Should Cigarette Smoking Be Banned
Should Cigarette Smoking Be Banned
Should Cigarette Smoking Be Banned
Smoking is a bad habit that is carried out in everyday life, is a necessity that cannot
be avoided for people who are addicted to cigarettes. Why do so many people get addicted
to cigarettes? because, in cigarettes there are substances contained, namely addictive
substances. Addictive substances are substances that when consumed can cause
dependence (addiction) or want to use them continuously. An example of an addictive
substance in cigarettes is nicotine. Is nicotine dangerous? of course, In the long term,
Nicotine can increase blood cholesterol levels, making the smoker, even though he has long
quit smoking, very vulnerable to heart attacks and strokes. Actually, their life can become
much healthier if they know how to stop smoking addiction because there are many
benefits that can be obtained from quitting smoking.
The positive impact of smoking is reducing stress, causing feelings of pleasure and
strengthening relationships between friends, but there are more things that can harm than
benefit from smoking, the negative impact of smoking, for example passive smokers, passive
smokers are people who are not smokers but inhale cigarette smoke from people who are in
a closed room with them. Frequent inhalation of cigarette smoke, can increase the risk of
lung cancer as much as 20–30%. In addition, passive smokers are also more at risk of
experiencing various other serious diseases, such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease,
heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure. In every 1 x 24 hours, approximately
100,000 children become victims of attempted murder by their parents who smoke near
them. Some diseases that can be suffered by cigarette users are: lung disorders, oral cancer,
stomach disorders, skin cancer, fertility level, lung cancer, cervical cancer, digestive cancer,
and some other medical disorders. Besides being able to cause physical problems, smoking
can also cause psychological problems which one that is such as anxiety, insomnia, and
depression. This effect can occur because the brain has been damaged due to frequent
exposure to toxic substances from cigarettes or because of sudden smoking cessation.
Cigarettes are better banned, because they have more bad effects than good ones. Smoking
habits can interfere with health and reduce the quality of life for you and those around you.
So that the dangers of smoking do not approach, you should either stop smoking or
start trying to quit smoking. Some ways to quit smoking with step by step :
1. Decide how long you will be doing this step-by-step method, and commit to your
decision. For example you want to gradually quit in 3 weeks, then mark your
calendar and don't get to the date where you have quit, but you still can have
2. Start on a day that is not too busy, not potentially stressful, or when you have a day
off. If you start gradually to quit smoking on a Monday full of deadlines, you will be
tempted to smoke again.
3. Specify how many cigarettes you cut out. This determination is quite simple. For
example, one cigarette in one day, or one cigarette for two days. The number of
cigarettes must of course be reduced from time to time, where at the end of the
smoking cessation deadline, you must really stop. For example, the first week 7 sticks
a week, the second week 3 sticks, the third week 1 sticks, the next week it stops
4. Combine this gradual smoking cessation method with counseling to a professional
psychiatrist, or to a close friend who is against your smoking habit. This will give you
more encouragement to be more enthusiastic about quitting.
indeed at first everything will be difficult to do, but if you have a stand strong, surely you
can really quit smoking, but if that method doesn't work, because already experiencing
health problems due to the dangers of smoking, such as frequent shortness of breath, cough
that does not go away, coughing up blood, or psychological disorders, you should consult a
doctor to get the right treatment.
when you decide to quit smoking, you will not experience any loss. on the other
hand, there are so many benefits that can be felt after you stop it as for the positive impact
of the total success of quitting smoking is :
Looks younger. Smoking can reduce oxygen intake to the skin, making your
skin look old. But when you stop smoking, your skin will get more oxygen,
thus preventing premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles.
Avoid stress. You've always thought that smoking can relieve stress thanks to
the nicotine content. But what's really happening is that you're experiencing
withdrawal symptoms from nicotine and smoking is relaxing. Please note that
this effect is only temporary. Nicotine is not a drug to relieve stress. In fact,
according to research, the stress level of people who quit smoking will
decrease compared to when they were still smoking.
Smile looks more charming. When you smoke, your teeth will look yellow and
stained. But after stopping, the teeth will look whiter and the breath will
smell fresher than before. S ss
Avoid deadly diseases. The risk of developing lung cancer, stroke, heart
attack, oral cancer, throat cancer, lip cancer and tongue cancer will decrease
after you stop smoking. ss
Have a healthy family. This is what matters. Your loved ones will be healthy
because they are free from the dangers of cigarette smoke. Aa
From what we have discussed, we can conclude that smoking has more bad effects
than good effects, so cigarette smoking should be banned because the side effects of
cigarettes are very influential for health in the future, There is nothing worse than
something that interrupts your flow when you want to have a healthy life, many people
regret not being able to maintain a healthy lifestyle starting from youth, so we as the
younger generation must prevent regrets from happening in old age. Don't get used to
waiting for something bad to happen, and then realize to stop , so “Quit smoking before
smoking stops your life” a