Cross-National Variation in School Reopening Measures During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Cross-National Variation in School Reopening Measures During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Cross-National Variation in School Reopening Measures During The COVID-19 Pandemic
EROXXX10.1177/23328584211010180Hoffman et al.Cross-National Variation in School Reopenings
January-December 2021, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1–19
DOI: 10.1177/23328584211010180
To contain the initial spread of the SARS-CoV2 virus and the COVID-19 disease, many countries opted to close schools.
However, the importance of schooling to mitigate inequalities motivated many economies to reopen schools after having
formulated various COVID-19 mitigation and containment strategies. Using an exploratory sequential mixed method design,
we explore the measures undertaken by countries when reopening schools and how these measures varied cross-nationally.
We find that countries formulated a wide number (total: 242) and range of school reopening measures to mitigate the spread
of the virus in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. From a policy diffusion theoretical perspective, findings from
our statistical analyses suggest that cross-national diversity in policies is related to both internal and external country factors
such as peer emulation mechanisms, income, and past pandemic experiences. We urge international agencies for more
explicit guidelines for effective school reopening measures.
Amounting to nearly 13 million confirmed cases and 600,000 If education policymakers had any hope of reopening
attributable deaths globally by mid-July, 2020,1 the COVID- schools in the midst of the pandemic, they needed to develop
19 pandemic has affected significant aspects of human activ- COVID-19 mitigation and containment strategies in school
ity around the world including the education of K–12 settings at an unprecedented level. Decision makers faced
children. In response, many countries formulated mitigation limited resources, experience, and evidence as much was
measures outside the scope of health care settings known as unknown at the time about COVID-19’s spread or infection.
non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs). NPIs have been Despite this uncertainty, UNESCO declared that countries
efforts to contain the virus and lower transmission rates in should reopen as promptly as possible or at least establish
communities before effective vaccines could be developed plans for future reopenings given that prolonged closures of
(Chu et al., 2020). Although scholars and policy makers have school systems are known to exacerbate inequities (Giannini
debated the ethics and efficacy of school closures (Esposito et al., 2020). With the negative consequences of school clo-
& Principi, 2020; Silverman et al., 2020), as of April 2020, a sures, such as economic and workforce implications, student
majority of countries (more than 190) had mandated nation- learning loss, and diminished social and emotional develop-
or region-wide school closures as part of their NPIs, meaning ment (Christakis, 2020; Kuhfeld & Tarasawa, 2020; Sheikh
that an estimated 90% of students across the globe (almost et al., 2020), countries around the world gradually reopened
1.6 billion) had their education greatly disrupted and/or were schools after initial closures. Beyond these pressures to min-
out of school (Donohue & Miller, 2020; Giannini et al., imize the negative consequences of school closures, many
2020). These school closures occurred rapidly around the countries argued that it was safe to reopen schools with pre-
world in a matter of days or weeks despite variance in coun- cautionary measures once the virus’ reproduction rate (R0)
try characteristics, such as income level, and rates of infec- fell below a certain threshold and in consideration of the evi-
tion (Nazif-Munoz et al., 2020). dence at the time that children were less likely to endure its
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Hoffman et al.
most severe symptoms and complications (CDC COVID-19 COVID-19 pandemic. During the SARS outbreak,
Response Team, 2020; Lu et al., 2020; Zimmermann & researchers understood the importance of schools having
Curtis, 2020) and might also be less likely to contract and “good public health measures to prevent infection” and
potentially spread COVID-19 (Davies et al., 2020; B. Lee & proposed a variety of school-based measures, including
Raszka, 2020; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, effective ventilation, hygienic classroom and bathroom
and Medicine, 2020).2 Overall, school reopenings occurred spaces, and the regular cleaning of surfaces (A. Lee et al.,
at a much slower rate than their closures, but by the time data 2003, p. 945). Although school-based disease control strat-
for this study were collected (July 2020), more than 50 coun- egies were not systematically documented for SARS, some
tries had partially or completely reopened schools, employ- countries’ responses during this period stood out and have
ing a variety of “policy measures and practices” in response been similarly utilized against the spread of COVID-19,
to the ongoing pandemic (Chavatzia & Watanabe, 2020, p. for example, the use of rigorous temperature monitoring in
14). Singapore (Chng et al., 2004; Tan, 2006). However, recog-
In an attempt to support policy makers’ ongoing school nizing that communities that experienced SARS might now
reopening decisions, scholars began documenting various reformulate these learned mitigation strategies for COVID-
country’s school reopening strategies (e.g., Chavatzia & 19, Wilder-Smith et al. (2020) warned that taking similar
Watanabe, 2020; Guthrie et al., 2020; Melnick & Darling- precautions as during SARS may prove inadequate in the
Hammond, 2020). None, however, did so in a comprehen- contemporary pandemic given the “differences in the virus
sive manner or analyzed them to explain cross-national characteristics” including the “infectious period, transmis-
variation. In this study, we used an exploratory sequential sibility, clinical severity, and extent of community spread”
mixed method design to understand and explain the mea- (p. e102).
sures proposed by countries when they decided to reopen Scholars, practitioners, and epidemiologists have urged
schools in the second quarter of 2020. In the qualitative for COVID-19 school reopening plans to be established
phase of our study, we utilized document analysis (Bowen, using evidence-based approaches specific to this disease
2009) to explore school reopening measures in 49 coun- (see, e.g., Lordan et al., 2020). Yet as of July 2020 much
tries (listed in online Supplemental Appendix A) in order to remained unknown regarding the details of its transmission
better understand which policy measures and practices and viral infection as well as the efficacy of potential inter-
(hereafter referred to as measures) were formulated during ventions and policies at the school and classroom levels. In
the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Building on response, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
these findings, we designed the quantitative phase of our and Medicine (2020) proposed a framework with five cate-
study. Using the policy diffusion theory of emulation due gories of mitigation (“control”) strategies for addressing
to both geographic and political proximity (Shipan & COVID-19 in the field of education policy. Of the categories
Volden, 2012) as well as complexity theory (Angeli & —elimination, substitution, engineering, administrative, and
Montefusco, 2020; Morel & Ramanujam, 1999), we personal protective equipment (PPE) —the latter three are
explain cross-national variation in the types of proposed those most relevant for conceptualizing the range of school
measures across several world regions (East Asia and reopening measures. In this framework, engineering refers
Pacific, Central Asia and Europe, Latin America and the to steps taken to eliminate the virus before an individual
Caribbean, North America, and Sub-Saharan Africa; The comes into contact with it; administrative strategies are
World Bank, 2021). After detailing the relevant literature, changes in the way people work; and PPE are masks and
data and methodology, and findings for the qualitative and face shields for individual use.
quantitative portions of our study, we discuss the signifi- What is still unclear, however, is the extent to which this
cance of our findings and implications for ongoing educa- framework mapped onto the considerations of education
tion policy responses to this and future pandemics. policy makers in the development of early school reopening
policies. Our study presents a first step in answering this
question. In particular, we anticipated that education sys-
Considerations Taken Into Account for School
tems were likely to formulate measures across these three
levels simultaneously, complicating this framework in prac-
When policymakers were designing plans for this initial tice. For example, the utilization of “bundled interventions,”
phase of school reopenings, much was unclear as to how to which include elements of both PPE and social distancing,
safely return students to schools. Previous pandemics often span two or three of the categories presented in this
(SARS [severe acute respiratory syndrome] outbreaks in framework depending on the particular method used to
2003, H1N1 in 2009, and MERS [Middle East respiratory ensure distancing between individuals (Chu et al., 2020, p.
syndrome] in 2012) provided some models of mitigation 1979). In short, we suspected that significant variances
responses in educational settings, although none had between countries were present in early school reopening
occurred at the global scale, speed, and intensity of the decisions. This led to our first research question:
Cross-National Variation in School Reopenings
Research Question 1: What school-level measures did well as the range in publicly available information, the
countries formulate when reopening schools after number of documents for each country and the instances of
COVID-19 related school closures? specific countries mentioned in the documents varied
greatly (see online Supplemental Appendix C for the docu-
Qualitative Data and Method ment list for each country by document type and online
Supplemental Appendix D for the number of documents for
In the first stage of our study, we conducted qualitative each country by document type). For example, 11 countries
“document analysis” to systematically review and evaluate were only mentioned in a single document, whereas
policy documents by combining elements of traditional Denmark and China were included in 27 and 32 documents,
“content” and “thematic analyses” (Bowen, 2009, p. 32). respectively.
This particular method offered the best fit in addressing our To analyze the formulated policies using document anal-
research question precisely because, as utilized in the public ysis procedures, we followed the steps outlined by Bowen
health policy field, it allows for the analysis of “specific (2009, p. 32). First, we drew on content analysis techniques
types of policy as they [. . .] differ across geographies” by skimming a subset of the documents and through this
(Dalglish et al., 2020, p. 1425). “superficial examination” developed an overview of the data
To begin the data collection, we looked at countries with as well as an identification of relevant text. Then, on a first
documented school closures due to COVID-19 that also pass, we carefully read each document and throughout this
reopened or released reopening plans by July 2020. To deter- “thorough examination” we coded every instance of a unique
mine which countries met this initial criterion, we cross- measure. Our fine-grained analyses resulted in 242 codes,
referenced two databases from UNESCO (2020) and the each indicating a distinct school or classroom redesign mea-
Center for Global Development (2020), frequently checking sure, such as whether masks were required in the school
for updated information on a country-by-country basis over building and for whom, or whether student temperature
a multiweek-long period. We chose to only include countries screenings occurred on arrival.5 As we iteratively began the
in which schools had formally closed to ensure that they had interpretation process, we moved to thematic analysis proce-
been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.3 In dures in order to search for patterns and themes across the
the end, we determined that 49 countries fit our selection data (Fereday & Muir-Cochrane, 2006). Here, during a sec-
criteria. ond pass in which we carefully reread the documents, we
utilized “constant comparison to delineate patterns and the-
Sources Describing School Reopening Policies matic emphases” among the individual measures observed
(Altheide et al., 2008, p. 130). This resulted in nine over-
We searched for documents in countries where informa- arching themes (described below). These themes were
tion was publicly available regarding school measures taken decided on collaboratively after a meeting in which each
to enable the safe reopening of schools. We focused on docu- coauthor independently presented an organization of the 242
ments and excerpts that contained country-specific details of codes into categories.
policies or practices rather than general context-free recom-
mendations about what policies “should” or “should not” be
(e.g., broad Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or Qualitative Findings
the World Health Organization recommendations). Given In Table 1 we provide the 242 distinct measures, catego-
the benefits of reviewing across a mix of document types, rized across nine themes, for all the school reopening mea-
we consulted a variety in our collection process, including sures found in the 49 countries. Five themes, which we
official documents (policies or policy directives as well as labeled “Basic Measures,” included the majority of the mea-
government statements and declarations), documents from sures, making up 86% of observations (207 out of 242).
media and communications (newspaper, magazine articles, Importantly, we observed that many countries formulated
and webpages), and grey literature (white papers and institu- measures from a combination of those included in the Basic
tional reports/evaluations). Ultimately, we sorted our col- Measures themes: At least one measure from all five themes
lected documents into three categories: primary documents, was found in 19 countries, and 22 countries utilized mea-
research reports, and popular media sources (see online sures from at least one measure from four of the five themes.
Supplemental Appendix B for a detailed description of the A second set of themes we labeled “Extended Measures”
search process by category). We selected these document were less prominent in the collected documents, making up
types because they allowed us to analyze policy content only 14% of the total observations (33 out of 242).
cross-nationally as opposed to understanding the policy
making process (Dalglish et al., 2020).
Basic Measures
Our collection of data from these three categories of
sources resulted in a total of 105 documents for analysis.4 All 49 countries reported a single measure or more in
Due to both the variation in types of documents collected as at least one of the following five Basic Measures. Each
Table 1
School Reopening Measures in 49 Countries
1. Physical distancing/minimizing contact: Changes to the routines/structures (within the school day) to minimize contact that do not alter
the school calendar (86 measures documented in 43 countries)
Table 1 (continued)
2. Hygiene and cleaning: Additional steps to keep spaces and people clean or contaminant-free (41 measures documented in 43 countries)
Table 1 (continued)
5. Personal protective equipment (PPE)/Physical barriers: Protective barriers between people (18 measures documented in 23 countries)
9. Student general health: Additional measures to promote overall student health (6 measures documented in 4 countries)
Availability of clean drinking water Promote physical exercise
Herbal extract School health protocols
Promote balanced nutrition Temporary hiring of school nurses
Note. Number of total measures = 242. Two measures, collaboration with local authorities and monitoring mechanisms, did not fit under any of the nine
theme is described below in order of their observation were documented in 43 out of the 49 countries across several
frequencies. world regions. Among these countries, Denmark had the
highest number of total observed measures in this theme,
Physical Distancing/Minimizing Contact. The most com- with documents revealing the country’s formulation of 26
monly observed measure type described changes to the rou- distinct actions intended to minimize contact between indi-
tines or structures within the school day to “prevent onward viduals while on school property. Denmark was also one of
person-to-person virus transmission by minimizing contact” eight countries (all located in North America and Europe) in
between individuals (Milne & Xie, 2020, p. 2). These mea- which documents referred to its utilization of a “bubble
sures, unlike those categorized as “School Schedule/Opera- approach” where, in an effort to limit and control contact
tions” did not alter the broader school schedule or days/ interactions, students and teachers were placed together in
hours of operation for any/all student(s). These 86 measures small, consistent groupings for all school activities.
Cross-National Variation in School Reopenings
Hygiene/Cleaning. We found that 43 countries formulated special needs, and/or those of essential workers. Beyond
policies requiring schools to take additional steps to keep this, countries employed a variety of measures to limit the
spaces and people clean or contaminant-free. In this theme, total number of students at school at a time including using
41 distinct measures were observed across documents a combination of in-person and blended learning and numer-
including daily actions such as increasing student hand ous staggered attendance methods.
washing procedures, more frequent utilization of hand sani-
tizer, and the cleaning of surfaces, to more intensive strate- PPE/Physical Barriers. We noted a total of 18 measures con-
gies such as fumigation of school spaces before reopening cerning protective barriers between people in the school set-
(in Ghana and Gambia) and deep cleaning of classrooms ting in 23 countries. These included instances of the requiring
when a case of the virus was confirmed (e.g., in Australia of or encouraging individuals to wear masks as well as the
and New Zealand). placement of stationary dividers in classrooms or cafeterias.
With respect to masks, measures varied by the participating
Health Screening. We found 37 measures across documents individual for mask-wearing (student or teacher), by the
from 31 countries related to screening students and teachers responsible stakeholder for mask provision (parent or govern-
through symptom checks, diagnostics testing, and structured ment), as well as by the setting in which mask-wearing compli-
follow-up procedures including contact tracing. Across vari- ance was required (entire school or common spaces only).
ous countries, symptom checking included both self- and
parent-reported questionnaires (China and South Korea,
Extended Measures
e.g., used a digital app to collect these) and routine tempera-
ture readings on arrival at school through individual ther- Dissemination of Information. Across 17 countries, a total
mometers or broad thermal scanners (such as in Hong Kong of 10 school or government actions were explicitly men-
and South Korea). Less frequently, students or teachers were tioned that related to raising awareness about COVID-19
required to undergo COVID-19 diagnostic testing to deter- precautionary measures. These measures varied by context
mine whether or not they had contracted the virus. In par- in terms of both the stakeholder responsible for disseminat-
ticular, Benin stood out as the only country for which ing COVID-19 information (parent, teacher, principals/
documents mentioned only teacher diagnostic testing and no administrators, or the government) as well as the mechanism
testing of students. Additionally, Germany was the only for delivery (oral announcements, posters, videos, or official
country in which we observed students self-administering instructional guidelines). For instance, in Iceland, principals
the test. With respect to contact tracing, New Zealand uti- or school administrators were tasked with giving health and
lized an innovative QR code sign-in for students so that safety briefings, while schools in Austria, South Africa,
emergent cases could be traced quickly and appropriate Greenland, and Singapore (just to state a few) put up posters
quarantine procedures employed. related to COVID-19 precautions and facts.
School Schedule/Operations. Twenty-five of the observed Student Social and Emotional Health. Nine measures
measures related to changes to the whole-school’s schedule described steps taken to address student social, emotional, and
or operations with the goal of minimizing exposure. These psychological well-being in 12 countries. These steps ranged
measures were documented in 40 countries. In simple terms, from the broad use of trauma-informed practices (Canada) to
these measures described which students could attend more specifically increased mental health and psychosocial
reopened schools and when they could do so. When reopen- resources in schools (e.g., in Gambia and New Zealand) and
ing, many countries elected not to fully reopen all their the promotion of self-care strategies (South Africa).
schools simultaneously but instead did so partially and over
time by opening schools based on student characteristics Teacher Support/Training. We found that 11 countries for-
(observed in 24 countries) and/or in phases when certain mulated measures pertaining to COVID-19-related training
conditions (such as low rates of viral community spread) and support provided to teachers. Of the eight measures
were met (observed in 13 countries). With respect to pro- that fell into this theme, five described countries’ efforts to
gressive reopening, three different reopening strategies provide additional professional development on the sub-
based on student characteristics were emergent in the docu- jects of hygiene, online education, new logistical or opera-
ments: nine countries opened schools based on student age/ tional procedures, and mental health. The remaining three
grade level with younger students first such as in Norway measures related to actions taken to increase the size of the
and Denmark, while four countries also considered these responsible teaching staff, such as the strengthening of
same characteristics but instead first opened the schools of teaching aides or assistants in England and the Cook
older students such as in Australia and Greece, and 10 coun- Islands, which included supporting staff in these positions
tries opened schools for students with a learning priority to take on a greater set of responsibilities more similar to
including those students sitting examinations, those with that of a lead classroom teacher.
Hoffman et al.
Student General Health. Documents from four countries In times of uncertainty, such as the COVID-19 pandemic,
described six additional measures related to the overall pro- however, the diffusion of policies and practices is often
motion of student health such as the provision of balanced driven by social processes such as mimicry or emulation of
nutrition and recommended exercise in Japan, and access to peers rather than knowledge of their effectiveness or con-
clean drinking water in Liberia. Additionally, in Madagascar text-specific needs (Shipan & Volden, 2008, 2012; Strang &
students were given an herbal extract to bolster good health Meyer, 1993). Due to the urgency of these policy makers’
during the pandemic. decisions, they are unlikely to select policies based on the
process of learning, coercion, or competition. If a policy’s
Explanations for the Range of Country Responses efficacy is unknown, its adoption can signal usefulness or
virtue and thus drive further adoption by peer countries,
These findings revealed a wide number (242) of mea- regardless of the prevalence level of COVID-19 (Mistur
sures formulated by countries when they decided to reopen et al., 2020; Sebhatu et al., 2020).
schools. The range of measures across the nine themes led
us to believe that this was likely the result of a lack of con-
Policies Driven by Peer Emulation
sensus and knowledge about which policies to adopt. In the
second quarter of 2020 when schools began to reopen, Given the high levels of uncertainty, Mistur et al. (2020)
there was an “absence of a robust evidence base on lock- argue that the COVID-19 pandemic offers “a uniquely
down exit strategies” such as school and business reopen- salient and dynamic context to study diffusion at the interna-
ings (Sheikh et al., 2020, p. 1). Beyond this, accurate tional level” (p. 3) and specifically, to isolate the particular
understandings of the virus’ prevalence were limited. mechanisms of peer emulation that fall outside of the diffu-
Decision makers need “prevalence estimates based on sion forces of learning, competition, and coercion. The lit-
whatever imperfect evidence exists” in order to make erature supports two driving mechanisms of peer emulation
informed choices about health and safety regarding that relate to geographic and political proximity.
COVID-19 (Fischhoff, 2020, p. 139). In practice, however,
policy makers were forced to make decisions without this Geographic Proximity. In this mechanism, governments
information, and, consequently, made decisions that were emulate the policy choices of their regional neighbors. As
not responsive to the current status of the disease in their policies diffuse, geographic policy clusters develop, creating
respective countries (Mistur et al., 2020). Together, the regions with countries that have formulated similar policies,
unfolding scientific understanding of the disease and the which can be measured by counting the number of geo-
evolution of proposed political and social responses pre- graphically neighboring countries with a shared policy
sented a context of uncertain and fluid policy (Gao et al., response (Shipan & Volden, 2012). With regard to COVID-
2020). This led to our second research question: 19 containment strategies, findings from empirical studies
have suggested that policy diffusion occurs when states in the
Research Question 2: What is the relationship among same regions implement similar policies (such as social dis-
the prevalence of measures and how do these mea- tancing policies; see Mistur et al., 2020) despite vastly diverse
sures compare across countries by various character- experiences with the pandemic at that time (Lundgren et al.,
istics? 2020). As such, we predicted the following:
Cross-National Variation in School Reopenings
had the slowest adoption of various NPIs and also adopted learnings from SARS in that same context. The implica-
less stringent amounts and types of NPIs in the early months tions of this theory have also been borne out empirically.
of the pandemic (Sebhatu et al., 2020). Alternatively, the Huang et al. (2020) found that previous pandemic experi-
strongest democracies were also most sensitive to the diffu- ence (SARS/MERS) was associated with the current per-
sion of policies from their most proximate peers (Sebhatu formance of a country with respect to COVID-19. Given
et al., 2020). This led to our second hypothesis: this, we advanced the following:
Hypothesis 2: Countries that are more democratic for- Hypothesis 4: Countries that have experienced respira-
mulated measures from the same themes. tory virus pandemics formulated measures from the
same themes.
Complexity Theory
Other scholars have posited that rather than their inter- Quantitative Data and Method
play with external factors, countries’ internal conditions are Data
important determinants of their policy responses in the con-
temporary global pandemic context. Drawing on complexity To explain variation in the formulation of measures
theory (Morel & Ramanujam, 1999), Angeli and Montefusco stemming from these arguments, we examined differences
(2020, p. 2) explained the variation in containment policies across the 49 countries across the nine measure themes
observed during the COVID-19 pandemic by focusing on derived from the qualitative portion of our study. The num-
two internal factors influencing a country’s implementation ber of measures observed for each of the nine themes
of containment policies: the initial state of its social system served as our series of nine different dependent variables.
and the “behavioral rules” or cultural norms (“schemata”), We weighted this number by the country’s total number of
which have been dictated for the members of its society. documents given that we observed a smaller number of
Initial conditions such as national history, political circum- measures for countries mentioned in fewer documents. The
stances, and evolving level of available knowledge, drove weighted number of policies for each theme are summa-
policy outcomes. rized in Table 2 along with descriptive statistics for the
variables in our analysis.
Income Level. Given the costly nature of many virus mit-
igation measures and control strategies in school settings World Region. To measure geographic proximity, we started
(National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Med- by using the World Bank’s (2021) world regions. To address
icine, 2020), not all countries that sought to formulate a the correlation between income and geographical regions,
given measure, whether due to pressures from need or we aggregated the countries of Central Asia, Europe, and
emulation, had the financial means to do so. As a result, North America into a single region, which was the baseline
decision makers’ choices were bound by their country’s for these models. The remaining regions were East Asia and
socioeconomic status. We predicted that higher income Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan
countries formulated a greater number of measures or Africa. Insufficient data were collected for countries in the
more costly ones. Middle East and North Africa, and South Asia.
Hypothesis 3: Countries with higher income levels for- Level of Democracy. For political proximity, we used a
mulated more measures across more themes. democracy index from Coppedge et al. (2020) that assessed
the electoral aspect of democracy in each country and the
Cultural Norms in Response to Past Pandemics. As Angeli extent to which the ideal of electoral democracy in its fullest
and Montefusco (2020) argued, policies requiring behavior sense had been achieved. The index corresponded to an
change are highly moderated by cultural norms. Specifi- interval scale that ranged from 0 to 1 (fully achieved).
cally, mitigation measures such as PPE and screening were Thirty-eight countries had information for this index.
more likely to be formulated successfully in countries that
already used these mitigation strategies for previous public Income Level. Using data from the World Bank (2021), we
health crises. Past experiences increased citizen awareness aggregated countries into high-, middle-, and low-income
of risks and, additionally, allowed for the modification of categories. Based on the large number of high-income coun-
existing “behavioral schemata”—an easier process than tries in our data, we then aggregated countries from low- and
more comprehensive schematic development. For instance, middle-income economies into a single category.
in addition to temperature monitoring in Singapore, the
high levels of mask-wearing in China during the current Past Pandemic Experience. We constructed an index of
COVID-19 pandemic has likely been a response to earlier experiences with past pandemics, specifically SARS
Table 2
Summary Statistics of Reopening Measures and Country Characteristics
(2003) and MERS (2012). The index ranged from 0 (no Specifically, we observed that countries that formulated
experience) to 2 (experiences with both). While we origi- hygiene and cleaning-related measures were also likely to
nally considered including experience with H1N1, almost formulate screening and student social and emotional
every country reported having cases and the variance for health–related measures (r = 0.57, r = 0.50, respectively).
this variable was not meaningful. It was therefore not These countries were also more likely to disseminate infor-
included in the analysis. mation related to raise awareness about the disease and to
formulate policies related to teacher support and specific
Method training around the spreading of the disease (r = 0.58). A
similar relationship was observed for countries that formu-
We used three statistical techniques to explore the rela- lated physical distancing measures and screening policies, as
tionship between the formulation of nine school reopening well as the dissemination of information around the pan-
measures and the country-level factors of interest. First, we demic (r = 0.70). These countries were also likely to invest
used matrices of polychoric correlations to assess the rela- in social-emotional health and to support their teachers with
tion between one country’s measures from a specific theme specific training (r = 0.58). At the same time, the formula-
in relation to any other theme. Second, we used statistical tion of screening policies was strongly correlated to student
tests of means (t tests) to observe the difference between the social and emotional health and the specific training of
number of measures in each theme in high-income and low-/ teachers (r = 0.73 and r = 0.84, respectively). While these
middle-income countries. Finally, we used a series of linear two were also related, the formulation of student social and
regression models to assess the relationship and level of emotional health policies was likely to be correlated with
variation explained by world region, democracy, and experi- decreases in the formulation of school schedule/operations
ences with past pandemics on school reopening measures. modifications throughout the school year (r = −0.58).
Specifically, we ran two models for each of the nine themes:
a saturated model that included all independent variables of
interest (geographic region, level of democracy, and experi- Country-Level Factors Related to the Formulation of
ence with past pandemic) and a baseline model including Measures
only the past pandemic experience index and world region
We present the results from all models for each theme.
for all available countries in our data sets.
However, we interpreted findings for the best fitting
model for each theme; that is, the model with the highest
Quantitative Findings R2, indicating the model able to explain most of the varia-
tion in the number of measures per theme, as shown in
Prevalence of Measures
Tables 4 through 12. The R2 for all models ranged from
As seen in Table 3, we found significant relationships small to moderate (from .17 for school schedule/opera-
across several measures in the polychoric correlations. tions to .55 for PPE-related measures). The inclusion of
Table 3
Polychoric Correlations of Nine Themes of School Reopening Measures
Hygiene social and School
and Physical Dissemination emotional schedule/ General
Theme cleaning distancing PPE Screening of information health operations health
Table 4 Table 5
Regression Results for Hygiene and Cleaning Measures Regression Results for Physical Distancing Measures
Experience with previous pandemics –0.31* –0.28 Experience with previous pandemics –0.29 –0.28
(0.16) (0.19) (0.27) (0.26)
East Asia and Pacific –0.14 –0.013 East Asia and Pacific –0.11 0.38
(0.28) (0.37) (0.39) (0.32)
Latin America and the Caribbean 2.11*** 2.21** Latin America and the Caribbean 2.02 2.84
(0.65) (0.96) (1.78) (2.58)
Sub-Saharan Africa 0.56 0.76 Sub-Saharan Africa 1.02 1.95
(0.67) (0.91) (1.46) (1.98)
Democracy index –0.03 Democracy index –0.05
(0.67) (0.61)
Constant 0.99*** 0.82 Constant 1.38*** 1.04*
(0.33) (0.58) (0.43) (0.55)
Observations 49 38 Observations 49 38
R2 .32 .28 R2 .12 .20
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
*p < .1. **p < .05. ***p < .01. *p < .1. **p < .05. ***p < .01.
the democracy index improved the R2 for most models. Central Asia, Europe, and North America. The prevalent
For hygiene and cleaning, as well as the dissemination of themes in this region corresponded to hygiene and cleaning,
information, we reported the baseline models. As afore- physical distancing, PPE measures, and the dissemination of
mentioned, some country measures were limited and not information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Interestingly,
available for all countries, therefore we did not include countries in this region also formulated measures related to
them in our saturated model. the school schedule/operations, but the inclusion of the vari-
able for democracy rendered these not statistically significant.
World Region. Hypothesis 1 predicted that countries in the
same world region formulated measures from the same Latin America and the Caribbean. Countries in this
themes. World region, our variable for geographical proxim- region were most likely to formulate measures related to
ity, was statistically significant for most basic and extended hygiene and cleaning and screening. At the same time, we
themes, with the single exception of the school schedule/ found that countries in this region were also likely to formu-
operations. Importantly, we observed that most of the varia- late measures related to student social and emotional health
tion in the number of measures per theme occurred within policies and to formulate measures that directly support
regions. teachers and their specific training regarding the pandemic.
Table 6 Table 8
Regression Results for Personal Protective Equipment Measures Regression Results for Dissemination of Information Measures
Experience with previous pandemics 0.15* 0.18** Experience with previous pandemics –0.05 –0.05
(0.08) (0.07) (0.03) (0.04)
East Asia and Pacific 0.01 –0.18 East Asia and Pacific 0.03 –0.01
(0.13) (0.24) (0.06) (0.05)
Latin America and the Caribbean 0.25 0.42 Latin America and the Caribbean 0.61 0.55
(0.20) (0.26) (0.42) (0.60)
Sub-Saharan Africa 0.38** 0.37 Sub-Saharan Africa 0.15 0.13
(0.17) (0.23) (0.15) (0.20)
Democracy index –0.85 Democracy index 0.01
(0.53) (0.09)
Constant 0.15 0.79 Constant 0.09* 0.11
(0.09) (0.47) (0.06) (0.08)
Observations 49 38 Observations 49 38
R2 .14 .36 R2 .24 .19
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
*p < .1. **p < .05. ***p < .01. *p < .1. **p < .05. ***p < .01.
Table 7 Table 9
Regression Results for Screening Measures Regression Results for Student Social and Emotional Health
Country-level factors 1 2
Country-level factors 1 2
Experience with previous pandemics 0.05 0.04
(0.08) (0.10) Experience with previous pandemics 0.01 –0.00
East Asia and Pacific 0.10 0.05 (0.01) (0.02)
(0.10) (0.15) East Asia and Pacific 0.02 0.04*
Latin America and the Caribbean 1.11** 1.67*** (0.02) (0.02)
(0.47) (0.54) Latin America and the Caribbean 0.50** 0.66**
Sub-Saharan Africa 1.04 1.19 (0.21) (0.30)
(0.79) (1.11) Sub-Saharan Africa 0.28* 0.30
Democracy index –0.33 (0.14) (0.19)
(0.32) Democracy index 0.03
Constant 0.19** 0.44 (0.05)
(0.08) (0.29) Constant 0.00 –0.02
Observations 49 38 (0.01) (0.04)
R2 .20 .28 Observations 49 38
R2 .40 .48
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
*p < .1. **p < .05. ***p < .01. Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
*p < .1. **p < .05. ***p < .01.
Table 10 Table 12
Regression Results for School Schedule and Operations Measures Regression Results for Teacher Support and Training Measures
Experience with previous pandemics –0.05 –0.03 Experience with previous pandemics –0.01 –0.01
(0.10) (0.12) (0.04) (0.04)
East Asia and Pacific –0.04 0.12 East Asia and Pacific –0.04 0.02
(0.22) (0.36) (0.05) (0.03)
Latin America and the Caribbean 0.94 1.58 Latin America and the Caribbean 0.22 0.47*
(1.09) (1.78) (0.20) (0.26)
Sub-Saharan Africa –0.27 –0.15 Sub-Saharan Africa 0.31 0.41
(0.17) (0.21) (0.27) (0.38)
Democracy index –0.17 Democracy index 0.02
(0.65) (0.06)
Constant 0.57*** 0.56 Constant 0.08 0.01
(0.14) (0.55) (0.06) (0.04)
Observations 49 38 Observations 49 38
R2 .11 .17 R2 .14 .24
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
*p < .1. **p < .05. ***p < .01. *p < .1. **p < .05. ***p < .01.
Figure 1. School/classroom redesign measures by income group (N = 49 countries).
Note. Country income groups are based on the World Bank categories for 2020–2010 where “High Income” means a gross national income per capita of
over 12,535 current USD (see One country, Cook
Islands, does not report gross national income and we placed it into the “High” income category based on the similarity of per capita gross domestic product
with others in that group. Countries in high income group (n = 30) include Aruba, Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Canada, Channel Islands, Cook
Islands, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Hong Kong, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Lux-
embourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, and Uruguay. Countries in low/middle income group (n = 19) include
Belarus, Benin, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Indonesia, Iran, Jamaica, Liberia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, South Africa,
Thailand, Tonga, Vanuatu, and Vietnam.
*Indicates statistically significant difference between means at the .05 level or lower using a two-tailed t test.
on complexity theory arguments, that cross-national diver- Measures between high- and low-/middle-income countries.
sity in policies is related to internal country factors such as The significantly different emphases across country income
income and past pandemic experience. Policy makers may groups could result in differences in school-based COVID-
have not merely formulated interventions utilized elsewhere 19 outbreaks or student learning outcomes.
but instead we find evidence to support Angeli and We also find that the cross-national variance in school
Montefusco’s (2020) argument that containment policies reopening measures is partially explained by external
cannot be wholly understood outside of each country’s country factors and by policy diffusion theories of peer
respective socioeconomic and sociocultural contexts. emulation due to geographic and political proximity. These
Notably, these findings have potential implications for findings complicate the understanding that a country’s
inequality, as we find disparities about the use of Basic school reopening designs are responsive to their national
Table 13
Summary of the Quantitative Findings by Hypothesis
Policy diffusion: H1: Countries in the same world World region Partially supported Countries in the same world
geographic region formulated measures region adopted measures from
proximity from the same themes. the same themes.
Policy diffusion: H2: Countries that are more Level of democracy Partially supported Increases in the level of
political democratic formulated democracy led to a decrease
proximity measures from the same in the number of implemented
themes. PPE-related measures.
Complexity H3: Countries with higher Income level by Supported The costly nature of virus
theory: income levels formulated more GDP control strategies in school
socioeconomic measures across more themes. settings bounds countries’
context decision-making processes.
Complexity H4: Countries that have Past pandemic Supported Mitigation measures like PPE
theory: experienced respiratory experience with are indeed more successfully
sociocultural virus pandemics formulated SARS and MERS implemented in countries
context measures from the same that have already used these
themes. mitigation strategies before.
Note. H = hypothesis; PPE = personal protective equipment; GDP = gross domestic product.
context. Rather they suggest that imitation through geo- shaped the global policy response, but “as a consequence,
graphic proximity likely occurred given the uncertainty of the health and economic impacts of COVID-19” (p. 24).
accurate information during the pandemic. Governments Although our analysis cannot speak to the efficacy of the
mimic the policy choices of their regional neighbors lead- various measures implemented around the world, many
ing to the emergence of political clusters formulating simi- recent studies do shed light on this topic. There is empirical
lar measures. Moreover, we argue that “peer effects” are evidence to support measures adopted by several countries
indeed important drivers of government formulation of in our study such as reopening schools to younger students
some measures. At the same time, we find that countries first (Walger et al., 2020), self-reporting of symptoms
with similar political systems are more likely to formulate (Menni et al., 2020), physical distancing, disinfection of sur-
measures with the same level of stringency. In this case, faces, and increased ventilation (Chu et al., 2020; Ratnesar-
these policies relate to the use of PPE rather than social Shumate et al., 2020; Somsen et al., 2020). On the other
distancing. As we hypothesized, it is not the case that more hand, temperature screening, a measure formulated by 16
democratic countries formulate more measures, but rather, countries in our study, seems to be an ineffective (or much
are more likely to devise similar measures, that is, within less effective) strategy for detecting COVID-19 carriers
the same theme. With respect to “individual-level interven- (Mitra et al., 2020; National Academies of Sciences,
tions,” including social distancing, hand hygiene, and use Engineering, and Medicine, 2020). Research also points to
of PPE, we find it unsurprising that democratic countries gaps in school redesign plans. Multiple models suggest that
were less likely to mandate students wear facial coverings widespread rapid testing is one of the most critical compo-
(National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and nents of an effective containment strategy, yet this measure
Medicine, 2020, p. 18). Similar to the finding by Lundgren was only observed in seven countries in our study (Landeros
et al. (2020) regarding SOE declarations, this is because et al., 2020; Mukherjee et al., 2020).
PPE mandates are often considered imposing or restrictive Our study faces several limitations. First, our findings
in these societies and thus politically costly. Ultimately, are only as comprehensive as the information available in
although there was still great within-region variation and public documents available in English at the time of the
political emulation appears evident with regard only to data collection. In addition, including the index for democ-
PPE measures, there are still important implications of racy excludes countries in Latin America and the Caribbean
these findings. What is concerning about the diffusion of and Sub-Saharan Africa, which in turn limits the scope of
policies by peer emulation is that countries may have for- the implications of our findings. Furthermore, weighting
mulated measures that were ineffective, or potentially the number of measures by the number of documents per
harmful, because other countries did so. We agree with country reduced the magnitude of our findings in terms of
Mistur et al. (2020) that emulation may not have only number of measures.
Hoffman et al.
In addition, we recommend examining other variables. urged to reopen safely (Giannini et al., 2020) so as to stave
For example, we produced a measure of right-wing politi- off negative consequences of school closures (Christakis,
cal parties in power, but because only five countries in our 2020; Kuhfeld & Tarasawa, 2020; Sheikh et al., 2020). How
data set fell in this category, we were not able to analyze to do so and what measures to take proved challenging, but
the relationship between right-wing alignment and school within a few months, over 50 countries had formulated poli-
reopening measures, which says something about the cies to reopen schools. Our study provides one of the most
kinds of countries that decided to reopen schools or made systematic worldwide analyses of the data available on miti-
plans to do so. We also considered measures for trust in gation measures utilized during the initial phase of school
government and other ways to ascertain culture, namely reopenings around the world.
individualistic versus collectivist cultures. However, given Our findings have important insights in the short term
limited data availability, we were unable to utilize these in for practitioners and policy makers crafting plans for virus
our analyses. Future studies could examine these factors to containment strategies in school settings during the ongo-
determine if they explain differences in school reopening ing COVID-19 pandemic, as well as lay the foundation for
measures formulated within the United States during the future work regarding education policy in times of global
Trump and Biden administrations. Finally, we acknowl- uncertainty. With respect to the research community, we
edge that it is important to consider the governance struc- also present a possible path for future studies to leverage
tures of countries’ education systems. Governments may cross-national variation in country responses to global
respond to COVID-19 with respect to education in varying health crises. Additional studies can strengthen these find-
ways depending on whether the federal/national govern- ings by continually examining changes as schools undergo
ment possesses the relevant responsibilities as with cen- constant closures and reopenings. Ultimately, as school
tralized education system or if, in the case of decentralized reopening measures, and now ongoing school redesign
systems, local governments share broad responsibilities measures continue to diffuse, researchers, policy makers,
for determining and delivering education policy (Allain- and practitioners should be wary of equating prevalence or
Dupré et al., 2020). alignment with preexisting cultural norms with effective-
Our findings evince the need for more explicit guidelines ness and instead work together to develop evidence-based
for school reopenings. Specifically, these guidelines should guidelines and systems that can be monitored and evalu-
include information regarding the efficiency of each mea- ated in the long term.
sure. In addition, these guidelines should discourage the for-
mulation of measures by emulation only, such as temperature Authors’ Note
screenings, and increase the formulation of measures found Authors are listed in alphabetical order.
to be more efficient, e.g., the use of PPE. Moreover, we con-
sider that the United Nations system alongside donor agen- Acknowledgments
cies must provide the same kinds of measures used in
For their assistance with this project, we wish to thank Patricia
wealthier countries, particularly if there is evidence that Bromley in particular, as well as Anthony Lising Antonio,
those measures are more effective. Differences in the formu- Minju Choi, Tom Christensen, Ritu Khanna, Melanie Leung,
lated measures between low-income and wealthy countries Luana Marotta, Michelle Reddy, Dana Schmidt, Joanna
can increase the already growing gaps across countries with Sundharam, Karl Wennberg, Laura Wentworth, Kelly Young,
devastating effects for educational outcomes. and Daphne Zacky.
In addition, our findings point to broader areas of under-
emphasis— namely, that Extended Measures are discussed ORCID iDs
less often. Schools, students, teachers, and staff are not iso- Kate Steed Hoffman
lated from their communities, and the likelihood that
Mariana Barragan Torres
COVID-19 will spread despite use of efficacious school-
based measures remains (National Academies of Sciences, Christine Min Wotipka
Engineering, and Medicine, 2020). Those themes that view
students, teachers, and community members holistically Notes
(extending beyond viral containment) will be increasingly
needed as the pandemic extends on for longer than anyone 1. Over time, these counts have increased dramatically
and continue to change rapidly, posing an ongoing disruption
had imagined.
to education and a threat to human safety. At the time of this
article’s submission in March 2021, a year after many initial
Conclusion school closures, the World Health Organization reported that
there had been over 116 million confirmed cases and more than
When 90% of the world’s children had their education 2.5 million attributable deaths due to COVID-19 (World Health
disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, countries were Organization, 2021).
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KATE STEED HOFFMAN is a recent graduate from the Master’s
UNESCO, United Nations Children Fund, The World Bank, &
Program in International Education Policy Analysis at the
World Food Programme. (2020). Framework for reopening
Stanford Graduate School of Education. Her research focuses on
issues of equity, well-being, and safety in early care and educa-
Walger, P., Heininger, U., Knuf, M., Exner, M., Popp, W.,
tion, both in the U.S. setting as well as international emergency
Fischbach, T., Trapp, S., Herr, C., & Simon, A., German Society
for Hospital Hygiene, German Society for Pediatric Infectious
Diseases, German Academy for Pediatric and Adolescent MARIANA BARRAGAN TORRES is a doctoral candidate in the
Medicine (DAKJ), Society of Hygiene, Environmental and Public Social Research Methodology program at UCLA and a doctoral
Health Sciences, & Professional Association of Pediatricians in fellow at the Center for U.S. Mexican Studies at UCSD. Her
Germany. (2020). Children and adolescents in the CoVid-19 research interests lie at the intersection of measurement and evalu-
pandemic: Schools and daycare centers are to be opened again ation of educational policies with a comparative lens.
without restrictions. The protection of teachers, educators, carers
and parents and the general hygiene rules do not conflict with CHRISTINE MIN WOTIPKA is associate professor (teaching) of
this. GMS Hygiene and Infection Control, 15. Advance online education and (by courtesy) sociology and director of the Master’s
publication. Program in International Comparative Education and International
Wilder-Smith, A., Chiew, C. J., & Lee, V. J. (2020). Can we con- Education Policy Analysis at the Stanford Graduate School of
tain the COVID-19 outbreak with the same measures as for Education. Her research interests include diversity and leadership
SARS? Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20(5), e102–e107. https:// in higher education and gender equity in education access, experi- ences, and outcomes.