Paleo Snacks Ideas by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD

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Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr.

Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 1

Of Contents
03 Snack Attack
04 Portable Protein
08 Recipe: The Paleo Mom Pemmican
10 Snackin’ Fruits & Veggies
13 Recipe: Kale Chips
14 Nutty Noshes
17 Recipe: Paleo Granola
18 Satisfying Salty Snacks
20 Recipe: Sweet potato Chips
22 Wrap It Up!
26 Recipe: Bacon-Wrapped Spiced Pumpkin
28 Dig-in Dips
31 Recipe: Paleo Mayo/Ranch
33 Heartier Fare
35 Recipe: Paleo Flour Tortillas
37 Sweet Snacks
40 Recipe: Paleo Monkey Bars
41 AIP On-the-Go
45 AIP At Home
48 Recipe: AIP Snackin’ Smoothie

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 2

Snack attack!
When you transition from a Standard American Diet to a Paleo one, a whole new
world of snack options opens up! Sure, it might take some thinking to replace your
usual snack bar or crackers. But with more options than ever both around the web
and in stores, amazing snack options are just a click away!

In general, I like to think of snacking more like a full-fledged mini-meal. If you’re

struggling to come up with simple snack ideas, just imagine combining a protein, fat
and carb source together as you would at a normal meal. This might mean a hard-
boiled egg with carrots and mayo, or it might be as simple as grabbing an EPIC bar
(which contain a great mix of meat, fat and usually some carbohydrate from dried
fruit). Below are some fantastic snack options, combinations and links to my favorite
spots to grab them all.

These are tried-and-true favorites, many of which are kid-friendly and husband-
approved! Get creative with these snacks and you’ll never miss that peanut butter

*Click here for to the AIP Snack Section

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 3

Portable Protein
Protein is a must-have component in all my paleo snacks. It helps us stay sati-
ated over the long term, is important for muscle-building (especially helpful in
post-workout snacks!) and can help us build a complete mini-meal.

++Smoked Salmon
++EPIC Bars
++Hard boiled eggs
++Slices of High-Quality Salami
++Liver Pate
++Canned Wild Salmon
++Canned Wild Sardines
++Canned Wild Tuna
++Canned Smoked Oysters
++Canned Smoked Baby Clams
++Salad Shrimp
++US Wellness Meats’ liverwurst, braunschweiger,
or head cheese
++Organic, No-Filler Hotdogs
++Applegate Lunch Meat*
++New Primal Meat Sticks
++New Primal Grass-fed Beef Jerky
++Epic Hunt & Harvest Mixes

* check ingredients”, their chicken and turkey contains carageenan, but ham and
roast beef are great (roast beef is even grass-fed).

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 4

Protein Based Snack Combos
Primal Kitchen Mayo Cucumber slices Smoked salmon

+ +
Hard boiled eggs carrot sticks guacamole

+ +
high-quality salami olives potato chips

+ +
Liver Paté plantain chips apple slices

+ +
Canned Wild Salmon avocado

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 5
Canned Wild Sardines plantain chips Primal Kitchen Mayo

+ +
Canned Wild Tuna sauerkraut Primal Kitchen Mayo

+ +
Canned Smoked Oysters plantain chips

Canned Smoked Baby Clams potato chips

Salad Shrimp Siete tortillas mango slices

+ +

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 6

On the Go Protein Snacks

US Wellness Meats’
liverwurst, Organic, no- quality Lunch Meat
braunschweiger, filler hotdogs
or head cheese

THe New Primal Epic Bars Exo Bars

Meat Sticks

Epic Hunt & Harvest Mixes Canned Wild Sardines RX BARS

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 7

The Paleo Mom
1 lb grass-fed beef heart (or substitute flank steak or
ground meat)
4 cups chopped frozen spinach (I measure while frozen)
2 cups chopped kale (packed)
2 cups wild blueberries (I used frozen), or
½ cup Dried Wild Blueberries
½ cup Dried Apricots (or about 15 fresh apricots,
dehydrated until still soft)
¼ cup extra virgin coconut oil (substitute tallow for
better portability)
½ cup tallow (you can make your own or purchase)

1. Slice beef heart (or flank steak) into 1/4”-thick slices and lay on a tray (or two) of
your Food Dehydrator. It is easier to slice if the meat is partially frozen. I like the
trick of moving it from the freezer to the fridge the night before. Alternatively, you
can form 1/4”-thick patties of ground meat.
2. Dehydrate meat for 5-6 hours, until quite firm and most of the moisture is gone.
3. Place chopped spinach and
kale onto a Fruit Roll Sheet
(or two) on a tray in your Food
Dehydrator. Place blueberries
on a Fruit Roll Sheet in your
Food Dehydrator.
4. Dehydrate another 3-4
hours, until the greens are
completely crisp and the
blueberries are quite small,
wrinkled and chewy. At this
point the meat should be com-
pletely crisp as well.

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 8

5. Grind meat and greens in a Food Processor, Blender or Magic Bullet as finely as
6. Finely chop apricots or process in your food processor. Melt coconut oil and tal-
7. Mix blueberries, apricot, greens and meat together in a bowl. Add melted coconut
oil and tallow, stirring until completely incorporated (if it isn’t holding together for
you, add more tallow and/or coconut oil 1 Tbsp at a time until you have a fairly moist
sticky dough).
8. Press into a 9×9 inch pan. Chill until firm and cut into squares or bars.

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 9

Snackin’ Fruits
& Veggies
Fruits and veggies are delicious, healthy sources of the nutrients we need. However,
they’re not particularly satisfying on their own. Instead of chowing down on a piece
of fruit alone, try pairing fresh or dried fruit with something else that includes pro-
tein, fat or both. Below are a few tasty suggestions.

++Carrot sticks
++Apple slices
++Celery Sticks
++That’s It Bars
++Naturally-fermented pickles
++Nud Banana Crisps
++Veggie “chips”
++Nature’s All Foods Freeze-Dried Fruit

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 10

Strawberries avocado

Banana Coconut Butter Cashews

+ +
Carrot sticks Almond Butter Apple slices

+ +
Celery Sticks Almond Butter Raisins

+ +
Olives Potato Chips Carrot Sticks

+ +

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 11

On the Go Fruits & Veggies Snacks
Sea Snax THat’s It Bars pickles

Nature’s All Foods

Nud Banana Crisps Freeze-Dried Fruit Sauerkraut

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 12

Kale Chips
Prep Time Cook Time S ER V E S

5 minutes 20-22 minutes 2-4

8 loosely packed cups kale, torn into 1-1½“ pieces, tough

stems removed
2 Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil, melted and still warm
¼ tsp salt, to taste

1. Preheat oven to 325F.

2. Wash and dry kale. Place in a plastic container or large bowl.
3. Poor warm oil over kale, close
container lid, and shake to coat
(alternatively, stir to coat in a bowl
or give them a good massage with
your hands directly on the baking
4. Spread out onto a large baking

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 13

Nutt y Noshes
Nuts are a tasty source of fat, and even contain a little protein. But to avoid over-
doing nuts (which are calorically dense and contain anti-nutrients that could cause
some discomfort in large doses) try eating them alongside fruit or veggies.

++Sunflower Seeds
++Sea Salt Macadamia Nuts
++Pumpkin Seeds
++Dang Coconut Chips
++Almond Butter
++Coconut Butter (aka Coconut Manna)
++Cashew Butter
++Chocolate Hazlenut Butter

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 14

Nutt y Noshes
Almonds grapes plantain chips

+ +
Walnuts banana slices raisins

+ +
Cashews olives potato chips

+ +
Pecans dark chocolate chips dried cherries

+ +

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 15

On the Go NUTTY Snacks

Pistachios Sunflower Seeds Pumpkin Seeds

Paleo NOla Dang Coconut Chips Chestnuts

Almond Butter Coconut Butter Cashew Butter

Sunflower Seed Butter Chocolate Hazelnut Sea Salt Macadamias


Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 16

Paleo Granol a
Prep Time Cook Time S ER V E S

5 minutes 30 minutes 12

2 cups Sliced Almonds

2 cups Unsweetend Coconut Flakes
1 cup Raw Sunflower Seeds
1 cup Raw Pepitas (Shelled Pumpkin Seeds)
¼ cup Honey
1/3 cup Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 tsp Ground Cinnamon
1 tsp Ground Nutmeg

1. Preheat oven to 300F. Line a large baking pan with parchment paper.

2. Mix coconut, nuts and seeds in

a big bowl. Add cinnamon and
nutmeg and stir to coat.
3. Melt coconut oil and honey on
low heat on the stovetop or in the
microwave. Add vanilla.
4. Pour coconut oil mixture over
nuts and seeds. Stir to coat. Pour
out onto prepared baking sheet and
spread out evenly.
5. Bake for 30 minutes, until golden
brown. Let cool completely in pan
(for larger chunks), then pour into a
plastic container or bag for storage.
Extra tasty served with berries and
milk alternative of your choice!

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 17

Satisfying Salt y Snacks
Salty snacks like those listed below are fabulous alternatives to the traditional po-
tato chip or popcorn! Just make sure they’re cooked in a healthy oil like lard, coconut
oil, avocado or olive oil.

++EPIC Pork Rinds

++EPIC Pork Cracklins
++Simple Mills Almond Flour Crackers
++Siete Tortilla Chips
++Siete Tortillas
++Sweet Potato Chips

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 18

on the go Salty snacks

Simple Mills Almond

EPIC Pork Rinds EPIC Pork Cracklins Flour Crackers

Siete Tortilla Chips Siete Tortillas Sweet Potato Chips

Potato Chips Plantain Chips Parsnip chips

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 19

Sweet potato Chips
Prep Time Cook Time S ER V E S

15 minutes 45 minutes 10-12

6 long skinny sweet potatoes (mine were about 1½” thick

at the most)
1 Tbsp Salt
4-6 cups palm shortening (enough to have 1½”-2” of oil in
your pot)

1. Slice sweet potatoes as thinly as possible (I sliced mine 1/8” thick on my mandolin
slicer and left the peel on. You can peel them first if you prefer.)
2. Generously sprinkle sweet potato slices with salt, place in a colander in your
kitchen sink and let drain for 1-2 hours (or more).
3. Rinse excess salt off sweet potato slices and pat dry with clean tea towels or
paper towel. It’s really important that
these slices are dry before they are put
into the oil. Any excess water on them
will cause the oil to bubble aggressive-
4. Meanwhile, heat palm shortening
in a fairly deep, wide bottomed pot
with an oil thermometer attached to
the side. Aim to get the oil to 375F (or
slightly hotter since it will cool down
when you add the sweet potato). You
need to try and figure out exactly what
setting to have your element on to keep
the oil at that temperature. For my
stove, it was a touch over the 8.
5. Add a generous handful of sweet
potato slices to the oil by gently slip-

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 20

ping then into the oil with your hand quite close to the surface. Use your strainer or
skimmer to push the slices apart. Make sure the oil comes back to temperature quite
quickly. Watch them. When they stop bubbling alot, start to curl slightly, and brown
a bit, they are done. It takes about 2 minutes if your oil comes back to temperature
quickly. It takes a bit longer if there is a lag time in getting your oil back up to 375F.
6. Use your strainer or skimmer to scoop the sweet potato chips out of the oil and
place on your prepared paper towels to cool. I found that mine had enough residual
salt that they didn’t need any more. Taste yours and see if they are salty enough. If
not, sprinkle some salt over the top while they are still warm.
7. Repeat in batches, each time making sure you oil comes back up to 375F. Let the
chips cool to room temperature and enjoy!

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 21

Wrap It Up!
These fun wraps are a perfect way to make a satisfying snack more portable. Wheth-
er we crave the salty-sweet combo of bacon and fruit or the nostalgia of lunch meat
and mayo, these wraps won’t steer us wrong.

++Bacon-wrapped apples
++Bacon-wrapped asparagus
++Prosciutto-wrapped melon
++Smoked salmon-wrapped cucumber
++Organic roast beef wrapped around cucumber sticks
++Clean, organic cold-cuts with mustard
++Cassava Flour Tortilla with Turkey, Ham or Egg
++Organic ham wrapped around carrots with mustard
++Organic salami wrapped around hard-boild egg slivers
++Collard greens wrapped around sardine salad
++Lettuce-wrapped cold cuts with Primal Kitchen Mayo
++Cassava Flour Tortilla with Ham or Egg
++Pure Coconut Wraps wrapped around scrambled eggs
++Organic Nori wrapped around cucumber, smoked salmon or raw
fish (riceless sushi)

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 22

Bacon-wrapped apples

Bacon-wrapped asparagus

Prosciutto-wrapped melon

Organic Roast Beef around cucumber sticks

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 23

Organic ham wrapped around carrots with mustard

+ +

Organic salami wrapped around hard-boiled egg slivers

Collard greens wrapped with sardine salad

(sardines mixed with Primal Kitchen Mayo)

+ +

Lettuce-wrapped cold cuts with Primal Kitchen Mayo

+ +

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 24

Cassava Flour Tortilla with Ham or Egg

+ OR

Coconut wraps with scrambled eggs

Organic nori wrapped around cucumber, smoked salmon or raw fish

(riceless sushi)

+ OR

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 25

Spiced Pumpkin
Prep Time Cook Time S ER V E S

15 minutes 40 minutes 20 appetizer portions

1½ lbs pumpkin or butternut squash, peeled, seeded and

cut into 2” chunks
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 Tablespoon maple syrup (plus more for serving, optional)
¼ cup chopped walnuts
10 oz regular- or thin-cut bacon (10 slices)

1. Preheat oven to 350F. Place a wire rack (e.g., cooling rack, roasting rack) in a
rimmed baking sheet (line your baking sheet with foil to make clean up easier if
2. In a mixing bowl, toss pumpkin chunks with spices, olive oil, maple syrup
and walnuts. Cut bacon slices in half.
3. Wrap each spiced pump-
kin chunk in a half slice
of bacon, making sure to
have a few walnut pieces
wrapped inside the bacon
too. Place on the wire rack
oriented so that the ends of
the bacon slice are on the
bottom (this stops them
from unraveling while
cooking). Repeat with every
piece of pumpkin.

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 26

4. Using a spoon, drizzle any remaining spice mixture and walnut pieces from
the bottom of your mixing bowl over the top of each bacon-wrapped spiced
pumpkin chunk.
5. Bake for 40 minutes.

6. Optional: for crispier bacon, broil on high for 2-3 minutes after baking.

7. Remove from oven and serve! Serving suggestion: drizzle a few drops of
maple syrup over each bacon-wrapped spiced pumpkin chunk!

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 27

Dig-in Dips
Dips are perfect when just the act of snacking is satisfying. Slowly working our way
through a serving of guacamole, salsa or fancy mayo is a perfect way to indulge.
Most of these simple dips can be purchased online, or look for my recipes!

++Paleo Mayo
++Primal Kitchen Foods Chipotle Lime Mayo
++Baba Ghanoush

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 28

Guacamole Plantain Chips

salsa siete tortilla chips

Paleo Mayo Plantain Crackers

Primal Kitchen Foods Paleo Flour Tortillas

Chipotle Lime Mayo

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 29

Tapenade Potato Chips

TAHINI Potato Chips

TAHINI cucumber Slices

Baba Ghanoush Cherry Tomatoes

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 30

Paleo Mayo
½ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
½ cup Avocado Oil
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
½ Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
2 egg yolks

1. Combine olive oil and avocado oil in a measuring cup (or other good vessel for con-
trolled pouring).
2. Place lemon juice, vinegar, mustard and egg yolks in food processor or blender.
Process until creamy (maybe 15 seconds?).
3. With blender or food processor still running, VERY slowly dribble in the oil (think
of it taking at least 3 minutes to add in all of the oil). It should stay thick and gradually
get lighter and lighter (and look more and
more like mayonnaise) as you add the oil.
4. I typically like to pour out my may-
onnaise into a bowl and whip it by hand
with a whisk at the end just to make sure
all the oil is well incorporated (if you have
a really good food processor, you proba-
bly won’t need to do this). You now have
paleo mayo!!!

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 31

Paleo Ranch
½ cup Paleo Mayo
2 Tbsp Creamed Coconut diluted into
4 Tbsp hot water, cooled
1 Tbsp fresh oregano, chopped
1 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
½ tsp Garlic Powder
½ tsp fresh thyme
¼ tsp Salt
1/8 tsp ground Pepper

1. Add diluted creamed coconut and spices to a small food processor or blender.
Process until smooth. Chill in the fridge if there is any residual heat from diluting the
creamed coconut.
2. Stir in Paleo Mayo. Enjoy as a salad dressing or veggie dip!

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 32

Heartier Fare
These are the sort of snacks we can happily put in our kids’ lunch boxes, knowing
they’ll be satisfied through their after-school practice. They’re also perfect for an
on-the-go breakfast or mid-afternoon pick-me-up! Some require refrigeration, so
they’re best kept at home, work or school (not in between)!

++Baked Egg “Muffins”

++Deviled eggs with homemade or Primal Kitchen Mayo
++Chicken Wings
++Baked Spiced Sweet potato
++Thai Beef Lettuce Wraps
++Cassava Fries
++Paleo French Fries
++Zucchini Fries

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 33

Deviled eggs with
Baked Egg “Muffins” homemade or Primal Meatballs
Kitchen Mayo

Chicken Wings Baked Spiced Sweet Thai Beef Lettuce Wrap


Zucchini Fries Cassava Oven Fries PAleo French Fries

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 34

Paleo Flour
Tortill as
Prep Time Cook Time S ER V E S

15 minutes 25 minutes 8

1 1/2 cups cassava flour

3/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1/8 tsp baking soda
3/4 cups warm water
6 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil

1. Combine flour, salt, cream of tartar and baking soda in a mixing bowl. Add oil and
water and mix with a wooden spoon or your hands until a stiff dough forms. If dough
is sticky, use a bit more flour. If the dough is crumbly, add a bit more olive oil.
2. Divide dough in half, then in half again to create 8 fairly equal portions. Form each
piece into a ball.
3. Place one dough ball at a time on a silicone baker’s mat, parchment paper or wax
paper and flatten with the palm of your hand as much as possible. Cover flattened
dough with a sheet of parchment paper or wax paper. Roll dough into a very flat
rough circle, about 8-10 inches in diameter. Carefully remove the bottom silicone mat
or parchment paper, so the rolled-out tortilla is stuck to one piece of parchment paper
or wax paper. Set aside and
roll out the remaining dough
balls (when they’re stuck to
parchment or wax paper, you
can easily stack them in prepa-
ration for cooking).
4. Preheat a 10” or larger
skillet (a well-seasoned cast
iron or enameled cast iron pan
works well) over medium heat
(medium-high heat if using a
stainless steel pan).

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 35

5. When pan is hot, peel one rolled-out raw tortilla off its parchment or wax paper
and place into pan. Cook about 1 minute or until bottom surface has a few pale brown
spots. The top surface will begin to show a few little bubbles. Flip and cook for about
30-45 seconds. [Ideally, the tortillas will be soft with a few small pale golden brown
spots on surface. If tortilla is browning too fast, reduced heat a bit. If it’s taking longer
than a minute to see a few pale golden brown spots on underside of tortillas, increase
heat a bit.] Remove from pan with tongs and stack in a covered container until all tor-
tillas are cooked.
6. Serve warm or allow to cool for later use. Store in an airtight container or reseal-
able plastic bag at at room temperature for 24 hours or can be frozen indefinitely. To
freeze, separate tortillas with parchment paper or waxed paper and place in a zip-
pered bag before placing in freezer.

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 36

Sweet Snacks
Most of us love a great sweet snack from time to time. Keeping lower-sugar options
on hand (or making your own desserts!) is a great way to avoid the temptation of
that gas station candy bar. When looking for chocolate, I choose something over 75%
cacao, which usually equates to a lower sugar content (and higher fat content, which
is more satisfying, anyway!).

++Dark chocolate chips

++Coconut milk yogurt/kefir
++Eating Evolved Coconut Butter Cups
++Eating Evolved Dark Chocolate
++Pure 7 Chocolate
++Taza Chocolate
++Simple Mills Chocolate Muffin Mix
++Simple Mills Pumpkin Muffin Mix
++Sweet Apricity Caramels
++Power Balls
++Paleo Treats

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 37

Full-fat coconut milk frozen berries melted chocolate

+ +
Coconut milk yogurt berries Coconut flakes
or kefir frozen

+ +
coconut milk KEFIR paleo granola

on the go sweet snacks
Eating Evolved Eating Evolved Dark
Coconut Butter Cups Chocolate Pure 7 ChocolatE

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 38

Taza Chocolate Simple Mills RIckaroons
Chocolate Mixes

sweet apricity Paleo Angel Paleo Treats

power balls

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 39

Paleo Monkey Bars
Prep Time Cook Time S ER V E S

15 minutes 25 minutes 8

2 large overripe bananas (ideally so ripe you are 1/3 cup mini chocolate chips
thinking about tossing them in the compost) (I like Enjoy Life brand)
1/2 cup crunchy almond butter Optional Topping:
3 eggs 1 oz dark chocolate (I used 80% Equal
1/4 cup extra virgin coconut oil, melted Exchange chocolate)
1 cup almond meal (you could use blanched 1/2 Tbsp butter, lard, coconut oil, palm
almond flour instead) shortening or ghee (I would only suggest
3 Tbsp coconut flour (measure after sifting) using coconut oil if your interior temperature
1/2 tsp baking soda is less that 74F)
1/4 tsp salt

1. Preheat oven to 350F. Grease a 9”x13” baking pan with coconut oil, palm shorten-
ing, lard or butter (or use a silicone pan and skip the greasing).
2. Peel bananas and mash with a fork until mushy and smooth. Add eggs, coconut oil,
almond butter, almond meal, coconut flour, baking soda, and salt. Mix thoroughly to
form a batter. Fold in chocolate chips.
3. Pour batter into prepared baking sheet, and spread batter out evenly with a spatu-
la or spoon.
4. Bake for 17-18 minutes. Let cool. Cut into squares.
5. If you are going to do the
chocolate drizzle, simply melt
chocolate and your chosen
fat together. Use a spoon to
drizzle over the top. You can
let the drizzle harden at room
temperature or pop it in the
fridge if you’re feeling impa-
tient (I cut squares before driz-
zling, but you don’t have to).

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 40

AIP On-the-Go
AIP snacking is simple when you have a list of go-to staples! My own AIP snacks usu-
ally consist of protein, veggies or fruit and a bit of fat—it’s like a full-fledged mini-
meal! Many of the snacks below, like EPIC Bars and PowerBalls, check most of these
boxes for you. If they don’t try some of the combinations below to make your own!

++EPIC Pork Cracklins ++SeaSnax

++EPIC Bars - Bacon, Bison ++Sauerkraut
Bacon Cranberry ++Naturally-fermented pickles
++EPIC Bars - Beef Apple ++Olives
Bacon flavor ++Nature’s All Foods
++EPIC Bars - Uncured Bacon Freeze-Dried Fruit
Flavor ++Coconut Butter (aka
++EPIC Bites - Salmon Coconut Manna)
++EPIC Bites - Uncured Bacon ++Dang Coconut Chips
++Canned Wild Salmon ++Sweet Potato Chips
++Canned Wild Sardines ++Plantain Chips
++Canned Wild Tuna ++Sweet Apricity
++Canned Smoked Oysters ++Power Balls
++Canned Smoked Baby Clams ++Pure coconut wraps (original)
++Whole fruit - bananas, ++Wild Zora Meat & Veggie
apples, pears, oranges Bars
++Carrot sticks ++Gold mine - Raw Kelp
++Celery Sticks

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 41

EPIC Bites - Uncured EPIC Pork Cracklins EPIC Bars - Uncured
Bacon Bacon Flavor

EPIC Bars: Bacon, Bison EPIC Bars - Beef Apple EPIC Bites - Salmon
Bacon Cranberry Baco n flavor

Canned Wild Tuna Canned Canned

Wild Salmon Wild Sardines

Canned Smoked Canned Smoked Baby GOLD MINE - RAW KELP

Oysters Clams NOODLES

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 42

Whole fruit Carrot sticks Celery Sticks

SeaSnax Sauerkraut Naturally-fermented


Olives Plantain Chips Nature’s All Foods

Freeze-Dried Fruit

Coconut Butter Dang Coconut Chips Sun Dried Mixed Fruit

(aka Coconut Manna)

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 43

Cassava Strips Sweet Potato Chips BARE - ORGANIC CRUNCHY

Plantain Strips Sweet Apricity Caramels Paleo Angel Power Balls

Pure coconut wraps Wild Zora

(original) MEAT & VEGGIE BARS

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 44

AIP At Home
AIP snacking is simple when you have a list of go-to staples! My own AIP snacks usu-
ally consist of protein, veggies or fruit and a bit of fat—it’s like a full-fledged mini-
meal! Many of the snacks below, like EPIC Bars and PowerBalls, check most of these
boxes for you. If they don’t try some of the combinations below to make your own!

++Bacon-Wrapped Spiced Pumpkin

++Liver Paté
++Beet and Kohlrabi Greens Chips
++Berry Terrine
++Thai Beef L ettuce Wraps https
++Paleo French Fries (AIP)
++Har Gow-Inspired Shrimp Balls
++Plantain Crackers (Nut-free, Egg-free)
++Zucchini Fries
++Cassava Oven Fries
++Paleo French Fries
++Coconut Yogurt/Kefir

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 45

AIP Morning Smoothie Liver Pate plantain crackers

Kale Chips Bacon-Wrapped Spiced Beet and Kohlrabi

Pumpkin Greens Chips

Har Gow-Inspired Thai Beef Lettuce Berry Terrine

Shrimp Balls Wraps

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 46

Zucchini Fries Cassava Oven Fries PAleo French Fries

coconut milk/yogurt/ frozen berries


Frozen Grapes Frozen Bananas Coconut yogurt/Kefir

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 47

AIP Morning Smoothie
Prep Time Cook Time S ER V E S

5 minutes None 1

1⁄2 banana
1⁄4 avocado
1 cup vegetable juice (homemade or store-bought) or
water, chilled
2 to 3 cups fresh leafy greens (spinach, kale, lettuce,
baby collards, etc.)
1 -2 scoops Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides

1. Place all the ingredients except the protein powder in a blender and blend on high for 1 to
2 minutes, until smooth.
2. Add the protein powder and pulse to incorporate.

It’s important to note that collagen peptides don’t contain the complete amino acid profile
you would get from meat. That means I wouldn’t recommend you use them as your only
source of protein. However, when you’re looking for a boost of protein in the morning, I
think they’re absolutely perfect!

Paleo Snacks IDEas By Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PHD 48

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