Mcqs. (5 Marks) : Page 1 of 3
Mcqs. (5 Marks) : Page 1 of 3
Mcqs. (5 Marks) : Page 1 of 3
1. According to C.E. Winslow, which of the following is the goal of Public Health?
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NURS 171
2. The health of individuals and communities are affected by a combination of factors. Based on
the World Health Organization’s list of health determinants, which of the following incorrectly
affects the health of an individual?
A. Higher salary.
B. traditions
C. Low education level
D. Intelligence.
2. Differentiate between roles and functions of community health nurse giving examples.
(4 marks)
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NURS 171
4. Explain three (3) ethical principles observed in the practice of community health nursing.
(6 marks)
5. Describe any three (3) main components of home based care. (6 marks)
7. Explain two Sustainable Development Goals (SDG,s) that have a direct impact on health
clearly indicating how each affect health. (6 marks)
1. Using practical examples, explain how you would use Donobedian Conceptual Model to
evaluate services provided in your local health facility. (15 marks)
(a) Explain how the county government can support primary health activities. (3 marks)
(b) Using relevant examples explain application of any four (4) principles of primary health
care in ensuring universal health care. (12 marks)
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