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Rice Mill


Capacity 700 - 2000 Kg/Hour

Easy adjustment and maintenance
High percentage of decorticated rice - minimum breakages
Robust and reliable
Support stand for easy operation
Electric or diesel drive

Chelworth, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 9SG. England

T: +44 (0) 1666 577333 F: +44 (0) 1666 577339 E: [email protected] W: www.alvanblanchgroup.com
Up to
Rice Mills 2000
These complete rice milling units perform the full process of husk and bran removal
- delivering good quality white rice with low levels of breakage. They represent an
ideal investment for small rural enterprises or village groups seeking higher quality rice
APPLICATION: These complete rice milling units perform the full process of husk and bran removal - delivering good quality white rice
production than can be achieved using traditional hullers.
with low levels of breakage. They represent an ideal investment for small rural enterprises or village groups seeking higher quality rice
production than can be achieved using traditional hullers.
built - the millsRobustlygive dependable service over many years.
built - the mills give dependable service over many years.
Specialist wearing parts are restricted principally to rubber rolls and screens for pearler
Specialist wearing parts are restricted principally to rubber rolls and screens for pearler section. These parts are manufactured of the
section. These parts are manufactured of the highest quality materials to prolong life
and yet highest quality materials to prolong life and yet are affordably priced.
are affordably priced.
OPTIONS: Standard options include 600 mm
support stand to allow convenient collection
Standard options include 600 mm support stand
to allowofconvenient
rice (this can also be achievedof
collection using concrete
rice (thisplinth).
also be Feed
elevator.using concrete plinth); Feed
elevator; Diesel
Diesel engineengine driveof (in
drive (in place place
electric of
electric motor).
OPERATION: Paddy is fed into the hopper. Flow
is regulated from the hopper into the rubber roll
Paddy issheller
fed -into
wherethethe hopper.
gap betweenFlow is is
the rolls
regulated from the
conveniently hopper
adjusted via aninto thewheel
external rubber
roll sheller - where the gap between
to achieve the optimum balance between hullingthe
rolls is conveniently adjusted via an external
percentage and minimization of breakage.
wheel handle to achieve the optimum
balance between hulling percentage and
A vigorous, finely adjustable, aspiration chamber
minimization of breakage.
draws husk away from the hulled brown rice.
A vigorous, finely adjustable,
Small/immature aspiration
grains are also separated. Thechamber
draws husk
brownaway from
rice drops intothe hulled brown
the cylindrical pearler rice.
rotating insidegrains
a screenare
withalso separated.
pressurized air flow toThe
brown rice
remove bran. The degree of whitening is pearler
drops into the cylindrical regulated
rotatingbyinside a screen with pressurized air flow to
the adjustable outlet flap. The white rice is finally
remove bran. The degree of whitening is regulated
exposed to an air jet on exiting the machine - to
by the adjustable outlet flap. The white rice is finally
to ananyairloose dust.
jet on exiting the machine - to
remove any loose dust.

Model Capacity (Kg/h) Power Dimensions Weight
(hp) (Kw) (cm) (Kg)
RM 700 700-800 15
S P 11
E C I F76x73x173
I C A T195I O N S
RM 1000 1100-1250 20 15 107x76x176 230
(Kg/hr) (cv) (Kw) (Cm) (Kg)

RM 700 700 - 800 15 11 76 x 73 x 173 195

RM 1100 1100 - 1250 20 15 107 x 76 x 176 230
In accordance with our policy of continuous development, we reserve the right to change specifications and prices at any time without notice or incurring liability to purchasers.
RM 1800 All goods supplied
1800 - according
2000 to our published30 terms and conditions
22 of sale240
x 108on xapplication)
208 280

Chelworth, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 9SG. England

T: +44 (0) 1666 577333 F: +44 (0) 1666 577339 E: [email protected] W: www.alvanblanchgroup.com

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