الماف الذهبي ١ 2021 Corrected by Yes We Can

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‫اﻟﻤﻠﻒ اﻟﺬﻫﺒﻲ‬

Corrected by yes we can 2021

A 20-year-old pa.ent is complaining of Pain in the lower right area. upon
examina.on, #47 responded normally to vitality tes.ng , #46 is signs of a sinus
tract or swelling. Radiograph provided (see image)
Which of the following is the appropriate treatment plan for tooth #46?
A . extrac.on
B . hemisec.on

C . apicoectomy
D . non-surgical retreatment

A red patch has been present for over 3 month involving the lateral border of the
tongue. After removing all possible causes and at 2 follow up appointments no
change was noted. Biopsy taken in the first follow up appointment did not reveal
a diagnosis.
Which of the following conditions explains the findings?
A . cheilosis

E . leukoplakia
C. erthroplakia
D. erythroleukoplakia

• patient with history of squamous cell carcinoma received radiotherapy. Clinical
examina.on revealed severe dry oral mucosa and white plaques that are easily
scraped off. Further questioning revealed that his previous dentist treated him
with fluconazole each time he developed the lesions with cormplete resolution.
Patient is seeking a way to prevent this infection from recurring.
Which of the following medications would be beneficial in preventinng the

recurrence of his infection after treating with fluconazole?
A . pilocarpine
B. Prednisone
C . clindamycin
D . metronidazole

4. What is the diameter size of 3 Gates Glidden in millimeter ?

A. 0.5

B. 0.7
C. 0.9
D. 1.1

5. Which of the following syndromes can be accompaniedby rheumatoid arthri.s

A. Sjögren syndrome
B . Gardener's
C. Pierre Robin's
D. Von Recklinhausen's disease
6. What form of tissue is formed when there is strong carious odontoblasts are
A. primary den.n

B . secondary den.n
C. Reparative dentine
D . tertiary reactionary dentin
7. Which of the following irrigants has the highest antimicrobial activity against
endodontic infection?
B . cetrimide

C . chlorhexidine
D. Sodium hypochlorite

8. A radiograph was order to '40-year-old (see image).Which of the following is

the most probable diagnosis pf
this radiograph?
A . periapical scar
B . ossifying fibroma
C . dense bone island
D. cement – osseous dysplasia
‫** ﻻزم ﻧﺸﻮف اﻟﺼﻮرة‬

9. In which of the following conditions there is no need for antibiotic prophylaxis

according to the American Heart Association?

A . prosthetic heart valves
B. coronary artery bypass graft
C. unrepaired cyano.c congenital heart disease
D . history of Infective endocaraditis more than 6 months ago
10. Gutta-percha is currently the standard and universally accepted core
obtura.ng material in most of root canal treatments.
Which of the following is disadvantage of this material?
A. not easily manipulated

B . difficult to be removed from a canal
C. Shrinkage if softened by heat or solvent
D. Poor adapta.on to canal wall with compaction

11. What type of force is likely exerted by a headgear appliance used for growth
A. heavy
B . continuous

C . interrupted
D. intermittent

12. A 29-year-old man came to the clinic complaining of severe pain related to
his upper left molar. He pointed to tooth #16 that was endodontically treated a
couple of months ago. The tooth has a crown with a good margins and no
recurrent decay. The tooth has severe pain with percussion and palpation.
Probing depths were with normal limits. PA radiograph was taken (see image)

Which of the following is the next step to know the exact cause Of the patient
A. sinus tract tracing
B . intentional replantation
C . cone beam computed tomography

13. Which of the following medications has the greatest risk of an acute elevation
in blood pressure with excessive of vasoconstriction?
A . diuretics
B . ACE inhibitors

B.calcium channel blockers
D . non-selective beta blockers
14. Which of the following is the cross-section of the Flax-R le? A . round
B . square

15. A 57-year-old patient presented for root canal treatment of tooth 16 upon
examination, tooth responded normally to percussion and palpation, negative to

cold and EPT Which of the following is the most diagnosis of tooth #16?
A. necrotic pulp with normal periapical tissue
B. previously initiated with normal periapical tissue
C . necrotic pulp with symptomatic apical periodontits
D. previously treated with symptomatic apical periodontits

16. A 49-year-old woman complaining of sensitivity to both hot and cold liquids
following the placement of a full crown on tooth #17 which recently became
spontaneous. Responses to both percussion and palpation were normal and on
application of Endo-Ice the patient experienced pain tha lingere after removal of
the stimulus. Radiographically, there was no evidence of osseous change

Which of the following is the pulpal and periapical diagnosis of this tooth?
A.irreversible pulpitis; normal apical tissue
B . irreversible pulpitis; chronic apical abscess
C . necrotic pulp; asymptomatic periodontitis
D . reversible pulpitis; symptomatic apical periodontits

17. A 59-year-old patient complaining of a pimple on his gum in the upper right
area, tooth #17 does not response to cold and there is no tenderness to biting or
percussion. A sinus tract is present opposite to the upper right molar. Radiograph
provided Which of the following is the recommended treatment plan for tooth
A . extraction

B . biopsy of the lesion
C.root canal treatment
D. incision and drainage
18. A 15-year-old boy was riding hi motorcycle and crushed into a wall higng his
upper front teeth, his brother too him to the dentist’s office aFterward for
evaluation and management.

The pa.ent was found to have a displaced dentoalveolar fracture.

How many weeks dentoalveolar fractures need immobiliza.on for?

A. 1-2
c. 10-12
D. 14-16

19. A 16-year-old patient presented with CL 1 malocclusion and His father did not
agree with proposed treatment of surgically extracted the canine.

Which of the following would most likely be a side effect?

A . transposi.on
B . gingival recession

C . spontaneous erup.on
D . resorption of lateral incisors

20. A 64-year-old man came to the clinic complaing of pain related to tooth #35
Clinically there was a fuctuant swelling related to In tooth #35. Non restorabl with
a periapical abscess.
Pa.ent has diabete type 1, pn high dosage of insulin.

He took his regular meal an Insulin dose.

Which of the following is the most appropriate management?

A. extract tooth #35

B . extract tooth #35, and prescribe an.bio.c
C . give prophylaxis antibiotic, then extract tooth #35
D. incision and drainage extract tooth # 35 and prescribe antibiotic

21. After complete excavation of caries, pulp exposure was noted on tooth a
16-year-old boy, direct pulp capping was decided.
Which of the following material that is currently recommended for this procedure?
A . zinc oxide
B . glass ionomer

C. calcium hydroxide
D . mineral trioxide aggregate

22. A 50-year-old woman came to the clinic complaining of continuous burning

feeling of the She report taking an antibiotic as prescribed by her physician. The
dentist notes diffused loss of the liform papilla of dorsal tongue with redness,
giving it a bald appearance.

Which of the following is the best method used to obtain and conrm the most
likely diagnosis?
A . culture

B . serology
C.exfoliative cytology

23. Which of the following root canal types is the most difficult to instrument?

A . wide curved and short
B. curved narrow and long
C . short, narrow and curved
D . curved, narrow and short

24. A 36-year-old man came to the clinic with a chief complain of mild persistent
pain on biting related to tooth #15. It has previous endodontic treatment Bitewing
radiograph: shows a radiolucent line below lling margin indicating recurrent
decay. Periapical radiograph: shows a short radicular lling, obturation and
periapical radiolucency related to the apex of tooth #15. Probing depths are
within normal limits.
Which of the following is the cause for failure?
A . root fracture
B . persistent lesion

C . persistent bacteria in the apical lesion
D. poor root canal treatment and coronal leakage

25. What does a localized periodontal defect around an endodontically treated

tooth suggests ?
A . gingivitis
B . internal resorption

C.external resoption
D .vertical root fracture

26. A 44-year-old man presented for extraction of a remaining root using a

four-corner ap. There was no swelling or purulence in the area.
Which of the following is the class of this operative wound?

A . dirty

C . contaminated
27. A 27-year-old asthmatic woman presents with pain on tooth #24 which is
aggravated by touch. The tooth was endodontically treated 2 years ago but the
tooth is still symptomatic.

Tooth #24 is negative to cold and EPT, and sensitive to percussion (see image)
Which of the following would be the best management for tooth #24?

A . extraction and implant

B . surgical endodontic treatment
C.non surgical endodontic treatment
D . prescription of clindamycin antibiotic

28. Which of the following is the endodontic emergency treatment for teeth with

symptomatic irreversible pulpitis?
B . trephination
C . direct pulp capping
D. incision and drainage

29. During clinical examination, the doctor asked the patient to show her teeth
forcibly, close her eyes forcefully and wrinkle the forehead.

Which of the following nerves is being tested?
A. facial
B . abducent

30. An adult patient has periodontal disease that caused moderately severe
horizontal bone loss. The periodontal disease is under control and no longer
active, but the upper and lower incisors must be retracted and aligned with
orthodontic appliance.
How will these teeth respond to orthodontic tooth movement?
A . the centre of resistance is at innity
B.the centre of resistance is at incisal edge
C . the centre of resistance of teeth will be closer to the apex than normal✅✅
D . the centre of resistance of the teeth will be closer to crown than normal
31- Replanation of avulsed teeth ?

Sodiuom perborate

32. An adult woman complains of palpitation immediately aFter inferior alveolar

nerve block injection using 2% lidocaine with epinephrine 1:1 Which of the
following is the most likely the cause?
A . lidocaine toxicity
B . vasovagal attack
C . allergy to lidocaine D.intravascular injection
33. A patient presented to the Emergency Department with massive swelling in
the neck with difficulty in breathing and swallowing (see image).

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A.ludwig angina
B . variant angina
C . Vincent angina
D. prinzmetal angina

34. A patient with an odontogenic infection comes for treatment. Which of the
following indicates the use of antibiotics?
A . alveolar osteitis
B . mild pericoronitis

C . acute localized infection
D . diffuse rapidly progressing infection

35. A 65-year-oid patient complaining of a spontaneous dull pain in the upper

right side tooth #17 tender to biting and percussion. No clinical signs of sinus
tract or swelling is present. Radiograph provided (see image).

Which of the following is the endodontic diagnosis of tooth 317?

A . pulp necrosis with asymgtomatic apical periodontitis
B . asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis with acute apical abscess C . symptomatic

irreversible pulpitis with chronic apical abscess
D.previously treated with symptomatic periodontits

36- a 40 year old pt presented with localized swelling in the area of tooth 16
Diagnosis was necrotic pulp with acute apical abscess
Pt dose not have time to stay dor full treatment
Which of the following is the aqqropriate emergency treatment for #16?

- Incision and drainage
-Cleaning and shaping

37. A 64-year-old man with no relevant history complaining of pain upon eating.
Tooth #46 responded normally to cold with tenderness to percussion. Tooth
#47was very tender to percussion and palpation (see image) Which of the
following would be best treatment?

A . pulptomy for #46

B . antibiotic prescription

C . non surgical root canal treatment for #46
D.non surgical root canal treatment for #47

38. Which of the following is a side effect of excessive listrene in mouthwash

A . lichen planus
B . morsicartio buccarum

C . erythrema multiforme
D.epithelial desquamation

39. In which of the following conditions can epinephrine impregnated gingival

retraction cords lead to an adverse effect?

A . asthma
B. hypertention
C . crohn disease
D . infective endocaraditis

40. Which of the following is an important requirement for a periodontal ligament

(PDC) injection effectiveness?
A . back-pressure during injection
B . all four line angles receive the injection
C . direction of the needle bevel towards the root surface
D . direction of the needle bevel away from the root surface
42. A 27-year-old healthy woman presents to the dental clinic for check up. Upon
examination, tooth #16 did not respond to thermal and elelcrical stimulation. A
sinus tract was noted in the attached gingival between #16 an #17. All upper right
premolar and molar teeth responded normally to percussion and palpation tests.
Periodontal probing ranged between 2 – 3 mm (image) Which of the following is
the recommended management for tooth #16?

A . tooth extraction
B. root canal treatment
C . excision of sinus tract
D . prophylactic antibiotic

43. Which of ht following nerves carries the special sensa.on of the posterior third
of the tongue?
A . lingual
B . trigeminal

C . hypoglossal

44. A 42-year-old patient with history of prolonged use of systemic steroids

needs a simple extraction for an upper premolar that has grade 1 mobility with no
signs or symptoms of infec.on. She regularly visits the dentist and is not fearful
or anxious. Which of the following would be the best management in preparation
for the appointment with regards to her steroid needs?

A.double the dose
B . daily therapeutic dose
C . increase dose by 25 mg hydrocortisone equivalent
D . increase dose by 50 mg hydrocortisone equivalent

45. Which of the following is the appropriate treatment for a tooth with primary
endodontic lesion and secondary periodontal disease?
A . only periodontal treatment required
B . extraction and prosthetic replacement
C. endodontic treatment prior to periodontal treatment
D . periodontal treatment should be done before endodontic treatment

46. A 27-year-old woman presents for dental check-up. Pa.ent men.oned a

history of trauma.c blow to the lower right premolar area received about 4 years
ago. Tooth #44 did not respond to thermal and electric pulp s.mula.on. Palpa.on,
percussion and periodontal tests were normal. No swelling or sinus tract were
noted. Pa.ent is keen to save the tooth if possiblé (see image) Which of the
following is the most appropriate management for tooth #44?
B . apical curebage
C . extrac.on and implant
‫ ﺑﺲ ﻏﯿﺮ ﻣﻮﺟﻮدة ﺑﺎﻟﺨﯿﺎرات‬rct ‫✳✳ﻣﻔﺮوض ﻧﻌﻤﻞ‬

47. A young woman was referred from her orthodontist for surgical consultation
about her prognathic mandible. Which of the following surgical procedures is
exclusively used for setback procedure?
A . "C" shaped osteotomy
B . inverted "L" shaped osteomy
C.bilateral sagibal split osteotomy
D . transoral ver.cal ramus osteotomy

**C&d ‫ﺻﺤﯿﺤﺎت‬
‫ﻋﻢ ﯾﻘﻮل اﻛﺴﻠﯿﻮﺳﻔﻠﻲ‬
‫ ﯾﻌﻨﻲ‬c ‫ﻟﻠﺘﻘﺪﯾﻢ واﻟﺘﺮﺟﯿﻊ‬
‫ ﻟﻜﻦ‬d ‫اﻻﺻﺢ‬
‫ﻣﻦ أﺧﺼﺎﺋﻲ اﻻورﺛﻮ اﻟﻜﻼم‬

💡Mandibular procedures..
📍Sagittal split osteotomy..
This procedure can be used to
advance or push back the mandible or to correct mild asymmetry.
📍Vertical subsigmoid osteotomy.
This is used for mandibular prognathism and involves a bone cut from the
sigmoid notch to dawn. (Mandibular back ward) .

📍Body osteotomy. Rare.. If there is gap in cases of prognathism.

📍Distraction osteogenesis
This is a technique that involves osteotomy cuts followed by a slow mechanical
separation of the bone fragments with an expandable device.

48. Which of the following media is most preferred for storing avulsed teeth?
A.low fat milk
B.normal saline

C . articial saliva
D. hank's balanced salt solution

49. Which of the following is the recommended isolation method when a root

canal treatment is planned for a maxillary anterior tooth in an asthmatic patient?
A . use cobon rolls throughout the endodontic procedure
B.apply rubber dam throughout the endodontic procedure
C . Start with cobon rolls, then apply rubber dam before obturation
D . place rubber dam, then change to cobon rolls before obturation
50. In which of the following conditions would local anesthesia infiltration be less
A . gingivitis

B , ulceration
C. acute infection
D . chronic infection

51. Which of the following is an error occurs during obturation of the root canal?
B . ledge formation
C . broken instrument
D . lling lateral canal

52.A 38-year-old pa.ent presented for root canal treatment Of tooth #25, at the
end of the rst visit, calcium hydroxide was placed. Pa.ent had severe pain at
.me of placement. Periapical radiogram was taken, and showed calcium
hydroxide extended beyond the apex.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate management?

A . antibiotic coverage
B.follow up every 6 months
C . surgical removal of the overextended material
D . non surgical removal of overextended material

overfill of calcium hydroxide ‫أول ﺷﻲء ﻫﻨﺎ ذﻛﺮ ال‬

‫ﺑﻌﺪﯾﻦ ذﻛﺮ أﻧﻮ راح ﯾﺼﯿﺮ ‪severe pain‬‬
‫وآﺧﺮ ﺷﻲء ﻗﺎل ‪🏻👍 follow up‬‬
53. Which of the following arteries provides the major blood supply to the oor of
the oral cavity?

A . buccal
B. lingual
C. mental
D . inferior alveolar

54. Which of the following is the best geometric design for a small excisional
biopsy to achieve primary closure?

A. circular
C. triangular
D . rectangular

55. A 22-year-old woman was seen in clinic for a dental abscess in the mandible
due to non-#35. She was treated with oral an.bio.cs. She returned to the clinic
with persistent abscess and pain. Which of the following could have prevented
the persistence of the infec.on?
A . prescribe mouthwash

B.incisonaland drainage
C.endodontic treatment
D . extract the offending tooth

56. Which of the following maxillary teeth is more likely to cause palatal abscess?
A . canine

B . rst premolar
C.lateral incisor
D . central incisor

57. A pa.ent came to the clinic suffering from intense pain from tooth #46. The
tooth showed severe tenderness to percussion and biting.
14 What is most appropriate periapical diagnosis?
A . condensing osteo.s

B . chronic apical abscess
C.symptomatic apical periodontits
D . asymptoma.c apical periodon..s

58. A 47-year-old pa.ent referred to Endodon.c Clinic evaluate tooth #45. U on

examina.on, tooth #45 had root canal treatment 3 years ago and i sensi.ve to
percussion see image( Which of the following is diagnosis of tooth #45?
A . previously treated with normal apical .ssue

B. Previously treated with acute apical abscess
C . previously treated with symptomatic apical periodontits
D . previously treated with asymptoma.c apical periodon..s

59. A 23-year-old pa.ent was referred to the dental clinic for evalua.on of a
toothache that started few days ago. Radiographic and clinical examina.on
revealed no dental cause of such pain.
Which of the following condi.ons is the most likely to be interpreted as a

A . otitis media
B.maxillary sinusitis
C . migraine headache
D . parotid gland inamma.on

60. A 50-year-old woman presents to the dental clinic for evalua.on of upper left
premolar- molar teeth. Pa.ent stated that she had a severe spontaneous pain 6
weeks ago while on holiday. The pain has eventually subsided without dental
interven.on. Teeth #24,26 and 27 responded normally to all endodon.c tests.
Tooth #25 did not respond to cold. A sinus tract was noted in the alveolar
mucosa buccal to #25 e image Which of the following is the endodon.c diagnosis

for tooth #25?
A.pulp necrosis with chronic apical abscess
B . previously treated with acute apical abscess
C . symptoma.c irreversible pulpi.s with symptoma.c apical
61. Which of the following is an AIDS-dening condi.on?
B . oral melanosis

C . squamous cell carcinoma
D . oropharyngeal pseudomembranous candidiasis

62. A pa.ent has stage four breast cancer and her prognosis is poor. She she
has a ques.onable tooth treatment op.ons are extrac.on versus root canal
treatment with post and core and crown.

Which of the following modali.es will you choose?

A . extrac.on

B . extrac.on and implant
C.root canal treament
D . root canal treatment with post and core and crown

63. A 34-year-old pa.ent presented to the clinic for treatment of tooth #36, which
is tender to bi.ng and percussion.

What endodon.c mishap is related to tooth 336 shown in the radiograph (see
A . ledge
B . overlling
C. transporta.on
D.furcal perfora.on
‫*** ﻻزم ﻧﺸﻮف اﻟﺼﻮرة ﻋﺸﺎن ﻧﻘﺪر ﻧﺤﺪد‬

A 47-year-old pa.ent presented to the clinic complaining of a painless swelling in
the right mandible that has been growing gradually (see report)
Radiogarph: showed a mul.locular radiolucent lesions causing root resorp.on in
the area. Which Of the following is the most defini.ve treatment?
A . curebage
B . radiotherapy

C . chemothera
D. Marginal rescection

65. A 36-year-old pa.ent-complaining of sharp spantaneous pain waking him up

at night. Tooth 47 responds Lingering pain and tender to neither percussion nor
bi.ng No sinus tract or swelling present clincally .

Radiography provided (see image) Which of the following is the endodon.c

diagnosis of tooth 47?
A . REVERSIBLE PULPITIS with acute apical abscess

B , pulp necrosis with asymptoma.c apical periodon..s
C.symptoma.c irrersible pulpi.s with normal apical .ssue
D . asymptoma.c irreversible pulpi.s with chronic apical abscess

66. Which of the following is the most common turnour of the parotid gland?

A.warthin's tumour
B.pleomorphic adenoma
C . adenoid cys.c carcinoma
D . mucoepidermoid carcinoma
67. A 52-year-old woman on zometa injec.ons for the treatment of breast cancer
presented to with a non-healing extrac.on socket with purulent discharge and
pain. The tooth was extracted a few weeks prior(see image) Which of the
following would be the most appropriate treatment of choice?
A . biopsy

B . mandibular resec.on
C . surgical debridement
D . chlorhexidine mouthwash

68. Which of the following is the most common cause of single discolora.on?
A . amelogensis imperfecta
B . den.nogensis imperfect

C . tetracycline administra.on
D. Improper root canal treatment

69. A 60 years old pa.ent presented with intermittent pain in tooth #26 that is
associated with sinus tract upon examina.on, tooth #26 is sensi.ve to percussion
and palpa.on,7mm probing depth in mesiopalatal area of the tooth and grad Il

Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis of tooth #26?

A. previously treate with acute apical abscess
B.previously treate associated with vertical root fracture
c. previously treated associated without vertical root fracture
D . previously treated with asymptoma.c apical periodon..s

70. Which of the following is the agent of choice for intracoronal bleaching?
A. sodium perborate
B . calcium hydroxide
C . carbamide perqxide
D.sodium hypochlorite
71. A 35-year-old man came to dental clinic for restora.on of badly decayed tooth
#27. Upon examina.on, a whitish, wrinkled lesion involving the left buccal
mucosa with focal ulceration was noticed. The pa.ent reported that he has been
chewing tobacco for the last 10 years.

Which of the following would be best management op.on?

A . referral for biopsy
B . follow up after 6 weeks
C . no treatment is needed for tobacco pouch keratosis
D . topical anesthe.c agent and follow up 2 weeeks

72. Which of the following is the main drawback related to the use of mineral
trioxide aggregate (MTA) as a pulp capping agent?
A. high acidity
B . inferior seal

C. tunnel defects
D.discoloration potential
73. During a non surgical root canal treatment of tooth #45, an instrument
separa.on occurred in the coronal one third of the canal.
Which of the following is the best way of managing this case?

A . tooth extrac.on
B.separated instrument removal
C , cleaning, shaping, abtura.on and follow up
D . cleaning, shaping, obtura.on and micro-surgery

74. Which of the following can be associated with end-stage renal disease?
A . sialorhea

B . hypotension
C .ptechia on oral mucosa
D . hypercalcica.on of jaw bones

75. Which of the following cys.c lesions has the highest rate of recurrence after

A . radicular
B. Keratocyst
C . den.gerous
D . aneurismal bone

76. Which Of the following is a sign of panic attack in an apprehensive pa.ent?

A . bradypnea
B . bradycardia

C . dilated pupils
D. excessive saliva.on

77. A 19-year-old pa.ent came to the clinic With tooth #11 placed in a cup of milk,
tooth was displaced 25 minutes ago.

Which Of the following is the recommended dura.on of splin.ng in weeks for tooth

#11 ?

78. Which Of the following medications should be prescribed for analgesia after a
dental extraction in an asthma.c pa.ent?
A. aspirin
B . ibuprofen

C . diclofenac
D. acetaminophen

79. Which of the following is a probable cause of a ledge impediment?

A . excessive irriga.on
B.failure to pre-curve instruments
C . use of NiTi instruments with 4% taper
D . repeated conrma.on of apical patency

80. A 42-year-old-healthy woman presents with moderate pain to cold drinks and
sweets in the upper left side of the jaw. On examina.on, Applica.on of Endo Ice to
tooth #25 elicited a sharp, momentary pain. Tooth #25 responds normally to
percussion, while #26 is percussion posi.ve (see image) Which of the following is
the source of pa.ent complaint?
A . pulpal .ssues of tooth #25
B . pulpal .ssues of tooth #26
C . periapical .ssues of tooth #25
D . periapical .ssues of tooth #26

***A right
D right

The simple question is that it asks why the patient came???, the patient came
because of pain at # 25 only, although he has two problems at # 25 and also #
An image is attached to the question.
Pulpal changes I.e. pulpitis of 26 persists and caused periapical changes.
While 25 shows normal response to endo ice.
As far as patients complaint he is also experiencing pain to sweets; which
indicates chronic condition and also none of the option is both 25 and 26.
I Will go with D.
Patients pain is moderate.
Pulpal pain are severe.
Periodontal pain is moderate or mild.
For thermal response ofcourse.
Source of pain is pulpal.
Percussion n Palpation pain means periapical related right.

81. Not written

82. A 16-year-old girl presented with a deep carious lesion on her molar teeth
(see report) Radiographic examina.on: showed the presence of a well
circumscribed radiopaque lesio in rela.on to the roots.

Which of the following apical condi.ons is the most likely diagnosis?

A . apical cyst
B . osteomyeli.s

C . apical granuloma
D.condensing osteitis

83. Which of the following best describes the consequences of the overprotec.ve
parent on child's dental behavior during treatment?

A . no effect
B.worsen child' singular behavior
C . improve child's dental behavior
D . make the den.st uncomfortable

84. Which of the following inves.ga.ons is used in patient who needs extraction
and have liver disease?
A. D dimer

B . calcium level
C. prothrombin time
D . blood urea nitrogen

85. A 63-year-old pa.ent complaining throbbing pain in the upper left area, tooth
#26 does not respond to cold and is tender to both percussion and biting. No
clinical signs of swelling or sinus tract are present. Radiograph provided (see

image) Which of the following is the endodontic diagnosis of tooth #26?
A. Pulp necrosis with symptomatic apical periodontitis,
B . symptomatic irreversible pulpitis with normal apical tissue
C . Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis with chronic apical abscess
D . previously initiated therapy with asymptomatic apical periodontitis

(86) A 40-year-old man with daytime sleepiness snoring while sleeping was
referred to the clinic to construct oral appliance for obstruc.ve sleep apnea. What
would the lowest level to establish a diagnosis of obstruc.ve sleep apnea on

sleep study__?
A.5 event/hr
B . 10 events/hr
C . 15 events / hr
D . 20 events / hr

(87) A young woman with history of heart disease came to the clinic with
complain of jaw pain, her exam showed impacted upper and lower wisdom teeth
with pericoroni.s. Which of the following condi.ons will require an.bio.c
prophylaxis according to American heart associa.on guidelines?
A . pericaraditid
B . mitral valve prolapsed

C . aortic valve regurgitation
D.prevous history of endocaraditis

A ver.cal root fracture was confirmed on an endodontically treated single rooted
Which of the following is the recommended treatment option for the thooth?
A . curebage
B . surgical repair

C . non surgical endodontic retreatment
D.extraction and prosthe.c replacement

** ‫ اذاﻛﺎن‬multi rooted tooth ‫ﺑﻨﻌﻤﻞ اﺳﺘﺌﺼﺎل اﻟﺠﺬر اﻟﻤﻜﺴﻮر‬

89. Which of the following is th worst storage?

A . milk
B. Water
C. Saliva
D . physiologic saline

(90) Which of the following is the most likely cause of linear, sharply demarcated
horizontal grooving involving buccal-cervical surface of the lower/upper teeth

A . erosion
B . abrasion
C. abfraction
D . resorption
91.Exposed den.nal tubules in area of denuded cementum may serve as
communica.on pathways between the pulp and periodontal ligament.
Which of the following are the possible cause for the exposure of den.nal
A . ver.cal root fractures

B . post space prepara.on
C . developmental defects
D.den.nal hypersensi.vty

92. A 43-year-old pa.ent presented to the dental clinic with severe lingering pain
related to the mandibular right posterior teeth. The pain was tolerable un.l last
night, which was severe interfered with ileeungXlinically, all teeth were nega.ve
to percussion and palpa.on, periOdontally sound. The cold test revealed an
exaggerate lingering response in the rst molar. while a sharp momentary
response disappeared aLer s.ryulus removal on the second premolar and second
molar (see image) Which of the following treatments would resolve pa.e

A RCT of the rst molar
B . RCT o f the second premolar
C . direct pu!p capping of the rst molar
D . indirect pulp capping of the second molar

93. A patient presents with oral erythrema multiforme (EM) of the oral cavity and
reports that he usually gets 5-6 episodes per year. Each time EM presents a
couple of weeks after a recurrent herpes labialis episode and usually manages
the EM with topical steroids until the lesions resolve completely. He wishes to
know if there is anything else he can do to prevent the recurrent episodes.

Which of the following would be best continuous daily prophylactic management

to prevent future episodes?
A . topical steroids

B.systemic steroids
C.valacyclovir therpy
D. diphenhydra Ine solution
94. A 64-year-old man presents to the dental clinic complaining that he cannot
chew on the lower right side of the jaw. Pain started 4 weeks ago and has
intensies over the last 3 days_ .

On examina.on, applica.on of cold to tooth #46 elicited an excruciating in that

lasted for about 1 minute. Tooth tender Adjacent premolar and moalr teeth
responded normally to pulpal, periapical and periodontal tests (see image) Which
of the following is the endodontal diagnosis for tooth #46?
A . pulp necrosis with acute apical abscess
B . reversible pulpi.s with symptoma.c apical periodon..s

C. asymptoma.c irreversible pulpi.s with symptoma.c apical periodon..s
D.Symptoma.c irreversible pulpi.s with symptoma.c apical periodon..s

95. Which of the following are 2 terminal branches of the inferior alveolar nerve?
A. Mental and incisive
B . mental and mylohyoid
C . incisive and long buccal
D . mental and long buccal

96. Which of the following diseases will present with strawberry gingivi.s?
A . sarcoidosis
B . bechets syndrome

C . orofacial granulomatosis
D.wegeners granulomatosis

97. Which Of the following is the most common facial skeletal deformity in
pa.ents with cleft lip and palate?
A . maxillary excess

B . mandibular excess
C. Maxillary deciency
D. mandibular deciency
98. A young man was seen in dental clinic for management of dental abscess in
relation to tooth .13# The dentist did pulp ex.rpa.on and started the pa.ent on oral
an.bio.c. Next day, the pa.ent called the clinic to report sudden onset oacial
edema and difficulty in swallowing. Which Of the following an.bio.cs is the most

common cause for allergic reac.on?
A. amoxicillin
C . clindamycin
D . metronidazole

99. A pa.ent represented for surgical extrac.on of the third molars. The pa.ent
has been taking aspirin 4 times a day for a week to ease the pain.
Which of the following blood test results should be reviewed rst?

B. Bleeding time
C . coagula.on time
D . par.al thrombopais.n time

100. Which of the following devices can be used to measure the oxygen

concentra.on in the pulp?
A.pulse oximetry
B . electric pulp tester
C . electronic apex locator
D . laser Doppler owmetry

Dr.Afnan 💕

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