Lecture - Chapter7 2020 Part1
Lecture - Chapter7 2020 Part1
Lecture - Chapter7 2020 Part1
Table of Contents
F Units of exposure and dose
F Experimental methods for measuring absorbed dose.
1. Exposure measurement with free-air chamber and air-wall chamber.
2. Exposure-dose relationship
3. Direct measurement of absorbed dose: Bragg-Gray Principle
F Source strength: specific gamma-ray emission
F Beta radiation
1. Dose from contaminated surface
2. Skin contamination
3. Submersion dose
F Internally deposited radioisotopes
1. Corpuscular radiation and the specific effective energy (SEE)
2. Effective half-life
3. Total dose commitment
4. Evaluate the internal dose from gamma ray emitters
5. MIRD method – partial energy absorption of gamma ray energy in tissues
F Neutron dose
F Radiation damage depends on the energy absorption from the radiation and is
approximately proportional to the concentration of absorbed energy in tissue.
F The basic unit of radiation dose is expressed in terms of absorbed energy per
unit mass of tissue, which is called Gary (Gy)
1Gy = 1J / Kg = 100rad
where Rad stands for Radiation Absorbed Dose, which is a non - SI unit.
1 X unit = 1C / Kg air
Table of Contents
F Units of exposure and dose
F Methods for measuring absorbed dose.
1. Exposure measurement with free-air chamber and air-wall chamber.
2. Exposure-dose relationship
3. Direct measurement of absorbed dose: Bragg-Gray Principle
F Source strength: specific gamma-ray emission
F Beta radiation
1. Dose from contaminated surface
2. Skin contamination
3. Submersion dose
F Internally deposited radioisotopes
1. Corpuscular radiation and the specific effective energy (SEE)
2. Effective half-life
3. Total dose commitment
4. Evaluate the internal dose from gamma ray emitters
5. MIRD method – partial energy absorption of gamma ray energy in tissues
F Neutron dose
Table of Contents
F Units of exposure and dose
F Methods for measuring absorbed dose.
1. Exposure measurement with free-air chamber and air-wall chamber.
2. Exposure-dose relationship
3. Direct measurement of absorbed dose: Bragg-Gray Principle
F Source strength: specific gamma-ray emission
F Beta radiation
1. Dose from contaminated surface
2. Skin contamination
3. Submersion dose
F Internally deposited radioisotopes
1. Corpuscular radiation and the specific effective energy (SEE)
2. Effective half-life
3. Total dose commitment
4. Evaluate the internal dose from gamma ray emitters
5. MIRD method – partial energy absorption of gamma ray energy in tissues
F Neutron dose
Does-Exposure Relationship
F Air wall chamber measures exposure in air, which should in some instances, be
converted to the energy absorption in tissue.
1 X unit = 1C / Kg air
Does-Exposure Relationship
F Another example (Cember, p178)
All characteristic
Photoelectric X-rays escaped
All photoelectrons, auger
electrons and Compton recoil
electrons are absorbed
Consider the fraction of energy that may be carried away by the subsequent
bremsstrahlung photons, one can define the mass energy-absorption coefficient as
µen µtr
= (1 - g )
r r
where g is the average fraction of energy of the initial kinetic energy transferred to
electrons that is subsequently emitted as bremsstrahlung photons.
F Virtually all fluorescence and bremsstrahlung photons escape from the absorber.
Under these conditions, the transmitted energy intensity (the amount of energy
transmitted through a unit area within each second) can be given by
! !
Y = Y0 e - µ en x
𝝁 𝒆𝒏 𝑐𝑚
𝐷𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑒𝑟: 𝑫̇ 𝐽 ⋅ 𝑔!" ⋅ 𝑠 !" = 𝜳̇ 𝟎 (𝐽 ⋅ 𝑐𝑚 !$ ⋅ 𝑠 !" )
𝝆 𝑔⁄𝑐𝑚 '
Chapter 7: Radiation Dosimetry
Does-Exposure Relationship
F Another example (Cember, p178)
Does-Exposure Relationship
φ ⋅ E ⋅ µm
Does-Exposure Relationship
F The relationship between exposure and dose is obtained from the ratio of the
absorbed dose rate and the exposure rate,
F For an X-ray flux that could induce 1 X-unit of exposure in air, it could lead to
the following amount of dose in a given tissue
Chapter 7: Radiation Dosimetry
Does-Exposure Relationship
F The relationship between exposure and dose is obtained from the ratio of the
absorbed dose rate and the exposure rate,
F For an X-ray flux that could induce 1 X unit of exposure in air, it could lead to
and similarly
Chapter 7: Radiation Dosimetry
Does-Exposure Relationship
An example:
Chapter 7: Radiation Dosimetry
1 X unit = 1C / Kg air
Does-Exposure Relationship
A few remarks:
F In the case of tissue, the ratio of dose to exposure remains approximately
constant over the quantum energy range of about 0.1 to 10MeV. (Why?)
F At lower energy, material with greater atomic number absorbs much more
Chapter 7: Radiation Dosimetry
Does-Exposure Relationship
Chapter 4: Interaction of Radiation with Matter – Interaction of Photons with Matter
Photoelectric Effect
In photoelectric process, an incident photon transfer its energy to an orbital
electron, causing it to be ejected from the atom.
E e- = hv - E b
h is the Planck's constant
v is the frenquency of the photon
F Photoelectric interaction is with the atom in a whole and can not take place
with free electrons.
F Photoelectric effect creates a vacancy in one of the electron shells, which leaves
the atom at an excited state.
ì Z4
ïï 3.5
low energy
(hv )
s µí 5
ï Z high energy
ïî (hv ) 3.5
Page 49, Radiation Detection and Measurements, Third Edition, G. F. Knoll, John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
Table of Contents
F Units of exposure and dose
F Methods for measuring absorbed dose.
1. Exposure measurement with free-air chamber and air-wall chamber.
2. Exposure-dose relationship
3. Direct measurement of absorbed dose: Bragg-Gray Principle
F Source strength: specific gamma-ray emission
F Beta radiation
1. Dose from contaminated surface
2. Skin contamination
3. Submersion dose
F Internally deposited radioisotopes
1. Corpuscular radiation and the specific effective energy (SEE)
2. Effective half-life
3. Total dose commitment
4. Evaluate the internal dose from gamma ray emitters
5. MIRD method – partial energy absorption of gamma ray energy in tissues
F Neutron dose
Bragg-Gray Principle
If we look at the very thin layers of wall media immediately
adjacent to the interface, then the flux of the charged particles is
almost unchanged across the boundary. The dose rate to the
wall is given by Q
where 𝛍w is the linear energy absorption coefficient. gas
Then the ratio of dose (rate) in the wall and in the gas is Dw
Bragg-Gray Principle
Bragg-Gray Principle
•Two conditions:
• Thickness of gas layer is much smaller than the range of secondary
charged particles (medium g is close to w in atomic number).
• The absorbed dose in the cavity is deposited entirely by the charged
particles crossing it.
•Additional assumptions:
• Existence of CPE.
• Absence of bremsstrahlung generation.
• No backscattering of charged particles.
tracks of secondary
Chapter 7: Radiation Dosimetry
where Sm is the main mass stopping power of the wall medium and Sg is the
mass stopping power of the gas to the secondary electrons.
where Sm is the mean mass stopping power of the wall medium to the
equilibrium secondary electrons generated by the specific radiation-of-
𝑆 = # 𝑆 𝐸 ⋅ 𝑃 𝐸 ⋅ 𝑑𝐸 = ( ) ⋅ 𝑃 𝐸 ⋅ 𝑑𝐸 ,
𝑑𝑥 #
where ; is the linear stopping power of
(* +
the given media to electrons of energy E.
Chapter 5: Interaction of Radiation with Matter – Interaction of Beta Particles