a control unit, as well as adjacent channel interference of one to the other.
additional DVB-S2 devices for a multi-carrier per
transponder configuration. V. RESULTS
The non-linear TWTA profile, defined in the DVB-S2 A. Transmitter End
standard [1], Fig. H.12, is emulated in order to test the
spectrum regrowth and the end-to-end performance over a Measurements at the modulator output and the HPA
non-linear channel in single carrier per transponder output have been performed in order to characterize the
configuration. It is worth mentioning that the adopted profile signal. At the modulator output the roll-off reduction causes
is pessimistic compared with the modern TWTA sharper fall of the transmit filter frequency response (Fig. 4).
characteristics. Anyway, the choice of this profile becomes The corresponding impulse response presents oscillations
mandatory in the case the studies done in the literature are which amplitude decreases in time slowly than for high ROF
taken as reference. filters. This behavior has its counterpart in the IQ signal
diagram as already presented in Fig. 3.
B. Test Conditions At the output of the uplink high-power amplifier, the
A linear channel, i.e., a link with only the presence of spectrum regrowth is given for Input Back-Off (IBO) values
AWGN, is often considered as a reference scenario to verify ranging from 0dB (saturation) to 18dB (linear region).
the performance of the channel decoder. Such a performance Moving from 35% (Fig. 5-a) to 5% (Fig. 5–b) increases the
should be specified also in terms of difference between the out-of-band spectral regrowth by 1 to 2dB (depending on the
minimum E S N 0 allowing a demodulator to lock a received IBO) as well as a change of the spectrum shape.
Therefore, whereas a sharper roll-off is activated with the
signal (i.e., the lock threshold) and the E S N 0 at which the aim of increasing the symbol rate (see the discussion above)
same device already locked to the signal passes to the unlock a higher power is required to keep the E S N 0 ratio constant.
status (i.e., the unlock threshold).
Therefore, the uplink HPA could require a re-sizing in order
For the emulation of a single carrier saturating a
to grant a level of unwanted out-of-band emissions
transponder, a memory-less non-linearity impairment on top
compliant with the Eutelsat EESS 502 standard [8].
of AWGN is added. A phase noise impairment is then
introduced to represent the receive chain down-conversion

Figure 5. Spectrum regrowth versus IBO for roll-off 35% (a), and 5% (b)

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SPACOMM 2014 : The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications

0 0
10 10

QPSK1/2 8PSK2/3 16APSK3/4 32APSK4/5

-1 -1
10 10

-2 -2
10 10


-3 -3
10 10

-4 -4
10 NLTWTA, ROF=5% 10
10 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Es/N0 (dB) Es/N0 (dB)
a) b)

Figure 6. Impact of ROF reduction over linear and non-linear channel

In order to enable smaller ROF, E/S operators shall (DTOT), as defined in [5] and reported in (2), is minimized
demonstrate that their out-of-band emissions are compliant when the sum of the non-linear distortions suffered by
with the Eutelsat’s requirements. The same amount of modulated signal and the power loss due to the operation of
spectrum regrowth is also present after on-board satellite the amplifier at a given back-off is minimized.
TWTA, but will be partly rejected by the satellite OMUX E  E 
filter. DTOT =  s  −  s  + OBO (2)
 0  NL  N 0  AWGN
B. Receiver End: One Carrier per Transponder The optimum back-off values for ROF 35% and 5% are
The error performance curves for modcods QPSK 1/2 given in Fig. 7. ROF reduction to 5% does not change the
and 8PSK 2/3 are given in Fig. 6-a; those for 16APSK3/4 output bock-off (OBO). The optimum IBO is larger, so is the
and 32APSK4/5 in Fig. 6-b. For every modcod, two channels total degradation.
are investigated (AWGN plain lines, and non-linearized So, when the ROF decreases, the loss over a nonlinear
TWTA dashed lines). For each channel the performance for channel due to the distortion becomes stronger. To support
ROF 35% (blue squares) and ROF 5% (green triangles) are the use of sharper roll-off, mitigation algorithms have been
presented. introduced. Some results of non-linear compensation
In a linear channel, the most recent DVB-S2 techniques are presented in Fig. 7-b: even if the pre-
demodulators overcome the first generation DVB-S2 distortion seems achieving better performance than
chipsets by about 0.7dB to 1.7dB (from QPSK to 32APSK, equalization, it also suffers from several known limitations.
see [7]). The use of ROF 5% always requires a E S N 0 ratio First, TWTA characteristics must be known by the
about 0.3dB higher to lock, but the steep waterfall behavior modulator in order to calculate the pre-distortion
is unchanged. Over a non-linear channel at optimal IBO coefficients. Second, the pre-distortion algorithm minimizes
(given in [1], Table H.1) conventional ROF 35% suffers the non-linear distortion at a given back-off. Consequently,
from low degradation compared to the reference figures. 5% at higher OBO the pre-compensation of the signal increases
ROF suffers from additional non-linear distortions of about the degradation: in extreme conditions the usage of
0.5dB. pre-distortion in linear region causes a huge penalty.
For all modcods, the expected frame error rate (FER) C. Receiver End: Multiple Carriers per Transponder
versus E S N 0 waterfall curves are shifted to a higher The measurements performed with ROF down to 5%
E S N 0 region when decreasing the ROF from 35% to 5% at highlight the risks for ICI due to the sharpening of the
the transmitter. shaping filters. Fig. 8 is comparable to the Fig. 30 in [10] and
Reference simulations results presented in [5], indicate shows that the degradation increases with the reduction of
that the impact on the synchronization of the carrier of ROF the carrier spacing (CS) much rapidly for very small ROF.
20%, 25% with reference to 35% is negligible. Our The consequence is that, in particular for small carriers, the
measurements onto professional equipment state that ROF transmission is easily exposed to frequency errors that add
5% slightly degrades the error performance over linear and heavy impairments due to ICI. In other words, very low
non-linear channels. tolerance is allowed to the central frequency for low ROF
Another way to look at the non-linear channel is to
search for the optimum back-off. The total degradation

Copyright (c) IARIA, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-61208-317-9 40

SPACOMM 2014 : The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications

9 9
OBO modulated (Predistortion)
32APSK5/6 Degradation (Predistortion) 32APSK5/6
8 8 Total Degradation (Predistortion)
OBO modulated (Equalization)
Degradation (Equalization)
7 7 Total Degradation (Equalization)

6 6
Total Degradation [dB]

Total Degradation [dB]

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 OBO modulated (Tx rolloff 35%) 2

Degradation (Tx rolloff 35%)
Total Degradation (Tx rolloff 35%)
1 OBO modulated (Tx rolloff 5%) 1
Degradation (Tx rolloff 5%)
Total Degradation (Tx rolloff 5%)
0 0
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
IBO [dB] IBO [dB]
a) b)

Figure 7. Signal degradation vs. IBO with ROF 35% and 5% a) and with pre-/post-compensation techniques b)

modulations. In the figure, the carrier spacing is normalized and/or post-compensation techniques are available to
to the symbol rate RS . mitigate the non-linear distortions. Their advantages and
weaknesses have been highlighted, but since they are not part
Another source of degradation of the end-to-end link of a standard no commitment onto the interoperability and
appears when the receiver filter does not match the transmit achievable performance among chipset manufacturers can be
filter. The dashed lines Fig. 8, labelled as “unknown” are an assured.
example of receivers using ROF higher - even if not
explicitly indicated by the manufacturer - than the transmit REFERENCES
filters. Obviously the ICI impact on the degradation is not [1] ETSI EN 302 307 v1.2.1 (2009-08), “Digital Video
negligible. Broadcasting (DVB); Second generation framing structure,
channel coding and modulation systems for Broadcasting,
VI. CONCLUSIONS Interactive Services, News Gathering and other broadband
satellite applications (DVB-S2)”.
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Scene Issue 42, August 2013.
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[3] H. Bischl et al. , “Adaptive coding and modulation for
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In case of adoption of sharper roll-off factors, important
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the uplink station, more powerful high power amplifiers are 19572/06/NL/JA.
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At the modulator and demodulator ends, proprietary pre- data) with flexible configuration”, Report ITU-R BO.2101,
5% 10% 15% 20% Unknown 5% Unknown 20% [8] Eutelsat’s Earth Station Minimum Technical and Operational
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1.60 2011.
[9] ETSI TS 101 545-1 v1.1.1 (2012-05), “Digital Video
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] 1.10
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1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.1 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14

Figure 8. Degradation versus carrier spacing

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